Chapter 49: The Devil In Disguise

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(ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ: ɪɴᴛᴇɴsᴇ • ʜᴏʀʀᴏʀ • ᴄʀᴇᴇᴘʏ • sᴜᴘᴇʀɴᴀᴛᴜʀᴀʟ/ᴇʟᴇᴍᴇɴᴛs • ᴛᴏʀᴛᴜʀᴇ • ᴇᴍᴏᴛɪᴏɴᴀʟ ᴛᴏʀᴛᴜʀᴇ • ʙᴏɴᴅᴀɢᴇ • ᴅᴀʀᴋ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ • 𝟷𝟾+)


Yahiko's P.O.V

Yes, everything is going just as planned...

All that's standing in the way, is....


My eyes were rooted intently on the unconscious teenage girl before me who laid silently as ever within a large bed with blankets of white drawn over her completely.

Her eyes were closed shut from the world as she laid stiff, like a lifeless doll almost.

The medicine as well as the poison was steadily flowing through tubes to enter into both of her arms and soon, her body.

So far, twelve minutes has passed by and now, there should be enough poison in her system to affect Naruto. I narrowed my eyes.

It should be..

The process was a pretty extended, quiet and intense one, my team only standing and watching most of the time.

A few of them would occasionally participate on, the matter. One moving to tend to the young girl's IV's, my brown orbs watching as a young huntress placed a white band around both of Hinata's arms, right over the needle which was stuck inside of her red, blotchy flesh.

This way, it could keep the IV in place. But it also helps, by being there so tightly, directs the poison as well as the sleeping drug into her system much easier, making the process run smoother.

I nodded approvingly as I eyed my people work diligently, my body standing still at the foot of the large bed in the room. But a curiosity was steady poking at my side and my feet began to move, to soon take me towards a blonde haired woman located beside Hinata's bed.

The young huntress was sitting quietly within a chair in front of a small computer, one that was connected to sensor pads which were stuck to Hinata's head at the moment, accessing her brain to us.

As well as all her memories...

All of her overall knowledge...


I smirked but stepped up to the huntress, silent as ever, my brown orbs narrowing upon her as she worked.

The dark clothing I wore flowed in the steady wind I made as I walked, soon finding my position beside the woman which immediately caught her attention. She took her eyes off of the bright computer device for a moment to send a smile my way.

"Hello Boss. She greeted, on which I only settled on nodding, her eyes soon falling back onto the screen in front of her which was filled with codes, diagrams and numbers.

I raised an eyebrow, soon switching my eyes onto the girl on the bed before us, her chest rising and falling slowly.

I clicked my tongue, bringing my attention back to the woman. "So, how is the simulation going? I take it, everything's running smoothly?" I asked curiously, to start up a conversation. After all, I wanted to know more about how Hinata was doing as she ventured through the ultimate mind test. A test that we specifically created for her.

But it isn't any ordinary mind test..


It is one that will challenge her beliefs, her feelings and her overall judgment with confrontation and evil. The stimulation she is in will resemble gravely like a dream. Which means..

Everything looks and feels real to her...

But in reality.

Nothing is real...

But her mind will be stuck there until she eventually passes away, so the dream is where she will remain. I lowered my head, gritting my teeth..

Hopefully she does what she's supposed to before then...

"Well Boss. I can't particularly see what's going on but I can see Hinata Hyuga's fear level as well as her heart rate. And both are sky high. It's working. The codes we put in to make Naruto must have activated. He's torturing her now."

The blonde huntress before me suddenly spoke, giving me an answer which was deeply troubling, snapping me out of my thoughts. I blinked rapidly, my head switching to look down at the blonde woman beside me.

I tilted my head by her words, a little confused by them. "Why so quickly? It's only been twelve minutes and you're telling me the poor child is already being put to the test?" I asked in deep concern, my eyes shooting over to the girl mentioned and indeed picking up the low whimpers that passed her lips, her body squirming slightly in agony underneath the blankets.

And on cue, two of my hunters moved to her side to help. One moved to position her so one bulky but soft pillow was rested behind her neck, to prop and comfort her head.

While another hunter moved to press the sides of the blanket down which rested beside her, tucking her in which would make her body more comfortable. But her mind...

Not so much..

I let out a deep sigh at the sight of my team's efforts but turned back to the woman I was first conversing with, a sigh passing her own lips.

She turned to me, giving the computer in front of her a rest. "Well, Boss. Time in the dream world works differently than how we, are most custommed to. Twelve minutes may have passed in the real world but in the dream world.. It works faster which means, a hour could've passed instead. That's why, things are moving so quickly. And besides, the girl has most likely angered Naruto, turning him into the monster he was assigned to be. The codes show me so." She informed, even moving one finger to point at the screen, revealing a rapid set of numbers which dashed quickly across the monitor. I nodded slowly by her words, keeping them in mind.

Well fine...

Whatever works then..

If the demon model of Naruto we made can make Hinata hate him faster than that's a win for me.

Hinata can then be saved...

She can be forgiven..

And that, is the only thing I want for her.

I smirked upon that, bringing my heavy gaze back onto the whimpering girl before us, nothing but silence taking over the whole entire room.

But all of our minds were loaded with thoughts. Numerous thoughts. Ones involving none other than...


I narrowed my eyes, clenching one of my fists tightly...

I hope the process is affecting you now, demon brat..

Soon he will be no more and once that happens..

The world, will know nothing, but peace..

Naruto's P.O.V

A world of darkness clouded my vision and mind as I laid unconscious on my very floor back at home, a floor that belonged to the library I was busy studying in.

Exhaustion had finally won and it shut every part of my body down, hindering me from starting anymore rituals to find Hinata.

Minutes and minutes passed as I just laid sprawled on soft carpet, the room around me mighty silent and dark.

Kurama, has long time left for bed, calling it a night after some time spent watching and taking in the many rituals that I had found and tried.

But even he has fallen exhausted from the whole ordeal, leaving me in the darkness by myself to work, something I was truly determined to accomplish. My eyes, are set on one goal, and one goal only.

But now..

Only sleep set its course and I let out loud snores because of it, my plans put on hold.

But after a few moments passed of silence and sleep, a pain like no other began to work it's way throughout my whole entire body. It was a pain that felt cold and hot at the same time.

My body trembled but also broke into a hard sweat, my closed eyes scrunching up in response.

But the pain and discomfort from this unknown feeling grew even more until it became unbearable, pulling me out of the peaceful sleep I was in.

With a jolt up, I popped my eyes open and let out a blood curdling scream, one I knew filled the entire house, bouncing off the walls.

I screamed, over and over from the numbing pain in my body which felt like it was everywhere.

My arm..

My arms!

What the fuck..

What the fuck is going on?!?

With immense speed, I pulled both of my arms up and landed my distraught filled eyes on the both of them which instantly widened in horror at the problem that stared back at me, one that actually brought fear to my own heart.

Right there, a substance of green ran like veins underneath my tan skin, the liquid working its way up my entire arm, ending at my elbows.

At the moment, a numbing coldness was only felt by the liquid within my arms, causing the two limbs to tremble and spasm massively, the nerves inside of them protesting, fighting.

But my entire body felt hot, an unexplainable feeling which was growing too much to handle. So, I did what I thought was best.

I cursed, hopping to my feet in a panic. "Shit! Fuck!!" I shouted out in agony, my clawed hands shooting towards the grey muscle shirt I wore, the digits moving to grip the fabric tight.

And with it now in my grasp, I ripped it apart, totally tearing it to tiny bits which let off shredding noises in the air.

My hands pulled the fabric sideways with ease, exposing my defined but naked stomach, abs, pecs and V line underneath.

But I didn't give a damn.

All I wanted was to cool the fuck down, to regain control of my own temperature again.

As of the moment, my mind was all over the place which I knew was only another side effect from the liquid that was coursing through my body at the moment, my hands throwing away the shredded top.

I roared, stumbling over towards the table in front of me, accidently spilling over many candles, causing the items to hit the floor with multiple loud thuds. But I didn't hear a thing.

My ears were starting to ring. My skin was burning hot, a new sensation which made me sweat ferociously. It wasn't the feeling of hellfire or any warm temperature that I'm accustomed to.


It was one that screamed that something was terribly wrong. It meant that something was breaking down my body, making me sick.

Terribly sick...

I cursed once more, gripping the table in front of me tightly, beads of sweat dripping down my forehead, cheeks and chin. My eyes were hooded, my vision blurry.

What the actual fuck is going on?

It feels like there's..

My eyes suddenly shot wide open, something in my brain clicking. And with that, my head whipped back to pay my arms a glance, inspecting the green substance that was slithering inside of them. I gulped, heavily, my heart racing like never before..

This, is poison..

It's a fucking deadly weapon used to kill me.

I growled, launching out to clench the desk once again. But this time my strength doubled and because of it the wood cracked completely underneath my hands, splitting in two.

But I ignored that, especially, when something else popped into my overwhelmed head. I whimpered, my eyes widening in horror.

Oh no! Hinata!

This means...

It's started...

The execution has already begun...

I take it the green substance that's now in my arm is what the hunter bitches are placing into Hinata's body which, is affecting her.

And what affects her, affects me...

I cursed once more, my eyes growing more and more hooded. "Shit. Those fucking bastards." I whispered, my mind desperately trying to find a way out of this. I was also trying to find a way to save Hinata, regardless of the tragic situation we were both facing. I still had hope, more so than before. But now...

I'm on a time crunch...


I whimpered, lowering my head in deep sadness.

Oh my dear Hinata...

I'm so sorry, love..

I didn't want this, for her. I wanted no harm to come to her. I wanted to protect her, to shield her from all harm this world is capable of doing but..

I failed...

I failed once again...

Just like I failed to keep my family self as well as myself safe... I have failed to keep my lover safe...

I really am, weak...

A tear fell down my left cheek at that, my heart aching. My thoughts were everywhere and my body was slowly breaking down. There was nothing I could do.


I'm so sorry, Hinata..

The darkness was slowly taking me under and my body began to collapse because of it, my hands losing grip of the broken table underneath me.

My legs began to lose all feeling but once that happened, my body tilted and I fell with a loud thud on the floor, my breathing growing out of control.

The ceiling was what my eyes were now rested on but because of the poison that was steady flowing through my body, I saw three splitting images of it, my vision tunneling. But regardless of my awful condition I didn't feel on the verge of death.

This doesn't feel like the end...

And with that, I weakly raised up my hand again, waving it around slowly to see if any spiritual marks were forming onto my skin, red ones that indicate that my life was ending so I could then, return back to hell. But... I raised an eyebrow, a faint smirk sliding across my lips.

Heh... Good...

No marks...

Hinata and I still have time, on this earth.

I can fix this..

With the little strength I have left, I have to find out a way to get to her.

That's all that matters...

But as of the moment, darkness took me under and I just, allowed it.

The agony, the pain I felt at the moment was just too much to bear... I couldn't afford to hang on anymore.

But before my eyes closed so the darkness could take over me, I picked up a shadowy figure, appear, moving to quickly hover over me. But also, I picked up the figure, possessed orange hair.

My smirk widened in nothing but relief, my eyes closing fully on that note...

About goddamn time...


Hinata's P.O.V

A low whimper spilled from my lips as a heavy metal cuff enclosed itself harshly around my wrist, tan but sharp hands wrapping them tightly around my extended limbs.

I whined, shaking my head as I watched Naruto tie my arms, restricting all movement from them.

"Please Naruto. I'm sorry. Whatever I did to get you angry I didn't mean it-"


A loud hush from the blonde demon stopped my pleads dead in their tracks, also frightening my core. My body trembled massively as I stood in a world of darkness..

Complete darkness.

The scenery around me was so blank, void of anything but only water which rushed back and forth, hitting the flip flops I wore.

The water was shallow but still, it didn't settle well with my eyes as I looked around at all of it in the darkened, scary room, my lips trembling.

Suddenly though, Naruto clicked the last and final cuff around my right arm, tightening it so the metal was wrapped securely around my flesh, crushing it slightly which made whines escape my lips.

Naruto hummed in delight at the sound of them but soon, he stepped away to only laugh, throwing his hands up as if he was in bliss or something.

"Ahh.. Hinata Hyuga. Such a special doll, isn't she?"

He started off as I stood chained to a ceiling that was nonexistent, my eyes sparing it an intense glance from where it stood invisibly above me. I gulped, wiggling within my binds which only made the chains rattle.

How... can this be...

I whimpered upon that, soon looking back at Naruto but when I did, I was met with an awe striking sight.

Before the both of us, ran a midnight blue haired girl, one that oddly resembled..


My eyes widened as I just stared at the short haired girl run happily along before us, a long blue dress fitting her small frame.

A happy go lucky smile was held on her face while her lavender eyes held an innocence in them, one that knew nothing about the evil in the world.

I lowered my head at that which only satisfied Naruto more.

He turned to spare a glance over his shoulder at me, the young child before us constantly playing in the water that surrounded us, child-like laughs escaping her lips.

My eyes watered up at the sight of my younger and much adorable self run about in this hell of a world, playing in it without any worries.

The five year old girl before the two of us looked so real it was like you could touch her. It was truly a scary sight to see in my eyes, my legs shaking from where they were forced to stand in cold water.

Naruto chuckled, turning back to me to give me a full on grin, revealing his razor sharp teeth. "Innocent, isn't she? The girl before you now, know naught, of demons or pain. Or anything of the matter. Isn't that right, Hinata?" He asked deeply, his eyes staring intently upon my bound, shaky being, my eyes averted from his.

The person that stood in front of me was seriously unrecognizable. It was like Naruto, wasn't Naruto. His aura was one dead give away...

I never, ever felt this way around him before... Even when I first met him...

This fear I feel, is eating me alive...

The first time I saw Naruto, something about him pulled me in. His aura was delicious, addicting and not to mention his smooth and seductive voice as well as his sexy appearance totally took the cake for me.

He was everything and more. And even when I did dislike and denied him, I couldn't seem to hate him fully. He had my heart from the very start..

But now, the man in front of me..


The demon that was in front of me was truly evil. I could see it in his eyes as he stared into mines, his being lacking love or anything for the matter.

All I saw was a crazed, obsessed demon that will no doubt tear me to shreds.

I sobbed at that realization, more salty tears falling down my cheeks to only land into the water below me, creating ripples amongst all the soft waves that formed below

And all the while, Naruto stared in glee at me, the young girl behind him steadily running back and forth, cheering as she played in the cool water that surrounded all of us.

With small, delicate hands, she dipped them into the water to scoop a bit with her palms. Once, she got the water she wanted, she threw it up into the air so the water could turn into droplets, similar to rain to soon drop onto her small being. And in doing so, she laughed, cheered, and clapped her hands in happiness, the sight adding more tears to my eyes.

Naruto pouted, and before I knew it, I felt hands roam my body from behind, my head working itself up to look in front of me.

But all I saw, was the younger version of myself skipping about playfully, Naruto nowhere in sight.

Only when I felt a face rub against mine did I become aware of Naruto's new location.

A small whimper spilled from my lips as I felt large hands caress my waist, red beaming eyes staring deeply, up at me.

I snapped my head away, moving it from Naruto's as he desperately sought a reaction out of me, a chuckle spilling from his lips.

"Aww, what's the matter, Hinata? Why shed such tears, hmm? I only want to open your eyes. I only, want to reveal the truth, about yourself, darling. There's so much you don't know, about yourself so.. Let me, show you. Let me tell you. Don't, turn away. Don't, deny me. Listen.. and you might just learn something." I heard him whisper, his voice deep and alluring which made me oddly relax within his hold, my rapid heartbeat decreasing a little. I breathed out deeply upon his words, my head nodding by them.

"F-F-Fine..." I whispered out lowly within the blank world we now stood in, my eyes rooted on the water that constantly splashed against my feet, ruining my shoes.

A large, ear to ear but dirty grin came upon Naruto's face and soon, I felt his lips upon my neck again, sucking it expertly, perfectly, just the way I liked which made me groan, my eyes rolling slightly from the wonderful feeling.

This go round, I couldn't hold my moans back, his sly action completely catching me by surprise.

But it didn't last long for Naruto to plop his lips from my neck, he doing so once, his ears picked up the moans that spilled from my mouth. He grinned, halting all movements which were only done to tease me.

He then hummed. "Well then. Seems I've finally gotten your attention. Now.. Let's start again, shall we?" He whispered lowly against my ear, a tactic only done to seduce me to listen to his venomous words. But...

What choice do I have?

Naruto won't allow my defiance to run for too long.

He's going to punish me if I don't obey..

It's just like before..

But why?

What's gotten into him?

All of my confused thoughts, one by one, all grew unanswered, leaving me in a confused and shaky mess.

But I didn't forget to answer Naruto back, my midnight blue head nodding at the smiling demon beside me.

"Y-Y-Yes. I'll listen." I whispered, finally giving in. And the demon before me cheered in pure joy, his crimson eyes dimming.

"Good." He only replied back and before I knew it, his position changed and everything was just how it once was, my teary lavender eyes landing on the demon before me who was now staring at the younger version of myself who never stopped playing.

He grinned. "Such a beauty. But as I was once saying, pain was nonexistent in your life. As well as loss, correct?" He asked curiously, his blonde head soon moving so his red beaming eyes connected with mines once more.

But I didn't care much for his heated gaze, for his question brought a deep sadness over me.

Just by his words, it brought back memories that I just didn't want to remember, more tears forming in my eyes

I whimpered, shaking my head. "N-No... Y-You're wrong, Naruto."

The male mentioned immediately raised both of his eyebrows in response to my words, revealing that he was deeply interested. He tilted his head, allowing his blonde bangs to shift which gave him an even creepier look.

"Oh! Now isn't this a turn of events. Well, do tell. Your demon wants to know, darling. What, has pained that heart of yours at such a young age, hmm? What has hurt the child we see before us? Reveal it to me!" He roared, desperately urging me to reveal depressing memories from long ago, ones that I've always kept hidden. I sobbed, shaking my head once more but in defiance.

I don't want to tell...

Not like this...

Not right now..

I cried. "Wh-Why are you doing this? What are you trying to prov-"

But I was silenced by a roar which rung like a bell in my ears, a loud panicked squeak slipping past my lips.

My eyes were now closed shut, cut off from the horrid world around me. And just from the action, I felt a little better.

But that peaceful sensation went away when I heard Naruto's booming voice soon after.

"You will answer, every goddamn question I ask of you, Hinata. You have no choice here, doll. You don't hold the fucking cards here. I do, damn it! I, rule here. I, control you. You, are mine. So therefore, give me the information I crave!"

His voice was now angry, disrespectful as he shouted out numerous orders, ones that made my stomach flip flop.

The words he has said just now, did little in making me relax, so I was right back to my terrified self, a side of me that only stuttered and cried.

I shook my head for the thousandth time it seemed, trying my hardest to calm the angry demon before me.

I pouted. "I-I'm s-s-sorry. Please don't be a-angry with me... I'll confess. I'll tell you!"

"Oh yes! Now that's a good girl! Tell me, Hinata. What has hurt you at the age of five, huh?"

Oddly enough, Naruto looked like he was on top of the world as he stared back at me from afar, red glowing eyes widened and fingers twitching. He was the definition of crazy...



I don't know how much more I could take. But if I have to confess what has hurt me in my past to Naruto then...

So be it...

Even though it pains me to bring it up, to let it slip passed my lips again.

I will..

So I blew out a deep breath, several ones to calm my raging heartbeat. I also breathed deeply to relax my vocal cords, so when I open my mouth, my words would be flawless and understandable.

I don't want to stutter or talk low so I would have to repeat this god forsaken answer. So once I felt that it was time, that I was ready.. I opened my mouth, and confessed...

"When, I was only five.. My Mother passed away while giving birth to my little sister. Hanabi."

My voice seemed to echo as I spoke such words which traveled and met the demon's ears easily who saved it within his brain.

My eyes were still teary as I stared back at Naruto who held his head low, causing his blonde bangs to move and cover his red glowing eyes, his body trembling greatly.

Silence ran over the both of us, even the younger version of myself stood still, lifeless almost, quiet.

Her back was facing my way so I couldn't even see the expression that was presented on her small, porcelain face.

I looked past Naruto to just watch her, worry written all over my own face. I whimpered.

It hurts, doesn't it?

Mother, was the one and only person that was very, very close to my heart. Even though the memories of being with her are a little hard to remember, now that I'm sixteen.. I know, deep down in my heart that I absolutely cherished her.

Everytime I think about her, I just feel so warm inside..

But soon, I am left with the fact that she is indeed gone, taken from this world far too early. Now, I will never know what it feels like to have a Mother.

I'm not like the other kids...

Never have been...

More tears began to shed down my face at that realization, my heart aching terribly. My cheeks felt sore, overly sore from all the crying I was doing, my legs losing all feeling in them.

I wanted to collapse, right here and right now but the chains that held my arms protested, keeping me uprooted.

So I was left to cry from an old memory that Naruto has forced out of me, something that was highly unnecessary...

Why did he make me say such a thing?

I had no clue why he was doing the things he was doing. And my confusion only grew stronger once Naruto finally interrupted the silence with his voice yet again. But he did something that I truly didn't expect, not now and not ever.

He, laughed.


Crazed filled cackles spilled from his lips which caused his whole body to shake and wobble violently, his voice filling up the room once more.

His head was tilted back entirely as he just let the amusement he felt roll out of his lips from within, one hand propped on his stomach.

But his laughs weren't the only thing that was heard.

As on cue, my younger self began to scream on the top of her lungs, collapsing within the low leveled water below, her hurt filled voice also filling up the dark room around me.

Shock and devastation was all I felt as I stared wide eyed at the scene before me, one that felt like hell to me.

I can't take this...

I just can't!

I felt trapped, stuck within this hell, a place I wasn't even sure about. But there was nothing I could do.

Naruto was right.

He, holds the cards here. He has all control over me, condemning me to stay within this place.

I have no control here...

I have absolutely no say in the matter.

And that's, something I have to deal with, alone..

I gritted my teeth, my fingers curling slightly within my binds..

This can't be Naruto...

This creature, in front of me is not my, Naruto..

Naruto loves me. He cares for my feelings, cares about..


The creature in front of me clearly doesn't give a damn about me or my feelings. He only wants to make me fear him..

Hate him..

But I won't fall for it. He won't win.

I narrowed my eyes upon that, just staring at the horrendous scene before me now with determination on my side, a light fueling my soul.

And instantly, that shut Naruto up for he felt the change in the air immediately, his laughs soon coming to a halt. As well as my younger version's high pitched screams.

Actually, she vanished into thin air, as if she never existed in the first place. I breathed deeply upon that.


Now the creepiness is over..

But little did I know...

That, was only, the beginning..

Yahiko's P.O.V

Loud, intense beeps were heard in the room from the device that laid rooted beside Hinata's bed, her cries growing a tad bit louder over time.

I raised an eyebrow in concern at that, my feet once again taking me away from my previous position to stand beside the young woman controlling the mind device, now with more questions.

"What's going on, now?" I asked quickly, my brown orbs instantly shooting towards the screen of codes and numbers.

First, I spared a glance at the very top of the screen which held two diagrams. One that held the word "FEAR" in all caps beside it and another that read "HEART-RATE."

The fear meter has surprisingly shot down, but Hinata's heart rate was still considerably high. My eyes widened.

Her heart beat is pumping at a rate of 120 beats per minute.

Holt shit.

Whatever she was experiencing was really taking a lot out of the poor girl.

I clicked my tongue at that, sparing her a glance from where she laid stiffly on the bed, her whimpers remaining constant.

The woman below me smiled proudly, clearly liking what the computer was showing her. "So Boss. Things are going just as planned. The goal for the stimulation is now taking effect. It's slowly working. Now we have to just wait until either the poison takes Hinata's life or if she turns her back on Naruto completely. Either way, one of them, will happen first." She said with determination in her voice, her head nodding afterwards.

She had absolutely no doubt in the stimulation. She knew that it would work 100%. But I just couldn't help but worry.

I shook my head, my arms moving up to cross in front of my chest. "Alright, but I have a slight concern on the matter. Regarding this, stimulation. Say, it keeps going like you programmed it but, what if Hinata's strong and might be able to just endure the torture she's facing? What if this all doesn't work? What then?" I asked, just putting it out there.

Anything could happen at this point. Just as Konan was killed, something else unexpected could happen. And as demon hunters in a demon situation, we need to be ready for anything.

Closely, with my two brown orbs, I watched as the woman frowned by my concerned questions, her mouth opening to speak. But before she could, someone, beat her to it.

"Boss, you know that's bullshit, right?"

I sighed upon hearing such a voice, one that was filled with amusement.

Quickly, I turned my body towards the male who stood to the far corner of the room, his body leaning against the wall to my right.

I raised an eyebrow at the sudden sound of his voice for he hasn't uttered a word ever since Hinata was put to sleep.

But now..

I chuckled lowly, turning my body fully to face him, directly. "And how is that, hmm? Inform me, Hidan." I demanded with a sly smirk upon my face, desperately itching to know what he meant by his previous words.

The silver haired male let out a huff but then removed himself from his comfortable position against the wall to stand directly onto his two feet, more eyes from the other hunters in the room landing on him.

We all were waiting in anitpcation to see what Hidan had to say.

He scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest. "Your concern for this situation is totally bullshit, Boss. You, are giving that brat of a girl way too much credit. Naruto, is no regular demon. He is a master at manipulating and breaking his victims. And the Hyuga whore is no different. That is if, the stimulation has matched his personality as well as his skills precisely. If so, well.. He'll have her hate him faster than the poison can kill her. I just know it, hah!" He spat with an amused chuckle at the end, his words only said to throw the young girl under the bus.

The hunter's around me said nothing by his words but I couldn't help but grow a little taken aback...



His relationship as well as his tolerance involving the Hyuga girl was cautiously low and it was seriously starting to irk me.

She has done nothing after all...

I don't know what has gotten over me but, hearing the young girl talk and go about so innocently a while back, I have realized something.

My eyes have been opened..

Konan was right all along.

Hinata is innocent in all of this. The young girl has said it herself.

She has no power in this..

So to hear Hidan disrespect her so gravely and even when she's unconscious, right behind me has really rubbed me the wrong way.

I put up a scowl, dropping my hands to only point one deadly finger at him, giving him a look of authority. "Hidan.. Your scornful words about the young child will not go on any further. Yes, she has sided with the enemy but I will not allow you to taint her name. Konan was right and I, was such a fool to turn my back on her beliefs and look down upon the girl. Hinata Hygua is innocent and will die innocent. So no more of this. Understand." I ordered, putting my foot down on the matter. His actions were unreasonable and I can't stand a second more of it.

So after my words, I turned my eyes back to look at the male's expression before me and the one he had on his face fueled the anger inside of me even more.

His eyes were hardened, his body frozen by the sound of such an order. My words were ones that declared that I was no longer on his side in this battle.

And by the look on his face, he was fueled by an emotion that just couldn't stay hidden.

The emotion of..


He gritted his teeth, throwing his hands down to only clench them tightly, expressing his pent up emotions. "Boss... You are making a terrible mistake. The demon's whore is likely to do, such a thing.. To mask as if she was innocent. But behind closed doors, earlier before this event unfolded, she was most likely on her hands and knees with a look of bliss on her face as she's fucked by our enemy. By Naruto! She is not innocent in this. She knows what's right and wrong. She doesn't deserve to be protected. She's just as bad as the demon brat!"

Hidan's yells were loud, interrupting the peace that we all were happily spending our precious time in. But now, Hidan's inner thoughts and beliefs were surfacing and I was highly horrified by them.

I've heard enough of this ridiculous nonsense.

I growled, throwing my hand up again but this time to only wave him off. "Now that's enough, Hidan. I order you to be silent, now! Or, I will dismiss you from this mission the same as I did with Sasori." I demanded loudly, once again placing my foot down but in a way I know will grant me the silence I craved from him. And it did.

His words came to an immediate halt, a look of shock written all over his face.

Bewilderment was present strongly on his face as he stared back at me, nothing but silence heard in the room now. Other than the faint whimpers the young girl was producing but those were easily ignored.

I glared daggers at the silver haired hunter before me, letting him know I was absolutely serious.

He growled upon that, soon turning a blind eye, his feet taking him out of the room.

"Fine. Be fooled. But she won't, fool me so easily." He spat darkly, moving to end this conversation.

Those words he just said were the last ones before he barged out of the room, the door soon slamming shut behind him. I narrowed my eyes upon that, not liking the ending to that conversation...

Oh we're not done here...

Us hunters were family when it comes to doing this highly dangerous job. And as leader, I have a couple of things that I hold everyone responsible for..

Of course the basic things like..

Train frequently..

Stay On Task...


Help The Innocent.

Kill Demons..

Those rules were simple, easy to follow. But there are other ones that I also hold my hunters accountable for as well.

Which is...

All minds, should stay indistinguishable.

Which in other words, all of us should have the same ideas, beliefs, skills, goals, everything.

We should train, fight and think as one, as an entire team. And by the way Hidan was speaking just now was breaking that rule..

And that...

I cannot have...

I blew out a deep breath at that, a harsh wind flying straight out of my nose from the frustration I felt..

Damn it all to hell..

I really need to fix this before it's too late. And besides, he's stepped out of line and as leader it is my job to correct him so..

Let's just add that to my long list of problems.


I groaned but soon fixated my mind on my new goal, my feet taking me forward. And just like Hidan I reached for the door's handle to soon open it.

But I didn't exit the room without looking back at my hunters, my free hand shooting up to wave them all over.

"You four, come with me. And you two, guard the front. The girl needs her privacy now. Only Sage, is allowed to remain inside of this room." I demanded, referring to the blonde woman who was steady watching the mind test that Hinata was connected to, my words revealing her name.

Every single person in the room nodded and did what they were told without question, my hand soon flinging the door open to walk out of it, the six hunters following closely behind me in my smooth stride.

But only four remain by my side as I stroll down a long hallway in search of Hidan, the last two hunters moving to only stand in front of the room Hinata was lying unconscious in, guarding it from anyone else.

I narrowed my eyes as I walked forward, also clenching one of my fists in nothing but disappointment.

Hidan.. You and I, have a score, to settle...


Well, things are certainly getting interesting..

So now we know that the Demon Hunters are actually controlling Hinata's dream regarding Naruto. 😱😯

I mean, some of you knew already but yep, the hunter's are behind it! 😏

And the real Naruto is going through hell now that he actually feels the poison.

So.. A lot is happening and it will kinda stay like that the whole time to the end so...

I hope you're ready! 😆😆

And I also hoped you enjoyed!

Once again, Comment and Vote!

And I'll see ya again with the next chapter!



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