Chapter 50: The Darkness Consumes

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(ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ: ᴅɪsᴛᴜʀʙɪɴɢ ᴍᴏᴍᴇɴᴛs • ʜᴏʀʀᴏʀ • ᴄʀᴇᴇᴘʏ • sᴜᴘᴇʀɴᴀᴛᴜʀᴀʟ/ᴇʟᴇᴍᴇɴᴛs • ᴛᴏʀᴛᴜʀᴇ • ᴇᴍᴏᴛɪᴏɴᴀʟ ᴛᴏʀᴛᴜʀᴇ • ᴍɪɴᴏʀ ᴍᴀᴛᴜʀᴇ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ • ᴅᴀʀᴋ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ • 𝟷𝟾+)


Hinata's P.O.V

"Humans, are such weak and fragile creatures. A species that is only known to live, and die. All humans experience such a fate. And your Mother, Hinata, was no different."

Still chained within a world of darkness, I was once again forced to hear a speech of pure evil from Naruto as he stood in a large pool of water, the cool liquid resting by his ankles.

The armor he wore from before was still present on his body, intimidating me further.

His words of nonsense were ones that were weakening my soul, more and more tears only falling down my face.

I sobbed helplessly, my arms forced to lie risen high above my head, tight cuffs wrapped around both of my wrists. I sniffed, shaking my head.

"Please.. Please stop.. Don't talk about my Moth-"

"Ahh, it hurts doesn't it? Your pleads are quite amusing regarding your Mother, darling. For I sense, she plays a very special part in your life, now doesn't she, Hinata?" He asked, pestering me to answer his dark questions, my body trembling massively.

A low splashing of the water was heard as Naruto tittered and tottered back and forth on his large feet which were swallowed up by black boots which possessed shiny spikes on the front of them, a pair of shoes I have never seen before in my life.

My eyes were terribly hooded and teary as I stared up at him, my head shaking once again at his words. "Please. No more of this." I sobbed out, carrying on with my pleads but it didn't seem to work.

I, should know this...

It was all just like before, a similar repeat of back then.

When Naruto received pleasure from my pleads..

From my pain..

And now was no different.

Deliberatly Naruto revealed to me that he was indeed liking the way I pleaded and begged for him to change the topic, to spare me from speaking more about it, his eyes dimming darker.

His body was growing highly jittery, the large thing that rested in between his thighs risen, clearly evident even in his armored pants. His long tongue was sliding back and forth across his lips frequently, repeatedly, his eyes never straying away from me.

Not even once..

The attention along with his actions were so nerve racking it was beginning to physically hurt.

My chest began to burn which made me whimper, the demon's ears picking up everything.

He grinned. "Oh my darling. Pleading and begging only makes me excited. You're wasting your breath, girl. The only solution to your unfortunate problem is to give me what I crave. Answer my questions and this, will run much easier for you." He demanded darkly, his heavy gaze rooting me to my spot. I couldn't help but gulp by his words which left no room for argument. I have no choice, but to comply.

I will be punished if I don't anyway.

And that, is something I do not, want to ever happen..

Not when Naruto's, like this..

I whimpered upon that, slowly carrying my eyes down to my feet, Naruto's question once again running through my head.

"I sense your Mother plays a special part in your life, now doesn't she, Hinata?"

The questions Naruto was asking me were so odd, I couldn't wrap my head around it.

It seems he knows something I don't...

But what?

What is he getting at?

I bit my lip on the matter, my ears picking up a low splashing of water from a distance.

That, caught my attention so I lifted my head to only answer Naruto's question.

I nodded, shakily at him. "Y-Yes. She's my Mother, so of course." I responded back with a slight shrug, deeply confused as to why he would ask me such a thing. But he, now that he has actually caught my answer, chuckled.
His feet began to slowly bring him forward, cutting the distance between the two of us.

I tensed up at that which only made him chuckle once more. "Hinata sweetheart... There are so many things, you just, don't know. It's funny how unaware you are. Unaware of how lost, you are. But don't worry. As your very own special demon, I'll lay it all out for you. I'll open your eyes. So.."

And after he said those words, he vanished once more, completely disappearing from his spot.

My eyes widened at that, my head immediately whipping rapidly to look around the place.

But I saw no Naruto. Only darkness and water.

But soon, just like before, I felt his dark presence directly behind me, large hands moving down to land on my waist again. I shuddered at the feel of his touch which didn't even feel the same. It felt...



Something about it left a very bad taste in my mouth and a feeling of dread to rush over me. I pouted, a little angry at myself for feeling such a way.

What is... happening..


Why, is this, happening...

But my questionable thoughts were once again just unanswered thoughts, Naruto's hands constantly rubbing against my cold and shaky frame, bringing me back to reality.

He smirked, from where he stood behind me, my eyes directed onto the darkness in front of me which looked so dull and blank without him there.

This place, is so strange...

But it wasn't long before something else appeared here. Soon taking Naruto's place in front of me.

Naruto's smirk widened from where he was still positioned behind me, his lips moving slowly, creepily down to my right ear.

He breathed hotly in it before speaking, once again. "Hinata... I have seen, inside of you that your Mother, even in her absence, has shaped you into the woman you are right now. A woman that is lost within this world. Just so, damn, broken." He whispered quite bluntly against my body, my eyes widening upon his words. I had no choice but to listen to them, for I was chained, rooted in my spot where Naruto first placed me. And besides...

I'm too weak here...

Nothing, is in my, control...

So I am nothing but a puppet in Naruto's hands and all he did, was tease and torture me. And the torture never stopped.

Oh no.. It didn't...

Soon, a few seconds after his words, another figure slowly began to take shape a few feet away from me.

A person...

My eyebrows rose.

It's me, again...

Now a little older, maybe in my early teen years stood a timid midnight blue haired girl, one that stood alone in this dark but massive world. Her head was bowed low, her eyes rooted hesitantly on her feet. A baggy grey hoodie as well as blue jeans were seen fitting my body, hiding my impressive figure completely. And at the sight of my past self, I quickly moved my eyes away from her, just ashamed.

Oh dear god...

No not this...

I whimpered, shaking my head loathingly.

"N-No." I whispered, expressing the fear I felt.

And Naruto hummed amusingly, by it. "Ahh.. so you do, remember her? Hah, twelve year old Hinata... So sweet, so shy, so..." He leaned down, moving so his lips were instead pressed against my neck, peking it softly with his warm lips. He grinned. "Wounded." He muttered, the word ringing over and over in my ears.

My eyes were left wide as I just listened to Naruto as well as watch the younger version of myself walk back and forth, turning and changing directions as if she was lost, nothing but sadness written all over her beautiful pale face. My heart broke at that...

I-I'm, wounded?


Naruto's words were truly painful, bringing me down for they hit worse seeing they were coming from my demon lover's mouth.

Nothing but seriousness was heard in his voice which made me really consider his words. I lowered my head because of them, trying very hard not to cry again.

That, would just give him what he wants...

He wants me to feel this way. He wants to break me, to weaken me. He wants to lower my self esteem so in the end I feel as if I'm nothing. My face scrunched up in agony upon that realization, my eyes watering up.

That's just cruel...

But that was his goal. And he wasn't stopping any time soon.

The tall, blonde demon behind me only laughed as I battled constantly with myself, trying my best not to fall apart but...

I was slowly losing, this battle..

And Naruto loved every second of it.

He licked his lips, soon taking one of his hands up to use it to run through my long hair, my body jolting by his sudden action. "Oh poor innocent, little Hinata. Even at this age is still lost without the love and guidance of a Mother. She's still haunted by grief, sadness and misery. But why, hmm? Doesn't she have friends to support her, to fill in that spot for her? Or how about the rest of her family? What about them?" He trailed off deviously, his clawed hand running up and then down through my dark blue strands, his other hand remaining wrapped around my waist, pulling me back to lie on his chest.

I whimpered at his words, growing deeply pained by them. "Stop. Th-This is going too far. You have no ri-" But my words were cut off by a loud guffaw, one that scared my being completely.

Soon the hand that was running through my hair moved to form a tight fist, unfortunately, taking some of my strands with it.

I gasped as I was pulled back roughly by my hair, lips moving back down to my right ear again.

Naruto growled, pulling my hair back harshly making me wince. "Oh I have every right. And since you've interrupted me.. I'll cut to the chase. But know this.. It brings me nothing but joy to see you squirm and weep at the sound of my words. You're only reacting to them because you know, they're true. Deep down, you know that you're broken. That your ultimate fear is only one thing. Abandonment. You hate to be alone. Unloved. You will go to great lengths to do any and everything to please the ones that enter your life for you would die without having anyone in it. And now..."

Naruto waved his hand towards the scene before me, one that showed my Father busy tending to business letters on a large desk within his room as I stood beside him, tears held in my eyes.

I watched as I let out a small sniff, my hands steady moving constantly, back and forth before him to get his attention. But he never looked up, only kept his gaze held on the stack of papers in front of him, his patients slowly growing thin. But I only continued.

"Father? Father are you listening? I-I really need-"

"Not right now, Hinata. I'm in the middle of something."

Scene after scene after scene was revealed to me by Naruto's power, each one showing me the same message.

Father never paid much attention to me...

He never did anything but work to take care of us, to keep me and my little sister afloat. He never actually took time to create a bond with me. I was swept aside to venture through life all by myself.

And my sister, was no better.

Naruto wasn't hesitant at all in revealing a few memories of times I was thrown aside by her hand as well, more and more tears welling up within my red, puffy eyes at the mere sight of it all.

Now before me, stood my younger teenage self standing patiently waiting outside of my sister's room in purple pajamas, my hand shooting up occasionally to knock on it.

When it comes to our privacy, even at a young age, we placed up rules. And the rules were to knock before entering each other's rooms.

Well knocking to then wait to get permission is really the way it used to be..

So that's what I did. I knocked politely and then waited, soon calling out, for my sister.

"Hanabi, let me in. I have to tell you something. It's about cheer!"

I was so excited as I stood behind her door, one that she wasn't budging to open.

Distantly, you could hear low chatter from a small child on the other side of the door, one that held an equal amount of excitement in it as well.

The child, Hanabi, seemed to be too busy playing video games to even notice me. But that didn't stop my constant knocking, my eyes growing more and more defeated..

"Hanabi! Can I come in, please!"

My pleads were constant but I wasn't heard once which resulted in me walking away, the relationship between me and my sister decreasing.

But it was always like that.

The memories that I was seeing at the moment only reminded me of how distant I am from the only family members that I had.

My Father is always busy...


My sister is too busy with her own life....

Leaving me all alone...

My heart was shattering as I was forced to watch memory after memory of the same repeated thing, different memories which involved both of my family members tossing me aside, ignoring my needs, just...

Putting me last...

But Naruto's point stands and I was taking notice of it.

Very, notice of it..

I couldn't help the cries that spilled from my lips, my eyes closing shut so I would be spared from the painful scenes that were playing out in front of me. But closing my eyes only hid me from the memories but not from..


All the while his lips remained pressed against my right ear where he laughed, snickered and teased me, just being the thing he was...

A demon...

It was truly unbearable. And it grew even more so when he began to speak again.

"Hinata, there's no need to hide. It's okay... It's totally okay to be afraid. But now, you know. Now, you know that you are nothing but an unloved attention seeking brat. One that will do almost anything for the people you keep locked inside of your naive little heart. Including, your friends."

My teary eyes opened slowly at the mention of my best friends, my lavender orbs landing on the new scene that was before me, one that played like a 3D picture on the darkened water.

A few feet from me stood myself, along with Temari, Ino and Sakura all positioned in a close circle with smiles on our faces.

Standing there together, our hands held by one another, showed how happy we were.

And I, with the biggest grin ever, revealed that I, was finally happy as well.

My lips trembled at the sight of the picture before me, the tall demon slowly stepping away to only stand beside me.

He clicked his tongue upon seeing the picture before us, his red glowing eyes turning back to me. "Ahh, friends... They're nice things to have right? They're there to pick you up when you fall, to be that shoulder you cry on, hmm?" He hummed in glee.

"But in your case... Before them..
It was hard to get even that, wasn't it, darling? Remember when you were so timid? The shy girl that couldn't start up a single conversation with someone without stuttering or wimping out. You were so scared to meet new people, to branch out. But then... You started your precious cheerleading.. And everything began to fall in your favor, right?" He cheered darkly.


His eyes squinted crazily upon my bound being. His lips were pulled wide so they could form the creepiest grin ever, his blonde hair falling over his forehead and eyes.

The still picture of my friends and I was displayed the whole while but it was a little hard to see now that Naruto was standing in the way, completely blocking my view.

My eyes stared up at him in nothing but disbelief, his words moving to attack me all over.

I felt like a leaf in a wind, constantly being pulled here, dragged there without any control. I felt totally helpless.

I shook my head slowly at Naruto, desperately wanting this nightmare to end. "Please stop this, Naruto. I-I get it. I knew this, all along. I knew, that th-the absence of my Mother would hurt me in the end. I know, that I'm weak. I know that I'm broken. I-I-I can't help it. That's just-" My words stopped abruptly once a thought suddenly popped inside of my head, my eyes once again moving to look at the still figures of my friends and I once more.

I blinked, turning back to Naruto who stood with the same creepy grin, just listening as I finally spoke.

I narrowed my eyes, soon wiggling in the chains that held up arms. "H-How, d-do you know all of this stuff about me? I never told you any of this! Especially, about my Mother!" I screamed, now growing a little angry.

Nothing, was making sense and I was growing sick and tired of being controlled by the beast in front of me.

His words were poison but they weren't lies which confused me.

Where is he getting this information from?

How does he know all of this?

Personally, I have never told Naruto this kind of stuff. Never about my Mother or my lonely past. Honestly we have never gotten to a moment where I wanted to speak about it but.. I put up a scowl at the now sneering monster in front of me, my body also growing heated just as his.

How the hell does he know so much?

I also glared. "How did you-" But my words were cut short when a precise but harsh kick was made to my left leg, hindering the limb from standing upright.

So with that, I tumbled and fell onto the watery floor below helplessly, loud splashes following along with it.

Now with my head directed down towards the cool liquid below, I let out several pained filled whimpers, my leg crying out for help.

God that hurts so bad..

The side of his boot covered foot met with my leg in a very harsh way, one that made contact to both, my muscle and bone, weakening the two.

The pain was never-ending, throbbing, pulsating which brought me close to tears. I whimpered constantly, trying to collect myself from such a painful feeling.

"O-Ow..." I whispered but soon a fist full of my hair was grabbed and I was yanked harshly back so my eyes could rest on devilish red ones, once again.

I cried out as Naruto stood menacingly over me, his eyes glaring daggers down at my whimpering being..

I watched fearfully as he tilted his head abnormally, soon bringing his free hand down so his fingers could trace my body, starting at my cheek.

Immediately, I whimpered at the feel of his hot flesh as it came into contact with my smooth cheek bone, his claws running ever so slightly against my pale skin.

Red orbs stared, bewitched as he touched me, his long, slender fingers falling down my neck to end at my chest. But he didn't stop there.

He crept down, way down until he met the end of my tank top, my hooded eyes held on him the entire time.

Hope began to arise within my hooded, tired orbs as I stared up at the calm demon before me, one that was enticed by the feel of my body against his large hand, a nervous swallow slipping down my throat.

But as soon as I did such a timorous act, it seemed to unfortunately snap the beast out of his trance, his body sensing the slight fear my own body produced.

Instantly my eyes widened and my breathing quickened when I then caught the blonde demon's eyebrows scrunch up, his facial expression changing drastically

Soon a dark smirk pulled at his lips and suddenly he shoved his entire hand underneath my top to only creep under my bra to grab a hold of my right breast, gripping the sensitive thing tightly. I cried out but it was only shushed, ignored.

Naruto chuckled lowly, his hand immediately beginning to fondle me, rubbing my breast roughly.

"You listen well, little one. You, are treading down a very painful and dangerous road. Your questions are meaningless to ask because I won't be answering any of them. I, am in control here so therefore, you will listen to what I, have to say. And then afterwards..." He paused to soon lean towards my right ear again, his long tongue shooting out to lick my ear lobe harshly, his fondling never ending which made my body feel very, weird things.

I shuddered in discomfort but it soon ended so Naruto could say one last, thing..

"I'll fuck you, nice and well just like you want, my little whore and after I fill your body with my cum, I'll then, take your precious life away."

And after those words, he vanished to stand in the spot he was previously standing in, freeing me from his abuse.

My shorts and legs were growing soaking wet from the water I was now sitting in but I didn't give a damn. Only Naruto's previous words filled my head leaving me completely petrified.

He's going to... kill me..

Naruto will?

Demon Naruto?

Never in my entire life did I think I would ever hear the demon before me say such a thing. It was truly jaw dropping, just totally horrifying which frightened my entire core, leaving me in a trembling mess.

Tears of fright quickly worked themselves down my cheeks and into the rushing water below me, the blonde demon before me enjoying every last bit of fear I felt.

He laughed loudly, throwing his head back in amusement. "Yes darling... Scream. Cry. Weep! That's all you can do here. You, are mine so therefore you will receive a special kind of torment. So sit back and enjoy the fucking ride... I have so much, in store for you... little one..."

Kurama's P.O.V

Patiently and worriedly, I stared down at Naruto within a lone chair as he laid unconscious, his body lying peacefully on his own bed now.

Black, satin sheets covered his entire body which was completely naked, allowing me to see the problem. And this problem, was no laughing matter.

I gritted my teeth, lowering my head into my opened hands in disbelief.. "Shit. Shit." I whispered, my mind left on what I saw slithering inside Naruto's body.

This is fucking unbelievable...

I was absolutely horrified when I awoke, just minutes ago by screams of excruciating pain from Naruto. His pain filled screams, stretched far and wide within this large building which notified me that something was awfully wrong..

Terribly wrong...

And when I arrived into the collection room, or in other words...

The library..

I was met with a very, terrifying sight.

Naruto, just moments near unconsciousness, laid spasming on the carpet floor, everything around him ruined.

The candles that were once placed neatly on the table were now rolling all over the place, taking their new spots all over the floor.

The room was dark, terribly dark but because of my red glowing eyes, I could see the room perfectly.

Seeing I have Night vision and all.

So Naruto's badly injured body was something I could also see and I made a run for it.

I didn't know what was happening or what was the matter but, when I made it to his now unconscious body and peered down at his naked torso. I then saw, what was the problem.

Especially in his arms..

There, I saw nothing but a green substance, slowly crawling its way higher and higher, making its way through his insides.

That, was when I knew we were in trouble.


Hinata's, in trouble..

Now I sat, with a blank white T-shirt on with grey joggers, before Naruto, only disbelief and worry haunting my emotions.

Nothing, absolutely nothing at all was coming to my mind on how to fix this. All I could do was curse.

I whimpered helplessly, shaking my head in my hands. "Shit this is bad. This is so fucking bad." I whispered over Naruto's quiet body, his chest rising and falling slowly.

His body looked so comfortable as he laid within his bed, his eyes closed shut from the world. And all I could do, was sit and wait until he awoke...

I frowned, removing my hands from where they covered my eyes to only grab my head with them, clenching it tightly...

That's all I can do anyway...

There was nothing I could do. There were no rituals or spells that I could perform to stop Naruto's predicament. What was happening to him now was because of what is happening to Hinata. And because she isn't here...

This matter, is out of my hands...

I swallowed deeply upon that, absolutely hating our odds now.

It sickens me...

But, my goal wasn't to worry about the green substance in Naruto's body..

Well, not at the moment...

Instead, my goal was to wait for him to wake up..

And that, is what I'll do..

So there, I sat, waiting.

Patiently, I remained in the same chair I first placed down and watched Naruto lie silently within his sheets, time slowly passing by.

Seconds and minutes passed but I only sat, my eyes held intently on the blonde demon before me.

But soon, after a couple more minutes of waiting, a deep groan caught my attention from him. It was so sudden, it actually startled me.

I immediately perked up within my seat, my eyes widening as I stared down at the now squirming male upon the large bed, his legs kicking lightly underneath the blankets.

It took a moment of constant groaning and squirming from him but soon he stilled to only, open his eyes slowly.

Immediately, he was granted with a low lit but highly familiar room with candles placed about, his blue orbs fluttering open gently.

Another groan passed his lips and I watched as the demon slowly turned his head to his right and left, inspecting his new environment.

But once he turned to his left, his eyes locked on mine and they instantly widened, relief spotted there. I watched as a small smile then came upon his lips, his eyes extremely hooded.

"Kurama? Is that you?" I heard him whisper within the quiet room, my head immediately nodding upon hearing his question.

I leaned forward, allowing the blonde demon to get a closer look at me. I then smiled, as well.

"Yes, Naruto. It's me." I announced but soon cleared my throat, my eyes lingering onto his covered arms. I grimaced which caused Naruto to tilt his head.

"Are you, okay?" I asked worriedly.

Looking at him now, he seemed to still be in slight pain for his body was trembling, his eyes terribly hooded as he stared at me. But he made no movements to show he was in pain which was a little odd.

It was my turn to tilt my head.

But at my question, Naruto sighed, shaking his blonde head weakly.. "No, Kurama. I'm not okay. Hinata's been poisoned which means I am too. I'm... dying, Kurama. She's, dying... I-I..."

A croak of pure emotion stopped his words and he then turned his head away from me, hiding his face. But that little tactic didn't hide everything for my keen ears started to hear low but deep cries, his chest caving in.

He bellowed, moving his head back harshly against his pillow. "Fuck! I'm so, so sorry, Hinata. You're probably going through hell and it's all my fault. I couldn't protect you. I couldn't do anything. I only hurt you. I only ruined your life. I wasn't good for you... I shouldn't have..."

His words of pain stopped so only silence can take over, my eyes saddening upon hearing such words from him.

He was tearing up inside as he laid trembling slightly against his own bed sheets, the poison inside of his body ever so slightly growing more and more. The poison, was killing him slowly.

Naruto once again was crying as he laid turnt away from me, just pouring out all the pain he felt. And I, allowed him.

I gave him this time to let go of his pained feelings, to allow him to empty his heart of them so we can then, come up with a new plan to fix this. Or at least something.

There's gotta be a way...

There has to be...

But at the moment I couldn't come up with a single one so... I remained silent. And once again I waited but this time until Naruto was done crying, something that was hard to listen to.

But I remained by his side, even moving to pat gently at his shoulder sometimes.

I sighed. "I know, Naruto. We'll figure out something. And when we do, we'll destroy those bastards. Together..." I spat with a fierce nod, my words low but filled with determination. I meant every single word.

Those bastards are asking for a war...

And we'll give it to them..

And immediately as I said my determined speech, Naruto's cries began to die down, loud sniffs heard along afterwards.

I smiled upon the new change and just watched as the blonde male finally faced me again, revealing his puffy but crimson glowing eyes, his body still holding a terrible tremor.

But he ignored it to only smile at me, one of his hands slipping out of the blankets to grab my hand. But I couldn't help but to inspect his revealed skin and it didn't take me long to pick up the green poison that still remained within his body, resembling veins against his tan skin.

Naruto, shook my hand weakly, eyeing me as I stared at his arm. He frowned. "Kurama... This poison... won't stop me from figuring out how to get to Hinata. Even if I'm down to my last breath, I will do everything I can to protect her. To save her. No matter what." He whispered out with narrowed eyes, revealing that he also meant every word he said. His eyes possessed the same determination that was held in mines, his hand gripping my own tighter and tighter.

The anger, we felt was highly similar.. We both felt the same way on the matter and we would do almost anything to solve it. For us and..

For... Hinata...

I smirked a smirk of approval down at Naruto and moved my other hand to wrap it too, around his raised one, shaking it once more but with more support, and to show him that I would be by his side all, the while. And he smiled large and wide as a response.

"Thank you, Kurama. Thank you for everything. I-I.. know I was a j-jerk from before... But.."

I shook my head by his words which came to an immediate stop at my gesture, one that told him that I didn't care much for the way he acted. It didn't bother me one bit. He had a good reason to act such a way so I let it slide. All that matters now is that Naruto is sane, emotional and positive. My smile brightened.

I like him better this way..

Naruto smiled upon the happiness that spilled from my being and also, shook my hand as well.

"Thank you, Kurama..."

He whispered once again but soon he let go of my hand so his, could fall back down onto the bed beside him, my eyes saddening upon seeing how weak he was. And it also made a question pop inside of my head, one that I couldn't keep hidden.

I sighed once more, lowering my head. "What are we going to do, Naruto?"

My words came off along with another deep sigh, my eyes watching as a frown came on Naruto's tan face.

His eyes were staring blankly up at the ceiling in complete thought, his body still trembling.

For a time, he said nothing, only stared above him. I presume he was still thinking or, he could be trying to coat with all the pain he was feeling from the poison that was rushing into his complex system.

But soon, just as I did, he sighed, totally blank on what to do. He turned weakly over to me, giving me a shrug to my previous question.

"I... don't know, Kurama. I really, don't.. Time can only tell. And when it does, I'll be ready to listen.."

Yahiko's P.O.V

With quick but silent steps, I zoomed down the hallway located within my hideout with absolutely no problem, my eyes narrowed and serious the whole while. Only Hidan was on my troubled mind at the moment as I made my way forward with my four loyal guards following closely behind me.

I gritted my teeth, my brown orbs taking in the split section of the hall up ahead. There, a few feet before me laid two hallways but for me...

Two options...

There was a hall leading straight as well as right, both venturing down to different parts of the hideout.

I clicked my tongue, quickly searching through my mind on which hall was best to take.

If I keep straight now, that, would lead me closer to the entrance of the building.

But if I turn down the hall on my right... I will stay rooted in the deeper part of the hideout.

The location of Hinata's room was very far, from the entrance, from anyone really..

I don't want anyone to ruin what I have planned...

I don't want anyone snooping, seeing my team are the only hunters that really know about her and Naruto's case. The others may have heard about them but my plans are classified when it comes to all the rest. So they, don't know everything. I scoffed.

And I'll like to keep it that way..

A sigh soon left my lips, my pace slowing down because of the many busy thoughts running around in my head.

And on cue, the hunter's behind me slowed down as well, the four of them remaining, my super reliable backup. I let out a hum once I came upon the two hallways, quickly picking one to take.

Hidan's angry so...

Immediately at that thought, a lightbulb turned on within my head and soon I went and took the right one, choosing to make my way deeper into the hideout.

The walk there was done quietly, no words exchanged from anyone. My mission after all was a serious one.

I have to straighten Hidan out...

He's become a serious problem.

He, is going to be the one to ruin all of us if I don't do something.

His ways were slowly starting to grow tainted. His mindset as well as his goals are starting to stray. No longer is his heart with the humans.


Dealing with all of these demonic beings on a daily basis as well as having to listen and take in how they function has really started to turn Hidan into a being of..



He's growing more and more sinful as the days passed by and I can't have such evil on the team.

That, is instead something we fight, not tolerate...

I can't have that lingering.

It could spread...

It could destroy, us.

The darkness has already gotten me once, corrupting me, clouding my judgement but, with the help of Konan..

My deceased love..

I have come back to the light and now I know that Hidan's ways are wrong and needs, to be dealt with immediately.

And I know exactly where he is...

The place he is located, is where all of us go when we feel down or stressed. When one is feeling that they, are in a dark and lonely place and need a moment alone to collect themselves.

To find, themselves....

It's a room located right before all the hunter's personal rooms began, off, to a hall by itself..

This room, is often called the healing room...

It's a special place that allows you to heal, think, to just refresh your mind.. It's a place where you are...


It's a place where you can do nothing but relieve yourself with absolutely no worries.

And now, I stepped in front of two white double doors, ones that held golden white winged angel children plastered beautifully on the door, covering it from top to bottom.

I looked down, eyeing the two door knobs which were also a bright, but shining gold color, both hands of mine soon reaching out for the two.

Immediately once they touched the knobs to the door, my highly trained body sensed a small trace of warmth which hugged both objects for dear life. I grinned.

That right there is all the proof I needed.

Hidan's here.

All my other hunters are expected to be working.

It's later in the day after all...

So with that, I pushed the double doors opened to be granted with a dark room that held many objects inside that will cause anyone to fall into a state of tranquility and contentment.

As soon as I was granted by it, I picked up everything that was held inside the massive room, just growing familiar with everything once again.

In the front, closer to the entrance laid a living room set that held black, leather chairs, both large and small, spread out, facing each other. A large black fluffy rug was tucked underneath the comfy seats along with a delightful glass end table which was held in the middle, an object used to place things on.

Located behind it, sitting against a wooden wall held counters with different appliances held on top. Just the standard ones of course.

A Coffee Brewer.


Waffle Maker.

Small Freezer.

Popcorn Maker.

Just, all the delights.

But if you took your eyes further into the room, you would see that a small pool was held in the very back of it. One that was filled with bright blue water, small circular floor lights placed all around it. And last but not least, located on the top but left hand side of the room, was a flat screen Tv, hung up so any and everyone could watch it, a small bookshelf filled with books located just underneath it.

Everything here almost resembles heaven itself.. But again...

This place is only to cheer one's spirits up.

It isn't one that is used frequently or on a regular basis.

Only in tragic times.

And now, sitting in a lone chair in the lounge area of the room sat the person I wanted to see, nothing but darkness surrounding the silver haired male.

His eyes were downcasted on his two feet as he sat slouched over, just completely zoned out from the world around him. He was so out of it, he didn't even notice me finally enter the room.

But I didn't step inside without giving the hunter's that stood behind me an order, one of my hands ushering them towards the door.

"You four can wait outside. I, have to speak with Hidan alone."

My voice was low and serious but loud enough to reach the fellow inside the healing room, fortunately, snapping him out of the spell he was in.

With narrowed purple eyes, they turned and burned holes into the side of my head, clearly still pissed from our conversation just moments ago.

Hidan watched intently as I ordered all four of my guards to stand outside, one of them moving to close the door that rested behind me, shutting out all light.

Now, the both of us were surrounded by complete darkness, our highly trained eyes glaring the other one down.

For a moment, staring was all we did, the tension in the air steady increasing and increasing.

Brown clashed harshly with abnormal purple and we both scowled. But I, was the first to start the conversation, my body remaining in the spot by the door.

I tilted my head upward a bit, my eyes held on the male before me the entire time.


"Boss?" Was shot back at me from the older haired male, my face scrunching up by the sound of his response. He only said one word but the emotion behind it was truly...


Just then, as he said boss, nothing but sass could be detected behind it. I just couldn't help but grow a little offended by it. I clenched my fists.

Hidan you're really pushing it..

But I said nothing else but instead looked around in the dark room, just taking in how concealed everything was.

In this room, now that it was filled with darkness, everything was hard to make out. All the peaceful objects, all the means to heal one's self is all...

Invisible now...

A sole indicator on what darkness does to something... or to..


When darkness latches on to a person of light, they will slowly begin to grow, lost. The person will begin to stray away from the being they used to be. The being that used to be filled with light, positivity. They will start to drift away from their goals, their wishes..

Their path...

And soon, mistakes are made. Ones that cannot be reversed or taken back.

Some humans experience this..

But when darkness comes to us hunters... It is our mission to quickly find ourselves again and our..


And Hidan, has to do the same.

With or without me..

Either way it will happen...

It has to.

So with a deep breath blown out, I steadied myself on my upcoming mission.

Relaxing all thoughts.

But I also, did something else.

With a head turn to my left, I quickly moved my body to only turn the lightswitch on which was posted on the wall to lighten the place.

And oh boy did it bring light to the room.

An intense burst of light filled up the once darkened room which finally allowed all objects inside it to be seen. But because Hidan was oblivious to my actions, he grew highly affected by them.

He immediately went to squint his eyes, groaning in nothing but annoyance. "Boss.. A heads up next time would be nice. Damn it..." He hissed out in slight pain, his eyes stinging a bit at the light difference.

But I only rolled my eyes at the sight of the weakness that Hidan was revealing at the moment, my body slowly moving to cover the distance between the both of us..

I guess, it's finally time..

The room was quiet as I steadily made my way over to the only male in the room, my ears over time picking up the low splashing of the water from the pool located ahead of me. But my attention was not on the pool.

Oh no..

My focus was on Hidan, nothing but seriousness shown within my eyes.

As I ventured forward, a low clicking sound could be heard from my shoes, every time they connected with the clean grey oaked floor underneath me. And by the pace I was going, it didn't take long for me to take my spot on a long loveseat facing Hidan, my eyes held directly on him all the while.

With several blinks, to adjust his eyes better, the male before me was also focused on me and now..

We were ready to begin our chat.

I breathed deeply once again, one last time before officially starting our conversation.

One I hoped would uplift the hunter before me out of the darkness and instead, into the light..

Hinata's P.O.V.

"Time and time again you repeat the same thing. You give your all for others and sadly, the same people you waste your precious time on simply throws it all to the gutter. Heh.. I pity you girl. I really do."

Now standing up again with shaky legs, I stared fearfully up at another memory that played like a movie on the water before me, my eyes widening once I saw the new person Naruto was hinting at.


There, a few feet ahead sat a bed in a room, one that was clearly mine. And inside it, stood Kiba and I.

I gulped, my teary lavender eyes shooting to take in everything the highly detailed memory was showing me, smiles held on both of our faces.

"And you're sure your Father and sister aren't going to come back anytime soon?"

"Y-Y-Yes I'm sure. I-I-It's the p-perfect time.."

Kiba, comfortable as ever, sat on the edge of my Queen sized bed, nothing but lust and satisfaction shown in his brown orbs by my response to his question.

I, on the other hand, was positioned by the door, fiddling with it shyly, soon locking it for safety.

My heart, was racing so much that day. My emotions as well as my hormones were everywhere. But all of that didn't change how much I wanted to make Kiba happy.

Being in a relationship was so new to me. I wanted, to be a good girlfriend. One that supports her boyfriend, that makes him happy, that stays loyal to him. I lowered my head, working my eyes away from the scene.

It was all for nothing though...

Sadly, Kiba didn't feel the same way about me. Even when we first got together, he always grew a little too touchy and always sought to show me off to others. He was proud that I was his girlfriend but not the way that I thought..

It wasn't out of love or appreciation...

It was only to flaunt off. And as soon as I started to reject him, he began to treat me like dirt. He began to lower my self-esteem. He made me, miserable.

He made me unhappy.

Especially, during intercourse.

Purposely he kept me from feeling anything during that supposedly, special time. He kept me from finishing, keeping me from getting to that special moment that makes the whole experience worth it. It was definitely a great contrast to the first time we made love.

This memory is the only memory I really savor when it comes to Kiba.

I looked up and once again watched the scene unfold, now things growing a little heated.

Naruto stood beside me and watched with a smirk, his red glowing eyes held on the scene where I made love for the first time. When my virginity was taken.

Taken at the age of sixteen..

Naruto turned his blonde head and just took in the guilty blush that stained my cheeks, several sniffs made from me.

He chuckled, moving to caress the right side of my cheek which I found myself leaning slightly into..

He pouted, at that. "Aww, you poor thing... It always ends in tragedy with you, doesn't it? But here, tell me... How did you feel, hmm? How do you feel knowing that you did this, scandalous act to a lying moron? One that only wanted to fuck that beautiful body of yours. The body that has my, name on it. He only wanted to steal pleasure from you, darling. He wanted it all to himself. Hah, what a selfish brat he is, eh?"

Suddenly Naruto's words stopped, my ears growing red because of them. The blush that stained my cheeks was quickly wiped away by his heartbreaking words, my head lowering away from him.

But before I knew it, a clawed hand moved to grab my chin and Naruto pulled it towards himself, forcing me to stare deeply within his frightening red orbs.

I cried out upon seeing his demonic self so close, my body quickly beginning to tremble violently.

Naruto grinned as he took in how much control he had over me, my eyes watching as his tongue began to slide across his lips. He hummed, leaning closer while keeping his hand propped under my chin.

"When the moment transpired, you should have let me kill him. You know deep down you wanted me to. I could've gotten rid of him for you so you wouldn't have to be constantly reminded of the terrible choice you made."

Naruto turned slightly, throwing his finger up harshly to point at the memory before us, one that revealed very intimate things going on between Kiba and me.

He growled, clearly bothered by such a scene. "This day, is a mistake, little girl. A fucking blunder. Now, you will forever be burdened by the fact that your first time was stolen by a narcissistic asshole. But hey... You're young. Slutty teenagers like you make mistakes, like these." He chuckled out, soon throwing my chin away making me feel even more terrible about myself.

I cried silently, my eyes closing shut completely, my heart shattering like never before.

I shook my head in denial, my arms remaining forced above my head by tight, rattling chains. "I-I'm not, a slut." I sobbed out but all that followed my denial was laughter, my desperate words falling on death ears. And soon Naruto waved his hand again to quickly change the memory, disgust written all over his face.

"Not a slut, eh? Well... Why, were you so quick to jump on my lap, hmm? You knew nothing about me and yet..."

He waved his large, clawed hand once more, using his dark magic to make the scene from the house party appear. The night where not only did Naruto and I grow majorly touchy for the first time but also the night that changed, my entire life.

My glossy, puffy eyes widened massively upon seeing the memory again, one that displayed the two of us.

My body sat entirely upon Naruto's lap with the sleeves of my white masquerade dress pulled down, both of my legs propped on either side of his waist.

My body looked so small compared to his but that highly important detail seemed to swoop right over my head at the time.

And Naruto, seemed to be enjoying himself as well. His eyes were closed. And when they were not, they held a dreamy look within them, his lips steady kissing and pecking everything of mine.

My neck..

My chest..

My cheeks...

"Mmm, ooh." I moaned.

"You like that?" He whispered out against my ear, rubbing his nose teasingly onto my cheek.

I watched as I shuddered upon that.

The same words which were said back then were being said now as the memory went on in front of me, revealing how slutty I looked. The whole thing was just so embarrassing to watch.

I don't know how much more I can take from this kind of tortue.

I just want it all to end!

In the scene from the past, I could see where I had both of my hands pressed onto Naruto's broad shoulders, holding them for dear life, a small pleasant smile held on my lips by his affection. By his..


For a moment, I looked like I was in..


From a man, I knew nothing about..

I couldn't help the croak of emotion that spilled out of my lips, nothing but guilt felt within my body.

I lowered my head and cried, shaking my head over and over again. "I can't, take this anymore. Please, I'm begging you, Naruto! Stop this!" I screamed out in pure agony as the memory continued to play, now revealing how I was slowly beginning to chicken out on the entire situation, nothing but us rooted on a red couch the only thing held on the blackened water within this void.

Naruto said nothing by my pleads but instead focused more on the memory before us, his long tongue shooting out of his mouth to lick at his pink lips once more, clearly liking what he was seeing.

"Y-Yes. But, I-I really should go back to the party with my friends."

"No. I insist you stay. I wanna show you something. Please Hinata."

My body was slowly starting to slide itself away from Naruto's lap, the scene turned towards the both of us so we could see our past selves perfectly.

In an entire different perspective..

Nervousness as well as uneasiness began to show on my beautiful glowing face, my lavender eyes staring down at Naruto with a plea in my eyes. But he only held me there, pressing his large hands into my thighs to keep me rooted onto his rock hard body.

But even still, that didn't stop me from resisting. I was deeply, uncomfortable by this point. And I felt the same way looking in, on the outside, of this highly embarrassing memory.

I just couldn't watch. So, I quickly turned my head away from the ongoing scene.

But Naruto, on the other hand, only chuckled, for he found the memory absolutely amusing, his attention soon moving onto me again.

He took a small step towards my chained body, moving to grab my chin again, but in a way that was a little rougher than before making me yelp out.

But he shushed me, only nodding his head towards the scene before us. "This, is my favorite part, Hinata. You remember what happens next, right?" He purred out teasingly. And before I could even answer, the hand that rested tightly on my chin turned my entire head so I was then forced to watch the scene before me.

Instantly a whimper shot out of my lips as I stared face to face at the past Naruto who finally revealed his monstrous side to me.

I watched myself as I now sat frozen upon Naruto's lap, all of his features changed to look highly feral.

His eyes were a bright crimson color which held nothing but hunger and delight within them.

His teeth were now razor sharp, longer than fangs. His nails also, were highly different, long like claws.

He was the definition of terror.

And I sat, like a fool, petrified on the demon's lap, nothing at all coming to mind on how the "new kid" could've transformed like the way he did. I whimpered once again, old feelings quickly rushing back..

I was so confused...

So terrified then..

Many questions were rushing throughout my brain as I sat within the demon's clutches, my heart steady beating faster and faster.


My body grew rigid when I began to hear a small and faint budump in the darkened room, the beat of sound resembling a heart.

Over time as the memory went about, the sound only grew louder and louder, quickening my breathing to extreme heights.

Oh god.. What is that?

Sweat began to rush down my face, my lavender orbs still forced to watch the memory before me.

Instantly I could pick up the fear that instantly flashed within my past's self eyes, my body trembling greatly upon seeing Naruto's monstrous side.

The past Naruto let off a smirk, one of his clawed hands lifting up to move away my midnight blue hair, tucking it gently behind my ear.

But, I didn't feel a thing.

I didn't care much about the polite gesture for I was only stuck, question after question hitting me with full force. And my face, said it all which led Naruto to say, his next, words...

"Hinata.. You may have so, many questions.. But, I'll start with one. What do I want? Simple..."

A sense of nostalgia began to come over me as I listened and stared at the familiar scene before me, my eyes widening upon seeing it from a different angle.

I.. remember this...

I had no idea what Naruto, was talking about, at the time. I had no idea what Naruto even wanted. But his next actions, were quite clear, that...

He, is dangerous.

He, isn't human...

I, made a terrible mistake..

Once again, I was bombarded with emotions, ones I couldn't control. But nothing, absolutely nothing could have conquered the feeling of fear as I continued to watch the scene before me, one that revealed things that contrasted long ago.

"It's simple.."

"I want, you!"

All was quiet on our end but the memory was still going, carrying on towards the actions after Naruto's deep and demonic words.

And right before my eyes, Naruto suddenly scooped both of his strong arms and wrapped them tightly around my back, trapping me.

My past self jumped in major surprise, my back letting off several cracks from his extremely tight hold.

"H-Hey! That hurts!"

Cries immediately began to erupt from my mouth from the tight hold he had on me but all was silent when the demonic creature launched out with an open mouth which revealed all the teeth he had. And soon those carnavous things snapped down onto the side of my pale neck to soon chomp away, completely ignoring all my pleads.

Immediately, I screamed out upon the horrifying sight, my eyes steady forced to watch the Naruto from the past tear through my neck viciously, my own blood oozing out of the large wound.

My past self's body wiggled and trembled from where she was stuck on top of him, her fists throwing numerous punches at his shoulders and chest but there was no escape.

I was trapped, within his arms, forced to succumb to such a painful fate.

"Stop! Pl-Please!"

"Ahh! Please don't kill me!"

My screams were so horrifying it caused tears to rush down my own cheeks, the chains that bound me beginning to rattle and shake from my trembling.

I shook my head, denying it all. "Th-This, isn't real. You're tricking me! This didn't happen!" I screamed out in a panic, more and more tears shooting down my cheeks, the wetness of the liquid blocking my vision. But I could clearly still hear my own screams as I was being eaten alive, my body wiggling desperately upon Naruto's body...

Until, it wasn't..

Soon, my body fell limply upon the large demon's body as he steadily used his sharp teeth to tear into the side of my neck, my own blood coating his lips.

Bliss could be seen in his crimson eyes as he held me tightly to his massive body, his teeth never once stopping its movement.

Not even for a moment.

I stood, frozen and cold within my chains, nothing but fear radiating off of my body in which the demon beside me gladly reiled every bit of it in.

But he, remained silent and only watched the scene play out, something else popping up.

There, on my pale skin, black demonic markings were slowly starting to appear.

I watched in horror as the weird symbols and shapes traveled up my unmoving hands, shoulders, neck and soon face, covering everything in sight.

Claiming everything of mine..

My body laid motionless on Naruto's body, my arms rocking back and forth by my legs, my lavender eyes dull and lifeless.

Blood covered everything in sight, the horrying red liquid splattered everywhere, on..

My neck..

My clothes..

My hair...

Naruto's teeth and mouth...


His couch...

I couldn't believe my eyes and yet..

There I was, dead, within Naruto's arms which soon loosened his grip to only drop my lifeless body onto the floor like worthless meat, allowing it to make a loud thud against the floor.

But that's not all he did.

Once he stood up from the couch to show off his full height, revealing his bloody tux and mouth in the process, he bent down and grabbed a hold of my past self's leg, gripping it tight.

And with that, he walked away, entering a point of darkness while dragging my corpse, along behind him.

The memory ended, with that, leaving me in a confused, speechless, trembling mess, my lips quivering nonstop.

Wh-Why, did Naruto show me that?

Is he showing me how things would've gone down if he didn't actually need, me?

He's told me, countless times before that he needs me alive to live. But, thinking back to what I just saw... My eyes widened.

I died and...

Naruto, remained alive..

At that realization, a sharp gasp slipped from my lips and I grew even more torn up, my eyes widening largely and my mouth flopping wide open.

Tears were still rushing down my red, blotchy face, nothing but blankness shown ahead of me, only dark rippling water held in the room.

Quietness took its place around me as I just processed everything that was just shown to me, my mind blocking out my surroundings. I cried, loudly, just pained at seeing something so horrifying.

I watched myself die...

I died, by the hands of my demon lover...

Only once have I experienced the raw fear of being mauled by the hands of demon Naruto. But thankfully, it was only a hallucination, a mind trick and not real life.


That memory from before has shown me that things, would have gone differently if the circumstances were different... More tears fell upon that realization...

Oh Naruto... You wouldn't have fallen in love with me...

Would you?

I knew Naruto was evil but I didn't think he would do anything harmful such as the scene I just saw, to me. Linked or not.

I thought I was his angel....

But no... A hiccup broke through my cries which soon turned into wails of pain and sorrow, my body desperately wanting to collapse. But the chains held me back from doing so, leaving my broken body to bend terribly within my spot. And Naruto all the while just stared at me cry and weep, grinning like my performance was just so amusing to him.

He chuckled, finally moving to only walk behind my shaky body, his height towering over me.

With hands behind his back, he leaned forward, growing close so his chest was pressed against my own back, his lips touching my ear.

"You're finally, starting to get it. Your eyes are opening, Hinata. What you just saw, is what, could have been. You, could've been just, another one of my victims. My lunch." He leaned closer, growing so I could feel his hot breath on my neck, instantly sending massive tremors down my spine. I whimpered while the demon only grinned, soaking up the fear that I felt.

"I, could've ended you that day. The moment was there when I finally, got you alone, Hinata. Heh, no one would've even heard your screams. No one, would've been there to save you. You, would've been killed and never heard from again." A snicker cut through his dark words which soon resumed.

"Oh how, unfortunate." He slurred by my ear, even adding a laugh at the end. His words once again brought my body to a halt, my breathing just increasing and increasing, growing faster in speed. Every part of me felt jittery and uncomfortable.

I want this to stop!

I shook my head once again but more wildly this time, just growing utterly desperate.

"Stop it! I can't take this anymore! Please, just stop!" I screamed out on the top of my lungs, wanting nothing more than to drown Naruto out but..

That, just seems so impossible..

There was nothing I could do to quiet the demon beside me.

He only kept talking and talking, ignoring every plea I screamed out, every tear I shed and every sob that escaped my lips. He didn't care.

He doesn't care about anything only, that I suffer...

And the grin that he wore only grew wider and wider, revealing how deeply amused he was. "Oh darling. There's no stopping this. We're linked, remember? You and I, are one, forever."

Suddenly he vanished, moving to appear directly in front of me making me yelp out. He laughed boastfully by my fearful reaction but soon launched out with opened hands to grab the chains that were attached to my cuffs.

He yanked them up, pulling me upward as well. Now, we stared face to face and he took in how scared I was. How..





I was...

Many emotions were held within my teary lavender eyes but they all were beating me down just as equally, tearing me up completely. But the root to those emotions were not done by myself...


It was all Naruto...

It's all his fault...

He's hurting me.


I lowered my head, once again fighting with my emotions. It was a tough battle, one I couldn't seem to settle.

It's too much..

Naruto just won't stop..

My heart was slowly shattering, the strings that held it in place unattaching over time.

Naruto's words, his actions, his feelings towards me were completely different and it was breaking everything inside of me.

I.. I..

I bit my lip, just turning my head away from Naruto who stared in awe down at me, just watching in full view as I battled constantly with myself about the situation I was in. The one that involved, him.

Secretly, he put up a smirk but soon resumed his torture, his fists tightening on the chains which rose me up.

I bit my lip harder, closing my eyes to shield myself from Naruto and his dark aura. His body at the moment, towered over me completely, the chains that bound me steady rattling within his tight hold. And now, since he was standing so close, I could smell his scent. And even that, was different. It was no longer the smell of a fresh bottle of men's cologne..


I smelt death and blood. And he also smelt...


A smell that had me wrinkling up my nose too. I just couldn't help it. Naruto is just too different and it's scary...

What, is going on?

That, was the number one question I had at the moment. But I can't seem to figure it out at all.

I opened my eyes a bit to only peek up at Naruto but I whimpered when I heard a growl instantly slip its way through his lips, his crimson eyes held on me all the while.

He chuckled, gripping my cold, rattling chains tighter. "Aww.. What are you thinking so hard about, hmm? I did... inform you that we are indeed linked, together forever. No matter what. And by that, I mean..."

He leaned forward a bit, dropping down so his lips could touch my right ear, my cheeks growing red by how close he was getting. But the next words he said made the exact blush vanish.

"Death, my dear. You and I will be together, even in the afterlife. Heh, do you get what that means, Hinata?"

His words were now low, and terrifying, signaling some very dark things. Things that made my entire body fall to pieces. My breathing grew out of control and I cried out, already knowing what he meant.

"No, no, please! Naruto-!"

He purred, cutting my pleads off completely.

With a grip tighter on my chains, he pulled them forward, forcing me to come closer to his ridiculously terrifying being. His eyes met mine as I was forced to stare within them, my entire body shaking as if I was freezing cold. The fear, I felt was so new, so overwhelming I felt like I was slowly..



Withering away...

I couldn't talk. I couldn't think. I couldn't scream or cry anymore. I only stared at Naruto with agony and plead in my eyes as he continued to torture the living crap out of me.

He cackled, purposely keeping his face directly in front of mines, our noses almost touching.

I watched as he licked his lips, back and forth with his long, pink tongue. "Oh sweetheart. I've saved, a very special place for you. Right, in hell. That, is where you will be going, Hinata. After I kill you... After I put an end to your miserable life.. Fire as well as my face, will be the only thing there to haunt you, for all eternity." He growled out, his voice slowly dropping in octaves which made his words much more chilling.

My eyes shot wide, so wide they began to sting, my heart pounding faster and faster. It was pounding so fast I felt it in my throat, heard it in both of my ears. I absolutely could not believe what I was hearing.

I shook my head wildly, more tears falling down my face which was only from all the built up fear I felt. I just couldn't take it.

Naruto, please just stop this!

I wailed, sending Naruto pleading looks, ones that I always did, that would always work.

But the demon stood before me with the largest, sadistic grin ever, his large member twitching within his armored pants. He only licked his lips and moaned lowly to all of my begs and my pleading looks, clearly taking them the wrong way. My pleads weren't working in my favor at all.

Not in the way I wanted them too.

But there was nothing else for me to do. So, I only continued.

I sniffed, pouting up at Naruto. "Please. I beg of you, Naruto. Please, spare me. I've done nothing. I'm innocent!"


A loud demonic roar stopped my frantic words leaving me speechless, my eyes widening once more.

Naruto, with a look of irritation on his tan, feral face stood directly in front of me, both of his eyes narrowed dangerously. He growled loudly, his body twitching while his hands tightened even more on the chains above me.

I whimpered in fear at that which caused his face to scrunch up even more.

"How dare, you spit such lies? How dare you even muster up the courage? Only whores go about speaking such nonsense. Your innocence, girl, no longer exists. For I, stole it from you. Once you willingly opened your pretty little legs to me.. Once, you gave your heart to me, your love. You became... A sinner. A terrible one too."

By now his voice was in the lower range of the sound scale, deep and demonic. Two voices could be heard as he went about speaking such evil. His voice, the one I'm most familiar with was there and then, another...

One much, much, deeper.

One I was deeply afraid of. His words were a major eye opener, one that brought even more fear to the table.

My trembling began to increase, my teeth now chattering against one another. "Pl-Pl-Please. I d-d-don't want to d-d-die. I don't w-w-want to go to hell. Naruto please forgive me. Please, don't take me there."

My sobs and cries were constant, resembling a broken record. Over and over again I pleaded for my very life, shaking my midnight blue head frantically.

But the demon before me wasn't buying a single word. His intentions, even as I pleaded, remained dark and twisted. His feelings towards me were not something I was accustomed to. They were tangled up by a dark, sadistic obsession. One that will haunt me forever.

Naruto smirked as he listened to me plead over and over again, his tightened fists rising up along my chains a bit.

"Aww, you don't have to be scared, sweetheart. You wanted to be with me, right? You love me, correct? Well, you can. Forever in hell. Just like you so desperately want. Hah! Such foolishness. What did you possibly expect? That I, a demon, would fall for a worthless mortal like you! Oh how naive can you really be!"

He laughed, shaking his blonde head wildly.

"Come now, darling. What did you expect would happen after all of this, hmm? Did you really think you'll just die peacefully when your heart belongs to a demon? A being of darkness? Of evil? No, you foolish girl. You are just as sinful as me. So therefore, you are to stay, with me. And I, have no problem with that." He spat in his regular voice, his demonic voice nowhere to be found.

But I had no time to take in that or his previous words because he suddenly gave the chains that bound me up a harsh yank which made a loud snap to ring out.

But that, wasn't the only thing that happened.

With a loud gasp, my body went falling helplessly, now free, into the cold water below.

And with a small splash, my shaky body flopped right into it, officially damping all of my clothes.

There, I only lied by Naruto's feet, my body hovering over the water, thanks to my arms which held me up.

A moment to breathe was all I needed for Naruto's words was seriously throwing me for a loop.

They're scaring me to death..

I whimpered, my hair also growing wet from the water below, sticking to my pale face.

But, I didn't care. My mind was filled with thoughts, ones that made my state even worse.

Am I, really, going to hell?

Will Naruto be the one that torture me, for all eternity?

Just the thought of that made me fear Naruto even more. I, was starting to fear him so much, the love I had for him was beginning to wither, as if it was never there.

My eyes have never seen such terrifying sights before. Nothing could match what I have seen and heard at this very moment, my energy quickly draining away.

Surprisingly, all was quiet as I laid peacefully in cold, moving water. But I didn't complain.

Not for a moment.

This time alone in silence was all I needed to collect myself, to finally allow myself to think about the entire situation.

To rest in peace...

But sadly, it was short-lived.

Soon, the ground underneath me began to shift, slowly morphing into something else. Somewhere, else.

Somewhere, where there was no water but instead..


A loud gasp spilled from my lips and I went to push myself back on my bottom, my instincts kicking in. My chest heaved greatly as I went to inspect my new location, my midnight blue head whipping back and forth. I blinked.

I-I'm back, in Naruto's throne room...

Everything was just the same as before. The place was large, dark and quite frankly, creepy. Naruto's large throne chair was located behind me from where I sat shakily upon his floor, my eyes constantly shooting around. And as I did, I started to pick up a few...


Instead of the entrance set in front of me, there was instead a large, satin covered..


My eyes shot wide open at the sight of it positioned there so grand, Naruto's entrance instead located to the right of me. My heart, skipped several beats..

O-O-Oh no.

My breathing began to increase drastically, my cold and frail body shaking once again. "N-No. Oh god." I whispered out in horror, soon working my body to crawl away from the object that laid in front of me.

My body slid carelessly across the floor, my hands pushing myself back in hopes of getting away from the place I was now in.

I can't let this happen...

Seeing the bed before me in a place of darkness, with a few candles placed about could only mean one thing.

Naruto's gonna..

I shook my head, continuing to crawl away in a fright, to leave.

But my actions were pointless because soon my back ran straight into a large figure from behind, one that resembled a brick wall.

All movements were put on hold but my body never once stopped shaking and twitching. A gulp slipped down my throat from such events.

Oh no!

I couldn't move. I couldn't get away. I couldn't do anything. So instead, I...


With a tiny speck of courage, I shakily took my eyes away from the bed a few feet in front of me to instead look up, my head tilting the whole while. My lavender eyes held tears in them but that didn't stop me from identifying what stopped me.

And from my courage filled actions, I soon, found out.

Red, demonic glowing eyes peered down at me like a statue, his height madly impressive. His body was stiff as he only stood in place, allowing me to inspect him.

With my back resting on his long legs, I stared up at Naruto with a raised head, the image of him set upside down.

Immediately, I cried out at seeing him there, behind me.

So quickly, I pushed myself away from him to instead move elsewhere. But he, only followed.

With several chuckles, he picked up his feet to walk after me as I steadied crawled away from him, just wanting to get the hell away.

He's insane.


Deeply deranged..

He's a monster...

And I don't know how much more I can take being around him.

I want to get out of here!

But, no matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't get up from where I was huddled on the ground, my body frozen, almost. All I could do to flee, was crawl.

Pathetically, I scrambled on my hands and knees across Naruto's carpet in an attempt to get away from the demon that followed me.

For a moment, it, was working.

Until suddenly, I felt an extremely harsh tug on my long hair, causing pain that made me scream out, a pain I just couldn't ignore.

A large clawed hand had wrapped itself around my long hair, almost snagging all of it in its hold. And with it in Naruto's grasp, he gave it a sharp pull backwards which caused me more pain. And, it forced me to move into a different position, my body lifting itself up to only sit upright on my knees, all movement coming to a halt. Tears began to fall down my cheeks from, not fear but from..


The grip Naruto had on my hair was insane, just simply unbearable. From Naruto's hold, I felt every single strand of hair that was forced back harshly, protest. It felt, like he was going to tear my hair straight from its roots to where they were attached to my scalp.

The sharp excruciating pain I felt was just too much, I began to croak and weep, my body twitching in agony.


Naruto grinned from where he stood behind me, his body slowly bending so his height could match mine. There, he let out a dark chuckle, soon moving his other hand up so his fingers could rub along my neck.

"Mmm.. Where do you think you're going, huh? I'm not done torturing you, darling." He whispered out against me, his voice low but filled with amusement.

I sobbed from his words and from all the overwhelming emotions I was feeling at the moment, my chest once again heaving violently.

Now rooted to stay in one spot, I swallowed. "I-I-I'm sorry, Naruto. Pl-Please forgive me. D-Don't hurt me-"

But my stuttering words were cut off by a loud moan, Naruto's fingers constantly tracing along my pale exposed neck, causing tinges to form.

He clicked his tongue, also shaking his head. "Oh sweetheart. I'm gonna do more than just hurt you. I'm gonna break you. I'm gonna make you see that you, are just as bad as I am. I'm gonna open your eyes to what's innocent... and what's not, little one." He purred darkly soon letting go of my hair, allowing it to fall down my back.

I whimpered upon that, my body falling back onto his hands and knees helplessly.

Naruto grinned but ignored me to stand, his hands waving once more to summon up more of his dark magic.

I closed my eyes as he went about doing his actions, just using this time to catch my breath.

Slowly, my body began to calm down a little, my hands smashed into the dark carpet underneath me. I clenched it for support, my ears picking up a low whooshing sound in the room.

Naruto chanted lowly as he let out large gusts of dark energy from his two outstretched hands, his eyes gleaming darker. His attention was placed on the bed that was located in front of us, his focus cranked up to the highest level.

I whimpered a bit under my breath, soon working my own attention over to what Naruto was doing, now somewhat recovered from the pain and fear I felt just a moment ago.

But, as I looked and just watched Naruto, I couldn't figure out what he was doing, much less on what he's planning for me.

All I saw was his demonic being fluttering his hands to create black smoke like magic which traveled from his spot to the only bed in the large, empty room.

My teary eyes widened by his actions, my body still huddling pathetically on Naruto's throne room floor, my body trembling more now than ever.

I bit down on my shaky lip, slowly working myself back up on my knees.

I whimpered. "What.. Wh-What are y-you doing?"

"Shh... I need to focus, darling." He only whispered out, demanding silence as he worked. Now as I stared up at him, I could see how his eyes were darker than before, almost a blood red. They were no longer a vibrant crimson but a..


His chants were words that were clearly his language, his tongue slurring and rolling them out expertly giving me creepy vibes. I shuddered but decided to obey Naruto for once.

I no longer want to be on his bad side anymore.

But it seems no matter what I did, I am constantly getting hit by that side of him.

But why?

What have I done?

Nothing was making sense at the moment which left me in a state of confusion, loneliness and..


I'm powerless in all of this. I can't do a damn thing which didn't work well with my jumbled up emotions.

I whimpered lowly, just remaining silent in my spot. And I stayed that way until Naruto was officially done with his actions, a loud moan of some sort slipping from his lips.

"Mmm.. Your surprise is finally, ready, my dear. I hope you like it." He announced and turned towards my huddling body on the floor, his hands waving lightly back and forth a bit. But soon they moved to only rest by his side, one of his hands moving down to prop itself on his right hip.

A large grin was rooted on his lips as he just stared amusingly down at me, clearly excited for me to see his 'surprise.' I couldn't help, but gulp at that.

Oh goodness..

Once again, my nerves were beginning to run wild as I stared up at the excited demon before me, my heart practically beating out of my chest.

I bit my lip. "S-S-Surprise?" I whispered out questionably, a little confused. And Naruto chuckled, moving his free hand down to convince me to stand, beckoning me.

"Oh Hinata. I won't tell. You have to see for yourself." He added slyly, even going as far as winking. But it did nothing to my emotions. I still sat, in fear, doubting the creature's words completely. I knew this surprise wasn't going to be anything good.

He said he isn't finished torturing me...

This has to be some sort of trap.

It has to be...

But what choice do I really have? My hands are tied. Naruto is too powerful and quite frankly scary to fight against. I have, to do what he wants..

At least for now...

Until I find a way out of here...

I sighed in content by my thoughts. But my actions only made the demon before me raise an eyebrow, a small part of him a little taken aback by the slight positive emotion I showed.

He narrowed his eyes a bit, those darkened things rooted intently on my being as I began to work myself up to a stand.

Slowly, I placed both of my shaky hands onto the floor in front of me, soon pushing back on them to officially stand upright onto my two feet. I stumbled a bit but luckily I didn't fall.

So there, I slowly inched over to Naruto's location, the distance between us growing shorter and shorter. Until I stood next to him. He smirked down at my short frame but soon snapped his fingers.

"There you are, Hinata. Here's, your surprise."

His words suddenly dropped to a demonic level and then, I began to hear loud, intense....


Right there, in front of me where the large bed from before was located laid another version of Naruto and I, involved in some very, explicit things. Instantly, my eyes shot wide at the erotic sight.

Oh my God!

There I was, naked as the day I was born, placed on my hands and knees before Naruto who sat on his own knees, his large member shoved deep within my womanly area below, from behind.

Screams of ecstasy could be heard from my mouth as I was fucked roughly from behind, my eyes watching my body jerk back and forth wildly on top of the bed.

I gasped in shock, quickly covering my eyes from such a sight. "Oh god! No, I can't watch this. Please don't make me watch this. Please!"

My pleads were even more desperate this time as I stood with extremely red cheeks, my entire body heating up from such a display which was still, going on.

My hands only covered my eyes, granting me darkness but my ears were still exposed and I could hear many things from the scene ahead.

Many things that shocked as well as startled me.

Now, looking outside, at myself, I could take in how loud I screamed during sex. It was something I have never done outside of the bedroom but here I was, screaming and moaning my head off from Naruto's intense actions.

And hearing things from his side made me more flustered instead of shocked.

His grunts and moans were low and deep, revealing that the actions we both were engaged in made him feel very good.

Intense sounds of hips smacking, back and forth rapidly could be heard which only made the blush that stained my cheeks grow.

Naruto, the demon that stood beside me threw his head back and laughed at the sound of my previous words as well as my attempt to shield myself from the scene before me, his blonde head shaking back and forth.

Of course, I couldn't see him and frankly, I didn't want to. I didn't want to be here with him and witness myself endulge in such dirty things like sex. Especially if they were done by Naruto. I bit my lip, trembling..

Dear god... This is insane.

But Naruto wasn't planning on stopping anytime soon and for that, he picked up his feet, moving them to grow closer to my being.

"Oh darling. But you must watch. Watch, as I pound your innocent little pussy into submission. Watch, as I take away, such innocence. Watch yourself, as you finally give in to me. Watch...

Suddenly, I felt large hands grab both of my hands from where they covered my eyes, forcing them to uncover them.

Now captured within his hold, Naruto roughly pinned my arms back so they were instead rooted behind me, exposing my eyes once more.

I whimpered loudly from his actions and quickly went to close my eyes, shielding myself once more from such a sight that laid in front of me. But I couldn't because Naruto was two steps ahead.

As if he could sense that my eyes were closed, he began to shove his sharp nails within my skin, immediately causing a pain that made me yelp out, my body trembling once more.

I snapped my eyes open in response. "O-Ow! Stop it!" I screamed in agony but he only continued, the sharp rounded tips of his nails soon entering my skin to the point it drew blood, allowing the liquid to fall freely out of the open wounds.

I cried out at the intense pain I felt, my body wiggling in agony within his hold. But Naruto only tightened his hold on my wrists, growling lowly. "You close your eyes again.. I'll see to it to make what you see in front of you a reality. Obey, and everything will run smoothly." He whispered out darkly, lowering his head down towards my neck, giving it a long and deep sniff. He groaned.

"No one has to get hurt, little one. But, by all means, close them if you desire for punishment. I'll gladly, deliver." He hummed teasingly along my neck, groaning by all the fear he felt leave my frail body.

I whimpered and quickly obeyed Naruto, keeping my eyes open and instead plastering them straight on the scene before us in a heartbeat, my own beating faster than ever.

I was scared out of my mind. I didn't want Naruto to harm me, to give me what I saw now.

Tears fell down my cheeks as I witnessed things I have never seen before, my eyes picking up my own self during intercourse with, a demon. With...


More tears spilled and I began to cry a river, but my eyes never once strayed away from the scene. I watched. I obeyed. I listened.

Because I didn't want the monster behind me to hurt me. I only wanted to be free, from this...

Free.. from this place..


Free, from...



Well that was long and dark..

Sorry but things are getting very serious so there aren't going to be anything that will be nice and friendly no time soon.

But, how was this chapter?

How did you feel when reading about Hinata and her torturous time with the dream Naruto?

It crazy, isn't it?

He's touching on all of her weak spots so she can hate him. And it's kinda working...

But, I won't say too much! 🤐

You'll have to read more to find out what happens! 😏😱😬

Once again, thank you for supporting me! 😊😘

And also, remember to comment and vote! ❤️❤️

See ya next time! 👋🏼👋🏼



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