Chapter 54: Danger Zone

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(ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ: ᴅɪsᴛᴜʀʙɪɴɢ ᴍᴏᴍᴇɴᴛs • ʜᴏʀʀᴏʀ • ᴄʀᴇᴇᴘʏ • sᴜᴘᴇʀɴᴀᴛᴜʀᴀʟ/ᴇʟᴇᴍᴇɴᴛs • ᴇᴍᴏᴛɪᴏɴᴀʟ • ᴛʀɪɢɢᴇʀ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ • 𝟷𝟾+)


Kurama's P.O.V

Standing quietly beside a now chanting Naruto, I gave my bottom lip a nip with my sharp teeth.

Nervousness filled my entire body as I watched as the blonde demon below me executed the plan we both came up with just a while ago.

Sitting in the spot he was standing in all the while, his legs were crossed over the other and his arms were forced outward towards the end table he sat by, his hands working into claws.

Humming and murmuring the language we both were extremely fond of, his blood shot eyes were fixed to roll in the back of his head which made his pupils nonexistent. So now his eyes were only a shade of white and nothing more.

It was truly a grand sight to see.

The tracking ritual he was implementing took a little more power than the other rituals he's done, especially since he has to pinpoint a location only through a dialing phone which steadily rings.

Position, on the top of the said end table in front of the chanting Naruto, lay Temari's phone which rang the number of the demon hunters themselves in which she had miraculously found along with her friends.

All three girls sat huddled close together on the couch before us with fear spilling from their very beings, their young eyes and ears steady taking in the actions Naruto was steadily partaking in.

He hummed and whispered more slurred chants, tilting his head upward which caused his spiky blonde hair to shift and sway constantly.

I stood silently, beside his form, just watching him.

Many minutes passed and all four of us waited to see a different response from Naruto, occasionally Temari leaping forward to recall the number since everytime we were only taken to a
"not available," machine.

Just like now, the phone dials died down and just before Naruto was thrown out of his spell, Temari leaped up and gave the front of her phone a tap, clicking a button which redialed the number.

I watched with my brown eyes as Naruto's body grew tense for a split second once his inhuman ears heard no ring from the phone but relaxed when it resurfaced again.

The rings were loud and repetitive through the entire living room, a strong enough volume for Naruto to concentrate on.

He clicked his tongue, bringing it to the roof of his mouth repeatedly, soon moving his clawed hands into circles before the phone.

My eyebrows rose.

Whatever he was doing now, it was a change from his previous actions. Which must mean he's growing closer to finding Hinata.

The spell is working.

His humming and overall voice as it spoke a forbidden language started to grow deeper in volume, frightening the teen girls even more.

The pink haired girl whimpered as she clung onto her blonde pigtail friend, her arms wrapped around hers.

"H-How lo-"

But at the sound of her voice rising up in the middle of Naruto's ongoing ritual, I quickly sought to silence it.

On Naruto's behalf, I shushed her, giving her a hard glare which demanded silence from her. Her body trembled by my actions and because of that, she fearfully complied.

Soon after, things were quiet again and we indulged in the silence which gave Naruto enough concentration to do his complex spell.

But soon after, things began to take a different turn. Soon after, Naruto's actions began to become highly…


With my brown eyes planted on the back of Naruto's blonde head still, I watched as he began to jerk forward repeatedly, his body acting irregularly as if he was choking.

His body was beginning to tremble and all movements he was doing previously halted and now he was left…

Seizuring almost.

I blinked rapidly upon the shocking event before me and quickly went to figure out the matter.

"Naruto? What is it? Naruto!" I shouted over and over as I began to make my way towards his shaken form on the floor, my body practically lunging itself on impulse towards him.

All three girls stared wide eyed as the demonic male before us stopped chanting all together and began coughing up a black substance, one that I knew all too well.


I threw myself down onto the ground beside him and flung both of my hands out towards the trembling blonde, gripping his shoulders tight.

My teeth were gritted, my heart was racing, pounding against my chest in nothing but fear for my close companion.

I knew something terrible was happening. No spell would do this to demons, especially if it is a powerful one like Naruto.

Only humans experience such a fate for tapping into too much dark magic.

It consumes and overwhelms them.

But the symptoms that Naruto was facing were the same as if a human was..


My eyes widened drastically, every part of me growing numb. Frozen. I didn't know what to do other than to keep checking on the coughing, seizuring male.

"Naruto! Naruto, open your eyes! What is happening to you?" I screeched out but my panicking only caused the girls behind me to panic as well.

Simultaneously, all three of them jumped from the comfy couch they were all huddling on to stand, their eyes rooted on Naruto's bloody, shaking form.

He wouldn't stop coughing up blood, his body constantly launching forward to spit out the fluids which landed all over his hoodie and jeans, groans spilling from his mouth..

His crimson eyes were still rolled the entire time which increased the fear that I felt. He was totally unresponsive and there was nothing I could do. Nothing that the screaming girls, could do.

"Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Is he having a seizure?"

"Why is he coughing up blood? Did his spell do this? What do we do!"

"What the fuck is going on?"

All three girls stood behind me asking numerous questions in high pitched voices which no doubt could wake up the other two sleeping humans within this very house.

But that was the least of my worries especially since I began to see two things.

Two, very, very bad things.

One, I saw that the hands I used to grip Naruto's shoulders with were slowly beginning to wither away like water does when the sun evaporates it.

My limbs were beginning to take another form altogether. One where it was not flesh and bone but instead a substance similar to smoke.

Steadily, I was beginning to dissolve into the air to only poof away which made me gasp, real, intense fear flashing before my eyes.

What the fuck is going on?

This can't be happening.

No, this can't be!

I was deteriorating, breaking down so I could revert back to my regular form. The form where I am not a physical being but instead phased with Naruto where I am only used as a power source. A ball of power.

I am, dying.

Which means..

I turned back to Naruto as my body slowly reverted to nothing, my widened brown eyes watching as the blonde demon fell backwards from his harsh seizuring, landing brutally on his head where his body trembled crazily upon the floor.

Groans of pain were beginning to spill from his bloody lips and the second thing I noticed earlier, began to appear.

Naruto began to regain his marks.

Slowly traveling up his exposed hands were bright red marks all written in a demonic language.

But I knew all too well what those markings meant and why, they've shown up.

Naruto, is in the process of dying.

But why?

Why now?

I was so confused as I sat in shock, unable to process anything. I couldn't utter a word as I began to lose my arms, then pieces of my chest and legs.

Slowly and surely, I was vanishing away into nothing and that panicked the young girl's behind me even more.

But I didn't hear their screams, their desperate calls, their needy questions. Shock and desperation had a hold of me and all I could do was shed a tear.

Damn it, I know exactly what's happened.

We were too late.

The spell Naruto was doing did not cause this to happen.

Hinata's death, is the cause of it. The demon hunters were successful in killing her and now..

We are to die next.

And there wasn't anything we could do to stop it or reverse it.

Naruto's life is tied to Hinata's life.

Hinata dies, so do we.

Because of that realization, my body, well what was left of it, seemed to start to tremble but in agony. I was beginning to mourn. Not just because of our tragic situation where our lives were finally coming to an end.

It wasn't just because we were about to lose the chance to stay on earth and live within its wonders. Naruto and I were about to be banished to hell where we will live for all eternity. We will be severed from this plane which means we will never be able to come back here again.


I wasn't just mourning because of that. I was also mourning, Hinata.

Oh, I'm so sorry.

Naruto's young lover was meeting a tragic end as well. Those hunters succeeded in poisoning her which stopped every organ in her body from functioning. It was probably a slow and painful process and little Hinata went through it all, by herself. Alone, and consumed with fear.

All, because of us.

It's our fault. We, did this to her and now we have only given her a life of suffering and pain. By choosing her to become Naruto's vessel, we have damned her.

We failed, her.

More tears began to shed down my cheeks from my depressed thoughts and I lowered my head, my body continuing to wither away.

Finally, I accepted my fate. There was nothing else we could do.

Nothing else.

But, just as I thought that, just as the red glowing markings slithered their way up to Naruto's face to soon engulf and cover all there was left; just when we both were about to meet our demise; every symptom that meant our lives were ending miraculously, stopped.

Naruto's markings instantly began to vanish from his skin and his body stopped shaking. I, on the other hand, started to regain my body again, bits and pieces of it coming back to remake different parts of me.

I started to get my body parts back again which reverted from the smoke-like substance it had turned to previously to instead flesh and bone where I was able to move my arms and legs again.

To live, again.

A large, happy smile came upon my face as I wiggled my newly crafted hands and eyed my legs which I sat upon. But then it hit me.

My eyes widened.


I snapped my head up to check on kit but gasped to find him too, awakening. He was finally regaining consciousness.

His body from which it was lying on the floor previously was now beginning to rise into a sitting position, his long, spiky bangs covering both of his eyes, hindering me from seeing them.

The girls behind us stared at the scene in nothing but mixed emotions, their bodies huddling against one another.

Ino whimpered, her hand covering her mouth tightly in shock. Temari stared at the two of us with her mouth gaped and Sakura well, just seemed a bit more talkative.

Her lips trembled, her body as well. But that didn't stop her from opening her mouth. "Wh-What just happened? What was that, just now? Can someone fill us in, please." She asked shakily a few ways behind me but Naruto and I chose to ignore her.

My eyes were only set on the quiet blonde demon before me who still was sitting up, trying to regain his breath.

I pressed my lips together firmly as I watched Naruto's breathing which was done harshly, his body trembling but not in pain but in..


He finally, raised his head which revealed his crimson glowing eyes and bloody mouth which he went to wipe roughly with one hand, his eyes holding a vengeance in them.

I swallowed. "Naruto? Are you o-"

"I saw something, Kurama." He suddenly whispered out, completely cutting me off but with information I deeply wanted to know.

My eyebrows rose up sky high upon his words and I nodded, to give him clarification that I wanted to know more.

"S-Saw something? Saw what?"

"Hinata, Kurama. I saw her, in a bed, poisoned and strapped down in a white room." He whispered out slowly as his mind recalled what he saw just in his last moments before his body began to shut down.

But it didn't, which confused me.

What exactly happened on Hinata's side? 

Naruto gave his lips a quick lick, to clean them as he processed what his mind was revealing to him. "I saw everything. I saw the hunter's inside the building she was kept hostage in. I saw the building itself, the path I am supposed to take to get to it," He paused, to squint his eyes down on the floor.

"It was like, something familiar was calling me to it. Something from Hinata."

He looked up at me after his words, taking his eyes away from in front of him and instead planted them back on my brown ones.

His red eyes softened and he gave me a relieved smile. "I know where Hinata is, Kurama." He added on in relief which made all of us, even the young girl's behind me, gasp majorly in shock, their eyes steady taking in the scene that was constantly playing out in front of them.

"Y-You what?" Temari whispered out which granted Naruto's attention, his crimson eyes shifting from me to the blonde that spoke.

He smiled faintly at her, despite how exhausted he looked or how much blood covered his clothing and face. He looked happy now and that, officially confirmed everything.

Somehow, Naruto found Hinata's location.

But how?

Temari hesitantly smiled back at the blonde demon who stared back at her from where he sat lazily on the floor.

He chuckled, nodding. "Yes. I found her. I don't specifically know how. I can't really p-pinpoint why. But it seems my body was longing for her since she was about to..."  He paused once he saw that he was looking at Hinata's friends, his face falling so a frown could take over.

He shook his head, quickly seeking to lie instead of telling the alternative. "The spell worked. I was able to track down Hinata and seek out her location before anything major happened to her. Now that I have, I think it's best for me to part ways from you three. Things, are gonna get majorly ugly sweethearts, and I don't think you're able to handle what's in store." Naruto explained darkly, his voice sending chills within the room.

I remained quiet by his words and only helped Naruto to stand, wrapping one arm around his chest while simultaneously grabbing his left arm and pulling it around my neck.

There, I pushed his body up to a standing position which caused the blonde male to groan, his body severely weak after what it just endured. It was dangerous to go into battle that way but I knew better than to tell Naruto to wait on it. I would no longer have a mouth if I said something foolish like that.

Even though he only has a little bit of energy in the tank, he will still fight with all of his might when it comes to his little one. No one will stop him from saving her. And finally, it's the time to do so. We have all the resources we need to find and save her.

I blew out a thankful sigh upon that.

What a relief.

Now, standing up, Naruto gave my body a light shove with his hand which signaled that he didn't want my help to stand. So, I dropped my hands and allowed the blonde to stand on his own, his body hunching over a tad.

But with the serious look on his tan face, he didn't seem fazed by how weak he felt. He only stared back at the three girls before us who looked to disagree with his earlier statement about staying behind.

Temari, the one that has been giving Naruto lip the entire time he's arrived, stepped up to only give him more.

She put up one stern finger towards him and shook her head. "No, you are not leaving us here, not when we've helped you. The least you can do is take us with you. We want Hinata just as-"

An amused laugh from Naruto cut her words off, my brown eyes glancing cautiously over to his shaking form.

His chest rumbled as he threw his head back to express his amusement in what he found in Temari's words. I couldn't help but to smirk as well, the young girl's words echoing throughout my head. 

Mortal, your offer is folly.

But I remained quiet in my spot and just allowed Naruto to have the floor, his hands rising up to only rub his lips again, ridding himself of the leftover blood that was there until it was no more.

He shook his head while he was at it, his eyes remaining a horrifying red. "Oh darling. Never. You helped me on behalf of your friend, correct? This, is what this is all about, right? You helped me so that I can save her-

"Yes, we did so to help Hinata. Just so you know, we wouldn't have helped you at all if it was anything else. We are obligated to help her just as you are. So are you really refusing to take us, her friends, with you to save her?"


Naruto's words were firm and clear, his demonic eyes challenging her, daring her to say another word to the matter.

But of course, this was not Hinata for she would've backed down but no, this is instead her extremely bold, risk taking friend. So Temari did not back down. She kept at it.

She took a step forward and gritted her teeth. "This is not fair! How do you expect to just drop in and tell us Hinata's in danger, use us, and then leave. We're always thrown to the side when it comes to Hinata. We are never there to help or to even comfort her. She's probably scared to death which is why she needs family and her friends to be there for her."

It was Naruto's turn to grit his teeth. "Then that's why I'm there. I can protect her, she will seek for me too. I can hold her, as I once did. I can personally make sure she's alright and if I bring you three crybabies, you will only get in the way. You can risk getting severely hurt and what would Hinata think then, hmm? She would fucking hate me. I don't want that and I definitely don't want her friends killed because of me when you could've stayed out of it. This, is not a battle for young little girls like you. This, battle is a call for the brave, the strong. Not, for the weak."

Naruto let out a sigh in the middle of his words, his head bowing down a bit. "You're not ready for this battle, young ones. Just let it go. Let it all-"


Naruto's head snapped up quickly upon hearing the defiance in Temari's voice, nothing but anger taking over his features. His face scrunched up and his eyes narrowed dangerously.

He threw one finger at her and growled, loud and gruff. "You better watch it, little girl-"

"Or what? What will you do, huh? You're not going to fucking hurt us, so your threats mean nothing. I hope you know we are just wasting time here by debating. We are wasting Hinata's time, dammit! Just take us with you and be done with it!"

"Fine! Fucking fine!" Naruto barked back, reluctantly lowering his boundaries and taking the risk.

I gulped upon that and turned to the angered blonde in response, his breathing concerningly increased.

I pressed my lips firmly together, my body turning towards him. "Kit, are you sure we should? The road that lies ahead of us is a bumpy, dangerous one. The girls do not know the dangers that lie ahead of them. Their chances of getting hurt are high. I stated, putting my input on the matter. It was concerning to say the least that not only are we planning to enter the enemy's ground but we're also taking three preppy high school girls along with us in the fight."

I just can't help but worry about the outcome to our goal.

I can't help but have a bad feeling about it.

But an exaggerated sigh from Naruto cut my thoughts short and the blonde male then brought his clawed fingers up to rub his face. "I am fully aware of what we're getting ourselves into, Kurama. But we have no other choice. The young girls aren't taking no for an answer so now, heh. It looks like we'll have to multitask. Save Hinata..."

"Protect her friends." I ended for him which caused the blonde to nod, a determined look coming upon his face.

He sent me a smirk and then cursed in glee. "Fuck yeah."

But after his words he turned back to the girls and raised an eyebrow, his crimson eyes taking in their attire which were cute little pajamas to wear to bed.

Certainly not appropriate attire to go anywhere, let alone a secret hideout full of demon hunters.

I watched as Naruto stifled a laugh at the sight. "You girls aren't going anywhere in that get-up. Here, let me help. That'll speed things up." The blonde demon beside me suggested which confused the three of them but soon, their questions were answered.

While quickly throwing his hands out and wiggling them menacingly, Naruto summoned his dark magic to convoke new and improved clothes, just right for battle for the three girls.

All of the teens gaped in awe as their pajamas vanished to only be replaced with matching fashionable clothing that fit the part we all were about to play.  

Naruto smirked once he saw his magic was successful in changing Hinata's friends' clothing to appropriate fits.

So once he was done changing them up, he withdrew his hands to regain his power, so he can use later.

But he sighed long and deep afterwards, his body tittering and tottering on his feet which summoned worry for me.

But Naruto quickly sensed the emotion from me and side eyed me, waving me off. "I'm fine, Kurama. Stop worrying so much. It's fucking annoying." He spat out with a roll of his eyes.

I rolled mine back by his harsh response, crossing my arms across my chest. "Then how about you stop giving me a reason to, kit. Seems as though you're low on energy. You know what that means which is why you need to be careful here." I stated with serious eyes which the blonde nodded understandingly to, the girls in front of me now all quiet and were only fangirling about their new attire.

Dressed from head to toe, a black designer jumpsuit fit the three girls like a glove, perfectly hugging their bodies.

They're comfortable outfits were all the correct shapes and sizes which accommodated each girl nicely.

Now for the design, the jumpsuit was made so a little cleavage could be shown, a zipper found on the front of the outfit which was pulled down at the moment creating a v shape by the collar. 

The outfit was long sleeved and possessed holes at the end of it where the girl's fingers were to go through. And to end it off, all of them wore short dark boots. Overall, the girls wore black to blend in the night.

I smiled, satisfied by the girl's new appearances.

That attire works.

Great job, kit.

I glanced back over to him but frowned when I saw him huffing and puffing now, completely out of breath as if he just ran 20 laps around a single track. He looked completely exhausted.

But he covered that up by rolling his shoulders and cracking his neck, readying himself.

He groaned. "I need food, now." I heard him growl underneath his breath before I watched him zero in his attention on the three girls in front of him, his head tilting to see their eyes still held on their attire and not on him.

A hunger was found in the demon's eyes and by the dazed look on his face, I knew exactly what he was thinking.

That's certainly not good.

I narrowed my eyes and then, went to clear my throat loudly to snap Naruto out of his crazed state.

"Naruto! Get a hold of yourself. You'll have plenty of food where we're headed. But right now, I believe it is your turn to change your outfit to something more fitting, hmm?" I asked in order to distract him from his urges, my brown eyes watching as he gave his eyes several blinks to regain control of himself.

Naruto nodded and moved his gaze away from the human girls, clearing his throat. "R-Right." He whispered and with that, he raised one hand up to snap his fingers to change his clothing which were covered in his blood, damaging the attire altogether.

So now, he changed it to something that was more, appropriate.

Slowly but surely, a new outfit was beginning to shape itself onto Naruto's body, poofing straight out of oblivion.

Just like the teen girls before us, Naruto wore an attire that was all black. The t-shirt he wore, which hugged his upper frame tightly, was covered by a long black trench coat which stopped to his legs where dark jeans were met.

For his shoes, large combat boots could be seen fitting his feet which were also black, his horrifying red eyes clashing nicely with his new outfit.

It looks rather nice on him.

I smiled at the sight of him who returned my gaze with his own, a smirk coming upon his face.

He gave my outfit a look which was pretty simple, nothing special about it.

Black t-shirt, grey joggers with matching tennis shoes.

It fit the part and besides, I was only here to work as Naruto's side-kick. I don't need such special clothing and or gear to help me.

The only goal I have in mind is to get Naruto and the girls to that hideout to save Hinata and destroy the rest of those demon hunters.

That's all that matters.

So, Naruto and I exchanged nods for we were all set and ready to go. The teen girls were too.

Ino, the blonde ponytail girl looked up from where she was eyeing her attire, her eyes widening to see Naruto's clothing changed into something that screamed "badassery." It certainly played the part and enhanced the blonde's sexiness. The girl definitely couldn't hold back that she fancied his new look because she blushed.

Naruto raised an eyebrow by her actions but said nothing on the matter.

He took a step back and breathed deeply, inhaling and exhaling a bit to steady himself.

Everyone watched as Naruto then closed his eyes for a brief second, only for a moment but when he opened them again, nothing but seriousness tainted those unique red orbs he possessed.

He narrowed his eyes. "Girls, it seems we're finally set on saving Hinata. I have her location and that is certainly where we'll be going next. But," He purposely stopped his words there to look each young girl directly in the eyes, taking in the emotion that was there.

He furrowed his brows. "I need to know if you're completely sure you want to come. Once you leave this place, I'm afraid there won't be another chance to decide again. Your decision here will seal your fate. So tell me,"

Naruto paused to tilt his head, his fists clenching by his side which rested against his thick trench coat which was unbuttoned.

"Are you ready to go with me to take down the hunters and save Hinata?"

Surprisingly, after he said such words, all three of the girls responded with the same answer. There was no hesitance found in their voices, no reluctance, no deception.

We were both hit with a loud...


And that was all we had to hear and with that, our mission was finally taking its course.

With a dark smirk, Naruto turned around to reveal his back to the girls, his blonde head nodding at them over his shoulder.

"Well then, shall we get going?"

Temari's P.O.V

Turning and locking Hinata's home with a key that I had gotten from Mr. Hyuga, I sighed.

The harsh breeze of the cool night swept past all of us as we finally left to get on the road to go to a place of the unknown. But, not once did I feel even a tiny amount of fear.


Yes, I knew what lies ahead of us.





She, was the only thing that mattered to me, to us, as her best friends when it comes to this tragic situation. We longed to see her again, to hold her, to talk to her. We wished only for her back and living her old life again.

Away from the demon hunters and away from danger.

So by going with a demonic being that shares the same goal as we do when it comes to saving Hinata. If helping him is the key to seeing poor Hinata faster, then..

I have no regrets.

So with a faint smile, I turned away from the front door and faced my other two friends who stood waiting, behind me.

With heartfelt smiles on their faces, my eyes clashed directly with theirs, the emotion found inside them giving me strength and warmth. 

In the house behind us, we left behind a note for Hanabi and Mr. Hyuga which explains where we are and why we are gone. If things end up bad then, I am at least glad that Hinata's family knows our whereabouts.

I don't want to keep them in the dark anymore.

It's not right. They should know what's happened to their loved one so I don't have any regrets about that either.

My smile widened upon my thoughts and I went to grab my friend's hands, intertwining my fingers through theirs. They obliged and did the same, giving me the same smile from where we stood in a circle.

But lately, it's felt super weird to not have Hinata here alongside us. As a quadruple team we went everywhere with each other. We experienced a lot together, side by side. So because of Hinata being gone from our little group, we had a constant reminder of her tragic situation where danger has continuously tried swallowing her up.

We are reminded, of her tragic situation every single day.

But, alongside her demon lover, we will strive to save her and ensure that she will have her life back again.

Things will be normal, again for her.

That is what she deserves and we are willing to fight for it, for her.

Ino and Sakura gave my hands a tight squeeze as I stared back at them, the smiles on their faces certiantly brightening up.

"Temari, are you ready for this?" Ino whispered out as she eyed the dazed look in my eye to where I was lying deep within my thoughts. But by Ino's voice asking a rather important question, it threw me straight out of my reverie immediately.

I blinked rapidly to regain a sense of reality again. It didn't take long for me to take in the two miraculous girls standing in front of me, the cool black night that surrounded us and the two anxious demon's from before, their eyes piercing our beings through the night from afar.

The blonde one tilted his head in confusion by our actions but decided to have patience and wait for us. But his generosity did not cover up the strong stench of annoyance that was leaking from his body.

I ignored his presence for a bit to only have a small moment with my friends before we left. I turned to Ino and Sakura and gave them a hopeful smile, the best one that I could put up as I stood in my new attire of black.

My smile alone gave the girls just what they needed to feel good about the choice that they made and feel satisfied with it.

I nodded, clenching their hands tighter. "Yes, I'm ready, Ino. Let's, go get Hinata." I declared and their smiles brightened even more and soon I felt arms wrap around my chest and neck, my body pulled forward into a large group hug.

I grinned happily within the hug but quickly went to give my love back, wrapping my arms around the two girl's backs and pulling them in tightly. They hummed in response, bathing completely within the large, warm hug we gave one another.

But while we partake in such a positive act, Naruto gave his glowing red eyes a roll from afar, his trench coat flying rapidly within the wind behind him.

"Girls." He scoffed underneath his breath. "Why must they act so dramatic all the time, hmm? I can't wrap my head around it."

The orange haired one that stood beside him shrugged, their conversation quite low so we couldn't hear. "Don't know, kit. It's one of life's mysteries."

The blonde chuckled, agreeing. "Oh how right you are. Women are such funny, scrumptious little creatures. I just find the things they do bizzare."

"Yeah, like when they wear makeup. It confuses the crap out of me."

"Heh, damn right. Or, when they take so long to get ready for the day. I can never understand it. But, one thing I do like about the species, is the taste of their flesh. It's fucking delicious."


The two demon's yapped on and on and on just to keep their emotions at bay. But after a while of chatting, our ears started to detect their voices and just by the sound we were reminded of the place we needed to be.

So, we quickly dropped the group hug and instead made our way towards the demons that stood by Mr. Hyuga's car, his keys stashed within my suit's pocket.

All three of us quickly made our way to the talkative demon's who silenced themselves once we grew close.

Naruto smiled faintly at the three of us and nodded. "Alright, just a heads up. I, will be driving separately from you three girls. Sorry, but my urges are going haywire and I don't want to put you three in any danger. Heh, news flash, I eat humans."

Our eyes widened upon actually hearing the demon say such a thing. We knew he fed off of our kind but hearing him say it was beyond morbid.

Sakura grimaced. "R-Right. Good idea. We'll take Mr. Hyuga's car then." She declared which sounds great to Naruto's ears.

He nodded in understanding "Alrighty. Sounds splendid. Now, since we're going to split up, I want to run down the plan Kurama and I made up just a moment ago. So, girls, your mission is to find Hinata. Kurama and I, will make a path for you. Whoever gets in your way, we'll slaughter them. We are here only to aid you in your mission. Enter the hunters hideout and find Hinata inside it. Wherever you go, we will follow." The blonde demon stated with nothing but seriousness tainted his extremely deep but alluring voice. But I stood unfazed by how perfect he sounds or how attractive he looks.

Those things don't matter.

And besides, I know under all of that flawlessness, he is the most flawed being of all. 

Under that skin of his, he is nothing but a monster.

But he is willing to help us so I will look past that.

Even though it's so fucking hard.

I bit back all of my smart remarks or disgusted looks and only nodded at the blonde demon's plan. Surprisingly, it seemed pretty straightforward but cutthroat.

These guys do not play around.

Slaughter came naturally to them, so natural they can say it nonchalantly.  They can probably do the deed, without even batting an eye.

It irks me.

But to save Hinata, I will prepare myself for the insaneness these two demon's will bring.

So, I nodded, agreeing to the plan. "Fine. But I have a quick question."

"Hm?" The blonde responded back with a tilt of his head.

I quickly replied back, voicing my question so all could hear. "So you say we should split up but you have no vehicle-"

But before I could say anything else, the demon let out an amused chuckle and gave his hand a spin where a black substance that resembled smoke began to appear around the lifted limb.

And just from his action, his very own vehicle appeared right behind him, parked in the road in front of Hinata's house.

All three of us gasped in major awe and looked over his shoulder to eye the brand, spanking new vehicle summoned by his mind.

But when I saw it, I could've sworn my eyes fell out of their sockets.

There, right there before us, shining within the darkness of the night, parked a red Nissan GT-R with black trimmings, an incredible but expensive car that most definitely costs a fortune. But Naruto, didn't pay one single dime for it.

He thought of it and the vehicle appeared, just like he did with our clothes. I found that extremely incredible. 


I'll give the bastard that.

My mouth gaped subconsciously as I watched the orange haired demon make it's way over to the famous sport's car parked in Mr Hyuga's lot, his hand seeking for the passenger door.

And when he opened it, the doors flew upward instead of outward, our eyes watching as he then slipped in.

"Oh my gosh." Ino whispered out which Naruto found amusing, a chuckle spilling from his lips.

"Yes. It's amazing, girls. But I need you three to get a little more serious. Our intended designation is a dangerous one and we need to be prepared. Anything can happen and I need you three ready for it. Got that?" He stated firmly, with two stone cold eyes, his body now rigid from where he stood.

We three nodded silently.

Ino bit her lip. "Yes. We understand, and we are willing to take the risk in order to save Hinata, personally." She admitted bravely and gave the blonde demon a nod who sent a firm one back.

"Good. Now I say it's finally time to go. Hurry in your vehicle and follow us. I'll take you to the bastard's hideout." He declared snappily and with that he showed us his back, swiftly spinning around in order to enter the gorgeous car he summoned with his power.

With large, booming steps, the demon walked away from us with his trench coat flying rapidly behind him, sailing within the cool wind the dark night brought.

We watched him as he left but suddenly Ino called out to him, saying something that took me by surprise.

"Th-Thank you!"

By her sudden voice, Naruto stopped all movement and instead moved his head to peer behind his shoulder at us.

He tilted his head, his eyes zeroing in on Ino. "You're.. thanking me? Why?"

I turned to Ino as well, deeply confused as to why she was doing such a thing. Sakura, remained silent.

Ino pressed her lips together, gripping her hands tight by her waist. "I-I'm thanking you, for allowing us to go with you on this dangerous quest. I'm also thanking you for helping Hinata, for laying your life down for her. Thank you. She will deeply, deeply appreciate that. This is such a selfless thing to do. And to see a demon do something so human, I now, can believe you truly love Hinata."

Her words made all of our eyes widen. Ino seemed to see something in Naruto that no one has. Her words were so remarkable it even surprised him.

Naruto's body trembled from where he stood stiffly by the front of his new car, his head lowering a bit to process her words fully.

He bit down on the smile which he hid from us, his breathing calm. But soon his eyes were back planted on us, on Ino, and he nodded thankfully back at her, revealing his gratitude.

"And you're welcome, sweetheart. My love for your friend is real. Every ounce of my body only lives for her and I am willing to die on her behalf if it means for her to live a peaceful life. So yes, I will do whatever it takes to save your friend. Because I love her with all of my heart."

Naruto's words were sincere and true. He was being open to himself and to us which made trusting him much more easier.

I snickered a bit in response. "Hah, who would've thought that you were capable of feeling, and expressing love." I commented amusingly which the demon surprisingly snickered to.

We all watched as the supernatural male turned his gaze upon the starry sky above him, one that held the glistening moon and a world of dark abyss, his red glowing eyes taking in all of it.

He smiled. "Yes. It comes, a shock to even me. After all these centuries, I can still, love another…"

A Few Minutes Later

Minutes passed and both cars rolled out. That being, Naruto's sports car and Mr. Hyuga's SUV which I drove. Down the dark road we went and I followed closely behind Naruto who drove pretty fast, so I tried extra hard to keep up.

His car is super quick and I know his patience was running thin so I tried very hard not to grow mad with the bastard.

I only gripped the steering wheel tightly as the blonde idiot sped down the road to a point I couldn't even see him anymore.

So, what did I do?

I sped up too.

I turned towards the two other girls in the car. Sakura, was located in the passenger seat while Ino sat in the backseat, all locked in by their seatbelts.

Good thing too.

I nodded, gripping the steering wheel tighter. "Hold on, you two." I warned cautiously and they both did, gripping their seats extra tight, just in time as I pressed on the gas as hard as I could.

As soon as I did, the car zoomed forward extremely fast, down the nearly empty road.

Occasionally, I slowed down when a car showed up in front of me but for the most part, I drove pretty fast in order to catch up with Naruto.

And once I saw his fancy car cruising up ahead, I honked my horn, pressing my hand firmly on the middle of the wheel to get the bastards' attention.

He's completely lost his mind.

But thankfully, my action granted his attention and I managed to slow the demon down. So now, he drove his car in a way I could easily keep up with which brought nothing but satisfaction over me.

I groaned, relaxing within my seat. "Thank goodness." I whispered thankfully to myself and with that, we drove the rest of the way to the secret hideout in silence.

No one said a word.

No one did anything.

Because our minds were only filled with thoughts, so many thoughts which unknowingly were all the same. Even Naruto's thoughts were. And all of us, had Hinata in our minds.

Hinata, we're coming. Your loved ones are coming.

You're no longer, alone.


Well, well, well, finally updated 'The Unknown'. It's been about two months since I last did, so how do you feel about this chapter?

A battle is impending and it's gonna be crazy as hell.

I got a bunch planned now that I'm back. And you all aren't gonna know what's gonna hit ya!

Hahaha!! 🤣

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this pretty warming but intense chapter.

You all know how I write. Peaceful moments are shared before shit hits the fan.

So beware!! 👻

Anyway, vote, comment, I wanna know your thoughts. 😌😊

And I'll see ya next week! (I promise!)


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