Chapter 61: Delightful Revenge

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(ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ: ᴅɪsᴛᴜʀʙɪɴɢ ᴍᴏᴍᴇɴᴛs • ɪɴᴛᴇɴsᴇ • sᴜᴘᴇʀɴᴀᴛᴜʀᴀʟ ᴇʟᴇᴍᴇɴᴛs •  ɢᴏʀᴇ • ᴇxᴛʀᴇᴍᴇ ᴠɪᴏʟᴇɴᴄᴇ • ᴡᴇᴀᴘᴏɴ ᴜsᴇ • ᴅᴀʀᴋ/ᴛʀɪɢɢᴇʀɪɴɢ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ • 𝟷𝟾+)


Naruto's P.O.V

Screams of devastation, agony, despair and defeat flooded everywhere I walked within the hunter's hideout as I sought to do the one thing I've promised myself, promised Kurama as well as Hinata I would do.

Get revenge.

My bloodshot eyes stared down the hallway I walked which was littered with mangled bodies, all positioned by my feet. Coats of black and red clung to the demon hunters corpses within this place, coats that labeled such humans as hunters.

Such coats decorated the place like ornaments and in return I decorated such coats with the wearer's own blood, tarnishing the demon hunter's name.

Bloodied and sullied once more, I trotted down the hall of floor five while staring intently back at one lone hunter who lied plastered against the wall due to my very own doing.

The woman's eyes stared back at me in horror as she watched me draw nearer, her hands, ankles and shoulders bound to the wall which was a tactic I picked up on from the other elite demon hunters who tried to force me to endure such a humiliating pose as well.

But as I always do, I come out on top. Now that I am as powerful as I am, not a single demon hunter in this place can take me down. They could only try but I will only come back stronger.

I will be their undoing.

My thoughts were interrupted by a whimper of pain from afar, the woman lying plastered on the wall where her legs were extended wide apart, her arms set to lie horizontally from her body, her palms extended far away from her person. The black shards of my magic were the culprit as to why the huntress was in fact stuck in such a pose. After plastering her body up on the wall and piercing her hands, ankles and shoulders, she was now rooted against the wall at the very end of the hallway.

The black haired woman shook her head pleadingly back at me as I crept even more closer to her, my bloody boots thudding against the floor all the while I walked forward, my black trench coat steadily flying in the air behind me.

Blood coated every part of the woman's wounded body, cuts and bruises marked her face, her arms and legs which only revealed how badly she fared in a fight against me.

She gritted her teeth to cope with the pain of the deep scratch marks engraved in her pale skin and the sharp shards that pierced her body. Her breathing was rapid which caused her chest to heave up and down.

She shook her head, her scarred face scrunching up so she could shoot a glare down at my moving body. "I-If you're going to k-kill me, just g-get on with it, you bastard."

"Shh." I shushed the woman, letting out a chilling noise from my lips which reached the woman's ears in no time who complied with my command out of fear.

I stepped up a bit more until I finally made it to the very end of the hallway I was on, now directly before the hung up demon huntress who let off numerous amounts of whimpers due to the pain and discomfort she felt. And in response, my body ate it all up, fueling from the negative emotions she let off.

I hummed in delight, my eyes looking back up at her through my bloody blonde hair. I clicked my tongue, tilting my head up at her raised body. "Oh, I will kill you soon enough, dear. And only then, you'll wish to take back your words." I sneered up at her.

With my keen ears, I listened as the woman whimpered in defeat, her brown eyes shifting towards her mutilated comrades which lay in piles all down the hallway we occupied. Her comrades were ripped apart, feasted upon and torn to shreds and now from where she lay high up, she had a full view of every one of her dead comrades which only worsened her breathing.

She sobbed in despair. "You're a complete monster-"

"I know." I quickly spat back with a sinister smirk. "I don't think I need you to tell me that, mortal. You see, what I really want is for you, to instead tell me where a certain someone is."

The woman shuddered in response to my question, her face scrunching up frequently to express pain due to the shards that were stabbed inside of her bloody hands, shoulders and ankles. She shook her head quickly, expressing a look of hatred. "I'm not telling you anything, demon!"

"Oh but you will. Because if not." And with that, I gave my fingers a snap which commanded the shards inside the woman's hands and legs to move. Because of my command, my dark magic began to slowly slither their way through the woman's skin, working against the woman's palms to make their way to her wrist. The shards that pierced her legs, well, her ankles, began to move as well.

The two magical hardened shards began to cut through the woman's legs like scissors would paper, the sharp shards working up towards her knee, all the while cutting everything that was in their way in the process.

And there, I listened as the woman screamed to the top of her lungs in pure agony, her body rocking side to side from where she was hung up on the wall. Tears fell from her eyes and slipped down her cheeks due to the excruciating pain of being cut wide open by my dark magic.

And all the while, my murderous eyes soaked in every reaction she made. My ears took in every scream that passed her lips. And my body took in every ounce of pain her own body let off, my blond head tilting eerily up at her.

I smirked darkly. "Hurts doesn't it? Woman, this will only continue to go on if you choose not to give me what I want. You will suffer from the slow and agonizing pain of being ripped apart by my magic. Unless, you tell me where..." I trailed off to chuckle, one name occupying my fucked up brain at the moment.

I stepped forward so I was staring directly up at the woman before me, so she had no choice but to focus on me and only me even though the shards were still moving up her arms and legs which surely could work as a distraction.

"Tayuya. Where is she?" I declared, finally voicing out the first demon hunter that's on my hit list. Hinata has told me several names but I have decided to take out such demon hunters in a certain order.

I want to end Tayuya first.

Then Hidan and then...


I want to slaughter every single one of them but I will save the best for last.

So therefore...

I snapped my fingers once more so the moving shards inside the woman's body could stop its constant motion. Instantly, I could spot the bit of relief on the pale woman's face. But such an emotion was only a fleeting one because soon, horror was instead expressed next.

She stared down at me as if had grown a second head, her eyes widened drastically. "M-Ms. Tayuya? Y-You want to k-know where she is?"

I nodded silently to the woman's foolish questions but once I made such a nonverbal answer, I watched as the woman shook her head wildly.

"I will not tell you. You can torture me, fine. But I will not g-give up my comrades to the likes of y-you. I would rather perish."

The woman before me was incredibly stubborn. It would seem she could endure torture well, no matter how painful. She remains loyal to her people and will not back down for anyone.

Including me.

But I saw right through her. The game she's playing is nothing more than a ruse. She knows she will die in my presence therefore she is trying to be as annoying as possible so I would simply kill her and be done with it. But her adamant ways have only led me to believe that she in fact knows much information that will surely benefit me in my search.


An ear to ear grin stretched across my face and once more, I pulled up my fingers to snap them.

Oh no, human, I will not leave this spot until I obtain the answer that I seek.

So with that, I activated the shards to move that now has made their way up to her wrists and knees. But by adding more power to the shards in front of me, I commanded them to increase in speed and instead remain only in the arm and leg portion of her body.

Now, the shards zipped back and forth within her arms and up and down within her legs like a saw blade would as it cuts wood.

My shards were now shredding her flesh back and forth which only increased the agony she felt which caused her to release more shrieks and screams of pain.


I chuckled amusingly at the sound of her wails. "Oh darling, the answer to put an end to all of your misery is just right in your reach. You tell me where Tayuya is, I'll grant you a quick death, one that you so desperately want."


"Then suffer."

My voice dropped an octave due to immense irritation because of the stubbornness the foolish demon huntress was showing me. I could feel my patience running thin and yes, I wanted so badly to end the woman in front of me, to take her life so I can be spared from the disrespect she was currently showing me.

But I remained calm and only allowed my plan to be set forth.

She will talk soon. She will spill everything soon.

I just have to be patient.

My sharp shards of magic ripped through skin, muscle and eventually bone as it worked up and down within both of the hunchtres's legs and side to side within both of her arms. The shards were merciless as they forcefully worked through her limbs like a drill.

The demon huntress was still held against the wall due to the dark shards that pierced her shoulders. Blood from her deep cuts began to leak down her body which coated her battle gear, her coat, her body parts in nothing but the dark red substance.

The woman coughed blood in between her screams, her eyes falling hooded due to the excruciating pain she was experiencing.

I stood and watched her with both of my red eyes, just taking in how she seemed to fall in and out of consciousness due to the immense pain her body was overwhelmed with. It was a sight that deeply annoyed me.

All the witless woman did was scream. Not once did she choose to obey my wishes and tell me what I wanted for the sake of sparing herself anymore torture.

I hummed, moving my neck over to give it a hard crack. A loud pop erupted from my action which added on to the screams the huntress was letting forth within the quiet hallway.

I guess I will have to try a different tactic.

It would seem the pain that she was enduring now wasn't enough. It would seem I have to take it up a notch.

So with that, I snapped my fingers which stopped the shards from moving inside of her legs and arms. Now, there were major holes that could be found inside her limbs, her bones underneath completely shattered.

The woman trembled immensely within her spot, her dull eyes held on the floor. To a mere human, she would appear almost lifeless but I could clearly hear her heart beating pretty rapidly within her chest indicating she was in fact still alive. But barely.

She was holding on by a thread.

I licked my lips. "Now, be a good girl and tell me where Tayuya is. Because if you don't and carry on with this idiocy, I will simply torture you once more. But the next thing I do, hunter, will not be something you'll enjoy.

"Wh-Wh-Wh-Why? Why d-d-do you w-want to know Ms. Tayuya's wh-whereabouts?"

My red eyes narrowed upon the raspy response that passed the bloody lips of the woman in front of me. It was quite bold of her to ask me questions given the situation she was in.

She was in no position to question me but if I am able to get much more information if I do in fact answer her precious questions than so be it.

I can't dawdle, the woman will eventually bleed out.

So with that, I calculated my next decision and decided to give in and answer her questions. I gave my head a tilt before I spoke. "If you want to know so badly then fine." I clicked my tongue, crossing my arms over my chest before continuing. "Tayuya has done a terrible deed to someone dear to me. The human girl that is here, the one that you hunters tried to kill is that special someone that I adore. Tayuya, just like the fool she is, has damaged my lover and therefore needs to pay. She has tampered with her mind, rudely invaded her thoughts and memories and corrupted her judgment. So, I must end her. But I do not know where she is so therefore, you will help me find her. So now," I smirked darkly, doing so to reveal my sharp canines. "are we all caught up now, dear?"

In one fell swoop, I explained my plans and my intentions to the huntress without so much as an ounce of amusement within my voice. I didn't sugar coat a thing and merely told her everything I wanted to do to Tayuya and why I wanted to do so.

And there, I watched as the huntress's brown eyes widened, such orbs now staring deep within my soul. She shook her head once more, just like all the other times. "You m-must th-think I-I am an idiot. I will never help you in order to kill off one of my kind-"

Just as she said those words, I removed my arms from my chest in god speed to only open one of my clawed hands. There, I concentrated my power inside of me, causing it to appear and settle within my hand. There, I morphed the dark magic in seconds to form yet another shard but this one was meant to go somewhere very valuable.

With a growl, I took one step forward to instead thrust my hand out to throw the dark shards towards the huntress and I watched as the shard pierce directly into the woman's right eye.

The screams that followed after my action of taking her eye from her was simply beautiful. Her shrieks sound like herded pigs, her head whipping back to slam into the wall behind her.

Now, the tremor her body produced has grown even greater which only convinced me that now the young woman was experiencing far worse pain than before.

"Ahhh, kami! Make it stooop!"

"Enough with the games, bitch! Tell me where Tayuya is. Tell me now!"

"Okay! Okay! Oh kami, I'll tell you!"

The woman was now desperate, nothing but scratchy sobs escaping her mouth which echoed across the hallways to reach far and wide.

Now due to her severe wound, blood began to ooze immensely from her pierced right eye, her left one staring desperately back at me. Several tears slipped down her left eye and there, she finally spilled exactly what I wanted for she now was at her limit. She no longer could tolerate anymore pain which was a grand sight to behold.

"M-M-Ms Tayuya is n-n-not too far from here. Sh-She w-was ordered t-to clear the room of all items fr-from room 507, the room wh-where the human girl once sl-slumbered within. M-My boss wants no evidence of his old plan. H-He wants to erase th-that he ever took part in trying to k-kill the human girl."

Finally, Tayuya's whereabouts were out as well as a few things I didn't give a fuck about. I cared less about what Tayuya was doing or that it seems Yahiko suddenly had a change of heart.

Fuck all of that.

Those fuckers will pay for what they have done. No one will leave this place scotch free.

I will make sure they pay for their sins.

I clicked my tongue, keeping the valuable information the huntress' before me had given me locked within my head. I nodded and with that, I slowly pulled up my right hand, getting into position to officially end the woman before me.

She's served her purpose. Now it's time to end this.

So with that, I gave her an amused smirk. "Ahh, you see, that wasn't so hard. Now it is time to meet your end just as all of your precious comrades did. But I want to thank you for your cooperation, hunter." And with that, I snapped my fingers, giving the woman little time to react to my words before I commanded the shards inside of her to cut straight through her body, to tear it completely apart at super speed.

The shards that were embedded in her legs zipped to the left, cutting everything in its path which amputated her legs completely. But she had little time to react because the shards that pierced her wrists also flew to the left which cut through her upper torso and neck which rid her of her upper body.

In result, that part of her fell over and landed on the ground with a splat, just before my feet.

Now only a portion of her was left on the wall due to the shards that pierced her shoulders. But soon even that part of her came tumbling down to the ground once I decided to take back my magic. Now the woman that told me Tayuya's whereabouts was nothing more than grounded chunks of meat and blood, all splattered on the ground by my feet in pieces.

It was a pitiful end really but just like she wanted, it was a quick death, one where she had little time to realize what was happening. Only until, it happened.

I put up a dark smirk as I stared down at the tattered woman below me, one that I shrugged off in response.

And without a second thought, I turned away from my position in front of the mutilated huntress to instead make my way down the hallway.

One thing and one thing only was on my mind and that was to find room 507 in order to get to Tayuya. Only then, I will slaughter her for what she's done to my little one.

Only then, I will be one step closer to doing right by Hinata.




In a slow and threatening stride, I traveled deeper within the halls of the demon hunters fortress, slaughtering just about anyone that came into my path.

Any hunters that entered my hall were dealt with quickly and I even made a mess of the many lone hunters that were unluckily caught by my gaze.

Once again, my body was covered from head to toe in blood which dropped from my blonde hair, from my clothes and shoes to sully the white floor behind me, working as a trail as I walked onward. But I cared little of that very fact.



My red eyes focused on the numbers of each door I passed, my head turning left to right to check the numbered rooms on the both sides of me.



An evil smirk slid across my lips once I finally brought myself before the room the demon huntress from before had told me Tayuya would be in.

Room 507.

Now before such a room, I wasted no time pulling my hand down to grip the doorknob firmly, just desperately to get into the room that not only held Tayuya inside but also to get inside to really take in the room that once held Hinata inside.

Desperately, I wanted to see first hand what those demon hunters planned to do to Hinata.

My little one has told me much about what those demon hunters have done to her but I want to see their evil deeds with my very own eyes.

I want to know everything.

So with a twist of the knob, I pushed the door open wide, allowing it to swing open wildly and slam against the wall behind it.

The dark smirk that was plastered on my bloody face slowly withered away when I was presented with only a lightened room with no one in sight.

My eyes hardened in rage at the room before me which held no Tayuya inside. Actually, no hunter was present at all within the room which only led me to believe the demon hunters knew I was coming and therefore fled the area. Tayuya included.

The demon huntress I tortured was in fact telling the truth due to the fact her heart kept a steady beat as she told me what she knew of Tayuya's whereabouts.

So the huntress was not lying. I could tell if she was.

I growled out in anger at the fact my prey was not in fact here before me, my red eyes rapidly scanning the room before me.

Dammit all-

But my rageful thoughts were interrupted when my eyes landed on the two IV stands that were still positioned by the messy bed before me.

Due to my impatience, I hadn't even taken in the condition of the room or what items were in fact still rooted inside. But once, I plastered my eyes on the half filled IV bags, one thing and one thing only came to my mind.

This is in fact the room those demon hunter fucks tried to kill Hinata in.

A little ways in front of me was presented a messy bed where the sheets were tossed and strolled about. IV floor stands that were just as tall as the headboard of the bed itself were positioned on both sides of the bed.

From afar, I could tell that the IV bag that was hung up on the IV floor stand located on the right was filled with a green substance, a substance that screamed poison. And then the other IV floor stand on the other side of the bed held a IV bag which was filled with a clear substance, one I was not able to identify right away but I can only guess was the sleeping drug that Hinata talked about.

But what really made my blood boil was seeing some sort of computer contraption positioned just by the bed where temple pads were lying on top of the white electronic device, sticky pads that worked to of course be placed against Hinata's head so her mind was easily able to be accessed by those hunters.

The chair that was placed before the computer contraption seemed to have fallen over but the culprit that was sitting there was completely gone.

My bloodshot eyes darkened even more at the sight of the fallen chair.

I must find that person that was seated in that very chair as well. I must find the person that has infiltrated Hinata's mind and tampered with it.

I growled out once more, my heart aching to see the heartwrenching sight before me. I couldn't believe my little one was forced to endure such a wretched fate where one was strapped down to a bed, poisoned and forced to sleep so then their mind could be invaded by intruders. It was such an evil and diabolical way to end someone and to think these people here call themselves hero's.

It makes me so fucking sick.

It makes me want to destroy this place and everyone inside it even more.

I breathed out a shaky, heavy breath which escaped through my nose and flooded into the air before me.

With a shake of my bloody blonde hair, I finally pushed myself forward to practically stomp my way over to the bed, to get a closer look at the monstrosity before me.

I rounded the messy bed first to get a look at the IV bag that possessed a translucent substance inside it. I was quite curious what such a mysterious substance was. I wanted to know first hand what those bastards were inserting inside Hinata's body.

So, I reached one clawed hand towards it and grasped the half empty packet with my hands, just watching instantly as the bag scrunched up within my palm.

The clear substance inside slithered back and forth as my red eyes gazed at the fine print that was plastered on the front of the IV. Words of the English language were plastered on a white sheet of paper upon the front of the IV bag which stated just what the substance inside the IV bag was.

Nano Melatonin.

My eyes widened.

This is the fucking sleep drug they used on Hinata. It's just as little one had said.

And looking at the size of the bag, there was probably enough of the sleeping drug inside to keep three lions fast asleep for hours and to think all of this was going inside Hinata's small, frail body, only to keep her asleep so the poison could finish her off silently.

My head whipped over to the other IV bag that stood tall upon the IV stand beside the bed, a bag that held a green substance inside, a nasty little substance that managed to bring even me to my very knees.

I growled louder, a roar ripping from my throat to fill up the room I was in. "Dammit all to hell!" I yelled out in pure rage before I launched forward to grab the IV stand before me to throw it down to the ground.

With a loud clatter, the IV stand fell over onto the floor which gave me the ability to pull my boot up in order to slam it directly onto the IV bag, crushing it wide open with a loud and brutal...


Because of my violent action, the Nano Melatonin began to spill from the broken contents of the bag it was forced into to instead slither its way across the marble floor of the room, now sabotaged and unable to be used ever again.

And I rounded the bed to dispose of the poison that hung up on the second floor IV stand by the bed. But I did so in a more fitting way.

Inside of just simply tossing the IV stand down and stomping on the IV bag, I instead pulled my hand forward from where I now stood in front of it to produce a wave of hellfire to consume the bag of poison, so the hot element can instead eat away at the contents and destroy every part of it so such a substance too was dispose of as well.

A smirk of satisfaction crossed my lips as I took sight of the hellfire flames eating away at the IV bag with the green substance inside. Quickly, the bag began to turn black for it was now beginning to burn to a crisp, a few droplets of poison dripping to the floor but I dispose of such droplets by merely adding fire to the floor as well.

And when I felt like all traces of the poison was gone, I simply snapped my fingers and whispered a quick fire repellant spell in order to successfully put out the hellfire. Stomping on it or adding water to such a ruthless fire would do absolutely nothing to contain it. Putting out such a fire would require magic, a fire repellant spell which I knew like the back of my hand.

It was a spell I learned when I was a very young demon, an easy spell which required two words and two words only.

"Vade retro."

Quickly, the fire that consumed the IV stand and traveled across the floor vanished into thin air, only leaving behind the destruction it wrought on the items it touched.

Now, there was absolutely no trace of the poison that those demon hunters used on Hinata in order to kill her as well as make me suffer.

It's all gone now. All gone.

I breathed a sigh of relief because I felt better knowing that I destroyed the two substances that had made Hinata suffer here in this place.

But there was just one more thing.

A major object that is the culprit to why Hinata indeed hates my guts was still present here, my red eyes whipping over to land on the computer contraption which stood not too far away from the IV stand. If I would have allowed the hellfire I summoned beforehand to further consume the floor, the computer contraption would have surely perished in the process.

But no. That is not what I wanted.

Instead, I moved my body over to gripped the small little desk the computer contraption sat on, one that was surrounded by many cords and monitors.

My red eyes looked straight onto the screen to quickly identify what was on it, to further see what those hunters had done. But once I landed my eyes on the screen, I was met with many numbers and letters which stood still before me, symbols that I could not decipher right away. It would take a very trained eye to decipher what the codes mean.

I snarled in irritation upon that before taking my eyes off of the frozen codes on the screen and instead, I looked to the right hand side of the screen only to see the last patient's name written upon it.

Hinata Hyuga.

A gulp slipped my lips once I ventured my gaze down to the next words that were listed underneath her name.

Heart rate: Undetected.

Fear rate: Undetected.

My head tilted in confusion at such a sight.

Fear rate?

The computer contraption was an object I had not ever seen before in my entire life. It was a very high tech piece of intelligence which could clearly enter the mind of an individual and read their memories, their thoughts and pick up their emotions.

As I can remember clearly, I looked into my little one's eyes as she lay sleeping in this very room and I can recall seeing a monstrous side of myself engaging in a conversation with her, a conversation that seemed to instill fear into Hinata. The face of horror, of betrayal and confusion that she expressed while staring into my clone's eyes was one that I cannot just so easily forget.

Hinata was frightened, confused and alone and had no choice but to endure the pain and the torment that was inflicted on her from the monster that resided inside of me. A monster that is merciless and cruel, a monster that loves to see the weak suffer, a monster that actively seeks to bring the worst out of others.

To see Hinata in the state she is in now where she is overcome by fear, anger and hatred only tells me that my clone was successful in his efforts to torment her to the very end, to drive her over the brink of insanity and push her to the point of no return.

Once more thinking of what my clone has probably said to Hinata, has done to her mind, has done to her body wanted to make me burst into tears. Knowing that the monster in me has confronted Hinata head on and showered her with its wrath and hatred only brought me to hate myself.

The monster in me is a burden to bear.

What I am and who I am will always keep me from being truly happy. I will always be a danger to those I love, to those who care for me and want me in their world.

I have hurt Hinata by entering her life, for caring for her, for allowing myself to fall in love with her. The minute she fell in love with me is the minute her fate was sealed.

I have ruined her life.

It took almost everything not to burst into tears due to the deeds I myself have done to the one I love. Everything Hinata said to me was true. I have hurt her more than anyone else has ever had in her entire life.

I am terrified of what that dream has shown her of me, of what that dream has made me out to be.

Oh yes, it brings me the worst fear imaginable just to think about how those demon hunters have programmed my clone to act towards my little one.

I was devastated. But I did not allow one single tear to fall down my cheek.

With all the strength inside of me, I used it to keep myself from falling apart. I instead parted myself from my thoughts to instead spare a hate filled glance at the computer before me, one that had Hinata's full name plastered upon it.

I scowled in rage, gripping the table with all my might in which the computer sat upon.

This contraption needs to be destroyed.

No longer will those demon hunters be able to infiltrate my little one's head to harm her ever again. I will protect her and do right by her by destroying the one thing that was responsible for destroying her mind.

I will do this for you, my love.

And I will do so with my bare hands as well. So with my eyes hardened, I pushed my body to propel myself away from the table so I was instead standing a few steps far from the computer.

My red glowing eyes directed hate filled daggers onto the large electrical contraption before me, my right arm leveling up so I could bawl my fingers to create a tight fist.

I scrunched up my nose, baring my teeth in vexation. "This, is for you, Hinata." I whispered to myself before I finally launched myself forward to swing my hand towards the computer before me in hopes of driving my limb straight through the box shaped computer.

But I was stopped before I could do so.

"Don't, you bastard!"

A woman's cry rang out behind me which stopped me right in my tracks. My fist came to a stop, now lying mere inches from the screen of the computer contraption in front of me, a device that was responsible for hurting my lover.

I let out a growl of irritation before turning my head ever so slowly towards the culprit that interrupted my plans. My head turned around so my red eyes could fall upon the two women that were standing within my presence, both holding weapons that made me blink and nothing more.

Ooh, am I supposed to be scared?

The woman that I presumed spoke first stood further into the room while the other woman merely seemed to accompany her.

The woman before me wore a black hat which covered her head entirely. But around her forehead lay white bandages. With such bandages present around her forehead caused a piece of her long red hair to drape down the middle of her face, to lie right between her eyes to touch her porcelain nose. The rest of her vibrant red hair draped down her shoulders and rested against her back.

For the woman's outfit, she wore a black jumpsuit with the same hunter's coat as all the hunters wore draped upon her being, her hands wrapped around an instrument it would seem which was pressed against her chest.

My eyes narrowed upon the flute that was present within her hands. But that was a topic for another time. Because the woman before me wore a face that I have in fact seen before. It was a brief glance, but I have seen the red haired huntress before me once in my lifetime.

I let out a chuckle once everything clicked, my head lowering immensely so the sound could slip from my throat to pass my lips. I whipped my head back up to look directly into the eyes of the woman I have been looking for all along. "Ahh, now you must be Tayuya. Mmm." I gave my lips a lick before I pulled my hand away from the computer so I could then stand up straight. "You're just the woman I've been looking for." I declared with immense satisfaction, nothing but joy expressed on my bloody face due to the fact that my prey was now before me, all prepared and ready to be maimed.

Tayuya was such a fool to show her face to me because I was in no merciful mood. I will not leave this room until the woman before me is nothing more than blood and bones.

I watched as the woman inched her way inside the room, slowly but surely pulling her legs aside to keep her distance from me but her eyes never wavered. She stared me down as she would a fly on a wall, her hands gripping her silly little flute within her hands. She swallowed nervously. "I knew this moment would come. I knew you would come for me."

"Oh?" I tilted my head sinisterly while keeping my eyes plastered on her shaky form. But I did not keep the other woman out of my sight. I glanced over at the blonde woman ever so often just to see her also inch her way inside the room, to corner me. But I hardly felt cornered. I actually welcomed the women's presence.

I surely was in the mood to dance.

I only stood in the same spot the two women found me in, all the while watching them inch their way into a fighting position.

I clicked my tongue. "Your intuition was right, dear. Due to the part you play in capturing my lover and strapping her to this very bed to deliver her a slow and agonizing death... I hereby announce that you, Tayuya, will die in this very room. You will pay for your sins with your life. I am finally here to make sure you do." I announced, throwing one hand over to point at the bed beside me all the while giving her a crooked smile, one that raised the tension in the room.

There, I announced my intentions and I watched as the red haired woman shook her head, her own eyes narrowing upon me. "You do not frighten me, demon, for I had much time to prepare myself for this moment. Ever since the human girl placed her wretched eyes upon me and revealed to you my face, I have come to grasp my fate and I have decided to take it upon myself to cut you down. I came to you, demon, don't you forget that."

"And that, you insolent fool, will be the biggest mistake you have ever made in your entire life. You cannot possibly expect to take me down all by yourself-"

"She's not by herself, you moronic bastard." The blonde woman spat out with much malice within her words. It was a hatred that rivaled Hinata's own hatred in which she expressed towards me, my head whipping towards the second woman in the room with a deep scowl on my face. I certainly did not like the woman's tone of voice.

The woman stood before me while wearing the same uniform as Tayuya, as all the other demon hunters I've passed. That annoying black and red coat with the indistinguishable clouds taking over the outfit draped on her being, covering everything she has. The woman possessed blond hair, but her blonde hair was much lighter than my own. She currently has her wavy hair placed in an updo hairstyle, a messy bun that was centered in the middle of her head it would seem. Her skin was on the tan side and her eyes were a shade of gray. She was an average looking human, nothing outstanding about her at all.

I raised my head as I feasted my eyes upon the mysterious blonde woman, clenching my fist by my waist. "And who the fuck are you? Another useless hunter that's simply in my way-"

"Oh how very wrong you are. I am no mere hunter. I," The woman put up a crooked smirk, one that revealed just how crazy the woman was truly. "am Sage. I am the demon huntress that is responsible for destroying your precious lover's mind. I am the culprit that single handedly created the dream your human lover has had of you. So everything she endured by your hands was all created to be so by me. So tell me, demon," The blonde huntress let out a dry chuckle, while battling her eyes at me. "am I still just a mere hunter now?"

Just as the blonde woman, Sage, admitted to such atrocities, I could feel my blood begin to boil and my heart speed up to a concerning rate. My breathing began to grow out of control and every ounce of logic that was inside of my head withered away. Now, nothing but darkness flooded my mind and controlled my movements.

I snarled quite viciously, fuming at the smug blonde woman before me who merely expressed amusement as I stood within my spot devastated as well as angry to the core by the actions she has admitted to have done to my little one.

I growled loudly, the noise bursting from my chest to spill out of my lips. "You bitch! I will make you pay. I will rip that smile right off of your face and make you beg for mercy, you wretch. I will tear your dysfunctional brain to pieces and laugh as I do so." I snarled out with nothing but venom laced in every word that I said. I declared war on her, on both women.

I wanted both of their heads due to the major parts that they have played in harming my little one. I will avenge my sweet lover and bring hell upon these women as they did once to Hinata.

I watched as Sage shrugged, pulling up the gun contraption within her hand, a gun that was made entirely of bone but not any ordinary bone.

Bones of a demon.

The bone was darkened to let off a shade of black which was a color quite different from human's white bones. The gun was exceedingly large given that the demon's bones are quite large themselves and are most definitely able to bend anyway they pleased.

The bones also were sharp but the blonde woman seemed to wield the weapon just fine, her hand wrapped around the base of the gun as she would a regular steel one.

It was quite insulting really, to be pointed at by such a monstrosity given it was created by the bones of my very own kind. Sage was practically spitting in my face once more.

It seems the woman was begging me to kill her.

I smirked darkly, dragging my tongue across my sharp teeth, ones that were aching to bite into the flesh of the women before me.

Well then, so be it.

And with that, I narrowed my shoulders and pulled my clawed hands up so I was in a position where it was easy for me to pounce forward, straight towards the two women. But I did not attack just yet. I had to address Sage's absurdity first.

I tilted my head, flashing my red eyes on her. "You think you are brave by standing before me admitting the crimes you have done to the innocent human girl I adore but I say you are quite stupid. Your head is most definitely screwed if you think you are capable enough to defeat me and leave this room untouched. Such idiocy, I could almost laugh."

My response was said in a low tone of voice, one where my voice was very deep due to the intense emotions that were building up within me. I was so ready to pounce and tear the smug women that resided in front of me to pieces.

I watched head on as Sage let out a scoff of amusement, her eyes switching over to exchange glances with her partner Tayuya. "Oh, you are in no position to reprimand me when you are worse than any of us. I'd say fucking a teenage girl for your own pleasure, feeding off of her and basically using her takes the motherfucking cake-"

"Shut the hell up!"

That was the final straw. I could no longer stand idly by and listen as this mere human brought up my past mistakes and spit them right back in my face. I will not allow it. I will not allow myself to be ridiculed by a sinful woman.

Hell no.

So with that, I launched myself towards the two women's direction in hopes of pouncing on Sage directly, to tear my teeth inside of her and main her as quickly as possible.

But such an action truly revealed I quite underestimated the two women because at the sight of my quick moment, the women attacked.

In a quick stride, Tayuya pulled her flute up to her lips and began to blow within it, all whilst using her fingers to cover the holes at the right time in order to play a tune.

But upon her beginning to play the instrument, a sonic wave of intense noise began to attack my keen ears which stopped my body right in its tracks. I collapsed to my knees with a pained scream, my hands instantly flying up to cover my ears so I could not hear such a piercing noise.

But it was no use.

Even with my hands covering my ears, it was not enough to block out the ringing sound of the flute Tayuya played, an instrument in which was made to drive demons into submission.

I cursed out in anger, baring my teeth as I sat crippled upon the floor before the two women who now looked down upon my crotched form as if I was inferior.

Sage rolled her gray eyes, pulling up her gun to point it at me. "Who's the fool now, hm? Underestimating us is one thing but charging at us without knowing what we were capable of was a dumb mov-"

"I will tear your throat out, bitch!"


Upon my words of rage, Sage unleashed a bullet made entirely from the bone of my kind into my chest which sent me flying away at a speed that certainly surprised me. The whiplash I felt from being pierced by such a hard object was enough to take the air out of my lungs.

With a choked gasp, my body soared across the room and landed straight into the wall across from the two women, my back diving straight inside the hard material with a massive thud.

Cracks instantly began to develop across the front of the wall as I lay in the inner depths of it, my body aching from the severe bullet wound that was inflicted upon me.

I chuckled dryly, one hand of mine falling downward to grip my shirt and briefly pull it up so I could use my clawed fingers to tear into my flesh to remove the bullet that was inside of my chest. I pulled the bullet out the same time I climbed myself out of the wall, to stand up straight once more.

Dust and thick debris from the wall behind me crumbled and fell upon the floor but I paid little mind to such fallen objects.

I tilted my head, glaring daggers back at the women as I held the mystical bullet between my forefinger and middle finger, a bullet that caused me dire pain. Such a bullet also caused major damage to my ego.

The bullet Sage shot at me really packed a punch. It hurt like hell.

I clicked my tongue. "Impressive work surprising me, ladies. But don't get too excited. This won't be happening again."

Tayuya scoffed. "Go back to hell, demon."

A dark smirk summoned on my face upon her words and in a fast motion I chucked the bullet within my hand at full speed towards Tayuya's direction before also diving forward to deliver a massive kick to the bed in the room beside me.

Due to my kick and by the massive force I applied behind it, I managed to drive the bed off of the floor and into the air, directly towards the two women before me who also had a soaring bullet to dodge as well.

I watched as shock flashed upon the women's faces before they quickly rushed to take control of the situation again.

Tayuya seemed to easily dodge the bullet I threw at her due to the way she flung herself to the right, pulling her body down to a crotch to allow the bullet to simply rush past her and pierce the wall that resided behind her.

There, on the ground, upon one knee, she pulled her flute up to her lips once more. But I quickly ran forth before she was able to play a single note.

I watched as Sage recovered from the bed that was flung in her direction, one foot of hers rushing forward to kick back at the bed with all of her might to stop it dead in its tracks. She kicked the flying object with a loud battle cry.

Due to her quite bold actions, the bed collapsed just mere inches from her with a massive thud on the ground but as it landed, I initiated my next attack.

With a whisper of a few words in my native tongue, I pulled my hand forth to summon my power, quickly bending my dark magic to my will.

As I ran across the room, I allowed my dark magic to form into several sharp shards, ones identical to the shards that held up the demon huntress I tortured from before.

With the long, spiky shard pieces fully created within my grasp, I swung my hand forth to throw the shards towards the hunters in an immense speed to catch the women off guard.

But all the women did was seek cover by the bed I once threw at them which lay on its side, the blankets draping off it and now spilling out onto the marble floor.

I gritted my teeth upon how quick witted the women were. It was clear that they were not just any ordinary demon hunters so therefore they knew just how to maneuver and survive when things got tough. They were certainly quick on their toes.

But I am much quicker.

Now making my way upon them, I leaped onto the front of the bed, just on the side bar that was available before me only to swing my hand down at the blonde woman that hid from me.

My clawed hand struck at her in full speed and as a response the woman pulled up her gun so her weapon took the hit instead.


My hand met the hard bones of the gun which caused me to retreat momentarily only to soon after pull my hand forward to grab the woman's lifted wrist, my other one moving to do the same to her other wrist.

There, I leaped from the high place I resided upon to push the blonde woman back, driving her body to slam against the wall behind her.

She gasped upon my advancement but quickly brought her knee up in order to kick me off. But I didn't budge.

She gritted her teeth as she moved about within my grasp only to see she could not fight against my brute strength. I was simply too strong.

By the way I held her wrists pinned beside her head, the gun she held within her right hand was also pinned to the wall therefore unable to be used.

I laughed mockingly within Sage's face, absolutely forgetting the red haired woman beside me who quickly pulled her flute up to her lips to play.

The blonde woman groaned and growled as she battled against me, rocking her body side to side. But it was no use.

I chuckled, gripping her frail wrists tight. "You are a complete fool for believing you had a chance against me, bitch."

Upon my words, Sage stopped struggling to look deep within my eyes, putting up a face of hatred. "And you, are a fool for completely forgetting my comrade, demon."

And just after my words, my ears were once again hit with a sonic wave of sound which seemed to rise in volume after every second. That most certainly distracted me greatly.

My grip on Sage's arms loosened so I could cover my ears as a simple reaction but my slip up only allowed the blonde to fight back.

Now free, she pulled her foot forward to deliver a kick at my chest with all of her might which managed to drive my body back slightly.

I groaned but I groaned even louder when she drove the gun she held across my face, giving me a hard whack across the cheek, causing a massive bruise to momentarily show up right afterward.

The strength behind her hate filled strikes was so incredibly strong, I was driven to my knees with a thud. From there, the blonde pulled her weapon down to take a shot at me again. And didn't at all not hesitate to pull the trigger.


The bullet hit my side which once more flung me back as a result, throwing my massive body away from her to instead land into the fallen bed just a few inches away from me.

My back crashed against the bed with a thud, a grunt escaping my mouth as yet another bullet lay embedded into my body.

But this time, I was not granted a chance to remove the bullet because Sage pulled her gun upon me again with intentions of shooting it once more but I reacted quickly.

Grabbing the wooden bar to the bed behind me, I flung myself over it so I was instead huddled on the other side of the bed so the bullet could instead miss and pierce the bed instead of me.


Missed, just like I intended and now, I took the opportunity to fling my body up to a stand and push my fist towards Tayuya where I summoned up a mass amount of blazing hellfire her way in order to stop her silly flute performance.

The red haired woman gasped in response and quickly rolled out of the way in order to dodge the immense fire that soared her way to instead latch itself onto the wall of the hideout behind her.

But now that the red haired woman was no longer playing her flute and of course, no longer hiding, I was then able to quickly go about my plan without any distractions.

With much concentration and speed, I summoned more of my power which sped out of my body like bubbles only to seek refuge to lie within my hands. My dark magic quickly morphed into the two objects I desired, morphing to do what I wanted in mere seconds.

Before the two women's very eyes, I managed to construct my dark magic to morph into a shield and a long whip, two weapons that would fare best against the two women's own weapons.

I let out a fierce growl before whipping my body over so I was able to throw the long whip in my hand over towards Tayuya's huddled body on the floor.

Quickly, she tried to force herself up to dodge my attack but I was much quicker and because of her massive slip up, my dark magic happily sought to loop itself around her ankle, the long black whip gripping her limb tight.

And swiftly, to protect myself from Sage's attack in order to save her comrade, I pulled my newly sculpted shield up to cover my body so the bullet hit it instead of me.


And now I am all in the clear, I took the opportunity to twist my body around to fling Tayuya's frail body towards the very thing I wanted so badly to destroy. And I swung Tayuya's body with a battle cry, my voice rattling the walls and piercings the two human ears around me.

The speed of my throw was cutthroat, merciless and fast which caused the red haired woman to fly across the air and crash into the computer contraption within the room with a massive thud following.

The screams of horror that echoed out of her mouth was masked by the sound of crashing and banging of the computer and the monitors that fell in pieces, crashing upon the floor where Tayuya followed suit.

I let out a crooked grin upon the sight of my handy work but I made sure to avert my gaze back to the blonde woman before me who starred in devastation upon the sight of her own contraption lying in ruins upon the floor.

"No! No, no, no! What have you done?" She screeched in horror, her voice reaching levels that affected my ears. I tried very hard not to wince and instead I focused on making a comeback.

I let out a laugh of amusement, my head tilting back so my voice could echo loudly across the walls. "Oh I did what had to be done. I finally avenged my lov-gah." But before I could even finish my words, the crazed woman lifted up her gun and pulled the trigger so yet another bullet could fly towards me again.

But she held the gun at an angle so the bullet was able to fly across the air and drive itself straight into my throat which instantly stopped my words dead in their tracks.

Instantly blood as dark as oil began to spill from my lips and from my wound which I quickly sought to hold. My whip vanished into thin air, reverting back to mere bubbles of my dark magic which later swam towards my skin to deep itself back to my body, so my magic was no longer visible. My magic vanished so I was able to cater to my injured neck.

I groaned and grunted in discomfort as I was brought to my knees, more and more blood of my kind rushing out of my mouth and down onto the floor which sullied it tremendously.

The blonde woman sneered at me, finally working forth to cock her gun, using the time I was injured to do so.

She cursed in vexation, slowly moving her body away from the bed to instead stand in front of it so she was in a clearer position to shoot me again. "You have no idea what you have done. That device you have broken was one that could change the world itself and you, like everything else you touch, destroyed it. I will make you pay for what you have done. It is you that will suffer here. You will bleed over and over again here. You will fall here again and again until it is you that begs for mercy, that begs for all of it to end. It is you-!"

Taking a page out of her own book, I quickly dispersed my magic that made up my shield so the bubbles could instead turn into sharp shards and with a speed that was faster than quick, I commanded all the shards to fly directly at the woman who stood in front of the flipped bed now, no longer available to simply duck down behind it.

Because she was in the process of talking, she had little to no time to dodge the shards that were coming directly at her.

And a dark smirk pulled at my lips once I saw every one of the shards I threw pierce her flesh, stopping her words in their tracks as well.

A loud gasp escaped her mouth as many of the sharp shards seeped into her flesh, into her torso, arms, legs and shoulders. Dark red blood dripped from her lips and fell upon the floor where she soon fell too.

But I did not give her the luxury to experience a peaceful death, where she was able to simply give in to the darkness that was calling for her.


While Tayuya laid knocked out cold within the rubble of Sage's ruined tech device, I took this moment to get my revenge on the now badly wounded woman before me, a sinful individual that has harmed my little one gravely, that has promised to make me suffer, that talked a big game and shot me more times that I can damn count with a gun that was made out of the bone of my own kind.

Oh yes. She will pay dearly.

My red eyes hardened tremendously before I pulled my clawed fingers into my neck to pass through my skin and dig for the bullet that was inside it.

Low ripping of flesh was heard from my action which granted me major discomfort but I ignored such feelings and only sought to remove the demon bone that was lodged inside of my throat.

But my eyes never left the trembling blonde woman on the ground who stared straight back at me, all the while giving me a look of pure hatred.

I gritted my teeth once I ripped the bullet from my throat only to throw it across the room with a low clatter following. But I was not finished.

Then, I also sought to remove the other bullet that was lodged into my right side which Sage previously shot at me as well. But I pulled my shirt slightly upward before I did so.

Much more ripping of flesh was heard as I seeped my fingers into my visible skin to seek for the bullet that lay deep inside of my body.

But it took only seconds before I sensed the position of where the bullet was inside me and there, I launched my fingers onto the hardened object. I gripped it tight with my bloody clawed fingers and with a grunt, I shoved it directly out of my body.

"Fuck!" I yelped in pain as I once more flung the bullet away from me so it could clatter some place unknown within the room. The bullet was now not a problem of mine as well as the injuries that I caused myself due to the fact that my skin quickly healed itself in seconds. No, now I decided to place my attention on what was my problem.

My feral red eyes glared daggers at the trembling woman on the floor before me, an individual that was just mere inches away from me who was now on the brink of death.

Blood oozed out of the many cuts my dark magic now lied pierced inside of her body, her uniform as well as her own coat now sullied due to the very substance that helped her live.

Sage coughed blood, watching me as I regained my composure, as I stood upon my feet again. She whimpered. "Y-You have n-not won a thing, you f-fucker. Y-Yahiko w-will finish you-"

"Ah, ah, ahh. What happened to you making me suffer, hm? Such empty words you speak. It only shows how weak and broken you truly are. A feeble human that wishes so great to be extraordinary but once more you are shown that you are anything but." I let out a dry laugh as I took slow steps towards the blonde woman on the floor whose eyes widened a bit due to my words. But she covered it by coughing, turning her head so her eyes could peer up at the ceiling above her.

She snickered weakly. "Your words m-m-mean nothing t-to me. I-I h-have al-already caused y-you great suffering o-or did you forget? Your lover h-hates you due to m-my very own invention. She h-hates you b-because of my a-actions of revealing her the r-real monster that y-you h-hide from her. You br-brainwash her due to the fact you are sc-scared of her knowing h-how truly vile and d-disgusting you really are. I-I wonder, if she saw this, the bl-bloodshed you cause, would she h-hate you even more? Oh no, wait." The madman woman giggled softly to herself, giggling due to amusement she felt but a long gasp of pain interrupted her giggle.

She groaned before continuing her speech, working her head over to peer directly into my eyes. "I-I have al-already shown your pr-precious lover what you have probably thought about doing so many times before. To keep Hinata to yourself, I-I have shown her that y-you would not think tw-twice about slaughtering her friends in cold blood. She kn-knows now, demon, what you have th-thought about doing from the st-start."

"Shut the fuck up! You know nothing about me!

"Oh I know pl-plenty, you b-bastard and now, your st-stupid human lover does to."

Upon her words, I increased the speed of my steps so I was before the fallen woman in no time. There, I bent down towards her, so I was now hovering over her trembling form, my glowing red eyes glaring a hole in her face.

I growled down at her, baring my sharp teeth in anger. It is time now that I silence this annoying bitch below me. I was tired of her trying so hard to control me, to tame me with her words. I was tired of her bringing up Hinata to sway me, to weaken me.

No fucking longer.

I pulled my clawed hand forward and snarled down at her. "You want to die, mortal, then so be it."

The blonde woman shrugged her shoulders, smirking smugly up at me. "K-Kill me all you want but it will n-not save you from your own s-suffering-"

And that was the women's final words for I was quick to make her suffer.

With a menacing scowl on my face, I shoved two clawed fingers inside of her gaping mouth before she could even think. Instantly, my sickish actions caused the confused woman to gag and squirm.

Her eyes stared back up at me in nothing but horror as I shoved my fingers all the way to the back of her throat, just where her jaw ended causing more pained gags to slip from the crevices of Sage's filled mouth. There, I stared into her eyes as I shoved my fingers in a downward motion with all of my might.

Due to my immense strength, her jaw stood no chance against it and began tearing wide apart, growing unlocked from her own face which caused many shrieks to flood out of her mouth but they were all muffled. Thanks to the fingers that were lodged down her throat, of course.

Her legs kicked and kicked but not once did such limbs land a hit on me. Her hands desperately tried to push me off but it was no use. Her arms were too badly wounded anyway.

Sage was suffering, just like I had wanted her too so badly.

The blonde woman steadily squirmed and struggled in fright and of course in agony but her body fell limp once I snapped my fingers all the way down to finally dislodge her jaw, completely disconnecting it from her face with a loud snap.

Her tongue fell loosely out of the massive hole within her face, her once pearly white teeth now stained with her own blood. I watched with nothing but glee as her gray eyes rolled to the back of her head due to the extreme injury that was inflicted on her.

Her body instantly fell limp once I took her jaw from her, her body no longer struggling or squirming, or anything. Her heartbeat settled and grew quiet, therefore officially announcing that the mad woman was indeed dead.

Dead due to several different reasons: Extreme fear. Blood loss. Body trauma. Penetrating trauma. My dark magic. Organ failure. And of course due to her jaw brutally dislocating.

Lying there as she was in her final moments, she no longer stood a chance against me. She was nothing, and now I feel content that I have revealed that to her.

I sent a glare down at the mutilated woman before pulling myself off of the woman's lifeless body to take a stand once more.

I tilted my head upon the blank look that was now upon the once smug woman's face, a breath of satisfaction escaping my mouth. "Ahh, look who has fallen now." I spat down at her lifeless being before finally taking my attention off of Sage to instead place it back on Tayuya, my intended prey.

My red eyes fell upon her stiff form which lay within broken wood, broken debris and material, her body completely covered so it was hard to fully decipher if the woman was actually conscious.

From where I stood, I could clearly hear her heart beating and it was indeed going at a rapid pace which only led me to believe the red haired woman was indeed alive and conscious.

I growled lowly.

Trying to fool me, eh?

I scoffed at that.

Such idiocy.

I was so tired of dealing with incompetent nobody's that actually think they have a chance of defeating me. To be threatened by mere humans in fancy coats with play toys as weapons was immensely beginning to drive me mad.

I was seriously tired of being underestimated.

I growled a deep growl of irritation before moving my neck over to crack it, letting out a loud pop in the process.

There, over top of Sage's dead body, I finally dropped her severed jaw so that particular piece of her landed on her chest only to fall upon the floor by her hand with a nasty...


But I paid such a detail no mind. My red eyes were now zeroed in on the fallen red haired huntress from afar who masked as if she was unconscious, my body wobbling about as I carried my highly exhulatered body away from the fallen Sage to instead cross paths to venture over to Tayuya.

A sadistic smirk spread across my face as I rubbed my bloody fingers together, my feet falling quite loudly upon the floor, my body passing the fallen bed to inch my way directly in front of the fallen debris in the room. Without the bed no longer occupying the space it did, the room now looked quite empty but very spacious.

Not that I cared about such a thing anyway.

I let out a growl of annoyance as I looked down upon the red haired woman who lay on her stomach amongst the fallen debris on the left hand side of the room, her face completely hidden from my view.

I rolled my eyes, moving one foot of mine forward to nudge at her own foot, doing so in an aggressive manner which caused her body to rock back and forth wildly.

"Get the fuck up, mortal. There's no hiding from your fate." I spat out with narrowed eyes.

My advancements upon trying to wake Tayuya up was rendered useless due to the fact the red haired woman simply continued to follow her foolish little plan of acting unconscious.

It was a shit show that was slowly eating away my patients. The more I kicked at her foot, the more I wanted to tear my hand through her body and take out the very heart that I could clearly hear beating rapidly at the moment.

I drove my bloody boot against her leg once more, watching closely as she simply rocked back and forth silently. "Hey, get up!" I yelled out in a blood rage. I wanted to fight Tayuya head on. I wanted to get the better of her and see for myself the defeat, the horror that crossed her eyes as she realized that she indeed lost against my might. I did not want to kill her this way. The revenge wouldn't be as fun.

But the woman simply lied still within mountains of debris, her body steadily tittering and tottering but that all stopped once I decided to put an end to the action of kicking her leg.

Now, I was officially done giving into the woman's dullard plan and instead I sought to simply finish the job. Clearly, the young woman doesn't want to fight anymore.

I should simply end things here.

So with that in mind, I no longer sought to kick her foot and wake her but instead I inched my body closer so I was instead hovering directly over her, just over her back which my red eyes zeroed in on.

I scoffed, pulling my right clawed hand upward in order to strike, to force the limb through her chest to seek for her heart, to grant her a quick death. I growled before I did so. "I will not entertain this idiocy any longer, mortal. It is now time to die." I roared before I worked my hand down with full speed towards the woman's defenceless body in hopes of ending her.

But all my efforts were put to an end when the red haired woman suddenly whipped her body around at high speeds, finally moving out of her position to reveal her flute once more.

Before my eyes, I watched as the red haired woman pulled the instrument up to her lips to play the flute once more. But this time, the tune she played was different than the one from before. The sound waves from the instrument hit me dead on the same as a gust of air would, causing me to retreat and fall back.

Instantly as my keen ears were exposed to such an odd tune so close, my vision began to blur and suddenly I lost all feeling of my limbs.

No longer could I rely on my senses for they all slowly began to grow less useful due to what the red haired huntress had done.

I groaned a groan of defeat before collapsing on my knees, my hands working up to rub my eyes to hopefully rub away the blurriness that was in them, so I could see again. But nothing worked.

I hyperventilated in a fright as darkness seemed to slowly take over my vision but I couldn't allow myself to succumb to it. I fought against the spell that was overcoming me with all of my might but it was so hard.

"Ah fuck! What did you do, bitch? What did you do?" I screeched in a panic.

I listened faintly as the red haired woman let out a satisfied giggle, before emerging from her lying position on the floor. She pulled her body up to a stand so she was able to take position right in front of my trembling body.

She watched as my red eyes grew dull and void, lacking any emotion inside. She watched closely as my body slowly began to grow stiff, completely frozen on my knees.

She huffed. "You cannot fight my spell for long, demon. It is simply too strong for you to resist. So instead give in and sleep. Sleep and fall trapped in your own world of desires. You have finally lost now."

Tayuya's words were only faintly picked up by me for I was falling under a spell that I could not break free from, no matter how hard I tried.

And before I knew it, the darkness I tried so hard to fight back against swallowed me whole and threw me into a world of imprisonment, a world where my mind was trapped and my body lay defenceless.

But one word slipped my lips before I went under completely, my voice calling out the one person I loved so very dearly.



Yikes, now this chapter was very intense. So gory and violent.

How did you feel?

Naruto is actively seeking to take revenge on the hunters that once caused pain to Hinata and treated her like dirt. He's killed off a few but in the end was bested by Tayuya.

What do you think she meant by sleep and fall in a world of your own desires? What do you think she did to Naruto?

Well, you'll find out next chapter!

Hoped you enjoyed (sorta/kinda) Haha. This chapter was pretty dark, I know. But don't forget to leave your thoughts.

Comment and vote! Thank you! 💖


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