Chapter 59: Pure Hatred

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(ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ: ᴇᴍᴏᴛɪᴏɴᴀʟ • ɪɴᴛᴇɴsᴇ • sᴜᴘᴇʀɴᴀᴛᴜʀᴀʟ/ᴇʟᴇᴍᴇɴᴛs • ᴠᴜʟɢᴀʀ ʟᴀɴɢᴜᴀɢᴇ • sᴀᴅ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ • 𝟷𝟾+)



Hello, readers.

It has been a long, long time since I updated this book, haven't it?

Damn. Just damn.

I'm so sorry, everyone. A lot has been going on in my life that's distracted me from writing. School. Family buisness. Sickness. My own mind.

I needed a break to just relax my mind before I jump back into this super crazy story but now, I am ready to jump right in and finish it.

And let me just say, the next few chapters that are going to come at you are going to be hella crazy and hella depressing.

You... might cry, is what I'm saying.

That's just a heads up.

But I hope you enjoy anyway, depsite ya know...

And don't forget to comment and vote.

Love you! 💗


Hanabi's P.O.V.

I was interrupted from my deep slumber by several frantic shoves, ones that woke me up instantly.

My lavender eyes snapped open, my body trembling as it moved up to a sitting position upon my bed. My vision was beyond blurry for there was exhaustion still held within them. Sleeping just now felt so wonderful, I grew a little bothered now that I've been woken up so abruptly.

I let out a groan, squinting my eyes to check out my surroundings.

What in the-?

But my thoughts were interrupted when a silhouette of some kind stepped into my view, hands that were not my own moving to grab both of my shoulders.

"Daughter, wake up. Please, it's important."

A deep voice arose which belonged to a person that was very familiar to me. So hearing such a voice managed to wake my body up fully.

My eyes blinked rapidly and I snapped my eyes over towards the male that was hovering over my sitting form, nothing but sweat falling down his cheeks.

My eyes widened at the sight of my distraught loved one. "F-Father? What's wrong?" A gulp slipped down my throat once I caught the severity of fear and worry that was held in my father's eyes.

He seemed to be in panic mode. He was sweating profusely, the salty liquid dripping down his face and splashing onto the floor. Father was also panting as if he had been previously running, his chest heaving, up and down. Also, his long black hair seemed to stick to his face, giving the male a rugged look. It was a look I was not used to. It was a new look on my father. I was beginning to grow seriously worried by that.

I lowered my head down to see that he was wearing a white robe which covered his entire body, starting at his shoulders to end down to his legs. The clothing was simple sleep wear, suitable to wear around the house.

My father let out a whimper before moving away from my bed to beckon me off of it.

"I think, I have to be the worst caretaker on earth." I heard my father mutter to himself.

My eyebrows furrowed, one hand of mine working over to pull the blankets off of my body. Normally, if I've woken up unannounced I would be in a more reluctant mood to get out of bed but seeing the look on my father's face convinced me to do otherwise.

Something is terribly wrong.

And instantly, I thought of my big sister and I began to panic extremely.

Oh no!

So in response to my intense emotions, I hopped out of my bed to join my father on the floor. But I didn't forget to respond to his comment from earlier. I was quite confused by such a statement after all.

I shook my head, denying his claim. "F-Father, that's not true at all-"

My father shook his head as well which stopped my words instantly. A frown came upon my face to see how serious he was, his eyes rooted down at his bare feet as he stood in the darkness of my room.

Outside was super dark which meant that it had to be in the middle of the night and so having father wake me up this late has only made me worry more.

My thoughts were beginning to flood with numerous questions, ones that only intensified my concern.

Is this about Hinata? Is that why father is so distraught?

If so, is she okay?

Is she hurt?

Is she...

Many times my brain summoned up a question that brought me nothing but sorrow upon thinking it. It was a horrible, horrible thought, one that I didn't want to think about ever happening. But the question continuously popped up in my head, bringing fear to the table. A little part of me wanted to know the answer to the hidden question I have but inwardly I was severely scared of the possibility.

Is Hinata... dead?

Such a question was nerve wracking. I wanted to know the answer but at the same time I was scared to know. I let out a whimper, one that was filled with sadness.

I just want you here, big sister.

I missed her dearly. I hated that she was somewhere out there in the world, away from the home she's always known. I hated the fact that she was alone with a complete monster.

A monster that we know nothing about.

A monster that's most likely torturing her, hurting her and making her cry.

My eyes grew glossy once more.

Hinata, I'm so sorry this is happening to you.

A sudden sigh from my father managed to pull me from my thoughts, my head slowly rising to give him back my attention. From there, I saw the deep frown that rested on his face, his head giving me another shake.

"No, Hanabi. I couldn't protect Hinata and I cannot protect her friends either." He lowered his head, allowing his black hair to fall forward. "I cannot protect anyone let alone take care of them. I promised their parents that I would take care of them until this problem with Hinata subsides and yet..."

My eyes shot wide once more by his words. "Wh-What? What are you saying, father?" I asked in deep concern, not at all believing my ears. It seems every time I turn around there is a new problem to worry about. It was something that was really starting to bother me.

Hinata's friends?!?

Father cannot protect them either?

I gulped once more.

What has happened?!?

My father frowned at the sorrowful look on my face, my body only wearing a gown for bed.

He nodded his head to my now open bedroom door, letting out another heavy sigh. "Let's move this conversation to the living room. I'll tell you everything there." He offered with a nod, moving one hand over to seek for my own.

I nodded and quickly reached for his own, grabbing his hand without any hesitation. I wanted to know what was going on and I wanted to know as soon as possible...


"Hanabi child, I didn't want to bring you into this. I wanted to shield you from the dilemma your eldest sister is facing. But I see even that I cannot achieve."

My father spoke to me the entire time as we traveled from my bedroom all the way down to the living room where all the lights were seen cut on. The furniture was placed nice and neat and the space was empty and quiet.

Nobody was in sight.

Slowly, I checked out my surroundings, my head twisting left and right to check over the entire living room but as I looked around, I instantly noticed that everything looked normal. Nothing was out of order or misplaced.

So with that, I grew confused. I turned to my father from where I now sat on the central living room couch, my lavender eyes shifting over to see him leaving the room to go somewhere unknown.

So with that time, I continued to look around at my surroundings, occasionally wiping my eyes to get rid of the exhaustion within them. But for the most part, I remained put until father made it back to me.

But when he did, I noticed that he now had a piece of paper which rattled in his hands as he walked. From the direction he was walking, it seems he was just coming back from the dining room which made my confusion grow. I shifted my gaze to the paper, tilting my head a little.

I wonder what that could be?

But that answer was surely gonna be made clear once my father step back in the living room. And the answer was gonna shock me.

Father let out a sigh, pulling the letter up so he could glance over it. But by the way his eyes scanned it, it seems he had already read it and was now just speed reading it to help remember the contents upon it.

Once he was done, he gave his head a sorrowful shake, turning his gaze onto me. Finally, he was about to tell me the crazy problem that had occurred and a little part of me was totally not ready to know.

But if this is about my sister and her friends, I need to know.

So I remained quiet which allowed my father to speak. He cleared his throat before he did. "So, a few moments ago, I awoke from sleeping to do a thorough check around the house, like I've always done ever since Hinata came back to us. Sadly, she is not here but I still continue to check the house for anything strange in order to keep you girls safe. Usually, I do not see anything eerie at night. Usually everything is normal but tonight was totally different. Tonight has seriously caught me by surprise." My father explained while looking me dead in the eye, the paper rattling in his hands due to the tremor that had overtaken my father's body. His hands were severely shaking which made me even more frightened of the outcome to the story father was gonna tell me.

I whimpered. "What h-happened, father? Wh-What did you see?" I asked fearfully, my words holding a serious shake in them. I was stuttering which was something I normally don't do. That particular habit was something my big sister normally does when nervous.

But the situation I was in was different. I was scared and I also was very worried for my father.

The black haired male in question let out a shaky sigh before continuing with his story. "Hanabi, I awoke to find Hinata's friends no longer in this house. They were not in the guest room sleeping but gone completely. Finding such a thing out frightened my very core-"

"O-Oh my gosh." I exclaimed in panic, moving one of my hands up to cover my mouth. Tears were beginning to form in my eyes upon hearing such a thing.

First Hinata and now her friends?

What the heck is going on?

I was now officially spooked, worried out of my mind about Hinata's friend's whereabouts.

Where have they gone?

Why didn't they tell anyone that they were leaving?

I bit my trembling lip, inwardly trying to figure out what could have happened myself.

Were they kidnapped?

Did the demon come back and get them too?

I was out of my mind, extremely worried. My head was filled with thoughts and thoughts which kept me silent. My father frowned upon that.

He pulled the paper in his hands up and I watched as his frown grew even deeper. "I was so scared, daughter. I ran all throughout the house in search of them. But they aren't here so I assumed in my panic state that the three girls were kidnapped, just the same as Hinata was. But, once I stumbled upon this, everything was made clear." He shifted his eyes back onto the paper within his hold and he swallowed nervously, his head shaking once more.

"Hinata's friends have filled me in on what's happened and why. I'm thankful for it, but I'm afraid it has not made me feel any better. Reading this letter has only shown me just how powerless I am in this entire situation." After his downhearted words, he shifted his eyes back towards me from the paper, now officially ready to tell me everything.

He put up a grim look, eyeing me as I sat on the couch across from where he was standing. From there, I watched as he began to round the coffee table to instead sit beside me on the couch, so we both could see the letter.

He turned to me, moving one hand of his over to rub my long brown hair, caressing my head. "Before I read the letter, I just want to ask you..." The caressing stopped and instead he moved his hand down to grab my own.

He rubbed it to give me comfort. "Are you ready, to hear this, my daughter?" He asked cautiously, throwing the question out there for my sake and I truly appreciated my father for asking. Because I've been battling with myself the entire time with that exact question, on whether I should know about this crazy situation or not.

Should I allow my father to tell me what happened?

Or should I let it remain a mystery? In order to keep the crazy situation hidden from me?

Both choices were ones I deeply desired for. I wanted to know but then the other part of me didn't. But numerous times, I got a feeling that what father was about to say to me was something of great importance. Now the situation is not just about my big sister but also about her friends.

I should know about this, right?

I let out a sigh, deeply growing exhausted by my troubled thoughts. But thankfully after a few seconds passed, I had made up my mind.

So, I turned to the older male that sat beside me, all the while caressing my hand to give me strength and comfort, to help me come up with my decision.

I nodded, giving my father my answer. "Yes, father. I am sure. I want to know what's happened to Hinata's friends."

My father's eyebrows shot up in surprise at my answer. "And you're completely sure, child?"

I nodded again, totally satisfied with my choice. "Yes, I am, father."

My answer was the confirmation that my father needed. Now, he was convinced that I wanted to know and so, he made a move to tell me the contents on the paper, contents that he already knew. Now, I was about to know and that alone raised my anxiety.

My father shifted in his seat, growing closer to me as he now held his gaze on the letter, a letter I can now see.

Because of that, I can see the beautiful handwriting that was on it which tells me one of Hinata's friends most likely wrote it..

Specifically for us.

Fumbling with the end of my gown, I looked at the letter with my father, waiting for him to read it. And reluctantly he did.

"Alright, Hanabi. Let's begin."

He cleared his throat one more time before he officially started reading the letter.

And what I heard shocked my mind, entirely...

At The Demon Hunter's Hideout

Hinata's P.O.V

"Oh Hinata. I've found you, my love. I've finally found you."

Staring at the bloody monster in front of me, my body lay frozen on a cold, marble floor, completely frozen.

It seemed just at the mere sight of the creature before me, my brain totally lost all memory of how to function which as a result caused my entire body to shut down.

Substances of all different colors littered the blonde demon's body, covering his face, tainting his blonde hair and his mouth. There was so much blood covering his body, his clothing began to change colors. It was absolutely horrendous, it made me sick to my stomach.

And what made it even worse was how close the demon was getting to my petrified form. He continuously inched forward, both of his hands twitching involuntary it would seem beside his waist.

A large smile was seen rooted on his face all the while, his steps slow causing his boots to click against the floor underneath him. Strong chills ran down my spine as a result.

The creature suddenly let out a cheerful chuckle, his head tilting to the side to examine me. His crimson eyes had long turned back to a blue, no longer as frightening but with him covered in blood as he was, such a detail truly didn't matter.

He still looked like a complete nightmare.

My nightmare.

Naruto looked just the same as he did in the dream the demon hunters forced me to endure. He was tall, daunting and demonic. And by the way his eyes never left me, how his attention was solely directed on me and nothing else made the entire situation even more like my dream. I couldn't utter a single word.

But Naruto did.

It seemed he had loads to say.

Because of his excitement, he couldn't even sense the amount of fear that leaked from my body, his smile growing larger and larger just at the sight of me before him.

"Hinata baby, I've missed you so, so much."

"Don't I get a hug? A kiss, babe?"

"Oh my little one, I'm so glad to see that you're alright. You look so-" His words came to a stop once he officially took in my appearance, his eyes taking in where my gaze was rooted which was at all the blood that covered his body. He gave himself a look, his blue eyes running over his ridiculously sullied being. His blue eyes trailed over his bloody shirt and jeans and even his boots. He let out a surprised gasp at such a horrid sight.

Naruto then gave his lip a bite out of hesitation, now snapping out of his trance and fully taking in the horrified look on my face.

He pulled his hands forward, in an attempt to calm me down, to explain himself. "I-I know this looks bad, Hinata. But I had to do it. I had to kill in order to find you, to save you." He paused by my silence, his eyebrows furrowing by how quiet I was. He blinked, tilting his head in confusion. "How about this? Would it make you feel better if I do this?" He asked cautiously before pulling up two of his fingers to quickly give them a snap, using his magic to erase the blood from his body, so he could appear more presentable to the eyes. Now, he was no longer covered in blood. Now, he has taken on a very deceitful form that has covered up how vile and disgusting he truly is.

Now by taking on such an attractive form, his monstrous side was hidden. But..

Not to me.

Not anymore.

I now see through your lies, Naruto.

The dream I had of Naruto has truly opened my eyes. The dream has tortured me and seriously damaged me, yes, but it has shown me the reality of the situation I am in.

I was brainwashed to love Naruto. What I felt for Naruto was only going to damn me in the end.

Naruto's love wasn't real. It was all a lie.

He's a monster. He's raped me so many times I've lost count. He's hurt me in every way possible, degraded me, tied my life to his without my consent.

He's driven me away from my friends, from my family, from everything I love. He's made it so the only thing that I could focus on... was him.

Naruto cares about nothing, only about himself.

Naruto, deserves to die.

Many memories of what I endured in the dream the hunter's made for me flashed before my eyes, filling up my brain and intensifying the hate I had for Naruto. And Naruto stood there clueless, the entire time. He only took my silent treatment and the fear I expressed in a totally different way.

He let out a low shush, moving down to a crotch in front of me. Instantly my eyes widened to see how close Naruto was getting towards my huddling form. Instantly, one word popped into my mind due to my situation.



My body, because of what it has endured, was going into fight or flight mode, my breathing increasing terribly at the sight of Naruto's face so close to my own.

I instantly began to hyperventilate which put a frown on Naruto's face. "Hinata, talk to me, love. Tell me what those bastards did to have you in such a state." He whispered out while he looked my body over, his blue eyes shifting across my face and picking up the pain in my eyes including the fear. He also spotted the dried up tears I shed just a moment ago due to the hunter's actions. Naruto frowned deeply.

His eyes then glanced down, taking in the rubber ducky hospital gown I wore as well as my bruised arms, his eyebrows shooting sky-high upon the sight.

Quickly, he rushed forward to grab my left arm, to get a closer look at my injuries but his sudden movement awakened something in me and suddenly, I found myself finally speaking.

Instantly, I rushed back, throwing my arm far away from him in fright. "D-D-Don't touch me!" I screeched out, finally voicing the new feelings I felt towards Naruto. And I watched as the blonde creature's eyes widened drastically, his hand now lying frozen in the air where it was left empty-handed, his target far out of reach.

The blonde demon blinked several times because my actions had brought him nothing but confusion, a harsh gulp slipping down his throat. He opened his mouth, moving to speak but he was interrupted by a loud screech from behind me, ones that belonged to two females.

"Hinata!!! Are you okay?"

"Oh my gosh! What happened???"

Finally, Sakura and Temari managed to make it back to the scene and both females let out a gasp of shock to see the newcomer here.

To see Naruto here.

Temari's eyes rose at the sight of him, her green orbs shifting over to me who lay trembling on the floor, my arm directed away from Naruto's touch.

Temari squinted her eyes upon seeing such a sight but turned back to Naruto, to address him. "Oh, it's... you. Glad to see that you managed to find us." Temari grimaced at her words. "Well, I mean, I'm glad you managed to find Hinata." She corrected, her eyes soon shifting over towards the demon hunter from before who tried to kill me and hurt my friends. Now he lies completely slaughtered behind Naruto's croutchedform. Temari grimaced again at the sight of the hunter's mangled body lying on the floor, blood splattered everywhere. The dark red substance coated the walls, the floor, painting the once white area, red.

Sakura grimace as well at the horrendous sight.

The pink haired girl quickly shifted her eyes from such a horrible display to plant her gaze back on Naruto so she can add something to Temari's previous comment, "Y-Yeah, thanks for taking care of that guy. That was scary." She muttered while giving off a shudder.

Naruto let off a shrug, slowly moving back up to stand. "Oh, don't mention it." He commented back while keeping his eyes on me, giving me a glimpse of the intense emotions that lay behind them. I shuddered upon his heavy gaze but reluctantly shifted my eyes away from the demon monster in front of me to instead look over at my friends. I gave them a faint smile to reveal that I was truly glad that they were here with me. Sakura and Temari made sure to smile back.

Temari then turned to Naruto and squinted his eyes in confusion. "Hey, where's your friend? The orange haired guy?" She asked in curiosity, referring to someone I knew all too well.


But Naruto quickly waved her off, chuckling lightly. "Ahh, Kurama is tending to hunter business at the moment. He's doing so to keep them distracted. Once I sensed that Hinata was in trouble, I came running. Kurama's holding off the hunters so I can be here." He explained profoundly, nodding his head down at me. His answer certainly reassured Temari because she smiled.

But her smile faded when she and Sakura shifted their eyes over to the last person that was positioned in the hallway which was...


The blonde girl was still lying unconscious against the wall, beside my huddling form. Her eyes were closed shut, her body left in the same position she fell in, moments after hitting her head due to the crazed hunter's mighty push. She was knocked out cold from his attack which thankfully snagged Temari's and Sakura's attention. They both gasped and rushed over to her quickly.

"Oh my gosh, Ino! Please! Please wake up!"

"Ino! Do you hear us? Please hear us!"

My eyes took in the sight of Temari and Sakura gave Ino's body frantic shoves, also moving to check her pulse, her head, her body in general. They were doing all they could to wake her up but not once did she respond. She remained unconscious.

I whimpered upon that but it was interrupted by a voice, a voice that belonged to someone I certainly did not want to talk to.


"N-No." I snapped back causing Naruto to jerk back in confusion, his eyes narrowing upon me. He gave me a quick silent look over from where I still sat on the floor before responding back to me.

He tilted his head, allowing his blonde bangs to fall over his narrowed eyes. "What do you mean no, Hinata? I thought you'd be happy to see me. I thought-"

"W-Well you thought wrong, Naruto." I spat out, completely interrupting him and even giving him a glare. I snapped my head up at him as I did, my lavender eyes narrowing so a look of hate could be directed at the oblivious creature standing above me.

The look seemed to shock the demon entirely for a moment, leaving his body frozen. He was staring back at me with widened eyes as I stared back at him, keeping my glare.

He blinked once more, his mouth parting slightly due to confusion. It seemed his brain totally quit on him for a moment due to my behavior. I know my new behavior has certainly surprised Naruto and inwardly I was happy that I was causing the demon male pain.

He deserves it.

Now that he has taken this form, ridding himself of the blood, I felt much better to give him a piece of my mind freely. I wanted to let him know that I was no longer the love sick puppy he used to know. I was no longer the brainwashed teen who comes at his every beck and call.

I am no longer wrapped around his finger.

I am now free.

And I want him to know that. I wanted to break his heart, just as he did mine on several occasions.

A dark smirk slid across my face upon my thoughts but it was wiped clean off when Naruto suddenly began to laugh. He let out an amused laugh, bending over to allow the sound to escape his mouth. The laugh was so sudden, it managed to get Temari's attention. She snapped her head towards us and from there, watched our encounter.

I put up a scowl to see the demon male laughing. Now, he was seriously taking me by surprise.

He isn't supposed to laugh.

Chills began to run through my entire body, causing me to feel freezing cold by the shocking display before me. I thought if I were to pick fight instead of flight in this situation that I would prevail, that I would finally get my feelings across to the demon male that's hurting me. I thought I could drive him away by going this approach.

But it seems he's not only a monster but he's totally unreasonable.

It seems Naruto isn't the type of person to simply talk things out, to listen as one is pouring their heart out to him. He was only proving my point again.

He's a total monster.

Naruto kept up with his laughing, even giving his hands a clap. "Ahh, now that's amusing, Hinata. But you can stop pretending. It's cute, the little act you've put on for me but let me tell ya, I've had a rough night so I would like it if you would just drop this infuriating act and allow me to take you home. I know you don't wanna stay in this shithole, my little one. I know I don't." Naruto declared with full confidence, as if his theory of my new behavior was correct and there was no way I would actually treat him like the way I do.

He was in denial.

He's acting like a complete idiot. So I moved to let him know it straight. I let out a growl, shaking my head wildly, "I am not pretending. This is not an act, Nar-"

"Damnit, I'm such an idiot. You're probably in shock. I know whatever those bastards did to you has completely drained most of your energy. I know this is all quite traumatizing for you. So I say, conceal your energy, darling. You don't have to worry about anything. I'm here now."

I shook my head at Naruto's ridiculous conclusion, my eyes narrowing upon him. "N-No! You're not listening! Y-You never listen to me-!"

"Hinata come, let's go home. We can talk more there." He said while cutting me off once more. He was acting as if I wasn't talking at all. He was treating me like I was out of my mind or something. It made me very angry.

I watched with narrowed eyes as he pulled his hand down to me, offering for me to grab it so I could stand. Naruto sent me a soft smile, nodding his head towards his outstretched hand. But all that was brought to my attention was the claws that sprung from Naruto's fingers, ripping through the air in a fine point. Once more, another chill ran down my spine.

"Come on, take my hand-"

"N-No! I'm not going anywhere with you!

"You don't mean that, love.

"Yes, yes I do!"

Naruto tilted his head upon my behavior before he bent down once more to pull his outstretched hand down to wave it in front of my face. He even moved to snap his fingers as well. My body flinched because of his actions.

His gesture once again was one that made me see that he was not taking my answers seriously and only thought it was something else completely affecting my behavior.

Naruto cursed. "Hinata, it's me, Naruto. Please, you've been through so much already. Just let me take you away from this place, love. Just hours ago, you called out to me, you wanted me to help you, remember? And I did. I've avenged you. I'm here to save you. Your lover is here."

Naruto looked me over, giving his fingers another snap, directly within my face which caused me to boldly pull my hand up to shove his hand away.

"J-Just stop. Leave me alone-"

"Okay, this is so fucking weird to watch. I think I've seen enough to know something strange has happened here." Suddenly, another voice barged into the conversation, one that I was more interested in talking to.

Temari was now no longer tending to Ino but was now standing up, her gaze held down on me. She gave me a weird look before shifting her attention over to Naruto who pouted at her.

He gave me a quick glance before he pulled his eyes back onto Temari. "Those hunter bastards did this to her. I don't know if she's on some kind of drug. Or maybe if she's in shock and she's just confused. But whatever the case may be, she's not the same. My Hinata would never act this way." He explained, voicing out the diagnosis he has conjured up due to my behavior.

Temari gave him a slow nod before turning to me, taking a step forward to pull her hands down, giving them to me to grab. "Come on Hinata. Let's first start by getting you to your feet." She said gently with a small smile on her face. It was a smile I could definitely trust.

So, I gave her a nod before pulling my hands up to grab her own extended ones, taking them so I could be helped to stand.

Naruto frowned upon my action of taking Temari's hands and not his own, his jaws clenching in irritation. But he also moved to stand back up himself, regaining his full height which towered over the both of us.

Temari smiled faintly to see my shaky body slowly rising up. And once I was standing completely, she moved to wipe away the dirt that resided on my hospital gown, dusting me off. "There, there, Hinata. I know you're overwhelmed. I know you're scared and you have every right to be. These people here, should be ashamed of themselves for what they have done to you. You've been through so much this night and we, as your loved ones, completely understand. It pains me to see you this way. And I know it deeply pains Naruto." She conveyed with a frown, her body now standing behind me. She swiped her hands left and right against my gown to clean it which deeply relaxed me. "He cares for you, Hinata. He's been through hell and back-" She turned to Naruto and grimaced. "No pun intended."

Naruto shrugged, throwing his hands into his pockets. "None taken. Now just focus more on fixing her please. We don't have much time to waste. The hunters will be here any minute." He declared with a definite head nod, signaling for Temari to continue speaking.

She complied.

She gave him a nod before resuming her little speech. "Hinata please, we need to leave this place immediately. Naruto will protect you. He has won our trust. He means no harm to us so I know he will not hurt you. So um." Temari trailed off to look towards Naruto who nodded his head, letting her know that she was on the right track and that he approved of her speech. She turned back to me, moving her hand up to rub my hair, running her fingers through my midnight blue strands. "Hinata, we're at a loss here. We are all confused as to what the demon hunters have done to you. So if you're gonna talk to someone, please talk to Naruto about-"

"No! I don't want to talk t-to him, Temari." I whimpered out shakily, keeping my eyes on the floor instead of the demon male in front of me. I didn't want to talk to Naruto, not after what I've endured. I cannot bear to carry out a full conversation with him now.

I'm gonna faint if I do.

Because Naruto was here, all I could think of was what the dream version of him had said to me. I could only think of the emotional abuse he's put me through.

"You're a joke, Hinata. Deny it all you want but I can see you, for who you really are. I know you and your deepest darkest secrets and desires. I know, your wants, your needs, your impulses. Yes, you may appear as innocent, but in that heart of yours, you are nothing but a slut desperate for attention. A slut that likes to be treated roughly in the bedroom. You know this is true. And since you're so desperate to hide that part of yourself, your true self. Let me be the one to bring her out."

My breathing began to increase the more the words Naruto said to me in the dream rushed at me with full force, summoning up due to Temari's plea.

"Heh, sweetheart. There's no sense in fighting the inevitable. You're already so weak. Just give in. Give in, my child. Give in and let me taint that body of yours, inside and out."

Tears began to shed down my face as such memories came back to the surface, once again traumatizing me and leaving me completely overwhelmed.

"I'm showing you the real you. The you, that would open her legs to anyone. Including, a sadistic monster like myself."

I shook my head, snapping my glossy eyes up to the culprit behind such appealing words, my body slowly inching away from him. "N-N-No, I can't b-bring myself t-to talk to him. He's gonna h-hurt me!" I sobbed out, moving to throw myself behind my friend's back, in an attempt to hide from the demonic male in front of us. Temari's speech went right over my head, I just couldn't believe her words at all.

I shook my head once more, pulling my hands down to place them on Temari's shoulders. From there, I gripped them tightly, my nails sinking into her clothing. "Please don't make me t-t-talk to him, Temari. Please." I sobbed out once more, tears and even more tears rushing down my face to drop to the floor below my feet. The sudden burst of emotion from me frightened both individuals that stood in front of me, especially Naruto.

He pulled his hands up to rub his face, cursing within them over and over by my words. "Fuck, fuck, fuck. This is what that fucker was talking about." Naruto muttered underneath his breath, signaling to someone I did not know.

Temari and I both watched as Naruto shook his head wildly, pulling his hands up to grasp his blonde hair tightly in a state of panic. "No, no, no. Those hunter bitches can't win. I won't let them take Hinata away from me." He whispered to himself, mentally coming up with a plan. A plan that I know I probably will not like.

A few seconds passed of Naruto staring off into the distance, allowing his brain time to come up with something that could turn the situation into his favor. But he could just forget it.

I am not talking to him.

I am not going anywhere with him.

How can I after everything he's put me through? In the dream and in reality? The two weeks with him where I experienced love, bliss, and peace was all a lie, a trap to keep me in Naruto's clutches. He doesn't care about my needs and wants but only about his.

I was a complete fool to fall in love with the bastard that now stands in front of me.

A complete fool.

I gripped Temari's shoulders tighter by my thoughts, my eyes drifting over to Sakura who was continuously trying methods in order to wake Ino. But none seemed to be working.

I whimpered at that but moved my attention back towards Naruto but completely lost it when I saw he was staring back at me, his blue eyes narrowing upon me.

He looked towards Temari and let out a deep sigh, a gruffed sigh. "I didn't want to have to do this. But I need answers and you," He snapped his head over towards me, the plan he's made up slowly becoming known. But by his tone, I was afraid that this plan of his was not gonna be a good one. He shook his head. "are gonna spill everything that's happened here. I need to know what those bastards have done to you so I'll know how to fix it." He spat out and before I could protest, his feet were already moving forward, in an effort to reach me.

But Temari quickly intervened. She pulled one hand up to stop him, shaking her head. "N-No, maybe it's not a good idea to force Hinata to do something she doesn't want to. You have to wait until she's ready to tell-"

"Fuck that. Hinata's going to tell me now."

A yelp slipped from my lips at the sight of Naruto's approaching body which worked from his previous position afar to my spot quickly. Reaching behind Temari, he grabbed a hold of my arm and pulled me from behind my friend, deliberately going against my wishes. And because of that, I began to panic.

I wiggled back and forth within his hold, all the while crying out. "Let me go! Please, let me go!" I whined, pulling my fist forward to punch the demon over and over on the shoulder, to fight back against his hold.

My fist came into contact with the demon's muscular shoulder over and over letting off loud thuds in the quiet air. But, my actions did me no good. It only made my fist ache and Naruto really annoyed.

He let out a growl, pulling my body far away from my friend's and instead seeking a spot further down the hall in order to talk privately. He even passed the dead hunter's body but I paid it no mind. I didn't even notice it.

Temari's yells were faint but angry. Such yells were directed towards Naruto in an attempt to talk some sense into the blonde bastard but it seemed that he ignored everything my friend said. He only continued to walk forward with me alone with him.

And all the while, I continued to struggle against Naruto's hand, wiggling and punching him with all of my might. And he strongly disliked my resistance, his hand steadily pulling me along roughly.

He growled, louder in irritation. "Stop this madness, Hinata. It's annoying, damnit." He spat out through clenched teeth, steadily pulling me along which he had no problem performing.

Cries escaped my mouth as I witnessed all my efforts to get out of the demon's hold fail, my mind desperately trying to find another way to escape his clutches.

Quickly, I pulled my free hand down to try to pry his large hand away from my small wrist, to try all I can to release myself from his tight hold. I steadily scratched at his fingers, pinching his skin to try to work his fingers away from mine.

But Naruto didn't even budge.

I whimpered at that, pleading once again. "Let me go, Naruto! You don't understand-" But as soon as I said my words, to expose why I was scared of him in the first place I was suddenly forced against the wall I stood beside, large hands working forward to grab both of my shoulders.

A loud whimper escaped my lips to find the blonde demon now staring down at me with crimson eyes, his facial features growing feral. His sharp teeth were visible, hanging out of his mouth.

He bared them down at me, his gripped on my shoulders tightening up, responding to his rage.

I whimpered as my ears picked up the animalistic growl he let out underneath his breath. "I don't understand? No, Hinata, it is you that do not understand my case; my fucking pain."

He pulled one hand down to grab my right arm, pulling it up against my wishes to inspect it. His eyes glanced over briefly at the many dark blue bruises that branded my pale arm, spotted in many different places.

He sneered at such a sight, but he made sure to move his crimson eyes back onto me, all the while keeping my arm raised. "Do you have any idea what I've done to get to you? I've had to find you which took damn near all of my power. I've learned spells that I didn't know existed to save you from my enemies. Many times I tried to contact you and I failed every, single, damn time. I couldn't see you. I couldn't hear you. I couldn't reach you. I was worried sick, sick Hinata!" He screeched out, pouring his miserable heart out but such words fell on death ears. I didn't care about the hardships he's had to face. In my eyes, everything he's suffering from is karma for what he's done to me, to my friend's and to the innocent people he's butchered just because of his needs.

He can shove all of it.

I sent death glares up at the tall demon male before me, his body super close to mine which raised the anxiety I felt. My heart was beating rapidly within my chest. The hairs on my body were beginning to stand up. Goosebumps were also riding along my skin which made me feel very uncomfortable.

I was internally freaking out that Naruto was standing so close to my body. But I tried so hard to cover it up.

Naruto lightly set my arm back down to pull both of his hands up to cup my cheeks, keeping me rooted in place. I whimpered at that.

But I was shushed.

"Hinata, please baby. I've done so much to be here in your presence. I am truly thankful to finally be here, to touch you, to hold you, to see you. So please." He pleaded out before he moved down to bury his face within my neck where he gave it kisses, planting very sloppy ones up and down my sensitive skin which made me highly uncomfortable. My lips began to tremble at the feel of his touch. All I could think about was how awful his touch felt in my dream. His harsh touch haunted my body, his words I remember were truly degrading. He said and did things that ruined sex for me all over again.

I never want to do any of that sort with Naruto ever again.

That dream was absolutely horrendous but it was the most horrific when I had sex with the monster in front of me. He didn't just rape and defile me, but he forced me to say many things that I did not want to say. He forced me to do things I did not want to do. He made me feel like I was useless, a slut without a purpose, a worthless bitch that was meant to please his every need without question; to pleasure him without a show of any resistance.

Such actions and words haunted my mind, even at this given moment which is why my body was beginning to squirm within Naruto's hold.

Each time his lips left a soft kiss along my neck, I would whimper and squirm, twisting my head away from him. But Naruto would only follow, his hands continuously cupping my cheeks which also kept me right where he wanted me.

Once again, I was trapped within his hold and because of that, I felt myself completely fly off of the handle. My headspace was not as it was before. It was totally unstable, broken and damaged. My sanity was hanging on by a thread which kept me from thinking straight. But all those dilemmas didn't stop me from getting the demon monster the hell away from me. I wanted him to stop touching my body.

I want, him gone.

Naruto moaned against my body, his hands falling down to clutch the sides of my waist. He massaged at my covered skin with a groan. "Please Hinata, tell me what those hunters have done to you. I'll kill them all. I'll slaughter them for hurting what's mine-"

"Yours??" I screeched out, finally opening my mouth and voicing my discomfort. My lavender eyes were widened in rage down at the blonde creature below me, his actions quickly coming to a stop due to my sudden outburst.

I watched as he snapped his head over at me, his blonde eyebrows raised by my response. His eyes widened even more when his keen ears caught the crazed giggle that escaped my lips.


Naruto's words were interrupted when I threw both of my arms out and drove them forward with all of my might, striking his chest. Because his guard was down, my sudden assault managed to successfully drive the stunned demon back a few steps. The push was done with no remorse, full of hatred planted behind the attack which took Naruto by surprise.

The demon thankfully was now far away from me, one hand of his holding the front of his chest in shock. His widened eyes were rooted on me who only rolled my eyes back at him. "That's, where you're mistaken, Naruto. I no longer belong to anyone." I spat out through clenched jaws, putting my foot down.

Naruto tilted his head, his eyes narrowing dangerously by my words. I could tell he truly took offense to those words. But I quickly made sure to speak before he could.

I pushed myself away from the wall I was forced to lie against to instead stand on my two wobbly feet, now facing the demon before me head on. I am now facing my fears, just as I was forced to do within my dream.

But now, I have learned to fully do so.

I pulled one hand up to wave Naruto off. "And just to let you know, I do not care one bit about your little sob story. I don't care about what you've been through, because I've been through worst-!

"Then just tell me already, dammit! Naruto screamed out in desperation, his chest heaving as he panted. A pout was rooted on his face. His eyes were hooded and terribly glossy, his nose turning to a darkish red, a color that was visible. He was truly hurting inside to see how rude I was acting towards him. He was hurting so much, it looked like he was on the verge of tears.

But I didn't even bat an eye.

I instead went ahead and gave the demon what he so desperately wanted. I was tired of hearing him whine about it. It was really annoying.

So I pulled my finger forward to poke the demon directly in the chest, my own eyes growing glossy due to the memories that constantly flashed inside of my head. Memories of all the things I've endured in this horrible place. Now, I was about to release it all to the world.

To Naruto, himself.

I whimpered loudly, driving my finger once again upon Naruto's chest, directly against his black tee. "You want, to know what I've been through? You want to know what those hunters did to me?" I sputtered out, tears already rushing down my face due to the internal pain I felt. I was hurting badly. And unknowingly, Naruto was hurting to see me go through so much pain by myself.

He nodded rapidly, his top teeth slipping out to bite his bottom lip, to contain his tears. "Yes, Hinata. Tell me everything. Tell me what's hurting you. Just l-let it out, please." He whispered out pleasingly which worked me to do just that.

Let out the pain.

Let out what I was currently suffering from.

So sniffling back my tears, I finally began with telling my story.

"F-Fine." I whispered out. "Being kidnapped and brought to a place like this was absolutely frightening. I knew nothing of my surroundings or where I was taken to for the matter. I didn't know where I was. On t-top of that, everyone here was so unfriendly and th-the hunters stated many times what their intentions were." I sobbed out, my eyes directed to my feet. I couldn't look at Naruto as I spoke to him. I knew by doing such a thing it would only distract me.

But all of that flew out of the window when I felt a large hand slither its way underneath my chin to pull it up, so my lavender eyes were no longer held on my feet but on pained red ones. I watched as Naruto frowned, his thumb caressing my cheek, wiping away the tears that slid near his fingers.

He nodded. "Take your time, Hinata." The blonde demon whispered softly, giving me this moment to share my story. And a little part of me appreciated it. Even though I hated the sadistic bastard in front of me with every fiber of my being, I truly appreciated his acts of kindness. From the start of when I entered this place to the end, I was shown everything but kindness. So my mental health was in desperate need of the positive emotion.

I closed my eyes briefly before continuing. "Th-The hunters told me in order to take you down, I needed to die. But before they," a hiccup cut my words short. "tried to k-kill me, I had to pass a few tests. They checked my body for any bruises or spiritual markings first. A-Afterwards, they asked me simple questions to test how sane my mind was. B-But luckily, I passed both tests. The hunters didn't even bother checking my um." My words trailed off for I couldn't bring myself to say anything explicit at the moment. So, to let Naruto know what I was referring to, I only nodded my head downward, towards my lower body.

But he knew what I meant. I didn't even have to tell him.

The blonde demon gave me a nod, keeping up with his caressing. "That's good to hear. I was afraid that they'll find my mark on you-"

"The hunters eventually did." I quickly butted in, releasing as much information as I could. Naruto's eyes shot wide upon that one, his thumb which he used to caress my face slowed down to a complete stop, so no longer was it in motion.

A hard lump found its way within his throat and desperately, he tried to swallow it. He cursed, shaking his head. "Shit, shit." He whispered underneath his breath before letting out a sigh. He then turned back to me. A look of dread was now presented on his entire face because the blonde demon was extremely worried for the rest of the story.

And he should be.

Nothing I was going to say will be good or heartfelt. The story I was about to tell and the events that happened are ones that are tragic and depressing. There were events that I wish I could go back and erase, to prevent from happening.

But it did happen. And it will stay with me for the rest of my life.

A quick tear dropped down from my eye but the salty substance was caught by Naruto's thumb, his finger working lightly across my face to wipe it away. He tilted his head. "What happened next, Hinata?" He whispered softly, urging me to continue. And I quickly did.

With my hands playing with the ends of my gown, I started back up my story. "Y-Yes, the leader of the hunters confronted me and sought to find my mark and he made sure you and I had no connection to one another. He accomplished his task and from there he knocked me out a-and-"

Naruto growled loud and gruff at my words. "They will pay for hurting you, Hinata. How dare they put their hands on you-!

I sighed by Naruto's outburst. "Th-That's not even the w-worst part of it. The worst part is what c-came next." I stated through croaky whimpers, specifically stating that what's coming up is far worse than anything I've said.

And it was.

This moment that the hunters decided to poison me and put me in that awful dream was when my hatred for them grew to the highest heights and trauma like no other latched on to my being. I never felt as damaged
as I do now.

Naruto's face once again scrunched up as if he was holding tears back, his red eyes gleaming down at me as I processed my next words in my head, my fingers steadily picking and pulling at the fabric of my gown.

The hallway was quiet for the most part. Luckily, no hunters have shown up yet so it seems Kurama was doing a nice job keeping them at bay. I surely would hate to have them ruin this moment for me.

I bit down on my lip briefly before opening my mouth again. "Next, the hunters decided to continue with their hellish plan. Once I awoke, I found myself strapped to a bed in a white room. And there were two IV stands positioned by my bed. Many hunters filled the room, including three that looked familiar to me-"

"Names, Hinata. I need names. I'll cut off every single one of their heads. I'll make it my top mission to find them." Naruto threatened with a scowl.

But I only shrugged. "I-I d-d-don't remember their names. U-Um, no." I shook my head, "wait.." I pulled my hand up to rub the side of my head, burying my fingers into my hair to massage my skull, to help think better. Naruto lowered his hand from my cheek at that to instead move his arms over his chest, crossing them. And from there, he gave me the time to think.

I sighed heavily, thinking hard on the hunter's names. I deeply wanted to tell Naruto their godforsaken names. Those people in that room brought me nothing but pain so yes, each one of them deserves to die brutally by Naruto's hands.

They should feel the same pain that they've brought upon me.

And just upon thinking that, I remembered the leader's name as well as the red haired huntress that stood in the room with me. I remember that the hunter that Naruto killed previously actually disclosed the name of his leader.


And the red haired huntress's name was stated many times by Yahiko, so her name was easily remembered. I lifted my head to connect eyes with Naruto again. "I-I remember two of the hunter's names. The leader's name is Yahiko a-a-and there was a huntress there too that I recognized. She was the one that a-administered th-the mind and body test. Her name is Tayuya." I voiced out, spilling out the names of the two hunters that were mainly behind my suffering.

But there was one more person.

It was a male. I remember this particular hunter walked in on me in the middle of one of my tests just to gloat to Naruto directly. Tayuya said his name. I remember that it starts with the letter H.




I bit down hard on my lip for a second to settle my mind. My thoughts were all over the place, I couldn't think. But the more I thought about the name and the particular male's face as well as that moment, the blurred memory slowly began to resurface, slowly becoming clear.

"Hidan! Don't look into her eyes. The demon can see you. He'll come after you-"

I gasped, my eyes widening. "Hidan! The last male's name is Hidan." I quickly blurted out, voicing all three of the hunters' names which brought a smirk of satisfaction on Naruto's face. But the smirk was a very evil and twisted one, it instantly erased all the excitement I felt due to me remembering those bastard names. The smirk scared the shit out of me.

I let out a heavy gulp, my lavender eyes staring up at the crimson eyed monster who gave his lips a quick lick. "Good girl. I'll have them all dead before this night is over." Naruto tilted his head once more, allowing his blonde bangs to fall over. "Does your pretty little head remember anything else? Anybody's appearances, anymore assholes you've encountered or do you remember any more names..." He asked curiously, his eyes staring down at me with a serious glint in them, "Anything at all?"

But I only shook my head. I had nothing more to tell him about the hunters other than their actions. So I shrugged once more. "No. And quit calling me names. It's gross." I whimpered out while looking away from the tall being in front of me. I truly wanted him to refrain from calling me names and complimenting me. I did not find it sexy anymore. Just downright...


Naruto simply chose not to respond to my request out of disgust. He only let out a heavy sigh, moving one hand up to cup his forehead. He let out a loud groan. "What else happened, Hinata?" He only groaned out to get me back on track. And so, I resumed my story once more.

I searched my mind from where I left off and went from there. "In the new room I was placed in, the hunters chose to poison me there. Yahiko decided it was the best method to kill me silently and to torture you. Though, I was put to sleep through the entire process so I wouldn't feel a thing."

A gasp slipped Naruto's lips after my words. But he made no moves to say anything. I raised an eyebrow in response. "But my time resting wasn't peaceful. The hunters decided they were not done being cruel yet. They decided since I was so madly in love with you that such love should be erased. So, I was put into a stimulation, into some sort of hell dream where I dreamt... of you." I explained, slowly creeping closer and closer to the extreme parts, the moments where I've been damaged the most from. And I was ready to tell Naruto everything. It would only make him understand my new feelings and why I feel them.

Naruto's eyebrows raised up upon that and I watched as he shifted on his weight, switching from his left leg to his right leg to instead put his weight on. In the entire paragraph that I said, only one word seemed to have a huge impact on him.

Naruto pouted. "Was? You were madly in love with me? Does that mean, you're not anymore?"

I nodded, confirming his fears. And I watched as the demon froze dramatically in his spot, his eyes widening to the max. They were so wide I could see how round his crimson eyes were. Even his nose flared up.

After a few seconds of taking in my words, his body began to shake and his chest began to heave. He literally looked like he was malfunctioning, everything in his body shutting down so only one emotion could be revealed.


But I didn't stop there. Now, it was time to tell Naruto how I really felt.

That, was only the beginning.

My eyes hardened on him as I remembered the dream and the events inside it, everything rushing at me at full force.

I wrinkled my nose up, throwing my arm down so it instead lied by my waist. "Yes, that dream was hell. It was the definition of it. I was tortured, raped, beaten, degraded, hunted and shamed the entire time by a horrifying version of you. The entire dream drove me to the deep end. I couldn't escape you. I couldn't run away from you. I couldn't fight you. You, were there the entire time, whispering in my ear crude things, showing me things I can not unsee, doing things to my body that I still feel. You, were a complete monster, Naruto. But," My stare grew deadly, my lavender eyes locked on the evil bastard before me. "do you wanna know something truly frightening? After what I just told you, doesn't that all sound familiar to you, Naruto?" I growled out with a scowl on my face, now directing all of my anger, all of my grief, all of my hostility. I directed almost everything I felt towards him without any restraints so I could make him see just how real my dream was.

That dream was no mere dream, it was a metaphor. A metaphor of the role Naruto plays in my life. That dream pulled up a magnifying glass to Naruto and his entire being.

Every motive, every flaw, everything of him was exposed.

Naruto was enhanced so that everything he was capable of was brought to the surface.

But the Naruto that stood before me is different. The Naruto before me is highly manipulative and deceitful. From the very beginning, when I first met him, he did nothing but hide his true self and his intentions. He tricked me, he pulled me along until it was too late for me to back out, to escape from him. And even when I tried to escape, the manipulation he used against me was so irresistible and yet so unforgiving, I couldn't wrap my head around it.

One moment, he's treating me like a normal human being, kissing and making love to me just right which always kept me hooked and then the next, he's degrading me, keeping me from my school, hurting my friends and having his way with me. He pulled the switch-a-rooney on me several times so I would grow confused..


Trauma bonded.

Naruto knew what he was doing from the start. He knew what to do and say to keep me right where he wanted me. Like he said in my dream, he knows my desires, my wants and needs, my weaknesses and also my strengths. He knows the right buttons to mash to get me to bend to his will and he certainly abused that when he had me in his clutches. That's, how he managed to make me fall in love with him.

To pity him.

To console him.

To make love to him.

My glare instantly turned deadly.

Never. Again.

I watched as the demon before me stood speechless, truly shocked by how badly the situation had turned for him. His body was trembling to the extreme now by my words and by the look of hatred on my face. He actually looked intimidated.

He swallowed nervously, pulling up his hands forward in an attempt to calm me. "Hinata, baby-"

"Don't call me that!"

"Hinata, please, listen. That dream revealed to you a side of me that I would never show to you ever again. Yes, back then I was a monster, I was cruel to you. The way I treated you, what I said and did to you was wrong and every single day, I am tortured by regret for doing such things to you, for taking complete advantage of you. I am fucking guilty. And for that, I am sorry for it all.." He whimpered, putting up a pout. "But Hinata," He pulled his hands down to grab mine which I allowed, his thumb running across my knuckles. But my glare remained. He frowned deeply at that, his tan facial features sulking downward.

"I am no longer the monster I used to be. That part of me has been tamed by your love, Hinata. Your love changed me in a way that confused me at first. But later I saw that accepting your love helps me, for the better and it made me see the world in a different light. You taught me that there was nothing wrong with expressing emotions, to have a humanity. You taught me that I can change my fate, that my life is not bended by any rules. You taught me that it's okay to be weak at times in front of your loved ones, to tell the ones you love just what's hurting. You taught me so, so much." I watched as a large smile came upon the tan features of the demon male in front of me, his crimson eyes holding happiness in them. "Hinata, I never, ever thought I could love again, not after my family was killed. But that changed when you came into my life. Yes, our past is rocky but I am willing to work extra hard on being the lover that you want me to be. I am willing to lay my life down for you, to be by your side always for however long we have. I want to be everything you need me to be. So please, Hinata. Don't push me away. Do not let those hunters win in severing the love we have." Naruto pulled one hand towards my face to caress it once more, taking in my facial features deeply. He marveled at the sight. "I can soothe your pain. I can make it all go away. I can avenge you. I can protect you. I can do whatever I need to help you feel better, Hinata. You are in pain and seeing you in pain hurts me so much. I would do anything to-"

But his words were cut short when a burst of laughter escaped my lips. It was laughter that I was trying to hold in the entire time. I slumped over in order to allow the amusement to roll out of my mouth and into the quiet air, one hand of mine falling to my stomach to grab.

Naruto stared in horror down at me, finally seeing first hand just how damaged I really was. "Hinata, why-"

"Oh spare me the explanation, Naruto. My heart cannot take anymore of what you have to say. I know you are only saying these things to brainwash me. So you can just take me to your home and," I moved up a bit to run my hands up his chest teasingly to grab a hold of his shoulders, gripping them as hard as I could, so hard my nails dug into his clothing, deep into his flesh underneath.

I tilted my head, allowing my midnight blue haired locks to fall with me. I smirked at the shock that was written all over Naruto's face but I further shocked him by my next words.

I pulled my being up further so my lips were rooted against his ear, my body held up on it's tip toes due to Naruto's massive height.

"You wanna fuck me, isn't that right? You're only saying these things just to get by, to convince me just enough so you can get me in your bed, so I can open my legs back up for you. I know you, Naruto. Deep down, you're still the same monster as before with the same sexual appetite. You only desire for my body and the pleasures it brings you, isn't it-?"

"No! That's not true. Hinata, that's not true." Naruto sobbed out, throwing his arms back to grab my shoulders in order to pull me away from his ear so he could look at me directly. He stared within my eyes for a while and gritted his teeth at the many emotions he saw lie within them.

"This, is not you, Hinata. You're not yourself. You're unwell. Whatever those bastards did has severely tampered with your brain. That dream has become one with you and has made you hate me-"

"But you deserve the hate. That dream has only shown me the reality of my situation, Naruto. All of it is true. You rape me, you brainwash me, you hurt me, you sever the ties that I have with everything and everyone I love. I can't see my friends and my family. I can't go to school like a normal teenager and cheer. No! I have to stay underneath you all the time! I literally have to ask to go anywhere-!"

"I was protecting you, Hinata! I was protecting you from fucking shit like this!" Naruto threw his hands up, pointing at the white walls that surrounded us within the hunters fortress we were in, all the while growling underneath his breath. He lowered his hands to sigh deeply, shaking his blonde head at me. "After all this time, you still have not grasped the fact that you are no longer a normal human Hinata. From the moment I tied your life to mine, your life was no longer yours to live. Yes, it sucks. I know you must severely hate it. Again, I suffer from the guilt and the regret. But I had no choice!" He screamed out, pouring his heart out once more. But I only rolled my eyes.

"Oh please, Naruto. You did have a choice. You," I gave his chest a harsh poke with my finger, driving his massive body backward a bit. "could've." Another poke. "stayed" Another poke. "sealed." Another poke. "away." I finished off with a massive poke, continuously driving my finger harshly into his body.

Naruto's mouth gaped by my words and before I knew it, I was driven back so I was pinned against the wall behind me again. The force was strong and it completely knocked the air out of my lungs. I let out a loud gasp of discomfort in response.


"You take that back right fucking now, damn it!" Naruto yelled out with a demonic voice that was all too familiar. It was one where two voices could be heard. His normal voice, and another one that was much deeper underneath, one that resonated from the pits of hell.

My legs began to tremble because of it, the tough girl act I had up dropped because of such a sound directed at me. It was so loud, so demonic and scary, I found myself shaking in my boots, my eyes widening in fear up at the furious demon before me.

Naruto bared his razor sharp teeth at me, his grip on my arms tightening. "Oh, you have nothing to say, Hinata? Now that's odd. Where's your boldness gone now, hmm?" He tilted his head erringly by my silence. "Well, where is it?" He bellowed out with a deep snarl, one that curled his lips up to show off his razor sharp teeth.

I whimpered at that, my body jumping due to the sound of his roar, "Y-You're o-only proving my point here. You're a monster-"

Naruto shook his head slowly, putting up a dark smirk. "No, sweetheart. You did this."

I narrowed my eyes upon his words, the boldness I once had slowly creeping back. "No, I did not. This part of you is inside of you, lying deep underneath your skin. You can't h-hide from it, Naruto. You fail at keeping this side of you at bay. You fail at keeping it from me. You know if you were to show your true self to me, I would run for the hills. That's why you're scared now. You're scared of what that dream has done to me, of what it has shown me."

"Hinata, stop it."

"You're scared that the dream has shown me the part of you that you keep locked up inside.

"Please, Hinata."

"You're scared. Your heart is broken now that I've given into the dream, that I no longer love you for who you truly are. But how can I, Naruto? How can I love a person that hurts their lover when their emotions run amuck? How can I love a person that harms innocent people? That e-eats them? How can I trust that you won't hurt me again? Or my friends? How can I trust you when you can't even trust yourself?" I whimpered which cut my words short. But I made sure to resume them again. "And most importantly, how can I love and trust you when our relationship has been built on pain and suffering? O-On chaos?"

Finally, I've gotten out the one thing that I've been wanting to say. Finally, all the pain, all the damage I was suffering from was manifested into words, all shot back at the weeping demon in front of me. My words were now cutting at the demon's soul, eating away at his heart and as a result it all caused him internal pain.

Finally, the demon understands my case but still he refuses to accept it.

He let out a sob, his voice reverting back to normal. But when it did, he dropped to his knees with a thud, quickly wrapping his arms around my waist, clinging to my body for dear life. And from there, he cried his heart out.

Deep, masculine sobs escaped his mouth, ones that echoed throughout the entire hallway, his head burrowed deep within my gut. His grip around my waist was tight, so tight, there was absolutely no way I could free myself on my own. So, I gave the demon the time to let out his feelings, my dull eyes staring down at him the entire time.

He cried out, moving his fingers up to ball up the gown I wore from my backside within his hands, pulling it in desperation. "Please, please, Hinata, don't leave me. Don't go! I need you. I can't g-go on without you!"

Many times he begged me to stay, to love him again, to give him another chance but I couldn't bring myself to do such a thing. It would bring too much heartbreak. Too much damage has already been done. I believe now, I just need some space from all of this madness.

But the demon couldn't let go. He still didn't want to.

He sobbed loudly from where he was sitting on his knees, a position I never thought I would ever see him in. "Hinata, I can change. I'll control myself. I promise I won't hurt you anymore! You don't have to be afraid of me! Please, please don't hate me Hinata!"

Over and over Naruto let out ridiculous cries and pleas. Numerous times he begged me to stay with him. Numerous times he tried to change my mind. Numerous times he tried to get me to reclaim my feelings for him but such useless endeavors were all sadly pointless, no matter how much and how hard he tried.

I won't ever regain my feelings for the monster that resided below me. I will never let go of the hatred I have for Naruto and I definitely will not stay with him.

He doesn't deserve my love, not after all the awful things he has done to me and everyone I love.

And on that note, I wrinkled my nose down at the weeping demon below me who's grip was still pretty tight around my waist. So in a desperate attempt to get the demonic creature to let go of me, I pulled my hands down to try to shove him off. I clutched his arms with both of my limbs and gave Naruto's body multiple harsh shoves, pushing him with all of my might.

"Let go of me, now." I spat out in a deathly tone, my cold lavender eyes glaring daggers down at the weeping fool below me.

But Naruto didn't budge. In fact, he held onto me tighter, keeping my body extra close to his own. "Hinata please. Don't do this. I can do better. I can-"

"Get off!" I screamed out once more and even tried to push him off again but the blonde kept his arms wrapped around me, keeping me rooted to my spot against the wall.

I watched with pure disgust as Naruto pulled up his head so he was once again staring deep within my eyes. And there, I saw the tears that slid down the blonde demon's face, a sight that was quite rare to see from Naruto. There were only a few times, just a few, where I could remember Naruto had cried in my presence. But upon seeing the amount of hurt in his eyes now only worsened the disgust I felt for him.

He was being so annoying.

It's always like this with Naruto. As soon as he doesn't get his way he either throws temper tantrums and threats around or fake acts like now where he's crying and begging for me to do just what he wants.

My lips trembled.

He's only trying to trick you, Hinata. Don't give in. Oh please, don't you give in.

So with all the strength I obtained from the mental pep talk I had with myself, I continued to try to shove Naruto's body away from me. But his large body shifted only a tiny bit. He still wasn't budging at all. And because of that, I begin to panic.

"Get away! Get away! Stop it!" I cried out in desperation as I continued to shove the being away that was restricting me.

But all my efforts were rendered useless.

Over and over, I slammed my hands against the steel frame of Naruto's build in a desperate fit now. Tears quickly began to shed down my face as once again the feeling of helplessness, a sense of confinement came over me due to the fact no matter how much I shoved and pushed against Naruto, the strong demon only remained close.

I was once again trapped. And for that, I was losing it.

The speed of my shoves began to increase, the whimpers that passed my lips began to grow louder and my eyes were beginning to grow extremely glossy and puffy. It was getting really hard to see but that didn't stop my shoving one bit.

Thud! Thud!! Thud!!!

"Let go! Let go! Let go of me!!" I screamed out as I slammed my hands against Naruto's chest which caused the demon to grunt over and over again. But he stood his ground.

He shook his head in obstinate determination, his blonde bangs covering his teary eyes as he kept his heavy gaze on me. "No, I won't let you do this, Hinata. I won't let those demon hunter fuckers win. I will stay by your side and help fix what the hunters have done to you. I know I can. You just have to let m-"

But his words were interrupted when I brought my hand up to not push Naruto but to instead swipe my nails directly across his face, leaving a nasty scratch across his skin.

With eyes of fury, I seethed angrily. "No!! Just get the hell away from me, you bastard!" I screamed at the top of my lungs and I watched as the demon finally reacted. I watched as the demon finally let go of me due to my ruthless actions.

"Argh, fuck!" Naruto yelped in pain, cursing out. He pulled his hands up to rub his face which now harbored three large scratches that ran across his right cheek to meet his left one, running across his nose and mouth. The scratches on his face matched ones a vicious cat was capable of doing. The scratches looked excruciating. It was a despicable action I never thought I was capable of doing but at this very moment, I truly didn't care.

A wave of happiness flooded my being to see Naruto now cowering away from me in pain, hundling on the floor like a worthless sack of potatoes. His build was huddled over, his clawed hands covering his face, keeping the deep cuts I gave him hidden from my view.

But as Naruto held his face, his red glowing eyes stared back at me the entire time through the cracks of his extended fingers. The blonde beast heaved greatly, his chest rocking up and down from where he sat on the floor.

He was angry, that wasn't hard to see.

Then and there, the menacing blonde creature let out a low growl, wrinkling his nose up in anger. "Hinata, tread lightly, hun. It isn't wise to make me your enemy." He let out a scoff as well after his words. "Fighting me is pointless. You know as well as I do that you'll surely lose."

Upon hearing such words pass Naruto's lips, I was once again very triggered. A sense of nostalgia rushed over me and summoned back up waves of fear and trauma. My eyes widened in shock.

Naruto has said this to me before... in my dream..

I thought to myself as I stared wide-eyed back at the blonde before me who slowly pulled his hand away from his face. When he did, he revealed how perfectly healed it was. No longer were there scratches of my doing engraved on his face. Now, the scratches were gone as though I hadn't landed an attack on him at all.

I whimpered upon that, my mind still stuck on Naruto's previous words.

More tears began to fall down my face as I recalled the exact words Naruto said to me in my dream, the one the hunter's forced me to endure.

"You can't fight me, Hinata. I am much stronger than you could ever be. You're weak and powerless, hun. Especially in the fearful state you're in."

I shuddered as Naruto's words filled my head and jump started my heart. My heart began to beat rapidly once more and all at once, I felt like I couldn't breathe. I truly felt like I was suffering from a panic attack.

"Oh kami."

"Hinata, please. Just give in and allow me to fix you. You will feel much better when you do."


"Please, Hinata. Please!"

"I said no!"

The sanity cord in me snapped upon hearing Naruto plea and plea over and over again, continuously expecting a different answer, ones that I have no interest in giving. I was getting really annoyed and I couldn't take it anymore.

But just as I was about to boldly attack the demon that still resided on his knees before me, a loud yell stopped me.

"Now that's enough!"

Temari's booming voice echoed across the hall which alerted both of us. Naruto and I whipped our heads towards the end of the hallway and we spotted the blonde teenager rush towards us in a sprint, completely leaving Sakura and Ino behind. Sakura was now bringing herself to a stand while carrying an unconscious Ino in her arms, bridal style, her own emerald orbs staring back at us in worry from afar.

Temari shook her head furiously, her feet working herself over to us in no time, "This talk is over. We need to get the hell out of here and fast. You two can settle your differences later." She roared out and there, she finally stepped in front of the two of us. But the first thing she did was grab my arm and yank me away from Naruto. But she did it in such a harsh way, I couldn't help but yelp from the pain.

"O-Ow!" I cried out as my body was yanked away from the huddling blonde demon to instead stand further away from him.

Temari gave a glance down at Naruto and then at me, just taking in the mixed emotions that were present on our faces. And that was enough for her, to realize that yes, something deeply wrong has happened here.

Temari tightened her grip around my arm, "Come on you two. Let's get out of here-"

"No!" I spat while glaring down at the blonde monster before us who was slowly taking a stand. I shook my head at him, "I will not go anywhere with him and I definitely will not allow him to leave this place scotch free. He doesn't deserve it! He deserves to suffer here just as I did-"

"Hinata, stop it!" Temari screeched in shock due to the fact that she could not believe the words that just came out of my mouth. Temari's eyes stared down at me in complete shock, "Y-You're scaring me."

Just saying the words I did previously, I was now offcially unrecognizable. There was so much venom and malice tainting my words and I shot them towards the blonde demon in front of me which in turn scared the hell out of Temari. My blonde friend stared down at me with widened eyes, giving me a look of disbelief and concern. She was giving me a look of fright due to the fact she could not even recognize me.

But I didn't care.

Now standing straight, I watched as Naruto sent me a pleading look. It was a look of exhaustion, a look that was only made when a person is at their end and can not go on any longer. I knew my words were getting to Naruto. I knew he was deeply wounded by how I was treating him and because of that I felt so happy.

Now he knows how I feel.

Naruto's shoulders slumped, his sad blue eyes rooted on me. He let out a deep sniff to suppress the urge to burst into tears once more. So he covered up his fragile state by speaking instead.

"Hinata, I promise you. I will make each one of those demon hunter fucks pay for fucking with your mind. I will make them pay for hurting you this badly. Yes, I do deserve to be punished for what I have done to you as well as what I have done to your life. Yes, Hinata, you are right. Yes, I can damn well be the monster you are afraid of. I can bring that side of me out in a heartbeat and cause pain and suffering to all those around me. But to you..." Naruto shook his head, one single tear falling down his cheek to drop upon the floor, "never again. I never want to hurt you ever again. And that's a demon's word." Naruto began to pour his heart out yet again but this time he seemed to be agreeing with me. No longer did he feed me lies but now only the truth. He admitted to being the monster I know he is. He has admitted that yes, he indeed needs to be punished.

Oh yes.

It was music to my ears. But his last words deterred me. Those words however were not the truth but a total lie.

You can't seem to stop lying, can you, Naruto?

My body trembled within Temari's hold as I stared back at the blonde demon who began to make his way towards me, once again producing click sounds throughout the air due to his heavy boots.

My lips trembled to see Naruto approach me once more. It seemed as if my body could not stand anything the blonde creature did in front of me.

Everytime the demon walks near me, I get triggered. Everytime the demon speaks, I get triggered. Everytime the demon lies to me, I get triggered. Everytime the demon touches me, oh I am triggered immensely.

My body seems like it was a ticking time bomb around Naruto and it surely did not feel great. I was still suffering because of him, which debunks everything Naruto has just said.

I growled to myself.


I was so deep within my thoughts, I hadn't noticed the demon that was now standing directly in front of me, staring into my eyes to look deep within my soul.

Naruto tilted his head down at me before gently grabbing my chin with his clawed fingers which instantly made tears slide down my cheeks, his touch once again triggering me, reminding me of how awful it felt against my skin.

The blonde pulled my chin up so I then had no choice but to look at him, deep within those sad little eyes that he had.

I watched as he began to open his mouth, to speak but I quickly beat him to it.

I gritted my teeth harshly. "I hate you. I hate you so, so much. I hope those demon hunters are successful in killing you and when they do, I hope you rot in hell, demon..." Hinata snarled out underneath her breath so only Naruto's keen hearing could pick it up. Temari only stared at the scene as if no one was talking at all. She was completely clueless which satisfied me most.

She doesn't need to be here. None of my friends do.

It's too dangerous and the three of them can really get hurt here in this awful place. Ino has already been hurt enough. I wouldn't know what to do if I witnessed all of my friends get deeply injured here, or worse, hurt beyond repair.

I would surely die.

Once more my thoughts had a hold of me so I didn't even get to see the horror that crossed Naruto's face. But such a look was only present for a second before he moved on to his final plan.

Naruto let out a shaky sigh before he pulled up his free hand so it could lay directly in front of my face. I yanked my head away on that note but I was only shushed by the demon.

There, I watched as the demon sent a faint smile down at me. "It's time for you to sleep, my little one. You can sleep peacefully, away from this nightmare. You can sleep and dream of a world that's pleasant, a world that doesn't involve me. You can now dream of a world where all of your dreams come true, where you can truly be happy. But when you do dream, just know that such happiness is all I wanted for you, my love."

My eyes narrowed upon his words but I wasn't able to get a word in before I saw Naruto summon his dark magic within his hand which was settled directly before my face. I watched with my lavender eyes as his dark power consumed his one clawed hand. It looked as if his magic took the form of black mist as it encircled his hand.

But the magic did not remain in his hand for long.


Temari and I watched full on as the dark mist began to creep forward as if it had a mind of its own and slither through the air towards me.

Temari's eyes widened, her hands still clutching my arm, "Wh-What the hell are you doing?"

"Shh. Everything is alright. I'm not going to hurt her." Naruto whispered towards Temari, to reassure her which seemed to do the trick due to the fact the girl nodded.

But I, on the other hand, wasn't convinced. I couldn't stop my body from trembling in fear as I watched Naruto's magic inch closer and closer towards me, soaring through the air like a virus.

I whimpered, "D-Don't-"

But that was all I could say before the magic soared quickly into my gaping mouth to enter inside of my body. But that was not all I felt the magic enter.

It also entered the inside of my nose and eyes to creep within my body as a whole. But as soon as my body was introduced to Naruto's dark magic again, my vision immediately grew dark and my body began to fall limp.

And in the end, I was no longer awake but now underneath a spell. A spell to sleep as long as Naruto deemed it necessary.

Once more, I was trapped.

Trapped yet again...



Woah, that was intense, wasn't it?

So, after reading this comeback chapter, how do you feel?

This chapter was so hectic and of course, heartbreaking. It was so many emotions in it, I can't really described it precisely.

So how about you describe how this chapter made you feel by using three emojis.

I really wanna know how you feel!

I want to know how you feel now that Hinata has stood up to Naruto and admitted that she no longer loves him due to the dream the hunter's forced her to endure and not only that, that her eyes have been opened.

Yeahh, this chapter was pretty crazy. 😬

But there's more where that came from. Next time. 👋

In the meantime, comment, vote, and stay safe. 💗💗


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