Chapter 7||Feel This Moment

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I am so sorry for this late update!!! I've been so busy, I haven't had enough time to update but please don't think its ending anytime soon! This will be a long story. Also, this chapter isn't THAT awesome so I'm sorry but the next one will definitely be more interesting! Anyways, on with the story🙃...

The ground shook as the loud music blared down the street. The bass could be felt in your chest. It was overwhelming and irritating. Branch covered his ears and banged his head against the wall. The pain in his head wasn't as jurassic as the noise that was heard from the house next door. It was so infuriating!! Things like this he just could not stand. All he wanted to do was stick his head out the window and give them a piece of his mind. It felt right and wrong at the same time. If Poppy or her parents heard him, he'd never see the light again.

The ground vibrated and shook beneath his shoes. It make him scowl. Why do people enjoy going deaf? The concept of a party never truly made sense in his mind. Clearly, it did to Poppy. He figured this was the first of a million parties she'd have. Unfortunately, he'd be correct.

The boy caught a glimpse of his phone which brightened the room as it flickered on and portrayed a text message. 'Are you coming to the party?' Branch read it over and over determining what to respond with to Poppy. He sat in thought for a few minutes. Before he knew it, there came another message. 'Look out your window.'

His brows raised slightly as he peeked outside and let the wind brush up against his face. The autumn air was wonderful in his new town. Where he came from, it was always cold and the air made you feel like you'd turn into a popsicle at any given second! Not matter the season, the climate would try to punish him. He honestly lost count of the seasons' changes.

Instead, his new town gave him to opportunity to experience their change. Autumn didn't feel as cold anymore but it still gave you the chance to feel cool air in the atmosphere. He might've just moved here, but he could already tell autumn was his favorite season. It was a great opportunity to see nature.

Branch turned his head to meet eyes with a familiar pink-haired girl as she continually pressed her face up against the window's exterior glass. Small laughs came from him as he opened it. "What are you doing?" he asked playfully as the girl stepped inside and her bare feet touched the hardwood floor. "Waiting for you to come join the fun! Now let's go, party pooper!" Although Branch felt the urge to protest, something inside him begged for him to comply. "To be fair, I try not to poop at parties," he responded tagging in his typical sarcasm. Poppy grinned but continued to tug at his arm. "Alright, now let's go!"

Branch pulled in the opposite direction enough to break free of her grip. "I can't," he whined, "I've never been to one!" At his last remark, Poppy's eyes grew wide. Never been to a party? What kinda person was he?! She'd been to so many, she had lost count! It was one of her favorite things to do so she thought he'd enjoy going with her. Now that she knew he'd never experienced a party, there was no way on the world she'd let him stay. "Seriously?! You've never been to a party?" "Not once..." he replied, his voice trailing off to somewhere in his mind where he longed to never speak of or resent about again. Poppy latched her self to his arm, slowly but certainly and softly spoke. "Well, mine can be your first." Branch sighed returning to reality as the girl finished her sentence. He had no choice. "I guess." A squeal emerged from Poppy before she pulled on his arm and rushed over to the window sill. This would certainly be interesting.

Stepping foot inside the house felt like a statement to Branch. He felt like he was now trapped with no escape. His personality and comfort were pushed somewhere distant from where he stood and the overwhelming feeling of fear ran through his veins. Everyone who met his line of vision was partying the night away like tomorrow was non-existent. They were dancing, singing, eating, or acting stupid like laughing hysterically. The colors flooding the room were enough to make him shiver. His discomfort was strong enough for Poppy to sense. Maybe it was his expression.

The girl put her hands in his and pulled him over to where everyone had continued to dance. "Come on, Branch! Dance with me!" she begged as she twirled and jumped in the air. The beat pounded in his chest and head. It was abnormal. He stood in the middle of it all not knowing what would become of him if he did as she asked. Whatever he did would come out as wrong or weird. Slowly, he edged towards the kitchen making Poppy frown. His happiness was all she wanted to experience. His smile was what she longed for. She couldn't let him go now! This was her chance! Poppy ran after him and stopped at his feet. She once again put her hands in his own and met his eyes. "Branchie, please?" Her persuasion just wasn't enough and he pushed away. He couldn't meet her magenta eyes. They contained what he would call his greatest weakness. Once he looked into them, he couldn't turn away or say anything opposite to what she'd said. They were something extraordinary.

"I'm not good with parties or people so drop it," he snapped putting some pieces of fruit onto his plate. "C'mon Branchie! For me?" "No! And don't call me Branchie!" His anger triggered some of her own but she pushed it aside. There was no way she was going to walk away losing a fight. "Psh! I don't have to listen to you! Besides, you know you love it," she smirked. Branch just rolled his eyes in response and continued to place food on his paper plate in his hand. "Pleeeeeease Branch?! Just for fun?!" Poppy pleaded slightly mote desperate this time. She was really getting tired of not dancing when everyone else was and a good song was on. Branch just had enough of her asking, "Okay, fine!" He placed down his plate before a hand met his. Regret immediately followed as he was pulled once again into the crowd.

'One day when the light is glow in
I'll be in my castle golden
But until the gates are open
I just wanna feel this moment'

As the best dropped, Branch saw the world spin and two hands holding his. She laughed as they spun together and his eyes locked on her in shock. The laughs she produced made a smile creep up on his cheeks. Maybe this wasn't so bad. The air he felt rushing around his slowed down until it stopped. He felt her hands pull away.

'I see the future but I live in the moment'

Branch turned to see a guy dancing with Poppy. By the look in his eyes, he knew who he was. Creek. He had stolen her right then and there. How dare he?!

Branch wanted to give him a piece of his mind but already knew he could never confess in front of her. She'd never want to be with him. Maybe that's why she stopped anyways. His heart sunk in his chest and his breath came out heavily. He bowed his head and walked away hoping no one saw the scene. He knew something like this would happen and he let it. Regret was bound to fill him if he went. It was all the accompanied him now.

The boy guided himself up the stairs and away from everyone. He entered a vacant hallway and it's darkness and continued to search through his thoughts.

How could he be so stupid? His first party would go down as the only one he'd gone to. He wanted to sit down and let tears fall. He wanted to be in his grandma's arms. A light pierced through the crack of a door and caught Branch's attention. For a moment, he ignored the constant reminders of the party and grew closer towards to door. He reached to open it when a voice made him almost jump out of his skin. "What are you doing up here?" The voice was gentle but the owner of it stood in the darkness and only made his heart beat faster. "W-who's there?" The voice just chuckled. "No need to be frightened, my boy," the voice answered while coming out of the shadows. A man appeared with hair that had been slicked back and a mustache above his lips. He gave Branch a welcoming smile that seemed to settle his nerves. "Sorry to startle you. I believe we got off on the wrong foot, " he held out a hand for him to shake, "Mayor Peppy." Branch hestitated before shaking his hand. "Branch, I live next door." "Oh! You're the one my daughter is always speaking of! You're new here?" Branch nodded. Wait, daughter? "I'm so glad you and Poppy are friends!" Wait...Poppy's dad?! He was speaking to her dad?! A rush of panic boiled in his body. "You know, I wanted to thank you."

"T-thank me?" Branch was shocked. Why would he be thanking me? He had gotten left a few minutes ago and now he's being thanked? "You protected my daughter and for that, I owe you much gratitude."

He was right. If it wasn't for him, Poppy could've been seriously hurt. "From what I've heard, you're also a great friend."

"F-friend?" he stammered. She called him her friend. Branch hadn't had one of those in a long time. He smiled. "Thank you, sir."

"Call me Peppy, son. And also, you see that boy down there with Poppy?" he asked looking over the railing above the crowd. Branch's eyes immediately went to Creek. Even the thought of his name made him feel disgusted. "I feel that my trust should be in you, not him." Branch went into a frozen state. He trusted him more than her boyfriend. The even better part was that he felt Peppy's disapproval of Creek through his words. That, they had in common. "Will you protect Poppy? For me?"

His eyes widened. He was asking for him to protect her. He put his trust in Branch. No matter how hard he wanted to oppose, there was no way he could turn him down. "Yes, sir. I won't disappoint you."

Poppy had danced for what felt like forever with Creek. Maybe he really did love her. Perhaps she was wrong. She leaned in to kiss him before he twirled her. Once she returned to the feeling of being still, she felt Creek's hand leave hers saw him walk away. That's when a certain person came to mind. Branch. She'd left him! She felt regret for being such a bad friend. The only solution was to apologize but first she needed to see him. She searched through the crowd to find the same people each time but not Branch. Why did she even leave him?! How could she be so stupid?!

She rushed up to her room and pushed open the glass doors to her balcony. Did he go back home? She looked down to climb down the tree to see him sitting on a cushioned chair in their backyard. A sigh of relief left her lips but at the same time, embarrassment lingered in her chest. What a jerk she was.

Branch watched the moon's reflection ripple on the water of her pool. It reminded him of Poppy. Beautiful yet too far for him to reach. Something that'd never be his own. Suddenly, Poppy's own reflection accompanied the moon's and she spoke. "What are you doing?" The voice came from behind like the reflection wasn't just imaginary. He wanted to turn but his own sorrow continued to keep his eyes on the water.

She placed herself beside him and looked down at the water before looking over at his expression. Sadness controlled his features and kept it's frown on his lips. The image of her reminded him of his isolation. "I'm sorry," she admitted softly, "I shouldn't've left you." "It's okay. I'm not as good of a dancer as your boyfriend," he let out knitting his eyebrows. Poppy's heart flooded with guilt. What could she do now? She left her friend whom she'd gotten to come to her party only to see her. In some part of her, she could feel his pain.

Poppy wrapped her arms around him and pulled herself close. "I'm sorry for ruining your first party," she apologized with tears stinging her eyes. The silence bit right through her until he responded. "Don't sweat it, Pinkie. I forgive you."

Her breath hinged before letting out a breath of relief. She kept her arms around Branch and smiled. Branch smiled too. The first party wasn't the greatest but it certainly would have a place in both of their hearts. But, little did they know, two eyes watched the scene all too well and he wasn't pleased.

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