Chapter 63: Retribution

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ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ: ᴍᴀᴛᴜʀᴇ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ • ᴇxᴛʀᴇᴍᴇ sᴍᴜᴛ • ғʀᴇᴀᴋʏ • sᴛᴇᴀᴍʏ • ᴅɪʀᴛʏ ʟᴀɴɢᴜᴀɢᴇ • ɴᴀᴜɢʜᴛʏ ᴛʜᴇᴍᴇs • sᴜᴘᴇʀɴᴀᴛᴜʀᴀʟ ᴇʟᴇᴍᴇɴᴛs/ᴍᴀɢɪᴄ • ᴄʜɪʟʟɪɴɢ • sᴜsᴘᴇɴsᴇғᴜʟ • ᴛʀɪɢɢᴇʀɪɴɢ • ʟᴏɴɢ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ • 𝟷𝟾+


Sorry for the wait. College's kept me busy. But here ya go. Hope you enjoy!


Yahiko's P.O.V

Beep. Beep. Beep.

In the midst of the chaos that has befallen my very own hideout, my ears could pick up a faint buzzing sound, which held a vibration along with its constant noise.

The vibration was mild but highly annoying for I found it to be coming from the side pocket of my hunter's cloak, my narrowed eyes snapping down towards my right hip.

The noise was repeated, never-ending it would seem, which finally caused me to stop dead in my tracks, stopping my journey through my very own fortress. I placed my task to find the demon Naruto to a halt.

But only for a second.

Sasori, who accompanied me on my journey, instantly noticed the change in my pace and was quick to follow in my footsteps, his quick, hasteful walk onward down the trembling hallways of the enormous hunter's fortress also came to a halt.

His eyes shot wide in nothing but confusion and shock to see me randomly take a pause in my hurry to Naruto's location to instead dig into my cloak's pocket.

The red-haired male scoffed. "Boss, what are you doing? Why are we stopping-"

"Give me a minute, would ya, Sasori?" I asked with a stern tone, one that lacked any effort to calm Sasori's panicked state.

He whimpered in impatience, his eyes cutting down the hall over and over as if someone was going to walk down it any minute. His hands clenched and unclenched due to his troubled nerves and he often shifted his weight side to side on each of his hips. He was ansty.

Too ansty.

I rolled my brown eyes at the sight of Sasori's pesky endeavors which I could clearly pick up in my peripheral vision. I was not amused by the fact that Sasori no longer trusted me.

Yes, I made a mistake. I tried to sacrifice a human, a defenseless teenage girl in order to drive Naruto out of our existence but I was now currently taking up Sasori's rather precarious plan to seal Naruto away and spare the girl.

Now as he is fiddling like a mere maggot beside me only shows me that he was highly concerned by the pause in my actions and clearly thinks I did so in order to stall, so my hunters could possibly have time to kill the human girl.

I knew he thought so by his glare.

I felt his heated look of abhorrence as he turned his head and used those grey-brownish eyes of his to drill a hole in my head.

I know Sasori. I know how his mind works. So I know those thoughts were the exact ones that were currently running through his head.

But I paid such a component no mind and I instead grabbed the very object which was the culprit to the beeping sound I heard earlier. With it in my grasp, I pulled it out of my cloak's pocket.

There, in my hand was an old-fashioned walkie-talkie, an item we demon hunters often use to communicate with one another quickly, to relay information through one another even if we are far away from the hideout.

So now, I held the vibrating walkie-talkie in one hand, my hand forming a claw so the old communicational box could lie within my palm.

Sasori's glare quickly dropped at the sight of the beeping walkie-talkie in my grasp, his eyes watching intently as I ran my eyes over the transparent glass that was presented on it, one that gave me a number.

A number which belonged to another walkie-talkie, located here in this building.

Number 8 was rooted on the walkie-talkie and upon seeing such a number, blinking rapidly. The number was constantly responding to the vibration of the walkie-talkie due to its constant disappearance and reappearance feature. In seconds, the number would reveal itself but then disappear only to show itself seconds later, doing so in blinking motions. 

But upon seeing such a number, I immediately knew what hunter possessed such a walkie-talkie numbered that particular number.


In a quick stride, due to curiosity as well as concern, I pressed the accept response button on my walkie-talkie and I also pulled my free hand forward to pull the silver antenna all the way up, as high as it could go.

Sasori watched me the entire time, with nothing but confusion covering his facial features. "Boss, who is it? What's going on?"

"It's Tayuya." I quickly responded without taking my eyes off of the walkie-talkie in my possession, my head nodding upon my words. "She's trying to contact me which means she has a message."

"I do, Boss."

Now that I had previously pressed the button to allow Tayuya to fully connect herself over to my side, she was now able to hear exactly what was said on my end.

And Sasori and I were able to hear what went on at Tayuya's end as well.

A satisfied smirk slid across my tan face upon my dear huntress words, my hand gripping the walkie-talkie tighter.

"Well, go on. Speak. Tell me what it is you've wanted to share, Tayuya. Naruto's roaming these halls so it is not wise to have this chat-"

"Oh, Boss, I don't believe we will have to worry about Naruto anymore. Because I managed to put him down."

The confidence that Tayuya felt at the moment was evident as her voice passed through the communicational box in my hand and into me and Sasori's ears, leaving the both of us stunned.

My eyes widened tremendously and my hand began to tremble in an emotion I couldn't recognize at the moment.

I was frozen, shocked to the point my brain could no longer process anything other than one thought and one thought only.

Tayuya managed to do what?

I couldn't believe what I just heard.

For a moment, I could not process a single word to say. I could not for the life of me respond back to Tayuya. For the first time in my life, I was speechless, shocked beyond belief.

Sasori's eyes were left widened, rooted directly on the walkie-talkie in my hands which had a connection over to Tayuya's very own walkie-talkie.

He crept forward, to grow closer to my frozen being in order to jump into the conversation, in order to speak to Tayuya more on the matter since I was now rendered unresponsive.

Sasori gritted his teeth, "How, Tayuya? Tell us how?"

A scoff was heard from the red haired woman on the other end of the walkie-talkie just at the mere sound of Sasori's voice.

"I will not tell you a thing, traitor-"

Upon her words of abhorrence and due to her action of withholding such valuable information, I was awakened to respond quickly, "Tayuya, do as Sasori has asked and explain to us just how exactly you managed to take Naruto down."

"B-But boss-?"

"Just do it!" I roared out due to impatience. I was not in the mood to indulge in the foolish game Tayuya was playing. I only wanted to know how a powerful demon such as Naruto was taken down. I want to know Tayuya's strategy, the technique she used, and the spells she most likely used in order to restrain Naruto.

I want to know everything.

A reluctant gruff was heard from the other side of the walkie-talkie before finally, Tayuya explained every bit of her plan to us, informing us exactly how events had undergone to render Naruto restrained.

"Well, it wasn't easy fighting Naruto, as you may know, Boss. My plan was arranged not by myself but with Sage's help as well. We both fought Naruto together."

A melancholy sigh escaped Tayuya's mouth in the middle of her words, a sound that increased the curiosity I felt even more.

"S-Sage and I managed to corner him in the same room where the human girl was stationed. Room 507 on floor five to give you the exact location of this room. From there, we gave Naruto all we had. We bombarded him with our skills and abilities and didn't stop for a moment as we did so. B-But, Naruto was both quick and witty. He saw through almost all of our attacks and managed to wiggle himself around them. He drove us back and took the lead on the fight which led to Sage's demise."

After such words, there was a pause in Tayuya's response, my eyes glancing over at Sasori who was now hiding his eyes behind his spiky red hair, a gesture that piqued my interest.

I raised an eyebrow. Now what are you thinking about now, Sasori?

After hearing that Sage was indeed bested, I did truly feel saddened by it. Truly. But a little part of me knew deep down that it would happen, especially to hear she's found herself engaged in a hand-to-hand combat battle with Naruto Uzumaki himself.

I shook my head in disbelief, my orange hair following. So many casualties. So much blood spilled. All at the hands of Naruto.

I let out a sigh before separating myself from my thoughts, only to give my attention back to Tayuya. I lowered my eyes back down to the walkie-talkie in my hands which no longer relayed Tayuya's voice. It was now so quiet.

"Well?" I asked with a raised eyebrow, my voice quite stern which managed to snap Tayuya out of the trance she's fallen under.

"I-I'm sorry for hesitating, Boss. I-It's just.."

I shook my head once more, "Everything is alright, Tayuya. You are brave, braver than any of us to face the all-powerful Naruto and be able to stick to the knowledge I have instilled in you, to be able to stick to your training and think quickly on your toes to ensure victory as well as your own safety. I can imagine what a dilemma it was facing against such a strong demon and managed to stay standing. So for that, I am proud of you."

Sasori's head slowly turned back towards my direction so his eyes could land back on the walkie-talkie again, his ears taking in every bit of the conversation I had with Tayuya. But I paid him no mind.

Tayuya let out a gracious huff before speaking again.

"Oh thank you, Boss. Your words mean so much to me. I-I really hate to say this but I'm not doing too well after Sage was killed. She was a casualty that could have been spared but without her death, I wouldn't be able to go through with our plan."

"And what was this plan of yours, hmm? Care to share?" I barged in, exposing the deep infatuation I had when it came to knowing the mastery of Tayuya's plan. I was itching to know the strategy that Tayuya used to put down Naruto. I needed to know such valuable information.

I yearned to know it.

And to my delight, I was indeed granted with the answers I desperately sought. Tayuya went ahead and explained everything. 

"The plan Sage and I came up with was one that relied solely on getting Naruto into a position where his guard was dropped. We planned for me to use the spell of enslavement in order to capture Naruto's mind and render his body defenseless in those moments. After Sage was killed, I baited Naruto in order for him to lower his guard, and only then, I used my flute, playing the correct tune to activate the enslaved spell on him. So now, Naruto's here unconscious, right before me. He's vulnerable and weak, trapped in a world his own mind has created. So, therefore, he is unable to make his way back to reality. He's now unable to defend himself. So, I figured this would fall in your favor. I know you have a plan, Boss."

A triumphant laugh slipped out of my lips at the sound of Tayuya's well-thought-out plan, a plan that was both clever and callous, two characteristics that work well in slaying demons.

Tayuya's plan was genius, a well-thought-out one that has granted Sasori and I the ability to seal Naruto away without any hassle. We were able to do so discreetly as he lies unconscious, trapped in the pathetic world his mind has conjured up.

Naruto won't even see us coming.

Sasori's eyes were now widened, his body trembling in an emotion I couldn't quite identify. But neither did I care.

I turned my attention back to the walkie-talkie in my hand and I put up a wide grin, one of astonishment. "Oh, that's just wonderful, my dear. You have certainly outdone yourself. Sasori and I will be there in no time. As you have said, I do happen to have a plan and this one will be the key in order to make all of us happy."

I glanced over at Sasori and gave him a nod who surprisingly nodded back at me, agreeing with my words. That was a grand sight to withhold.

It made my smirk grow.

Tayuya cheered on the other end of the walkie-talkie, her voice filled with joy due to my words.

"Oh well isn't that just splendid! I'm glad to hear that I play a part in taking Naruto down, my dear boss."

"Oh yes, you are. You play an important part in Naruto's defeat and therefore, have every right to rejoice. But I advise you to wait a bit before celebrating. We're on our way to assist you but in the meantime, keep a close watch on Naruto and be safe. I also implore you to come up with a backup plan if the one you have planned does not work. You don't want Naruto to outwit you."

Tayuya blew a raspberry in response to my words, a gesture that made my eyebrows knit together.

"Oh no, boss. In all of my years fighting demons, no demon has ever been able to escape my spell. Strong or weak, no demon was able to escape the false realities of its own mind and manage to crawl its way back to the land of living. I assure you my plan is practically bulletproof."

I clicked my tongue due to Tayuya's excessive confidence which was quickly turning to arrogance. It was quite clear she was relying too much on her spell which only tells me that Sasori and I need not dawdle any longer and instead make our way to Tayuya's location quickly before Naruto manages to see through her spell.

Tayuya has clearly forgotten we are not dealing with any ordinary demon. The demon that she has currently trapped in a spell is superior to any other demon she has ever faced in her entire life.

Naruto is a demon of high rank who has lived on our earth for a very long time. He is a demon that has accumulated much information that we humans know, that we demon hunters know. He has slumbered here for centuries and during that time he has acquired much strength and knowledge from many different spells.

Naruto has even managed to find himself a lifeline, a.k.a, a compatible soul to remain attached to and feast from in order to grow exponentially stronger.

So underestimating Naruto is not wise. Not wise at all.

I sighed before pulling up the walkie-talkie in my hands. I cleared my throat before I spoke. "Don't you underestimate the prince of hell, Tayuya. You keep an eye on him and come up with a backup plan, you understand?"

I decided to take a more direct approach this time. I gave Tayuya an order that she cannot dismiss. My voice was stern, leaving little room for any disagreements.

A sigh escaped Tayuya's mouth before she responded in a response that made me quite satisfied.

"I understand, Boss."

"Good. You're dismissed."

"Yes, Boss."

And with that, the walkie-talkie in my hand fell silent, and therefore, I pushed the silver antenna down which lay at the very top of it. Afterward, I sought to place the walkie-talkie into my coat's pocket, away from view.

From there, I turned my attention to Sasori who gave me a look of uneasiness. His red eyebrows were knitted together and I could clearly see a gulp rush down his throat, his Adam's apple bobbing in response.

"Do you really think Tayuya's spell will be able to keep Naruto detained, Boss?" He asked with uncertainty in his voice, a question that even I didn't quite know  the answer to.

That's one of life's mysteries, isn't it?

I was not sure whatever dream Naruto's mind has created was enough to fool him completely in order to keep him restrained. It could only take one erroneous detail or an eerie feeling to have Naruto come to grasp that the reality he is in is not real and therefore seek a way out of it.

Trying to convince myself that Tayuya's plan is bulletproof would be foolish of me. Therefore, it is time to take action while we still can. 

So, I let off a shrug before picking up my feet to begin working my way forward again, to make it to room 507 before tragedy strikes.

I nodded Sasori onward, looking over my shoulder as I did so, "Let's make haste, Sasori. We can only hope that Tayuya's spell will keep Naruto at bay until we arrive."

Sasori nodded at my words before he too, picked his feet up to trot onward, following me in my quick stride down hall four to make our way back to floor five. We did so quickly and because of that, the trembling walls of the fortress were filled with the slapping and scraping of boots, a daunting noise that meant one thing and one thing only.

We're coming for you, Naruto…


Naruto's P.O.V

"Ahh! Ooh kami, I'm cumming!"

An animalistic growl erupted through my lips as I shot my demon sperm straight into my lover, doing so at the very same time Hinata orgasmed. My cock was fully submerged into her intense heat down below, swallowed up by her pussy walls which were at the moment releasing fluids all over my bedroom floor.

Now standing before my bed, Hinata's body was now within my grasp. Her legs were wrapped around my toned waist giving me the opportunity to hold her waist tightly to my own, my clawed fingers gripping her bare asscheeks tightly.

Her arms were wrapped around my neck, holding onto my tall frame for dear life.

The tremor she experienced was certainly a sight to behold. She was so overstimulated from all the fun we had, the nerves in her body were going haywire and in response, Hinata spasmed and whimpered.

I let out a groan of bliss against her ear before rushing my lips forward to plant them softly against her cheek. There, I gave my lover a delicate kiss, "Mmm, how was that, my love?" I whispered breathlessly for I too was a bit out of breath. Ultimately, I was giving Hinata my all.

I fucking missed her love and I've definitely missed her attention.

So spending the lovely night like this, lying close to Hinata's glorious body heat, experiencing her touch, her attention, her love, her delightful pussy walls which hugged my member for dear life, all of it was a dream come true. It was all I've ever wanted and more.

To have Hinata want me, yearn for me, love me unconditionally.

That's all I want.

Hinata breathed heavily before me, her head turning towards my direction to face me directly. There, I saw firsthand, even after all the naughty fun we had together, that Hinata looked just the same as she once did before.

Her face glowed exquisitely, just the same as it did when we first started our fun. Her hair was matted and quite unruly, yes, but her eyes were not hooded at all. They actually seemed focused solely on me, remained locked on my own eyes as if she was simply engaged in a more calming activity beforehand and not one where she was fucked quite roughly for a considerable amount of time. There was not a hint of exhaustion that could be picked up from her eyes.

She looked normal and attentive which did not match how she should look after our past actions.

My eyebrows furrowed at the sight of that odd detail but her next words were ones that knocked me out of my thoughts.

A smile, a beautiful smile spread across my lover's lips which pulled me back in further, a smile of my own spreading across my own face.

Hinata let out a seductive moan before she pulled her hands away from the nape of my neck to instead run her fingers up through my spiky blonde hair, first starting to run them up the back of my scalp to then work her way upward, further into my bushy hair,  "Oh, my love, that was absolutely wonderful."

"Oh?" I whispered out with an ear-to-ear grin on my tan face, all whilst moving my body forward to grow closer to my messy bed once more.

My bare feet brushed across the soft carpet on the floor along the way. The cozy fabric sought to tickle the soles of my feet, the sides of both, and also in between and underneath my toes. Feeling such a tingling sensation caused me to shudder in response.

All was quiet in my bedroom as I shared this special moment with my lover, a moment in which all intimacy was put on pause. But even still, the longing in Hinata's eyes was present even now. Such a look was the same one she expressed at the start of our naughty night together. It was a look one puts up when they desperately have unsatisfied needs that they want to have fulfilled.

This only means, Hinata was still horny, even after the many rounds we indulged ourselves in. She was still hungry for more of my cock. She was still yearning to be pleasured more by my hands which is a sight that stirred me up more.

The excitement in my own being was steadily growing and growing the more I picked up such a longing emotion from Hinata, an emotion that was calling upon me to take away from her. Such an emotion was trying its best to reach out and convince me to satisfy her to the fullest so no longer did she have to suffer from any form of longing ever again.

My feral red eyes watched her, staring deeply into Hinata's eyes to soak in such a look of yearning and desire. I stared her down all the while as I walked forward with her in my arms, her legs wrapped around my body.

The midnight blue haired woman bit her lip up at me, just allowing me to carry her and also place her down on my bed.

With a soft shuffle of the sheets, her body was placed on the edge of my bed with no problem and I watched her open her legs to reveal herself soon after.

A groan slipped my lips as we both watched as a liquid with the color of red, drizzled with black speckles slipped from the damp opening of Hinata's pussy, her lavender eyes plastered on her lower area to get a firsthand look at my mystical sperm leak out of her.

She hummed before placing both of her hands behind her, smashing them into the bed in order to hold her body up. "Mmm, y-your sp-sperm feels s-super h-hot inside of me, N-Naruto. I-It feels so, so good."

My eyes darkened in lust upon hearing her adorable little voice speak such naughty words about the feeling of my demon sperm inside her body, a special part of me that I was only willing to share with Hinata and Hinata alone.

Saying such words as she did only made her sound so fucking hot, I couldn't help but to move my hand down to give my large, fully erected cock several strokes with my clawed hand, to grant my sex-craven body more pleasure.

Hinata sat and watched me jerk off in front of her, humming in glee at the lewd sight of me masturbating.

I tilted my blonde head down at her, all the while running one clawed hand up and down my thick cock, "I'm deeply glad Hinata that you-mmm-have enjoyed yourself but usually we end things here. I know your limit and the last-mgrhh-thing I want is to push you over it. I know it'll just be uncomfortable for you-"

"M-My limit?" Hinata questioned in confusion, her soft voice interrupting my words of care.

My blonde eyebrows furrowed down at Hinata due to her question because it was one that made me very confused.

But Hinata was quick to fill me in, to take away my confusion. I watched closely as the young midnight blue-haired woman let out a sigh, a pout surfacing upon her face. Her bottom lip drooped downward slightly, her eyebrows furrowing. Her eyes suddenly acquired a twinkle in them which made me coo involuntarily. She looked so damn adorable by putting up such a look. I could feel my hand speed up the stroking of my member at such a sight.

"N-Naruto, I-I know we usually don't continue a-after y-you u-um…" Hinata's cheeks burned red as she stumbled closer to a naughty word in her explanation but I knew exactly what she meant.

Usually, our intimate moments would come to an end once I ejaculate due to the fact I always seem to lose Hinata during those times. My sperm is far too much for Hinata's human body to handle so once I introduce it to her it often strips her of most of her energy. Her senses are overwhelmed. Her body grows weak and sluggish and soon after she falls asleep.

So once I ejaculate the very first time during sex, fun time is over. Sadly.

I let out a laugh at Hinata's adorable performance before moving my body forward, removing my hand away from my cock to instead grow closer to Hinata. My strong legs worked closer to the midnight blue haired woman so I was instead directly in front of her.

Her head was now pulled all the back as she just gazed up at my hella tall form which hovered over her small frame which currently sat on the edge of my bed.

I smiled down at Hinata before bending my knees, moving my body down into a crouch position so I was instead face to face with Hinata.

Lavender clashed with animalistic red, our eyes now rooted on the other ones which instilled many emotions inside of my body.

Staring into the eyes of my lover gave me a feeling of euphoria. It felt freeing to just stare into the eyes of the woman I love without being judged, without being feared or hated, without feeling like a total monster.

She looked back at me as if she knew me my entire life. She looked at me with kind and gentle eyes. She looked at me innocently.

She looked at me for who I am, not for what I am or what I've done. Her gaze was welcoming, loving, and relishing, I didn't want to leave her gaze or her side.

Hinata's pout however remained which was a gesture which I understood just after her words.

She sighed, pulling her hands up to cup my cheeks, "Naruto, I know this is naughty of me to ask and I know it's a bit different than what we usually do but I really want to do it again."

"What?" I snickered out amusingly. "Is sex what you want? Is that what you want more of, my love?"

I watched amusingly as Hinata's cheeks grew even redder, her hands falling from my face so one of them could give my bare chest a playful nudge. My heavy build remained rooted in place, not once swaying from her actions.

"Yes! You know what I-I mean, Naruto! I didn't want to say it!"

"Argh, I know. I know. It's cute how you make begging for my cock look innocent. You truly have a gift."

Hinata gasped in shock at my words before throwing her hand forward to shove me back once more which only made me laugh, "Naruto, don't tease!!"

"Oh? So you want me to touch you instead?" A moan slipped out of my lips as yet again the mood grew spicier.

I instantly sensed it once it did.

Hinata's eyes grew hooded as she just gazed down at me, her naked body now exposed so my hungry eyes could take it all in.

Her lingerie lay torn and shredded, lying upon the floor, along with the silk robe she wore as well, a fate that has befallen her clothes due to my wild endeavors.

Hinata nodded, her eyes locked on mine. She watched me as I grew closer and closer to her face, my lips slowly inching closer to her own. My head crept near in a slow stride but Hinata remained put the whole while.

I hummed upon that before I paused in my actions, right before my lips finally connected with her own again. Now, our lips were just inches away from the other ones which invited us to a world of warmth, our bodies heating up due to the intensity of the moment.

I licked my lips, breathing lightly against Hinata's face, "Do you want me to kiss you again…instead?" I whispered softly within the quiet room, my voice slipping from my lips to the surface as a breathless murmur, a sound that sent shivers down Hinata's spine, just upon hearing it.

Instantly, I watched as Hinata's head bobbed, nodding due to my question. She pulled her hand back up again to run it down my chest, doing so to touch my searing skin. But not once did she recoil back or retreat due to touching such intense heat.


She ran her hands up and down my frame without showing any signs of discomfort which caused me to moan against her lips, my own clawed hands falling down to rub along the inner portions of her thighs.

Even now, Hinata's legs were lying wide open which gave me a front-row view of her yummy pussy, my red eyes glancing down at it ever so often due to the fragrant smells it let off which slipped into my sensitive nostrils.

Hinata nodded at my previous question, her hands slipping upwards to cup my strong jaw, her fingers running along my highly defined jawline, "Yes, please kiss me, Naruto."

Those words were all I needed to hear to finally dive forward and take Hinata's lips once more.

With a sharp gasp, Hinata found her body falling back flat onto the bed where I quickly hopped up to hover over her.

Her body was now lying down against the edge of the bed, her legs slipping off of it to only wrap around my waist.

We engaged in a kiss of love, just relishing in the other one's presence, their warmth, their touch, their everything.

I kissed Hinata's lips as if it was going to be the last time I ever would, my head rocking side to side to deepen the kiss, to move my lips across every inch of my lover's lips.

And Hinata moaned in bliss the whole while, her hands rushing back to cup my head, to hold on tight to my body as if she was afraid that I would leave her side.

The loud smacking of wet flesh could be heard erupting throughout the room as we kissed the night away. But such a sound was soon replaced with naughty sounds of before, ones which associated themselves with the activity Hinata was just previously asking to attend.

The kiss ended with groans of bliss escaping both of our lips. Hinata's eyes lay locked on me as she slowly scooted her body further upon the bed, to work herself away from the edge of it to instead lie in the middle of it. She did so while facing forward, her body sliding back across the bed.

I, in response, followed her, scooting closer to her while I was postioned on all fours, using my hands and legs to crawl like a hungry animal towards her, across the bed.

And as soon as she picked the spot she wanted on the bed and lay fully on it, I practically pounced on her.

Before her eyes, I was before her lying form with her legs wrapped around my waist, my cock deep inside her pussy, and her arms forced above her head by my clawed hands.

A cry of ecstasy spilled from Hinata's lips from the abrupt action of being filled yet again by my monstrous cock, my red eyes steadily soaking in every facial expression that she expressed on her face.

I let out a hum before pulling my face down to kiss my lover's right nipple. I inched my lips a bit further over to kiss her cute areola, a small pinkish pigmented area which encircled Hinata's nipple. I kissed her breasts, her chest, her neck and to end it off, I left a kiss on her right cheek and I watched as the woman squirmed underneath me, moaning breathlessly from the tingling feeling of my lips making contact with her exhilarated body.

"Ooh, Naruto. Yes, kami, I love you so, so much." She whispered lovingly against me which was a response that stopped me dead in my tracks, my body falling frozen.

Such words voiced from Hinata's mouth managed to make my heart skip several beats. Such words from her made tears form in my eyes.

Those words were words I have been desperately wishing to hear from Hinata again. I have yearned to hear the woman that my black heart beats for tell me with her own angelic voice that she loves me. I have been longing to hear her confirm to me that I still hold a special place inside of her loving human heart.

Oh, those six little words held such a strong effect on me, an effect on me that no other vessel, no other being could ever have on me.

The hesitation I expressed was vivid, highly evident, and even afterward, I was left with the jolly effects of what true happiness can bring, a feeling that I knew for myself that I couldn't shake.

I didn't want to shake for the matter.

So, therefore, I put up a large, boyish grin, a grin of a lifetime down at my lover, expressing just how wonderful I saw her, expressing just how appreciative I was to be loved by her, to be here in her presence on top of her, to hold her, touch her, to be able to hear her speak, everything.

I valued every moment and with the smile that I showed her, I told her that I was.

And in response, I was rewarded with a bright smile from my lover, one that made my heart soar within my chest.

I hummed down at my lover, moving my body a bit so I could bring my lips closer to hers. I held my body hovering over Hinata's own body which lay sprawled on the middle of my bed, submerged within my thick blankets with my cock buried deep inside her.

Her arms were forced above her head by my own hands which kept the limbs from moving. It was a kinky action that managed to fluster Hinata, her cheeks turning highly red, an expression that she has shown me quite often tonight. It was so damn cute.

"Fuck." I whispered in bliss before taking her lips up into another kiss, bringing our lips together as one. And on that note, I began to move my hips as well, to work my motionless cock forward and back inside Hinata.

And in response, the midnight blue-haired woman below me broke the kiss instantly to cry out, her body trembling quite a bit on the bed below me.

"Ooh, kami!!" She screeched out in joy.

I grunted in ecstasy as I once again felt how tight and hot Hinata's inner walls were, my thick cock rushing back and forth inside of her. And each time I went deeper and deeper. I managed to make Hinata scream even louder upon doing such an action.

Her legs lay wrapped around my waist where they remained, squeezing my body for dear life. The woman's body below me rocked back and forth which caused her large Double D-sized breasts to slap against her torso which added to the sounds of our hips slapping against one another in the room.

My hips rocked up and down against her, grinding my body against hers in order to work her into a world of ecstasy where she was completely overwhelmed by the pleasure I was giving her. She was able to grow lost in it all.

I couldn't help but laugh at the sight of the bliss that was most evident on Hinata's face. Her head rocked back and forth against the bed as she obediently took my monstrous cock inside her which filled her tight pussy walls to the brim.

Frequently, her lavender eyes rolled to the back of her head and her tongue surfaced, slipping from the inner confines of her mouth to show itself to me.

I moaned at the sight of such a look on Hinata, a face that revealed how good she felt due to my actions. It was a face that expressed how deeply she was enjoying herself. It was certainly a face I was going to lock inside of my head forever and ever.

I grinned, a toothy grin before diving closer to the woman below me until our faces were only inches away. And there, I decided to reward her by increasing my speed.

I held her wrists tightly above her head and began to thrust faster, pumping my shaft vigorously back and forth inside of her pussy walls.

Right then and there, Hinata came on the spot.

Her back rose off of the bed and she mewled loudly into the room, her voice mixing in with the creaking sounds of my bed, the slapping of flesh, the squelching of love juices, and the groans and moans of ecstasy that escaped my own mouth.

My room was now filled with an entire orchestra of noises that blended together and caused the night to become even more magical.

I watched Hinata unfold underneath me, her breathing quickly growing shallow and unsteady.

She whimpered, her lips quivering due to the intense feeling of having my cock pound her squelching pussy.

"Ahh, ooh kami, Naruto!!! This feels so good! You're so d-deep inside of me, I c-can hardly breathe!"

I licked my lips deviously upon such a compliment, my head tilting down at her as I continued to rock my hips back and forth, practically slamming them down onto her core so her pussy walls can be rewarded with most of my shaft.

Her breath hitched after every thrust I gave her.

My smile only grew.

At times I would change up my speed and I would instead take a slower approach, instead grinding my hips forward and back so my tip could hit her g-spot dead on and make her cum even more.

Her body spasmed tremendously underneath me as she was hit with crazy amounts of sensations, ones that caused her body to shake and her toes to curl.

I chuckled, moving my lips forward to kiss her own lips, "Mmm, my cock feels that good, huh?"

I chuckled once more when I saw my lover nod wildly as if her life depended on it.

She turned her head towards me and with all of her strength peeled her eyes open, to plaster her hooded orbs on my muscular form above her.

She bit her lip, "Y-Yes, i-it feels so so good. Better than anything I've ever felt b-before, Naruto. You make me feel good, only you. Just you."

My eyes rolled upon Hinata's words, my body beginning to tremble, "Ooh fuck baby, yes." I moaned out before letting go of her hands so I could instead smash them into the blankets beside her head.

From there, I lowered my body down towards my lover to set my forehead directly on top of hers, now extra close to her which was a place I wanted nothing more than to remain, my hips continuously grinding against my lover to pleasure her down below.

A breath of solace escaped my lips once I felt my lover's hands drop down to run down my back and rustle my hair.

I closed my eyes and just relished in the moment of my lover's touch as we made love, once more enjoying her glorious company as well as the pleasurable sensations her pussy walls brought to my groin.

And there, I finally breathed out the sentence that I have been wanting to tell my lover for so long. It was a sentence I never knew I would ever want to say to a human being so badly before in my entire supernatural life. It was a sentence I wish I had said to Hinata more instead of hiding my feelings, or acting as though they were not there. I am such a fool to have gone so long pretending and harboring my feelings only to treat my lover badly due to them.

I am a fool.

But now, I decided to do better, so…

I breathed lightly against my lover, smiling happily down at her,
"I love you, my little one…"


"Again?" Hinata breathed out as she now sat within the warm confines of my bed, the large black sheets that covered it now working to cover her naked body as well.

I lay deep within my bed sheets as well, the back of my head buried in the numerous pillows that lie littered against the headboard. There, I just gazed up at the ceiling, all the while running my hands up and down Hinata's right thigh underneath the blankets.

But her question instantly grabbed my attention.

My head snapped towards her as if she suddenly spoke another language, my eyes widening in shock at her.

Did Hinata just ask for more sex? Did I hear her correctly?

Now I didn't want to say anything before but the endurance, the stamina, as well as Hinata's limit, was unlike anything I've ever known before. It was all so strange.

Hinata is a human therefore cannot possibly keep up with my enhanced endurance, my crazy sex drive, and my high stamina. Actually, no human can keep up with me.

And Hinata never could. Hell, she would always end up unconscious after having sex with me due to exhaustion so she was never able to ask for more of it.

And of course, satisfying my little one was child's play really. I knew every pleasure point located on her body. I know what makes her cum the quickest, what speed during sex she likes, and how she's liked to be touched. I knew her body better than she did so I know Hinata is not unsatisfied due to my efforts.

So what is it? What's changed?

I squinted my now blue eyes on Hinata who held a pleading look in her lavender eyes, a look that usually manages to tug at my heartstrings and consider her desires.

But no…

Not this time.

It was certainly not safe anymore to continue having sex. Hinata needs her rest therefore going another round or two would not be a great idea at all.

So with all the strength in my being, I responded back to my adorable lover with a shake of my head, smiling apologetically at her, "No, my little one. I'm afraid we've gone on long enough." I commented softly before pulling my hand over to rub her midnight blue hair, slipping my hand down her extra soft hair.

I watched Hinata's reaction to me turning down her request and the one she put up made it even harder to resist her.

She whimpered loudly, her shoulders slumping in disappointment, "B-But Naruto, please. I-I just can't get enough of you, that's all. I just feel a bit hornier tonight."

I chuckled at her comment, dropping my hand away from Hinata's head to place it flat on the bed once more. I also moved my gaze away from Hinata to instead look back up at the ceiling, "Well that's certainly a new one. I would love to accept your request Hinata but we've been going at it for hours and I certainly don't want to hurt you-"

"Please!!" Hinata screamed out loudly which actually startled me greatly, her voice ringing in my highly keen ears and slipping out of my bedroom. My body jumped in fright as a response, my blonde head snapping back towards her in shock.

What the hell?

My eyebrows furrowed at her and my eyes zeroed in on the deep pout on her face and her watery eyes. I rubbed my ears in pain, my fingers rubbing both in a circular motion, "O-Ow, my fucking ears! Hinata what's gotten into you?" I yelled out in anger, my blue eyes flicking to a feral red in mere seconds only to revert back to a cerulean blue again. I took in Hinata's face entirely, taking in the expression that was on it.

I didn't mean to raise my voice at my lover, it just sorta happened as a reaction to being startled by her sudden scream.

Hinata's being so weird.

Hinata's pout deepened and she hugged my blanket closer to her chest, to cover her naked body more. "I'm s-sorry. Oh no, I didn't mean to startle you o-or upset you, Naruto. I'm so sorry."

The apology Hinata was giving me made the anger I felt instantly leave. My body grew less tense and my face softened tremoundsly. Once more I felt terrible for growing angry at Hinata and even screaming at her.

I just watched as Hinata hugged my blankets tightly to her pale body, lowering her head so she could hide her face away from me. She now was avoiding my gaze altogether which was something I certainly didn't want.

I sighed deeply before moving my hand back over to cup her chin, bringing it up so she could face me again.

I smiled faintly at her, to hopefully reassure her, my eyes staring back into the sad little eyes of my human lover, "Oh my little one, it's okay. You're forgiven. You don't have to feel sad. I should be the one to apologize to you for yelling. Your behavior tonight is just so new to me, that's all. Where's all of this coming from, hmm?" I explained softly in order to get Hinata to explain why she was now being so clingy tonight. It didn't seem like she wanted to leave my side much less my bed.

It didn't seem as though she was tired due to the fact she looked as flawless as she did before. She didn't seem out of breath either.

She only wanted to remain underneath me at all times to bathe in my warmth and embrace my touch.

Her behavior towards me was flattering, yes, oh so very flattering. And it's certainly everything I've ever wanted but it just wasn't… Hinata.

Not the Hinata I remember anyway.

So there has to be some sort of explanation as to why Hinata's behavior has changed.

Maybe she had a bad dream.

Maybe she's just love sick.

I wasn't quite sure what the case was but I wanted to get to the bottom of it quickly.

Hinata hummed at the feeling of my hand cupping her face, touching her skin. She relished in the feeling of my touch.

Now facing in my direction, she gave me a thin smile, "I-I just woke up and a feeling came over me, N-Naruto. It was a feeling that made me see just how lucky I really am. My eyes have opened Naruto and now, I see that I need to cherish every bit of you and the time I have with you. Your love is most certainly a special thing and it's everything I have ever wanted. I've yearned my entire life to be loved, to be wanted, and cherished deeply. You make me feel loved and every time…" Her hand slithered up to grab a hold of my hand which was still cupping her chin.

With it, she pulled it up and I watched as she rubbed her cheek against it, relishing my warmth before she brought her lips forward to kiss the back of my hand, a gesture that made my heart flutter.

"O-Oh.." I breathed out in astonishment.

Hinata smiled up at me before pulling my hand down to set it on her lap. From there, she pulled one of her hands over to slither it up my arm, "Every time  I am wrapped up by your strong arms," Her hand slithered up further, passing my exposed elbow, "developed by your warmth," She slithered her hand up further, now passing my toned bicep, "kissed by your lips." Her hand continued up to my shoulder, "teased by your words…"

I couldn't hold back the moan that slipped out of my mouth due to the seductive tone Hinata was using, a tone that seemed to put me into a trance. Once more, I grew to a state where I wanted nothing more than to do anything Hinata tells me to, to lie close to her and to feel her body against my own. It was a feeling of euphoria, calling to me, longing for me to give in to it.

Even though I declined Hinata's request to make love again, there was a part of me that wanted to do so, again and again, and again.

And that part of me was strong.

So, so strong.

My blue eyes grew hooded as I felt Hinata's hand work further and further up my body, passing my clavicle and collarbone to travel up my neck. And not once did she stop praising me.


She did so the whole while, keeping that seductive voice of hers.

She moaned, "Every time that I am touched by you Naruto. Every time I feel pleasure from you, I am taken to a world of unfathomable happiness where I feel the most alive. Such a feeling is like a drug to me, Naruto. I have to have it. I have to have you…"

And with that, I found the woman I love set on my lap, her arms wrapped around my neck and her lips smashed against my own.

Hinata kissed my lips with an intensity I was not quite familiar with. Her head rocked side to side frequently so to deepen the kiss in a frenzy. She kissed every inch of my lips and even explored my mouth with her tongue which opened the floodgates to some very intense sensations.

I could do nothing. Nothing at all.

Overwhelmed was exactly how I felt but I also felt extremely happy that Hinata feels the same way I do about her. She was enamored, obsessed and overall crazy about me, and knowing that alone made my body hot all over.

And with that, I went back on my word and I decided to give Hinata yet another round of sex, just like she so desperately wanted.

I groaned, moving my arms around her to hold on tight to her body, pulling her in closer. I also moved to spread my legs further underneath her, "Alright, just one more time, Hinata. One more time."

Hinata mewled happily against my lips upon my response, "Oh thank you, Naruto." And there, one hand of hers moved to cup my left cheek while the other one scrambled down our bodies so she could grab a hold of my cock which was hidden underneath the blankets. She shoved the blankets to the side to uncover my member, soon wrapping her hand around the tip of it.

I groaned into the kiss which was initiated by Hinata, my body now attacked by numerous sensations all at the hands of my little one.

Oh now, this is definitely new.

But I enjoyed it nonetheless. I enjoyed all of it immensely.

I held Hinata tightly all the while as she slithered my cock back inside of her wet pussy, once again inviting my member to a world of warmth and pleasure, a world my cock absolutely loved to be in.

I moaned deeply, breaking the kiss so I could begin moving my hips but…

I was stopped.

Hinata placed one hand down to nudge my chest, just enough to get my attention.

I furrowed my brows up at her upon her gesture, "Wh-What is it, love?" I asked in confusion, my now feral eyes running over her gorgeous facial features.

She smiled down at me, blushing lightly, "W-Well, I was just wondering i-if I could take over th-this time, Naruto." She asked with a cutesy little smile, her head tilting a bit which caused her long midnight blue hair to slip down her left shoulder.

My body fell frozen upon her words, my dick twitching on cue. But since my member was currently buried inside Hinata's vagina, she felt it twitch full on which caused her to moan lightly.

She giggled also, "Ooh? It seems you like that idea very much." Hinata moved one finger of hers forward to tap my nose which snapped me out of my lustful trance. My red eyes glazed over.

Holy shit. Hinata wants to ride my cock? Oh fuck, this is amazing.

"I knew you would like my suggestion, Naruto. Just take it as a reward for your cooperation." She said teasingly before she suddenly brought her hips down so my cock flooded deeper inside her. We both mewled in bliss upon her actions.

But that wasn't all Hinata did.

She soon pulled her hips back up only to plunge them all the way back down to engulf every inch of my cock which blew my mind immensely. I felt her pussy stretch and take every bit of my cock which instantly caused her to scream out, numerous shrieks escaping her mouth.

"O-Ooh kami, you're s-so big!!"

Her arms held my neck for dear life as she continuously worked her body up and down upon my lap so her pussy could massage my length to the extremes.

And like a drunken idiot, I moaned my heart out, my red eyes rolling in bliss as I felt my human lover give attention to every inch of my cock. She left no part of my member out from the action and instead worked her hardest in order to try to take in all of me. Such a task was an arduous one, one that would require skill, courage, and strength given how large and thick my abnormal cock was. 

But as it seems, Hinata possessed all three characteristics.

Her long midnight blue hair fell down her back, swaying back and forth lightly as she rode my cock, doing so slow at first.

But after a while, I could feel her begin to increase in speed.

Moving her arms down to grip my bare shoulders, she propped her body up so she wasn't sitting directly on my lap, her feet rooted on both sides of my waist to hold her body up. And from there, she began to ride me like nobody's business, rocking her hips up and down my member which caused our hips to slap against one another.

And not only that, moans and curses began to fly out of my mouth, ones of both pleasure and surprise.

I threw my hands away from Hinata's body to instead grab ahold of the blankets by my hips, my clawed hands gripping the fabric tightly, "Holy fucking shit." I cursed out gruffly, my deep voice bouncing against my bedroom walls.

Hinata slammed her hips down on me again which caused me to cry out.

I whipped my head back against my thick headboard which caused my blonde bangs to momentarily cover my glowing red eyes, a crazed chuckle of glee escaping my gaping mouth, "Oh hell yeah! Fuck me, Hinata. Fuck me!"

Drunken laughs from both of us escaped our mouths for we both were once again lost in the pleasure. But this time, we no longer were merely lovemaking.


Hinata has shown me a different side of her tonight and has turned this heated moment into a full-on fuck session.

As she rode me, she stared into my eyes and watched the intense emotions that appeared within them. She watched me as I writhed underneath her, moaning and squirming due to her actions.

She moaned, yes, in fact, she was having a great time but no longer did she take the submissive role like I was always familiar with during this particular intimate moment.


But now Hinata has taken a more dominant approach and because of that, a little part of me found that extremely, extremely hot.

Damn, damn damn. I'm in too deep.

Hinata had me wrapped around her sexy little finger. I was submitting to her every word, obediently catering to her every need and doing everything she wanted me to do.

It was an entirely new feeling and for once I felt…


I was frightened by Hinata's new approach during sexual intercourse. It was new, bold, and certainly not Hinata. But I was also frightened of that part of me that seemed to like this new version of her.

Now that isn't like me at all.

What's wrong with me?

But even as I sat within my thoughts, tangled up in my mixed emotions I made no moves to take over the situation. I allowed Hinata to dominate me as much as she pleased. She continuously rocked her hips, engulfing every inch of my cock with deep thrusts downward.

The slaps of flesh that emitted out into the air from our naughty actions sound so damn hot. Such a sound erupted after every time Hinata thrust her hips down on me. Every time she did and her pussy engulfed more and more of my twitching cock, I felt myself grow closer and closer to an orgasm.

I licked my lips, bringing one of my hands down to send a powerful slap against Hinata's right asscheek, the very one that bared my mark.

Hinata cried out at my action, her body trembling now upon my own, her pale ass now holding a red bruise mark due to my ruthless hit.

I moaned at the sound of Hinata's cry before moving both of my hands down to cup Hinata's asscheeks, spreading them apart so my cock could enter into her pussy with no problem.

And there, I listened as Hinata let out a loud cry upon my touch.

I hummed in bliss, "Oooh, fuck yeah. I'm about to cum, Hinata. Heh, call me impressed." I commented with a drunken smirk up at her, all the while cupping her asscheeks which moved quite frequently within my hold, up and down.

Hinata giggled, her head moving forward to kiss my lips. We both moaned in bliss upon that.

She pulled her head back in order to bite back a moan, her teeth clamping down on her bottom lip. Her eyebrows creased upward as well, "I'm so glad I get to make you feel good, Naruto. Ooh, you don't know how wonderful that makes me feel."

I smiled blissfully, moving forward to kiss her lips again. Hinata's teeth released her bottom lip to accept my kiss.

"Mmm, oh baby."

And with that, we were at it again, indulging in another intimate moment together due to the clinginess we both felt towards one other. We couldn't let the other one go. We couldn't keep our hands to ourselves.

We kept at it and we didn't stop until we both came, doing so yet again this very night.

In the end, we both were left out of breath, lying in bed close to one another with the blankets draped over our bodies.

Hinata lay on my chest while being her adorable self, her hands gripping one of my own.

And with my hand in her grasp, she ran her fingers down each of my claws, taking in firsthand how long and sharp they were.

I hummed in glee from the tingling sensations I felt from Hinata's touch. Lying as her pillow, I just continuously stared at her fingers as they touched each of my claws. I just watched her amusingly.

Hinata smiled faintly, "I had fun, Naruto." She whispered softly, commenting on our passed sexual events.

I chuckled at her comment before moving my head down to kiss the side of her head, groaning at the floral, lavender scent her midnight blue hair was encased in. I was quite satisfied now that Hinata was finally all pleased.

"Oh, I had so much fun too, my love."

Hinata's smile grew by my comment, her fingers continuously tracing my claws. I watched her as she held my hand with one of hers, placing my hand so it was lying on hers as a way to steady it. With her other hand, she used her fingers to lightly run them up the side of my claw to my pointer finger, tracing the sharp appendage all the way to the end where the claw curled a bit.

She hummed, "I'm so, so glad, my sweet boy."

As soon as such a pet name escaped Hinata's lips, I could feel my entire body grow extremely cold, my eyes widening in shock on the back of her head.

My sweet boy?

Never before has Hinata ever called me such a name. It wasn't in fact an intimate name to begin with. It was in fact a familial name, a name that only ever one person has called me, the only other female that I loved very, very dearly.

My mother.

My mother, Kushina, used to always refer to me as her sweet boy. She called me such a name all the time when I was a young demon and even when I grew much older. She always called me such a pet name.

My sweet boy.

That pet name was not just any name. It was one that my mother called me to show how appreciative she was to have me as her son. By using that name every time she addressed me, she revealed how proud she was of me. She showed how happy she was even at my mere presence. She loved me unconditionally and wanted nothing but the best for me.

And so…

Hinata should not have known such a pet name. She should have no knowledge of it or even feel a need to call me that.

Hearing her speak a pet name my mother always called me long ago awakened something in me.

It woke me up. It opened my eyes and it brought me to reason. It brought the problem that was literally staring me in the face this entire time to my attention.

This woman before me is not my Hinata.

As much as I want it to be, it isn't.

Somehow, she knew exactly what I wanted and how I wanted it. She knew just what to say to make me feel better. She knew just how to seduce me, to make me feel what she wanted me to feel as if we shared the same mind or as if she had the knowledge of what was inside my head.

That certainly explains all the knowing glances she gave me, all the romantic sweet talking, the touching, and her clingy behavior. It was all calculated.

I cursed underneath my breath upon drawing such a realization, "Shit."

"Hmm? Did you say something, Naruto?" Hinata asked suddenly, finally bringing me back to the situation at hand.

My red eyes glowed darker as I plastered my eyes on the back of Hinata's hand who was busy still tracing my claws, doing so in a way that could cause tingles to run through my entire body. But I ignored such sensations.

Instead, I decided to confront Hinata, to test if my suspicions were true. I certainly hoped dearly that they weren't.

I breathed out a deep breath which flowed out of my nostrils swiftly, "Can I ask you a question, Hinata?" I asked suddenly, not at all answering her previous question. Due to that, I watched Hinata's action of tracing my claws come to a stop.

She turned her head slightly towards me, "Y-Yes, of course-"

"Would you lie to me?"

My voice was now stern and direct. There was not a shred of amusement that could be found in my voice as I kept my red eyes plastered on the back of Hinata's head.

Instantly, Hinata noticed the change in my demeanor immediately and she moved her body up to a sitting position, moving away from lying against my chest. She also let go of my hands.

From there, she turned her body around to face me, gripping the sheets close to her body. She looked me in the eyes and noticed that they now were narrowed on her.

She pouted at such an intimidating look directed at her but she shook her head. "O-Of course not. Why would you even ask that?" Hinata exclaimed in worry, the same sulky pout from before resurfacing on her face to under turn her lips.

I scoffed at her words, my eyes glaring daggers down at her who simply stared back at me, showcasing a look of concern.

I ignored all the looks that Hinata was shooting at me, looks that she knew could successfully tug at my heartstrings. But not anymore…

Only my Hinata can affect me in that way. Not some clone of her.

The memories before I found myself in this situation where I am in my bedroom, slumbered in my bed with my human lover, were all foggy.

I could not remember the events that happened beforehand which truly troubled me more. It convinced me more that the situation I am in was not so great as it seems.

Something's wrong here.

Something bad.

My mind was going haywire as I just silently stared back at Hinata whose eyes ran over my facial features quickly, taking in my changed demeanor. It seems at the sight of it, she grew uneasy.

She gripped the sheets tightly with her fingers and whimpered. "Naruto, wh-where is this coming from? Did I do something wrong? Did I make you angry-?"

I let out a grumble before quickly rolling my body off of the bed, moving in a quick stride so I was instead on my feet upon my bedroom floor. I did so quietly, no longer making any moves to address the Hinata clone in my bed.

I need answers.

I need to remember.

Now standing, my entire naked body was on display but I hardly minded. My eyes instead wandered the room for a search of an item or a sign that could recollect my memory, to tell me exactly what was going on here.

Why am I here?

How did I get here?

Why is Hinata in fact not the Hinata I remember?

It was all so strange.

I let out a growl before throwing my hands up to cup my head, smashing my clawed hands upon my blonde hair in order to settle my mind, to calm my nerves but nothing was working. I was internally panicking. I felt heartbroken as well.

I wanted so badly to cherish this moment here with Hinata. I wanted everything that transpired tonight to be real. I wanted the memories we made tonight to be remembered by both parties and in turn, take our relationship to the next level.

I love Hinata, wholeheartedly.

I didn't want to hurt her or leave her side but I cannot stay in a place that is not in fact real.

Hinata calling me a pet name my dear mother usually called me in the past is a clear sign that this place, wherever I am, has a way of getting into my head in order to mess with me, provoke me and restrain me.

This place is a prison.

I cannot stay any longer.

So now standing, I ignored the constant pleas that escaped Hinata's lips which were pleas asking to speak to her, to explain to her what was the matter so she could help. I shook my head, storming off to explore the rest of the room.

You've helped me enough, Hinata…

Now, I have to help myself.

Venturing around the room, I took in every detail I could to make sure the place I was in was actually the bedroom I personally remembered. As I moved around, I grabbed the grey silk robe that was lying at the end of my bed. With it, I pulled it on and tied it around my body, to cover myself fully.

After I was fully clothed, I made the move to look underneath my bed where I specifically kept a few of my weapons, forged weapons only demons wield. Usually, I don't use weapons during battle given I made my own with my mythical powers but such weapons underneath my bed were there for backup use. You can never be too careful.

And the weapons that resided underneath my bed were:

Two swords and a mythical dagger.

Upon crouching and looking under the bed, I saw for myself that such items were indeed underneath there, lying quite comfortably upon the carpet floor, all alone in the dark for the time being.

I nodded at such a sight before regaining my stance, moving my body back up to a stand.

Next, I checked through my closet. I flipped through all of my hung clothing to check each set to see if I recognized everything.

I did.

Next, I checked my dressers in hopes of accomplishing the same task.

All my socks, underclothes, and ties were there. Everything.

In all, I checked through all of my belongings only to find nothing strange. So I decided to check not my belongings but instead the many decorations that were hanging about the place.

First, I took a very long look at the many paintings in my room. The paintings were mere abstract paintings, ones of peculiar colors and odd shapes. The paintings held details within them that truly described much about myself and my long life.

I took in the color that was expressed in the dark abstract paintings, dark colors such as dark blue, black, silver, forest green, gold, tropical wood brown, dark red, and many more dark colors present before me.

In the beginning, when I first came upon the earth, over time I found myself drawn to human paintings for I felt strong meanings instilled within them that deeply reminded me of myself, my life, my home, things I yearn for, things I seek and the things I've lost. The paintings within my room also reveal the monster that I hide within me every single day which of course is quite impactful to me.

But staring at such paintings while standing in the middle of my room, I saw for myself that nothing out of the norm was present within them. The paintings all looked sculpted just the same as I remembered.

So, I moved on.

Next, I zeroed my attention on the dark wallpaper that covered the walls as well as the many wall lights that littered the place. And there, I noticed one minor change in the room and that was the absence of my curtains, my windows as if Hinata and I were cut off from the outside world. Such a detail I found extremely odd.

My nose scrunched up upon that.

One minor change has been found.

But the change wasn't enough to truly tell me any information about my whereabouts or any clues to get out of here. So I only kept the clue in mind and went on with my tedious search around my place, all the while blocking out Hinata's senseless voice which repeatedly called my name in hopes of getting my attention.

I resumed my search, looking around once more but all it brought me to was absolutely nothing. Looking around didn't do me much good because after all, my room looked the same as I remembered it to look. There wasn't anything out of the ordinary other than the absence of my windows. My room was now made to be a box, with four walls in which closed me off from the outside world.

But overall, there weren't any clues that could tell me that I was in fact in some sort of mythical prison or stimulation. The only thing, well, individual, that was out of the ordinary was Hinata.

Just Hinata it seems.

I could pick up as I walked around my room, surveying the area that it didn't quite sit well with Hinata. The young woman surely seemed riled up because of my curious actions.

She gritted her teeth as she watched me move about, soon throwing the blankets she held far away from her body in an angry fit. Only then, she bawled her fists against her frame, her lavender eyes plastered on my now-covered body. "Naruto, talk to me, please!!"

"Shh. I implore you to calm yourself, my love." I only responded, shushing the midnight blue-haired woman. I didn't want her to know I was onto her yet.

I have to find more clues to fully confirm my suspicions first.

So, I continued to travel around my room, now working towards the other side of it which possessed a stoned fireplace that in fact was currently turned on in order to set a romantic mood in the room.

I walked closer to the fireplace but I didn't just keep my eyes on it. Discreetly, I turned my head to lock my eyes upon the two tall double doors in my room, doors which at the moment were currently closed shut.

But as I walked closer in it's direction, I could finally for myself pick up the clue that I needed.

A clue that can confirm that I wasn't going crazy.

The clue was a small detail, a minor mishap which could be found upon the door handles on my two bedroom doors. If it was under different circumstances and I was still blindly playing Hinata's game, I wouldn't have noticed such an odd detail.

But because I am quite suspicious now, the door handle's design made me raise an eyebrow.

Because I have two doors, I also possessed two door handles which were at the moment designed to resemble a snake, which was sculpted in an 's' shape, rooted at the very center of the two double doors.

Upon the snake's handle's back lie scales in the form of my own personal demon's mark, a mark which could be found on my stomach. It was a mark that usually reveals itself when I am in sync with Kurama and in the process of activating his power.

The black markings worked up the snake's back like an infection, spreading and pulsating. The markings branched out from each other like little tree roots, stretching across the entire door handle.

It was a bizarre detail, one which was a perfect sign that yes, none of this is real and something in fact is deeply wrong here.

I have to get out of here.

But in the meantime, I simply moseyed my way along to walk further towards my fireplace, turning my head quickly away from the door to act as if I completely missed the contrasting design of the door handles that was there.

My head was tilted down so my red eyes could take in the raw fire that was roaring quite lively within the pit of the black stoned fireplace.

The fireplace seemed to be engraved into the wall, a carved hole shaped as a square presented within the inner layers of the fireplace. Inside such a carved hole was where several wooden logs could be found stacked upon each other at the bottom of it, positioned so the roaring fire could nestle on top.

I let out a hum as I experienced the intense heat of such raw fire so close to my person, my robe-covered body bending down so I was even closer to it. There, I relished in the element that I knew best, my keen ears listening closely to the cracks and creaks of the wood which the fire was slowly eating away.

There, I decided to address the situation with Hinata in hopes of getting some answers from her. It's the best approach given she's obviously withholding a lot of valuable information that I need.

And besides, I truly wanted to calm her constant pleas which echoed across the room, bouncing off of the walls in hopes of reaching my ears and getting a reaction out of me.

I've heard quite enough from you, Hinata...

With a stern look, I just stared aimlessly into the flames of the fire before me which reflected off of my blood-red pupils.

"Naruto, please tell me what's bothering you-"

I scoffed. "You wanna know what's bothering me, Hinata?" I asked sinisterly, setting the ominous mood, a mood which left little room for amusement.

I could hear with my keen ears the gulp that slithered down Hinata's throat from afar, her eyes rooted on the back of my head. She was nervous, I could tell. But despite the emotions she felt, she answered my question anyhow.

"Y-Yes, I want to know what's bothering you, Naruto."

Two thumps from a soft fabric were made into the room which led me to believe Hinata was the culprit for making such a sound, her hand patting the bed beside her, just where I resided previously.

Hinata smiled faintly. "Why don't you come back to bed with me, hm? We can talk the entire night away here-"

A chuckle slipped out of my lips upon her words, my eyes never once leaving the fire from the fireplace. "Oh, Hinata, hun. I'm afraid I won't be joining you  on my bed ever again."

"Wh-What? Why would you s-say such a thing, N-Naruto?"

"I've made a conclusion, dear, a conclusion that you have not been truly honest with me here. And you know.." I moved my head over to look at her from over my shoulder, my one red eye watching the naked young woman on my bed. I smirked, pouting my lips playfully back at her, "I hate liars."

There, with my eye on Hinata, I saw that her body was currently sitting in the middle of my bed, her back just inches away from the headboard. Her head was directed towards me, her eyes plastered on my turned head.

I watched as her eyebrows furrowed upon taking in my words which had a chilling effect on them.

I furrowed my brows as well. "I believe you've lying to me, doll-"

"No, no, Naruto. You have it all wrong. I wouldn't lie to you about anything, I swear."

A dark chuckle slipped out of my lips from her words and from there, I moved my head away from Hinata's direction to peer off into the fire in front of me. But I didn't just watch the flames dance around in the fireplace this time.


I instead pulled my clawed fingers forward so I could enter them into the fireplace as well, to get a taste of the raw flames firsthand.

Hinata watched me in deep concern, her lavender eyes taking in as I eerily placed my fingers inside the fireplace to catch a few of the flames.

Sticking my fingers inside the fireplace welcomed them to the intense element which clung to my flesh, now taking its spot on my fingers. But due to the fact I am the ominous supernatural being that I am, I felt absolutely nothing when it came to the fire. It was as if the fire didn't exist on my fingers.

I smirked, bringing my fingers forward to stare down at the fire in my grasp. "Hinata, I wanna believe you, I do, baby. But it has come to my attention that you are hiding something from me, therefore believing you is very hard, my love. So, therefore, I want to know something…"

I clicked my tongue, just staring in awe at the fire on my fingers which in a way helped calm my body and my emotions. It also calmed my thoughts and in turn, helped me think better. The fire also helped me approach Hinata and this situation rationally.

I hummed. "Hinata I want you to answer a few of my questions and I truly advise you to be honest with me, love." I pulled my other hand, my free one over so I can point at the double doors to my right, the one that was closed shut just inches away from me.

"What's behind that door?"


By Hinata's response, it would seem she was genuinely confused by my question. She voiced such a response as if I said something absolutely ridiculous and therefore knew nothing about what I questioned.

But I knew better.

As I stared at the fire that steadily swayed back and forth on my fingers, I decided to take the time to backtrack on this entire night, to truly take in every detail, every action and, every word that has been said.

I picked up that Hinata was only pleading with me so strongly, not because she was worried for my being and truly wanted to know what was the matter with me.


She was pleading with me to distract me, to distract my wandering thoughts. She was desperately trying her hardest to pull me back to her bed and once more trap me with her alluring aura.

But I have to resist. I have to.

So with that, I turned my head towards Hinata's direction once more, peering at her to set a very serious mood so she was forced to confess to me what she is hiding.

I narrowed my glowing eyes on her. "Let's try this again." I breathed out a deep breath before resuming my words, "What's behind that door, Hinata?"

Hinata pouted upon receiving the same question again, her lips trembling, "I-I don't know, Narut-"

"You're lying."

"I'm not, Naruto. I-I promise."

I raised an eyebrow at  her words before turning my head back to the fireplace in front of me. But I did so this time to finally get rid of the fire on my fingers. With my other hand, I pulled it over to suddenly slam it down on my fingers, to disperse the flames that were on them, turning them into nothingness.

After I did so, I took a stand once more, bringing myself back up on its feet, my silky robe clinging tightly to my extremely toned body. From there, I decided to turn my body around, to face Hinata entirely. But as I made contact with her, I could see for myself the way her lavender eyes fluttered in bliss by my gaze, by my appearance.

She bit her lip. "Naruto please, let's not fight. I hate it when we fight. This night has been so wonderful, I cannot bear the thought of fighting with you, my love. So please, come back to me. Please."

My furrowed eyebrows relaxed upon hearing such sincere words of devotion from Hinata. Such words she spoke were words of pleas which showed that Hinata wanted desperately for me to drop my discovery and instead indulge back in a night of love and delight.

I whimpered, lowering my head.

I want to. I want to do as Hinata wishes so, so bad.

I wanted to forget it all and yes, snuggle up close to Hinata and hold her tight the entire night. I wanted to listen to her voice as she spoke to me, as she lulls me off to sleep.

Standing here now, my body was itching for her touch, itching to once more hold her, to wrap my arms around her womanly body and just listen to her heartbeat, her chest heave after every time she took a breath and her tantalizing movement as she touched my hair, rubbed my body and held me close.

Oh, how I want to join you again, Hinata…

But I won't.

Instead, I venture forward erringly slow, the ends of my robe smacking against my legs, along the way.

But my eyes were plastered on Hinata's face the entire time, my body growing closer and closer to where she was currently positioned.

I put up a dark smirk, one where my sharp teeth were slightly revealed. "Even here within this place, you're such a bad liar. I remember you tended to stutter when you lied and as you did so, your little heart would go…" I chuckled before I amusingly added one last thing to my response. "badump." I announced in amusement, imitating the sound of her heart in the process of her lying.

I tilted my blonde head, all the while creeping forward. I kept walking in Hinata's direction until I was literally inches away from the edge of the bed.

I clicked my tongue. "I can sense when you lie, Hinata. It's a shame how spot on this world has created you to be. You resemble so closely to the Hinata I am familiar with and that hun… surely runs in my favor." I responded back while watching the midnight blue-haired woman before me closely.

She gave me a look of pure confusion, her eyes squinted and her little mouth agape. She looked lost as if she didn't know what the hell I was talking about at all. It was certainly a sight I wasn't expecting from her.

Hinata whimpered, her hands moving forward to brush off the blankets so she could finally emerge from the bed.

With a push off of the plushy surface, Hinata took a stand which revealed her entire naked body to me, her long midnight blue hair slipping down her shoulders due to her abrupt action.

She turned her head towards me to give me a faint smile, a smile that made my heart skip a beat.

"Naruto, I'm not entirely sure what you are asking of me or why you've grown so paranoid but I just want you to relax, my love. Just relax for me, please." Her voice was now soft and soothing in order to calm my nerves. And as she spoke, she began making her way over towards me, drawing near which had a major effect on me, one that deeply began to mess with my head.

As she grew close, I could feel the itch my body felt to give in to her grow stronger and stronger, so strong it started to grow harder to resist.

Feeling such strong, intense feelings so suddenly  only led me to take a step back. "No, you are going to answer my questions, Hinata. You are going to tell me what's behind that door." I shook my head as I continued to watch her creep closer to me but as she did, I kept taking steps backward. "If you truly love me and care about my well-being, you will tell me your intentions here. You will tell me what's behind this door and how to escape here."

"Escape? Escape your b-bedroom? What on earth are you saying, Naruto?"

I growled, baring my teeth at the infuriating woman before me who was trying her best to dodge my every word. "Oh Hinata hun, I am more than capable of getting you to talk. I can make that pretty little voice scream to me what you are hiding but I don't want to hurt you. Don't make me hurt you."

"You won't."

Those two words as they passed Hinata's lips left a sinister vibe in the air, one that didn't sit well with me.

I stopped dead in my tracks and there, I narrowed my eyes upon her, bawling my fists against my waist.

Hinata giggled, shaking her head. "No, love. I am your lifeline. I am the woman you love dearly therefore you don't have it in you to hurt me. Why would you? You love me and you should never hurt the people you love."

My eyes widened at her words.

Hinata's my lifeline…

Replaying her words in my head once more drove a morbid thought to develop my head. But it was a thought that was most likely a very bad idea. It was a thought, an idea that I certainly didn't want to act upon.

I want such an idea to be my last resort.

In the meantime, I have to find another idea on how to leave this place.

So with a shake of my head, I decided to act upon the other idea I had in my mind. I growled. "No. Fuck this." I spat before rushing over to the double doors in my room, throwing my hands forward to grab a hold of both of the odd door handles.

But upon my abrupt movement, Hinata's eyes widened upon my actions and she tried her best to stop me. "N-No, Naruto wait-!"

But I didn't listen.

But I truly wished that I did.

Because as soon as I placed both of my hands upon the door handles, the black marks present lit up, switching to a white upon contact and before my eyes, I was sent harshly backward so I was literally flying across my room.

Everything was a blur for a moment as my body soared through the air of my bedroom, far, far away from the exit of my room.

Only until my back hit the wall of my closet, did I come back to reality.

"Ah, fuck!"  I whimpered in pain before I dropped down flat on the floor, causing a massive thud to erupt into the room.

Hinata covered her mouth in shock before rushing quickly over to my aid, her bare feet brushing against the carpet floor. "N-Naruto! Oh Naruto, are you okay?" She screeched in worry, all the while running over to my side to kneel down to my body quickly. She pulled her body down into the position where she was sitting upon the back of her legs.

There, she turned my fallen body around so I was lying on my back instead of my stomach. And with her arms, she managed to pull my head upon her lap so she could bend forward and wrap her arms around my neck, hugging me tightly to her body.

She even began to rock me, her body swaying side to side which felt absolutely amazing, a deep sigh escaping my mouth.

"I'm here, Naruto. I won't leave your side if only you won't leave mine. I will be here to give you all that you have lost. I will give you the life and the happiness you've always wanted. A life where there's no pain, no suffering, no running or hiding, no denying what you are. I love you for you, for who you are entirely. So please stay. Stay with me, Naruto." She whimpered, pulling her head down to kiss my forehead, her body steadily rocking my own which lay across my bedroom floor.

My eyes fluttered in bliss upon her words which sound absolutely amazing to my ears. As always, Hinata knew just what to say to calm me, to make me feel much better, and to, of course, feel loved.

Hinata's words were so beautiful that I took a moment to put my plan to escape from this place on hold to instead embrace Hinata.

Just for a moment. It's only for a moment.

So with that, I nodded softly against her before pulling my hand up to rub one of the arms that hugged my neck, caressing her skin with my fingers which caused her to hum softly.

"Yes, Hinata. I'll stay with you, I will…"


Well, this chapter was pretty eventful. Long. Sexual & naughty. And of course, suspenseful.

I kinda wanted to switch gears on a few things and give Naruto a taste of what psychological torture is like, to ya know, give poor Hinata a rest.

But I do have to let you all know, we only have about two or three chapters before the war arc/battle arc is over and afterwards, there will only be a handful of chapters left before this entire book is done. This long, long, long, book is slowly drawing near the end.

Let me know your thoughts about that. I also want to know your thoughts about this chapter and what do you think Naruto has to do in order to escape the mythical prison he's in. Let me know all of your thoughts.

I love to hear from you all. 😚❤️

Also, like I said before, sorry for the wait. Life can get hectic so suddenly, leaving me completely unable to write a thing but I'm slowly and surely moseying along, haha!

I truly hope you all enjoyed this chapter. There will be more coming soon!


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