Chapter 38: Loving You

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(ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ: ɢᴏʀᴇ • ᴠɪᴏʟᴇɴᴄᴇ • ᴀɴᴛʜʀᴏᴘᴏᴘʜᴀɢʏ • sᴀᴅ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ • 𝟷𝟾+)


Naruto's P.O.V

A couple of minutes passed and the date was now, jolly again. Laughs came from the both of us as we shared a strawberry shortcake in which the butler previously brought, Hinata's fork moving to dig deeply into the small cake in front of us.

She shook her head, using her other hand to wipe the happy tears from her eyes.

"Naruto.. I didn't know you were such a comedian." She giggled out on which I chuckled, shaking my head.

"Oh you know. I have my ways, little one. I could be anything you want me to be, baby." I teased with a wink which made her giggle, her hand moving her fork into her mouth to get another taste of the fluffy white cake in front of us.

She hummed, chomping down on it with her beautiful pearly teeth, tasting the cake's ingredients closely.

She then looked up at me, shaking her head once more. "Geez Naruto. What are you trying to do? Get me all fat? Everything you give me to eat has been so yummy. Mmm.." She groaned out in pure bliss, her body working over to grab her another fork full of cake which made me laugh.

I bit my lip, leaning over the table at her. "Aww.. You know I like to satisfy you, my dear. After all, I can't get enough of you." I purred out honestly which made the young girl blush, her teeth chomping slowly, down on the dessert.

She smiled softly but then turned around in her chair, just staring off into the large ocean that settled behind her. I watched her as she just looked at the peaceful scenery around her, my mind free of worries now.

Earlier I must admit, I thought things were gonna be ruined. But...

This date, is far from ruined..

Hinata seems happy and content, her beautiful smiles and laughs lighting up the area more than the candles around us did.

The guilt that has been weighing me down has now been lifted, since I've officially told Hinata what happened that dreadful night.

The night that I killed, Kohan..

Of course, Hinata feels extremely sad about it but she's accepted me, for who I am. And that's all, I've ever wanted..

I smiled but looked down at the cake on the table which was delivered here a few moments ago by the butler I created.

It was brought here by his hands but I, was the one that made it. Cooking always relaxes me after all. Just being around all that heat makes me feel surprisingly, good.

Weird, I know...

It's just a demon thing.

My smile widened and I took my eyes off of the dessert, Hinata was constantly eating, to look around, the darkness of the night growing more and more, my eyes taking in the many twinkling stars in the sky.

I sighed, getting a feeling that it's time to end this.

Well, it was fun while it lasted...

But I just had one more thing I wanted to do.

Something that I still owe, Hinata.

I looked back over at her with my sparkly blue eyes, just taking in her entire appearance.

Earlier I managed to place her hair up into a high ponytail for our date, a small fancy braid done near her forehead, it soon meeting with the rest of her hair which was held, in the said ponytail.

I looked down, squinting my eyes as I caught a little bit of her cleavage, her hot pink colored dress drooping low a bit. The attire ended a bit under her knees, all black high heels placed neatly on her small pale feet. Overall she looked adorable to me.



I smiled, but then cleared my throat to get her attention. It didn't take much to have her to look back at me, her lavender eyes holding a warmth in them now.

She smiled faintly. "Yes, Naruto. What is it? Is the date over?" She asked softly, eyeing me with a bit of disapproval, as if she didn't want me to end this. I couldn't help but chuckle..

God.. You adorable little thing.

But it was getting late and I think it's time to move on to something different..

I smirked, tilting my head at her. "Oh Hinata hun. We can have plenty more dates later. But I think it's time for us to head inside. But first..." I trailed off, soon standing up from my chair. My eyes were held on Hinata the entire time, her head moving up to meet my now standing form.

She blinked in confusion but I only pulled my hand over the table to direct it straight at her, holding it out for her to take.

I smiled also sending her a wink. "Come on.. Let's take a walk.."

On the Beach
Hinata's P.O.V

The sound of the waves crashing against the sandy shore was a bit louder now as me and Naruto walked closely by them, watching as they moved back and forth from the strong current the ocean possessed.

The mild wind that swept by us felt absolutely amazing. It put me in a state of peace and tranquillity.

I smiled, while holding on tightly to my heels, my bare feet snuggled deeply into the soft, mushy sand as I walked forward. I didn't want to ruin my shoes in the sand so, I decided to hold them instead.

I sighed in bliss as I just looked at everything, taking it all in. Naruto glanced down at me from where he stood and smirked.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" He whispered out huskily, his voice nice and deep which made tingles rush up and down my spine.

I shuddered in response, blushing. "Yes.. It is. You did a really good job organizing things, Naruto. Tonight, was incredible." I spoke truefully while turning to stare deeply into his eyes, surprising the blonde demon.

His eyes shot wide open and an ear to ear grin came upon his tan face, lighting it up entirely.

He then chuckled. "Oh it was nothing. Like I said before, I would do just about anything, to make you happy. You and Kurama.. are all I have. I've learned to cherish that now." He responded in all seriousness while looking far out into the ocean, eyeing how the sky met the sparkling water, the white moon glistening above it all. I smiled upon Naruto's response, loving it deeply...

I just love Naruto this way...

He was so intelligent when he's not sinking his teeth into things. His brain was super complex when activated. He has so much potential... That's why, I haven't given up on him. I will make it so he's good, to all.

Hopefully anyway..

I know it'll be very difficult but, I have faith. I won't give up on Naruto.

I smiled softly to myself at that thought, looking down at my bare feet, completely missing the look Naruto sent me.

He smirked, suddenly moving his hand over to run it through my hair, catching me by surprise. I gasped by the strong tingling sensation I felt from his action, quickly snapping my head back up at him.

He smiled brightly at me, his fingers steady playing with the ends of my ponytail "Now.. I think I still owe you a story, Hinata. The one, about my past, hmm?" He acknowledged with a slight nod, his hand soon moving down to grab a hold of my waist, pulling me into his large body making me yelp.

But I smiled once I was lying comfortably on him, my hands gripping my shoes tightly still.

Naruto looked down at them and sighed. "But first.. Let's get rid of those. Shall we?" He suggested and just with a snap of his fingers, the heels were completely gone from my hands making me gasp in major surprise, my hands now empty.

But Naruto only chuckled at my reaction, his grip on my waist tightening. "Oh don't look so surprised. You really have to get used to the power I wield, sweetheart." He teased which made me pout, my eyes flashing a glare up at him.

How in the world can I do that when he can literally do anything he wants just from snapping his fingers? There is no, getting used to that.

So, I shook my head. "Naruto... You know I can never get used to such a thing. Your powers are so, bizarre." I spoke with slight awe in my voice, our feet working forward in our small journey across the sandy beach.

And at the sound of my words, Naruto chuckled, squeezing me a little tighter to his body in response. "Oh you're just so cute! I could just.. eat you up, darling." He teased which made me blush even deeper, the wind blowing through both of our hair, and even through our clothing.

But oddly enough, I didn't feel cold or even hot. It seemed just right which brings me back to how different this world was. This world, was made from Naruto's power which was impressive and super, cool.

I smiled but suddenly Naruto cleared his throat, reigning the both of us back in. He glanced out into the ocean again before turning back to me, his eyes serious.

"Now.. Are you ready to know my most, darkest secrets, Hinata?' He asked with narrowed eyes, letting me know that what I'm about to hear, will be just like the story about Kohan..


And just straight madness...

But, I was ready. At this point in my life, I'm not surprised about anything abnormal or crazy.

Crazy, is what I'm used to..

My lips pulled up amusingly at how true my thoughts were before turning up to meet Naruto's eyes, my body snuggling in deeper to his.

And with a nod of my head, I confirmed to him that I, was finally, ready.. "Alright, I'm ready.. Naruto.." I informed in all seriousness which was music to Naruto's ears, his lips pulling up into a sinister smirk.

He looked down at me, revealing his darkened smirk. "Well then, Hinata. First, I'll start off with the tragic day of 1825, when I was actually sealed away... A day, I will never, forget.."

Flashback (1825)
Naruto's P.O.V

"No, no!! Hel-"

My large hand ripped it's way through a young girl's chest, quickly grabbing a hold of her warm beating heart and giving it a harsh yank outward.

That action, successfully silenced her, forever. And that brought me nothing but bliss.

I giggled crazily as I eyed the dead woman I just killed lay lifelessly on the bare green grass below me, nothing but trees covering the area I stood on.

The wind blew roughly through my bloody shirt and hair as if nature itself knew, I had sinned much, today.

And by much.. I mean... A lot..

My glowing red eyes stared off into the distance at the long line of dead humans that led up to the spot I now stood on, blood trailing every part of this place.

Decapitated heads could be seen rolling along to the wind that constantly blew through the quiet forest, different severed limbs found in some places as well.

I looked around, just taking everything in, not even caring how the horrifying scene was just, exposed.

Exposed for anyone, to see..

I must admit, I haven't been in my right mind lately. All I've been doing, night and day, was killing and fucking to past the time. I was done, looking at the bright side of things.


I completely let go of that part of myself. The part where I actually gave a shit. Now.. it's the sole opposite.

Fuck humans..

And fuck this damn earth...

Ever since my family has been wiped from existence, I can't seem to get a hold of myself again. I've turned my back on caring, on love, on..


Speaking of the fox brat, I managed to tap in fully with my power a few years back which caused me to personally meet, Kurama.

But thoughts began to eat away at me and the lonely nights back at the mansion were starting to get more and more unbearable. I started to...


At first, it was just, a feeling. An extremely mild feeling. But when the strong, agonizing bloodlust started to kick in.. I began to know it...

I now know, that I'm breaking. I'm no longer sane. I'm totally...


But I'm to a point where..

I, don't give two flying fucks...

I like myself this way now. Who cares about that love bullshit. There will be no one better than my family who can give me company and make, me truly happy. And going back to hell was not an option so...

I will cause havoc, right here, on the place those hunter bastards live...

And I'll keep doing it, until I'm satisfied.

Nothing, will stand in my way of that...

I smirked darkly upon that thought, slowly moving my tongue across my bloody lips, taking in the tasty, metallic substance that coated them.

I hummed, finally turning on my heels to exit the area, away from the line of slaughtered humans, unknowingly missing the eyes that stared at me in all, angles...

Flashback Ended
Hinata's P.O.V

I let off a gasp as I listened to the small pieces of information Naruto was giving to me, our positions now different.

We were no longer walking but now sitting on the lumpy sand before the water, Naruto's body sitting across from me.

His blonde hair was hanging low as he looked away from me, hiding the regret he felt.

I sighed at that, moving over to pat at his thigh, getting his attention. "So.. What happened next?" I asked quietly, still wanting to know more. I know Naruto kills and it still saddens, as well as frightens me to hear him do such a thing to so many innocent people but I also want to know how those hunters, sealed him away.

What did they do that the hunters now could not?

I hummed on that thought, my lavender eyes just taking in Naruto's appearance. His body was hunched over a bit as he sat criss crossed in front of me, his bottom lying solely on the gritty sand underneath him.

The wind was steadily running through his sexy tux and blonde hair, causing the two to sway and move constantly.

His blue eyes were held on the ground, his chest heaving a bit more constantly like the story he was telling me caused him major pain. And by what I heard so far... I get why.

I frowned, moving to rub his thigh this time, trying to cheer him up. "Naruto.. I know how much this hurts you. So.. You don't have to tell me. It's okay. This is a hard topic to talk about and I get that. I just-" But I was silenced when a finger came upon my lips again, my eyes widening by Naruto's sudden actions.

Now he wasn't hunched over anymore, his blue eyes rooted on me entirely. He gave me a small smile, shaking his blonde head. And with his finger, he traced my pinkish lips with them, comforting me.

"Oh no.. Don't be silly, my little one. Yes, the memory of me sealed away hurts very much. But.. I care, and love you. So I won't leave you in the dark anymore. I want you to know, everything. Including this.." He responded back with a nod, truly determined to go through with his plan and that, made me happy.

I smiled up at him, just soaking in how gorgeous he looked, smiling. All the happiness in his eyes hid the fact that he, was a being of darkness. A being that I was told numerous times to protect myself from.

Demons were bad news..

I would hear constantly and I believed it and I still believe it..

But Naruto...

Just something about him makes me forget, about all of that. He does things for me no other being has ever done. He makes me feel things, I've never felt before. My time with Naruto has been a series of ups and downs but..

The ups, are the absolute best...

It's indescribable the feeling I felt towards him and that, was totally new to me.

Bad news they say...

Well when it comes to me... Naruto, is no longer any of the sort. He's different...

And that doesn't seem like bad news to me..

I smiled gratefully upon that thought before looking back up at him, giving him my undivided attention once again. Our eyes met which officially gave him permission to go on.

His smile widened at that, his hand moving down to cup my cheek. "Alright then... Let's, get back to it, little one..."

Naruto's P.O.V

Slowly in a tired stride, I walked along the forest blindly, my head lowered. The divine smell of blood filled my nostrils as I ventured forward covered in it, my blue eyes completely hooded.

There was no energy left in my body and there was no rightful home to go back to, so... I spent my time walking aimlessly throughout a large forest, completely spaced out. I didn't care for too much of anything. I was..

All.. alone..

I had no one but myself. The humans didn't give a shit about my kind. They only cared for themselves. I growled upon that, my body once again growing heated.

I guess it's time to find more humans...

I smirked darkly at that but just when I was about to vanish away, an excruciating pain suddenly erupted all over my body, bringing me to my knees.

I let out a surprised yelp, my body collapsing by the sudden pain which seemed to contort with my inhuman senses.

My vision blurred. My body wobbled. My concentration spun out of control. I was completely at the mercy of the culprit who was behind, this.

I let out several whimpers on the forest floor, my fingers trembling from where they stayed put by my waist, my knees digging into the grass the forest possessed.

It didn't take long for my ears to pick up footsteps approaching the scene, my eyes widening to hear so many of them...

Shit! Shit! This can't be happening!

My body was completely motionless in my spot, grunts of pain shooting from my mouth. And quickly out of, fear, I spun my upper body around to catch a look at what was restricting me.

And right before my eyes laid six red glowing daggers which were rammed deep into my back, blood of my kind spilling harshly from the opened wounds.

Each dagger seemed to pierce it's way right into the highly important nerves that were located in my back and chest, blood spilling from my mouth as well.

I coughed, groaning. "What the fuck.. is this?" I groaned out groggily, my vision blurred to the point I only saw blurriness.

But my words fell on death ears for I only felt a large hand grip my blonde bangs which hung lowly over my now red glowing eyes, the unknown person pulling my head up roughly making me groan.

Immediately, I snarled at the person in front of me, only a hoodie figure shown to me. From whatever poison they placed in the daggers, I couldn't seem to move, my vision blurred to the point where I couldn't figure out the identity of the bastard in front of me. But whoever it was...

They knew, what I, was...

The people that have done this seem skilled in killing my kind. They know how to strike and when to. Which means..

I'm fucking screwed.

I groaned in defeat, my body trembling in the hunter's hold. A smirk was present on his face but soon one of his hands quickly fell into his pocket and he pulled out another knife, the tip nice and shiny.

If this was different circumstances I wouldn't even flinch at the sight of such a knife but this one..

Was completely different...

The knife was painted with a language of my speaking...

Demon, language...

That showed that the knife in front of me was bad, news. I squinted my eyes upon it, quickly reading it.


The male's smirk widened and suddenly, more hands were pressed against my body from all angels, holding my overly strong body down.

I even felt a hand push the daggers deeper into my body making me scream out in pain, my eyes widening greatly from the large amount of pain that surged through my body. But I couldn't do anything, for I was..


I messed up. I've left myself open. I led these people straight to me instead of blending in, like I used to.. Now...

I'm gonna end up like my family...

My eyes narrowed upon that, my lips pulling up in a mean scowl.

No.. I won't let them win...

But, they did... Right before my eyes, the sealed dagger was placed on my forehead, the sharp tip digging lightly into my skin to engrave the same symbol which was written upon it.

And as more marks were added to my forehead, the hunter male hummed lowly, along which caused my eyes to dull extremely, my body slowly shutting down.

First, it was my thoughts which were slowly growing quiet and blank.. I felt like a hollow shell without a brain. A vegetable.

My heart beat pumped slower and slower as I lost all control of myself, the male still gripping my bangs with a deep hatred.

He glared, scraping the knife harshly against my skin. "Begone, demon.. And never, come back." He gritted out before making the fifth and final mark for the seal, officially completing his task.

And once he did, my body grew extremely weak, weaker than a human's, black colored marks marking my entire body, causing me to groan and gasp.

And once those marks covered every inch of me, I was thrown like trash until the ground, to soon.. disappear, forever...

Flashback Ended
Hinata's P.O.V

My hands covered my mouth tightly in horror as I just listened to Naruto finish up his tragic backstory, tears forming in my own eyes.

Oh poor Naruto...

He's been through so much. It just hurts to hear about it all.

I frowned when I saw the hurt in the demon's face in front of me, his head raising to direct his eyes towards the peaceful ocean in front of us.

He sighed, biting his lip. "Things just went so fast that day. I wasn't in my right mind which lowered my guard. I would've been able to protect myself if I wasn't so.. unstable. Those hunters knew exactly, what they were doing. They striked without hesitation and said absolutely nothing while doing it. I felt weak and helpless in that moment. And once, everything was over... It felt like I was back in hell again. My days were filled with nothing but darkness until, I broke out of my seal, of course. But still.." He paused, turning towards me with narrowed eyes, his teeth moving to clench tightly together.

He growled. "I won't, let that happen, ever again, Hinata. I don't care how much I have to kill, or how much blood is spilled... I will make sure you, me and Kurama... are safe. That's all, that matters to me." He snarled out with a vengeance in his eyes, a gulp slipping down my throat at the sight of the strong emotions he was expressing.

And by the look of them, I knew he was true, to his words. That he meant every last one of them. I turned away, smiling faintly..

We needed, to have this talk..

We both needed to hear the bad side of things. Everything's good now but what if the demon hunters come back and strike again?

I let out a sigh, not knowing how to feel. I've always wanted the hunters to take Naruto down but now that I have feelings for him...

It's not the case anymore.

And now that Naruto has been reminded of how badly he hates them, he'll be ready, if.. they so happen to come back.

So yes, this talk was needed greatly.

My smile widened at that but suddenly I felt a large weight fall upon my lap, just near my outstretched legs.

I gasped and looked down to see Naruto's head lying gently against me, his body stretched out long and wide across the sandy shore.

I looked down at him and watched as he rolled gently over onto my lap so our eyes could meet, light blue clashing with lavender.

He smiled lovingly, at me, moving over to grab my hand firmly, his thumb immediately rubbing the back of it. And I watched as he brought it to his lips, his eyes closing while he did so.

I hummed by his actions, loving them deeply. His lips kissed the back of my hand with care, his other fingers massaging at my knuckles in a way a lover would, a gesture I have never felt before.

Yes, I've had a boyfriend before but he, well...


Never treated me like, this.. He never took me on dates, never treated me right, in the bedroom and never even bothered to hold my hand. He only wanted one thing and one thing only from me. And that, saddens me..

A whimper escaped my lips which immediately alerted the keen creature below me, his eyes shooting open and his actions, coming to a stop.

Blue eyes were staring back up at me again, taking in my sad, teary eyes, my breathing now shaky.

I sniffed softly and looked away but I was stopped by a large hand, which cupped my face gently, turning me back to the gorgeous blue eyes below. Naruto frowned. "What's wrong, my love? What's, on your mind?" He asked softly but even still, his voice was so deep, so masculine, it warmed my heart.

I hummed upon that and also, shook my head, trying to cover up my sadness. Naruto doesn't need to know anything about Kiba, especially in a time like this. I know it'll just piss him off.

So.. I only put up a small smile, moving my hand down to lightly run it through his spiky blonde hair, watching as his body relaxed, similar to a dog would when scratched. It was very cute.

My smile widened. "No, n-nothing's wrong Naruto.. I was only thinking back to what you've told me, about your past. And I was just wondering.. How, did you manage to escape, your seal? It was strong, right? What exactly happened?" I explained instead, covering up what I was really thinking.

But by the sly smirk on Naruto's face, I knew he caught on to my lie. He turned away from me and chuckled. "I can sense, when you lie, my little one. But since you asked a rather interesting question.. I'll let it go." He chuckled out amusingly, the noise soon washed away by the roaring waves located a few feet in front of us.

I giggled nervously upon his response and nodded. "S-Sorry.." I whispered out but he only waved me off, soon turning over to look up into my eyes again.

And just like every time he did, it felt like everything inside of me, melted.

He grinned, shaking his head. "No you're totally fine." He commented before returning to the previous question I asked, his eyes narrowing a bit.

He then, sighed. "Yes Hinata. The seal I was placed under was incredibly strong.. in the beginning. When I first was placed under it, I could feel it.. draining my power, slowly but surely.. Sucking me dry. The seal, was one that resembled a very, very dark room.. Just not.. in this world. No one, can see me, hear me, or talk to me. I was alone. I went years, centuries, just sitting and thinking in that stupid, fucking seal. I grew angry, Hinata. But eventually, I thought of something... My ticket, out of that goddamn place." He growled out, as if he was there again. I frowned upon his response but instead just settled on rubbing his hair which seemed to relax him again, a groan slipping from his mouth.

But he soon continued once more, his voice completely serious. He chuckled, darkly. "Heh.. I thought if I could somehow overwhelm the seal, I could break it and escape. It's been centuries since I was first sealed but I still had a lot of power left, so I used all of it, to get, out." He explained lowly while looking out into the sea again, his body growing heated upon mine which made me gulp.

But, something he said made me really, confused. I tilted my head. "Wh-What do you mean by, overwhelm, the seal? Didn't that hurt you?" I asked worriedly, my mind thinking back on his words. He just told me that the seal was already taking his power which would make him weak, very weak. But Naruto's plan was to give the seal all, of his power which seemed..



But before I could think about it even further, I was cut off by a loud laugh, one that overthrew the noise of the waves this time which made me gasp.

Naruto shook his head, in amusement. "Oh yes, my little human. It hurt me gravely. By giving the seal all of my power, it was just the same as me biting my own arm off. I was risking to lose a part of myself forever. But.. once I did that.. Once I took up that risk. I was awoken again. Thrown back, onto the earth to walk among your kind, once more..."

Modern Times

A large, manly hand was thrust out of the ground with a force that could push a boulder, a groan following it.

The hand clawed, scratched and picked at the forest floor until the hole the strong limb previously made grew larger, large enough to allow a certain demon, to get through.

The dirt from underneath him covered his body as he climbed onto the earth's surface, finally breathing in it's pleasant scent again.

Just like the day he was born, the demon creature was completely naked from head to toe as he practically forced himself onto land, falling onto it on all fours.

He let out a loud, built up growl from his mighty chest, his red glowing eyes moving to look around the place... The same place he was first sealed.

But as he, looked around and took everything in.. He immediately noticed that, there were no forest, anymore.

But a..

He tilted his head, trying to decipher what he was looking at. A sudden grin came upon his face and he chuckled once, he figured it out...

A bar...

And a, parking lot..

His chuckle turned into a full blown laugh as he pushed himself up to stand, his defined body exposed to the human world around him. But he didn't give a damn. His body was filled with absolute glee even though he felt incredibly weak. But...

I'm on earth, again...

Away, from that disgraceful seal...

Everything around him seemed to glow, the sun striking at his tan body in all directions which felt like wonders to the demon male.

He smiled happily upon the feeling of nature again, wanting nothing more to explore this new world once more.

Things seemed different for the blonde male for he wasn't used to nightclub bars back in his time. Which means....

This world has evolved a bit more...

He grinned, licking his lips for he liked that very much.

Hmm.. I think I need to take a closer look...

But just when he took his first step, his body suddenly collapsed like jelly, hitting the ground with a force that surprised him.

He whimpered upon that but moved to quickly get back up.. But when he caught sight of his right arm, his eyes almost fell from its sockets, his movement coming to a complete halt.

A long, dark string of markings were engraved into his flesh, covering it just like before. When he was first sealed. But these markings were different for they were a color like blood, his eyes hooding extremely.

He moved his hand, turning it to get a long look at the tattoo like markings along his wrist.

"Shit.." He cursed, for he knew this, was bad news.

This, shouldn't be happening...

He thought to himself. He was completely bewildered but he knew, he would eventually figure it out. Because first, he needs..

He looked down at himself, slowly working his body to stand once again. He hissed, spotting his bare tan chest, long legs and large manhood which were completely exposed to the world. He sighed, looking up towards the bar.

I guess I'm gonna have to steal, a poor soul's clothes...

Naruto's P.O.V

Digging my teeth into a lifeless male's throat, I groaned, finally taking in my first human since back on earth. I haven't eaten anything in I don't know how long so this sensation was...


I groaned while I ate away, behind the nightclub building where I was able to get a hold of the human male's clothes.

For he, was busy throwing up all the beer he's previously drunk to even notice me. And that, was his downfall..

I grinned, soon throwing him down harshly onto the ground, cracking his skull on the concrete.

I hummed, tilting my head in absolute bliss. "Fuck..." I whispered out, my body completely overwhelmed by all of these old but new, feelings.

I wasn't used to them anymore. So they all took me by major surprise.

Soon I was standing up, now in a black jean jacket with a white shirt with a skull on the front of it, dark leather pants and thick black boots on for my bottoms.

I smiled faintly once I checked out my outfit but paused once I caught, the blood that stained it.

My now blue eyes widened upon that, they soon switching towards the dead male below me. And in that moment, my heart dropped...

Shit.. I can't let anyone see this...

I absolutely can't have anyone on my ass.. Not as long as I'm here, like this. I have to..


That's, where I messed up the first time. I won't have those demon hunting freaks back onto me again.

So, with the little power I had left, I raised my fingers and gave them a snap, mentally cleaning my clothes.

But before I could get rid of the male, a sudden jolt of pain shot through my head and I went collapsing, the marks on my arm growing largely, now reaching my elbow.

I whined upon that, my body trembling from where I laid on the ground.

I shook my head. "No.. This can't be fucking happening." I gritted out angrily, not liking my situation at all.

This, wasn't how I imagined my time back here on earth. I wished it to be nice and peaceful just like before..

Not this..

I raised my hand, eyeing the marks that peeked out of my clothing, my body slowly moving to a sitting position. And there, I pulled my other hand over to grab the sleeve to my jacket, soon pulling it over my marks all together. I let out a menacing growl, my eyes glowing a deep dark red.

I will make it my mission, to erase, every last one, of these goddamn marks..

I growled once more before turning to the dead male beside me, my eyes running over his form entirely. I hummed, soon looking down to his pockets.

Heh.. Let's see what you have...

In order for me to be a little ready for what this world has to offer, I have to get a few supplies. I smirked, moving over to do just that.

Roughly, I reached into the male's pockets and grabbed everything I could from each, claiming all of his things as my own.

I grabbed his wallet which held a hand full of money. The other things in his wallet like his credit cards and coins, I didn't really care about. So I bypassed that stuff, throwing it out of the wallet and onto the ground and soon moved on to the other stuff he had.

Like his keys.

I grinned, shoving everything in my pocket. I nodded, soon snapping my fingers again to get rid of his body.

I ignored the pain that shot through my head, a consequence from over using my power and instead, hopped up to make it to his car.

Which will be the car that will be, mine...

Flashback Ended
Naruto's P.O.V

"Weeks went by and the marks only grew, traveling all over my body. But I just couldn't figure out how to control them. Soon I started to take notice that everytime I fed, they would slowly fade away. But they always, came back. So me and Kurama worked on it and soon we figured out that I need a human vessel to connect with. I didn't like the idea of connecting my divine life to a frail and weak one but.. I had no choice. I would die if I didn't and of course, I don't want that... So.."

But before I could continue, my keen ears picked up a whimper from Hinata, the caressing on my hair coming to a stop.

My eyebrows furrowed at that and I turned around lightly from where I was lying on her lap, my eyes coming into contact with hers. And I frowned to see sadness there, a pout formed on Hinata's lips.

She whimpered once more and moved her hand down to cup my cheek, caressing it with care. "It all makes sense, Naruto. That's why... You need me. God.. You've been through so much." She whispered out, expressing her pity but...

I don't want her, to pity me...

I'm a demon. I've done tons of horrible things in my life. So I deserve this. I deserve everything bad that's happened, to me.

I sighed at that, finally sitting up, leaving my cozy spot on my little one. Instead, I turned to face her, my hand moving to grab hers.

I then, sent her a reassuring smile, trying to cheer her up. "Oh little one. We all go through things. Whether it's good or bad. But all of that doesn't matter now. I'm happy now.. with you." I whispered out in all honesty, pouring my heart out to her. It was a rare thing for me to do but...

It oddly felt.. good..

I loved it. And by, the bright smile that came upon Hinata's face confirmed that she loved it too.

She cooed upon my words and moved her hand over to cup my face, her head inching towards me slowly.

I sighed once I felt her thumb caress my skin, back and forth gently. "Wow... I'm so happy to hear you say that, Naruto. Things are gonna be different from now on.. I promise.." She said with a nod, my eyes taking in the seriousness in her pretty lavender orbs, a large smile coming upon my face. Her words were like music to my ears. They were all I wanted...

This, is what I want...

And I won't let anyone take it away from me. Not this... Not what I have now.

So, I nodded at Hinata, moving forward to take her lips boldly, a soft plopping sound made from the intimate contact we made.

She moaned upon my action but I quickly ended the small but passionate kiss, to bring my large arms around the young girl's body, bringing her in tightly to my, body. And she went willingly, bringing her arms around mine to give me a hug as well.

I sighed upon that, moving one of my hands up to rub the top of her hair, accepting her completely.

The world around us was slowly fading as I just held onto Hinata, her eyes closed as I just embraced her.

And soon, the world was just as it was, the backyard to my mansion coming back into view, a wide range of grass now located underneath our bottoms.

A heavy sigh spilled from both of our lips, the sparkly night surrounding us, almost swallowing the both of us up.

I looked down at Hinata and smiled, keeping my arms wrapped around her protectively.

"Hinata... Your promise, is my promise too... I will forever love you, for you, are forever.. mines..



Well how was this chapter? 💞💞

How do you feel about Naruto's past?

It was a bit tough on Naruto, huh?

Lucky he has Hinata now, right? 😉😘

But anyway, I really hoped you enjoyed!!!

Don't forget to comment and vote!!

Leave feedback and oh!!

Can you describe demon Naruto in one word??

I say.. Sexy lol. 😂🙃😈

But anyway, tell me what you all think about Naruto!



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