Chapter 48: The Strange Dream

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(ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ: ɪɴᴛᴇɴsᴇ • ʜᴏʀʀᴏʀ • ᴄʀᴇᴇᴘʏ • sᴜᴘᴇʀɴᴀᴛᴜʀᴀʟ/ᴇʟᴇᴍᴇɴᴛs • ᴅᴀʀᴋ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ • 𝟷𝟾+)


Hinata's P.O.V

"Why hello, little one..."

The demon's voice before me was truly inviting, welcoming me over to him which made me absolutely giddy inside. I giggled in response, moving to do just that.

I picked up my two bare feet and began to run full speed over to him, my arms shooting wide open.

"Oh Naruto! I'm so, so glad to see you!" I cried out, tears quickly falling down my cheeks from the reminder of the situation I was in previously..

It was just so painful....

But this, was far from that.

Nothing but joy and relief was found in my eyes, my heart pumping faster than ever from the positive feelings that I felt. And the blonde male before me smiled, also bringing his arms open wide, accepting me.

His actions allowed me to comfortably pounce within his strong arms which moved to embrace me.

I cried silently against his warm body, my arms moving up to quickly wrap themselves around his neck, pulling him close. My two palms ran slightly against the rattling armor that Naruto wore on the way, the attire totally bringing out a new look for him.

He actually looks, like a demon now...

But in my eyes, he was still my lover.

Regardless of how he looks...

My mind was only filled with happy thoughts. I had no questions or worries regarding the new situation at the moment. I was only hopeful that I was alive and that I was also, with the person I loved dearly.

And all the while, the person mentioned steadied rubbed my long midnight blue hair as I hugged him longingly, the creature's claws running through my hair strands soothingly, causing my body to shudder.

But my cries, were still constant. And Naruto let out low shushes because of them, his rubbing never ceasing.

"There, there, my child. It's alright. You're alright."

I heard Naruto whisper from above me, his voice oddly calming me. It just sent a wave of comfort over me, making me feel safe than ever.

So it didn't take long for my relieved cries to come to an end, only leaving my pale cheeks stained with tears and my eyes all red and puffy. But that didn't stop me from moving out of Naruto's embrace to instead look up at him, finally taking in his form up close.

Something I've been longing to do...

But from just one look at the beautiful creature again, after all of this time, almost made me faint right then and there.

My eyes fluttered a bit in response, my cheeks turning a bright red causing the demon to let out a chuckle.

The room around us was awfully quiet and dark as I stood before Naruto who still sat rooted within the tall, throne chair in the room which obviously had to have belonged to him. But that, made me a little confused.

But I didn't worry much about it. I only looked at Naruto as he moved his hands down to grab both of mine. But that's all, he did.

Strangely enough, he held them firmly within his grasp, his sharp fingers slightly pressing into my knuckles making me wince a little. But I pushed that detail to the back of my mind and only listened as my lover started to talk.

"Hmm.. It appears the innocent little angel has gotten herself into quite some trouble. Hasn't she?"

Red sparkling demonic orbs stared intently up into my lavender ones as he showed the sympathy he felt for me, mentioning the situation I was in..

Or.. previously in...

I wasn't sure what was happening at the moment but again, I ignored my confusion and only responded to Naruto's words, just deeply glad I could even hear, his voice again.

I nodded, putting up a pout. "Y-Y-Yes. I-I'm just s-so scared and confused. I-I-I just..." But before I could finish, the strong male before me cut me off with his deep and masculine voice..

"You just what, hun?" He asked, raising one blonde eyebrow.

My own eyebrows furrowed by his question and I went to turn and look around, the curiosity that was summoning up inside of me just simply growing too much to bear. I was glad that Naruto was here but his words have seriously gotten me thinking..

He said I've gotten myself into trouble...

Does that mean I'm still, in trouble?

By trouble, I reckon he means my business with the demon hunters, seeing their intentions are to kill me. Which...

They are succeeding in...


But my thoughts were cut short when the creature in front of me suddenly started to move, breaking me out of my thoughts.

I instantly snapped my head up towards him and watched as he began to take a stand, my feet instead taking a few steps away from him, to give him room.

And I watched, silently, as the large blonde male slowly grew to his impressive height, one of his clawed hands moving up to grab a hold of his fancy crown, soon removing it to place it down onto the front of his seat.

I blinked upon that, my mind begging me to speak the questions I had. So.. I did.

I gave the room I stood in another look around, grimacing at how dark and quiet everything was.

I then looked back at the now standing demon and sighed. "Naruto.. Where, are we? Why do you have a cr-crown? A-And also, why are you, um.. sitting on a throne? Y-You, never told me about that before." I asked quickly, just laying my questions all out there. I wanted to know all of them and I know Naruto will no doubt answer at least some of them..

He won't just leave me in the dark, would he?

No, of course not...

I smiled faintly at my thoughts but then looked back up when I heard a loud, boisterous laugh, one that was filled with nothing but amusement.

The blonde demon before me held his blonde, shaggy head entirely back as many laughs escaped his open mouth which was where his razor sharp teeth were found, his appearance truly scary.

It seems like his demonic features are heightened...

What's... going on here?

"Wow. Aren't you just a curious little bunny? You know, that only makes you extremely delicious to me, darling."

Naruto's high was gone once he finally began to talk again, a large smile still held on his lips though. But his words were ones that confused me...

Is he mocking me?

Or is he just teasing...

Why isn't he worried about my condition...

I was, kidnapped by his enemy, almost killed for the matter so...

Why isn't he talking more about that...

Why isn't he comforting me....

He was acting a little strange, my eyes steady inspecting him. And secretly, his eyes narrowed upon me. But the expression was made too fast for me to catch so, it went right over my head.

Instead, I caught sight of the demon nodding as he recalled my previous questions, his body soon moving away from his throne chair to take a walk around the empty room we stood in. "Well, Hinata. I know you have many questions. You've been through a lot. You've seen, a lot. You know, a lot... But this, I'm not so sure." He explained, finally letting me in on what the hell was going on here.

Silently, like the first time I came here, I stood in my spot, just watching as the demon walked around the entire room, even walking behind my still person. I turned my head slightly, keeping my eyes trained on my lover.

I nodded. "Yes... I have, Naruto. I-I-I just really need a break from it all. So answering my questions would make me extremely happy."


The demon behind me was quick to cut me off, my body stiffening at the sudden sound of his voice. It just made me feel like I said something wrong, my body sensing weird vibes in the air. I began to become a little tense...

I nodded again, but more hesitantly. "Y-Yes... I would be all satisfied if you were to answer my questions. That's all. I won't ask anymore. Promise." I quickly stammered out, my breathing growing out of hand at the feel of his eyes, held on me. And they stared at me intently, abnormally, never once straying.

I gave Naruto another glance over my shoulder, instantly watching as he tilted his head, our eyes soon meeting.

I scrunched up my eyebrows, now growing deeply confused by Naruto's behavior..

What's, wrong with him...

He's acting so strange...

But again, I didn't say anything and only waited until he addressed my new situation, honestly wishing that he would just stop hiding secrets....

Hasn't he learned his lesson already..

Doesn't he love me?

Many thoughts were running through my head now as I just remained still in my spot, the new situation I was in really messing with my head a little..

But while, I tried to grasp everything, I didn't notice the demon that was slowly approaching me, his eyes remaining a horrifying red.

Only when I felt a broad, muscled chest against my back did I come back to reality.

I gasped at the feel of the sudden touch but Naruto quickly shushed me, his tall body completely towering over my short and small frame from behind.

I shuddered in response, my body reeling in his aura. But there was something strange, about it. It wasn't friendly or addicting to be around..


It felt more...




But why?

Why did I feel this from Naruto? Where am I? Where did everyone go? I had so many questions and the male behind me wasn't answering any.

Instead, he only continued to act weird, my body constantly shuddering. Especially, when he began to smell, my hair.

His sniffs were loud, purposely allowing me to hear what he was doing. All the while, he kept his chest, pressed against my back, keeping his rock hard body close to my smaller one.

I frowned impatiently, my ears picking up the male groaning as he kept his highly keen nose snuggled within my long, lavender scented hair, a chuckle soon spilling from his lips.

But he then pulled those same perfectly crafted lips over to my right ear so he can then, begin to speak.

"Alright... I'll give you what you want." He trailed off and suddenly, he was no longer pressed against me from behind but instead, now standing directly in front of me, my eyes widening by the sudden change of position. I blinked, completely taken aback.

He's fast...

Father than before...

He smirked at the surprise held in my eyes, but soon he turned his gaze away from my form to instead look at his surroundings.

He frowned, slowly pulling up his thumb and middle finger to soon press tightly together, both incredibly sharp and pointy at the ends.

"Well.. Before I explain myself. How about I change the scenery up a little, hmm?" He asked with a seductive wink where one of his glowing red eyes closed for a brief second, making me blush.

But his question was a rhetorical one, for he just went and did it anyway, in spite of the fact that I didn't even answer.

I frowned briefly at that but watched as he snapped his fingers, immediately changing the scenery as he pleased.

But when he did, not only did the world around me begin to shift into a totally different setting but also...

I began to levitate.

A surprised filled gasp shot out of my lips as my body began to slowly lift itself off of the ground from an unknown cause, my body becoming weightless.

Gravity played no effect here as I was brought completely off of my feet to only lay back comfortably within the air of the room which was slowly changing into something else.

I giggled as I looked down at the floor, noticing how far away it was from my person

But soon though, I took my attention off of my flying being and instead looked to pay Naruto a little attention.

But even still, I just couldn't take my mind off of my levitating body, my gown rising up slightly against my pale thighs.

I'm flying!

Oh my gosh!

A large, happy smile could be seen on my face as I felt the influence Naruto's power had on the world and..

On me...

It was absolutely extraordinary. I giggled once more but looked down at Naruto to see him...


His body, in fact wasn't levitating like I was but instead it stood in the same spot it previously was standing in, one of his hands positioned outward so all five fingers were seen lying flat. While the other hand, only held two fingers up, just like before.

My eyebrows furrowed upon that, my eyes looking him over attentively. He was just so quiet down there, only staring closely up at my floating form, his face holding no emotion whatsoever.

I gulped which actually brought a smirk on his lips, his body basking in the slight fear I was producing.

But soon his fingers began to move again, in a way that wasn't normal, his five fingers wiggling creepily back and forth, while his two fingers gave off another loud and harsh snap.

And once he did that, the world began to spin and I was suddenly dropped, ten miles per hour downward, the action taking my breath away.

I gasped sharply as I felt my body fall blindly, down, down and down, my head quickly snapping itself towards the floor but immediately, I screamed at the new frightening sight before me.

Oh god!

The floor, the one I was previously standing on was slowly opening, like a mouth, my uncontrolled body working itself down inside it.

My heart was pounding rapidly within my chest as I was pulled deep into the mouth of the floor, my lavender eyes shooting up to pay Naruto a look.

I reached one hand out to him before I was pulled into the dark abyss, my head shaking pleadingly.

"No! Naruto!"

I screamed but all he did was wave, sending me a very dark look.

And that was all I saw and the next, darkness, the opened mouth of the floor closing shut, behind me...


Only screams were made as I fell quickly, down a tunnel of darkness, a weight of some kind pulling me down drastically.

The weight was simply too strong so I couldn't even control my own body. I was only forced to travel deeper and deeper into the ground where only darkness laid, more and more questions running through my head. Ones regarding...


I didn't really know what to say about my situation anymore. I didn't know whether I should be happy or concerned because of it...

What, is going on?

Can someone please tell me...

But my thoughts, were only thoughts and nothing more so I was left to just fall down a tunnel of darkness in a mix of fear and confusion, my eyes closed shut all the while..

It was like that the entire time, until...

I gasped loudly, once, my body was brought to a sudden halt, my feet dropping directly down onto very hard, and rocky ground. Just like that, I no longer was floating or falling, I was now...


But I didn't dare open my eyes which was because of fear, my breathing incredibly unsteady. The whole ordeal I just went through was certainly a wake up call...


Frightened me...

So, I stood obliviously in my new spot, my right arm pressed against something now. It was very tall and also thick...

A wall maybe..

The whole situation was certainly weird, which seriously began to irk me. And it grew even more weird when I suddenly felt a change of clothing replace my gown, surprising me greatly.

That new piece of detail made me highly curious, my eyes slowly opening to catch a look. But when I did, a voice quickly awakened not too far from me, halting my movements.

"Don't, freak out... Hinata..."

The voice belonged to none other than Naruto, which shocked me gravely. I gulped, keeping my eyes slightly closed, restricting me from seeing my surroundings fully.

But by the warning Naruto gave me, it made me even more curious...

What's, going on?

Where are we now?

So, with the curiosity I had, I soon gave in to it, my eyes opening up a bit more. But from just a peek... It wasn't enough.

My eyes eventually opened up fully and what I saw only fueled my body with only one thing. Only one, emotion...


I began to tremble within my spot, my eyes widening largely at what I saw in front of me.

"O-Oh my god." I whispered out with several croaks within my soft and shaky voice, my body frozen almost at the sight of our newly but highly terrifying surroundings. I let off a shaky whimper, bravely turning my head to inspect every part of the place.

On a large, floating rock was where Naruto and I were positioned, everything else, even the sky above me, covered in a murky red.
But the sky looked much like water with it scurrying along like waves.

Fire could be seen bursting here and there from unknown sources down below, the hot element shooting it's heat high up into the air so both of us could see.

The whole scenery was just scary and not to mention the vibe, it let off...

I-I-I can't breathe here....

I can't think!

Where am I?

"Hinata..." A deep voice suddenly called out from beside me, successfully granting my attention.

My midnight blue head snapped quickly over to my right to only see Naruto sitting within another throne chair, one that looked even more intimidating than the last.

This one, was large and covered in the color black, gigantic spikes shooting out from the top of it.

Naruto, with his spiky blonde hair and dark armor sat proudly within it, just surveying the freakish land we now stood in, nonchalantly.

I whimpered softly, a little scared to even move. So, I only kept my right arm rooted on Naruto's chair for safety, just watching as he continued to look around.

He smirked, soon taking one of his long legs to move it across the other in a daunting type of way, his arms rooted on both of his cushion armrests..

"Hinata. I am, a demon, correct?"

He suddenly asked me which made me jolt up, his words surprising me a little. Fear had every part of my being at the moment which really made it hard to talk, to move, to..


Strange but unnerving sounds were heard all over the place, which, surrounded us.

There were horrifying, blood curdling screams from people like me, deep booming laughs and the crackling of fire heard in the air, my ears taking it all in as it happened all around me...

In front of me..

Behind me...

Beside me..


The awful sounds were heard everywhere and not to mention the scenery was just simply too scary to constantly keep looking at.

I breathed in and out quickly, which only worked into hyperventilation. I was totally freaking out, something that Naruto warned me not, to do.

But I just, can't help it...

The male beside me slyly turned his red orbs over to me, silently taking in my petrified self.

His eyes just stared at me as I trembled within my spot, one tear falling down my face at the scary sight of the place. He groaned at that, soon pulling up two of his fingers once again.

"Wow... Seems you didn't heed well to my warning, darling. Well then. As much as I would love to continue to watch you squirm in your panties, I don't want you passing out on me. So instead, I'll change the scenery up for you. Then, I can finally answer your precious questions." He spoke mockingly, rolling his eyes while he did so.

I turned to him, after he was done talking, nothing but disbelief written all over my face.


Naruto would never say something so callous to me.

Why is he acting this way?

I couldn't even say anything to him, regarding his previous words. So all I did, was stand silently against his throne chair, now, in a long red dress which stuck to every curve my teenage body possessed, my oh so, comfortable gown nowhere to be found. It seemed like it vanished, into thin air, no traces of it let behind.

My long hair was pulled up into a high ponytail, everything including my errands and shoes, a dark red color, one that resembled the sky here.

Naruto clicked his tongue by my silence, but groaned once he smelt the strong stench of fear that leaked from my being, my trembling hands holding onto the arm of his chair tightly, slowly working its way over to him.

Hesitantly, I placed a hand on his raised arm, patting it as a way to alert him to what I wanted.

He snickered at that, automatically picking up my silent but fearful answer. And with that, he gave his two fingers a snap.

"I take that as a yes then." He added and thankfully, the scenery began to change completely, his dark magic completely taking me away from the horrible place we were just in.

And I collapsed like a lifeless doll once he did, my world shattered completely. My body trembled massively as I sat crippled on now beautiful green grass, my breathing totally out of control.

And soon, just like before, my clothing changed once more to match with my surroundings, courtesy to Naruto.

So now, for my top area, was a bright yellow tank top that covered my entire torso, large sunflowers spotted here and there on the beautiful attire.

Traveling down below, cute brown shorts could be spotted with two white buttons plastered on the front of them to keep them up, along with white flip-flops for my feet.

Overall, my outfit was really nice and much more comfortable than the mermaid dress I wore previously.

Naruto, still with his armored, battle outfit, now stood in a world of light, clicked his tongue at the sight of me, the scenery around me completely changed, but I just couldn't take my mind off of the previous place we were in.

What, was that place?

Why the hell would Naruto even bring me there...

What's the point..

Was he just seeking, for my fear? Was he deliberating trying, to frighten me?

But why?

Why on earth would he do that? I just couldn't wrap my head around it. His behavior was so weird it was hurting me. I missed him so much and now...

Am I... dreaming? Is that what this is?

But I have never, never in my entire life has seen such a terrifying place like the one I've seen just now... That place was pure evil. The air inside it was suffocating to breathe in and the temperature was...


Was that, hell?


"Hinata darling? Are you feeling alright?"

Once again, just like last time, Naruto interrupted me from my thoughts, keeping me from trying to piece together my situation. But his words caught my attention so I only decided to leave my thoughts on hold for right now...

I'll deal with them later...

Maybe Naruto will answer my questions now.

I swallowed deeply, trying my best to collect myself so I could ask Naruto all the things that were bothering me but...

That world still has its claws rooted deep within my soul...

I can't shake it off...

No matter how hard I try...

So with a small dash of courage, I finally managed to turn and look up at Naruto, my lavender eyes immediately spotting long legs posted very, very close to my fallen form, my bottom rooted entirely on both of my legs as I slouched over. But, my eyes didn't stop there..

I continued to look higher and higher upon the demon's body, taking in every part of him along the way.

I took note on how tightly his armor clung to every body part he had, revealing all of his ridiculously large and toned muscles.

I also noticed how the color of the suit brought out the darkness that was hidden within his soul, giving him a completely different outlook.

But once I finally landed my two teary lavender eyes upon his gorgeous face, I took notice of something else.

Naruto was staring down at me with concern in his eyes, his lips pouted a little. His eyes were still a bright, glowing red as he just took in my shaky form.

But at the sight of my eyes on his, he let out a sigh, soon bending his legs down so he could level himself with my fallen form.

Now, in a place where a bright beaming sun in a blue sky could be seen, along with beautiful flowers and birds, the feeling of fear I felt was slowly washing away, disappearing almost.

The noises I now heard in this new place were much more peaceful. It brought a sense of tranquility over me.

So when Naruto moved closer and pulled his arms around me, I accepted him straight away, completely forgetting earlier events.

His arms were so large, giving me not only love but warmth and protection. I loved it so much.

So, very much..

I sought comfort within his hold so I went to lie my head softly against his chest, my arms moving to wrap tightly around him.

I hummed which brought a smile on his lips. But the smile didn't stay long for his thoughts took it away.

He lowered his head, bringing his lips close to my ear. "I really, shouldn't have taken you there, Hinata." I heard him whisper, the chosen ear turning red from the feel of his hot breath hitting it. And even though it was a sad moment between us, the creature above me chose to smirk.

But I, didn't catch it so I only nodded at his earlier statement, finally moving to speak the things I wanted.

"Naruto, what was... that place?" I whispered out shakily, my head moving up so my eyes could instead look, at the beautiful creature, directly. And once my eyes connected with his I was able to see the emotion held within them. And I saw..


He was like an open book, now that I was staring up into his eyes, his own looking back into mine.

I watched as he let out a sigh, his thoughts steady circulating within his head.

But suddenly, his hold on me grew tighter, his arms pulling my body closer to his own, smothering me almost.

So now, I was back in the position I was previously in, my head lying entirely against his broad chest, my body held on its knees on soft green grass, my position easily allowing Naruto to whisper into my ear.

"Why that, was hell, sweetheart. You, was just standing in the world I, was born in, Hinata. The place I spent my time ruling, alongside my Father."

My eyes widened.

"W-Wait hell? R-Rule? Your Father?"

Many questions were attacking me now at the new information Naruto was providing me which only overwhelmed me.

We were, in hell..

I knew it!

But how is that even possible? How am I, a human, a living breathing person able to go to such a place?

That's only a place available for the afterlife, for the damned, after all.

My Father said it was so. Even Naruto told me once so... I bit my lip, turning my head slightly against Naruto's warm chest, large hands wrapped around my back to keep me in place.

Gosh... There's still, so much I don't know..

I just keep having more and more questions...

But Naruto, the entire time, only held me close, soothing me by running his hands through my hair, once again.

He then nodded, answering my frantic questions from before. "Yes darling. Hell, was a place I spent most of my days in. I ruled over the demons who I was told to keep in check. I tortured the damned, giving them the punishments that they rightfully deserved. So by doing my job so perfectly, I won names for myself. Many of my minions started to call me Prince of Hell. While some call me other names. Like Prince, for short or Prince of the Dark World, The Dark Prince or just, The Demon Prince. I have many names that I'm known for in the underworld. It's a place I belong after all. It's, my home..."

Instantly after he said those words, my body stiffened within his hold, my eyebrows furrowing..


Yes, I was truly grateful that Naruto has told me more about his background, more about his home. It was really...


But what really baffled me was the last sentence he just said about hell..

"It's a place I belong after all.."

"It's my home..."

I lowered my head, a gulp passing my throat.

The Naruto I know would never say that...

He has always told me that the underworld was an unpleasant place for him.

For anyone actually...

But for him specifically, he always spoke about how much he hated the place. How much he felt trapped being there in the same routine as well as being in the same scenery, while hearing the same tune of death, blood, screams and tortue.

He also has said that instead of hell, he wanted to make Earth his home, for him and his people.

So for Naruto to say such a thing now, in a place where peace surrounded us, a place that he, specifically can control, made me really, skeptical.

Something, isn't right here...

I bit my lip at that, soon pulling my hands up to place both of them on the front of Naruto's chest, soon pushing myself back against his tight hold.

I frowned, grimly. "Naruto... I-I appreciate you answering my questions and taking me away from th-that place but... I really want to talk about something else now." I squeaked out, wanting to change the odd subject now. It just didn't add up and it was seriously, freaking me out.

So, with all of my might, I tried desperately to push my small body out of Naruto's hold, to part away from him, but his arms never let up.

He instead, held me tighter, obsessively against his strong body, his eyes narrowing down on me at the sight of my actions, which were ones that easily pulled anger out of his demonic being.

He shook his blonde head, soon moving his hand up to grab the back of my own head, forcing me to stay rooted against his chest.

I whined at that but was silenced by a deep voice, close to my ear. But this time, his words were much more, different..

"Where do you think you're going, huh? I've finally answered your questions and that's, the thanks I get? I think the fuck not. I deserve more, from you, sweetheart." He growled out, revealing the intense feelings he had for me. And my heart skipped several beats because of it.

My body froze stupidly within his hold, my mind growing totally blank. And it stayed that way, even when the demon before me moved to press his lips against my smooth neck, just completely ravaging it like a wild animal.

His teeth, tongue and lips kissed, sucked, licked and bit at my pale neck, his eyes open and directed up towards my red, flustered face the entire time.

I whimpered softly by his actions, my hands continuing to push against his broad chest. But it was no use. I was completely stuck within his hold.

So, I shook my head once more, moving my neck away from Naruto but he only continued, his head switching sides to continue to suck and kiss on my body, completely taking advantage.

I whined, pulling my fists down to pound against his mighty chest, now growing desperate. "Stop it. You're acting strange. I don't like it! Y-You're not yourself!" I cried out, finally voicing what has been bothering me ever since I got here.

But little did I know, that my words only made my situation worse.. Those words were only supposed to stay thoughts and nothing more because once the demon heard my whine, he completely changed. Changed into something even more stranger.

Something evil.

And more like, a demon...

So just after I said my words, a hand suddenly moved up in immense speed to wrap around my small throat, cutting my oxygen off completely.

I yelped in surprise, my shocked filled eyes snapping up at the sneering creature above me, nothing but hatred held in his crimson eyes.

Naruto growled, soon clenching his hand tighter around my throat, making it even harder to breathe.

My hands shot up and grabbed his, in response, trying to pry myself from his hold but I knew deep down, I could never get away from him. He was just way too strong.

Now more than ever....

But that didn't stop me from trying, my hands desperately scratching, hitting and tugging at his hand but it only remained, even tightening.

The demon growled once more, holding my body in place with ease. "Such a foolish, ungrateful little girl you are. I answered your questions. I was nice, to you. But still, it isn't enough, huh? Well... good thing that wasn't particularly my goal in the first place."

His words now gave off a chilling effect, signaling to hidden intentions that he had all along which scared me half to death.

My body was now trembling within his hold, my face turning a light blue from all the oxygen I was losing.

Naruto chuckled at the sight but soon tossed me like trash onto the green grass behind me, my body falling down on it with a harsh thud, causing me pain.

I cried out at that but was silenced by a loud laugh, one that was done by none other than Naruto.

Now standing, he towered over my broken, shaky form on the grass of the peaceful world around us, his eyes staring down at me in disdain, hate. But also, a strong sense of obsession was held within his orbs which will only swallow me whole. That will only, fill my world with darkness.

I cried because of it which only brought him joy. He licked his lips, tilting his head while doing so. "I'm so glad that I don't have to pretend anymore. Mmm.. Now, Hinata.. The real fun, can begin..." He snarled out which frightened my soul.

Nothing, absolutely nothing could save me at this very moment. I was all alone in a place that was unknown to me, trapped with the one I loved, but even he, wasn't the same. I gulped, more tears falling down my cheeks.

What's going on?

Why.. is this, happening...

I don't.. understand...

My mind and body was frozen as I just stared into the eyes of the blonde ruthless demon before me, the aura surrounding him only growing dark which only made the world grow darker.

The control he had here was incredibly strong, something I couldn't quite get a grasp of.

But, all things clicked when the demon advanced onto my shaky body quickly, his tall frame bending down to only grab both of my pale ankles in a way that caused me major pain.

A wide, ear to ear grin met me from him and soon, I was dragged by a force that was near unstoppable to combat against.

But the fear inside of me urged me to fight anyway, my body flipping over onto its stomach to launch out for the grass below me, to hurriedly stop Naruto's advances.

But once my eyes landed on the grass, I immediately noticed some very drastic changes.

The color of the grass was no longer a cheery green but now, a deep, dark black, one that screamed evil and corruption.

But that was the least of my worries, the demon behind me continuing to pull my small body along, to a place I know, will be hell for me.

I shook my head pleadingly at that, my body wiggling massively within Naruto's hold but, it was no use.

He only held on tighter, his sharp nails digging deep within my bare skin, leaving painful scratches and bruises. But he didn't seem to care. He only held a dark smirk on his face as he listened to the many cries that left my mouth.

All the while, my body was taken inevitably across the darkened grass, far away, into a world of darkness.

Constantly, my hands reached out for the grass in an attempt to stop my moving body, to get away from the unstable demon behind me. But all that got me was bundles of grass snuggled within my palms, my nails completely tearing through the one thing that I sought out for help. I screamed loudly in fear, wiggling my body still.

"Please, Naruto! Don't do this! Stop!"

"I'm sorry! Please!"

My cries and pleads ranged out loudly in the air but they only fell on death ears and soon, my body was dragged into darkness, a booming, demonic laugh echoing loudly, along, with it..


Well, that was something wasn't it?? 😬😥😈

Hinata is going through a lot and even she doesn't know what's going on...

What do you think, is going on? 🤔🤔

Well if you don't know, just stayed tune. There's more where that came from. 👍🏽👍🏽

Also, a heads up!

Things are slowly going to get darker so I hope you all are ready! 😬😬

But anyway, I hope you enjoyed!

And please, Comment and Vote! 😝

I want to hear from you all! 😊✌🏽



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