Chapter 52: Falling Through The Cracks

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(ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ: ᴅɪsᴛᴜʀʙɪɴɢ ᴍᴏᴍᴇɴᴛs • ᴠᴜʟɢᴀʀ ʟᴀɴɢᴜᴀɢᴇ • ʜᴏʀʀᴏʀ • ᴄʀᴇᴇᴘʏ • ᴇxᴛʀᴇᴍᴇ • sᴜᴘᴇʀɴᴀᴛᴜʀᴀʟ/ᴇʟᴇᴍᴇɴᴛs • ᴛᴏʀᴛᴜʀᴇ • ᴇᴍᴏᴛɪᴏɴᴀʟ ᴛᴏʀᴛᴜʀᴇ • ᴍᴀᴛᴜʀᴇ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ • ᴠɪᴏʟᴇɴᴄᴇ • ᴅᴀʀᴋ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ • 𝟷𝟾+)


Temari's P.O.V

A loud groan of frustration shot out of my lips, my eyes revealing great annoyance.

Ino and Sakura stared gravely back at me as they sat comfortably on the floor in Mr. Hyuga's guest room. Which, is a room that the three of us have been staying in.

Ever since Hinata came back to us, we have sacrificed school, our old lives, everything, to stay here in the comfort of her home. And not just to protect and watch over her but to be there for her through these tough times.

School doesn't matter at all. Not when it comes to our situation.

So we have remained at Hinata's home. Day in and day out.


Ever since that demon came back to our home and abducted Hinata, we have been lying around, depressed. And to make matters worse, we still haven't heard anything from the demon hunters.

Everything's gone so quiet…

Hinata rarely even talks to us anymore. She calls occasionally and when she does it seems she's even more unrecognizable than the last phone call. She seems so lost.

She may really have departed from us.

But I, have vowed to not give up on Hinata. To always fight for her benefit. No matter if it kills me.

She's my best friend, after all.

I would do anything for her.


I gave my eyes a roll as I held my personal phone up to my ear, a womanly voice heard from the other line using a tone that truly upset me.

🌟 Mother- Temari, darling. Why haven't you told me about dear Hinata's situation? Your Father and I were so worried sick when you stopped coming home. Not to mention your brothers are going crazy. They've grown anxious. We all thought something bad happened to you.

My Mother was on the other line in total distraught. She talked nonstop about how worried she was feeling at the moment. I started to feel extremely bad at that, guilty. A frown was held on my lips, my free hand gripping the end of my shorts tightly.

🌻Me- I'm sorry to worry you, mom. A lot has been going on as of late that's kept me from home. You… wouldn't understand. But I'll, tell you everything later. Promise. Just for now, trust me that Hinata and her family, along with myself, will be okay.

🌟Mother- Fine, fine. I trust you. But don't leave me in the dark, okay. Text me everyday. Call me. I'll let your school know why you're absent.

🌻Me- Thank you, so much mom.

🌟Mother- You're welcome. I love you.

🌻Me-  Love you too. Tell everyone, I love them also.

🌟Mother- Sure thing, sweetie. I'll talk to you later.

🌻Me- Alright.

Soon after, a small beep was heard which notified me that my mother had ended the call, allowing me to relax again. I was so tensed hearing her after all this time.

I haven't spoken to her nor my other family in weeks.

Like Father, Gaara and Kankuro.

I felt so guilty not texting them or even calling. But now…

Things will change. I can't bear not talking to my family anymore.

It was already hard enough going without talking to Hinata on a daily basis as I normally do.

Everything is so, so different.

A sigh passed my lips, my hands dropping to land in my lap, my chest sulking. Sakura frowned upon the look on my face, her eyes saddened.

Recently, Ino and Sakura managed to get into contact with their own parents. We all agreed we would contact them today. But when they did, their conversation was highly similar to mine. Where their parents were either angry because of their absence or completely distraught and worried. But both, Sakura and Ino managed to calm their loved ones down by telling them that their wellbeing was fine and that they were safely staying in Hinata's home under Mr. Hygua's care. They even told them the same lie that I did, regarding our situation. We told them that..

Hinata was severely sick and needed assistance.

All of us agreed beforehand that we would cover up this demon business from outsiders, ones that knew nothing of our situation. That knew nothing, of demons and demon hunters.

We can't allow this information to spread. It will only cause panic.

So we all, Ino, Sakura and me promised to never tell anyone, anything.

So we kept to that promise.

We hid the truth from our parents, from our classmates, hell from the whole entire world.

My eyes hardened.

And I planned to keep it that way.

"So, calling our parents is officially off of the to-do list, huh?" Sakura said amusingly, trying to lighten the mood up a little. And, it successfully worked. A slight giggle came from my lips, my head nodding in agreement to Sakura's words.

"Yeah. Thank goodness for that." I only commented, speaking my regards on the parent business.

Ino smiled but said nothing, we all huddling around each other in the large guest room. One bed was held inside the said room, along with a small couch and a Tv. Windows with white curtains were drawn up to my right which kept the sun out but as of right now, it was slowly going down. The day was once again about to end to start another tragic one. I sighed, rubbing the carpet floor with my free hand.

I wonder what you're doing right now, Hinata…

We all missed her, dearly. I couldn't stop thinking about her. I can't eat, think, and sometimes I can't even sleep.

Inside the guest room at night, Ino and Sakura and I rotate to use the bed. One night Ino and I might sleep on the bed while Sakura sleeps on the couch while the next night Sakura and Ino sleep on the bed while I, take the couch. And so on and so forth.

It was even like that when Hinata was here. We wanted to give her space so we did. And she appreciated it. Every day we spoke to her, made her laugh, watched TV and played games with her. We did nothing but hung out with her. It actually for once felt like old times.


Tears began to prick my side, my chest tightening to an unbearable state. I felt like bursting into tears from the feeling of losing Hinata. My green orbs were growing more teary by the second and at that moment, I didn't want Ino and Sakura to see me cry, so..

I looked towards the closed door to the guest room we were in, one that was the only exit out. I sniffed. "I-I'm… getting a little hungry. Do you girls want anything?" I asked lowly, trying to cover up my feelings. I didn't want to upset Ino and Sakura so I settled on hiding my emotions.

And they, didn't expect a thing.

Sakura leaned back on the floor, bringing one finger up to tap at her chin, thinking. "Hmm. I'm pretty hungry too. I'll just settle on getting a snack. How about a sandwich?"

I giggled at her request, nodding. "Sure. I can make it for you." I turned towards Ino who was lying with her body drawn on the floor, leaning on the only couch in the room. I smiled at her.

"How about you, Ino?"

"I'll just get the same thing as forehead." She snorted out, soon moving to stick her tongue out at the pink haired girl across from her.

The teen girl immediately gasped, her face instantly shifting to form a glare. "Ino, I really don't appreciate the name calling." She gritted out which only made the both of us, Ino and me, laugh.

Those two are so amusing.

But, I had a task to do, so I pushed myself up to my feet and slowly made my way towards the door to open it. "Alright you two. I'll be right back with our snacks." I informed as the two quietly bickered back and forth playfully. It was normal, hearing them do such a thing. It was only a way to express their love as friends.

Sakura glanced over at me, eyeing my changed position which was by the now opened door. "Alright. We'll be waiting." She sighed out on which I nodded at her. Afterwards, I picked up my feet to officially exit the guest bedroom, slipping past the open door.

Entering into the hallway, I instantly noticed how quiet everything was. There was no sign of Hanabi or Mr Hyuga at all. I looked down the hall, switching my head to my left and also to my right.

I guess they're both kept away in their rooms.

I frowned upon that but decided to push myself along, my bare feet stepping across the soft carpet floor as I walked.

It didn't take long at all to rush downstairs to make it to the first floor of the large house, soon working myself to the kitchen. But when I did and glanced towards the living room, I noticed some very strange things which had me retreating back to the stairs.

The lights were all cut on and I could precisely see two figures inside the said room. My body stiffened upon that, my hand gripping the stair railing for support.

Oh my god…

Fear instantly took over my being. My heart pumped faster. My hands began to grow sweaty and I started to feel very uncomfortable.

What is going on?

Whatever I saw, gave me an uneasy feeling, one I have never felt before.

A dark feeling.

One of my hands rose up to grab the front of my shirt, my other hand still gripping my cellular device tightly.

A shaky gulp slid down my throat, my green eyes focused on the lightened room from where I stood by the stairs.

After my gulp was made, I then blew out a deep breath.

Well, here goes nothing.

There was no use in me standing here like an idiot, frozen in fear. I have to really see with my own eyes who the hell is standing in Mr. Hyuga's living room.

I stepped forward, my eyes trained in that direction.

It can't be them. It can't.

Could it be though?

What if the demon changed his mind? What if he's here with Hinata?

What if he's gonna allow us to see her?

Hope suddenly flashed within my eyes and suddenly, my feet pushed themselves forward to walk again. Fear no longer existed in my body, only joy and happiness.

Oh Hinata!

My heart was now fluttering, working off of a new emotion.

A positive one.

So I rushed into the living room without a minute to spare, my eyes open to see everything. But, what I saw, immediately brought back the worry, the doubt, the fear, from earlier.

Indeed, the demon from before along with his sidekick sat on Mr Hyuga's lounge couches. They were here, just as I suspected. But a person was missing.

My eyes widened, a gasp slipping out of my lips. But that only caught the two monstrous beings' attention.

Both of their heads snapped up at me from where they sat. One was positioned, hunched on the arm of the love seat, slightly standing up. His hair was orange, eyes brown.

While the other one, the demon that has put us all through hell, sat on the right hand side of the couch with his head bowed, his blue eyes directed on me.

He pressed his lips tightly together at the sight of my presence, a sadness held in his eyes.

I, stood speechless, completely confused as to why they were back here without Hinata.

Where is she?

My eyes widened largely, tears threatening to spill.

"What the hell, is going on? What are you doing here? Where the fuck is Hinata?" I blurted out valiantly, not at all holding anything in. I couldn't allow myself to anymore. It was just too painful and I wanted to know all the questions I had immediately.

For a moment, the demon said nothing by my sudden outburst, giving me the silent treatment. The blonde one, who went by Naruto, turned his head so his saddened blue eyes could meet brown ones, the other male sadly returning his frown.

They stared at each other for a moment as if they were mentally communicating until Naruto let out a deep, profound sigh, his body still hunched over, like he was exhausted.

I narrowed my eyes upon him, my ears opened to hear what the bastard had to say. Because deep down I knew, it was something that was deeply concerning.

The blonde demon turned back to me, this time raising his head so I could see his entire face, his sadeneed eyes as well.

His frown then, deepened. "I-I.. really need your help. It's, about Hinata…"

Hinata's P.O.V

A whimper of pain shot from my lips as I now laid on a hard surface, one that contrasted the carpet I was just sitting upon previously.

Another whimper slipped from my lips and I finally opened my eyes from a deep slumber I was forced under, my hooded lavender eyes fluttering open.

My head throbbed painfully, my body extremely sore. But that didn't even beat how emotionally drained I felt.

I feel so, weak…

My body felt like a hardened shell as I just lied on the ground, my vision slowly regaining itself.

A groan shot out of my lips and I forced one of my hands up to grip my booming head, my body trembling.

I have such a terrible migraine.

It hurts.

I couldn't seem to fight off the nasty migraine I was suffering from as I laid in a long hallway of some sort, rooms with doors littered on each side of me.

I spared a glance down, eyeing my new attire. Instead of the sunflower tank and brown shorts I was wearing before, now, I wore something a little bit more…



A low V neck romper squeezed itself to my hourglass figure, revealing heavy cleavage. The comfy outfit which came in the color of black, stopped at my thighs, the bottom of it presenting itself like shorts, leaving my legs bare. Black vans were rooted on my feet as well which ended my naughty attire. I gasped, a little part of me confused.

But everything from before came rushing back when I heard a loud, deep demonic voice arose on an intercom through the new building I was held in.

"Wakey, wakey, darling. The fun isn't over yet."

Naruto's voice wasn't even recognizable at this point as it filled my ears, my body lying helplessly on its stomach on the marble floor. I whimpered, slowly bringing my body up to a crotch but when I did, I felt something strange, move inside of me.

The strange object was snuggled deep against my inner walls below, resting against my womb. So as soon as I moved, the circular bead moved as well creating indescribable pleasure which stopped me dead in my tracks. I gasped sharply upon that, my body falling back down.

I launched my hands out in response, placing them on the floor, in front of me, to balance myself up.

Sweat dropped profusely down my pale face as the object slowly began to settle once again, growing still inside me. My lips trembled upon feeling such a thing in my lower area again. Memories immediately flooded back and all I could think about was the first time Naruto placed such a disgusting thing inside of me.

He only did it just to torture me.

And he is still doing it, for the same exact reason. I stifled a cry, my body lying rooted in my spot, afraid to move.

God, how much longer will I be trapped here? I can't take much more of this.

I was tired.


Emotionally, and physically drained. I felt as though I couldn't go on anymore. But of course, Naruto has to always ruin my plans.

"Mmm. I see someone has found my gift. Does it feel good, darling? It's surely missed being inside that tight little cunt of yours."

"Stop it!" I screamed up into the air, where I heard the demonic voice, one that masked itself as Naruto's but only deeper, darker.


His words were ones I did not want to hear. They were just too much. The situation, was just too much. I couldn't take it anymore.

But only laughter met my ears from the monster, who simply felt amusement to my suffering.

"Oh Hinata. You amuse me. But don't take the sound of my voice for granted. I would appreciate it if I were you. For you won't hear it for long. I plan, on playing a game with you."

My breath hitched at his words, my body stiffening. The words that echoed throughout the large empty building did not sit well with me. I knew, this game, Naruto has in mind will only be a means to torture me even more.

He's gonna torture me until I am absolutely nothing.

He's not gonna stop.

I felt like crying at that realization. But I did not. Instead, I looked towards the ceiling and opened my mouth to speak. "No. I don't want to play anything with you. Leave me be, please-"

"But sadly hun, you have no choice. You will, play my game or you will suffer the consequences. Dire ones, doll. That reminds me, you still owe me. So I suggest you close your mouth and listen."

I gulped, my ears picking up the seriousness that littered in Naruto's speech. His voice was so deep, it made thundering sounds in my chest everytime I heard it. It made my ears ring. It was an unpleasant sound to listen to. But like he said…

I have no choice.

I whimpered upon that, my fingers moving forward to claw at the floor before me. Tears were now pricking my side as I settled on keeping my face downwards, my body trembling like a leaf in the wind. I couldn't stop shaking. I was terrified. I wanted to go home.

But I can't…

So I remained quiet and only listened as the demonic monster arose again above me.

"Mmm. Seems as though you can obey. How wonderful. Now, I think that's enough stalling. After all, my body is just itching to tell what I have planned for you, Hinata."

"You wanna hear?"

I bit my lip, a little part of me wishing that I could say no. But instead I nodded, hesitantly. "What is it? Can this please-"

But I wasn't able to finish my plea because Naruto's booming voice interrupted it.

"Good! Because you are in for a hell of a ride, my dear."

His words left my body frozen to my spot, my breathing increasing.

Oh no…

I whimpered, closing my eyes in defeat by his devious words, ones that alerted that I was about to be put through a different kind of hell.

Why can't this just end already? This has gone on long enough, hasn't it?

Why can't things go my way for a change?

They never ever do and I hate it.

I hate it so much.

Once again, I had to fight against myself from crying. I've learned that crying does nothing to help me in my situation so it's best to just hide my tears. Hide my pain. Hide my sadness. Those emotions are making me weak and in result, are only fueling and entertaining Naruto. I have, to stay strong.

I have to increase my strength. I have to rely fully on it.

I smiled upon my thoughts. But they were interrupted by the voice in the intercom once again.

"So, Hinata. Have you ever played a game, of cat and mouse? Or in your terms, hide and seek. Hmm?"

Now, Naruto's voice was low and sly which summoned chills in the air. Once I registered his dark words, I swore I felt every bone, every muscle, every vein in my body freeze over, locking in place causing my whole body to do the same. Nothing but fear took over me, sliding down my back, taking over my thoughts as Naruto's words ruled them.

This time, I couldn't hold back my tears. They began to slide down my face on their own, breaking the inner promise I made to myself.

I sobbed. "Y-You want t-to chase me?" I bravely whispered out. I knew I shouldn't have asked such a thing but my lips had a mind of their own. So when I spoke such words, I instantly regretted them. Especially when I heard the answer.

"Yes darling. I want to chase you in the very halls of your high school. I want to scour the entire school for you. You'll of course run, which will be delightful. But you won't be able to escape me for long, cause once I catch you... Not only am I going to deliver your punishment for denying me. I will then…

Kill you…"

Naruto's voice was stone cold at this point. He was absolutely serious as he went about speaking my demise. He knew, deep down this game, isn't gonna last for too long.

Because of course, if you put a human against a demon in a fight…

The demon wins every single time…

And he knows that.

That right there, made me start to hyperventilate, the trembling of my body increasing. I felt like I couldn't breath as I laid on my hands and knees, my chest heaving tremoundsly.

Loud booming laughs could be heard through the intercom as a result of my performance. A performance where fear was the puppeteer and I was it's puppet, controlling everything of me.

I absolutely couldn't believe my ears.

Naruto wants, to chase me?


If I'm caught by him, he'll kill me?

I, was in a lose-lose situation. I had to face it. I've seen before with my own human eyes how fast Naruto can run and teleport. I've seen how keen his senses were as well. How great he could smell, hear and see.

And then there was, me.

I was already losing. I, was not energized one bit. My body felt drained of energy, glued to its place on the floor in shock. In the state I am in, I would never in a million years be able to outrun or outsmart Naruto in a game of hide and seek.

My eyes widened.

I'm.. done for.

He, will hunt me down relentlessly through the very same halls I walked through as a high schooler. He will find me and tear me apart, limb from limb just like he did all of his other victims.

The ones I have seen with my own eyes.

But this time, I won't be the one looking at him as he did such horrible acts… I, will be, in the same shoes as all the innocent people he slaughtered beforehand.

I will die, by his hands.

The tears were neverending at this point, now spilling down my cheeks in a mix of panic and agony.

I shook my head pleadingly, sparing my attention up to the ceiling where I heard Naruto's threatening voice.

I sobbed, my teeth chattering against one another. "Please. Please spare me! Why, why are you doing this to me? I've done nothing b-b-but love you-"

A loud dark laugh erupted me once again by my words making me feel absolutely terrible, more tears falling.

Naruto, wasn't listening to me. He cared less about my words of desperation. His laughs explain it.

"Oh, foolish girl. Your love, is the reason for this. You're still, holding on. As you sit there lying in your own tears, your heart still beats for me. I want that heart. I want, to rip it out of your chest and see it break with my own eyes. I want, to swallow your love, whole. I want to erase it until it's no more-"

A burst of emotion ripped out of my chest and I soon collapsed in a fit of sobs and screams, Naruto's dark words hitting my soul a little too harshly. He was saying words I wish not to hear from his mouth.

I care and love Naruto and this, is what I get? Sadistic threats and punishments?

I couldn't take it anymore. Crying and screaming was all I could muster, was all I could do to express my grief, my sorrow. And Naruto only laughed.

"Yes. Hate me, little girl. Cry for me. Because once I'm finished with you, you will have no choice but to hate me. So how about you do us both a favor, and give in to hatred now."

"Never." I snapped, throwing my head back up to the ceiling, revealing my puffy red eyes. I was determined to prove Naruto's words wrong. I will keep my love to the very end. Even if it's a fraction of it left, I will hold on to it. I won't let myself be shrouded in Naruto's darkness. I won't let him swallow me up and leave me with nothing.

His love…

The memories we made together are my light.

It will be the something that carries me through this very dark and traumatic time. So I won't let Naruto take it away.


But little did I know, I had no choice in the matter. The torture will only continue if I don't do as Naruto says. If I don't..

Hate him..

I was so oblivious to it.

So when I heard an impatient growl in the intercom, fear grabbed a hold of me, once again.

"Such stupidity. It makes me sick. But no matter. After you play my game… After I fuck you like the dirty slut you are, you'll hate me. Every part of your being will feel hatred towards me. And that, is exactly what I want. Heh, oh darling, I will revel in it. But, in the meantime.."

Suddenly, Naruto stopped talking. His voice dimmed down until only silence was left in the entire building, leaving me to listen fearfully. I shuddered and whimpered to myself, my midnight blue head switching around in worry.

What's going on?

I looked around quickly, frantically. I checked my quiet surroundings in a fearful fit until I looked behind my huddled body.

But when I did, I was only met with long legs, a broad, muscular body which was covered by shiny armor and…

A frightened gasp shot out of my lips and suddenly, my instincts kicked in. I used my hands to fearfully slide my body away from the demon that now stood behind me, a scowl found on his tan face.

His red glowing eyes pierced my soul, aiming hate filled glares towards my small, frail body. Naruto stood there menacingly with his head low causing his blonde hair to seep over his two demonic eyes a bit, giving him an even darker look.

He was completely terrifying to look at. And I didn't even know he was standing behind me.

One of my shaky hands rose up to cover my mouth, his eyes narrowing upon my gesture.

He tilted his head. "Now. I will be nice and give you a headstart. Heh, I figured I'll give you that before you play my game. Which won't be any normal game, darling. It will be one straight from hell itself. So, come on, Hinata. Your chance is now."

After his words ended, his face fell until a blank expression took over it, his eyes still holding the same blood lust in them, one that was always directed towards his victims. Right before, he tore them apart and swallowed them whole.

I whimpered in my spot at such a deadly look, still steadily sliding myself away from the crazed demon before me, one who slowly moved his lips to form a..

"100." The first number was spoken from Naruto's lips as he stared down at me. But soon after, he spoke another one.


His face was honestly scary as he stared down at my being, locked on it as if he was hypnotized. A crazed look of hunger, and bloodlust was seen in his crimson eyes and at that moment, his actions clicked in my mind.

I gasped, quickling scrambling up.

He's starting the countdown.

If I don't run now. If I don't get away before my headstart runs out, he'll…

Kill me..

I have to run!

So that, was what I did. With a scream of fright, I picked myself up and zoomed down the hall, away from the frozen demon who stood counting like a maniac.




His voice was growing louder and louder as I ran further and further away, adrenaline seeping into my blood, my bones, which made me run faster than I have ever done before.

The fear I felt from being mauled by Naruto kicked me into gear so I made much distance from him. But even still, I could hear him.


"8-Fucking 7!"


"Run, run, my little mouse!"


I yelped, freaking out by his words as well as his counting entirely. The anxiety I felt was extremely blown out of the roof. It was suffocating. But it didn't stop me from running. Even the moving bead inside of me didn't stop me.

I ran down hallways, took numerous turns. I made sure to switch up my path, taking right turns and sometimes left. I made sure to get as far from Naruto as I could.

All the halls were long, white and vacant, completely clear of teachers or students, of anyone for the matter. It was so strange as I just took everything in while running through the halls, my shoes slapping at the ground constantly causing a major ruckus.



I sobbed as I kept up my sprint, Naruto reminding me of how much time I have left before he starts his hunting.

And when that happens, I know my anxiety will be done for.

My heart entirely.

So, I made sure to keep my distance.

I ran and ran and ran until my legs burned and ached. I ran until my lungs cried out, begging me to stop my actions. But I didn't.

I only stopped when I miraculously entered the front lobby, extreme pants of exhaustion shooting from my lips, proudly making themselves known.

I breathed deeply, looking around at the familiar setting.

I'm at.. the front of the school..

Which means..

I gasped, quickly picking up my tired legs to run a few more steps. I turned down another right until large double doors greeted me, ones that would take me away from this place.

I smiled, picking up my speed.

I have to get out of here!

I can't stay here and die! I just can't!

My fear was getting the best of me. My mind was thinking only about escaping then hiding or running. I wanted to leave. And I was growing extremely desperate on the matter.

So once I was close to the exit of the school, I didn't think twice and launched myself out towards it, grabbing the two handles and giving it a push.

But when I did, I instantly regretted it because as soon as I applied just a little bit of force to the door, the bead that was snuggled inside of me began to thrust itself wildly, beating my pussy walls in submission. It didn't hurt.


It actually felt extremely good, granting me pleasure that was out of this world.

I couldn't help but scream, my eyes rolling. "A-Ahh! Oh god." I sobbed out in pleasure, my eyes crossing from the unbelievable pleasure that racked my lower area. The bead was pounding me relentlessly like it had a mind of its own, holding me in place and keeping me from escaping.

My body spasmed greatly and soon, I found myself collapsing, like a failure. I hit the floor with a thud of defeat, my body twitching crazily.

My body felt like it had just felt a large jolt of electricity to the point of near death. The pleasure I felt was just too much, it almost robbed me of the last bit of energy I had left.

I moaned shakily, a little part of my mind turning to mush.

What, w-w-was that feeling?

It felt so good.

My body laid unmoving by the entrance/exit of the school, Naruto's counting still going on, heard throughout the entire building.



"2- Ooh… Did I just hear a scream? You tried to escape, didn't you, my dear? Such idiocy. You can't escape me. Ever! How dare you even try? You're gonna stay here and play my fucking game!

"Play it, Hinata!"

My body shook awake at the sound of Naruto's crazed, obsessive rant down the hallway, my body trembling against the marble floor.

I cried out upon hearing such a thing, all of my senses becoming alert once more. I looked around, seeing that I was lying stupidly in front of the doors of my school's entrance instead of hiding, or running, my heart beating faster upon that realization.

What the hell am I doing?

Naruto's going to start the game soon and I'm…

I yelped out in fear and quickly launched my body upward, regaining my posture once more. "No! Please, Naruto!" I screamed, soon running off again. I left from the exit and instead ran back into the school, deeper inside.

Laughs followed after my pleas and soon, the counting was resumed, just like before.




Nothing but pain and exhaustion was felt by me as I ran down another long hallway, my eyes switching back and forth. Doors upon doors met my gaze as I ran by them, all of them numbered.

I looked at each classroom door closely as I kept up with my sprinting, my heart pumping faster as I steadily heard Naruto's countdown going on.



My world was crashing the more the demon counted, growing closer and closer to number one. I turned down another hall, running down it to only turn down another one. My lavender eyes shot towards the classroom doors that passed me and I gulped.

I have to hide!

Naruto can easily pinpoint me if I keep it up with all the running..

And besides, I will grow exhausted in no time.

Hiding is the only best thing.

But first…

Even though I was exhausted and scared out of my mind, I had a plan. I knew Naruto was a master at this sort of game, seeing his keen senses were like a cheat sheet for him. So, I have to bait him, fool him.

Outsmart him.

I have to believe that I can do this. If I do, I will, be able to win this game.

Looking down upon myself will bring me nowhere.

So, I decided to act on my silent plan, one that seemed to just pop into my brain just now. I smiled thinly to myself and soon, acted on it.

First, I stopped all movement, bringing my running to a complete halt. By me doing this action, I managed to stop right in front of a classroom that was numbered.


I smirked, throwing down both of my hands to grasp the back of my shoes, with a means of removing them.

I didn't hesitate and I pulled both of them off so my feet were instead bare, the shoes now resting in both of my arms. I looked down at the nice black vans and frowned. They were such nice shoes but I would not need them during this horrid situation.

Vans are difficult to run in anyway.

So I will use them to trick Naruto and his sense of smell.

And without a second thought, I threw one shoe towards the classroom on my right, one I stood in front of. I watched with my hopeful lavender eyes as the shoe slid across the shiny marble floor to meet the closed classroom door which was numbered twelve.

I smiled but soon picked up my feet again to run to another hall.



I screeched upon hearing such numbers and decided to drop the last shoe I had, purposely placing it in the middle of the hallway.

There, I picked up my speed, tapping in the last bit of energy I had left. I panted, internally grateful that I was an athlete and was used to exercising on the daily.

If I wasn't..

I shook my head. I don't want to think of such things, not when I only have under 10 seconds left to hide. So I managed to run down two more halls in little time, practically barging into the first classroom I saw.



Now entering the darkened classroom, I quickly closed it back behind myself to feign as if it was an empty room, like the other ones.

But I couldn't bring myself to walk away without locking the door. I even moved and pushed one of the desks in the classroom up to it, for safe measures and to give myself comfort.

Deep down I knew nothing could keep Naruto from getting to me but…

I have to try.

So once I made sure the door was secured and protected, I ran towards the teacher's desk which was surprisingly located in the back of the classroom, my body sliding across the floor to only hide underneath the desk.

There, I waited and listened, now positioned inside the silent classroom which didn't do too well in helping with my fear. Not only can I hear my own rapid heartbeats, I could easily hear Naruto as well.



"Ready or not. Here I come. The game of hell, has officially begun."

But little did I know that his words were only summoning up a real game. A game where pain and torture was it's gift. After Naruto's countdown, a shroud of darkness was let out into the air, filling up my empty school in a means to scare and haunt me.

I knew nothing of what was lying ahead, waiting for me. Or what it would internally and mentally, cause me...

Temari's P.O.V

Time has passed and now all of my friends are sitting in the living room, we all eyeing the two demons that were in our presence with fear in our eyes.

Both were standing up now, directed towards us as we crowded the couches they were previously sitting on.

Oddly enough, the demons didn't seem hostile at all towards us. They offered up their seats for us and were polite enough to wait until Ino and Sakura entered the room to finally speak on the entire matter.

But we still didn't see them as 'good guys.' We stared at them with hatred in our eyes along with fear and devastation.

I could not look at them for long without having the need to burst into tears. Just the look of the blonde demon's face is a reminder of what he has done to Hinata. To us, by him taking her. He ruined her life and caused her so much pain so his face is the reminder, of all of that.

Of everything.

I could not stand it and I could not stand the fact that he and his buddy were even here.


Where the hell is our friend?

I snapped my head towards them who were just standing there, behind the end table in the room with their heads bowed. Naruto, the bastard, stared down at his feet in silence, his eyes switching around. Clearly, he was trying to get his thoughts together but..

I don't care.

I need answers and I need them now. So by throwing a punch down to the couch I sat upon, I hopped up to my feet, glaring hate filled daggers at the male before me whose attention was now rooted on me, blue eyes widened by my sudden action.

Both, Ino and Sakura gasped sharply, their eyes widening also as they watched as I stepped up to face the powerful demon that managed to have Hinata wrapped around his finger. That managed to make her fall in love with him.

Ino whimpered, also hopping up to her feet. But to only grab my arm, pulling me away from the sad demon before us. "Stop it. Please Temari. You don't want to do this. He'll kill you-"

"I won't." Naruto quickly retorted, bowing his blonde head once more. We all froze upon hearing such words come from the demon's mouth, our eyes rooted on him in disbelief.

"Wh-What?" Ino whispered out, clearly shocked as all of us were. Naruto's side kick glanced over at Naruto briefly before the blonde demon spoke again.

"I won't harm any of you. I made a vow to Hinata."

"Who is where exactly? You forgot to mention that to us." I quickly spat back, eyeing him with narrowed eyes still.

Ino and I were still standing in front of the couch, our attention directed towards the two gorgeously sculpted monsters disguised in human flesh who stood in front of us, both holding a deep sorrow in their eyes. Though, a small bit of regret was seen in Naruto's.

He sighed. "I know that you girls dislike me. I know, by coming here, you would scowl in contempt by my presence. I-I'm a monster, I know. I deserve it. You can hate me all you want. But just hear me out. I have no intentions of harming either of you so, you don't have to fear me. Just listen. Please." Naruto begged firmly, giving us a verbal indicator that he wasn't going to do anything extreme.

But still…

I couldn't forgive him. Yes, I want to know where Hinata's whereabouts are but I just can't obey his words.

Hear him out, he says.

Fuck that.

He doesn't deserve such a thing.

So once again I gave into my bitter hatred and shot a nasty glare his way in Ino's hold, my green eyes narrowed extremely. "Oh boo hoo. You don't have to pretend, demon. Just tell us what you know about Hinata and then leave. Please. You've caused enough damage as it is." I hissed angrily, once again making my hatred for Naruto known.

Immediately, the blonde gritted his teeth, soon turning his head back towards the orange haired male beside him. He gave him a stern look, one that only told a single thing.

This isn't working.

But the orange haired male only shook his head, sighing in exasperation. "Naruto. Try, again." He spoke for the first time, his voice deep and resounding. But Ino and I caught his words nonetheless, our eyebrows rising in response.

But his words also reached Sakura from where she still sat nestled on the couch behind us.

Unknowingly, she frowned because of them, pressing her lips firmly together. And soon, she shot up from her seat to only intervene. But not in a way that was against the two demons in front of us.


Sakura stood up and turned her stern attention onto us, our heads snapping over to her who was in a totally different position which surprised us.

We both, Ino and I, looked with widened eyes as we caught the disappointment in Sakura's gaze.

The pink haired girl then sighed. "Girls, I think we should hear them out. I know it's painful seeing them here but… This, is about Hinata. She isn't here, with them. Something is wrong here. Their faces look-" She trailed off to only nod towards the two strong demons in front of us, signaling for us to let go of our hatred and to really see them fully.

A little part of me didn't want to but…

I bowed my head.

Sakura's right.

My hatred will only get in the way. It won't help the situation and it won't help, Hinata.

Ino, felt the same way, her face shifting into an expression of guilt. She too, swallowed all of the hate she felt for the two monstrous beasts, just as I did.

Then, with our minds clear, we moved our heads back to look into their direction, now taking in everything.

And when we did, we saw what Sakura was hinting at.

Immediately as I took in Naruto's expression it made me instantly want to cry myself.

The expression was ruled by a strong feeling, one that I knew was crushing his heart entirely.

His face was sulking, his eyes letting off a look of pure desperation, of wretchedness.

Both, of the demons before us held the same exact dejected look where it broke each of our hearts.

It told a story.

Something, was nagging at both of them, something that could cause them such sorrow we see now.

My shoulders briefly slumped at that, shivers rolling down my spine. The looks we see now were ones I wish not to see because now, all I could think about is Hinata and her safety, her wellbeing. But those faces…

I raised one hand up and covered my mouth with it, the hatred inside of me bubbling over.

I was ready to listen. I wanted to know what the hell has happened. And this time, I won't let my hate get in the way.

That, is the internal promise I have made with myself.

So now, calm and collected, I looked up towards Naruto who held his head bowed, his fists clenching and unclenching. His hands trembled a bit which expressed some sort of pent up rage he felt, indicating that our situation is also, more than what meets the eye.

I gulped. "Alright. We'll listen. We're ready now." I only whispered out through my hand which covered the exit way for my voice, muffling it. But I knew the demon's heard me because both, perked up by the sound of my encouraging words, Naruto's eyes lighting up.

I couldn't help but to smile to see such a thing. Just by my words, he seems to grow a little positive and of course,


A look I have never seen before.

He smiled a thin smile at us, he managing to keep his sharp teeth out of our sight, so we couldn't see it. And he actually, did a very good job.

"Ah, thank you girls. Thank you so much." He quickly whispered out, revealing his deep, profound gratitude for our cooperation.

He pressed his hands tightly together and shook them, positioning them in front of his chest to deeply express how happy he was that we were finally going to listen to him, his fingers directed towards the three of us.

And we all smiled, briefly..

Ino nodded. "You're welcome. Now, aren't you going to tell us about Hina-"

"Yes." He quickly interrupted, once again growing back serious. Ino blinked upon his sudden emotion change, all of our eyes rooted on his tall being in front of us.

Now serious, he squinted his blue eyes, soon shifting them to the chair behind us. He nodded his head towards it, dropping his hands. "You girls might want to sit back down for this. What I'm about to tell you will devastate us all. It will be a crippling, depressing story where it'll drive you to make a deal with the devil himself. At the end of this, you'll want, to help me." Naruto explained with a daunting undertone, one that made the air chilly.

All three of us gulped, clearly feeling how the temperature in the room dropped at the sound of his icy words.

And in seconds, we were sitting back down on the couch behind us, all of our eyes rooted on the blonde male still standing.

A relieved sigh bursted from his mouth and into the air around him, his chest heaving during the whole entire process.

He then turned his neck to the right, giving it a loud crack. He repeated this action, turning his neck to the left which let off a similar crack as well.

We all couldn't help but shudder at such a sickening display.

Naruto's body seemed to calm down after doing such a thing, his mind clear but ready to speak the truth.

The painful truth.

We all tensed once the demon opened his mouth to finally talk, his sidekick bowing his head.

"Friends, of Hinata, Hyuga. I am sadly admitting that her dear soul is in danger. Demon hunters who waged a war against me have unfortunately changed their motive. They, have taken the war to her instead. She, has now become collateral damage which means-"

"She will die, if we don't do something. And quickly."

His serious side kick butted in, raising his head up to look at all of us square in our faces.

Their words spilled into the air violently, driving their way into each of our ears where it was soon fed to our brains.

Immediately as the action unfolded, all three of us felt our hearts broke. We knew what Naruto meant. His words were worded a little odd but with a little reading in between the lines, we were able to understand what he meant.

The hunter's, are no longer following Konan's plan..

Their planning to kill Hinata.

Ino sobbed, hurt filled tears instantly falling down her cheeks and dropping onto her night wear. "O-Oh my god. This can't be." She cried out, throwing her hands up to cover her eyes as she just poured out her pained feelings.

Sakura too, was tearing up as she silently sat in her seat, her eyes rooted on her lap.

I whimpered myself, throwing my hand up to cover my mouth. I was hurt, yes, but mostly I felt..


The demon hunters got involved because, of us. We called them here. We trusted them. We helped them. But as soon as Konan, the woman that had all of our backs, dropped dead…

The hunters choose to become an enemy, to us.

This explains everything. This explains why they haven't returned our calls. That explains why we can't contact them, why we haven't heard anything from them. My eyes widened, rage taking over.

They're going to not help, but kill our friend.

How low of them.

I felt so damn guilty as I just sat silently in my spot, just like Sakura did, lost within my own thoughts.

Ino's pained cries were the only thing that could be heard in the room, the two demons bowing their heads at such a sound. They were silent for the most part, allowing us to grieve and mourn over the news.

I bit my lip, trembling in my spot. "This is, all our fault." I suddenly whispered out underneath my breath in regret, just rethinking our past actions. My thoughts were so compacted, overrunned by many many things which had me in a trance almost.

I wasn't thinking, when I said such words. I only said them carelessly. So when those small five words reached the blonde demon in the room, it managed to pull the hidden rage out of him, bringing it to the light.

Instantly, his blue eyes narrowed dangerously on my person, my words rubbing him extremely the wrong way.

He growled, taking a menacing step forward. "What, did you just say?" Naruto sneered out darkly, his blue eyes instantly flashing to a crimson. Rage and anger was evident in his two orbs as he just stared at me from across the room with a look that made my entire body stiffen.

Never have I ever seen the demon before me direct such a look towards me. I felt my blood run cold like ice, my heart escalating to an irregular speed. I was frozen in fear sitting within my spot as I was hit with a nasty glare from a demonic entity, the look along with the situation extremely new to me.

I shuddered in my spot, my actions successfully alerting my two other friends who were still torn apart by hearing the news that the help we personally called was now doing the complete opposite.

They, were putting Hinata in danger.

They, are trying to erase her from this earth..

From my shudder, the two teen girls that sat on the couch beside me raised their heads up only to be met with the demon glaring daggers at me, no longer wearing a face of sorrow. He looked pissed. His teeth were gritted, his eyes were the color of blood, glowing red. His fists were tightened and his eyes never strayed away from me, his question still lingering in the air, impatiently waiting to be answered.

Ino sniffed, moving one of her hands up to wipe her damp eyes, riding all the tears that were around them. She did it quickly, swiping the back of her fingers across the bottom of her eyelids vertically, removing all of the salty wetness anyway she could.

Because as soon as she was done, she practically barged into the problem that was staring me in the face, Ino's eyes narrowing also.

"Wh-What's, going o-"

"Oh I think you know, sweetheart." Naruto snarled out, cutting poor Ino's words clean off. The blonde haired girl gulped by such an action done to her, her gorgeous light blue eyes now holding confusion in them.

Sakura looked up from her daze and stared back at Naruto who had finally unglued his eyes off of my shaky being to look at the three of us as a whole.

Surprisingly, his side kick didn't budge. Not at all did he look like he was going to stop the blonde demon from giving in to his rabid emotions.


The brown haired demon just, stood there, his eyes closed shut and his body tittering and tottering, side to side.

I gritted my teeth.

Suddenly, Naruto let out another growl, one that came from deep within, exiting his mouth and filling the living room entirely. The noise was loud, so boisterous, us girls all jumped in usion because of it.

We all watched as he shook his head, his fists remaining clenched. The blonde then scoffed. "All this time. All this time of wondering, of making stupid conjectures of how those hunter bastards found me. I worried so much, terrorizing poor Hinata, getting her to find out what you girls were hiding. She tried, several times but failed to find the answer. So after a time, I left it all alone. So when the hunter's arrived, I, was caught by surprise. Because, I left no tracks. I did not make any absurd hostilities that could be picked up by the organized group. My hands appeared clean, to the naked eye. But.."

He paused to only turn his attention back onto me, once again rooting me to my spot with his gaze. He snarled. "Hearing such irking words from your mouth has explained everything. It explains why hunters found me in this city. It explains how they knew I was tagging along by Hinata. It explains why Konan was fucking there, watching me like a hawk." He took a large step forward and pointed a deadly finger at me, his eyes growing more and more terrifying.

"It was your fault!" He moved his finger vigorously, back and forth so he ended up pointing at the three of us. "All of you. You're, the reason Hinata is in danger at this very moment. She, is suffering from your folly plan to stop me. My poor, little one is being kept away in their secretive compounds right at this moment while those bastards are busy draining every bit of life from her body. Do you know how torn I feel right now? Hinata's friends are the culprit for damning the both of us. But my love… Damn it, my love is so fucking strong when it comes to Hinata, I can't bring myself to…"

He paused on his words to only turn his back towards us, one of his large hands moving up to run through his wild blonde hair. His sidekick glanced over at us with nothing but seriousness in his eyes, no longer a warmth held in them like before..


He looked as if he was disappointed in us, causing all of us to feel extremely guilty.

I lowered my head in shame, my body trembling. I was left in such a shameful position until it hit me.

Wait a minute.

I snapped my head back up to the bothered demon before us and glared, my thoughts now overrunned by new ones, ones that were memories of the past. Memories where the bastard in front of us did nothing but hurt, abuse and torment Hinata. He kept her away from school, raped her, battered her body until it was covered in bruises. He messed, with our friend's mind till she was a fearful lunatic. My shoulders slumped.

No offense, Hinata…

He tortured her so much she started to become unrecognizable. And even now, he's probably fed her so many lies to only ensure that she stays in love with his ass. The blame wasn't on us.


The person that needs to be blamed, that needs to be yelled and screamed at, that needs to be filled with overwhelming guilt and regret should be..


Not us.

How dare he stand there and throw around his authority as if his actions all along have been honorable and welcoming. As if he was some sort of saint.

He's the monster. He's the one that deserves to be hunted down, to be robbed of his life.

Not, Hinata..

She does not deserve such treatment. This entire time, she had no say in anything. She couldn't control that a demon entered her life and ruined it along with her mind. She couldn't control that she fell in love with a monster that feigned to look like a sexy model from heaven, who told sweet lies and gave pleasant kisses.

She, is young and innocent.

Of course she fell for it.

So no longer was I sitting, like an idiot, filled with guilt. No longer had I had thoughts where I regret even contacting the demon hunters. After I was hit by realization, I was back to normal again. I could see clearly and I was ready to give the demon in front of me a piece of my mind.

He, deserves it.

His thinking is totally off and I plan to knock some sense into him.

I narrowed my eyes.

And I won't back down. Not even for a second…

Naruto's P.O.V





Blood lust.

All the emotions a person could possibly feel, besides the positive ones, were overriding my body, attacking it from all different angles.
I threw one hand up to grip my blonde bangs from such an overwhelming feeling, my body trembling.

Still standing in front of Hinata's silent friends after screaming at them, my thoughts have done nothing but grow darker. I was unravelling. This situation and the constant thought of Hinata someplace else, somewhere out of my reach, smacked in the middle of a danger zone where I know she is being tormented, two ways.

Physically and mentally…

Was driving me crazy.

I couldn't do a damn thing until I jumped over this hurdle I am stuck by.

I have to find where these bastards are.

But now, hearing that the culprit of bringing the mentioned hunters into my situation from the start was Hinata's friends has just about pushed me over the edge.

I was constantly having to keep myself from launching over the end table positioned by my legs to strangle every last one of the teens staring back at me..

I was just that bad off.

Breathing and running my hands through my hair was the only way to calm my raging emotions, the whispers in my head, the darkness that clouded my brain and heart.

I had to fight it. For Hinata sake. I swore to her as an expression of my love that I would for one, never lay another finger on her pretty little head and for two, never target her friends. I swore to her that I wouldn't hurt them and she believed me.

She consoled me, taking me within her arms, within her heart. She trusted me to keep my promise. Her friends, is her world, I knew that much.

They're great in the friend department, I give them that. But when it comes to taking care of situations for the sake of Hinata's safety..

They lacked extremely.

For anything, I do too. I made so many promises to Hinata. I stared her in the eye and told her that I would keep her safe. I told her as long as she is under my care, nothing would ever happen to her.

But it did.

I was played like a fool, driven to a state of instability and that was when those hunter bitches striked.

They fooled me good.

And now I am paying the price for it.

I gritted my teeth from my racing thoughts, the strokes I gave my hair from my hand growing fiercer.

Kurama stood silently within his spot, arms crossed over his chest while his eyes remained rooted on the three girls who were silent as well.

The room was so quiet, I could easily pick up the racing heartbeats across from me.

But only one, caught me off guard. My keen ears could pick up two heart beats which were beating rapidly from fear and devastation while the last one wasn't beating, as fast.

My movement stopped upon that discovery, my body whipping around to face the culprit that had a normal heartbeat.

My eyes once again met with green ones but unlike the other two girls whose faces were contorted with guilt and grief, the blonde girl looked at me with hatred.

Once again.

She was practically seething at me, her teeth clenched and her hands gripping the bottom of her shorts in a way to conceal her urges to strike me down.

She glared steaming hot daggers of anger and rage towards me which only upset me once more. I growled, turning my body around fully to face her. I placed my threatening orbs back onto her and snarled.

"What? Is there something you like to say? To deny?" I snapped, referring back to my previous accusation where I accused not just her but all of them of contacting and bringing the demon hunters to my doorstep.

I growled once more, clenching my jaw.

They have some nerve.

But the girl before me, sat unfazed by my growling and glaring, her eyes sending an equal amount of irritation back.

Bravely, she pushed her body upward so she was standing just as I was, my height from afar easily towering over her own but that didn't faze her either.

I narrowed my eyes but kept quiet, a little part of me excited to see what she had to say. I tilted my head.

Hinata, your little blonde friend here sure has spunk.

The other two seemed like they were the emotional ones. Crying, weeping and hiding was all I received from them. But the one staring back at me as of this moment was different.

Much different.

She had a fierce soul, a rebellious one that would not hesitate to defend who she loved. And that being..


I couldn't help but to secretly smirk upon that. But that didn't erase how fucking angry I felt.

Her impressive endeavor to shut me down did not pale in comparison to my rage and anger, to my blood lust.

Those emotions only arise the moment I found out that the foolish teenage girls before me were behind all of this mess, involving the demon hunters.

I don't know how to feel anymore.

A quick sigh shot out of my lips, my being quite exhausted from my rapid thoughts which kept changing and changing, over and over again which only proved how deeply insane and unstable I really was.

But, I ignored that fact and only faced the girl in front of me who was staring my head off, her fists clenched by her side.

She gritted her teeth in a way it was visible, one blonde eyebrow of mine rising upon that gesture.

But soon enough her mouth opened. And when it did, it left me silent.

Throwing up one hand, she pointed a stern finger at me, rooting me to my place. "Yes. I most certainly do have something to say, demon." She growled out, practically spitting out my inhuman title, my body becoming extremely heated upon hearing it.

My eyes widened in fury but before I could say something, I was interrupted by the bold blonde girl before me.

She scoffed, moving her arms to cross them over her chest. "For your information, I have nothing to deny. You wanna know why? Because yes, I admit that we were the ones who contacted the demon hunters. Yep! We did!" She shouted out conspicuously without any detection of deception, her words burning with truth. 

Her heart didn't skip a beat at all, her heated gaze rooted directly onto my own. She didn't falter, she didn't hesitate. She yelled out the utmost truth, admitting to it all.

Her two other friends gasped sharply in fright and snapped their heads towards her direction at her valiant words, the other blonde quickly reaching out to grab the standing girl's hand.

She tugged it desperately, trying to quiet the girl. "Temari stop this, please. Just stop it. You don't have to do this." She begged hopelessly, trying to plead with the young girl, to convince her to stop running her tongue but the teen girl didn't listen.

She turned to her friend and shook her head, soon throwing her arm off to only cross her own back over her chest again along with her other one.

"No Ino. This has to be said. If I'm struck down for it, so be it. I won't just stand here and allow this creature to bash us for a problem we had no control over. A problem that he caused. So no. I won't hold my tongue any longer. I am doing this, for Hinata." She spat once more, unmoved by her friends pleads.

Ino, the other blonde whimpered, sparing a pleading glance my way which, I ignored. My raging red glowing eyes were back glued on the blonde before me who decided to challenge me, her eyes stone cold.

She scowled, returning her attention to me. "Yes demon. That's right. All along it was us that brought the hunters in the picture. And do you wanna know why we did so? It's because we wanted to help our friend. Before you came into our lives, we knew nothing about demons. We never knew they even existed, let alone walk on the earth as we do. So when you showed up and snatched our shy, innocent friend, we had to do something. We knew the police would do nothing to bring you down. So we went and found another source. A more reliable one. Something that could help get our precious friend back!"

Now, the young girl was shouting, putting every emotion she could in her words as she stared back at my quiet form.

Her eyes were narrowed and raw, filled with rage and devastation as she went about her grand speech.

And she didn't hesitate for a second. She kept going.

She scoffed once more. "We had no choice. Do you know how scared we were? Do you know how hopeless we felt when we saw our poor friend being tortured, manipulated, raped by a creature from hell. We were scared out of our minds. Did you ever stop and think about what Hinata could have felt? What kind of pain your ruthless actions caused her? You say you love her but, have you ever wondered what her life was like before you came barging in it? What her dreams were for the future? She, is nothing but a young girl who spreads love and joy. She is innocent. She has never done anything to hurt anyone. All she wanted, was to graduate highschool to make her father proud. All she wanted was to be a part of something great, to be wanted, to be loved. She wanted to cheer professionally. She is so good at cheering and expressing herself that it touches the hearts of all who sees her. Hinata, is a good person. She's a great friend to us whose always been there. But then, you…"

The young girl paused in her talking to only lower her hands so only one could rise up and cover her mouth, her being growing highly emotional.

She sobbed within her hand, shaking her head. "You ruined everything. You ruined her dream, shattered her goals, damned her spirit. We, as her friends, didn't know what to do. We were helpless, utterly helpless and we hated it. So yes. We contacted the demon hunters. Yes, we got them involved hoping they would put a stop to you. Yes, we trusted them because there was no other way. We did it because we love our friend. We love, Hinata."

After it was all said and done, Temari was left panting and sobbing in a devastating fit, quite broken from letting out her piece. The speech that told everything. It expressed everything, leaving me in a highly guilty state.

Suddenly, all the rage, all the darkness that was once taking over my thoughts, my words and actions, vanished into thin air, like it never existed.

My being was left frozen in place, staring endlessly into sad pools of green. My heartbeat escalated, another wave of sorrow passing over me.

I cursed, lowering my head. "Shit." I whispered out underneath my breath, now overwhelmed by the feeling of regret and penitence.

My eyes were finally opened. Never have I have ever heard the situation from another point of view.

Yes, I heard Hinata's side and just from that has worked it's fair share of shame into my heart. But hearing the entire thing from her friends point of view has nearly devastated me all over again.

I couldn't say a word. I was left, trembling within my spot, mourning once more over my precious Hinata.

No longer was I pointing fingers. There was no one to point them at but only to myself.

I lowered my head, allowing my blonde bangs to fall over my now blue eyes, my body free of negativity.

Now, I was left to feel the aching pain in my heart, a low scream of despair raging out within my head.

Oh Hinata. I'm so, so sorry.

I couldn't stop feeling this way. I was growing overwhelmed by my thoughts and emotions, my face covered entirely by my blonde hair.

Nothing but cries from Temari was heard in the room now, my mind lost within its own thoughts.

This, is all my fault.

From the time I left my family unprotected to hunt for food, to the time I fell unstable and to the time, I broke out of my seal.

All of it, is my fault.

From the start, I could've protected my family, fought off the mysterious demon hunters no problem. If I was there, my family would have still been alive, could've been free instead of sealed away or killed off.

If that would have happened, I wouldn't have grown so monstrous and killed so many people. I wouldn't have grown sloppy. I wouldn't have led the hunter's right to me but…

I did.

I was a fool. A fool that had gotten sealed just like the rest of my family. And there, like a bigger fool, I broke the seal to only later find out that my life was nearly gone.

I was a dead man walking…

My stupid, selfish act only led me to find Hinata and in doing so, I damned her.

There, I went about doing as I pleaded to only save my hide. I cared less about what was going on in her life.

I didn't care what she was going through or what kind of hardships she was facing.


I tore into her life and tore her apart along with it. And I linked her to myself. Now…

There's no way it could be undone.

The deed is done. My power rests inside her, our link is stronger than ever which will ensure we are together forever. I…

Ruined her precious life.

I, did this. She is locked away and poisoned because of me. Not because of her dear friends.

My breathing began to pick up in speed until I was hyperventilating, my emotions growing too strong, stronger than I can handle.

I felt like I was being hit in the chest, over and over by crippling guilt that soon took over me.

Suddenly, I groaned and collapsed to the floor in a distressed fit, a hurt filled cry escaping my lips.

"Fuck. I can't breathe." I whispered out desperately, one of my hands rising up to grab my shirt, gripping it tight.

My breathing was loud, filling up the entire room as my large body laid crouched on the floor of Hinata's home, my blue eyes threatening to close.

At the sight of my collapsed form, Kurama broke out of his stance to rush to my side with worry in his brown eyes.

He fell to his legs quickly by my fallen form, moving to grab my right shoulder to only nudge it.

"Kit, kit, what's the matter?"

"I-I-I." I whispered out in a breathless fit, my head moving up to look back at the girls in front of me. Now, the pink haired girl known as Sakura and Temari, the girl who helped open my eyes, were sharing a hug as both cried tears of hurt.

Ino, was standing also, not too far from Temari, her hand holding the blonde girl's in a sense of comfort.

I looked at the depressing scene before me and only turned to look towards Kurama who was worried out of his mind, his eyebrows furrowed.

I reached out for him, grabbing his own shoulder tightly. I whimpered. "This, is all my fault. The girls are right. Hinata wouldn't be in this situation if it wasn't for me. I, am the one that needs to be blamed." I whispered out towards him, pouring out my thoughts so he could hear them.

Instantly by my words of guilt, his face fell, his eyes growing more and more worried. He frowned, lowering his head.

"I know. But it's no use in dwelling on it now. We have to fix this, before it's too late. Because when that unfortunate time arises, our chance to redeem ourselves will never, come again."

Hinata's P.O.V

Shaky breaths from my mouth constantly broke the silence of the dark and spacious classroom I hid away in.

Ten minutes has passed since Naruto  finished his countdown and ever since, I have been extremely tense. My body was still rooted underneath a teacher's desk in a random classroom, kept away from sight. 

I was hidden completely from the naked eye which gave me some comfort.


Naruto, was now patrolling the halls. He is now, searching for me with intentions of ending my life.

That alone has made my anxiety skyrocket, my heart beating out of my chest at this point.

My body was frozen in the spot I chose, crotched down to the white floor underneath me.

I tried so hard to maintain my shaky voice as well as my intense breathing by covering my mouth with one hand, my eyes shut off to the world.

I only used my ears to pick up any signs of Naruto approaching but I heard..


Minutes and minutes passed and it was still the same. No noises. No sudden sounds. No..


A little part of me started to grow extremely relieved. I started to grow a little proud of myself in the choice I made.

I smiled faintly.

Good, Naruto is having a hard time finding me-

But instantly, once I thought of such a thing, it was thrown completely out of the window.

Soon, the world around me began to spin, around and around which caused my body to become extremely woozy in no time.

My eyes shot open upon feeling such a weird situation so suddenly, my lavender eyes switching around the desk I hid under.

Looking at everything, I noticed how the objects around me turned in circles, around and around as if I was stuck on an Ameri-Go Round.

I was growing sick in no time, as well as deeply confused. I whimpered constantly to myself, moving to shut my eyes once more.

But the spinning kept up. I felt like I was going to vomit at how fast the room was twisting and turning. It was horrendous.

I whimpered, throwing my hands up to grip the sides of my head. "A-Ahh. What's going on?" I whispered out desperately to myself, absolutely forgetting my wretched situation.

The spinning of the room and the sickly feeling that I felt was the only thing on my mind at the moment. Nothing else.

I gritted my teeth, keeping my eyes closed in hopes to shield myself from such a nauseating sight of the world spinning but..

Nothing worked.

Only a few seconds more of this did everything go back to normal. Finally, the room grew back still again, as if nothing happened in the first place.

Instantly, I snapped my eyes open upon that realization, my lavender eyes blinking rapidly to get rid of the dizziness that was lingering.

I whimpered softly to myself, completely stumped as to why the room spun in the first place.

I looked around, even turning my body to spare a glance behind me where the exit way was.

What was that?

That was so, bizzare. It was so sudden and random it made the fear I felt worsen. A queasy feeling began to arise in my gut which made me feel even more terrible.

I gagged, throwing my hand up to cover my mouth tighty.

I think I'm gonna be sick.

The feeling was growing worse and worse as I sat alone, by myself in darkness.

And to make matters worse, I began to hear a very low and subtle hissing of a deadly creature in the room.

All movement froze at such a faint sound being made, my body beginning to tremble. The hissing sound in the room gave me a familiar feeling. But not one that was pleasant.

The sound made immediate chills rush down my spine, summoning up the water works in no time. I started to hyperventilate the louder the hissing grew, as if the creature was making its way closer to my position. I breathed deeply within my hand, trying to refrain from screaming out.

No way.

No way is there a god forsaken snake in here with me.

This has to be Naruto's doing. Beforehand, I heard no such sound. I felt no spinning, no abnormal behavior going on inside this very room. So..

This has to be his doing.

Besides, snakes are something I fear the most. And to have such a creature surprisingly in the same room as I was during this hellish game, made everything much more clearer. I gritted my teeth.

Screw you, Naruto.

The sound of the snake alone was driving my anxiety and fear absolutely crazy. My heart was steadily beating, faster and faster as if it would explode any minute now.

But the hissing went on regardless, filling up the room as if it was air.

But I remained hidden. I didn't dare show myself. I kept my hiding spot underneath the large desk and stuck to my earlier tactic of remaining quiet no matter what.

But as time went by, I noticed that hiding did nothing to help my situation. The hissing only grew louder and longer.


I shuddered, every part of my body trembling terribly. But soon, just like the spinning earlier, everything suddenly grew back to normal.


But I had no time to celebrate because a loud demonic voice arose up right afterwards.

"You can't hide from me."

The demonic male's voice sent harsh chills down my spine, the tremors my body letting off worsening.

The voice was blaring and daunting and right along it, a deafening bang was heard and suddenly, the shadow that hovered over me vanished.

I was left vulnerable, huddling like a coward on the floor, now for all to see.

I removed my head from the ground, throwing it up to check my surroundings. But my eyes widened when I immediately saw that the desk I used to hide myself under was no longer rooted over me but instead tossed to the farthest corner of the room.

I was now exposed to the world which made my heart drop to the pit of my stomach.

Pure terror began to take over my facial features as I slowly turned my attention towards the front of the room, surprisingly where I heard not just the hissing but the demonic voice as well.

My lavender eyes were shedding tears, many of them, my body rooted on its knees in the back of the dark classroom.

Fearfully, I stared into the darkness from where I sat, my body frozen to my spot which kept me from running, from moving, from doing anything.

So I was exposed to the horrors of the game, the horrors of what Naruto had to offer.

Soon, the hissing arose again but this time, it was loud and it was directly in front of me. There was nothing hiding my being now as I sat and just stared at my phobia.

My fear.

Right there, inching closer and closer to my defenseless being was a large red snake. The creature was as big as the classroom itself as it slithered itself closer and closer to my being, passing numerous desks, its slitted eyes staring back at me slyly the whole while.

The darkness worked well in hiding the creature's body. The only thing I could see was it's head and eyes as it peered at me, growing closer and closer.

At this point, I could've sworn I died right in my spot. My body couldn't move. My breathing had hit a pace I had never thought it could go before. My heart was racing. Tears shed down my face nonstop.

I was petrified.

I shook my head as the overgrown, deadly snake kept up with it's slithering, its being risen high into the air, touching the ceiling almost.

The snake's size and height was something I have never seen before.

It was massive!

And not to mention, I managed to pick up another detail about the said snake that was growing awfully close to my petrified being.

The snake, had a familiar black marking or line running down it's red skin. It was one I saw quite recently, a few weeks back to be precise.

Instantly once I thought of such a thing, my glossy eyes widened.

I remember Naruto shape shifted into a snake that resembled the monstrous one before me.

It was both the same. The snake in front of me was a carbon copy of the one Naruto showed me.

Surprisingly, a bit of fear washed away and I was able to stare the snake in the eye, now noticing that it was directly in front of me, peering down at me intimidatingly.

It hisses constantly, revealing it's long slender tongue which was absolutely huge from my angle.

I shuddered, shaking my head at the hissing creature in front of me. "N-No. No.. Th-This can't be happening. The game just st-st-started. You couldn't have found m-m-me already." I whispered underneath my breath, stuttering like a mad woman. I was back terrified, the proximity of the snake to my being extremely daunting.

And I swore I stopped breathing when the snake only decided to tilt its head at my words, its eyes growing darker and darker, revealing only wickedness. It didn't heed to my words. It cared less on what I had to say.

It relished in my fear. I could see it in the creature's eyes.

I whimpered, cowering away.

The snake hissed louder upon my gesture, soon opening its mouth once more but to not hiss normally.


The large creature before me opened its mouth wide until I saw it's entire throat, it's lips parted in a charge tactic. By the snake in such a menacing pose, its long fang was visible to my two lavender eyes.

A savageness look was now held in the creature's eyes which could only mean one thing.

My breath hitched and instantly, my instincts swooped in to save me. I didn't know what came over me but as soon as the snake lunged forward with a means of eating and swallowing me whole, I rolled out of the way, throwing myself to the right.

The snake, long as it was zoomed and fell helplessly on the floor of the position I was previously in, smacking it with a loud thud.

It's guard was down, leaving me to shakily pick my being up and run quickly to the exit way.

Tears of fright were rushing down my face as I ran around many desks in the room, images of what I just saw sticking to my brain.

I breathed deeply, quickly throwing my two hands out to land on the desk that guarded the door, once I was there.

I cursed silently upon seeing such an obstacle in my way of the only exit in the room, my hands seeking to push it.

The snake hisses was starting to reveal how ravenous it was as it slowly picked itself up from falling on the ground earlier. Quickly, the creepy creature turned it's long body around to face my struggling form, now located in the front of the room.

Switching my eyes over to the red predator to my right, I screamed, his eyes piercing my soul.

And there, the large snake began to slither rapidly towards my spot, its mouth opening wide once more.

But I was much quicker. With lots of frantic shoves and pushes, I managed to throw away the desk and grab a hold of the doorknob, flinging it open fearfully.

I didn't waste any time and threw myself out of the room before the snake could make it to me, practically falling on my hands and knees on the floor before the said door.

Luckily, the door closed shut behind me and now, I was back to where I began.

In the hallways.

I cried silently to myself as I just battled with my emotions, more images of previous events flashing through my head.

I couldn't get the image of the snake attacking me out of my brain. It was glued there, consuming my being with fear, making me weak.

I can't believe that happened.

Why, did that happen?

Was it, Naruto?

The whole situation was just confusing to me. I couldn't wrap my head around it. I breathed deeply, moving my hands up to wipe away the lingering wet tears on my cheeks and underneath my eyes.

But I couldn't do it without being interrupted.

"Hahaha! What a show! Did you like the snake, Hinata? If so, you'll enjoy all the other frightening treats I have in store for you!"

Naruto's voice flooded the halls once more, letting me in on what this hellish game has to offer.

I sobbed, throwing my body up to a stand. But I couldn't stand up on my own. My legs were so shaky, I couldn't dare rely on them to hold me up so, I used the wall to do the work for me.

There, I used it to travel forward, remaining silent from Naruto's taunting words. I won't speak. Then he'll know where I am.

He's doing this on purpose.

He wants me to break.

He wants me to mess up.

But I won't. I'm stronger than that. So, I used my precious energy to not talk but to get away from the area I was in.

I slid my shaky body down numerous hallways, growing exhausted once more.

The place was eerily quiet as I went about walking, my bare feet wobbling across the cold floor of the hall.

My senses were alert as I traveled further away from where I once was, growing deeper into the school where  hellish tricks lied.

But I didn't care. All that was on my mind was to find another classroom to hide in. I was more scared of running into Naruto than another snake.

My fear of snakes does not compete with the fear I have of Naruto.

He is on a whole nother level. So hiding from him was the only thing I wanted to do.

Running and lingering in the hallways will only limit my chances of getting away from him. He can easily find me.


Hiding in one of the classrooms that littered around me is a better chance of staying safe than anything else. So..

That's, what I will do.

So, I kept walking until I was truly far away from the hall I was previously in.

I slid across the wall helplessly, my mind and body a total mess. The bead inside me was constantly flailing about, thrusting itself against my walls in an attempt to slow me down but, I ignored it the best I could.

Nothing was going to stop me.


So I kept it up. I didn't stop until I made it to one door that read.


My lavender eyes stared intently at the restroom located in the middle of the hall, to my right. But looking at it only brought me back to one memory. I gasped.

This bathroom is the same one Kiba and I…

My thoughts stopped dead in their tracks upon that, a wave of misery falling upon me.

Kiba and I fought here.

Many times we did. Not only that but we had sex here, multiple times. I was such a fool to let him do as he pleased, over and over again.

I was such a damn fool.

And now, I was an even bigger fool for stopping my plan to find a classroom to instead enter the said bathroom.

The door in front of me seemed to call out to me, drawing me in. So, I obeyed its wishes.

So, with my wobbly legs, I carried them forward to not walk further down the hall but to change directions and enter the girl's bathroom.

Throwing one shaky hand out, I grabbed the handle of the doorknob and pulled it open weakly. It took a couple of tries to have it fully open but when the access to the inside became visible, I practically threw myself in, landing helplessly on the dirty floor with a groan.

But I cared less.

I'm here..

With two hooded eyes, I raised them to look at my surroundings, my body slowly growing more and more weak.

I didn't know what was wrong with me. It seemed the more I played this hellish game, the weaker I became.

I groaned once more, my body slumped completely on the floor.

What's going on with my body?

Am I sick?

I didn't feel sick. I felt normal. So why does it feel like my energy is draining? Why is it hard to walk? Why is it hard to move, to think?

Is this Naruto's doing too?

I whimpered once more at my predicament but exited my thoughts to only look around the new area I was in.

But I didn't have to look too long to notice some sinister things. It seemed like no matter where I went, darkness would follow.

There, on the end of the bathroom where the largest stall stood was a moving image of Kiba and I.

Unlike the memories Naruto showed me earlier where it seemed like we were in a void, the two individuals were standing right there, in front of me.

But they seemed oblivious to my presence and only went about their hostile conversation.

"Why string me along, Hinata? Huh? Do you think this is a game to you?"

"No! I-I did no such thing! I was dedicated to our relationship! My feelings were real!"

"Bullshit! You didn't love me at all. You only liked the thrill, huh? The sex? Even though you always seem to dislike it, you always came running back. Why is that, huh? Is sex something you like?"

"No, please don't say that."

"Whore! You're a fucking whore!"

While listening to the conversation escalate, I felt tears prick my side once more. Kiba had another version of myself pinned to the front of the stall, his arm propped on the right side of me so I, myself, could still see everything.

I saw how devastated I looked. How helpless. I stared at the angry brown haired teen in front of me in disbelief, truly hurt by his faulty words.

"Stop it! Your words are not true. I am not a wh-whore. Don't ever call me that again."

"Or what? What will you do? Cry? Shed a tear to make me feel sorry for you? Or wait, no! Bat your eyes to woo me. To excite me. No, I am staying true to my words. And from the start, I should've known. You, were the one using me. You were the one pulling me along. You, are the one to blame."

My eyes widened once I heard the change in Kiba's voice which grew to a demonic level. It was a sound I never thought I would hear from him.

I scrambled back, quickly regretting even entering this bathroom. Kiba's words were lies. It was pure evil that dripped from his tongue.

It's not true.

Don't believe any of it.

But even still, it hurt to hear him say such things. My heart couldn't take it. I went to grab at my chest which held the wounded organ inside, steady pumping away with a means to keep me alive.

But every single time, fear would wrap itself around it and take control, throwing it in a loop.

I can't ever catch a break.

I whimpered, quickly sliding myself away from the two stiff beings in front of me who was no longer talking. Now, they just stood there oddly which only added onto how terrified I was getting again.

I started to hyperventilate once more, my head moving down to peer on the ground I slid on. But when I did, I picked up some strange words written in black ink on the floor, words that were aimed at myself.




Many words of hatred spread themselves across the entire bathroom, littered on every object that was held in the place. The ceiling, the mirrors, the stalls, the floor, the sink. Everywhere. I sobbed at such a shocking sight, my lavender eyes running over every single word.



'The Demon's Whore.'

'Shy Bitch.'

'Wannabe Cheerleader.'

'Hated Daughter.'

The cruel words went on and on and on, practically laughing in my face and revealing false claims of my entire existence. None were true. None were right to be said. But there they were, written proudly over the entire bathroom in black which made me burst into tears.

I cried as my eyes subconsciously looked around the entire place, finding even more words of evil.




Reading the last few words was the final straw. I couldn't take it anymore and I hurriedly launched up to take my leave.

"Oh god! None of this is true!" I sobbed out while quickly taking myself back to whence I came, my body practically launching towards the door.

With fear controlling my actions, it didn't take long to have the bathroom door opened and my body stumbling outside into the white, empty halls once more.

Out of breath and in a crying fit, I collapsed to my knees, the door behind me slamming shut along with the nightmare that was inside.

Tears fell down my cheeks and hit the floor rapidly, my body trembling.

How much more of this?

This game, that Naruto has me playing was out of this world. It was simply too much for me to handle.

I can't take this!

My body was breaking down. My mind was filled with traumatizing thoughts which hindered me from following the rules of this hellish game.

I have no energy left to run or hide.

I-I-I can't go on.

Little by little as this torturous event went on, I could feel a part of myself withering away.

My heart was growing tired of it all. Tired of this. Tired of Naruto. And tired of feeling this way.

Fear, devastation, disappointment, sadness were consuming me whole to the point I just couldn't think.

More tears fell, my body huddling on all fours on the floor, my movement brought to a great halt.

I knew I should be running or trying to hide but I just couldn't anymore.

My hope is gone..

My will to go on is fading away.

Clearly, Naruto doesn't feel anything for me anymore. He cares nothing for my well being like he used to. He only wants me to suffer, to endure large amounts of pain and feel only one thing.


No longer does he accept me within his arms. No longer does he heed to my pleads. No longer does he appreciate my love. He..

Doesn't love me anymore.

But seeing that realization, that brought me to one question.

Did he ever love me in the first place?

Yes, he verbally said it. He told me numerous times. He went out of his way to make me happy and satisfied. He did many heartfelt things for me that showed love but…

I lowered my head from where I was positioned by the bathroom door, more tears trickling down my pale face to only meet the floor underneath me, damping it.

Was it even real?

Now, seeing Naruto as a sadistic, bloodthirsty monster without a lack of kindness and love in his heart makes me see everything differently.

Tears started to fall more rapidly, sobs escaping my lips. I shook my head.

No, this can't be. He said he loved me. He said he needed me.

Then why would he do all of this to me? Why would he bring up sensitive topics like my Mother, or my past? Why would he threaten to kill me if he loves me? My breath hitched as my mind tried desperately to make sense of this entire situation.

But as usual, I was always interrupted.

A thud of footsteps suddenly could be heard from a hallway beside the one I was on, ones that were not mine.

The foot falls were heavy but slow, tauntingly steady. But there was no hesitation found within them. They only proceeded forward.

The noise alone petrified me, my heart thumping rapidly within my chest. The halls were originally quiet so to hear such a thing could only mean..

Naruto's coming.

I sobbed louder, my trembling body stuck to the ground in the same position as before, my head turned to meet the end of the hall to my left.

There I waited, like a trembling idiot, my lavender eyes spilling tears as they sat glued to my left.

The footsteps continued to fall, stomping the ground intimidatingly until the culprit of such sound entered the same hall as I, immediately leaving me terrified.

Sadistic red clashed with frightened lavender, the tall demonic beast I was just thinking about now standing in my line of sight, something I shouldn't have never allowed to happen.

The rules of the game were clear. If I was found, if I was caught, I would suffer a sentence of agonizing pain and then death. But..

Why can't I move my body?

It seemed like I was stuck in place as the demonic beast stepped towards me with intentions of doing harm.

He clicked his tongue, tilting his head at the sight of my huddling form down the hall from him. "Mmm. Such yummy fear. Such a beautiful look on your face, darling. What's the matter? You're done playing already? I barely had any fun with you-"

"Screw you, Naruto!" I screamed angrily, cutting off his disgusting words. I was tired of hearing them. I was tired of feeling so helpless. I wanted to punch back for a change.

But it seemed my angry comeback sadly, did nothing.

He only laughed, throwing up his hands which held both of my..

My eyes widened.

My shoes were found in both of his hands from where I previously threw and left them earlier. I gulped.

He found them.

Naruto smirked darkly, his eyes averting over to the shoes in his hands since my attention was on them.

He laughed once more. "Oh darling. You're just so amusing to me. Trying to trick me with the measly plan you came up with was absolutely ludicrous. My nose doesn't work like a dog, Hinata. My nose is much more advanced. I had already sniffed you out. I knew, where you were, all along. So your plan to distract me was cute. But it only makes me want to kill you even more. I want to tear you apart. And now, I am able to do so." He snarled out, throwing his arms down so they were positioned by his side again.

His clawed hands gripped my shoes tightly, his entire limbs wrapped around it bringing the size to shame.

His grip was concerning as well as his sickening words.

They brought the fear back again.

Soon, all anger left me and I was back into a trembling mess.

Oh no! I can't let him do this.

His pace was still slow as he walked but he was covering much ground, growing closer to my huddling form in no time.. But..

I still have time to run.

So with that hopeful thought in mind, I was able to find the last bit of strength left that was hidden within my body. With it, I used it to push myself up off of the floor to stand, to regain a better posture.

Now standing, I backed away from the approaching demon, my breathing quicken. I wanted to run, to scream, to plead but I ignored those urges.

I want to say one last thing.

I scowled harshly, shaking my head at him. "You won't win this. I won't let you. I won't give in to you. I won't give in to hatred!" I screamed out truefully, pouring my heart out. My voice bounced off of the walls and became an even louder noise entirely which rang in both of our ears.

I winced while Naruto scowled, because of them. For they were not measly words to him. They, were an act of war. My words challenged him.

He growled loud and deep, keeping up with his slow pace forward. "We'll see about that,  little girl."

His voice dropped an octave, growing demonic as he marched forward, now with intentions in proving my words false.

I whimpered, using this time to get the hell out of dodge.

I said what I wanted, now it's time to leave.

So with that plan in mind, I turned around and broke out into another sprint, my legs kicking back into gear.

Once again fear ruled my actions so my legs were no longer wobbly and unreliable. I was able to run full speed away from Naruto.

And like the sadistic bastard he was, he allowed me to run, his darkened eyes watching as I exit the hall he was on to enter another one.

This time, I had much distance to cover. I now know Naruto's location so therefore I have to get to a hall where it would take him quite a bit of time to get to.

So, I did.

I sacrificed all the strength, all the energy I had left to run for my life, my feet stomping at the floor carelessly, not at all noticing that it only attracted some unwanted attention.

"I can hear you, sweetheart."

Naruto's voice flooded the halls in his demonic tone, his words referring to my heavy stomping which he could easily pick up from a mile away. A little detail, I was oblivious to.

I yelped out at the sound of his sudden, booming voice.

But I did not stop running. Actually, that encouraged me to pick up my pace. I didn't care about anything else only that I got away from the demonic beast that was after me.

Lots of running was done. Lots of energy was wasted but I finally was able to make it to a hall that was far away from the one Naruto and I was on previously.

There, I followed through with the plan I made earlier.

I need to hide now.

So I did. I picked a random classroom on the hall I was in and entered inside.

But when I opened the door to one and peered inside, immediately I was hit by a horrifying sight which petrified me to my spot. It also, made me regret even picking such a room.

Inside, the lightened classroom held..

My friends.

There, in a row in front of the room, my friends were seen bound and free of clothing, tears of fright spilling down their cheeks.

Tight ropes were wrapped around their entire body, constricting their arms and legs from moving.

Ino, Sakura and Temari, my best friends, were rooted on their knees within their underclothes, nothing but their screams filling the room.

Tears immediately began to slide down my cheeks at the sight of their predicament, my body frozen by the door.

I wanted so badly to help them, to free their binds which held their arms behind them but…

I couldn't.

It seemed like my feet were glued to the floor, restricting me. I couldn't run or even close the door and leave.

All I could do was look. Something I wish I hadn't done.

Because as time went on, the horrifying scene turned into a nightmare straight from hell itself, leaving me in a quivering, scarred mess.

There, as my friends let out loud scratchy screams which bounced off of the walls rapidly, another individual appeared into the room, one that was highly familiar.

My eyes shot wide once I saw a blonde haired male step into the scene, taking his position in front of the group of girls.

Their mouths were gagged by thick, white cloths which stopped them from talking. All they could do was scream.

And soon, that's all I heard.

Naruto, another version of him stood in front of the screaming teen girls, staring down at them in sadistic glee.

He chuckled. "Hinata wanted me to keep you three alive, hmm? Well too bad. Because I don't give a damn about what she says. You're all gonna suffer just as she will. One, at a time!"

Just after his words, suddenly he walked up to Ino who sat crouched on the left side of him, his body moving to tower over her.

I watched, petrified, tears steadily pouring down my pale cheeks. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. But it was going on and it wasn't gonna stop. So I did the one thing that I've always done..

I pleaded.

"Please. Please don't do this, Naruto. I'll do anything!" I screamed out desperately, completely terrified for the outcome of the event that was going on in front of me.

But my pleas ran on death ears. It was as if I hadn't even said them because Naruto quickly went about ending Ino's life anyway.

His speed was so quick. Her death, was so quick it silenced my pleas, leaving me completely and utterly shocked.

Suddenly, the demon threw both of his hands up to only grab a hold of the teen girl's head. With it, he didn't hesitate to turn it violently to the side, cracking it with immense force.

The young girl didn't have a second to do anything else before she fell lifeless, her body falling forward with a thud.

I cried out loudly upon seeing such a violent act done to my innocent friend, my body collapsing by the door. "No! Stop it! Please!"

But Naruto didn't stop. He slid his body over to Sakura and quickly threw one clawed hand forward to plug it directly into her bare chest causing the pink haired girl to scream out.

But her screams didn't last long for the demonic beast grabbed a hold of her heart, soon removing it from her chest, ending her life as well.

Loud sobs of pain shot from my lips as my friends died one my one by the male I loved, Sakura's body also falling over as well.

Immediately, her blood started to spill out of her being from the large wound in her chest, covering the white ground in the process.

Their bodies were unmoving, eerily still on the floor which only tore me apart even more.

I bursted into tears, throwing my hands out and waving them back and forth, a mechanism used to get the beast in front of me to halt his actions. "Stop it, Naruto! Please stop!" I screamed out on the top of my lungs, just absolutely desperate for the situation to end. 

I couldn't bear to see my friends in any harm so seeing them in a similar predicament as mine.



Standing in front of death's door.

I couldn't take it. I could only cry as Naruto only discarded the bloody organ that belonged to my best friend and stepped over to the last person that was left bound, her screams raging on and on for miles.

But no one could hear her.

No one could help her.

I, couldn't help because my body was stuck, frozen to the place on the floor underneath me. 

So she, was doomed.

Naruto laughed sadistically, his clothing covered in Sakura's blood from just minutes of ending her gruesomely, his hungry, red eyes rooted on Temari and Temari alone.

Her eyes were wide, full of fear and devastation. A look I had never seen on her face before. Naruto was now before her with intentions of bringing her a terrible fate. But she could not do anything. All she could do was scream. Naruto took amusement in that.

"Ahh, and then there was one. Bye bye, mortal." He spat and suddenly, he launched himself onto her, causing the both of them to fall back on the floor with a thud. Immediately Temari screamed in fright by his sudden action.

Instantly, my teary eyes shot wide once I saw Naruto take the first chunk out of her neck with his sharp teeth, leaving a huge bloody gash. Her screams were growing louder and louder the more he tore apart her flesh savagely, her small body wiggling underneath his own.

But there was nothing that she could do but accept defeat, to accept..


"Ahh! Please, help me! Hinata!!"

Many times she called my name but like a frozen idiot, I couldn't do a thing. I was left petrified in my spot, my eyes left widened and my lips quivering like crazy..

I was in complete shock.

Soon, Temari's wiggling began to die down until she was lifeless like my other two friends, nothing but blood coating Naruto's body.

Chews of flesh and hums of delight could be heard from his mouth as he ate away at her corpse, making a meal out of it.

I watched as he pulled the skin off of her right arm and snagged flesh at her neck, consuming it along with her fallen blood. I watched as he just tore off any skin he could get to with his sharp teeth. And he chewed it like a human would if they were to consume chicken or steak.

It was absolutely sickening.

I only saw, with my own two eyes, Naruto eat a person once but, watching the demon eat and fill up his belly now, from my best friend's flesh really took the cake for me.

I screamed loudly, a part of myself officially breaking.

"Ahh! I can't take this! I can't take this! No, no! I give up! I don't want to play anymore!" I screamed out in a fit of despair, loud sobs following after my words of forfeit.

I was at my end. If anything could break me, it was to see my friends in danger and this..

This, was just far too much.

I don't want to play this game anymore. I don't want to fight to love Naruto anymore.

It's too painful.

So now, yes, I will hate him. I will hate him for what he is and what he has done.

He deserves it.

I don't care about love. I don't care about anything anymore.

I don't care about living or dying anymore.

Nothing mattered. I just want this tortue to end.

I don't care what happens to me anymore.

And right on cue, harsh footsteps were heard from behind me. But I didn't hear them for long because soon I felt large hands grip my shoulders to bend down so a warm cheek could meet my own, signaling that the same demon that was eating away at my friend in front of me was now behind me.

The demon hummed in nothing but delight. "Mmm. Did I just hear you admit to defeat?"

"Yes! Just please. End this. I don't care what you do. Please, I can't take this anymore." I sobbed out pleadingly, my body whipping around to grab the demon's legs tightly.

I cried, loud cries of pain and sorrow. I cried until my throat hurt. I cried a cry I have never done before as images of my friends die one by one took over my brain, torturing me further.

And the demon before me watched the entire thing, a large grin pulling at his lips upon my words.

He, has won the game. He, finally has gotten what he always wanted. He wanted me..

To hate him…

And now, he has finally gotten his wish.

I hate him, with all of my heart.

My fists began to add punches to his rock hard thighs, my body rooted up on its knees before his tall form. "Please. Just do it. Kill me-"

A harsh shush stopped my blaring screams of pain, my eyes spilling numerous tears. The demon stared down at me with a tilted head, his eyes taking in my broken form.

He clicked his tongue. "Oh darling. What happened to not giving into hatred, hmm? What happened to you denying that there was no way anything could break you? Oh how they were such empty words. You, are pathetic. You are weak and I will gladly put you out of your misery. However. You and I have a score to settle. I owe you a punishment for denying me, remember?"

All of my sobs immediately came to a halt upon hearing the demon's words which promised me more pain and suffering. More of what I have already been through.

I just couldn't take it.

I shook my head frantically, back and forth, back and forth like a mad woman. The tears were neverending at this point as I went about my pleads, running down my face like a faucet. "No! Please! Don't do this, Naruto. Don't!" I shrieked out constantly but laughter only roared over my shrieking voice, tuning it out.

"Oh Hinata. I promised, to fuck you, like the little slut you are. Oh but don't worry. I know how much you want me to anyway." He snickered out, teasing me with only dark humor which made my stomach highly upset.

I felt extremely sick at the thought of being in the same bed as the monster before me. I felt even more nauseous at the mere thought of feeling pleasure from him, to have his hands on my body.

I shook my head, my body convulsing which caused me to throw my hand up and cover my mouth.

Naruto hummed, his red glowing eyes darkening in glee. "You shouldn't have denied me, sweetheart. One way or another, your soul will be claimed, by me. Why hold on? There's nothing but darkness calling for you now." He spat, pulling his head down so I was looking directly into glowing red eyes.

Ones I now hated.

I scowled, scrunching my face up to represent the new emotion I felt towards the beast in front of me, my hands clenching his rattling attire tighty. "I, hate you. I hate you so much." I sobbed out, verbally spilling out the one thing he desired to hear.

And he moaned once he heard it.

I watched as he licked his lips in glee, bathing within my words of darkness. He hummed long and loud, throwing one hand down to roughly grab my chin. With it, he yanked it up, forcing me to keep my eyes rooted on his own, summoning more fear within my heart.

I shuddered in his tight hold which only made him chuckle, revealing his sharp teeth. The same ones that were eating at Temari's flesh a minute ago.

More tears fell upon that.

But the demon grinned. "Mmm. Thank you Hinata. Those words of hate are exactly, what I want. And now, before you are put to an eternal rest, you will give me one last thing. And only then, will your soul be officially, sealed."

Sasori's P.O.V

Discreetly, I walked about the entire hideout with my head bowed, the hoodie to my uniform laid drooped over my shaggy red hair. My eyes were downcasted, occasionally snapping forward to take in my surroundings and the people in it.

My mission was clear.

I have to find the girl.

When I do, I will be able to interfere with what Yahiko is planning.

I can save her and then, take matters into my own hands for a change.

This situation has taken a dark turn. A turn I hadn't seen coming. Ever since Konan died, things have been a little…

Strange around here.

It seems she was the one keeping everyone on track. She, was the ray of sunshine around here. But without her..

We're all shrouded in darkness.

But no matter. I will take it upon myself to bring back the light that Konan once had brought to this place and to its people.

I will open their eyes to their evil.

So therefore, I walked the halls in hopes of running into the room that had the teen girl locked away in, my brown eyes switching back and forth, taking note of the many rooms I passed.

Many hunters that wore the same uniform as I, steadily passed me but they paid me no mind. Most of them were busy talking.

And I made sure to pay attention to all of their, interesting conversations.

"Hey, what are you eating today for lunch?"

"I don't know. I think I'm gonna stick to fasting. I haven't had an appetite for food in months."

"Ahh. I see."

Many of the conversations that I picked up were useless ones. None of the hunter's that passed me said anything about a teen girl locked away in a room, poisoned, which concerned me.

I gritted my teeth, keeping up with my speed walking. My senses were alert to everything. My sense of sight and sound were used for all of it had to offer and soon, they came into handy.

Turning down a couple of hallways brought me to a hall where two guards stood stiffly at the end of it by one door.

Instantly, I snapped my head up to spare the glance at the two of them, getting a better look.

Mmm. Now why are hunters guarding that specific room?

Everyone was so shifty and sneaky about the teen girl's situation so I heard nothing about doors being guarded.

Hell, I haven't heard a lick of anything about her ever since Yahiko left me high and dry.

I am so, out of the loop...

I narrowed my eyes, quickly walking forward to only turn down a hall, passing by the guards who kept their gaze forward, not at all sensing my hidden schemes and of course, my identity.

But I, figured out what their hidden schemes are. I, figured out a certain something that they have made it their mission to hide.

I smirked slyly underneath my hood, my bright red hair shifting back and forth as I pressed onward.

I found it.

I finally found the teen girl's room..

Now, my plan can officially, start…


Phew! Now wasn't this chapter long! I think this was the longest chapter I've ever written for this book!

But like I said in the beginning, this was dark!!! A dark chapter! 🌚😈

So how did you feel? 😅🤔😟

How do you feel now that Hinata has finally given in to hatred and has declared that she hates Naruto?

How do you feel about the Hinata's friend's situation involving Naruto? They finally was able to speak their heart and now, Naruto's eyes have opened again. Thank goodness, right?

Anyway, I hope you all were able to make it this far. I was extremely creative with this chapter and because this story is slowly coming to an end, I have decided to make longer chapters instead of short, multiple ones.

I hope you all don't mind..

Hehe. 😌😏

But yeah! Next chapter will be out, hopefully next week. If not the next. Like I said, I don't have a schedule anymore, sadly, so I will try to let you know when a chapter will be posted. 🥲🙄

Alrighty! There's that! I hoped you enjoyed. Please Vote and Comment. Tell me what you think! 💗💗

I'll see ya later!!! 👋🏼👋🏼


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