Chapter 58: Death Around The Corner

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(ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ: ɢᴏʀᴇ • ᴠɪᴏʟᴇɴᴄᴇ • ᴀɴᴛʜʀᴏᴘᴏᴘʜᴀɢʏ • sᴜᴘᴇʀɴᴀᴛᴜʀᴀʟ/ᴇʟᴇᴍᴇɴᴛs •  ᴠᴜʟɢᴀʀ ʟᴀɴɢᴜᴀɢᴇ •  ᴅᴀʀᴋ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ • 𝟷𝟾+)


Naruto's P.O.V

A sonic burst of noise filled my ears over and over causing my entire body to react irregularly.

The noise was so loud, it was not only striking my ears and hindering my ability to hear but I also could not think, see or react to my opponents.

So, I was losing brutally.

The three hunters who were the culprits of possessing the sound guns continued to shoot noise inducing grenades in my path. No matter where I ran, agonizing sounds only I could hear would follow.

My head was throbbing, my body was trembling. My world seemed to be spinning rapidly revealing that I was very dizzy. I felt nothing but dire pain and discomfort and for that I was angry.

What a low blow.

The hunters are growing very desperate. I've scared them into resorting to feeble methods such as this.

Such as attacking my senses only.

The hunters have planned to cut off my senses so I can't hear them advancing. By taking that approach they certainly have an advantage. And stubborn as I was, I didn't want to admit that their plan was working.

I have to find a way to turn this battle around.

Because so far, the hunters were kicking my ass.

With full force, my trembling body was attacked by the same sword that looked to be the size of my massive body, the hunter swinging it towards me with all of his might.

Because of the sound that was blaring all around me constantly, I had no time nor the energy to react.

The only thing I saw before I was sent flying across the air was a devious smirk from the hunter.

The impact was harsh once the enormous sword came into contact with my flesh. My feet were taken completely off the floor and my body was sent flying through the air.

The hit I received was so deadly, the air was knocked completely out of my lungs causing me to choke and gasp for breath.

A large gash ran up my body, starting at my thigh all the way up to my neck, blood of my kind oozing out of the alarming cut. But it quickly healed up, just like the rest of the injuries I was given by the hunters beforehand. Wind blew and struck my body fiercely, letting me know that I was still flying across the air.

But suddenly, I noticed my body was starting to travel downward until I finally felt the harsh surface of the ground fully, my body smacking it with full force.

I let out a pained groan as I tumbled across the floor, my entire body shaking the entire way. My ears kept ringing and ringing which made it even harder to hear. But that wasn't the only thing I was suffering from. Because of the blaring noise my ears were constantly being hit by, I felt like there was a hammer inside of my head pounding my brain into submission.

I couldn't fight, not after being hit by the deafening sound guns the hunters are using against me. My senses were now totally unreliable.

Completely damaged.

I groaned in pain from where I now laid huddled on the floor on all fours, my bloody bangs falling over my hooded red eyes. I panted, over and over in exhaustion. "Fuck." I whispered to myself in defeat. I was at a deadend. I didn't know what else I could do to defeat my opponents without being blasted with ear-piercing noise. I found the tactic the demon hunters were taking on extremely annoying. It was quite sickening.

Distantly, I could hear the running of feet which tells me the hunters were on their way to once again resume the fight. I shook my head, my damp hair following.

I can't let them win.

The sound grenades were now silent which meant the hunters needed to shoot out more to distract me.

But I cannot let them.

So with that, I used the rest of the energy I had to throw myself up on my knees and from there I summoned back up the dark power that was swimming inside of me. Now, I brought it to the surface, morphing the tiny balls of darkness into a long point, sharp enough to stab into any object it could.

With a yell, I threw my arms out and released the sharp objects from my body, allowing the weapons to burst in every direction, including the hunters direction.

The hunters yelped in surprise at the sight of my sudden attack but quickly moved to dodge it, effortlessly.

The black haired male simply jumped and rolled out of the way. The annoying male with the sword used his weapon to deflect the dark spears. And as a result of his actions, he was shielded completely from harm. And the blonde weirdo dodged my attack as well, throwing his body left and right so the spears can simply fly past him.

I growled at the hunters victory but I quickly went to jump to my feet to start up another attack.

I have to continue to bombard them with all I have.

I can't let them continue to use those infuriating sound grenades. Those weapons are the only thing that's causing me to lose this fight.

I have to move faster.

I have to finish this to save Hinata.

So with my human lover on my mind, I used her as strength to conjure up another attack, my hands moving to hover over the other.

Quickly, I pulled the two limbs away from each other to make way for a ball of fire to form which sat snug in my grasp. But it didn't stay there long.

I released it, directly at the hunters who were steadily trying to make their way back to me. But I cut them off.

The fire ball flew fast, faster than the speed of light towards the three caped fools. But I didn't stop there.

I decided to summon up two more balls of fire, one for each of the three hunters. And I released both with a yell.

"Take this, you pathetic worms!" I yelled before I released the fire element from my hands to shoot it directly towards the three humans in an effort to burn them right where they stood.

The hunters' surprised faces was the last thing I saw before my attack made it to them, ramming directly into the target I had my sights on.

I grinned in glee.


Once the fire balls impacted, all I saw was smoke and flames, hindering me the ability to see the real damage my attack caused to my opponents.

But everything was quiet, only the nice crinkling of the fire made as it steadily ate away at the floor, growing and growing. The hunters were nowhere in sight which made me very happy.

That's what happens when you underestimate-

But my thoughts stopped dead in their tracks when suddenly the fire I once threw began to work itself off of the floor and instead in the air, forming a ball similar to the one I made, but just a lot bigger.

No longer was the fire burning the floor and creating another problem but was now rising, revealing the three hunters all alive and well.

But that wasn't what surprised me.

What surprised me was what one of the hunters were in the process of doing, the hunter that was quite familiar to me, that is.

One hand of his formed two fingers, his index finger and middle finger forced upward. The digits were lying very close together while the male's other hand was seen rising towards the direction of the spiraling ball of fire, all five fingers extended. The stance was a familiar one, only done when one is doing...

My eyes widened.


The hunters laughed by the shocked look on my bloody face, my red eyes widened drastically.

I growled, tightening my fists in rage. "H-How the fuck are you-"

"Doing magic?" The hunter I was quite familiar with shot back, his stance held in place which kept the blazing fire I created in the air. He tilted his head, causing his long hair to follow. "You're not the only one that can perform the arts of magic, demon. We hunters have many tricks up our sleeves. We won't lose. Not to the likes of you." He snapped back before giving his arm a wave, dispelling his spell which caused the fire to disperse as well, vanishing into nothing.

I cursed in frustration, not liking the sound of that at all.

How the fuck are these mere humans able to perform what we demons can?

The humans never cease to surprise me. They put their noses into things that they have no business in, learn and understand it and then use it as if it's their very own.

Weak minded humans are not able to wield the magic that we demon's have. The magic will consume them from the inside out if they even try to. They'll then become corrupted and die, a painful death.

But these hunters seem to use the magic quite well which has gotten me very confused.

I growled once more, my mind trying desperately to figure out another way to defeat the three hunters. It seems they are much more skillful than the many hunters I've encountered beforehand.

I have to really think about this.

But I couldn't think for too long because a spell of some kind suddenly overtook my body, causing it to remain perfectly still, frozen in place.

I gasped in major surprise upon that, my arms forced to lie by my waist, my legs worked together. I was completely stuck.

In rapid speed, I snapped my head up towards the hunters direction only to see the same hunter from before who performed magic now with his fist balled and directed at me, keeping his spell in motion. His lips were whispering words of latin which also helped him prevail with his spell.

I growled loudly at the sight of my predicament, cursing at myself for letting my guard down. "Damn it!" I screamed out in anger, my feral features tightening up by the intense emotion. I began to twist my body, to try to break out of the spell that was forced upon me, that was holding me still. I rocked my body left and right, whipping my head in the same direction as well but it was no use. It seemed as if I was stuck in a box, imaginary chains wrapped around my arms and legs to hold me in place.

I gritted my teeth.

But for what?

But my question was answered when I saw the same hunter with the sword come rushing at me, at full speed with intentions on whacking my defenseless form with his weapon. I yelped in surprise and continued to wiggle around, my foggy ears distantly hearing the harsh steps of feet, smacking against the ground as they traveled forward.

The blue haired hunter was running quickly, right towards my frozen body.

His intentions were clear. The hunters' plan was clear.

They want to keep me in a state of immobilization as much as possible.

The hunters were trying all they could to put me at a disadvantage. First, they attacked my senses so I could not hear. The hunters also used such weapons of sound to weaken me, to slow me down so they could move faster and attack me as they pleased. Now, they've settled on using magic to keep me in place, to keep me from attacking or using my power.

Now, every bone in my body was forced to stay put. And because of that, I was left wide open for an attack.

And surely, the attack came.

My eyes widened once I saw the hunter grow closer and closer until he was directly in front of me and from there I was whacked again.

"So long, demon!" I heard over the constant ringing in my ears, my body once again flying across the air at rapid speeds. The wind I felt as I went soaring was seeping through my bloody hair strands and clothing.

My body was soaring so fast, I could only groan out. But that was not all I felt. As I grew closer to the wall located behind me, I was suddenly attacked with knives, the blonde hunter chucking many from both of his hands towards my being in a very impressive manner.

I couldn't even react. All I could do was feel.

The knives entered my entire body, piercing everything in sight. But the knives did not only embed themselves into my flesh but also the wall I landed against due to the mighty attack I was shot with.

My arms were forced outwards, knives piercing both of my hands, puncturing through each of my palms. My legs were also forced against the wall because of knives, two penetrating through both of my ankles.

Four more knives were driven through my chest, two located up top and two more spotted down below, near my waist. Now, all of my limbs were restricted by hunter knives, my body now completely stuck against the wall.

But the blonde hunter wasn't done. I watched with anger filled eyes as he threw one more knife, chucking it upward with all of his might to a place that stunned me the most.

I watched as the large, pointy knife soared through the air, directly towards me until I felt it pierce the middle of my forehead, knocking my head back against the wall. "Fuck!!" I shouted out in pain, completely humiliated by the situation I was in.

Now, I was forced once again to remain put, right where the hunters wanted me. My eyes were hooded from the harsh treatment I've been put through, a black substance slowly trailing down my forehead from where the knife penetrated my brain.

Such a morbid attack on me was not life-threatening. I was too powerful to be killed by just a hunter's knife to the head. But still, the amount of concentrated holy water that was dipped onto the sharp end of the knives was really kicking my ass. I felt like I was being burned from the inside out.

I groaned through clenched jaws from the intense burning sensation I felt all over my body. No longer did my feet rest on the floor but now I was hung up like a ugly painting on the wall, my red eyes glaring down at the three hunters who stared up at me from below.

I growled, shaking my body furiously, battling with the knives. "You think, you bastards can beat me? With this?" I snapped in anger, really finding their performance laughable. Yes, they've gotten the upper hand but it was only because they decided to take the easy way out.

If the hunters would've fought me normally, without those stupid guns they posesss then the outcome to this battle would surely play out differently.

My red eyes were filled with rage as I watched as the three hunters slowly stepped up closer to my hung up being, my chest heaving heavily due to my overpowering emotions.

The long black haired hunter tilted his head, a smug grin pulled at his lips by the humiliating sight of me. "Naruto, Uzumaki. Denial has surely blind you.
This battle was over the very first moment your ears picked up the sonic burst of sound from the guns we possess. You were never going to win this battle. So I suggest, you accept defeat-"

"Never." I roared in rage, my voice dropping an octave, another voice that was much deeper accompanying my usual voice. My emotions were beginning to cloud me, overtaking my entire being. I was angry at how events were playing out. I was angry that the hunters managed to turn this battle around so it could run in their favor.

I trained so fucking hard for this.

This was supposed to be my victory!

I found it hard to believe that I was bested. But the holy water that was rushing through my being reminded me that the hunters have defeated me, the knives piercing deeply through my flesh to keep me against the wall.

I groaned over and over, yanking my body left and right in an effort to be free from the knives that pierced my flesh but it was no use. The knives were inside the wall that resided behind me pretty deep. There was no way I could get out, especially not in the weak state I was in. My body could hardly move, my ears were still ringing and I had a massive migraine.

During this moment, I felt so many sensations that put me in a state of discomfort. They were sensations that made my rage spiral even more.

I was practically seething, snarling like a wild animal. But all the hunters did was laugh, their eyes held on me the entire time. They didn't make any more movements or advancements.


The annoying little bastards were giving me the moment to realize that I was defeated.

But I will never.

I will never admit to such a thing.

Not now and not ever.

I growled loudly, throwing my head forward a bit to stare each hunter in the face, my arms forced outward still. "Oh you just wait. When I get back down there, I will rip each of those smiles right off of your fucking faces. Only then, I'll be the one laughing. I'll laugh as I tear your bodies apart and eat your entrails-!"

"Blah, blah, blah." The blonde hunter groaned out, rolling his one visible eye towards me. "I see you've still got a lot of fight in ya. Boy, do those Uzumaki demon's have spirit. Don't you agree, Kisame?" He turned to the blue haired hunter beside him, rooted towards his left. "Itachi?" He also added, voicing the names of both of his comrades.

The one that I had a serious vengeance towards, Kisame, let out a gruff laugh, both of his hands held on the handle of his sword as it laid before him on the ground, the end of it covered in my blood. "Heh, they sure do. But it honestly doesn't matter. Every single one has been defeated. No matter how hard they've fought they all were cut down. Now," My narrowed eyes caught sight of the blue haired hunter raising his sword to point it directly at me, one hand resting on the handle. "it's finally your turn, brat."

His voice was filled with venom, low and guttural as he made his little speech, spatting all over my family and it's name. I couldn't help but grow even angrier.

I heaved greatly, my chest rising and falling rapidly. "Talk all you want. You will pay for such words with your lives."

My demonic voice filled the entire room, bouncing off the walls and landing straight into the hunter's ears where they later felt in their chests. But I watched as the hunter's remained unfazed. They didn't budge or squirm from my words which put an irritated scowl on my face.

I will make sure each of you annoying pests die screaming.

The blonde one snickered, one hand of his covering his mouth to hold back the amusement he felt. "Ahh, you're amusing, ya know that? Your threats don't work here, demon. So you should just stop trying. It's really showing how pathetic you are."

A loud growl passed my lips from deep within for I was growing tired of being mocked and played with as if I was a mere mortal. As if I was weak.

I, am Naruto Uzumaki. Prince of darkness.

I will not stand for any of this.

I was so angry, I chose not to speak any longer. I couldn't even form the words that I wanted to say because of how angry I was.

The one that went by Itachi let out a sigh, tilting his head at my trembling form. "Finally, the great Naruto is defeated but sadly, not yet broken." He narrowed his eyes which darkened due to his words, "We will be sure to silence you for good, demon. May you rot in hell with the rest of your filthy kin."

"Fuck you! Fuck you!"

My voice roared far and wide. Those two words were the only thing I could muster up but they only fell on death ears. Itachi simply turned towards his blonde companion and gave his head a nod.

"Do it. And do it quickly." He demanded in a serious manner, signaling for the blonde hunter to do something else that the three had planned previously. I squinted my eyes at that.

What the fuck is it now?

I stared at the blonde weirdo as he began to slowly raise one hand up to direct the limb to my hung up being, his eyes closing and his mouth opening so words of latin can escape it.

At first, I was worried. At first, I wondered what the hell the hunters were up to. At first, I thought all hope was lost. But all of my concerns and worries flew out of the window when I caught something very interesting in the corner of my eye.

For that, I didn't budge. I was no longer scared of what the hunters had planned for me. I smirked at an object in the distance, nothing but happiness taking over my being at the sight before me.

Heh, about time...


A flood of relief rushed over me as I witnessed a large orange bird flying rapidly towards my location, down the hall and straight into the large room the hunters and I were in.

I sent a happy smile over at Kurama before turning my attention onto the hunters below who were too busy worrying about their next move to even see the danger that was approaching them.

I let out a laugh upon that, a loud laugh which alerted the three buffoons. The blonde hunter I found weird snapped his head up at me and growled.

"What the fuck is so funny-?"

More laughter escaped my lips which I purposely made boisterous so the hunters could not pick up the flapping noises Kurama's wings made as he slowly made it closer and closer to us. And I didn't stop laughing until Kurama made it just inches from his intended target.

I threw my head forward, completely ignoring the knife that was stuck in my head. I only focused on giving the three men before me a crazed head tilt. "Oh you'll laugh too if you were in my shoes... mortals."

Right after my words, Kurama finally made it upon the scene and from there, the fight resumed once again.

Before the hunters even noticed a thing, Kurama swooped down in high speeds only to take up the blonde hunter who was in the middle of the spell to seriously harm me by the shoulders, his talons gripping the male tightly.

A surprise yelp was all the male could let out before Kurama flew all the way up into the air with the screaming male, only to drop him head first on the floor.

The moment happened so fast, the hunters could not even react or stop it. The blonde hunter's comrades could only watch as his body flew all the way down from the air only to land on the floor with a loud thud, the harsh impact crushing every bone in his body.

The sound of his lifeless body as it connected with the floor was deafening, rippling throughout the entire room for all to hear. Such a display revealed that the male was no longer alive.

Just that fast.

I watched the scene with the biggest grin on my face, one of triumph and excitement. Kurama's entrance was fantastic. He managed to use the element of surprise to kill off one of my opponents.

Now that just leaves two.

The two hunters that were left, snapped their eyes over at Kurama, their eyes widening at the sight of his shape-shifted form soaring through the air straight towards me.

Itachi snarled, pulling his hand back into his coat pocket to grab out the same gun from before. The one that I hated.

"There's another one! Kisame, don't let that demon free Naruto-"

"I know, damn it." Kisame snapped back before also grabbing out a gun, one that was quite different from Itachi's and with it, he shot out many blow darts, ones that held unknown substances in.

But Kurama was quick. By using his bird form to his advantage, he swooped around the open space in circles to dodge the rapid blow darts. The darts flew everywhere, in every direction but like the reliable companion Kurama was, he made sure not a single one hit his flesh.

He dodged effortlessly which made me even happier.

I cheered at that. "Fuck yes! Yes!" A grin was held on my face but it soon fell when I saw Itachi began to add his gun into the mix, the one where the agonizing sound grenades were held inside. That, was gonna be a serious problem.

I gritted my teeth.


From where I was hung, I turned to Kurama who was spotted flying afar, twisting and turning gracefully through the air which helped successfully veer himself away from Kisame's bullets.

Itachi growled at the sight of Kurama's presence here but quickly pulled up his gun and aimed it towards a spot near Kurama in an attempt to knock him off of his game.

But I had a thing for him.

I turned slightly from where I was still forced against the wall to face Kurama's direction, to get his attention. And with a language only our demonic kind knows, I told Kurama about Itachi's sound grenades, letting him know beforehand what to look out for and what to do to avoid them.

I've figured it out now.

Those sound grenades only affect us demons if we're in its proximity when they go off. But if we move far away from where they are located, then the sound would not affect us at all. I smirked slyly.

Hah, it's game over now.

Kurama nodded at the warning I gave him, deeply grateful for it. He didn't say anything, no, but only took my advice. He flew far away from the first bullet Itachi shot, leaving the perimeter to instead make his way towards my direction.

Loudly, a siren-like noise erupted from the right hand side of the room from the sound grenades Itachi shot out. But he quickly shot out another one, pulling the trigger vigorously to his gun which catapultes the sound grenades.

He did so just as Kurama made it to me, his two talons extended to grab a hold of the knife that was embedded inside of my head. He yanked it out with a bird squeal, throwing it on the floor only to fly away, to dodge the sound grenade once more.

The demon bird was multitasking. He dodge the hunters efforts to shoot him down by blow darts and sound grenades to also release me from the knives the hunters attacked me with. He was quick, silent and careful. And he didn't stop until all knives were away from my body and instead thrown to the floor, finally releasing me.

And because of that, I fell from my place against the wall to land on the floor with a massive thud, regaining my footing. My legs were a bit numb due to being hung up in a strange position for so long but it was a sensation that hardly bothered me. Now that Kurama was here, I can certainly use his wits to overpower the last remaining demon hunters.

I now also have backup.

Both of the human men grew angry upon this. They both let out growls and snarls as they eyed the two of us succeed in our plan, Kurama swooping down to change back into his human form, claiming his spot beside me.

He turned to me, checking my body which was covered in many substances, ones of different colors. He grimaced, also picking up the many cuts all over my body which were beginning to heal. He raised an eyebrow. "You okay, kit? How are ya holding up?"

I rolled my eyes, my body detecting the concern in his voice. "I'm fine. I was doing perfectly fine fighting these bastards myself, Kurama." I quickly shot back while eyeing the hunters that were beginning to advance towards us, ready to take us down and avenge their fallen friend. I glanced over at the squished male from afar, eyeing how much blood leaked from his body, painting the white floor red. I couldn't help the grin that pulled at my lips.

Ahh, now that, is what you call amusing.

I was deeply happy with such a fate that has befallen that buffon. He talked a bit game a while back but now, just like the rest of the demon hunters that underestimated me, he has fallen just the same.

I smirked, turning my attention back to my opponents. But Kurama managed to snag my attention first. His brown orbs glanced back over at me, his eyebrow still raised. "Fine, you say? You were practically begging for my help, kit."

By his response, I chose not to answer.

Kurama let out a sigh once he detected my silence for I was too stubborn to admit that I was actually in desperate need of help.

I absolutely cannot admit that.

"It's okay, you can admit it, kit." He responded back amusingly, as if reading my mind which only made me growl in annoyance.

But the orange haired demon then cracked his neck, rolling his shoulders a bit. "But it doesn't matter. We can surely turn the tide to this battle together and then we can finally move on to find Hinata." He stated lastly, voicing out our next plans while keeping his eye on the two hunters who were rushing at us with all the speed that they could muster. A speed that was impressively fast.

Quickly with the last bit of time I had left, I responded to Kurama. I chuckled, sending a nod his way. "Hell yeah. Let's take these bastards down."

With that, I finally moved from my position and rushed towards the hunter I had my eyes on for a minute. My red eyes narrowed upon the blue haired male who was rushing at me with the same sword as before which he continuously whacked my being with.

But no longer.

Now that Itachi was occupied with Kurama, he could no longer shoot out those annoying grenades. Now, Kisame is all mine for the taking.

I can really show my full potential.

So with that thought in mind, I decided to get a little creative with my power. Since the hunter before me fancies his sword so much, it was only fair to make a sword of my own.

I smirked, a dark smirk before tossing my right hand out and from there, I summoned my dark magic to consume the limb. A hum slipped out of my lips as I stood unmoving, just allowing the dark magic to seep out of my being and drop down to my arm, covering the limb fully with it's darkness.

The magic rippled out of my body in a bubble form, all accumulating to place themselves down my right arm to form just the weapon I needed for this fight.

A sword.

After I was done morphing my dark magic into the weapon I wanted, I was left with a piercing sword strapped to my right side as if such a thing was my arm. The dark magic was now a large sword of black, riding up my shoulder where the weapon began.

I let out a crazed giggle upon my victory, loving the new creative ways I can express my power in battle. Now, I was itching to end the hunter before me, especially with my new weapon.

Now, on to battle.

So with that, I picked up my feet once more and lunged myself off of the floor and into the air, straight towards the hunter that seemed to look unfazed by the new presence of my weapon.

It seems he's still underestimating me.

So with that, I swung first, throwing my right arm over which caused my new sword to follow. The sword sliced the air clean, the hunter dodging the attack by ducking. But he quickly regained his footing to swipe his weapon low, attacking my feet with a horizontal slice. But I simply jumped only to give my body a twist, to slice at the male's neck. I was seeking to slice his head clean off of his body. But the hunter only ducked and rolled out of the way, avoiding my attack just as he did the last one.

Now, he was a few feet from me but instead of rushing towards him like a lunatic, I threw my sword arm out and gave the air a harsh wave. Such an action caused my magic to seep from my sword and from there, I commanded the dark bubbles to take the form of spears. Instantly as I made the internal order, the bubbles stretched out in a sharp point and fled straight towards the huddling hunter.

But he simply tossed up his own weapon, setting the sword up straight where he hid behind it, using it once again as a shield.

But I continued to release spears of my dark magic towards him, all the while running forward to cut the distance between the two of us.

Back and forth, I swung my arm which released numerous waves of spears to strike the hunter's position. But all the while he simply hid behind his sword, allowing the spears to connect with the strong weapon and shatter into small pieces. Other spears managed to pass the male and so they crossed the room to land elsewhere, passing Itachi and Kurama who were in the middle of fighting as well.

I glanced over at them briefly to see that Kurama's orange tails were now revealed and he was using them to his advantage, swinging and striking Itachi with them who simply rolled and dodged out of the way. Both hunters were now taking the defense road, where they only blocked and dodged our furious attacks. But that was fine by me.

They cannot defend themselves from our attacks for long.

I cackled to myself, picking up my speed to run towards the defensive hunter faster. All the while, I continued to release sharp spears at him which he deflected. But it didn't matter. I kept running forward until I made it directly in front of him and with that, I jumped straight upon his sword only to twist my body to the right, my sword out and ready to strike. And I didn't hesitate to throw a side swipe at the now visible hunter.

My grin was crooked and dark as I swung my sword towards Kisame's head in another effort to swipe it clean off of his shoulders. But once again, the hunter managed to slip from my claws because he quickly twisted his body, pulling his sword towards my direction at high speeds to shield himself from my attack.

My sword collided with his with a loud clank, my body slowly falling to land back on the floor. But Kisame didn't allow me to regain my footing.

On his knees, he twisted his sword to strike upward, driving his heavyweight sword against mine to overpower my own weapon and drive me back. And he was successful.

By his attack, my body was forced to fly far away from my opponent and instead fall with a massive thud on the floor. My body tumbled, over and over but with my sword, I managed to keep my body from tumbling too far from the hunter.

Driving the sword located on my right arm into the floor, my fallen body came to a complete stop.

I let out a growl, my head whipping up to give the hunter before me my attention, my red eyes eyeing the blue haired male slowly rising up to a stand once again while holding his precious weapon.

My red glowing eyes fell upon the bandaged up but bloody sword he held dearly in his hands. I couldn't help but smirk.

I then, let out a chuckle, also bringing my fallen form to a stand. "Heh, I gotta say, that sword you wield is pretty impressive, mortal. It's kept you from dying by my hands many times now." I tilted my head, allowing my blonde bangs to fall over. I watched as a wide grin came upon the hunter's face by my words, his eyes drifting towards his weapon.

I raised one blonde eyebrow. "But don't flatter yourself. There's only a matter of time before I take you down. I can fight like this, all damn night. But you," I pointed one finger at him, using my only visible hand to do so. My other limb was morphed into a terrifying, monstrous sword, one with a razor sharp point. The black sword worked well with my trench coat and jeans. It matched well with my bloody outfit.

My grin widened, finishing my words from before. "cannot keep up with me for long."

From there, I watched in amusement as the hunter's grin vanished completely from his face, his eyebrows furrowing upon me. He gave his head a slow shake, obviously disagreeing with my words. "You underestimate me, demon. I can fight just as long as you and it will be I, that will cut you down. My sword has already predicted it. So enough talk. Come and let us settle this!" He roared out, tossing his sword up to point it directly at my being, inviting me over to him. And oh boy, I came.

I rushed towards him in full force with a battle cry, holding my own sword out for I was ready to attack the hunter with it once more.

My speed was immense because I was working off of my emotions, the blood lust I felt. I was excited to fight and tear the hunter before me apart. I couldn't wait to see his lifeless body before me. I couldn't wait to plunge my sword through his body and end his life.

I was yearning for it.

And the more I did, the faster I ran.

The hunter pulled his sword up, working it in defense mode but I didn't care. Once I was close, I swung my sword vigorously towards his own, left and right, side to side but it only met the hunter's sword and not the hunter himself. With loud clinks and clanks, my attacks were defended against.

So, I switched gears and I jumped to a different spot, one where the hunter was not guarding to attack him there instead. I jumped to the left, quicker than the hunter could react and decided to attack.

I cackled, twisting my body to deliver an almighty swing. "Hah, take this!" I yelled out before bringing my sword down towards the male's shoulder, my eyes widening in glee to see that I just might slice it.


Instead of my sword meeting flesh, it instead met the hunter's sword, his hands working it over so the long end could meet my weapon to shield him once more. Seeing such a disappointing sight made me seethe. The hunter's defensive tactics were really starting to grow annoying.

It's as if the bastard won't die.

I snarled in annoyance. "Son of a bitch!" I yelled out in rage and worked my weapon away from him only to slice downward, to cut the body part that was visible to me, the ones that he was not actually using his sword to shield.

But the male only stepped back, away from my attack so my sword could only slice the air, and not the hunter's leg. I growled loudly, my teeth clenched. "Why won't you just fucking die already?" I snarled out aggressively before launching forward once more to strike but my attack was interrupted by an almighty swing from the hunter, his hands working his sword in a circle above his head. Such an offensive attack caught me off guard and so the sword made direct contact to my jaw, throwing my body back on the ground.

I yelped out in surprise. "Damn it." I whimpered, my body falling on the floor with another massive thud. But the floor was not somewhere I could stay because the hunter was upon me, now on offense mode.

With a slice downward, the hunter drove his sword upon my fallen form but I was quick to react. With my own sword, I yanked it up to shield myself from the hunter's attack.


Our swords impacted once more, but at lightning speed, I threw my leg forward to kick the hunter square in the stomach. And thankfully, my attack landed.

The hunter was driven back while coughing all the while, deeply surprised by the force of my kick. I chuckled to see the male in discomfort. But I used this time to throw my body back onto its feet and charge forward once again, but with a plan in mind.

I was eyeing the hunter for a while. As the fight went on, I was picking up the hunter's fight style, his strengths and weaknesses. And it seems he relies a little too much on his weapon. He hasn't used any hand to hand combat on me or any spells for the matter.


He has only used that sword to fight me which brings me to my plan.

I will destroy that sword. And I know just the spell to do it.

All I need is for my flesh to make contact with the weapon. But it has to be intended which means I need to physically touch the sword in order for my spell to work.

With my hand, to be more specific.

So my next actions, I tried to do just that. I followed my plan all the way through as I launched myself back into battle, swinging my sword wildly towards the hunter who simply dodged.

He moved his head back swiftly only to bring his sword forward to have his turn to swing his weapon at me. But I simply dodged it as well, my hand working out to touch the sword that was now in my proximity.

The hunter pulled the weapon back, causing my hand to fall and touch nothing.

Damn it.

The hunter was now beginning to study me, watching as I tried several times to touch his sword with my one visible hand. But each time, he would swing the weapon far out of my reach, stopping my actions. Once again, the itch to kill the bastard before me grew stronger.

So instead of deliberately reaching out for the weapon, I decided to worry more about letting the hunter's guard down.

So with that, I swung my sword twice, left and right which caused the male to back up in order to dodge my attack.

I threw my foot out to throw a roundhouse kick at his body. The hunter simply stepped back, pulling his sword up to strike but I was much quicker.

I decided to throw another kick but a different one this time. Turning my body in a swift circle, I delivered a spinning hook kick to my opponent, driving my foot with all of my might against the hunter's sword to force him back.

It worked.

With a strained grunt, the male was sent falling onto the floor where his sword was left wide open, just itching to be touched.

I grinned, a toothy grin before picking up my body to pull through with my plan. Now seeing the hunter slowly rising up off of the floor, I quickly made moves to leap for my target.

With a front flip over Kisame's fallen body, I reached my one visible hand down to his sword which was directed to the ground.

My eyes widened in glee once the sword grew closer and closer to my hand, my fingers reaching out to touch the bandages that wrapped around the weapon.

I smiled widely in glee.

Game. Over.

All five of my fingers managed to touch the sword directly and in that moment, I whispered a word in my language to activate my spell. A word that meant...


From there, black, demonic markings began to appear on the sword which worked to cover the entire weapon, my body flipping over to land gracefully on my two feet.

From there, I watched as the hunter snapped his eyes over at his weapon which was slowly beginning to crumble into pieces, no longer able to be used.

His mouth gaped, his eyes flashing back to me and his weapon. He let out a shocked gasp. "Wh-What did you do? What did you do to my sword?" He asked in distraught, panic evident in his voice.

I snickered upon such a pathetic sight of the hunter before me, my head tilting in amusement. "Ahh, well it's pretty simple really. I am honestly angry with myself that I hadn't thought of this sooner." I responded back gleefully, my red eyes running over the crotched hunter who was steadily watching his sword turn into mere pieces of rock, crumbling all to the ground. He watched in horror as his precious weapon fell apart but I only felt happiness.

I chucked once more. "I spelled your sword, mortal. I saw how much you relied on it so I thought, why not just take it out of the equation? So, that's what I did. I spelled your sword to change it's form entirely." I licked my lips, humming lowly. "It's turning to ash, mortal. Your sword is slowly disintegrating."

I watched as the hunter snapped his head up at me, his eyes widening. "Wh-What? How dare you-!"

"How dare I?" I snarled out, stepping forward menacingly. Thuds and rumbles were made as the rocks the weapon was turned into fell to the floor, doing so until nothing of the sword was left.

Now, the hunter was left crouching on the floor as I marched towards him, my eyes rooted on him all the while. I narrowed them grimly. "This battle was only going to go one way. Without those pathetic guns, you all are weak in comparison to me. You weren't going to be able to keep up with me for long-

"Burn in hell-ack!"

Just as the hunter was talking, I drove my foot directly against his neck, slamming his body back onto the floor. He choked in response, hacking and groaning in pain and discomfort. But I remained put, my eyes glaring daggers down at him.

I gritted my teeth, driving my foot against the male's neck more to keep him still. "You see, hell is not my home anymore, mortal. I have grown a serious liking to your planet and I have decided to stay for all entirety. And because you are weak, as well as the rest of your pathetic comrades, none of you will be able to stop me. You also won't stop me from getting what I want and who, I desire for." I snickered, licking my lips. "The girl is mine. And if you hunters try to take her away from me again, I will see to it myself to make hell... your home."

My words held no room for argument. My words were my ultimatum. There was no room for objections or protests. My words were final and so was this conversation.

It's time to put an end to this.

So with that, I was just about to give my foot a harsh twist, to break the hunter's neck but instead I found myself dodging a pitiful attack by the hunter, my head whipping to the side so a blowdart could fly past me.

I narrowed my eyes to see a gun now in the hunter's hands below me, rage bubbling up inside of me once again.

I growled, quickly throwing my leg over to kick the gun out of his hands. "You shouldn't have done that, mortal." I roared and with that, I decided to have a little fun with the hunter. Beforehand, I was only going to give him a quick death and nothing more but now...

He has shown me that he deserves something more... brutal.

So with my raised leg, I slammed it down with all of my might onto his right arm which drove it to the floor, crushing all the bones that were inside the limb. A loud, bloodcurdling scream escaped his mouth which alerted his other hunter friend from afar. But I paid him no mind. Because, I wasn't done. I also turned my foot to throw the hunter's broken arm completely out of its socket, earning me more screams from him.

Once I was done with causing him pain, I decided to get a little more serious. With full speed, I threw my sword forward to plunge it directly into his stomach where I proceeded to stab him over and over, all over his body.

Blood splattered and landed on my face from my gruesome act but I didn't mind it. With laughs of excitement, I drove my arm back and forth, striking the hunter's body with my long sword with all of my might. Stab wounds were made everywhere on the human male's body, blood shooting from his lips, splatting everywhere. Nothing but screams of pain and agony escaped his lips until soon after he fell limp, his eyes dull; staring blankly up at the ceiling.

But I didn't stop. I continued to stab him while laughing all the while. And I even bent down to plunge my free hand into his chest where I sought for his heart. Once my large hand wrapped around the still organ, I ripped it out of his chest, leaving a large hole in the middle of the battered body before me.

I cackled upon that, bringing my sword arm forward and reverting it back to normal. Now, with the bloody heart in my soiled hands, I didn't hesitate for a moment to take a bite.

But a bite wasn't enough for me.

It wasn't satisfying.

So I soon dropped down to my knees and from there, I began to devour the dead male's body before me, ripping and tearing the hunter's flesh from it's bones. The meal I was taking in was giving me energy, strength and power. Because I was feeding, my ears began to revert back to normal, no longer damaged as they once were due to all the high pitched sirens they were exposed to. Eating Kisame did me wonders and I didn't regret a thing.

Once I was finished relinquishing my hunger, I snapped my head over to where the last remaining hunter was, to seek out how the fight between him and Kurama was going. But I growled at what I saw.

It seems Itachi was winning the battle.

But not for long.

I let out a sigh of annoyance and pulled my body up to a stand, my hand rising up so I can once again call upon my magic.

Now, I made a spear on which I could hold, one that was long enough to maim and kill a human.

My eyes were set on Itachi who was hovering over Kurama's fallen form with another gun, one that was unfamiliar to me.

But it doesn't matter.

Because with an aggressive spin, I worked my body in a circle to build up speed for my throw. I was determined to kill the bastard on the spot.

This battle has gone on far too long.

So with spinning three times in a row, I decided right then, to launch the spear with full force towards the hunter, my eyes watching as the weapon soared through the air in unimaginable speeds to strike the clueless male from behind.

The force was so strong, once impacted it managed to toss the male completely off of Kurama and instead fly across the room.

I smirked at the sight of my victory, my tongue moving to lick my top teeth slyly.

Oh look, another win.

I chuckled at my thoughts but quickly erased the distance between me and Kurama, rushing quickly to his side.

It didn't take long to run from my previous position by Kisame to Kurama, my eyes falling upon the orange haired male writhing in pain on the floor.

I frowned upon that, bending down towards him. "Kurama. Damn it, what happened?" I whispered out to him in concern, my red eyes glancing down at the wound that he was holding, his hands covering a spot near his abdomen. The orange haired male's eyes lit up at the sight of me, his brown orbs taking in the sight of my horrifying form. He then glanced over at my lifeless opponent and grimaced. "I-I see, you didn't need my help after all." He chucked out amusingly, my hands working to help the demon up to his feet. He groaned in response, the wound he was given truly excruciating.

I smirked, slowly pulling him to his feet. "Oh give yourself more credit, Kurama." I let out an amused snicker, one hand of mine working across his neck. "I didn't want to admit it before but yes, I actually did need your help. Shocker, right?"

We both laughed as we slowly rose up to our feet, my other hand falling down to hold his side to help hold him up. Kurama sent me a smile, deeply appreciating the help. "I knew it, kit. I just wanted to hear you say it."

Another chuckle escaped my lips by his amusing response. But I didn't laugh for long, my eyes glancing over at the hunter I just attacked. But when I did, I picked up movement which wiped the amusement on my face clean off.

The male's body was squirming as he laid on the floor, his hands steadily gripping the bloody spear that injured him.

I narrowed my eyes upon his form, not at all liking that the male was still alive. He was gonna die, sure. But I wanted to see him die.

So with that, I made my way over to him, all the while holding Kurama's body close to my own. He grunted by my sudden movement, but brought his brown orbs forward, directing them towards the hunter before us. Feet

He sighed, shaking his head. "Tsk, tsk. The bastard just doesn't know when to quit."

I growled in annoyance. "Foolish mortal." I spat before walking upon the male Kurama and I had our eyes on, our feet coming to a complete stop in front of him.

Down below, Itachi laid writhing in pain with a spear driven straight through his stomach. Blood was oozing out of the fresh cut fast but I saw that the male had used a piece of his robe to stop the bleeding, to suppress it.

I rolled my eyes at the sight of his poor effort to stay alive, my hand reaching forward to grab the spear that stuck out of him. With it, I began to twist it around, all the while holding Kurama's weak and injured body against me.

Itachi groaned out in pain as I twisted the sharp end of the spear through his body, watching as more blood slipped out of the cut. I chuckled. "I caught ya by surprise, didn't I?" I stated mockingly, tilting my head in amusement down at the weak hunter.

He groaned once more, his eyes hooded due to exhaustion and blood loss. But that didn't stop him from speaking. "Y-You're n-not gonna w-win, demon-"

I snickered, cutting his words off. "Oh I think I have. And there's nothing you can do about it-"

"The human g-girl is n-no longer yours. Her h-heart does not belong to you."

"Hah, I beg to differ."

"You're wrong and o-once you leave here. You'll see just what I-I mean." His eyes averted up and I watched as a long grin came upon his face, one that made me back track on my words. Such a look also made shivers run down my spine, a gulp slipping down my throat.

He chuckled but a cough interrupted it, dark red blood spilling from his mouth. "Y-You will see that you have lost this b-battle all along. Like I said." Another cough. "we hunters have numerous tricks up our sleeves, demon."

My eyes widened because of his words but I couldn't decipher them. I didn't know what the hunter was referring to and honestly, I didn't want to know.

I lost, this battle already? Against the hunters?

Hinata is no longer mine?

What the fuck is he talking about?

I was growing angry now that there were unanswered questions in the air. Now it seems there is actually a bigger problem waiting for me, right around the corner, something I did not want at all.

I cursed. "Damn it all to hell." And after my sulking words, I decided to finally end Itachi's life.

It's about that time.

So with that, I drove the spear that was in my possession deeper into his flesh and I even gave it an extra twist which surprised the male, a loud hitch of breath escaping his mouth. But that was all he could muster for his body to fall limp, just like his two other comrades did.

Now, silence erupted over the entire room, all three hunters now lying dead leaving only us two standing.

I let out a tiresome sigh before ripping the spear out of Itachi's body, afterwards reverting it back to its original form. Dark bubbles from before rose up and I allowed the magic to seep into my skin, into my hand, becoming one with me once again.

I hummed at that.

Finally, that's all over.

Now the only mission left is to find Hinata. And of course if there are any other hunters lying up ahead, their fate will match their comrades here.

I will kill anyone that comes in between Hinata and me.

So with that, I turned to Kurama, giving him my attention. But when I did I noticed he was eyeing Itachi's body in worry, his eyes resting on it as if he was in deep thought.

I narrowed my eyes at that, moving my hand that rested on his neck to pat his face, bringing him back to reality.

"Kurama, what's the matter?" My eyes shifted down to his bleeding wound and I grimaced. "Is it your wound? Ya know, if you feed, it'll heal."

"I know. But that's not wh-what's bothering me." He interjected, cutting me off which surprised me. I tilted my head at that.

Kurama swallowed nervously, turning to look me in the eye. I then watched as he nodded his head over at the dead hunter below us, a frown coming upon his face. "That hunter spoke about Hinata. It seems he knows something. Something about her-"

I shook my head. "No, his words were ones of manipulation, Kurama. Don't be so gullible."

"But what if they weren't kit? Those words were the hunter's last ones. What if, they were true?"

Kurama's words were truly laced with concern for Hinata. He was deeply worried that the hunter's words regarding her were true. The hunter previously stated that I was actually losing this battle and that Hinata was no longer mine, that her heart did not belong to me.

I bit my lip nervously, growing a little worried now.

Does that mean Hinata is no longer in love with me?

I shook my head, ridding my thoughts of such nonsense.

That can't be right.

That can't be right at all.

But my thoughts brought me back to the vision I saw a while back, to the memory where I managed to look through Hinata's eyes. But when I did I saw a monstrous version of myself haunting her, torturing her to the point of tears.

My eyes widened and my body stiffened upon remembering such a memory.

Oh no.

Oh hell no.

My breathing began to quicken and for a moment I considered Itachi's final words. But I didn't want to believe it. So I soon denied it.

No, I can't lose Hinata.

The hunters couldn't have succeeded in taking her away from me.

Kurama remained quiet as I just processed the situation, his eyes continuously eyeing Itachi's limp body.

I closed my eyes for a second, biting my lip to contain my emotions.

This doesn't matter. We have to find Hinata.

Nothing else matters.

So with that thought, I blew out a deep breath and turned to Kurama, finally speaking after a few moments of silence. I sighed, once more. "Well, we won't know until we find out, hm?"

Kurama nodded. "Yeah, let's go find Hinata."

Hinata's P.O.V

Hand in hand, I walked down the demon hunter's fortress beside my friends. A tremor was still haunting my body causing it to shake but thankfully, it isn't as strong as before.

I felt much, much better now that I was by my friend's side. It was such a dream come true to see that they were here in this hellhole with me, to see that I was no longer alone here.

I am so ready to leave this place.

And that's exactly what we were trying to do. My friends retraced their steps and began to work themselves back to the entrance, so we can leave this place. We managed to leave floor five and now we were making our way down floor four.

But as we walked, my friends told me how they managed to get inside of this place, stating that they were invisible the entire time. They told me they were not seen by anyone and that was thanks to Naruto.

Upon hearing such an atrocious name, I instantly told the three girls that I did not ever want to hear such a name again.

They found my response weird. But I made no moves to explain myself. I was simply too tired too.

My body ached all over, my throat felt numbed, my arms and feet were sore and at the moment I was suffering from a deadly migraine, one that I have never felt before in my entire life.

I didn't care about talking. I didn't say anything as my friends told me how they've managed to sneak into this place and save me. Though they did say one thing that surprised me.

"When we saw you, I almost forgot that we were invisible. Sakura, Ino and I were totally about to run to you but I know that'll freak you out more and so we didn't want that. So I remembered we had a special word to say beforehand so we can become visible again."

Invisibilia, was the special word that my friends had to say so they were visible again. My features lit up briefly upon hearing that.

That sounds pretty cool.

I'm glad my friends were able to sneak into this dangerous facility without being detected. Now, we just have to get out of here without bumping into anyone.

But my wishes were not granted because suddenly, a male in a black and red robe stepped out into our hall from previously walking down another one, his hands clenched viscously by his side.

The brown haired man snapped his head towards our position, clearly spotting four girls walking towards him. But his gaze alone stopped us in our tracks, our eyes widening.

And my tremble worsened when the male's eyes snapped solely onto me, a creepy grin sliding across his face. "There you are, brat. I've been looking everywhere for you!" He spat out before charging towards the four of us at full speed, causing us to scream in fright and of course, confusion.

Temari cursed. "What the fuck? Who is that man?"

Sakura whimpered, backing away, causing all of us to do the same. "Does it matter? He wants Hinata, just run, damn it!" She screeched out before we did just that.


All four of our bodies turned around and from there we made a run for it, our feet working fast onward, down the hall in hopes of escaping the mysterious male behind us.

I ran as fast as I could but my body protested the entire time. My brain felt like it was a drum, pounding and pounding against my head. My hurt body screamed and protested, begging for me to stop moving it. But I ignored it all. I only continued to run.

But the hunter followed. And he was quick.

He was on our tail fast, nothing but curses escaping his mouth. "Fucking hell. Yahiko is gonna kill me for taking this long."

He said many things, continuously speaking about a male named Yahiko. But I don't believe such a name was familiar to me.

Should I know that man? Have I seen him before?

I wasn't sure. My mind was a mess and my body was filled with adrenaline, keeping my thoughts silent.

There were two more halls that were coming upon us. There was one leading to the right and one leading onward, straight.

Temari whipped her head over to the hall on the right, her eyes surveying it as we quickly ran closer to it. The blonde girl then turned back to Ino and I, nodding her head over towards it.

"Let's turn right!"

We all nodded and went to do just that.

Sakura and Temari were the first to run right, leaving Ino and I to follow. I turned my body slightly over to turn right as well, keeping my steady pace forward.

But it was no use because suddenly, just as I was beginning to turn down the hall where my friends were going, I was stopped brutally. Suddenly, I felt a large hand grab a hold of my hair, grabbing a fist full and with it, I was then pulled harshly backwards, my body landing directly onto my back on the floor.

I cried out upon that but was yanked up to a sitting position by the crazed hunter behind me, a knife of some kind rising to rest by my neck. I screamed out at such a terrific sight, already knowing what the hunter's intentions were.

He's gonna kill me!

"Stop it! Pl-Please don't do this!"

The male only chuckled, keeping me in place by gripping my hair. "Orders are orders, brat. And I'm not disobeying my boss for anyone. Especially for you!"

"H-Holy shit! Hinata!" I heard in the distance after the male's vile words. My eyes snapped up in a fright to see Ino rushing back towards me, nothing but fear held within her light blue orbs.

Tears were forming in both of our eyes because we were both scared, frightened out of our minds.

Many questions were running through my head, my mind filled with thoughts that were constantly screaming at me. Such a thing only made the situation even worse for me.

The knife that the male held rested on my neck all the while. The weapon was cold, freezing cold and sharp, it's tip directed at the place I needed to breathe.

Ino ran fast, throwing herself onto the male to stop him from going about his wicked actions. Her hands slapped his body furiously over and over, her hands slapping his head, shoulders, chest, everything.

She not only slapped him but she kicked him and punched him, all the while screaming on the top of her lungs. "Let go of her! Let go! Let go-!"

The hunter growled, flinching due to all the aggressive hits that he received from my frantic friend. But he didn't at all obey Ino's wishes. His grip on my hair remained still.

And suddenly, the male snapped his body towards Ino and quickly threw out one hand, driving her little body away from him with all of his might. "Get the fuck away from me!" He yelled out in a blood rage, his force working Ino away from him and instead towards the wall to my right.

I screeched upon that, my eyes widening to see my friend's body smack the wall with a harsh thud. Mostly her head received the damage and so because of that, her body fell limp. Ino passed out on the spot, her body falling down into a sitting position on the floor.

I cried out upon such a horrid fate that has befallen my friend, my body moving side to side to work my way out of the hunter's hold. "Oh no! Ino!" I screamed out in horror towards my unconscious friend in an effort to wake her. But she didn't budge. She was out cold.

I whimpered loudly, continuously wiggling in the male's hold but it was no use. His grip was so strong, my body was too weak. I couldn't fight him.

More tears fell down my cheeks, once again my heart pumping fast within my chest, faster than normal. At the moment, I was afraid that the poor organ was gonna explode.

It's been through so much.

Nothing but tears of fear rushed down my cheeks as I felt the hunter move his weapon closer to my neck, his hand driving my hair back, which caused my head to tilt in a position where my throat was exposed even more.

I whimpered, shaking my head pleadingly up at the male. "Please. Please, I'm begging you! Don't do this!" I pleaded once more, begging the hunter to spare me.

But my words fell on death ears. The hunter only shushed my pleads, disregarding them. "It will be all over soon, child. It will be over soon." He whispered over and over which convinced me to close my eyes, my ears picking up rapid footsteps, rushing towards my direction.

Temari and Sakura were quickly trying to rush back to the scene but I was afraid that they were gonna make it here too late.

More tears fell, a sob escaping my lips.

This is it.

I'm really gonna die.

So I waited for it. I kept my eyes closed tightly, scrunching up my face in agony, in anticipation for the knife the hunter had to slit open my throat, to end my life.

But, I felt nothing. I felt no pain. I didn't feel the sharp knife the hunter had run across my throat. Actually, I didn't even feel the hunter's hold on my hair anymore.

My eyes snapped open upon that, nothing but confusion crossing my features.

What's going-


My body jumped upon the sudden burst of noise which interrupted my thoughts. The thunderous sound came from behind me which caused my body to turn in that direction.

But when I did, I was met with a deeply horrifying sight.

Instantly, I shrieked in fright, working my body away from the horrid scene before me. My breathing increased drastically, shifting to a speed I never thought was possible. My heart was beating so fast, I felt it in my ears, in my throat.

After I crawled two inches back, my body seemed like it malfunctioned and now, I was left trembling in my spot, frozen.


My eyes widened largely, so large they began to ache.

He's here!

Naruto's found me!

Before me stood a tall, bloody demonic entity in all black. His gaze was not held on me but instead on the hunter that previously tried to seriously harm me.

The demon held the hunter up by the throat, keeping the male rooted against the wall where his feet no longer could reach the floor.

I watched as the blonde demon tightened his grip on the male's throat, to a point where the male could no longer speak, but that did not stop him from trying.

"N-No. No pleas-ahh!"

A loud sound of flesh shredding rippled in the air as Naruto thrusted his free hand into the male's chest, with all of his might. He tore through the male's torso as if it was mere paper, only to grab his beating heart inside.

He didn't say anything to the male. He didn't even care for his pleads. All he did was give the male a creepy head tilt before he took his life away.

I watched in complete horror as the demonic being before me ripped out the male's heart without any hesitation, my eyes widening at such a gruesome sight. Right then and there, I almost fainted on the spot. But the scream that escaped my lips stopped me from doing such a thing.

I shook my head, trembling the entire time as I watched the demon let go of the male's throat so the lifeless body could drop like a sack of potatoes to the floor, where later his heart joined him, splatting on the floor from Naruto's large hand.

Five seconds was how long the male lasted against Naruto while I, on the other hand, severely lost to the hunter male's might.

But Naruto...

H-H-He killed him.

In front of me!

I didn't care that Naruto saved me from dying by that hunter's hands.


A much bigger problem was now staring me in the face, a problem I was trying to avoid.

Right there, I watched in nothing but fear as the demon finally turned around fully, revealing his entire bloody body to me. His appearance alone almost made me wanna vomit. My shaky hand rose up to my mouth in response, covering it in complete shock.

Oh my god.

Naruto turned around to finally plant his eyes upon my fallen, trembling form. And instantly once he saw me, I watched as the biggest grin came upon his face, one of relief and happiness.

But from my end, the grin that he wore on his bloody face looked downright creepy. I couldn't even make a single sound. I couldn't even respond.

Events of the dream I endured just moments ago filled my brain, leaving me tight lipped and frozen in fear. It was a feeling that I was deeply growing tired of.

Naruto smiled in joy at the sight of me, bringing his arms out wide while slowly moving his body forward, closer to me. "Oh Hinata. I've found you, my love. I've finally, found you."


Phewww, that was crazy, wasn't it?

Naruto is going mayhem. Him and Kurama has killed off three hunters which were hunters that were more skilled.

Itachi is sadly dead now.

But, Naruto has finally located Hinata but Hinata doesn't seem too happy to see him.

I wonder how their interaction will go. Well, you'll see next chapter.

It's gonna be insane, just like this chapter so I hope you all ready. I also hope you all enjoyed!

Once again, don't forget to comment and vote! 🖤


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