Chapter 55: Battling Fire

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ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ: • ʜᴏʀʀᴏʀ • sᴜᴘᴇʀɴᴀᴛᴜʀᴀʟ/ᴇʟᴇᴍᴇɴᴛs • ɢᴏʀᴇ • ᴠɪᴏʟᴇɴᴄᴇ • ᴛʀɪɢɢᴇʀ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ • 𝟷𝟾+


Sasori's P.O.V

Discreetly, I carried every unconscious hunter out of the room I found the young teen in and into another, hiding them by placing them elsewhere. The hall Yahiko designated young Hinata on was filled with rooms so it was easy to dip out of the one I yearned to get in, to instead go into another without being detected.

A room was located down the hall to my right so that is where I placed each hunter in, even Sage. I dragged her unconscious body down the hall, my hands gripping her upper frame, hooked underneath both her arms, near the armpit. Her legs slid along in front of her as I trotted backwards, down the white hallway to only turn right and disappear into the room I chose to hide the unconscious hunter's in.

And inside the room, I dropped her body on the bare floor along with her other friends, their eyes closed and their bodies stiff just as I first left them.

I nodded, wiping my hands upon my pants.

Alright. That's settled.

Now, back to the girl.

So that's where I went next, quickly leaving the area.

I stepped out of the dark room, swinging the door open slowly to enter the white hallway once again. But I stopped, my red hair swaying forward from my abrupt action. I gave the door behind me a look and I hummed.


I think I should…

I had a plan in mind. I didn't want those hunters to wake up and alert someone of what I've done.

I would be found out immediately and put away with, just for betraying Yahiko.

I have to ensure that doesn't happen. So with that, I turned my body back around so that I was facing the black solid door, my hunter's cape following along behind me.

Now facing the door, I leaned forward to plant one finger of mine on the top left of the door. And with my finger, I began to trace the entire door, my finger trailing it from left to right, down and over and then, up.

Once I was done tracing the door which in the end caused me to draw a square, I whispered one word in latin, faintly as I could.


Immediately, a light purple rectangular shaped barrier began to appear in front of the door which indicated no one could get in, and whoever was inside the door, couldn't get out.

Not unless I undo the spell or another experienced hunter who practices dark magic shatters the barrier.

But luckily, the barrier was invisible when untouched. Touch it, the barrier will be shown, a barrier that has locked a pile of hunters inside this very room. 

So with a nod, I was finally done with the hunters that tried so hard to restrain me earlier and with that, I hurriedly worked my way back to the now conscious teen girl in the room at the end of the hall. My brown eyes scanned the area intently as I ran forward, my head moving side to side, looking down each hallway.

But all I saw was emptiness.

No one was in sight.

I smirked.


So with that, I took advantage and sped up my pace so I could make it back into the room the young girl was being held in quickly.

Making it back inside, I instantly closed the door and locked it so no one could barge in. I made arrangements so no one will intrude and find out the deed I have done so now, I was free to finally talk to..


Now, that the girl was awake, she only lay silently within the bed she was placed in, staring blankly up at the ceiling. She was quiet for the most part, her body trembling against the sheets.

She was certainly in a state of shock after what Sage put her through in the stimulation. She couldn't even talk for the matter.

I gritted my teeth.

Damn you, Sage.

Damn you, Hidan.

And damn you, Yahiko.

I cannot believe they would do this to a child, a young one. Their intentions were clear. They wanted her to hate Naruto and then die so in the end the bastard would also die too. But what concerns me is how far they went to accomplish such a sick goal. They kidnapped her, poisoned her and then proceeded on wrecking the young girl's mind; making her see and endure things no teen should.

I shook my head from where I leaned against the door, just completely mortified.

This was not the work of good guys.

There are tainted, corrupted people in play here. Humans that resemble demon's themselves and I know exactly who the culprits were. I growled but decided to think about it another time.

I have important matters to tend to.

So with that, I quickly removed myself from where I stood in front of the now closed door of the room and sped walk my way around the bed to obtain my spot back beside Hinata again.

I watched her, the entire time I made my journey closer towards her but frowned upon her actions.

Not once, did she look my way. Not once did she even stop trembling. Her breathing was also heavily done which indicated that she was dealing with emotional trauma.

The entire time with her alone in this room, she only kept her eyes on the ceiling above her, wet tears trickling down her pale cheeks.

The scene before me really touched my heart but not in a way that was positive. I felt extremely sorry for the young girl, so I went to comfort her.

Now stepping beside her bed where she lay wrapped up within the warm confines of the white sheets, I pulled my hand slowly towards her to seek her hand.

Gently, to not disturb or shock the girl, I pulled the blankets that covered her away which hid her right hand from view, yanking the fabric downward. The young girl remained still as I did this, not at all responding to my actions like a normal person would.

My frown deepened upon that but I continued to work the blankets down until her hand was finally exposed and from there, I went to grab it. But once I did, I noticed how clammy and cold it was, so I gripped it tighter, to warm it and in result heal her body.

Immediately as I made contact with her, the young girl seemed to wake up from her trance, her teary eyes slowly peeling themselves from the ceiling so they could make contact with me.

I watched her closely as I held her hand firmly, tightly in a way to give her comfort, strength even. I wanted to be there for her since no one is able to take that place. I sighed, my heart aching.

This situation is truly depressing.

But once again, I need to put that particular detail behind me.

I have important things to accomplish.

My mission was only of two things and I plan to accomplish both of my goals to ensure that I am successful in this woeful battle. So, with another sigh, I spared a glance down at the girl whose teary eyes were held on me now.

I smiled at her, showering her with kindness. "Hello, child. How are you feeling?" I asked to start off our conversation. I wanted answers from her but I also wanted to take things slow with her. I know she has been through a very traumatic experience so I do not want to harass or vex her. She would definitely look at me differently if I took such an approach to seek the questions I have and in the end, she would treat me as she would the other hunters.

I cannot mess this up.

So calmly as can be, I stared down at her and waited for a response to my simple but concerned filled question, my brown orbs meeting glossy and unreadable lavender. I watched as the young girl tried several times to open her mouth and speak but to only find that her voice would never come. Everytime she tried to search for her voice she failed to find it and that alone, filled her body with fear all over again.

My heart ached inside to see her fight with herself like this. So instead, I went to solve the problem for her.

With my other hand, I moved it forward to lightly brush the air in a way to signal for the girl to relax a bit. She was so tense and fretful, her heart full of fear. From where I stood, that particular negative emotion was the only thing I could detect when I stared in her eyes. All I saw, was..


So much, fear.

I pouted upon that, trying to erase such fear. "Young one, please do not fret. You have nothing to fear. I have saved you. I will protect you from harm. That dream that was forced upon you to endure is not real. It's only a mind game made to break your spirit. Do not let it. Be strong. I know you can be, child."

I tried to be encouraging, to inspire the girl to lighten up and have faith in me but she remained untouched by my words, her eyes revealing dullness as she stared up at me. She even shook her head, disregarding everything I said. She only went back to finding her voice again.

But surprisingly, as she continued the action of opening and closing her mouth, one of those times, her voice arose and she felt a small pinch of happiness from it.

"Wh-Who a-are you? Wh-What d-d-do you want? Wh-Wh-Why did you h-help me?"

Her voice could resemble a whisper as she spoke such words to me, her hooded eyes rooted on mine as she lay tirelessly on the bed. Her throat seemed to close on her several times due to its dryness which caused her words to sound raspy and choppy, her questions surfacing as a stuttering, shaky mess. Once again, I felt extremely sad for her.

But her questions were important ones. With all of this chaos happening, I totally forgot about the fact that the young girl has never met me before.

And I, have never met her, before.

This is the very first time.

I looked at Hinata, taking in her overall appearance and form. The girl was definitely young, her body petite lying upon the bed in only a hospital gown.

I remember clearly, her close friend giving me her appearance and seeing Hinata now, the description I was given definitely matched.

Midnight blue hair. Pale skin. Lavender eyes. Petite body.

Yes, this is Hinata Hyuga. A victim ravaged by Demon Naruto.

Poor girl.

But now, the opportunity has come where I can finally introduce myself to Hinata personally and I jumped right on it. I gave Hinata the biggest smile I could muster revealing excitement and readiness. All the while, my eyes remained rooted on her own and with my voice I spoke as softly, and clearly as I could.

I nodded. "Young one, I go by the name, Sasori. I am the hunter that your friend, Temari, first contacted in order to help you with your demon complication. From the very beginning, I made it my top priority to ensure your protection. I wanted to take down Naruto myself but…"

I paused to look away, my words bringing back the past where Yahiko first pushed me aside and later dismissed me from my own mission to take over it..

He ruined it.

Him alongside Hidan.

They, ruined everything.

I sighed, moving my attention back to the young girl who stared intently back at me, a dullness still resting within her eyes. But for the most part, she was listening.

I frowned upon the lifeless look on her face but decided to go back to talking. I cleared my throat before speaking. I also rubbed my thumb along her knuckles a bit to comfort her more, to make her comfortable for she looked quite tense.

My actions and as well as my words though, immediately made her better.

"Listen closely, Hinata. I was dismissed from this case by force. It saddened me to no longer have access to you. I could no longer help you," I gritted my teeth.

"Hinata, there are evil people here that seek to put you in harm's way in order to complete their ultimate goal; the demon hunters, ultimate goal.

Hinata’s eyes widened.

"A-A-And, what might th-that be?"

"To kill Naruto, child."

Quickly and understandably, I explained a few key things to the girl in order to make her aware about the entire situation she is unfortunately stuck in. I didn't want her to look at me as she looked at the hunters who kidnapped her. I see from the way she first questioned me, I know she fears us hunters, just the same as she does Naruto. But, that reminds me.

Earlier when dealing with Sage, the huntress said something quite strange regarding Hinata. Something awfully strange.

"The stimulation she is in will not only help her snuff out the love she has for the demon Naruto. But it will distract her when death comes. Don't be stupid and try to stop this. This, is only being done to kill Naruto."

Sage stated clearly that Hinata has actually conjured up feelings for Naruto. No longer does she fear him as she once had, at least that's what her friends always told me.

Back then, when the mission was fresh, Hinata feared Naruto. Now I have a feeling things aren't like before anymore. I narrowed my eyes.

I have to figure this out.

I turned to Hinata who was now staring blankly down at the white sheets that covered her, her body sitting up straight. Now, she was free from those pesky IV's, the poison, her binds and the odd head sensors so now, she was safe. All thanks to me. But her state of mind has changed. The stimulation has clearly driven her nuts.

I pouted upon that. Really and truly, it's not particularly a great idea to get the girl to talk now but I have to know what's going on. I know absolutely nothing.


Desperate times causes for desperate measures and right now, I'm fucking desperate. So with a sigh, I called out to the young girl.

"Hinata, do you mind answering a quick question? I hope it's not too personal. I hate to offend or disturb you-"

The young teen quickly shook her head at my perturbed words, giving me a faint smile in return. "No. I-I-Its okay. You can a-ask me anything. I-I-I am actually grateful t-t-to finally meet th-the hunter that actually c-cared for me. You and Konan a-are the only o-ones that did." She whispered out with the same smile on her face, showing me her gratitude.

I smiled in return, appreciated to say the least. "You're most welcome, darling. My duty is to protect humans from harm. I will be by your side no matter what. Sadly, I cannot speak for the other hunters though." I shook my head in disappointment. "I'm so sorry, those bastards put you through this, Hinata. I really am." I declared with a sigh at the end.

The young girl grew sad once I finished speaking, my eyes catching her smile fade away into nothing. A devastated frown replaced it and she settled on remaining silent by my words. I frowned as well.

The room was quiet as we shared a small conversation between each other, just to get to know one another because after all, this is our first time we exchanged words. But that question of mine was still lying fresh within my brain so, I went to ask it.

Still standing by her bed, gripping her hand, I tilted my red head. "Hinata, what do you feel for Naruto? Do you love him? Did your feelings change? It's okay, you can tell me everything. You can trust me."

My words were calm and gentle so the girl could easily give her answer without feeling overwhelmed by emotion.

But, I seriously underestimated Hinata's mental state because it didn't matter how tranquil my voice sounded, my words took such an emotion straight out of them.

She expressed fear and devastation all over again, no matter how hard I tried to sugarcoat my words.

A stifled cry slipped from her lips and soon after, she began to weep. Her body regained it's concerning tremor and tears shed down her face like a leaky faucet, dripping to cover her entire face.

She shook her head, her body scrunching in on herself. "I-I-I am ashamed, M-Mr, S-Sasori. I have done something terrible that may have doomed me for the r-rest of m-my life."

My eyes widened by her response.

I crept closer, moving so I was huddling on the floor, my bottom resting on my legs. That way, I was able to gaze up at Hinata directly instead of towering over her. Now, I can hear her clearly.

I swallowed. "Wh-What do you mean, child?" I whispered out encouragingly, my heart pounding rapidly within my chest.

I watched as the young girl turned to me while holding her lips tightly together into a pout, more tears falling down her hurt lavender eyes to land on the white sheets that covered her.

She shook her head. "I-I fell in love with N-Naruto."

Finally, the wretched truth spilled from her lips and for a moment, I was left in a state of shock. My eyes were wide to the max, my mouth gaped, my body frozen. I couldn't believe my ears.

But the words were said. Hinata confirmed my suspicions.

Slowly but surely, devastation began to swallow my heart whole. I couldn't say anything else. I was..


Hinata cried upon seeing my reaction, truly disliking it, for she felt overwhelmed by shame and regret which hurt her even more. "I-I'm s-sorry, Mr. But I did. I loved him so much and so, I-I did many things with h-him. I allowed him to and I l-liked it. H-H-He made me feel good. He made me happy a-a-and I most certainly enjoyed his presence. B-B-But…"

"But?" I shot back, her words acting as a gun, shooting my heart over and over again. This, was something that us hunters feared.

Humans, giving into their sin.

Humans, embracing and loving their sin.

Once they do this, they will never be able to see the wrong in their ways, ever again. At that point, they have wired themselves to love the sin they commit and therefore, it seals their fate.

It pains us demon hunters.

But to hear the change in Hinata's words, I began to feel a little hopeful.

I turned my head up towards the weeping girl and I tightened my hand around hers, giving her strength to speak.

Seems as though the more she speaks about Naruto, little by little her voice comes back.

Hinata sniffed, continuing with her speech. "That dream I was forced to see was torture. It made me realize that loving Naruto will only d-doom me. The love Naruto has for me is not real and he is only here in my life to eat away at my soul, to damage and corrupt me. I realize that…"

Hinata surprisingly stops talking and from there she turns to look down at me, eyeing the surprise that was written all over my face.

She quickly turned away to bury her face within her hands, hiding from the world. "I-I don't know why I'm telling you all of this-"

Quickly, I shushed her words and pulled my other hand up to caress the back of her head, to get her to relax. I've gotten her all worked up and such an action is not good for a PTSD victim. She will start to break.

I sighed.

I have all the information I need anyway.

So with that, I just seeked to calm Hinata down, no longer aiming to find out more answers to my hidden questions.

With light, quick strokes to the back of her midnight blue head, I whispered to her, softly as I could so her body could return back to a more serene state.

"Child, none of this is your fault. No one is blaming you. You trust me which is why you are opening your heart to me and I appreciate it. That is all I want, is for you to trust me." I whispered out as I rubbed her head and gripped her hand, my brown eyes clashing with lavender.

The young girl nodded to my words but suddenly turned and grabbed my other hand, pulling me forward a bit so my body grew closer to her. My hunter's coat shifted in response.

She smiled, faintly down at me. "M-Mister, I will forever be in your debt. I w-want to thank you for helping me. That dream has r-ruined me, in a way I thought wasn't p-possible. So I thank you for saving me from that hellish place. Thank you for saving my life."

Hinata paused to swallow a bit, to dampen her scratchy throat. Tears were once again streaming down her face but that didn't stop her from talking.

Nothing did.

She gripped my hands tighter. "I-If it's your m-m-mission to kill Naruto then I will gladly help you do so. Th-That is, what you want, right? For me to h-help you bring an end to his meaningless life? Then I will. I will in return. That's the least I can do."

Hinata's voice seemed to resurface again, coming anew as she shed her feelings about the entire matter regarding Naruto. Her voice seemed normal again which shocked me but not as much as what just came out of her mouth.

My body stood stiff before the bed as I stared up into serious lavender eyes.

Not once did I even utter that I needed her help to kill Naruto but she managed to read the need from my eyes and from there, she took the words straight from my mind and…

Agreed to it.

She agrees to help kill Naruto.

I couldn't believe my ears.

Now by going this route, by her helping me take down Naruto, I can ensure that she has the life she is meant to have. A life without Naruto in it.

And that's, the life that Hinata truly deserves.

I smiled, big and wide upon that thought, completely happy that Hinata had finally come to her senses.

I turned to her, giving her my attention again. "Hinata, I know you've been through a lot. You've fought hard, you experienced so much and now, after all of that, Naruto is finally out of your heart. You can finally live the life you want. You have already ensured that but now, I need you to confirm to me that you are completely fine with us sealing Naruto away for good. By doing this, it will be just the same as killing him. I believe doing this, by settling in sealing him away instead of trying to kill the said creature that is connected to you... I think to keep you safe this, is the best bet. He will no longer be a part of this world, leaving you free. This will sever the connection between the two of you, once and for all. So, how about it? Do I have your permission?" I explained earnestly, my brown eyes rooted on hers all the while and not once did I pick up any sign of devastation or sadness cross her eyes.

She remained unaffected.

And so, she nodded frantically, officially letting go of Naruto, forever.

"Yes. Seal him away. I d-don't want anything to do with him anymore. I-I don't. I j-just want him g-gone!" Hinata cried out in a state of fright and desperation, her hands removing themselves from mine to cover her eyes. From there, she cried her heart out once again, wailing and weeping loudly within the quiet room.

My eyes widened but I quickly went to comfort her because I know Naruto was a sensitive topic but fortunately, I have gotten her permission to exterminate Naruto and that is exactly what I am going to do.

I pulled one hand down to pat her shoulder as she cried within her hands, her body trembling terribly.

I sulked upon the terrible cries of pain and sorrow Hinata was releasing within the room, my hand continuing to pat her shoulder.

"I know, I know. It's gonna be alright, child. I will make sure that demon is no more. By sealing him away again, he will be nowhere near you. He'll lose contact with you and from there, you can live your days as you once lived them. No more torture. No more pain. No more fear. No more manipulation. Everything you have endured will be no more, Hinata. So you have made the right choice by hating Naruto. You gain nothing but pain by loving a monster such as he." I explained softly, my voice low and calm so the young girl could understand and listen better. And she did.

Her cries slowly became no more and she nodded in agreement, absolutely loving the sound of my words. "Yes. I-I was a fool. I'm embarrassed to say I had feelings for a demon from h-hell." She admitted while wiping her tears away, multiple sniffs made from her.

I smiled faintly by her words, satisfied to hear her say such a thing. "I know. But it's over now. You're young, you're bound to make mistakes. But correcting those mistakes is what makes us better, maturer humans. And right now, by helping me take down Naruto, that will make up for your mistake. So…

I paused to dip down low to her, her head whipping towards me so we were face to face, eye to eye.

She whimpered. I narrowed my eyes.

"Call him, Hinata. Locate him and send him here. We will handle h-"

But I couldn't finish my words because a loud explosion erupted throughout the secret hideout, cutting them off, just as I was speaking.

The explosion was so loud, so impactful, so sudden, it shook the entire building which caused Hinata to scream out in response. Her eyes widened dramatically and she moved her fingers up to claw at her hair in a state of fright.

"Oh no! Oh gosh no! It's him! He's come for me!"

Her screams soon turned into screeches, her body scampering off the bed in a fright.

Even though her body was weak and only harbored a simple hospital gown, she made a quick escape off of the bed where she accidentally slipped and just about fell head first onto the hard floor.

Thankfully, my instincts are quicker than normal humans so I was able to save her from her mistake.

Quickly, I launched down to grab her waist, holding the young girl up who yelped out from previously falling off of the bed.

Her legs were like jelly, totally unstable due to her being off of them for hours. Her body was cold within my grasp as I worked her back to her feet, her hands working to grab my shoulders, to balance herself.

But she couldn't regain her composure because there was yet another explosion which shook the building once more, causing the two of us to wobble and shake in our positions.

Hinata screeched once more, digging her nails into my clothing to hold herself up desperately.

"Oh no! O-Oh no, no!"

I gritted my teeth upon the horrid events that were taking place, my head whipping towards the now locked door within the room.

I narrowed my eyes, my body all pumped and ready for the upcoming battle that I know I will soon, face.

He's here.

He's found us.

Naruto Uzumaki, is finally here, upon us.

Naruto's P.O.V

Fast and furious, I raced down numerous roads which seemed to grow darker and more ominous as my travels grew shorter. I was getting closer, so close to my designation.

I gritted my teeth, gripping the steering wheel to my fancy sports car tightly.

I'm going to rescue you, Hinata.

And while I'm at it, I'm going to burn that hideout, along with everyone of those pesky demon hunters to the motherfucking ground.

I want them gone.

They've messed with me for the last time. I will not allow this provocative derison to go on any further.

It's already bad enough that the bastards killed my family and sealed me away, but to kidnap and abuse my human lover is just too damn far.

My eyes flashed red, blood red and I worked my foot harder against the gas pedal in a fit of rage at my rapid thoughts, once again flying down the road at speeds that weren't normal and wasn't at all safe.

Kurama, who sat silently within the passenger seat, spared me a glance.

"Kit, you're doing it again. The girls won't be able to catch up with the speed you're going." He warned cautiously on which I simply scoffed at, glancing my crimson eyes over towards the window that Kurama sat by. My eyes squinted to see the road before us come to an end and now, there was a small path leading into the woods to my right which put a grin to my face.

Mmm.. This is it.

So with that, I slowed down my pace extremely and instead turned down the chosen path, entering the woods.

Instantly as I followed the path, it seemed like nothing but trees began to surround the vehicle but I managed to drive past them accordingly. And I didn’t stop, not until I made it to the location that was revealed to me in my vision.

It took a bit of turning and dodging my earthly surroundings, but soon I made it to an area that seemed extremely familiar.

I smirked, slowing down by slamming my foot on the brake. "Oh don't worry, Kurama. We've arrived at our destination anyway." I informed, finally answering his concern comment from early but in a very deep tone, one that could strike fear into any human.

Kurama's eyes widened tremoundsly by my words and whipped his head towards his window where trees were seen standing tall everywhere. From where we sat, we were completely covered by the environment, the trees and dark sky working over my car like a shield.

But if you looked closer, deeper into the vast forest of trees and grass, you could clearly see a large, white hideout that stretched far and wide, towering over this entire domain, reaching the sky almost.

Many rooms with windows etched every part of that building which in result, worried me. That detail alone made me realize that…

Hinata, could be anywhere.

I gritted my teeth.

I need to find her quickly.

Minutes passed and during that time, I waited patiently as can be for the teen girls that were also tagging along to arrive, my red eyes soon glancing up at the rear view mirror to see a SUV drive up to park behind us.

A wider smirk came upon my tan face, revealing my sharp teeth in the process.

Good. Now we can finally start the plan.

Really and truly, my plan was only to kill the hunters. I want to slaughter each and every one of them and while I am accomplishing such a task, the teen girls will do me the favor in searching for Hinata.

In all, I would win. Everything I could ever wish for is all set out within my plan. And I have every intention of executing, my said plan.

No matter how much power I have to use or what I have to do.

I will make sure my plan sees though to the end.

I hummed lowly, straightening my back to roll my shoulders. To ready myself for the battle that was just ahead of us, I cracked my neck and my fingers. Each sound was loud and sickening, filling up the car with frightening pops and cracks.

Kurama, was only settling on inspecting the building that was about 50 clicks from us, his keen eyes taking it in to find the best approach.

He clicked his tongue. "Kit, at the entrance of the hideout, I have spotted two hunters with swords. The entrance way is locked by metal and has a large padlock. No one can enter without the passcode." He explained with annoyance found in his voice but I only found his observation amusing.

I chuckled in response, letting go of the steering wheel with one hand to cover my face, my body teetering and tottering like a maniac within my seat.

Kurama blinked upon my action but went to open his mouth to speak but I beat him to it.

I traveled my hand up to pull my blonde hair back, revealing my monstrous eyes. "Aww, now isn't that cute. Kurama wants to sneak in. Well I hope I don't disappoint you but, I have planned the alternative."

Kurama's eyes widened, automatically understanding what I meant. "Kit, you wouldn't."

My eyes gleamed darkly. "Oh yes, I would. I'm going to tear that building apart. We're finally at the hunters hideout and I have no intention of playing the friendly act. I want…"

My voice grew deeper, darker and more demonic, acting off of my emotions.

My body inched incredibly close; deadly slow to Kurama's side of the vehicle, both of our eyes meeting intensely.

But not once did Kurama cower away to my creepy display or at my advancement forward. He only stared directly into my glowing red eyes with a look of disbelief in his.

I cackled, my eyes gleaming darker.

"Finally, I have arrived at my enemy's hideout. In all of my years of walking on this earth, my ultimate goal was to find it and now, on this special night, I have accomplished my goal. And you know what? Now, it's only time to exterminate every last one of those hunter bitches. I want to drive them to the edge of extinction and while I am at it, I want to get Hinata back. That, is all I want and not even you, will stop me from doing what I am destined to do."

Determination had it's claws in my soul deep as I held my monstrous eyes on Kurama's who was steadily listening to my words, my demonic voice filling up the entire car.

I watched him with a dark smirk as the orange demon lowered his head and sighed, shaking his head by the stubbornness in my words. "I know when you get like this, nothing I say will change your mind."

I chuckled. "Damn right."

Kurama rolled his eyes to my implausible response but for the most part, the demon fox male nodded, finally settling on doing things my way.

He turned to my extremely heated form, giving me his undivided attention. "Fine. We can do things your way. But your plan will only make it much harder to find Hinata and protect her friends." He informed, adding in an important disclaimer but I didn't heed to it. My foggy mind wouldn't allow me to.

So, I shrugged, my body slowly moving to sit back in my seat again, my body now much calmer. "I think I have this under control, Kurama. I've confronted these fucktards twice and they're all bark, no bite. I think we'll do fine. But first," I turned to Kurama, putting a pause to my words to give him a sneaky grin.

He raised an eyebrow upon that.

"What?" He responded back in confusion on which I tilted my head, one hand of mine falling to the door handle to soon open it. We're on a time crunch after all.

But I didn't leave without finishing my words from earlier. "First, I need to find a meal and those hunters you pointed out earlier will do just fine to restore the energy I need." I grumbled out in my normal voice but then nodded my head to the door. 

"So let's get going." I instructed and with that, I finally exited my vehicle, throwing the door open forcefully to hop out of it.

Because of my action, the door to my car flew upward which gave me more than enough room to step out of it.

Kuruma chuckled to my previous words but followed through with my order and exited the car as well, pushing the door open to step out of it.

Slowly, I emerged in the cool, dark night where the wind blew through my shaggy blonde hair and clothing, my trench coat flying in the nightly air behind me.

My red eyes cut through the darkness like a knife, making it easier to maneuver around.

And at the sight of us exiting our vehicle, Hinata's friends sought to do the same.

I watched them as three doors burst open from the truck they chose to drive, ladies in black revealing themselves afterwards.

Kurama closed his door, leading me to close mine as well. But afterwards, we both worked our way to the back of our new car to meet the three girls who scurried over to stand before me.

Kindly as I could, I sent a smile their way, to reassure them for my body could pick up a lick of fear trail from their small bodies, my own towering over all of them. Such fear was especially coming from the pink haired girl, her body practically trembling in her spot.

I turned to her, keeping my kind smile. "Girls, I am thankful to have you here. Hinata would appreciate you tagging along. But now that you have, I just want you to know that I won't let anything happen to you. As long as you're by my side, I will keep you safe. There's nothing to fear." I spoke over them, giving them a quick pep talk before we get this show on the road.

Many things are about to transpire in the next few minutes and I want the teen girls to be ready.

I kept my frightening red eyes on them and so I watched as the three nodded hesitantly, Temari seeking to speak up.

As usual.

She sent me a stern nod. "We trust you. And we know what we're getting ourselves into. It's scary, I must admit but we will do anything to save Hinata." She informed once more, nothing but seriousness found in her green eyes.

The young girl's loved Hinata dearly. They were laying their lives down for her and from such a display, I couldn't help but allow my smile to grow wider, revealing just about all of my white shiny teeth.

Hinata, you have wonderful friends, darling.

Usually, humans would have already chickened out and cast their so-called friend aside seeing this situation is quite the deadly one but not these girls. They loved Hinata and are showing that they do, right at this moment and now, I will reward them by keeping them safe.

I will reward them by guarding them through all the fucked up shit we're about to experience to get to our prize. To get to,


I gave each of the girls a nod, even bowing my head at them. "You girls surprise me, time and time again. Hinata is lucky to have you. Once again, I am sorry that I kept her away from you all. Heh, that's what paranoia would do to ya." I admitted, apologizing for my past mistakes.

Ino and Sakura smiled at that, deeply appreciating it.

"I-I'm glad you see the error in your ways. I truly accept your apology." Sakura announced.

"I do too! Glad to see that you're changing, Naruto." Ino giggled out and moved to throw a playful punch to my shoulder but I didn't let it connect.

Her action during this time was a dangerous and quite frankly a foolish one. The hunger I felt was out of this world, bugging me, tearing me apart from the inside out. It felt like there were worms working throughout my entire body eating me alive. It was a fucking pain in the ass.

And of course, the intense adrenaline boost I have due to our environment, to our location, to our mission, I was on high alert.

So on her side the punch seemed playful but on mine..

I felt like I was being attacked.

So what happened?

I stopped her. 

Faster than anyone could blink, I launched my right hand out to grab hers, slipping my clawed fingers around her frail wrist to stop her childish action in its tracks.

Now, I held her hand in my grasp firmly away from her own body, now it was nowhere near my shoulder.

My eyes stared down into hers in anger, growls slipping from my mouth.

My eyes gleamed darker, "Bad move, darling." I whispered, only speaking three words before roughly letting go of her arm which was trembling like a leaf just like the rest of her body was.

She was scared, nothing but fear spilling from her body.

It was never my intention to scare the poor teenager but she should know such actions as suddenly moving like the way she did was only going to invoke such a reaction out of me.

This is war.

Not play time.

So by my action, she instantly got the memo.

I watched as she coward beside Temari who gave her a hug to calm her nerves, a sniff slipping from the scared human.


I shook my head, moving to walk away from the three 'children.' My nerves weren't going to allow me to stay before them any longer. I needed to leave before I unfortunately break, my promise.

I growled. "It's fine. I just need you three to focus on your task! Do not let anything stop you from advancing in your mission. We need to find Hinata and you girls are going to help me with that. But first, we have to get in. And I intend on making that my, responsibility." I spat harshly, now raising my voice at the three girls behind me who jumped by my change of mood.

Temari pressed her lips together, tightening her hold on Ino. "And how do you plan to get in? Are we sneaking in or-"

"No. I'm gonna burn my way in." I admitted with a slight chuckle at the end. But the young girl's along with Kurama didn't find it funny.

Kurama shook his head from where he stood off to the side, his arms crossed over his chest. He was silent by my words but I knew he disagreed with them, our conversation in the car explains that he does.

The girls however couldn't bring themselves to agree or remain silent, nothing but scoffs of disbelief and incredulity heard from them in response.

"What? Burn your way in? What are you thinking? Are you an idiot?"

"You can't possibly blow up the hunter's hideout. What if you hurt Hinata?"

"Th-That's a b-bad plan. You'll alert everyone that we're here."

On and on and on the girls chastised and rebuked my plan away. But all that did was annoy me further. Now, I was wishing I hadn't brought them on the mission at all. 

I gave my eyes a hard roll before whipping my body around to face the three infuriating girls again, revealing a look of displeasure.

I scowled at the highschool girls, balling my clawed hands into fists tightly. "I do not care what you three mortals have to say about my plan. You chose to come along, did you not? You had a chance to back out but you chose the latter. So you, are to help me, no matter what I do. Like I said before, I won't let anything happen to you and I have a perfectly good reason to do the things I shall do, so this is the end of this discussion. We need to advance in our plan and this bickering is absolutely absurd. My say, is the final say and that's it. Understand?"

My voice was stern and finite, my red eyes running over each of the girls as I scolded them, hushing their opinions. Sakura let out a gulp while Ino kept her grip tight on Temari's arm who rolled her eyes.

"Fine, oh wise one." She joked sarcastically which I chose to ignore. I'm afraid if I say another word, the next few moments won't end well for the three idiotic girls.

I rolled my own eyes once more and turned around to instead inspect the area, taking in the hideout ahead us. Closely, I checked out it's surroundings and the building itself.

The building was sturdy, standing on bricks and pillars which would take much strength and energy to knock down, even more so to strike a hole into.

But it was nothing I couldn't handle.

All I need though, is food.

I zeroed in on the two hunters that stood in front of the entrance, welding large swords that were bigger than their bodies.

I narrowed my eyes.

Hmm, are such swords supposed to be intimidating?

I didn't see such swords the least bit frightening because I knew, just from the size of their weapons, it would give the two hunters a disadvantage.


Because of it being so large, it's weight is stupendous which in result causes the hunters to move slower than their usual speed while using it.

Too slow for a fast moving demon like myself.

So I would easily be able to cut them down.

All I need to use is the element of surprise.

That'll stop them dead in their tracks and give me the meal I need to advance forward in our plan. 

So with that, I turned back to the girls to go over my plan all the way through once more. I told them my first move all the way to the ones I wish to accomplish and this time, the girls chose to listen. They chose to be more serious on the entire matter and from there, we finally were able to come together as one and make an official plan. A plan that will bring the hunters to their very knees.

We won't stop. Not until Hinata is safe and sound within our presence again.

Hinata, I'm coming for you, darling.

Soon, you will be back in my arms, just as you once were, my little one..


Sneakily, we all finally made a move forward. By using the trees that surrounded us we were able to easily run through the forest without being seen. And all the while, we followed through with our new plan.

We all chose to split up. Because we're taking out the hunters that were guarding the entrance to the hideout, the young girls chose to leave Kurama and of course my side to hide elsewhere.

But even still, they were to pick a spot close to the entrance so when it's time, they can easily join our side again.

So now, Kurama and I were advancing discreetly through the trees at high speeds, zipping through with ease.

We slapped away branches and leaves that were in our path, a quiet shuffling sound heard in the distance but the cool air that erupted around us easily masked out the sound.

With our immense speed, we were able to make it before the two guards in no time and we didn't hesitate one bit to dispose of them.

While running out of the woods and into their sight, I quickly launched my hand out towards the hunter to my left, summoning my power while Kurama seeked to deal with the one on our right.

The two men only managed to gasp before their very lives were taken from them.

Kurama released his orange tails which grew and sprouted from his backside. From there, he quickly launched one long tail forward through the air which managed to pierce the hunter straight through his stomach, taking his life.

While I only used my dark magic to control the male before me to move away from his spot and instead make his way closer to mine.

And a wave of my hand and a pull of the wind from my fist was all it took to have the male before me and into my awaiting mouth.

I growled loudly and threw both hands out to throw the male on the ground where I followed suit, opening my mouth wide to soon chomp down on the male's neck.

And with my hand, I pulled it down to cover his mouth to contain his screams. I didn't want him to alert the other hunters with his annoying little voice.

They don't need to know we're here just yet.

So now that I had the male where I wanted him, I gobbled happily into his flesh, ripping and tearing all the skin he had and consuming it.

The male fell limp in response, nothing but his blood covering my lips as I went about filling my belly.

Kurama was busy also feeding, tearing his teeth into his opponents neck to fill his own body.

Nothing but chomps and delightful hums were heard from the both of us as we ate until nothing but scraps of flesh and clothing was left on the ground.

Now, such hunters were no longer recognizable but we didn't care. We were finally energized.

With a lick of my bloody lips, I threw my head back and let out a satisfied moan, my eyes closed in ecstasy.

"Fuck." I whispered out into the quiet air, my body hunched over on the bloody grass, my lips and chin completely covered in my enemies blood.

Slowly, I went to lick the red, murky substance with my tongue to clean my mouth, it steadily dripping down off of my chin and into the grass below; tainting the forest floor.

Kurama groaned in delight from afar, soon throwing his share down to the ground. "Well, that surely hit the spot." He groaned out, the wind steady blowing passed him which ruffled through his clothing.

I sent a nod his way and I picked myself up to stand, carelessly leaving the bloody mess I caused on the ground before me. "Oh yes. It was just what we needed. Now, we can get this party fucking started." I declared with another lick of my lips, deeply satisfied.

The hunter's flesh was absolutely delicious, it fulfilled all the discomfort I felt due to my hunger. Now, I felt like my powerful self again.

Just this wonderous feeling alone, gave me a confidence boost.

Kurama chuckled from my earlier  response but suddenly, such noise instantly seemed to cut off which granted my attention.

I turned my head around to look over at Kurama's position which was awfully close to the entrance, right before the hunter's fallen swords.

I narrowed my red glowing eyes to see Kurama now inspecting the long, demon hunting weapons, his body creeping close to the swords which were beginning to glow red, identical to our eyes.

"What the hell?" I heard Kurama whisper, my keen ears picking it up like a microphone. I titled my head by the strange display before me and was just about to open my mouth to speak on it but a shuffle to my right paused my actions.

The young teen girls were beginning to emerge from their hiding places where they used to shield them from the carnage we created but seeing the swords heat up as they did before us, I'd say things weren't safe for them now.

Those swords aren't normal.

So, I threw my hand out towards their location and growled. "Stay back!" I sneered loudly towards the teen girls, my eyes watching through the bushes as the three paused in their movement.

And at my order, they obeyed, deciding to stay back in their hiding spots for the time being.

I nodded at that and moved my attention back to the swords which looked to be taking a different form as time passed.

Kurama and I were cautious about the situation before us. We know the demon hunters have many tricks up their sleeves when it comes to apprehending and even slaying us demons. And now was no different.

The swords clearly had a backup weapon programmed inside of them and Kurama and I were ready for it.

Our eyes were narrowed, our bodies on high alert as we watched as the swords began to fall apart until the inner core of it was exposed. So now, we saw it was some sort of mini hole lying there on a long piece of metal, positioned to direct itself towards the sky.

Slowly the metal began to grow legs which sprouted out and then down, sipping into the floor, the machine working to root itself into place.

Kurama and I tilted our heads.

"What the fu-" I started but I couldn't finish because the tiny holes began to shoot out steel pellets engrossed in holy water, strong holy water.

Like a sprinkler, the pellets flew every way they could.

Some headed for us, a few missed us completely but then there were some that aimed towards the teen girls direction, threatening the promise I made to them.

I gasped at the turned events. 

"Holy fuck!" I shouted out in major surprise before taking my body quickly over to the young girl's location, my strong legs quickly pumping forward.

Kurama instead jumped high into the air where he simply used his tails to hit the steel pellets away but.. Kurama underestimated such weapons.

The little annoying objects were quick and mighty and because they were covered in strong holy water, they took effect.

So instantly as a few made contact with Kurama's tails, the pellets burned right through like magma bullets causing him dire pain.

He howled out in response, quickly falling back down to the ground to land back on his two shaky feet. "Ahh, damn it! Kit, don't let the pellets hit you, they'll burn you from the inside out!" He shouted out over to me who was now standing in front of the young girl's spot.

And before them, I quickly used a few special hand signs to create a shield out of my dark magic to hide the girls.

But first, I beckoned Kurama over with a head nod. "Well then, what are you waiting for? Get your ass over here!" I shouted back which the fox demon didn't hesitate. He zipped his way over to my side while simultaneously dodging the fast moving pellets which the holes from the leftover material from the swords let out.

At this point, it seemed like it was never ending. But I had just the method to ensure our safety.

So once Kurama made it beside me, I completed my hand sign with two hands facing each other, palms together.

I gritted my teeth briefly, my eyes darkening as I spoke words of my demonic language, yelling out the title to the spell I was just about to perform.

And once I said it, a huge oval of dark magic covered our area, granting Kurama, the teen girls and me, protection and also, it repelled all the steel pellets another way, the opposite way to which we stood.

Over and over, the pellets were shot out in different angles and once a few flew our way and hit my magic shield they ricocheted, keeping all of us out of danger.

My hands remained in its position the entire time, my eyes held on the two broken swords that lay on the ground that constantly shot at us.

It took a moment but soon the pellets died down until no more emerged in the sky.

Now, the weapon was useless, demolished.

Kurama gasped on that note. "It… stopped?" He whispered out hesitantly, his tails now concealed since I provided him protection. He didn't need to use his power here. I was using my own for his sake.

With a narrow of my eyes, I inspected the area where the now silent weapons lay on the grass which were no longer letting out steel pellets that could harm all of us.

I waited for a moment, just because of paranoia and to be sure we were actually in the clear. Like I said before, you could never take these hunter bastards lightly.

They have many, many tricks up their sleeves.

But after waiting an extra five minutes and seeing the broken swords lie motionless all the while, I grew a little calmer.

Good. We're in the clear.

So with that, I allowed my hands to fall which in result dropped the magic shield that covered us, granting us no more protection.

I sighed, turning my head to the three girls that hid in a bush directly behind me. I nodded my head, beckoning them to come out. "Alright, everything's fine now girls." I declared comfortingly. My words managed to do the trick to have the girls emerge from their hiding places and instead take root beside me.

Sakura let out a quiet whimper, her light green eyes sparing the leftover parts from the hunter swords which were lying completely still before us.

She gulped. "A-And you're sure those things aren't going to shoot at us anymore?" She asked shakily, clearly frightened.

I couldn't help but snicker at her, my body advancing forward towards the objects she was afraid of to further make sure we were safe.

For her sake anyway.

Nothing here can actually kill me.

Not my flesh anyway.

But Hinata's however.

Now that's, a different story.

I gritted my teeth, discarding such horrid thoughts to instead bend down towards the silver pieces of broken metal, one of my fingers diving down to tap it.

Repeatedly, I tinkered with the broken swords to test if it had a self destruct mechanism set inside of it. But, after a while of banging my fists on the objects, tapping them with my finger and even cursing at them, nothing even happened.

I even waited a bit after touching it. But still..


So, I turned back to the teen girls that were now a little ways away from me,  huddling all around Kurama, using him for protection.

Sakura bit her lip, peeking from behind the demon fox's broad back. "I-Is it safe?"

I nodded, reassuring her. "Yes, hun. I'd say the weapon has served its purpose and now it isn't going to bother us anymore. If I was a lower class demon, the weapon's second phase would've surely snuffed me out. But luckily, I am much more skilled." I proclaimed smugly, hopping up to my feet to instead turn my attention to the tall building. A building that no longer had hunters guarding it.

Now, I was free to do whatever the hell I wanted and I'd say it's time to burst my way in.

It's time to ruin the hunters' night.

So after the teen girls all replied back to my earlier statement with relieved nods, I slowly made my way in front of the white building, my red eyes gazing up at it intently.

I hummed.

I'm gonna need a lot of firepower to burn this motherfucker down.

So on that note, I turned towards the young girl's and waved them off, signaling them to move away. "Girls, I think it's best to return to your hiding spots. It's time to infiltrate the hunters' hideout and I don't want you caught in the crossfire." I stated cautiously while narrowing my glowing crimson eyes.

Steadily, the wind blew through our clothing sending an unpleasant chill down all of our backs. The unsettling mood was certiantly set, I felt the upcoming battle that lay ahead of us..

I feel it in my blood. In my bones.

I was ready. I didn't give a damn about what the hunters may have in store for me. I didn't care about anything, only about…


I breathed out deeply and with her in my thoughts, I began to summon the fire I needed to blow up the hideout before me.

And at the sight of my hands calling upon a large ball of dark red fire, hell fire, the girls fled the scene away with yelps.

I couldn't help but smirk but it slowly went away the more I managed to have the ball of fire grow, Kurama watching me from the side lines the entire time..

He narrowed his eyes upon me. "Breathe, kit. Breathe." He called out informatively, also encouraging me. I nodded and immediately did as I was told.

I began to breathe deeply. In and out, my intense breathing went, my body calming down and allowing the fire in my hands to grow without any problems, without any emotions interfering.

The fire expanded larger and larger, a raging crinkling sound heard erupting from my hands which worked away from my body and instead outward. It took a large amount of energy and lots of breathing but soon enough, I had the ball of fire larger than the size of my head. Such a size will do a considerable amount of damage, just enough to possibly destroy the secret hideout before me.

But before I threw it toward the unlucky building before me, I gave Kurama a glance. And from where I stood, I could easily see the proud smirk that was spread across his tan face, his head nodding approvingly at me.

"Great job, kit. That was excellent." I heard from in the distance which encouraged me to do my next actions. Because once I do, every one of these bastards inside this building will know I'm here.

And I, will be ready for them.

So with that, I gave Kurama a thankful nod and jumped high into the air, using my super agility to work me into the cool night air above the building.

Now gazing down at it with the ball of fire in my hands, I could see another angle of the shoddy building and with that, I finally chucked the ball of flaming fire towards the center of the massive hideout.

I watched while my body slowly fell back down to the ground as the raging fire sped through the air like a basketball to only make a direct hit to the center of the building, immediately causing a loud boom to erupt throughout the nightly air.

The hideout rattled like unstable dominoes after my action but I didn't stop there.

Oh no.

I went to summon another ball of fire, just as I was falling. My hands launched out to cradle the air in front of me, my sharpened hands worked into a claw formed. And again, I repeated the method from before to summon the fire I needed.

I breathed deeply, in and out and once I allowed the hell fire to build up to a certain point, I chucked it at the building again but with a laugh this time..

"Take that, you fools!" I screamed out hysterically, my body finally falling back down to its feet.

By now, the building was totally unstable, crumbling so a hole was eventually presented to us. Flames were spotted here and there but inside the building you could hear shouts from the hunters which grew alert due to my attack, loud, intense sirens going off in the now shattered building.

Loud roars from the hunters could constantly be heard but I only laughed, completely ready for the battle that was just about to unfold.

The entrance was completely busted, giving Kurama, the teen girls and me the way inside. But before we entered the demon hunter's domain, I had to do one thing first which was quite different from my usual plan.

Now my new plan was to give the teen girls protection, to ensure that they won't get hurt during their hunt to find Hinata. 

It was Kurama's idea and, I gotta say, it wasn't half bad.

The new plan was to make the girl's invisible. Now, because I've spent lots of time in my library at home which was filled with spells, all kinds of ways to improve my power, I picked up a few new techniques. And one of them was to make an object invisible.

And in this case, humans, invisible.

Going this route, the girls can easily slip inside the hideout without being seen and find Hinata with no problem while Kurama and I deal with the hunters.

It's a win-win for both of us.

So with that, I beckoned the three over to my position with a wave of my hand, their bodies still huddling behind Kurama.

I rolled my eyes. "Come on, ladies. Bring your asses. The hunter's are gonna be out here any minute." I declared snappily while continuously waving my hand. By my rude words and snappy gesture, they instantly received the memo.

Quickly, they removed themselves from behind Kurama and instead ran across the grass to make it in front of me. And from there, I was able to ensure their safety even further.

Now standing hesitantly in front of me, the girls looked up at me in curiosity as I began to whisper a few special words in my demon language while completing a few special hand signs.

The girls were silent for the most part as I did my spell gracefully, my red eyes gleaming darker.

And to finish off my spell, I said one more word.

"Invisibilia." I whispered and with that a black, shiny glow began to surround the bodies of the three teens which indicated that they were indeed invisible but because I did the spell, I was the only one able to see them. Kurama could see them as well since he was technically a part of me.

Temari blinked rapidly, pulling her hands up to look at her visible self. "Wait? Did it work? I don't feel any different." She announced skeptically with furrowed brows, moving her eyes all over her limbs which looked visible to her and, to me. But to everyone else like the hunters we will soon encounter, they will seem invisible.

The other two, Ino and Sakura also looked down at themselves in bewilderment.

"Yeah, I don't think it worked."

"I don't even understand what just happened."

One and on and on they went with their clueless questions about what my power did to them, spilling out that they most likely didn't trust the power I possess. But the entire time as they chatted away vexingly my red glowing eyes were lying rooted on the open hole in the building behind them.

Faintly, I could hear mighty footsteps thudding forward, steady making their way to us, the sirens from before constantly ranging on from the inside.


I groaned, zoning back into the talkative girls before me, throwing up my hands to grab at my blonde bands tightly.

I don't have time for this.

So with that, I sent a deadly glare at the three girls, growling maliciously at them. "Would you three just shut the fuck up already and get a little more serious? It's only a matter of time before those hunters find us and interfere with my plans. You're wasting time. So now," I bared my teeth. "The spell has worked. Of course you're not going to feel different, you idiot's, because it's supposed to hide your body, your appearance from everyone else. I, can only see you because my magic was the source that made you invisible." I spat out rudely, now officially tired of having the three brats waste my time.

Why in the fuck did I bring highschool girls to a battlefield?

What possessed my mind to think this was going to work out?

They're fucking driving me insane.

My eyes were narrowed, fueled by raging anger and it was all directed to the incompetent girls below me.

Ino and Sakura gulped, remaining quiet but Temari insisted on speaking. Even at a time like this.

She scoffed. "Sorry. But you don't have to yell or be rude, we simply didn't know." She retorted, which I only settled on ignoring her, my body pushing past her and Ino's body to advance forward towards the hole that was blown into the entrance of the building, Kurama also working his body towards it.

I rolled my eyes, continuing to walk away from them. But before I went, I had a few more things to say.

"Now that playtime is over and you're serious, you are to go into the hideout and find Hinata. You're invisible so no one will even see you. So once you actually find Hinata, then you repeat the last word I said in my spell. That'll make you visible again." I announced, spilling important information while quickly making my way into the hideout.

I have to hurry and slip in before I'm bombarded by angry hunters.

So I left the three, invisible teenagers behind and began to step into the broken building where the battle with me and the hunters will soon commence.

But I couldn't fully enter inside because I was stopped by a female voice.

Ino's voice.

"Hey, wait. Don't leave us hanging! What was the last word you said in your spell? I-I'm afraid, we didn't catch it."

I chuckled upon her question which was filled with desperation.

Oh how could I have forgotten to inform the girls of the secret word to deactivate my spell?

I smirked at my thoughts and with that, I simply gave the girls a look over my shoulder and from there, I finally told the girls the word they needed to know.

My smirk widened, showing my ridiculously sharp canines. "Listen well, young ones. The word that will deactivate my spell and make you visible to the world again is, invisibilia. Remember it.  Find, Hinata. I'm counting on you.

Those words were the last ones I said before Kurama and I disappeared into the rumbling hideout filled with chaos, my body growing extremely heated upon finally entering the place I have been searching for, for centuries.

I cackled in amusement, moving my neck a certain way to give it a crack.

This is it. I am finally here to take back what's mine.

Yahiko's P.O.V

A thud like no other erupted throughout the entire hideout which shook the building mercilessly.

After spending some time thinking in the realization/healing room about Hidan, I finally emerged from it to complete the task of checking on the human girl but unfortunately, I was stopped because of this problem.

I wanted to see if the deed had been done.

But feeling such a massive explosion shake the building as it did, I know only one person, only one monstrous being is capable of causing such mass destruction. And right then and there, I knew my plan had failed.

I gritted my teeth, my brown eyes spotting pieces of the walls crack beside me, spreading in all different directions as a result of the mighty explosion. Sirens that were hung up on the walls in every hallway began to run amuck, blaring it's noise of danger, letting everyone know that we were under attack.

I growled loud and long, deeply frustrated by the chaotic situation before me.

Argh, damn you, Naruto.

He's found us. I don't know how but he has and he's looking for a fight to take back the human girl.

We cannot let him win.

I shook my head, working my body forward through the shaky hall I was on to enter another. But this one was filled with running hunters whose hands were filled with nothing but weapons, numerous of them running past me in full speed to make it to Naruto.

I only stood and watched in the middle of the hallway as my hunters advancing in battle, breaking off into particular groups to attack Naruto in different ways to surprise him. Steadily as my subordinates ran past, my jacket flowed that conjured up in the steady wind that swept by.

I growled. "Hunters, don't back down! Destroy Naruto! Give him your all. Show off your skills and tear him fucking apart!" I screamed out, pouring my heart into my battle speech. Many hunters looked my way and gave off their nods as they ran into battle, my words encouraging them to do so. Many of them knew this day was going to be their last but that didn't stop them from advancing.

Not after my speech it didn't.

Hearing a leader like myself during such a crisis such as the one we're in was the key to give others hope and strength and that is exactly what I am doing now.

I gritted my teeth, pointing one finger down at the ground to put emphasis on my words. "Naruto Uzumaki has infiltrated our hideout to kill and destroy us, all to get what he wants." I smirked darkly after my words, my brown eyes narrowing in a blood rage.

"Do not, let him." I added on, barking the last of my orders before turning around to walk up the hall and towards the young girl's room.

I was angry, deeply infuriated. After dealing with my hunters I was right back to figuring out why this situation was even happening.

I gritted my teeth.

I had the perfect plan so why didn't it work?

Who interfered?

No names were popping up in my head who I could pin this on so I went to just see for myself, my body marching  through the halls of running hunters in their usual jackets, all kinds of weapons held in their hands.

But I simply passed by all of them, working the opposite way they ran to get to the young girl's room. And by my speed, it didn't take long to make it there and I burst into the unlocked

With my hand, I threw the door open to be granted with…


I let out a roar of anger because of that.

"Damn it!"

The room was completely vacant, nobody; not even my fellow hunters present here.

The bed that laid on my right was all messy which told me the young girl was not dead but instead...


That, is the reason Naruto's still breathing and running amuck.

That girl is alive. Someone saved her.

I gritted my teeth harshly, sawing them tightly together in defeat.

I can't believe this!

Who, could have done this? Who could have betrayed me like this? My plan was perfect. Thoroughly ideal.

So what the hell could have happened?

The girl was posioned, strapped to the bed within a stimulation. She was working to be fixed and then die..

She would've been forgiven for christ's sake. Naruto would've been dead, gone for good. So why would someone interfere?

I simply do not know the answer to that question.

So with that, I let out yet another roar and even sent a mighty punch to the door that I just previously opened, pouring my chaotic feelings into it.

Ooh, when I find the culprit to this madness, I will end them myself.

And with that thought in mind, I turned my back on the room, leaving it wide open and instead working away from all the running hunters to instead find who the hell could have done this and of course find..

The girl as well.

They won't escape from me. I will find them, even if it's the last thing I do.

I won't fail. Not this time.

I growled as I walked down the wobbling hallways, the ground rumbling underneath my boot heels. Constantly, my ears could pick up loud battle cries and laughter in the distance.

Satanic, crazed laughter.

But I ignored it all and only focused on my intended task, my body walking away from the main battle and further into the building.

But in result I only came across some of my best hunters who were running full speed down the hall I was on.

They gasped at the sight of my walking form and quickly made their way in front of me.


"Hey Boss!"

"Boss, what are you doing here? 

Kisame, Deidara and Itachi, all made their way in front of me while panting heavily, different demon contraptions held in their hands for battle. Ones that made me smirk at.

Naruto Uzumaki, you will surely regret stepping foot in our domain.

But I shook my head, only seeking to answer their questions because of course they looked completely confused that I wasn't hiding or even fighting.

I was instead doing neither.

I cleared my throat, my brown eyes switching from one male to the next. "Men, there is unfortunately a snake amongst us who have stopped my plans. The human girl that's tied to Naruto is here. Hidan and I manage to snag her-"

"Wait what? Hinata Hyuga is here?" Itachi asked with widened eyes, completely bewildered by what just came out of my mouth.

His mid length black hair was pulled back into a low ponytail so it was out of his face, his hunter's robe of black with red clouds covering his body. And in his hands, a large crossbow could be seen. He held it expertly to his chest, one of his hands wrapped around the handle to keep it steady.

He tilted his head at me. "What did you do, Boss? Did you hurt her? How is she here? Why did you throw me off of the mission and keep this from me?"

His questions were filled with devastation and perplexity, his eyes revealing much emotion. But I didn't have time to answer such questions at the moment.

I need to find the girl.

Kisame and Dediara, two high class demon hunters, stood off to the side with nonchalant looks on their faces. They were confused but it didn't seem like they were going to bother asking any questions. I smirked.

Good. Someone's actually following the rules.

I let out a deep sigh and turned to Itachi, giving him a frown. "Listen, I released you from the mission to protect you. Matters were getting out of hand and I didn't want to lose you like I did Konan-"

"Okay, I understand. But what about the girl? What were your plans with the girl?"

"I was going to kill her." After my words, a face of utter disbelief came upon Itachi's face, his body trembling.

"No. No, you're lying. Boss, tell me you weren't going-"

I nodded my head which confirmed all his frightening suspicions. I was owning up to it because I saw that there was no other way to accomplish our goal. Which was...

To kill Naruto.

The human girl is his weakness so I striked, striking Naruto's achilles heel and it would've worked if a certain, anonymous hunter wouldn't have screwed with my plans.

Now everything's gone to hell.

Now, more of my people, are going to die.

I growled, shaking my head because my patients were growing extremely thin with Itachi. "Listen, I don't have time for this and neither do you. Yes, I was going to kill the girl. She is Naruto's weakness and not only that, the young girl has fallen hard for the demon bastard. Her head was brainwashed, completely. She wasn't the same girl you worked with in the beginning. So, I wanted to fix her and then, I was going to kill her. And there's that, damn it." I spat and on that note I barged past Itachi and Dediara to walk further down the hallway, to get back on my mission to find Hinata and the hunter behind all of this.

But I couldn't get far because Itachi said one last thing, one thing that connected all the dots and made me realize just who could be behind all of this.

"Sasori was right. Boss, your plan is absolutely maddening and deep down, I'm glad it didn't work. I should've listened to him. I really should."

And with that, he fled away, to enter battle, following Kisame and Deidara.

My body stood frozen in the hallway, my brown eyes glaring at the white wall in front of me.

Sasori huh?

I totally forgot about him.

It has to be him. He's the only one that's pushed my hand, that tried so desperately to control my plans because he disliked them. He never liked my plan of hurting the human girl so it has to be him.

This entire time he's been plotting behind my back.

I grumbled harshly underneath my breath, moving one hand up to grab my head, pulling at my orange hair strands.

Sasori, you've made a big, big mistake.

Sakura's P.O.V

With my hestaint light green eyes, I watched as the blonde demon and his sidekick walked straight into the hideout where nothing but chaos was going on, their figures disappearing completely. We were now alone, in front of a crumbling building which held the people inside that kidnapped and possibly could have tortured our dear friend.

I pressed my lips firmly together upon that, my gaze held rooted on the entrance in pure uncertainty and hesitation.

Being here, we've seen some crazy shit already and I know it's only going to get worse from here on out.

Many thoughts were rushing throughout my head which kept my body rooted in it's spot, unable to move. I was fearful and completely doubtful about this entire mission, about entering the hideout.

This is so, so dangerous.


Hinata's in there.

It's our mission to find and save her.

The demon has said that we were hidden from all eyes but I just couldn't trust it.

I can't trust that we'll be safe once we enter inside this hectic building-

But my thoughts cut short when I felt two hands suddenly moved and grabbed both of my hands, adding a mic needed warmth to my body.

My eyes instantly widened and I turned my attention away from the building that was standing just a few feet from us and instead placed them on the two girls in front of me. Which were two individuals that meant the world to me.

Temari and Ino held both of my hands with a smile, their action alone reassuring me. "Sakura, it's okay to be scared. This total mission is so fucking bizarre. We could, die. But," Temari trailed off to widen her smile, her thumb beginning to rub my knuckles, caressing my hand.

"Just remember why we have come here, bestie. We are here, for Hinata. We want her back so now, we have fought to bring her to safety ourselves. We want to see her, to be there for her and comfort her. And going into this hideout and finding her will grant us our wish."

Temari moved forward, placing one hand on my shoulder which brought a smile to my face. Ino only remained where she was, my hand held tightly within her grasp.

My blonde haired best friend patted my shoulder, tilting her head which caused her hair to shift a bit. "So, let's go do this. Let's just have faith that the demon has successfully made us invisible. We have to try and we have to do this. We gotta only think of Hinata. We have to bring her home, to her father and sister. Doing so, she can finally be away from all of this bullshit. She can be free and live a normal life again. We have, to do this for her, as her best friends.

And with these words, Temari's speech hit home, inspiring me and giving me the strength, the courage I needed to pick my feet up and march into the hideout.

Ino smiled encouragingly, squeezing my hand. "We're in this together, Sakura." She turned towards Ino and smiled, nodding. "We got this, so-"

"Let's go save Hinata." I ended off, adding in my last say to the battle speech which reassured the two girls that I was now ready, my head nodding towards the hideout.

The two nodded and took several steps back so they were facing the hideout just like before.

And after a few deep breaths, we finally made arrangements to enter the demon hunter hideout to search and find…




Alrighty, that's the end of this chapter. So how did you feel?

The mayhem is about to begin an I have much planned. Hehe. 😏😈

Anyway I really hoped you enjoyed! This book is slowly ticking down to the end so, just know it won't be long know until we get to that point.

And tbh, I have mixed emotions.

But, I hope you enjoyed! Comment, share your thoughts, vote and I'll see ya next time! 😊💜


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