Chapter 51: Hate Manifestes

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(ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ: ᴅɪsᴛᴜʀʙɪɴɢ ᴍᴏᴍᴇɴᴛs • ʜᴏʀʀᴏʀ • ᴄʀᴇᴇᴘʏ • ᴇxᴛʀᴇᴍᴇ • sᴜᴘᴇʀɴᴀᴛᴜʀᴀʟ/ᴇʟᴇᴍᴇɴᴛs • ᴛᴏʀᴛᴜʀᴇ • ᴇᴍᴏᴛɪᴏɴᴀʟ ᴛᴏʀᴛᴜʀᴇ • ᴍᴀᴛᴜʀᴇ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ • ᴠɪᴏʟᴇɴᴄᴇ • ᴅᴀʀᴋ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ • 𝟷𝟾+)


Hey readers!

I'm back with another chapter to this crazy story! 🤪🤪

I'm sorry, that I haven't been updating but a lot had been happening and it's just February!

Family issues, School, and issues on Wattpad has been keeping me from writing but I decided to put my writing first for a change and get some work done! Lol.

So to tell you before hand, this is the first chapter I have written since the new year, 2021. I wanted to write something (A Naruhina oneshot) earlier but meh...

Things don't go my way.

But yeah. There's that.

Now for the chapter. This chapter is a long one! And that's because I haven't updated in a while so that's my gift to you all.

Buuut... This chapter is extremely dark, lots happen that will have you at the edge of your seat so!!!

I hope you enjoy! 💗💗


Hinata's P.O.V

"Ooh yes!"

"God that feels so good, Naruto!"

Nothing but moans filled up Naruto's throne room as I stood stiffly inside it, my eyes widened in horror. The moans were not coming from me but from another version of myself, one that seemed to also be from my past.

Maybe she's me from a time when Naruto and I..

My thoughts stopped dead in their tracks as the feeling of embarrassment began to take over, my cheeks growing a hot red color.

I bit my lip from the intense emotions I felt, ones that were making me incredibly uncomfortable. And the feeling only grew the more the explicit scene went on in front of me.

A whimper spilled from my lips which caused the large demon male behind me to let out a deep dark chuckle, one that was filled with amusement.

Naruto, stood behind me the entire time while holding both of my wrists firmly, keeping them away from my eyes so I could see the sight of our past selves have sex.

Both, were awfully loud, especially me. My body was held on its hands and knees on the red colored satin sheets, large tan hands gripping my hips tightly from behind.

Naruto's naked body towered over my small frame completely as he sat crouched behind me, his pelvis thrusting wildly, back and forth against my pale ass. He was giving me his all which resulted in screams of ecstasy to constantly shoot from my lips, my lavender eyes rolling, completely.

"O-Oh God. Please, please Naruto."

My past self screamed in pleasure as her body rocked insanely from Naruto's harsh thrusts which were ones that were done so expertly, so deliciously, the impact of them was so strong, leaving me in a total mess.

My body froze in shock as I watched my own cheeks turn to a shade of red, dark red. I watched as both of my hands gripped the bed sheets tightly, for dear life, my body leaned forward a bit.

The demon behind my past self let out a chuckle upon my reactions to his thrusts which were rough and fast. And by the dazed look on my face, it was clearly beginning to get a little difficult to handle. But he only kept going, even increasing his rough play.

With one clawed hand, he launched out and gripped a hand full of my midnight blue hair yanking it back tightly, driving me even closer to his massive cock.

I couldn't help the shaky sob that escaped my lips at such a disturbing sight, my body trembling in Naruto's strong hold.

"Wh-Why, are you showing me this? Th-This is just-"

But my words were cut off by a low moan by my ear, one that resonated from deep within.

I gulped while Naruto smirked, his hands still holding mine. "Oh darling. Are you trying to tell me you dislike your surprise? What? Are you ashamed, because of it? Disgusted perhaps? Or do you deep down enjoy it? You can tell me. There's no need to keep any secrets, little one. Nothing, is hidden between us anymore." He whispered by my ear, soon moving those same lips of his down to my neck, giving it a soft peck.

Instantly, I moved away from his affection which was a major turn off for me. Nothing, absolutely nothing that Naruto does can excite me anymore. I lowered my eyes down to my feet, trying my best not to break down.

Am I... falling out of love with him?

The feeling I felt at the moment was so bland, so empty when it comes to Naruto. It felt so odd to me. A little part of my heart was breaking but...

It's, for the best...

I have endured nothing but turmoil at this very moment which has been severely damaging. No one has ever put me through such craziness, such madness like Naruto has. He has done nothing but torture me, and because of that, my eyes have indeed opened up.

Loving Naruto is only hurting me.

I can't move on. I can't find peace with him still in my heart.

Darkness will only follow me if I hold on.

Tears began to form in my eyes at that, a little part of my heart withering even more. My arms shifted a bit in Naruto's hold, desperate to hold my chest where my broken heart resided.

If I feel this way... Why does it still hurt when it comes to letting go my love for Naruto?

It seems I indeed do still have feelings for him. Intense ones that are just so hard to erase. But so painful to hold on to.

I gritted my teeth at my predicament but reluctantly moved my eyes back onto the memory before me, to not disappoint Naruto. I also, answered him.

I bit my lip, shaking my head. "I-I don't like this at all. It's weird and it's making me u-uncomfortable. Why must I see myself get..."


A demonic voice replied back to me, finishing my question. I shuddered in fear at such a response which only granted the demon pleasure, his eyes also, rooted on the scene ahead of us.

But unlike me, Naruto was deeply enjoying it.

He licked his lips. "Well Hinata. I'm showing you the real, you. The you, that would open her legs to anyone. Including, a sadistic monster like myself." He groaned out against me, once again plucking at my heartstrings.

His words were like bullets, shooting at my heart over and over again, causing internal pain. He was truly successful in bringing me down for his words hurt so much. I couldn't ignore them. I couldn't shrug them off.

They just hurt so bad!

I don't want to believe them. I don't want to listen to them but..

I do....

I really, really do.

And it hurts...

At that, wet hot tears officially fell from my eyes for the thousandth time it seemed, staining my redden cheeks even further. The pain my face felt from the many tears I spilled was starting to become unbearable. My face, was raw, aching which led to exhaustion. I was...


Of everything..

I no longer want to be around Naruto and his craziness. I want out of this hellish world and back into the real world. A world where my friends were.

Where my family was...

At the joyish thought of them, a small smile came upon my lips, brightening up my teary face. But by my actions, I could no longer think on my own for I was instead interrupted by the being of darkness behind me.

Suddenly, the moans begin to grow even more louder, scaring me half to death in the process.

Naruto chuckled, clenching my wrists tighter.

"Come on. Pay attention, sweetheart. You're missing important details." He whispered out amusingly, ordering me to look back at the memory in front of us, one that was going on the entire time while I stood spaced out.

I grumbled harshly underneath my breath upon Naruto's ridiculous order but reluctantly looked up, refocusing my attention onto the explicit scene before me. But at the new sight of things, my eyes widened largely.

I shook my head once again. "O-Oh God. N-Naruto, why?" I whispered out, my lavender eyes taking in the new position the past Naruto and I were in.

Now taking the top position, my past self sat, hovering over Naruto's hips, her pale legs rooted on either side of them.

Her naked body was facing me so I could see all she had, including the large member that was practically drilling the life out of her from below.

Her screams were loud and intense, tears from all the overwhelming pleasure rushing down her pale face.

Her toes were curled against the bed and her eyes were rolled the entire time, clearly reaching her limit.

My chest heaved at what I was seeing, my eyes also picking up the past Naruto from where he laid on his back on the bed, the top part of his body blocked because of my past self's own body. Only his legs, hands and manhood were visible.

I, my past self, was the center of attention at the moment and she revealed everything.

She even said things, things I would never say, a smile on her face the entire time revealing she absolutely loved what was happening to her.

"Oh yes, Naruto. Please! Please fuck me harder! Fuck me until I can't move anymore! I want it!"

The scene before me was just totally twisted, affecting me greatly. It was already bad enough that I had to watch my own self participate in something so explicit, as in sex. But not any ordinary sex though.

Rough sex.

Sex, with a demon.

But now, I have to listen to myself scream out dirty words, nasty words that contradicts my ways completely. The things she was saying at the moment were ones I have never said in my entire life which not only disgusted me further but it also..

Frightened me.

My own voice, exactly similar, could be heard at the moment as it filled up Naruto's throne room, shouting out those same dirty words.

"Yes! Fuck me!"

Naruto's cock was pounding the life out of my lower area from below, my eyes watching it go in and out at a speed that was beyond normal. I was actually surprised that I was still holding on. That I was still..


I gulped, realization dawning on me again.

I, used to feel that?

Naruto used to do that, to me?

I've never noticed it before but looking at it now just shows how much different Naruto was. It also shows that he was a person that I definitely needed to have stirred clear of.


A loud growl suddenly was heard in the room by the past Naruto and I watched as he moved up to grab at my past self's throat, pulling himself up. Leaving his other hand rooted on her hip, for support.

He chuckled from where he placed his lips by my ear, his ears taking in the many pleads I was shouting. And he compiled to everyone. He took me harder. Took me faster. Took me longer, just like I asked, like he always has done. But...

I have never said any of those things before.

What, is going on?

The past Naruto was now whispering inside of my ear, words I couldn't hear at the moment. But I knew they were dirty.

Had to be.

But, it gave me a chance to ask what I wanted, my eyes narrowing. With a shake of my body in Naruto's tight hold, I scowled. "Al-Alright. You've made your p-point. B-But why lie? Why mess with my memories, Naruto? I have never said any of that stuff before and you know it!" I screamed out while steady fighting within his hold. But it did me no good.

The demon behind me stood unfazed by my struggling, his clawed hands remaining wrapped around both of my small wrists. He grinned down at me from behind, his blonde head tilting by my questions.

"Oh but they are true. Of course you have never actually said those words but darling... I'm a demon. I know your deepest, your most darkest secrets and desires. And what I am showing you now is what you've wanted at the moment. You wanted me to fuck you, to destroy you. And you'll let me do it again in a heartbeat. Wouldn't you? Just, admit it." He purred out with an amused chuckle, soon thrusting his hips against my bottom, creating some mixed feelings to arise.

Instantly, all struggling came to a halt and a blush began to take root onto my cheeks, my body heating up at the feel of the demon's hips rut against my own.

By his actions, his erection was made known from where it laid within his armored pants. Steadily, he rubbed it against my butt, purposely teasing me.

Once again, I was confused on how to feel. My mind, heart and emotions were all having a constant battle with themselves. I just didn't, know what to do. And Naruto saw this which gave him the opportunity to do the next thing on his agenda.

Suddenly, he moved one of his hands out from gripping mines, freeing one of my arms. But it wasn't free for long.

Naruto was quick to grab it with his other one, now holding both of my limbs within his one large hand. One that wrapped around both of my wrists combined. I gasped upon that.

"St-Stop- mmm!"

A surprised squeak shot from my lips when I then felt a warm hand move forward creepily down my left thigh, teasing me further. My eyes widened and the blush on my cheeks grew even more from the tingling sensations that Naruto was leaving by his actions.

Naruto, was signaling towards some very intimate things, ones I have no interest in dwelling in. So, I began to struggle, once again.

I moved my body, left and right harshly, just trying to force my way out of Naruto's hold but it was like I was tied with rope. Rope that was tied into knots. I couldn't seem to pry myself out of Naruto's arms which made me grow even more exhausted and also...


I let out a defeated yell in response. "Let go of me! Stop touching me!" But my screams fell on death ears and suddenly, I was smacked with massive amounts of pleasure, a pleasure that took me by major surprise.

I groaned, my lower limbs trembling from the wonderful feelings I felt down below. And by the strange feeling, I turned my attention down to get a look.

Instantly, I whimpered to find Naruto's free hand snuggled within my brown shorts, his clawed fingers steady rubbing against my lower lips, completely passing my underwear.

He chuckled dirtily by my ear, soon moving to give my earlobe a lick. I recoiled.

He laughed. "Oh Hinata. Why must you deceive yourself, hmm? You want this, just as much as I do. Your denial, honey, are all lies. Just face it. You, are the same girl that's lying on that bed in front of us, Hinata. Just broken, weak and addicted to sin. Addicted, to me." He growled out and with lightning speed, he had three of his fingers lodged into my opening, sending pleasurable jolts throughout my body.

The surprised scream that shot out of my mouth was loud, but not as loud as my past self's screams which were still heard in the room.

The memory was playing just as it first was with the past Naruto and I engaged in sex.
But now, pleasure began to take over my own body and I couldn't help but moan.

I whimpered, throwing my head back so it could lie on Naruto's broad chest, my eyes rolling when I felt his fingers begin to move at a speed that quickly brought me to the same state as my past self.

My eyes shot wide open and I screamed out, my body completely fighting against my mind. I didn't want to react to this. I didn't want to give Naruto what he wanted. But my body was just too addicted to him and his touch. I let out a broken gasp upon that realization, my eyes watering.

He's right..

I am, addicted to him..

I shook my head upon that, still denying it all. I didn't want that. Not now and not ever. But..

It was true...

Naruto's actions at the moment, his clawed fingers steadily pumping themselves against my insides granted me too much pleasure. I couldn't help but scream, to react.

"O-Oh God!"

My eyes were rolling in no time, my lower area growing wetter and wetter. His skills were out of this world which led me to cumming in just seconds. But the bastard didn't stop.

He kept it up, driving me to be in a similar state as the girl on the bed who's eyes were now dull, completely out of it.

I mewled in delight, my hips slightly thrusting themselves towards Naruto's rapidly moving fingers, just desperate to have more pleasure.

But my actions, as I steadily did them, only annoyed Naruto which led him to let go of my hands to instead force one of my legs up, his fingers working deeper inside that way.

I breathed heavily, my hands now free. But I didn't bother to fight Naruto or even struggle. I stood there, frozen within my spot as Naruto fingered me, working me to another release. And..




Each time, I could feel my energy draining even more as I came, my body growing shaky. I was now, right back to being my trembling self again.

But Naruto cared less.

He held my left leg up into the air causing my thigh to meet his chest as he worked his fingers up and out of my wet and hot core, giving me immense pleasure.

And I moaned my head off all the while which earned several chuckles from him.

The demon behind me suddenly leaned down, creeping to plant kisses onto my neck, once again teasing me. "Mmm... Now, do you see, little one? You and I are the exact same. You, love this. And I love to give you, this. Verbal words or not. I know what you want. I know what you want without you having to say it. Because that, is how much I know you. And you, can't do a thing, about it." He whispered darkly within my ear while keeping his fingers pumping wildly within me, loud splashing sounds made from his actions in the chaotic room.

I shuddered in response to his chilling words, my hooded eyes falling onto the scene before me which was once again, different.

Now, my past self was lying on her back on the large bed while Naruto sat, hovering over her outstretched legs. His crimson eyes were held on her and only her as he rocked his hips back and forth, shoving his huge cock deep within her, clearly not at all exhausted.

But my past self, surely was. You could tell by the moans that passed her lips.

Her moans weren't as loud and frequent anymore. They were instead quiet, her lavender eyes hooded extremely. And her body was trembling terribly, like she was having a seizure or something. It was getting really hard to watch.

So, I closed my eyes from it and only took in the feeling of having Naruto's fingers thrust against my insides, pounding against my g-spot as well as my womb at times. My toes curled within my flip-flops, my eyes rolling in ecstasy.

It just felt so, so good-

A scream shot out of my lips as I felt my climax rush and bombard me once more but this time, it was much more intense.

"Ahh! I'm gonna c-cum!"

I screamed which Naruto only laughed too, soon picking up the pace of his moving fingers which resulted in me cumming faster.

I squeaked but soon squirted out my essence for the fifth time, my body growing highly sensitive and my clothes growing, damp.

I whimpered upon all the feelings that were attacking me, the world around me completely ignored.

But that only hindered me from catching Naruto's next actions.

Suddenly, with high speeds, his hand shot out of my shorts to instead grab my hips, gripping them tightly.

But that, wasn't what surprised me.

What surprised me the most was when Naruto then pulled my body up, high off of my feet to soon throw me like trash across his floor, allowing me to roll helplessly along it.

Pain hit me like a ton of bricks as I began to travel across the floor, rolling helplessly towards his throne chair behind him. And he, only watched, a dark smirk playing on his lips.

Something evil, something sinister was now brimming within his eyes, signaling that he was now moving on to the next thing on his agenda. The agenda to torture me.

Meanwhile, pain had its claws wrapped all around me for I felt it everywhere.

My legs...

My hips...

My stomach...

My arms and shoulders..

Everything located on my body was screaming in pain as I rolled to a complete stop, landing right before the legs located on Naruto's tall chair. The pleasure, the high I felt from before was now nonexistent. Because all I felt, was pain.

Excruciating, throbbing pain.

I sobbed in response, my body slowly rising to look at what was in front of me.

And now, in my new position, the scene that played out on the bed was a little further away. But I could still see and hear perfectly clear what was happening..

And something different, was surely happening.

My eyes shot wide open, nothing but horror coming over my features. Now leaving my side, Naruto instead began to make his way towards the ongoing memory ahead of us, his stride slow and honestly creepy.

His steps were hard, stomping the ground as he walked which brought an intimidating aura around him.

I squinted my eyes upon him though, a little confused on what he was planning. But I remained still on the floor, my body lying on it with a tremor.

And all the while the memory was still playing like a movie, one that revealed very dirty things.

But once Naruto made his way to the side of the bed, surprisingly the two beings on it instantly stopped their rapid movement. My mouth dropped upon that as I watched my past self react to the fully clothed Naruto standing by the bed she was lying on, her lavender eyes running over him in confusion.


But she was never able to finish because the clothed Naruto shushed her, his crimson eyes averting over to his own self. I watched their encounter as he then nodded at him, signaling his past self to move positions.

And he did.

With one dark look towards my own past self, he removed all contact from her, practically shoving his member out of her causing her to gasp sharply.

But it was interrupted when a large hand then moved to grab her throat, restricting her from breathing. I couldn't help but to gasp my own self, my eyes widening at the sight that was happening in front of me.

N-Naruto's making contact with the past?

How is this even possible?

Many questions were rushing through my head as I laid helplessly on the ground, my eyes rooted fearfully on the scene before me.

My heart was pounding rapidly in my chest the entire time as I watched Naruto scoop my past self up by the throat, taking her from the bed and instead into the air.

Agony filled screams shot from her mouth as she struggled within Naruto's hold, her fists moving to hit the only arm that held her up.

"Stop! Wh-What are you doing, Naruto! What's going on?"

She screeched, over and over, just trying to get a hold of Naruto but the monster, only ignored everything she said and carried her away from the bed, past his own self which stood naked by the bed.

A smirk was present on his tan face as he just stared at the horrifying scene that now played before us, one that was growing closer to me..

My shaky body trembled massively as I eyed my own self struggle within the uncomfortable position Naruto held her in, her energy and air quickly draining, slipping away.

But once Naruto stepped away from the bed and instead in front of me, he loosened his deathly grip on her frail throat. I watched in fear as he slowly aimed my past self's naked body towards my fallen form, his head nodding down at her also.

He grinned, a devious grin, his eyes set on me, instead of the struggling girl he held up some ways in front of him.

"I think, you need a bit of motivation. You denying your sinful ways is honestly, pissing me off, child. So now.." He trailed off to only pull the defenseless girl back up so he could turn and meet her teary ones, his large hand remaining wrapped around her throat, cutting off the only way for her to breathe.

And she coughed loudly in response, squirming all the while.


"Her life, is in your hands, Hinata. You, can save her.. But all you have to do, is admit that you, are just as bad as me. Admit that you, are no longer innocent. Admit that to me. So only then, I can fully claim, your soul... As mines."

His words quickly dropped an octave, his eyes gleaming darker and darker as he stared down at me, his mouth forming some very sinister things.

But the sound of his words wasn't the only thing that scared me. It was the meaning of them. My lips trembled.

He wants me to admit to my sins...

He wants to claim me so I can be doomed for all eternity..

A choice was given but I had a hard time uttering a single word. The fear I felt at the moment was overwhelming, taking over my facial features, my whole entire body.

My past self was still naked but I easily looked past that for I just didn't care at the moment.

Naruto's words completely won my attention..

I looked up shakily at the two, just taking in how I writhed within Naruto's strong hold, his hand now holding her up and out, high into the air to the left side of him.

And at the sight of my stare, he raised one blonde eyebrow down at me, clearly not liking my silence.

I whimpered at that.

He growled.

And suddenly he pulled the midnight blue haired girl closer to me, moving so her eyes met mine from where I laid.

Both of us yelped as we now stared at one another, just taking in the large amounts of fear that were held in the other one's teary orbs.

But Naruto only held disappointment in his, as well as a lust for blood. He sneered. "Do you really want to test my restraint, Hinata? I will kill her, right in front of you! I only need to squeeze her skinny little neck to get the job done. I can fucking break it in a matter of seconds. And only then, I'll deliver a punishment to you that'll make you wish, you had offered your soul to me!"

Now, he was yelling, his voice raising in volume which officially summoned up the water works.

I cried once again from the fear I felt, many tears steady rushing down my pale face. My past self was crying as well, also torn from the choice I had to make and, from her unsettling predicament. She turned to Naruto from where she was held up, a plea spotted in her eyes.

"Please, Naruto. Don't do this. What's gotten into you?" She sobbed out, just completely confused. And it was so hard to listen to her. To watch her.

It was so hard to even function knowing that her life was held within my hands. I knew she was just a memory but it was still, me.. I lowered my head, moving my arms so I was hugging myself.

I will have to watch myself die a second time...

And I just can't have that happen again.


What, I'm going to say, what I will be agreeing too, will officially work my way into hell when I die..

No matter how much I atone and do better for myself.

Naruto will have my soul forever and will be able to do whatever he wants with it. I gritted my teeth, not at all liking my odds.

Damn it!

I don't know! I don't know!

But all of my waiting, all of my silence was just too much for Naruto for he grew enraged by it all. A loud growl ripped its way from his chest and he pulled my past self back up into the air, tightening his grip on her throat.

She yelped loudly in response which granted my attention, my head whipping back up. And my eyes widened when I took in the new position they both were in which was their previous one, the one they started out in. Where my past self was rooted high in the air by the throat.

She coughed and groaned weakly, her eyes growing terribly hooded. But Naruto didn't care. He only tightened his grip, his stone cold stare rooted on my being and my being only.

He snarled, showing off his ridiculously sharp teeth. "Well then. Since patience is really not my forte.. I'll make the decision for you." He spat and before my eyes the demon tightened his hold to an unbearable state on the frail throat of my clone, officially turning her skin to a bright blue.

But it wasn't long until a loud and sickening crack was heard, a scream instantly shooting from my own lips.

Cries followed it and I used my hands to cover my ears, soon closing my eyes as well.

Naruto, with the force he used, had officially broken my past self's neck, shattering her throat so now she laid lifeless within his hold. No longer did she plead. No longer was she talking. No longer did she moan. She was..



And all because of..


Constantly I cried, sobbing my heart out as I laid broken on Naruto's throne floor, rapid tears shooting out of my eyes and down my cheeks to only meet the ground I laid upon.

My heart was shattered, the fear I felt eating me alive. I couldn't talk. I couldn't breath. I couldn't even think or mutter out a single word. I was..


Nothing but broken cries filled up Naruto's throne room along with a loud thud. Crimson eyes stared back at me the entire time, even as the demon discarded the dead me.

The past me..

Slowly, a smirk traveled upon Naruto's face at the sight of the pain I showed, his feet soon taking him away from the naked girl on the floor to soon stand by my side.

And as he traveled towards me, he clicked his tongue, his scary eyes traveling over my entire form, eating up all the negative emotions that I let off.

And my body trembled once I felt a large clawed hand suddenly run itself through my long midnight blue hair, a dark chill shooting from my scalp down to my toes.

"N-N-N-No." I instantly whimpered out by his presence. But my shaky pleads were silenced by a loud shush from the large demon above me.

Afterwards, Naruto let out a coo upon my behavior, tilting his head down at the sight of my broken form. "Aww.. Such a selfish move that was, darling. When it comes down to it, you would rather save yourself than anyone else... Isn't that right?"

The demon before me chuckled as he caressed the top of my head, stopping his words.

"Mmm.. I wonder where did my selfless little Hinata go, hmm? She would've never allowed that to happen. She, would've surrendered her soul to me in a heartbeat in order to save another." He finished off teasingly, his head nodding back to the dead girl who laid lifelessly on the floor in front of me, her head turnt in a way that was just...


But I said nothing by Naruto's words, giving him the silent treatment as I poured out my depressed feelings.

And he clicked his tongue at that, soon lowering himself down, moving so his legs only balanced himself up in front of me, his hand steady caressing at my hair as I cried.

He hummed, just staring at me as I weeped and shed many tears, my face once again growing super damp. My chest heaved after every croak I let out, my hands falling back down to the ground to hold myself up. And I shook my head pleadingly one more time, desperately wanting this nightmare to end.

With a glance up at him, I stared directly into Naruto's eyes, ignoring the fearful voice in my head which told me to reconsider my actions. I stared at him, with a plea in my eyes, just taking in his stunning but sinister form.

And with one shaky hand, I slowly pulled it up, raising it from where it was placed on the floor to instead aim it towards the demon's cheek.

Immediately, he caught on to my actions and I watched as his body stiffened greatly, so great his cheeks locked.


He growled out underneath his breath but I ignored him and my fear. Instead, I moved so my small hand finally fell onto his steamingly hot skin, my fingers coming into contact with his defined cheek.

Shakily, I breathed, a little part of myself cheering me on for my bravery. But the other part of me screamed for me to rethink my actions, to get away from the monster in front of me. That, side of me disliked that I gave Naruto affection but....

My heart won't let me stop giving it completely...

A small, small part of me still loved him and wanted to give him everything, everything that he hasn't had before. And by the way he allowed me access to touch him made me consider him a bit.

I ignored the dark glares I received, the snarls that were aimed at me and only began to caress at his cheek, rubbing my soft fingers against it. I smiled faintly, just accepting him.

"N-Naruto.. It's okay. Everything's okay. I'm here. I will always be right here, for you. I know how much you hate to be alone so therefore... whatever st-state you are in. Whatever has a hold of you, I know you can overcome it. I-I-I can help you. Just please. Please stop this. Y-You're hurting me."

My words were warm and forgiving, the last bit of my heart trying desperately to reach out to Naruto, one last time. My heart longed to open back up his cold black heart, my teary lavender eyes staring deeply within his own.

Silence erupted around us after my words were said. Now, it was all up to Naruto to respond to them.

For a moment, he said nothing but stare down at me, his facial features falling blank. His eyes were still a bright crimson color, the orbs glowing mysteriously as he stared deeply within mine. His blonde bangs fell over his forehead as he looked down, the bright golden strands creeping down to his eyes and nose.

His large form was so quiet after my words were said which made me regret even saying them.

My body began to tremble within my spot but I didn't stop my caressing. I continued to run my hands against his smooth and tone flesh to try to lighten his mood. I also continued to fight against my fear so he wouldn't detect it, my chest heaving all the while.

I wanted to redirect his mind with another approach. I saw that pleading with him won't get him to stop this madness so maybe love will.


I frowned, not at liking his silence. "Naruto... Pl-Please, say something." I whispered out softly, trying to get a reaction out of him. Anything would suffice because the blank expression on his face wasn't helping at all. I didn't know what was running through his mind or what, his next plans were.

I was completely left, in the dark..

This went on for a while which grew harder and harder to contain, my heart steady growing faster and faster in speed.

But regardless of what I felt, regardless of the fear that was slowly trying to get a hold of me, hope was still held strongly within my lavender eyes and I only kept up with my actions.

Until, a low growl was made. And just after it was made, I felt a large hand move creepily down towards mine. But I did not receive a caress back. I didn't even get a single smile out of the demon before me. Only darkness and..


With immense speed, Naruto's hand moved to grab a hold of my small one, practically yanking it away from his cheek.

Now, I was no longer touching him intimately. Now, my hand was being forced back within Naruto's hold, a loud scream of pain spilling from my mouth.

"A-Ahh! No!"

I sobbed out but only laughter met my ears, blocking out my pain. Dark cruel eyes stared down at me as the demon that possessed them worked my hand back so it could bend irregularly.

Nothing but intense pain was shot at my side as my fingers popped and cracked within his mighty hold, my body steady trembling and shaking.

I shook my head, quickly using my other hand to try to pry his off. But nothing, was working.

Naruto twisted it a bit more, earning an even louder scream from me. "Please stop! I-I was only trying to help! Ahh! You're gonna break it!"

Naruto's hand tightened on my own at the sound of my words, worsening my hand's condition, bringing me more pain which felt like, hell.

He chuckled as I cried painful tears, his head tilting at me.

"You don't learn at all, darling. It's funny, really. It's so amusing, seeing your naive ways in action, Hinata." He whispered out deviously and with that, he finally let go of my hand, giving me a break from the tortue he put it through.

Immediately, I lunged out to comfort it, my other hand moving to cradle and caress it, a throbbing pain only lingering. Silence took over me as I sat, hurt and regretful, in my spot, the demon before me only watching in amusement.

He laughed, soon moving to stand up. But, just soon as it came, it went away and instead he put up a look of irritation on his face, his eyes darkening on my whimpering being.

"Let's make something clear here, girl. The Naruto you knew is gone. The peaceful Naruto you conjured up in your pretty little head is not real, Hinata. I, am hell's ruler. I, am a demon who's been made to bring pain and suffering to naive little girls like you. I, am the mother fucking monster you find hiding under your bed, hiding in the shadows. I know no love. And you, will receive none. Only pain and sorrow will haunt your days Hinata. For that's what you will experience from now on." He growled out with nothing but darkness filled in every bit of his words which made me sob louder, my hand still cradling my hurt one.

I shook my head pleadingly at him, not at all believing my ears. "No.. please, Naruto."

But my pleas did nothing. My tears did nothing. Even my love, did nothing.

Nothing that I did even moved the demon's feelings.

He remained a ruthless monster. A monster, that only kills, tortures and corrupts the innocent and weak. A beast that lies and just takes what he wants. He cares for no one.

Not even me..

And the laugh that came out of his mouth confirmed everything, his eyes revealing so much, darkness.

He sneered, stepping up menacingly to my broken form with intentions of doing more harm.

"You will feel no more love, Hinata. Only pain, my darling. Just, pain..."

Yahiko's P.O.V

The room I sat in was awkwardly silent as I stared face to face with one of my fellow hunters, his purple eyes glaring at me. Obviously, he disliked my company.

A quiet scoff was made from the silver haired male, his body slumping down in the sofa he sat in.

At that moment, he rolled his eyes. "What do you want, Boss? Can't a man just have a little peace and quiet?" He groaned out, practically throwing his head back against the seat, taking his eyes away from my person.

But my eyes, only stayed rooted on his, my brown orbs challenging him. Nothing but seriousness could be seen on my face for the emotion was all I felt. I had no tolerance for Hidan's nonsense. All I want is an explanation for his ridiculous actions.

Nothing more..

Nothing less.

So I cleared my throat, my mind working back to his earlier statement about peace. I gritted my teeth.

How dare he speak such idiocy when we're in the middle of a battle.

There were lots of things my people should be worrying about during this time. It was a chaotic time. It was nowhere near close to being pleasant or peaceful.

I lowered my body back so I too, was lying against one of the long black sofas located in the healing room which was quiet and peaceful. But my soul was not. My thoughts were running amuck this very moment. I did not yearn for peace because there was much to be done. After, everything is all dealt with then.. I can find time to take it easy. But now..


So it offends me to see Hidan, so relaxed.

I growled, clenching my fists. "Hidan... Do you want to take Naruto down.. Or not?" I started off, with a question I know, he would answer.

My voice was low but serious, my two brown eyes practically glued onto the male that sat across from me on another sofa, his eyes unfortunately still placed elsewhere. But I watched as his face scrunched up by my question, his eyes hardening.

Silence took over the two of us after my question but my eyes never strayed away. I placed my undivided attention on Hidan and just waited until he gave in.. Until he..


And it didn't take long for him to answer because he soon grew quite uncomfortable by my serious stare which burned holes into the side of his head.

He shuddered and finally turned towards me, planting his abnormally purple eyes on me, giving me the respect I deserved.

But the expression that was held on his face contrasted his attention.

He growled, his eyebrows furrowed. "Of course, I do, boss. That's all I've ever wished for. Heh, if it was up to me, I'd take the easier route and simply slit the girl's throat to put an end to Naruto faster. No ruckus. No mess." He chuckled out, once again revealing his feelings towards the innocent human girl.

A sigh of disappointment shot out from my lips and I shook my head. "And that's, what I want to talk to you about." I started off, my hands moving forward to clasp tightly together. I narrowed my eyes. "The girl, Hidan. That, is who I want to talk about."

My voice was growing more stern as I just stared at the smirking male before me, his words and actions really starting to piss me off.

But by the sound of my words just now, that exact smirk fell right off of his face, his eyes narrowing as well.

He scoffed once more, folding his arms across his chest. "Tsk. I figured that's why you came all this way to talk. What? Did you get offended by what I said back there? It's true, ya know. She just has you fooled." He spat out with a nod, remaining unshakened. He wasn't backing down from his opinion on the girl and the situation which only revealed how bad off he really was.

I turned away from the lost male in front of me to only blow out another deep breath, steadying myself for the upcoming battle I have to face and apprehend.

Well... here goes.

So with my mind all made up, filled with the things I want to say to Hidan, I turned back to him, once again giving him my attention. And with that, I gave him a full on disappointed glare, one that told everything.

"Hidan, unfortunately, it seems as though you have forgotten the role you play here. You've forgotten everything I've ever taught you. And sure, it's been years since then. Lots of things happened. Lots of tragedies have been seen. But.." I paused my words to only harden my stare, his eyes widening upon that.

"Do not forget what you stand for. Do not forget that your mission, is to protect. You delivered an oath, Hidan, signed one in blood that you will for as long as you live protect all humans from the demons. Each and every one of us has kept that oath but now... You, are straying. You are moving further and further away from it. This, this hatred you feel for this girl, for Naruto, is leading you down a very dark path. And I'm afraid if you don't open your eyes now and realize the hole you've buried yourself in then.."

I stopped to grit my teeth, a dark chill settling in the air from my words. For so long I have been hiding them, keeping them hidden from everyone on the team. But Hidan, needs to know.

It'll help him..

My senses and skills are extremely keen so, I know things. I sense them. Something inside of me just knows, when a person's doom is impending. I know when a great battle is coming and I sense both..

A great battle will happen..

Sooner or later.

Konan, took me by surprise. Her death was something I hadn't seen coming at all. It was something I hadn't even considered. I never thought such a fate would be, her fate..

It wounded me so...

But death, was something that happened so much here. It hurts but after a while the body starts to adjust.

It's like sleeping to me now...

Other than Konan...

But even still, I will keep fighting on her behalf as well as all the other humans out there in need. Even, for the innocent human girl. I lowered my head...

She may be a sacrifice but she is doing the world a favor.

I don't regret my plan at all when it comes to the human girl.

There was no other way..

I sighed upon my thoughts, soon turning my eyes back onto Hidan who stared at me with wide eyes, his body overly stiff within his spot. And at the sight of the shock on his face, it brought me relief.

My words are working...

But my job wasn't done so I went to pick up the pieces to my earlier words.

"Hidan... You need to change your ways now. Not tomorrow. Now. Darkness is quickly getting a hold of you and it'll only get you killed. You will die, Hidan. Don't you understand? You are no longer on our team with that kind of behavior. You need, to change." I spat out, voicing all of my concerns and not at all holding back.

This vengeance, this stupidity is only going to lead him to his doom. I've seen it happen before and it ends all the same.

Soon my words faded away into the quiet room only leaving silence, my brown eyes soon landing back on Hidan to see how he took such words. But when I did, I noticed some very strange things.

Instead of earlier where he wore a face of shock, now, that wasn't the case. Purple eyes were directed towards me darkly, the male's face before me scrunched up terribly. Rage and disbelief began to take over Hidan's features which only brought confusion to the table for me.

I narrowed my own eyes at his behavior, soon opening my mouth again.

"Do you understand-"

"Oh I, understand, Boss."

Hidan's voice suddenly arose up to only cut my words short, sass and defiance once again detected along with it.

My eyes shot wide upon that and I eyed the male then, shake his head, keeping his face of anger present. Hidan leaned forward from where he sat, moving so he was staring at me directly, in a challenging sort of way.

He then, sneered. "Just so you know.. Death, boss, is not something I'm afraid of. I know, what I signed up for. Death doesn't faze me. So your little threat, doesn't scare me at all. Heh. You, won't control my emotions. You won't control my mind. If I choose to hate the girl, to hate Naruto, then I will. Because I am not naive like you are. I'm not a fool either. That girl needs to die in order to bring down Naruto. Any human that steps in the way of defeating a demon should die. I don't fucking care. And you can't expect me to care. Especially, when it comes to, her.. or anyone."

My body sat frozen within my spot as I listened to Hidan's words of darkness, his eyes dimming.

With those words he just said, he has made it clear that the darkness is where he will say. He will keep hating the girl. He would not choose to protect the innocence even if it meant sparing demons. He chose to take out the humans if it only means, to be rid, of said demons. My eyes shot wide open.

He's gone mad.

He's no longer following the hunter's code anymore. He's only following his own morals, his own rules.

He cares little for humans now...

I'm, too late. Hidan may just be forever gone, lost within the darkness. And if that happens, death, is not too far, behind..

Naruto's P.O.V

"K-Kurama... Are you sure, this, is gonna, work?"

Weakly, I stared down at the mug that was snuggled between my two shaky hands, my body sitting upright on my bed inside of my room.

Kurama, in his human form, stood beside my bed with hope held within his eyes, his head nodding down at the cup that I held which was filled with a light brown substance.

He smiled. "Yes, Naruto. The mug you see before you holds a healing remedy inside which will keep the poison in your system at bay. It'll slow it down so you'll be able to get your strength back up. You'll be you, again." He explained with a nod, his voice very calm which made me, the same.

My blue eyes sat unmoving as I stared down at the light brown liquid that sat inside the cup I held, a few green herbs spotted here and there, swimming lightly about.

I smiled, absolutely loving the sound of getting rid of the poison that was coursing inside of my body. After all, it has put me through so much.

It's, put me through hell...

Just from it being there, inside of me, I can't think, I can't move, I can only lie here in my bed. I have no energy, no strength to do anything for the poison has stripped it all away. I felt like a lifeless doll, just waiting to die.

And don't get me started on the pain...

The pain was a unique one. The pain was not a throbbing pain but almost a searing one, the poison burning it's way through my insides. I, am in hell.

But now, because of Kurama, I will be able to tackle this poison head on and get better.

Only then I can get back to work on finding Hinata.

I'm so close too.

So close.

Last time, I performed a ritual that made me hear her. I performed many that pushed me closer and closer to obtaining the location to the hunter's hideout.

It's a hard place to find.

It's not one that I can just easily pinpoint.

Not with my senses and definitely not with my power.

Even with Hinata there, I can't seem to fully locate it which is why I use spells.

So once I drink this elixir, I will be granted with normality, with strength.

My head will be clearer.

My hands tightened on the white mug in front of me at such a thought, the same pain racking my body, attacking my legs, chest and arms.

I licked my lips quickly, soon moving my attention back onto the fox man beside me who stared down at me warmly, just waiting for me to take the potion he made and then, get better. But I couldn't help but exchange a few heartfelt words first.

I smiled, a large and friendly smile at Kurama who chuckled upon seeing it. "Thank you, so much, Kurama. I'm glad I have you here, by my side." I whispered out underneath my breath, my voice only coming out as a ghostly murmur.

Looking at Kurama now, I knew I looked like absolute shit. My skin was no longer vibrant but a sickening white, one that screamed death. My hair was also plain, not at all bright as it once was. My eyes held bags underneath them, dark ones that caused my eyes to sag. My body was tearing apart, trembling and spasming as it endured the poison travel through my highly sophisticated body. Slowly but surely breaking it down.

But, said poison only led me to finally, pull the mug of healing to my lips, Kurama's eyes lighting up at the sight of my sudden movement.

It was shaky and slow but I was still able to place it right onto my dry, cracked lips to soon take in Kurama's special potion. Right off of the back as I drunk rapidly at it, the taste wasn't odd but...


Weirdly enough, the healing remedy instantly lightened up my world as I engulfed it down, pulling the cup as well as my head back so I could take in every drop of it.

And Kurama chuckled at the sight of my enthusiasm, his head nodding proudly. "Good. Drink up, kit. It'll work if all of it is in your system. Afterwards, give it a few minutes and then, you'll start to shift back into your normal self." He added as I swallowed down the rest of the liquid as well as the herbs which I simply chewed raw, my eyes closing in delight.

I groaned a groan of satisfaction and soon pulled the cup back down, moving it back into my lap again which signaled that every last bit of the special healing liquid was gone and instead inside of my body.

I groaned, moving one hand up to rub my damp lips. I then hummed, turning back to Kurama.

And when I did, I gave him another one of my rare but happy smiles. "Well done, Kurama. Now I just have to wait until it works." I announced in excitement, just ready to get better so I can get back on my feet again.

And Kurama nodded upon my response, stepping up to only pat my shoulder. "It'll work, Naruto. Just give it time." He responded back calmly, just steady rubbing at my shoulder to help calm, my body. And it slowly worked which allowed the healing remedy inside of me to work faster.

Both of us waited a few minutes, just as Kurama had said to do so the potion could work.

And during those minutes I still felt the same intense pain, the same dullness. I still heard the same ghost-like whisper of death teasing me as it constantly spoke inside of my ears.

My blue eyes were rooted on the clock up on the wall in my room the entire time, just watching it tick along.

But, I was slowly beginning to doubt Kurama's little potion once five minutes passed, then seven, then ten. Nothing was happening. I felt the same.

On the verge of death.

So I whipped my head towards Kurama, giving him a look of doubt and disappointment. "Kurama. When the hell does it suppose to work? You said a few minutes right-" But just as I began to complain, to show emotion, my body was suddenly hit with a harsh chill, one that contrasted the searing heat the poison let off.

Just like the poison, the chills began to course quickly throughout my body which made me gasp. My words were caught within my throat and I began to breathe heavily, my chest heaving greatly.

Kurama's eyes widened upon seeing the change in my movement. But he said nothing. Only watched.

Stronger and stronger came the chill which soon took over my entire body. It had gotten to the point I felt it everywhere, even in each of my toes.

I let out low groans because of it, my body trembling but not from pain but from the freezing temperatures that my body was feeling. It was a temperature I disliked but it didn't last long for soon, it vanished along with the pain which made my eyes widen.

With my back tilted forward, I quickly sprung it up, sitting back upright on the bed.

I blinked rapidly, looking around with new eyes it seemed. A loud gasp shot out Kurama's mouth, he soon moving closer to inspect me further.

Slowly, he reached a hand down to retrieve the glass cup in my hands, removing it from my strong grip.

A smile came upon his lips as he noticed that special detail. "So, how do you feel, kit?" He asked in glee, moving to place the empty mug down on a nearby table by my bed while I began to move my limbs, just getting a feel of them again.

Slowly, I pulled my hand up from underneath the blankets to move it, left and right, back and forth.

Afterwards, as I saw that no pain followed my movement, I moved to clench it tight, balling it into a fist. Nothing followed it, no side effects..


So, I went to move the other one which felt normal again. I laughed in happiness, soon moving to kick my feet underneath the blanket which rose it up rapidly, so rapidly I managed to kick off the blanket completely, revealing my body fully which only consisted of a plain white shirt and grey shorts.

Everything about me screamed, healed, as I began to fully reveal myself. My hair began to get it's bright blonde color back as well as my tan skin. No longer was it painted with nasty green. The poison, was..


And I couldn't help but to celebrate. I let out a loud laugh, one that screamed relief, joy and...


I whipped my head back over to Kurama, showing him my healed body. And he too laughed in relief.

"Holy shit. Kurama, it worked! I feel, great!" I shouted out, soon whipping up out of bed to land on my two feet which felt really great. I didn't stumble. I didn't feel woozy. I felt normal.

I'm, standing again.

I can't believe this...

The potion worked and my strength has come back, everything has. The happiness I felt was out of this world and I just couldn't help but launch out and give Kurama a large hug.

I wrapped both of my arms around him tightly, pulling him into my chest which made him laugh. And he, pulled his arms around me too, accepting my hug.

There, we just hugged it out, nothing but relief revealed in my bright and healthy blue eyes.

I, was happy, more than happy as I just stood there and poured out my appreciation, my gratitude to Kurama. I had no words, I only expressed what I felt with my actions.

I clutched his neck tightly, breathing deeply. "Thank you. Thank you so much, Kurama." I whispered over and over by his ear as he steadily patted my back, just accepting everything I showered him with.

He smiled, absolutely loving the moment. "You're welcome, kit. I'll be by your side, always. Don't forget that." He whispered out on which I nodded to, saving that within my soul.

A few more seconds passed of hugging and soon we broke it so I could fully embrace the fact that I was better.

I stepped away from Kurama to move to stand in the front of my bed, my hands moving up.

I smirked. "Well since I do feel much better.. I think it's time to test the waters, shall we?" I chuckled out amusingly, referring to my power.

Earlier, in my very weak state, I wasn't able to tap into it at all but now... I chuckled, directing my outstretched hands up and out before me. And with a bit of concentration, my eyes flashed a deep dark red, just like before and soon, a large intense burst of fire was seen shooting high up, out of my hands which made me even more happy. I cheered loudly along with Kurama.

"Fuck yeah!" I shouted but soon closed my palms, simmering the fire down till it was no more. But I wasn't done testing out my power. I had to know everything was back and running. And Kurama stood in the background and watched.

So next on my agenda, I began to step towards my dresser, not too close to it though.

I gave myself some distance from it and only moved one finger up at it, my eyes remaining their horrying red.

With more concentration, my eyes narrowing upon the objects on the dresser, I managed to summon up my dark power, the black fog particles shooting from my one digit to travel across the air and towards an object sitting upon the dresser. And that object, had to be one that belonged to Hinata..

My little one.

The object was a stick of lipgloss, my power entering inside the object to only make it rise into the air from where it was lying.

I couldn't help the sadness that began to take over me as I stared at Hinata's object, my one finger beckoning the object over causing it to fly through the air just like my magic did. And once it was close, I opened my palm so the lipgloss could easily land flat into my grasp, my fingers soon closing over the girly object.

But it was an object that screamed Hinata for it not only haunted my memories from all the times I've seen her use it but her scent could be easily picked up from it which made me think of..


I closed my eyes for a bit, just taking this time to really think about her.

Oh Hinata...

Now that my strength was up, I was more than capable in finding and saving her. I could tear apart those peaky demon hunters and I could also ensure that there are no more of them.

I wouldn't have to fucking deal with them ever again..

Just the thought of that made me highly excited.

I am so ready for bloodshed..

I am so ready to fight.

But, before I do that..

I need to check up on Hinata.

I know she's dealing with the same poison I was dealing with so I definitely want to know what's going on, on her side. So quickly, with her stick of pink lipgloss within my hand, I closed my eyes and thought about Hinata.

Kurama watched me as I slowly wormed my way into Hinata's mind, to catch up. But when I entered her mind, to soon see through her eyes, I instead saw...


I only saw darkness as I switched my own eyes around, all over the place, just trying to get a feel of being on Hinata's side. But, as I stayed, I began to feel a strong sense of..


It was so strong, so intense I just couldn't stay silent about it. I gasped sharply, the emotion hitting me like a truck. But I stayed put. I want to find out what the hell is going on.

Kurama's eyes widened as he just stared at me as I remained deep within Hinata's mind which slowly began to open up to me. The longer I stayed, the more I was able to see.

Because suddenly, I began to see images. Ones that were so detailed, so real, it made me want to stay longer.

And I did.

I stayed until those said images began to become clearer. No longer were they blurry and hard to make out. Soon I could see an image of a room, one that was large and dark.

I gritted my teeth, trying to use my eyes better to see. Those said senses moved rapidly around to take in as much information as they can. The room I was now seeing was mainly red, along with the carpet. But it also held a...

Throne chair?

Where the fuck...

My thoughts stopped dead in its tracks when suddenly I spotted two figures held inside, the said room. One, had bright blonde hair while the other had long midnight blue hair. I gasped once more.

Is that, Hinata?

From where I could see as I skimmed through Hinata's mind, I saw the fear that was held on her face, her body lying helplessly on the ground of the throne floor where a large figure towered over her, one that looked like... My features tightened.

Is that... me?

Scary as I was, I stood there like a maniac with eyes that were the color of blood, teeth sharp and nails long and lengthy like knives. I, was the definition of pure terror as I towered over poor defenseless Hinata.

Little one looked like she was having a heart attack, petrified completely to her spot. Both of their lips were moving at times but I couldn't hear them at all. I could only see them. But what I saw was enough. What I saw confirmed everything.

What I'm seeing is a mind trick..

A clone version of me was there, abusing my poor Hinata, scaring her to death which could only mean one thing..

Those hunter bastards are toying with Hinata's mind.

A growl ripped its way from my chest and with that, I snapped my eyes open, no longer lying deep within Hinata's brain but now coming back to reality, to my world.

My breathing was highly increased, my grip on Hinata's lipgloss gone as I just stood silently within my spot, a blood rage creeping over me.

Kurama frowned, concern present within his brown orbs. He took a step forward while eyeing me intently the whole while. "What is it, Naruto. What's going on? What's, happening to Hinata?" He asked quickly, just desperate for an answer.

But I could not give him one at the moment. Anger had a hold of me and I just had to let it out.

I growled out loudly, soon whipping my attention onto the curtains that laid over the windows in my room. I needed something, anything to let my anger out on and those well, will work just fine.

So with lightening speed, I vanished over to stand before the large, black curtains to only grab at them, yanking them done with a scream.

"Sons of bitches! I'll kill you! I'll kill every last one of you. You won't get away with what you've done to my Hinata!" I screamed out in a blood rage as I ripped the curtains from where they were hung up, pulling them down violently.

Loud bangs and tears were heard as I ruined every last one of them while Kurama watched in horror. He gasped, quickly moving to try to stop me.

"Kit, kit. Stop!" He yelled out but I didn't, I only continued to pull them down, shredding them, tearing them until there was no more hanging up.

I then turned to my dresser and threw my hands out so I could swipe off everything that laid upon it, even Hinata's things. I didn't care what was being broken from my actions. I didn't care about anything.

The anger, the rage I felt was just simply too strong, I just had to do something.

Loud angered filled yells were shooting from my lips as I cleared off my entire dresser, ignoring Kurama as he ran behind me, pulling at my arms to try to stop my actions but, I didn't let up.

I cried out in agony, soon pulling the dresser down, itself, to the ground, creating a loud thud to erupt within the room.

A painful cry of some sort ripped its way out of my chest and filled the entire mansion, my body zipping over to my bed, my angered red eyes falling onto the bed sheets that were there.

I growled, moving to tear those off too, ruining the expensive fabric completely. I threw them, discarding them and I also pushed my entire bed over, my super strength breaking through and revealing in horrifying ways.

The large King size bed tumbled over in no time, landing on its side with a massive thud.

But I cared less.

Soon, I found myself collapsing on the floor in a broken fit, my anger dissipating.

My breathing was super intense and unstable as I tried to collect my thoughts, Kurama just watching as I took my spot on the cold carpet floor.

Both of my hands held the sides of my head as I rocked back and forth, disbelief taking over my features. The room around me was now messy, everything out of place but I still didn't care.

Kurama, on the other hand, looked around with a grimace but soon turned his attention back onto me, a frown coming upon his face.

He then sighed, soon trotting along to only sit beside me from where I sat on the floor by my fallen bed.

Two times, he patted at my back, once again being the loyal companion that he was and choosing to stick by my side.

With concern present in his eyes, he looked at me as I rocked back and forth, my eyes widened.

His frown deepened. "Kit.. What happened? What, did you see? You can tell me." He asked soothingly. His voice wasn't loud at all but quiet and soft by my ears, my anger slowly simmering down as time passed by but I just couldn't give it up completely. I was extremely bothered about the situation. I bit my lip, keeping up with my rocking..

They're trying to force Hinata to hate me..

Of course if my clone reveals the side of me that's monstrous, that's horrifying, my poor Hinata will have no choice but to hate me. It would only be a way of protecting herself. But..

A whimper slipped from my lips and with that I stopped my rocking and also, took my hands away from my head to only wrap them around my legs, now growing somewhat calm. Calm enough to talk. But, I was still hurt and highly enraged.

I blew out a sharp and long breath which was another way to deal with my large bundle of anger.

"She's.. going to hate me." I announced breathlessly, my emotions weighing heavily, getting the best of me. My thoughts were so loud in my head, I just couldn't think straight. But Kurama, was able to hear my words clearly, his eyebrows rising sky high.

Confusion began to take over his features by my said words but he then, scoffed. "Hinata? Hate you? Never." He commented amusingly, completely lost on the entire matter but I didn't find all of this a joke.

Hinata will, hate me...

All the hard work, all the effort I spent trying to pick up Hinata's broken heart and fix it, will all go down the drain.

All the exhausting times I went and changed my ways for her, to get her to trust me, just like I want, will be all for nothing.

All, of the wonderful memories we made together will just go up in flames.

Nothing will be the same again.

The intense love I have for her would mean nothing for she wouldn't even want to accept it anymore. She would hate me. She would fear me. And she would be just as she once was...

So desperate to escape me.

And I, can't have that.

My heart, can't handle that...

Another whimper slipped out of my lips and my features tightened once more..

It hurts...

This hurts so bad..

The pain I felt, the loneliness, the hurt has damaged me far worse than the poison did in which I had to endure just moments ago.

When it comes to Hinata, nothing else matters. Only her.

I will always love her.

Therefore I can't handle knowing that she will resent me again. I bit down on my trembling lip, my teary blue eyes rooted on the table in front of me, the one that had the empty mug from before on.

Kurama watched me the entire time as I battled with what I saw just moments ago, nothing but silence taking over the both of us.

Until, I forced my mouth open to speak once again. This time, I made sure to be clear with my words so Kurama can realize just how horrible the situation really is.

With my eyes still rooted on the table in front of me, I whimpered. "Kurama... Things are truly worse than I thought." I started off which caused the fox man's eyes to widen, my words pulling at his interest strings. But he remained quiet and only stared down at me in which I opened my mouth to add onto my previous words.

"Yes.. I looked into Hinata's eyes so I could see her side. To see what was going on, just as I always do. But this time was different. At first as I looked through her eyes, I saw nothing. Only darkness. But soon I began to pick up a strong emotion. A negative one, Kurama. From.. Hinata." I announced, finally moving to connect eyes with him. There, I saw that amusement was no longer held within his brown eyes but worry. Very, very, deep, worry.

I watched as he let out a loud gulp which slithered quickly down his throat, his concern filled eyes straying.

"What, emotion? Something's wrong, isn't it? Something more than the poison?" He asked slowly, sorta catching on. And I nodded because he was right. I blew out a deep sigh, frowning.

"Yes. At that moment.. I sensed so much fear, Kurama. So much from little one, I knew something was wrong. So, I stayed and just waited until I was able to see something. Anything. And after a few moments, I did." I began to see a blurry image of a large room, one that was colored in nothing but black and red. The room itself let off an eeriness, Kurama. A darkness. And that's, when I saw something else strange.

"What?" Kurama quickly butted in, his eyes widened in curiousness. I turned back to him, staring into his eyes with a sadness in mines.

My frown deepened.

"W-Well... I saw Hinata. Sh-She was lying on the floor, trembling like she was cold. And then above her, standing there all menacingly was... me. But the creature in that room wasn't the real me. But a clone. Which means those hunters have done something to Hinata's brain. They're trying..."

The sharp gasp that shot from Kurama's mouth cut through my story and he turned away from me, shooting himself up to stand again.

Afterwards, his hands shot up to only grab at his own head, his features tightening in worry. "Shit. This isn't good. Damn it." He whispered out, officially on board. I nodded as I just watched him pace around, his reaction letting me know that he knew exactly what my words meant.

Now looking at him, I could see that his mood has completely changed, just as mine did. His eyes were no longer filled with amusement or anything positive for the matter. He looked troubled, absolutely perturbed. Just, as I, was.

We both loved Hinata dearly. So this news was extremely bad.

I gritted my teeth and lowered my head to pay the floor a look, my arms still holding my legs tightly. "She's going to hate me, Kurama. Y-You know and seen, first hand, the darkness that rests inside of me. I-I'm just a monster without Hinata's love. And if those hunters made that clone anything like the old me. The me that doesn't know how to love. That doesn't know what that emotion even means.. The me that is dark and twisted. That is addicted to sex and bloodshed. The me, that hasn't met Hinata yet.. Then.." I paused to only turn back to Kurama, my teary blue eyes narrowing deeply in hurt. A shaky whimper slipped from my lips and I shook my head.

"I will, destroy her."

My words were clear. The realization of them hit the both of us like a ton of bricks. Both of our eyes immediately snapped wide open, nothing but raw emotion taking over our bodies.

My earlier statement didn't hold as much weight in my mind as it did when verbally saying it. The impact it left was horrendous, I couldn't even hold back my tears anymore.

Soon, hot liquid of pain and sorrow began to slide down my cheeks, damping them along with my clothes once it officially dropped from my chin.

At the moment, every bone, every muscle, every nerve located in my body started to scream out.

Oh Hinata...

I wanted to do something, and quickly. I didn't have any plans on saving Hinata but I needed one and fast..

If I don't come up with one..

Then, then!

But suddenly, another gasp was heard from Kurama and soon he was back kneeling on the floor beside me, his eyes narrowed in deep seriousness. He too, looked hurt but he seemed to have thought of something even still.

He nodded his head. "I know this is all going to hell, kit. But I think I've figured out something we can do. It won't take any steps towards Hinata's rescue but, it will ensure that no more hatred will be directed at you. Well... from anyone close to Hinata that is." He announced with a smirk, soon throwing his elbow out to nudge me. But I didn't flinch. I did nothing but stare. After all, I was completely lost on what Kurama was hinting at.

If he has a plan, why doesn't it involve Hinata?

Why would I want to do something that'll just waste my time in trying to rescue her?

My interest in Kurama's words was thin, very thin. The only information I wanted to hear at the moment was of Hinata's location. And once I get said information, I will make it there so goddamn fast and burn that fucking hideout to the ground, along with those pesky demon hunters.

I'll bring hell to their doorstep.


I will get rid of all of them.

Every single one..

So only then, there will no longer be an organization of demon hunters. Then, I will be able to live how I want.

Without interruptions..

Without any risks..

I would be free. After all of this Kurama, Hinata and I will all be free.

Free to do whatever we want..

But, that will only happen if we get to the hunter's hideout in time. That, will only happen if I successfully kill every living breathing person that breathes under said hideout's roof. That, will only happen if Hinata and I make it out alive safely. I blew out a deep breath.

I will make sure all of that happens.

But till then, right now my faith was only in Kurama for he had a plan. An area I was blank in. I turned to Kurama, eyeing the playful smirk that was on his face with my saddened blue eyes.

But at the sight of it there, so close, I couldn't help but smile too. It was faint but the smile was still there. Kurama chuckled because of it.

I chuckled as well. "So what's this plan of yours, Kurama? If it doesn't have anything to do with Hinata, you can just forget about it." I announced with one blonde eyebrow raised, my words testing his, so called, plan. A frown came upon his lips at my response and he shook his head disagreeing with my words.

"Now, now, Naruto. I think it has everything to do with Hinata. Doing this plan will not only grant us a clue on those hunter's hideout. But also, more, comrades.."


Back at the hunter's hideout located within a junk pile of a room, stood a bothered red haired male. The emotion of disappointment, paranoia and anger was all the skilled hunter felt as he zipped around his messy room for answers. For something.

He didn't know who to trust anymore for his own people had turnt on him, throwing him off to the side like worthless meat. So, now, the bushy red haired male had no choice but to turn, on them. Including..

His own boss..

Sasori let out a heavy sigh and soon decided to sit down at his workstation, one that held a very important object on. It was from a project he's been working on in private. No one knew what he was up to but he, knew what his boss was up to.

If it has anything to do with poison, he knew everything about it.

So because of the recent bombard of hunters who came inside his room and stole away one of the male's inventions without so much as a please and thank you.. Well... He caught on to his boss's diabolical plan fast.

He's attempting to poison Hinata.

The pale man gritted his teeth at such a plan, balling up his fist upon his desk.

How dare you, Yahiko?

Of course he couldn't convince his boss to rethink his actions, to do something different, to spare the girl so he's come up with a plan B, all on his own.

And that...

The disappointment from before fell from his face and he pulled up a long white syringe, the long needle exposed, just ready to be used.

With two flicks with his forefinger and thumb to check if the medicine was still safely stashed inside, he moved one hand over to locate the cap.

The medicine, was perfect.

Just as he had planned.

With several tests done on himself, and from the hard work in which he usually puts in, into making his very own poisons for either the team or for himself, he knew that the medicine was right where it needed to be to work.

He was a skilled bastard when it came to poison, of course.

Soon, his hands found the clear top strolled, alone, on his messy desk which was needed to cover the needle so, he placed the small item over the syringe, hiding it from the world.

Afterwards, he just stared down at the long and white cylinder shaped object with narrowed eyes, his thumb constantly running over it in awe almost.

A smirk broke through and next thing he knew, he was laughing. Oddly enough, betrayal felt good. But now, all it takes is to execute his hidden plan. He licked his lips.

You know what they say..

Revenge, is best served cold.

And with his plan in mind, it will do just, that...


Well, this chapter was pretty dark, wasn't it?

But, how was it? Ya know, with me coming back and all?

Yay, Nay?

Let me know!

Lots of things happened in this chapter. We saw that Hinata is still getting torture by dream Naruto who is trying his best to get her to hate him. And...

It's working...

Another thing, Hidan has embraced the darkness. Yahiko failed to keep his soul pure so... That's troubling..

On the other hand, Kurama has helped Naruto regained his strength to the point he is normal again. But at the end of it all, Naruto has found out what the hunter's are plotting with Hinata and is deeply angry.

Wonder what he will do? I wonder what Kurama's plan is? Hmm...

I know! But you guys will have to find out later on! Hehehe (I'm so evil!)

Lol, my bad! Don't get made at me! 🥺😅🤣

And also, Sasori is plotting behind Yahiko's back so that's like, crazy...

But anyway, I hope you enjoyed! Like I said, my schedule is wonky and weird so I don't know when I will get another chapter out.

But of course I'll let you know! Communication is key after all!

But I'll try to work my hardest!

But anyway, thank you all for the support! 💗

I'm almost at 600 followers! Thanks so much!!! 🥰🥰😍

Anyway, See ya! 💋


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