Chapter 57: Vegenance

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(ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ: ɢᴏʀᴇ • ᴠɪᴏʟᴇɴᴄᴇ • sᴜᴘᴇʀɴᴀᴛᴜʀᴀʟ/ᴇʟᴇᴍᴇɴᴛs • ᴠᴜʟɢᴀʀ ʟᴀɴɢᴜᴀɢᴇ • ᴅᴀʀᴋ/ᴛʀɪɢɢᴇʀ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ • 𝟷𝟾+)


Sasori's P.O.V


Shake - went the building I stood in as I faced my captain and his mindless subordinates, my brown eyes narrowed anxiously.

My body was tense because just long ago I had ordered the young girl, Hinata, to run away, to flee the dangerous area I resided in. But now, I had absolutely no clue where she was.

I don't know if telling her to do such a thing was the right move but..

Yahiko's motives are clear.

He means to kill the young girl and I simply cannot let that happen. So now, I stood without the one I sought to protect, facing the individual I used to look up to.

I used to follow without hesitation; without question.

But no longer. Those days are over. Ever since Konan was killed by Naruto's hands, something has changed in Yahiko. The person that stood before me was a being imbued with evil. And such evil was corrupting his mind, his heart, his soul which is why he is thinking so irrationally.

Yahiko in the past would never stoop so low and try to kill a defenseless human in order to complete his mission. Humans were sacred to him, just like they are to me. The whole purpose of us defeating and slaying demons is to protect humans from harm, from a force in which they do not understand.

So seeing his judgment now has really made me believe that Yahiko has gone bat-shit crazy and I need to do everything in my power to stop him, to sway his mind from doing the task he seeks.

A harsh gulp slid down my throat, beads of sweat steadily dripping down my pale face. My body was rocking nervously from afar as I had my eyes fixated on the four men in front of me, who all were eyeing me in disdain, disgust.

Such fools saw me as a traitor since I disobeyed their cause which only revealed how much work I have to do to convince them

I have to convince them to spare Hinata.

I let out a quick breath. "Yahiko, please. You have to reconsider this. She's just a young girl. She's only a teenager that has unfortunately gotten herself into demon business. This is not her fault. We have to find another-"

"No. I will not stand to listen to traitors." Yahiko only spat out with venom lacing his voice. He was certainly unmoved by his decision to kill the young girl but, I wasn't giving up.

I gritted my teeth, giving my red-head a furious shake. "You may think me a traitor, fine. But I could not just stand by and allow a human to suffer for a misfortune that happened against her will. Yes, she's linked to Naruto. Yes, she just may be the key to his demise but taking her life will only turn you into the monster we are fighting. We cannot take human lives. We seek to protect. Not kill and destroy. You, taught us that!" I yelled out, throwing one finger forward to aim it directly towards the orange-haired male before me whose nose scrunched up by my words.

I watched as he let off a scoff, his chest heaving slightly. Even still, from my countless cries to reconsider his intentions, he remained unfazed.

He took a step forward to only proceed to take another one, his shoes clicking the ground as he walked in hopes to close the distance between us.

But I trusted no such action, especially so suddenly from him so with lightning speed, I dug into my hunter's robe, seeking for what's inside my pocket. Once I grabbed what I desired, I pulled it out of my coat's pocket and directed it towards the orange-haired male that was steadily moving towards me all the while.

I gritted my teeth, revealing a hunter's knife. "You stay back!" I yelled out as a warning for I had no desire to allow the madman to take another step towards me. I could not trust him. He hasn't even given me a reason in which I should. So my guard was up and I wasn't, letting it down.

And so, by my harsh order and action of violence, Yahiko, fortunately, halted, no longer advancing towards me. But that smirk that was now rooted on his face irked me, so I remained within my defensive stance.

Yahiko's brown eyes, filled with darkness, switched down towards the weapon within my hand and then back to me.

He tilted his head. "You're a good man, Sasori. You obey my teachings, you protect the humans, that's good, very good. But," Yahiko clicked the roof of his mouth with his tongue, giving his head a slow shake of disagreement. "You're awfully unwise. You do not understand how truly dire our situation is. Naruto, the prince of sin himself, is walking these halls this very minute. He is here. He has found us. Not in a thousand years has a single demon stepped foot within our hideout but now, this day is upon us. Naruto is painting these very same walls red, spilling the blood of our people." Yahiko gave his chest a harsh slap with one hand, his eyes holding a fury that shook me. "My people!" He screamed out, his voice bouncing off of the walls and entering my ears which threatened to shatter them. I flinched upon his words but kept my knife pointed at him, never once backing down.

Yahiko eyed me with irritation, his face overrun by anger and hatred. He wasn't done with his speech and I, was ready to listen to what he had to say. I had a hidden agenda for my actions after all.

Secretly, I wanted to do all I could to stall him so the young girl could run away and get somewhere safe. The further away she's from Yahiko, the safer she is.

I pressed my lips together but said nothing, remaining quiet. Yahiko only snorted. "You speak of my actions as wicked, but I see them as a necessary evil. Leaders such as I am, have to take risks that no one else will, for the greater good. By killing one girl, I am finally bringing Naruto's long life to an end. No longer will he be able to crawl his way back onto this earth and torture the living. It's a shame, yes, that the teenage girl has to die; killing her does not bring me joy, Sasori." Yahiko's eyebrows furrowed. "I am not the monster you have painted me as. I care for the girl just as you, that is why I went out of my way to fix her, to change her feelings of love to hate for Naruto-"

"You're insane. All of you are fucking twisted." I snarled out in abhorrence, absolutely hating the words that came from Yahiko's mouth. They made me sick and honestly, I couldn't bear to listen to them anymore. Yahiko let out a sigh upon my words of revulsion. "You still refuse to listen to reason. He chuckled, "It's fine. Just as I removed you from this mission the first time, I can just as easily do it again." He spat and with that, he pulled up his fingers to only wave them towards me which signaled his followers to ascend forward, in hopes of taking me down. And in the process of seeing two men rush towards me, I completely missed the other signal Yahiko gave.

And that, was an action that he did to finish what he first started. He waved his hand again to silently tell the last remaining male to leave the area completely, in hopes to find the one I have been trying so hard to protect.


Now occupied by two men who were rushing at me full speed with an intent to harm, I took a step back with another plan in mind.

I wasn't done. I had one more trick up my sleeve in hopes of convincing Yahiko to take Naruto down another way. A way that does not involve Hinata having to die. And this time, I truly believe I will get the result I yearn for.

So keeping my knife rooted in front of me, I took another step back. "Yahiko, do you know the spell of Signantes? The only spell to seal a demon away?" I said such words fast and swift, words that were of great importance. The spell of Signantes was a spell that was older than Naruto himself. It was one that the ancient demon hunters have used on many demons before my time and have successfully dealt with them without having to lift a sword. It was a spell that required an ultimate amount of mystical power and can only be performed by more than one hunter.

It was a spell of sealing. The only thing that can bestow fear into any demon and that goes for Naruto as well.

As soon as I said such words, the men that were rushing at me suddenly stopped running only to glance back at their master who looked to be frozen in place. There, I saw that his eyes were widened in shock, the emotion taking over every part of his face which brought me satisfaction. I smirked proudly.

I have definitely struck gold.

The spell I was referring to was one that was originally hidden from mediocre demon hunters, even hunters of high status were denied the right to learn such a hard, complex spell. Only ones that were proven strong enough were trusted to wield such knowledge to defeat their foes with.

But because I had vengeance fueling my actions, a yearning to get back at Yahiko anyway I can, I raided his secret stash of powerful spells, hidden within the chambers of his room underneath a floorboard while he was out, busy pretending to play hero.

I scoffed at the memory.

Such a hiding spot wasn't hard to find.

I knew what I was looking for wasn't going to be sitting out in the opening. I knew, what I sought was something I had no business seeking. So of course, I knew it was probably somewhere I would not expect. And that, was inside my leader's room, deep underneath his flooring.

So from there, I learned all I could about dark magic and spell casting. Usually, I had no desire for such magic but I knew if I was going to contribute to this battle against Naruto, I needed to be prepared.

For anything.

So, I learned spells, moderate ones, complicated ones, dark ones, and the one I just mentioned.

The spell of Signantes.

But I didn't just learn the root, of the spell, that being: the words to say, the material that I needed to use, and the method I needed to perform to complete the spell. Oh no. I took it a step further and learned an extension of the spell.

An add-on.

Now previously, if I'm not mistaken, Naruto was sealed by the same spell but the seal that was created from it only incorporated 5 barriers; Five prisons locked together to suppress him. But that's just the thing.

The seal didn't successfully hold him.

It bought us some time, yes, a couple of centuries but not, forever. We, demon-hunters, have been actively seeking a way to do away with Naruto for good without having to actually risk our lives killing him. But now, I finally have.

I found a solution.

But I need Yahiko to hear me out. I cannot do the spell I have in mind without him. It takes two or more hunters to fulfill the task and a man of his expertise will do nicely.

But I need him on my side.

It's the only way I can attack this problem head-on without having innocents die.

Killing Hinata is not an option.

So I have to convince Yahiko to reconsider, no matter the cost. So standing at the end of the hall with my knife still directed towards the danger in front of me, I raised my head in interest by the look on my former leader's face.

Yahiko looked severely stunned by the words that previously came from my mouth. His eyes were widened, his mouth gaped, his body trembling. Never before have I seen such an intense look of shock upon his face but that only satisfied me.

I grinned in triumph, my brown eyes watching as Yahiko's followers eyed their leader in bewilderment. No longer were they running at me. Now, they just stood there with their heads turned, giving their attention to their frozen leader.

"Boss? What's the matter?"

"What's this traitor yapping about?"

The two men were desperate to know why my words played such an effect on Yahiko but not once did the orange-haired hunter address his panicked followers.


His eyes only remained fixated on me, giving me a full taste of how baffled he felt by the forbidden spell I just spoke about.

I chuckled. "Oh? Surprised, aren't we? You didn't think I knew you were hiding such a spell, huh? Well, to inform you kindly, I do and I have learned all I can to master it. And now, like I've always said, we can defeat Naruto another way." I frowned, pulling my hands forward to pat my chest to further emphasize how serious I was.

"Put your trust in me, Boss. Show me that you care for the human and take up my offer. Take it up and spare the young girl. We can seal Naruto away-"

"And what if it doesn't work, Sasori?" Finally, Yahiko responded after standing in silence for some time, his deep voice echoing across the hall and entering both of my ears. My eyebrows furrowed upon hearing such a question from him, my brown eyes turning towards the man from afar, standing in between the other hunters.

Yahiko shook his head and with that began to walk forward again. His shoes clicked the ground as he worked himself along, passing his fellow hunters who stood halted now that the circumstances have changed. But at the sight of Yahiko's actions, it confused his followers further.

"Boss? What are you doing?"

"Don't give in to this bastard's words. We need to kill the girl-"

But as soon as the hunter on the right said such morbid words, Yahiko reacted. He turned around to bare his teeth at the two men, revealing the anger that he felt. "Be silent." He snarled harshly which forced the two men to do just that.

Be silent.

I couldn't help but put up a little smirk at the turn of events before me. Originally when I made the plan to announce the name of the spell to seal a demon, I didn't think Yahiko would consider it. But seeing the harsh treatment he's giving his followers who were not considering my plan, was surprising. It was different from what I imagined and that made me inwardly happy.

I bit down on my smirk to hide it. I didn't want to come off as cocky or complacent. Yes, it was great that Yahiko was considering it, that I have convinced him to spare Hinata but if he sees such a look of excitement on my face, he may respond differently than what I hope for.

I have to lay low.

So with all the strength, I can muster, I managed to completely wipe the smirk that painted my lips away, and instead, I looked at my boss who was slowly making his way towards me.

His eyes fell down to the knife I still held pointed at him and he squinted his eyes. "If we're gonna share a formal conversation then I suggest you lower that vile weapon, Sasori. I suggest, you stand down." He ordered through gritted teeth, using the same tone as he did with his followers on me which also forced me to obey. I wanted him to listen to what I had to say so the least I can do is obey his wishes.

So, with a slow, cautious nod, I pulled my knife down slowly, retreating. "F-Fine." I muttered hesitantly before fully taking it from my hand and instead slipping it into my coat's pocket, where it no longer was visible. Now, I was unarmed.

Yahiko watched the entire time, amused, his lips curving up into a smirk. I squinted my eyes at that.

But soon after, he cured my worries by finally voicing his interest in my plan, his head nodding at me.

"So tell me what you have in mind, Sasori?"

Naruto's P.O.V

Screams flooded around me as I waved a long whip made of fire, swinging it viciously through the air and burning the humans that surrounded me into a crisp.

A smile of malicious glee could be spotted on my face as I steadily went about my actions, spinning and twisting my body to slap fire towards the hunter's, hitting any body part I saw.

I was having so much fun bringing pain and torment to my enemy. Now that I was fighting more, I could really test out my power to the fullest and even, get a little creative with it. Having my power sit dormant for so long was a pain but it was beneficial. Now, my body was brimming with power, now just ready to be used.

I laughed as I connected hits with hunters that tried to dodge my attacks but seeing as they were too unpredictable, too fast, the foolish humans that decided to deal with the issue by dodging all perished.




The hunters fell on the floor with severe burns and not one could throw a hit at me. I was moving way too fast for them anyhow.

But it was amusing to see them run, throw punches, and dodge. It was amusing to see the hunters try to escape the inevitable.

I roared in amusement as I spun my body around quickly, my bloody trench coat following with my rapid movement with low whooshes. My hand gripped a fist full of fire which I single handily morphed into a different form. With it, I swung it with all of my might to slap a hunter that was in the process of fleeing the area due to her fear.

But because the fire whip of my creation was pretty impressive in length, it reached her effortlessly. I didn't even have to move from my spot. I watched as it slapped her directly from behind, burning everything it touched which caused her excruciating pain, a pain no human can even imagine.

"Ahhh! Oh god."

With a thud, she fell flat onto the floor in a lifeless heap, eyes wide and dull. Just like everyone else, she died due to severe burns which were something her body just couldn't handle. See, the fire that I possess wasn't any ordinary fire.


It isn't fire that was created on this earth but instead it originated in a different dimension altogether.

This fire, was hell fire.

You can tell such fire was not one humans are accustomed to for the color was not an orange but more of a red color. It was frightening to see in person and the power, the destruction it was capable of was one that could kill a human in seconds.

So it didn't take long to have the fourth wave of hunters destroyed, all of them laying to burn on the floor. Some were still alive and because of that, they rolled like roaches encased with bug spray across the floor as the fire I previously hit them with sought to cover their entire bodies, burning them until they were nothing but burnt corpses.



"Damn you, demon!!"

Nothing but curses, blood curdling screams and empty threats ranged loudly within the bloody hallway I stood in where nothing but chaos ran amuck. But I loved every second of it so much, I laughed.

I threw my head back and cackled, my blonde hair no longer spiky and disheveled but now wet with blood, the tips of my blonde bangs dripping with the red substance down onto the floor. Earlier I thought I was bad off seeing nothing but blood covered me then but no, now, it was much worse.

I was basically drenched in blood, covered in it from head to toe which caused my clothing to stick to my muscular build.

But, I loved it.

I loved the feeling.

I laughed until the last remaining hunters died, breathing their last breath before finally falling limp, leaving the hallway void of cries, only the sound of my laughter was heard.

And with that, my high was gone. No more pain was felt from anyone seeing the humans were all dead, so now, my laughter died down and my face grew stoic, void of emotion.

Now, to find Hinata.

My mission was clear. It was fun shredding and cutting up the hunter's like the pathetic worms they were but, I wanted nothing more than to have Hinata in my eyesight.

In my arms.

So, with that, I wasted no time and moved onward, stepping over the burned hunters to instead leave the area.

As I walked forward, a trail of blood was left behind in my wake, hitting the floor with low splats.

My ears twitched upon the noise but it didn't stop me from advancing through the trembling hallway to instead make my way into another part of floor four.

My red glowing eyes were narrowed, my fist clenched. Closer and closer, as I traveled through this ridiculously tall building, I could start to feel Hinata's presence.

Hinata was somewhere near. Because we were connected, I felt a pull towards her and so I quickened my speed to follow such a feeling, to get to her faster.

My blonde eyebrows furrowed in anticipation, my boots stomping at the floor underneath me, also leaving bloody footprints on the clean white floor.

My presence was daunting as I marched through my enemies lair only to enter into a large room, shaped like a square.

It was quite different from the halls below me but I pressed onward anyway.

All I thought of was Hinata so I cared less about my surroundings. But little did I know, my lack of awareness and my impatience was only gonna be my downfall.

As soon as I walked further into the open space filled with white, I suddenly ran straight into a transparent forcefield which filled my entire body with electricity.

The forcefield was harsh as it shocked my body to the extreme, my eyes rolling from the intense pain I felt. I even screamed.

"Fuck!" I shouted before my severely trembling body was thrown to the ground, low sparks of electricity steadily sparking off my body which affected me as well.

Now, I was robbed of most of my energy. Such a sneak attack was highly effective in taming me for I no longer could stand up or do anything. I only trembled in agony, cursing at myself for not noticing such a meager sneak attack.

But I couldn't rest for long because I was then attacked once more. A large claw, the same as the one that Kurama was attacked with a while back, flew through the air and landed straight into my flesh, embedding itself into my back from where I laid on my stomach.

I screamed out once more, my voice bouncing off of the walls that surrounded me. I gritted my teeth as I felt a burning sensation begin to arise within my body from the claw as it's razor sharp points seeped into my skin and down onto the floor underneath me, rooting me in place.

I cried out in agony, blood spilling from my mouth and chest in response to my injury. My red, glowing eyes shot up weakly, in desperate search for who the culprit was but it didn't take long to see just who caused me such pain. Now, the hunters were obliged to show themselves and only one of them, did I recognize.

And right then and there, I regretted not ending his life when I had the chance.

The hunter from before, who was on the same team as Konan, stood before me with the sole weapon that launched such a deadly claw, his hand holding it out, right in front of him.

His eyes narrowed down on me from where I laid, his body also covered in that ridiculous black coat with the red clouds on it which I was honestly growing tired of seeing.

I growled low underneath my breath at the sight of the familiar male standing a few ways ahead of me, two more hunters in trench coats accompanying him on both sides.

Both were holding hunter gadgets which I honestly have ever seen before but such weapons didn't scare me. They're attempts to subdue me was honestly hilarious seeing I have just recently killed many hunters beforehand.

Just as I killed all of their comrades so easily, I can do the same to these bastards.

A dark smirk slid itself across my lips despite the excruciating pain I felt from the claw contraption that was piercing through my flesh, hindering me from moving a single muscle.

I will enjoy killing you three.

The hunters before me looked confident, too confident. Just by the looks on their faces I knew that the fools were seriously underestimating me. They think those stupid weapons they're holding will be enough to stop me. I held in an amusing laugh from that.

Big mistake.

It was a mistake that will cost them their very lives. But, since I have taken a few blows from earlier by the other demon hunters, I chose to lay low for a bit. Just enough to allow my power to recharge.

So now, I convinced the hunters before me that I was terribly injured and wasn't getting up anytime soon. So, I lay completely still on the floor, my red glowing eyes remained rooted on them.

The black haired hunter, the one I am familiar with, raised an eyebrow upon my fallen form. I watched him intently as he began to creep forward, cutting the distance between us. "Naruto Uzumaki, finally... we meet again. The first time we met, you caught me off guard. You killed Konan." He gripped the long gun he held tightly to his chest, his facial features hardening in an emotion I felt right away.


By the black haired hunter's annoying little speech, I see he is still saddened by the fact that I took Konan's precious life. I chuckled to myself because I thought it was quite hilarious.

Oh boo-hoo.

She underestimated me and my power just like the fools before me now. The three hunters before me wanted vengeance in the name of their fallen comrades and as a result will die.

So I laid within my spot with an uninterested look on my face as I listened to the black haired hunter rant on and on, my body trembling due to all the holy water that was coursing through my body. The clawed contraption was coated extremely with the substance of pain but I ignored that particular detail the best that I could.

The black haired male was seething through his teeth, his eyes raw and narrowed upon my blank form. It seemed just with me being here in his presence was making the male tick. I bit down on my smile, my body reiling in all of the pleasant emotions that let off of his body, my own body eating away at his anger, his pain, his rage.

I love it all.

His body bled so much of it it made me grow high off of the pleasure of consuming his dark emotions.

I loved the feeling so much, it began to be something I felt only. The sharp claw, the holy water that traveled through my veins, burning everything in sight started to become less painful and more bearable. I smirked to myself.

Yes, show more of your rage, fool. Give it all to me.

The black haired male gripped his grappling gun tightly to his chest. "You've killed my comrades. You're torturing that poor human. You've cost too much damage, therefore-"

But he was cut off only for another voice to take his place, my red eyes snapping over to the source.

"You're going to die today, demon." The hunter on the left spoke, chuckling gruffly as if his statement was amusing. "Just know, demon, I will have fun watching you suffer. Now that we're on the scene, we plan to make your death.." The blonde haired hunter licked his lips in glee, a method done to help hold back his excitement. I narrowed my eyes.

"a work of art that'll make history." He chuckled out which I involuntarily cringed too. "Next stop, is hell for you."

The male that was just speaking had his blonde hair tied up into a high ponytail, some of his hair seeping down to cover his left eye.

Who the hell knows how he sees behind all that goddamn hair but his words were quite amusing.

As well as his appearance, let's face it.

As the hunters before me threw their empty threats around, I tried several times to contain my laughter.

Their words held no weight here.

I felt no fear from their words, only amusement and a yearn to make them bite back the very same threats they were carelessly spitting out.

I want to make them regret threatening me.

I want to prove them wrong.

The audacity of them was hilarious. They knew who I was and how little they knew about my powers and what I was capable of.

They know that I've been ripping their puny comrades into shreds.

So, I was happily calling their bluff.

Yes, kill me.

Drive me back to hell.

Sever my bond with Hinata.

I want to see you fucking try.

And from there, I couldn't hold in my laughter and soon, I began to laugh my ass off, my chest rumbling from where I laid from my amuse filled action. Instantly, it made the hunters uneasy and because of that, they stopped walking only to hold out their weapons, the black haired one gripping his own which was at the moment causing me pain. But truly, I was getting used to it.

And unfortunately for him, I feel my power coming back.

So with that, I finally chose to fight back. I chuckled, sending the three hunters a look of pure evil, my head tilting slowly to the left. "Puny threats for puny humans." I chuckled. "But I expected nothing less from the likes of you. You believe that your empty threats will save you from me." My eyes darkened extremely, turning blood red.

"You're dead wrong, mortals."

I pulled my hand back so I could place it on top of the large claw device that was forged inside of my back, my breathing increasing due to my own rage.

Now, I'm pissed.

And so, to dispose of the hunter's weapon before me, I began to produce red hot fire, allowing it to bleed from my head to latch onto the weapon in my grasp.

In response, the fire quickly began eating away at the claw contraption, the intense heat following the cord that laid attached to such a weapon, all the way up to its owner.

The black haired hunter's eyes widened at how fast the fire was moving towards him and in response, he decided to chuck the entire burning gun my way to harm me in the process which I found idiotic.

Such foolishness.

Quickly, I pulled out the claw from my backside with one hand, ripping it from my insides which definitely caused me pain. But I ignored it.

With that, I was upon my feet and the gun that once was in the hands of the hunter from afar was now in my claws. Instantly, I took both of my hands and I snapped the weapon completely in half, breaking it to hinder the ability of being used. Now that it was broken, it can't be used against me anymore.

I chuckled to see the black haired hunter's weapon broken in half in my hands, large burn marks found all over the gun. Because the weapon was exposed to my hellfire earlier, the material of it was slowly withering away, falling apart to convert to ash.

I smirked, chucking the gun away, far to my left which clattered on the ground on impact. But I paid it no mind, my eyes continuously rooted on the three hunters in front of me who were now battle ready.

The one on the right grumbled harshly under his breath and went to pull a long, thick sword out which was hung on his back. My eyes narrowed on the sword as it was being shown to me, slowly but surely. But as it was being pulled out, instantly I saw that weapon was no ordinary weapon. Actually, it was one I have never seen before. The sword was long and massive, large white bandage wrappings wrapped all around it, the front of each bandage marked with a demonic language in black.

At the moment, the letters seem to blink on and off, switching from white to black due to my presence I suppose. I tilted my head at that.

Hmm, interesting.

That should be fun.

The large male turned to his comrades and let out a fierce growl. "I say that's enough chit chat. Let's cut this demon into shreds." He spat distastefully, just itching to end me.

His comrades nodded in response. But the black haired one moved inside his cloak to grab out a gun, one that was made of bone, stitched with demonic sealings and markings. "Proceed with caution, my fellow hunters. This one is no ordinary demon. Do as I have instructed you previously and victory will be assured." He warned, signaling to a plan that they've made beforehand, I assume.

No matter, it still won't save them.

I narrowed my eyes, my shoulders rolling on that note. My bones cracked and snapped as I went about stretching them, my body soon moving down so I was hunching over. My back was now bent over slightly, my legs placed so one was in front of the other and my hands worked in a claw form, clenched open menacingly.

I was ready. I was so, so ready to fight.

And as soon as I worked myself into such a position, the hunters decided then to throw their all at me.

And I, was ready for it.

But I've made a big mistake as well. For I have also underestimated my foe and just how serious the hunters were in taking me down. I didn't care how much vengeance the hunters before me contained. I didn't care how badly they wanted to bring me down. I underestimated them and as a result, I was brought to my very knees.

Itachi's P.O.V

It's him.

He's finally before me again.

Naruto Uzumaki in all of his evil glory stood several feets from me and my comrades in a rather familiar position. It was one where his body was hunched over, claws extracted and teeth bared like a predator ready to pounce on his prey.

Demons are predators and desire to hunt. Some often play with their food but the look on Naruto's face says otherwise.

He was ready to kill.

But I stood unfazed.

I tilted my head at the sight of the monster before who had his full attention on me, Kisame and Deidara, his red glowing eyes switching left and right. He was watching us, listening closely.

A smirk of triumph formed on my face because it was something I was counting on in this battle.

Yes, keep your eyes on us.

Keep your ears open, demon.

My plan that I've come up with is a good one. I've put much thought into it after all.

After Konan was slain by the beast in front of me and I was shunned from the entire mission, I decided to do a little research.

I did a bunch of digging and investing through numerous books the hideout had about demons. I read so many and I read them over and over again.

I made sure I did not only read them but I digested the information. I made sure to study every bit of information I could and drill it in my head. And as a result, I was reminded of demon's mannerisms and what could be really helpful in bringing them down. I know Naruto is not any ordinary demon due to the spiritual bond he has created with the innocent human girl. But Naruto still holds the same mannerisms as a regular demon and that's where I will strike.

So with that, I turned to my comrades and gave them a nod, signaling for them to begin the fight.

Kisame nodded back, and with that he started the first step in our plan. Instantly, the elite hunter threw himself at full speed towards the demon before us with his shark blade drawn out and ready to strike the demon before us.

But at the sight of Kisame moving, it alerted Naruto and I watched as he let out a loud growl before jumping towards Kisame, his clawed hands working forward to also strike.

But me and Dedira quickly intervened.

Quickly running behind Kisame, I pulled up my gun and shoot three bullets towards the floor.




The bullets weren't any average bullets. They were more like grenades, thrown to the ground where they stick on impact, red lights blinking from on top of the item.

All were shot precisely around the demon's position and I quickly clicked a special button on my gun to activate them.

Instantly on cue, a loud burst of noise was activated, only a sound frequency that demon's could hear. Successfully, Naruto was stopped dead in his tracks.

We watched as he let out a loud piercing cry of pain before collapsing to his knees, right in the middle of the three blaring sound grenades which was the culprit of the noise he heard.

Now on his knees, his clawed hands covered his ears in a desperate need to block out the screeching noise he heard which was simply too loud to ignore. The noise threatened to shatter his sensitive eardrums, the noise filling up his ears and brain.

Because the noise was so loud, the demon now feels excruciating pain, one that feels like needles are pricking his skull.

Over and over, and over again.

I smirked upon that, absolutely liking that my plan was working.


Who would have thought a demon's keen senses could also be his weakness.

We should have done this sooner.

Naruto cried out in pain, screaming and cursing on the top of his lungs. "Fuck! Fuck! I'm gonna kill all of you! I'm gonna kill-" But he couldn't get the words out because Kisame delivered a harsh slice across his chest with his sword, knocking his body out of the circle of noise and far across the room where he tumbled in pain.

A large slice was made across the demon's chest which would have killed a low class demon in seconds. But..

Not Naruto.

The injury was deadly, yes, but it healed quicker than we expected. He steadily tumbled on the floor, his body bouncing harshly which caused him pain as well. He groaned several times, his body now a good distance away from us.

But once the demon stopped rolling, he instantly snapped his eyes back on us.
There, his eyes never left us, the red blazing orbs that promised us a world of pain and suffering was rooted on us. If looks could kill, all three of us would have died where we stood.

Naruto was pissed.

And that made us happy.

My smirked widened, my grip on my gun tightening.

Now, we've finally found another one of your weaknesses..

I chuckled, cocking my gun.

What are you gonna do now, Naruto?

Hinata's P.O.V

"No one is coming to save you."

"Just lay here and die."

"You've been a burden for too long."

Lying against a wall in the middle of a white hallway, my body rocked back and forth as words in the voice of Naruto filled my head, attacking me nonstop.

When does this end? Why can't I escape from you?

Over and over, I heard him. Laughing at me, threatening me, hurting me. His voice was so loud, I couldn't even hear myself think.

I had long stopped running. I had no energy left after all. My will to go on was broken just by the mere sound of Naruto's words. My entire body felt weak and I couldn't bring myself to do anything else.

"Then you should just die."

"You're useless."

"A weakling.

"Shut up. Just shut up. I hate you." I cried out in whispers while patting my forehead in desperation, just wishing that his voice would leave my head.

It felt like I was still in that terrible dream that the hunters previously forced me to endure. With every step I take, I am being tortured by him, by his voice, by his words, by his presence here in this building.

I want him gone.

I don't want him to save me.

I want him to die.

That's all I want. I know I usually don't have my wishes granted but I wish so hard for Naruto's death.

For my freedom.

I whimpered, my lips trembling for I felt the waterworks on its way to take over me.

Please, allow me this wish.

Right then and there, I allowed the tears to fall, sobs passing through my lips. I began to cry, weeping in my hands, pouring my heart out from all the pain I felt. My heart felt heavy, my stomach felt queasy and my head felt foggy. I felt terrible.

I want to go home.

I want-

"Hinata? Oh my god. Is that you?"

Upon hearing a voice that was not mine and certainly not Naruto's, I popped my head up to peer towards my right, the direction where I heard the newcomer. A feminmine voice which sounds so familiar was what I heard which made my breath hitch.

And once I turned and looked at the three individuals there, standing in the same hall as I, my eyes shot wide open.

"T-T-Temari." I turned my head to glance at my other two friends. "Sakura and I-I-Ino." I sobbed out in joy, once again tears falling down my cheeks. But it wasn't because of pain or fear.. It was because of..



My friends, are finally here.

And they rushed at me in desperation, running down the hall to be by my side.

"Oh Hinata! I'm so glad we found you!"

"Oh my fucking god! You're here! We finally found you!

"Oh Hinata!"

All three of my friends were deeply relieved to see me and I was just the same.

No more.

And once their hands wrapped around me, I could feel my insides melt. Just the sight of them here, was a wish come true. I suddenly felt okay again.

Finally, my headspace was silent. Finally, I allowed myself to smile.

I snuggled deeply within the tight and warm embrace my three friends gave me, just appreciating the fact that they were here.

I held them tightly to my cold, battered body, thanking the heavens above that I've finally been rescued.

I didn't know how the three had gotten here or how they'd manage to find this place but...

None of that matters.

None of it.

I was tired of worrying. I was tired of thinking. I was tired, of talking. So, I spent the next few minutes hugging my friends for dear life and they accepted it.

Soon however, I was brought up to my feet by the help of their hands, my eyes meeting relieved filled faces.

Temari's eyes watered at the sight of me, her dark green orbs glancing down at my body and the many bruises that branded me.

She sobbed lightly, shaking her head. "Wh-What, did they do to you, Hinata? Are you okay-?"

I shook my head which silenced her. Her chest heaved upon my nonverbal gesture, her eyes glancing over at Sakura and Ino who was also surveying my body which only wore the hospital gown I was given.

Ino cursed underneath her breath, moving forward to grab my shoulder, to physically touch me. She noticed that I made no move to talk. She noticed the exhaustion in my eyes. I witnessed the small smile form on her lips with glossy lavender orbs.

"It's okay, Hinata. Whatever happened to you here in this place, can wait to be told later. Or, you don't have to tell us at all. You can tell us when you're ready. But right now, we need to get the hell out of here. Naruto's here and he's-"

But at the sound of his name, a loud whimper escaped my mouth and the water works started again. Numerous memories flashed before my head of what I've endured in that hellish dream with the demon. What he did to me. What he said. The ways he hurt me..

What he did to my friends.

My chest heaved greatly, my heart speeding up at a concerning rate. I couldn't get the memory out of my head.

He killed them.

He slaughtered them with his bare hands and didn't think twice about it.

"O-O-O-Oh n-n-no. Oh g-g-god no!" I sobbed out, panicking which worried my friends big time.

"Hinata, I know you're scared and upset. But we need to get out of this place and we need to go now." Ino stated in a stern voice, one that made the entire situation worse.

Just the mere mention of Naruto brought everything back. Even, the voice.

"You're not going anywhere."

"I promised you an eternity of suffering Hinata. And I don't break my promises."

More tears fell. More screams left my mouth. I was breaking down before my friend's eyes and they couldn't do a thing.

They asked numerous questions, tried to comfort me many times but I couldn't get a hold of myself. I was traumatized, freaking out by the things that went on in my head, things that I witnessed with my eyes.

I couldn't think.

"Hinata! Please, we have to go. Everything will be alright when we do."

I shook my head at Sakura's words, my eyes snapping towards her. "No! It won't!" I screeched out at the top of my lungs, frightening all three of the girls.

Their lips trembled at the volume of my voice, their eyes staring back at me as if I had lost my mind. They were deeply concerned, terrified by my condition.

But Sakura's words were false and I cannot stand here and listen to lies.

It only hurts more.

And I can't deal with anymore pain.

I sobbed, my body rocking back and forth in my spot. Wet, hot tears covered my cheeks. My eyes were red and puffy, totally sore from crying. But I couldn't stop.

I couldn't.

I shook my head once more. "N-Nothing w-will ever be t-the same again! I won't be the same again! So d-don't lie to me! Don't!"

"Hinata, calm down. You're scaring me." Temari whimpered out, her hand moving forward to rub my shoulder, trying desperately to calm me down. She rubbed my body gently as I breathed heavily, my eyes rooted on her.

She pouted, shaking her head as well. "We will never lie to you, Hinata. I know you have been through hell. We know and we want to help you. So we are only saying, the longer you stay here in this place the more at risk you are. At least when you're away from here and instead back home, you'll be far away from this madness. You need to rest in your bed. Isn't that what you want?"

My eyes widened at her words which were said in a calm manner, my head nodding rapidly in response to them. "Y-Yes! That's all I want. Please t-take me away! Please!"

Sakura covered her mouth at the sound of my response, holding back tears.

Ino gave me a nod and went to rub my other shoulder, smiling lightly. "We will, Hinata. We will."

And with that, I allowed myself to leave my spot and follow my friends down the hall. Finally, I was able to convince my body to go with the ones I love, away from this place; back home where I desperately wanted to be.

My friends held me tight as we traveled down the hallway, not noticing the hateful eyes that stared at my back, the entire time.


Yikes, that was pretty dark wasn't it? 😬😆

I know it's been a while since I updated and I'm sorry, so I hope this made up for it.

There's gonna be a lot of crazy stuff that's going to come at you all so I hope you all are ready.

Things are slowly wrapping up and like I have always said it's bittersweet. 😕

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed!

Don't forget to comment and vote!


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