Chapter 8||Monaco

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Author's note: Just a heads up, there is some violence in this chapter. It's really not bad but there is blood so...yeah. I'm soooo sorry this is late!!! I promise I'll try to update more often!!! Also, there will be points of view in the next couple of chapters including this one. Ugh–on with the story!

Poppy's grip tightened on Branch's hand as they went down the hallways of his new school. The girl was taken by surprise by his approval. She really thought he'd push her away but the boy just continued to eye every little thing in the room. The school seemed nice at the time; full of wonder and mystery. Sadly though, this perspective would change at an instant–"Branch look out!"

Branch felt something bump into his side and jerk him backwards slightly. The action made his eyes widen and his head turn to meet a figure laying to the floor with books scattered across it. Regret roared in this chest and he rushed downward to help the girl up. Reaching out his hand, the brunette snapped at him and let her anger be known. "Watch where you're going, punk!" The remark took Branch in a different direction. He was only trying to help. "I'm sorry! I just wanted to help you! You don't have to-" "Branch," his friend interrupted trying to end the situation quickly, "Sorry, Ally. He's new." The girl's expression softened and she nodded her head in approval. She seemed to understand by Branch's intelligence but not to Poppy's. She knew she was still angry at him.

The pink-haired teen bent down and picked up her fallen books before handing them back to her with a smile. "I'd better get to class now, sorry," Poppy apologized before taking Branch's hand again and guiding him down the hall of doors. The angry girl faded from Branch's view and he scowled. "Why do people have to get angry at everything?" he asked himself retrieving a chuckle from Poppy as she patted his arm. "There, there big baby." The joke just made him pout until they reached the classroom Poppy had meant to lead them to. She gestured him to a seat as the teacher began to speak. "Good morning, class." The class returned the favor by saying, "Morning, Ms. Rose," and giving her their greatest smiles. It was strange to the new kid.

Branch looked over at Poppy who sat in front of him next to a girl with ginger-colored hair pulled up tightly in a ponytail. Her skin gave off a brown tone and her close gave him a sense of why Poppy took interest in her. She looked like the cool, caring type by her movements and facial expressions. The two seemed to be best friends by how their conversation was going.

Turning to his right, he met eyes with the guy who sat beside him. He seemed to be looking the same way Branch had been looking before; at the two before them. The boy turned noticing Branch's movement and smirked. "Got eyes on the pink girl, eh?"
"No!! What about you?! You're the one with the goo-goo eyes looking over there!"
The boy snickered, "You think I'm looking at Poppy? I've got my eyes on her teammate! Poppy's nothing more than a grateful friend to me."

A sting of guilt made its mark in his stomach. He felt guilty for his criticism. "Sorry." His new friend just shrugged, "Don't worry about it. But, do tell me. Do you like her?" A heavy sigh made its way off Branch's lips. There was no possible way he could lie. Not when the guy already knew his answer. His eyes drifted over to his acquaintance who pondered waiting for his reply. He took a moment to inspect him and see if he was the trustworthy type. His eyes took a turquoise color and his white hair curled at the top of his head. The sides of his head contained hair that had been cut and colored differently. His skin kept a tan tone. Branch but his lip and turned his head. "Don't tell a soul." "How can I? I don't even know your name!" "Brandon," he confirmed feeling awkward about saying his real name, "but I prefer Branch."

The boy next to Branch giggled. "Branch? Like a stick?" "Ha ha, very funny," he retorted avoiding the teen's gaze. The administrator's voice ended the boy's giggles before he could introduce himself. "Today we have a new student. Would you please raise your hand so everyone sees where you are?" Her voice was gentle but still made Branch stiffen. He felt his cheeks flush a bright red as he slowly raised his hand. Gravity pulled down on it making it feel heavy and hard to hold up so he pulled it back down. The eyes of every student met his. It made him want to crawl out of his own skin. The embarrassment made him avert his eyes to the desk in front of him. Maybe it would make everyone look away.

As the teacher rose her voice again, they all looked away and caused a sigh of relief to escape his mouth. "I have a project for everyone. It will be a book written by you–" "Yes!" Branch could hear Poppy whisper just before she ended her proclamation, "and partner." That's when Poppy spun herself to meet eyes with his own. They were pleading him to choose her. 'Choose me, Branch,' they begged. It was as if he'd seen them before in a faded memory. "Branch, wanna be partners?" The girl spoke in her nicest voice trying to persuade him. Her eyes were enough to make him be her puppet. His conscience shouted in his head to turn away. Say no. Don't do it. But yet, those eyes. Those big, beautiful magenta eyes fascinated him and sent him into a daydream. Maybe those eyes were an illusion. A hallucination. Oh how the boy could fantasize about those eyes all day!!

"Branch?" Blinking rapidly, he returned to reality and her worried gaze. "You okay?" "Yeah yeah!" he assured her with a simple shrug. He fancied the thought of what the product of their collaboration would be. Surely something colorful with Poppy pitching in. "So, are we partners?" "I don't see why not," he said blankly. The confirmation made her squeal. A wide grin glided across her face and brought out its features. His eyes glued themselves to her face once again. That face. It was extraordinary. Inconceivably gorgeous. Blood rushed to his cheeks and heat was felt on his face. Never had he felt such a strange feeling before. Why did it occur when he looked at her?

The teacher continued to explain the project but Branch's attention was diverted to the students in the room. His eyes first landed on a girl rather shorter than the rest of the class. She had mint green, long hair in a ponytail and a bow towards the tips. Her focus was upon he teacher with great intensity. She seemed to be confused. Next to her was a boy around the same height. His lime green, shaggy hair fell over his eyes leaving only his smirk and cheeks visible. He seemed to be writing something down as the adult spoke. Directly on the row behind him say a boy with much more weight than him. The hair on his head took a light, baby blue color and the color of pink blossomed upon his cheeks. Nevertheless, he smiled warmly at the girl sitting before him. He sighed dreamily.

Sitting next to him was a very tall boy containing a dark tone in skin color and blue-colored locks hanging down from his head. A hat concealed the top of his head and his eyes were locked on his pencil. He seemed to be very interested in it. The shirt he wore held a bow tie at its top and overalls guiding themselves up it. Moving his gaze, Branch spotted a set of girl's two rows in front of them. Their appearance was very similar except for the style of hair. Both girls had their hair color fading from a blue to an orange to a purple. The one on his left had the hair up in a bun where as the one on the right had it flowing down her back. The girls' clothes consisted of much color and fashion. Everything matched. It was peculiar to him.

Poppy waved her hand frantically in the air as if she were swaying away some invisible flies. "MS.ROSE!!!! MS.ROSEEEE!!!" she called out across the room attempting to gain her attention. She desperately needed the teacher to know. "Yes, Poppy?" "Can Branch be my partner? I know he's new and all but I think we can write an amazing story together an-" The teacher put up her index finger gesturing for the teen to stop. She smiled warmly once Poppy's sentence had ended. "I think it's quite a show in character for you to be so obliging about this. I encourage your courteous decision." A beaming Poppy turned and threw her arms around Branch. "Thank you, Ms.Rose!!!" There was a pause after the teacher had left them. Poppy whispered. "Branch?" "Yeah?" "In our story, we have to have a princess. We'll add one, right?" He groaned but couldn't leave Poppy ignored. "Sure." The boy couldn't say no even if his life depended on it. After all, she was his princess.

After she'd turned back around and returned to the position she'd held moments before, Branch felt something nudge his elbow. He turned his head to catch the boy beside him holding out a hand with a familiar smirk on his lips. "The names Dillon, but my friends call me Guy Diamond." Branch raised an eyebrow in question producing a chuckle from his new friend. "It's a long story."

Branch's POV~
Students got to their feet and made their way around the room happily joining their friends in conversations. I sat there quite content with myself but, at the same time, refused to let it show. If your crush asks to be your partner for a project, wouldn't you feel all giddy inside? Well...crush is a weird word. I don't really think I like her. I mean, she's a great person but how do I know I truly do? I need to get to know her more. It's nothing good if you go based upon appearance...but she hasn't given up on me.

Dillon exited his seat giving Poppy a new idea. She practically flew out of her seat and plopped down beside me. This is gonna be great. I groaned. It only made her grin. In the corner of my eye, I saw a boy approach. He stopped just at Poppy's edge of the desk. "Hey Pops," he began before catching a look at me, "wanna be partners?" "Awww, that's sweet Creek and I'd honestly say yes but I've already got myself one." She gestured her hand towards me leading his eyes to mine. They held something horrible. Something cold as ice. I could've sworn he was something supernatural with the ability to glare that ferociously. I couldn't stand the feeling. Now all I wanted was a good laugh after seeing his angry expression. This'll be good.

"Yeah, I guess you gotta be the first to ask, right? The early bird gets the worm, ya know." I smirked slyly causing a scowl from him. Poppy just smiled acknowledging my remark. I wasn't wrong. "This is Branch! He's one of my best friends! Branch, this is Creek!" she introduced me with a hand on my shoulder and the other pointing towards the boy standing. He smirked. "Never knew branches could walk and talk." This time, I was the one to scowl. "Never knew creeks looked like trash." Poppy was taken aback by my words. He messed with the wrong person. I have my rights.

"Ok!! Stop!! Branch! You take that back!" Poppy intruded on my devilish smiling. "I'm not lying," I pushed on. Poppy wasn't having my bickering...especially with this dumb kid. "Sorry Creek, next time?" Poppy asked the boy who's face softened as she spoke to him. He smiled. "Sure, how about a movie tonight?" My stomach turned. Well played, Creek.

I zoned out of the rest of their talking. It completely took over me. Why was this happening? This sinking feeling of unknowing what exacting is going on inside you. It's a feeling of astonishment. Of worry. Of sadness. It weakened me. I couldn't bear to hear anymore. Not until she touched my shoulder. "Hey, want me to show you your locker?" I've had enough of this mental meltdown, all I needed was a way out. "Sure."

Poppy stopped at a locker in the middle of an ocean of them. It resembled me so well. Nothing special. Just ordinary. I swallowed the lump in my throat as she put in my combination. Emptiness. I bit my lip. "There ya go!" she expressed throwing her hands in the air like she was presenting someone their grand prize. I gave her the simplest nod.

She showed me where the bathrooms were located and the offices in case I needed to call home. I kept my lips sealed hiding all the anger in my chest. It was better this way. She didn't suspect my anger towards Creek and I didn't know why exactly she chose me as a partner. We were some way. Some crazy way for sure.

Heavy footsteps flooded my hearing. Louder and louder. My eyes looked around and landed on an emerging group. As they came closer to us with a stern expression on their faces, I grabbed Poppy and pulled her behind me. All my innermost thoughts had vanished.

"We don't want any trouble," I threw out. One of the five made his way towards me and grasped the front of my sweatshirt. He did it with such strength, my feet came off the ground and I went into the air. Poppy was revealed from the place where she'd stood. I felt myself sway and move towards the wall of the empty hallway until my eyes caught one of the boy's approach Poppy. "Leave her alone!!" I fought back swinging my arms and legs in hope of hitting his arm still latched onto my shirt. The boy let go of the cloth leaving my to fall painfully onto the floor. Slowly, I sat up. This wasn't good. A fist met my face throwing my head to the wall with force causing it to bleed. The cut stung and my head pounded. My vision went blurry for a few seconds but thankfully focused again. I needed to get us out of here fast. After blinking a few times, I saw the squad make their way towards Poppy. My anger tripled. I got to my feet once again with a furious expression on my face. My emotion would be on display and I was glad. Overjoyed. "You wanna fight? Let's go."

The boy grinned slyly. My confidence didn't falter. "Gladly." The gang got closer to me and I took full advantage of it. "Go, Poppy!!" I screamed before she ran through the doors connecting the hallway to the courtyard. As they turned their attention towards Poppy, I made a run for it too. Fools.

Poppy turned and noticed me. Just as she did, a fall followed. She had tripped at the worst time. I helped her up as we entered the school once again but I wasn't quick enough. The strong teen who'd held me up before pinned me up against the wall. My gaze was averted to Poppy who's eyes were wide and filled of fear. It took away the bright color they once help and darkened them. Still, her face stayed neutral. She stood in front of the glass trophy case keeping her eyes on me. I took in deep breaths hoping for the best. The boy clenched his fist and was close to striking my face when Poppy's voice rose. "Let him go."

My poked my head to the side as the boy turned to catch a small glance of her face. Her focused eyes could bore holes into his head and her scowl made a shiver run down my spine. Her nose scrunched up and her eyes narrowed as he smirked. "Excuse me?" he almost chuckled taking amusement in her stern face. "You heard me," Poppy bit back with some kind of fire in her voice, "Let. Him. Go." He hissed through his teeth, "Or what?" A clenched fist could be seen with her warning. "You don't wanna know what." I felt my eyes grow almost twice in size. She's getting herself into something she can't get out of. This was a bad idea. My heart pumped through my chest making me feel like my entire body shook along with it. Poppy, don't do this.

"Bite me." The boy smirked. I wanted to close my eyes. It made Poppy's teeth show. Seeing this, he snickered but his giggles were cut off when a fist met his right cheek. It sent his head spinning and his vision going blurry. The force from that punch forced his body to unconsciousness and he slammed the floor beneath him. My mouth agape, I froze. She didn't regret anything and instead, approached the boy holding me up. "You wanna be next?" she asked popping her knuckles. He dropped me and I smacked my face on the floor. The tiles were cold against my heated and swollen face. It felt surprisingly good to be on a school floor after a fight. I slowly sat up before I heard a yelp of surprise. Turning my head just in time, I saw the teen push Poppy with all of his strength until her body slammed into the trophy case and shattered it. I thought I might scream. It all went in slow motion. I heard a small cry escape my mouth I didn't expect to hear. Everything was a blur.

Poppy fell to the ground and my heart sank into my stomach. I felt as if I wasn't breathing. Suddenly, I caught up to my senses and got to my feet at an instant. I didn't care what the gang saw me do. I didn't care what they did to me. All that I cared about was the one person who laid across the broken glass with her eyes sealed to a close. Cuts were all over her with blood dripping from them. One across her cheek, another across her hand, another above her wrist, it sent me into complete worry for the girl I once knew. I wanted to know her again. I wanted her to be okay...more than anything in he world. I forgot all common sense and rushed to her sliding over the shards. Cuts don't matter, I've got too many anyway. They didn't hurt me. The only pain I felt came from the mere sight of Poppy.

I hoisted her up and put her head in my palm. Unconscious. Lifeless. Every word that described her state stabbed my heart. Tears stung my eyes. "Someone help her! Someone please!" I screamed my throat threatening it's sobs to escape. The blood seeping from her skin didn't faze me. I pulled her to my chest and let pain take its grip on my soul. I was the least of my worries now. I need her to be okay.

The classroom doors flew open and teachers rushed out. The gang had fled but still held their place in my mind. They hurt Poppy, the one person I cared about the most, and they weren't getting away with it. I made a promise and I'm willing to keep it. This isn't over. It's just begun.


Poppy's POV

My eyes fluttered open and met the bland color of the ceiling. My position met to my discomfort and I tried to turn over but great pain tugged at my side. The other way didn't work either but the pain this time was enough to make me wince. I took deep breaths before I sat up. I sat in a bed in a colorless room that had not belonged to me. Bandages lined all over my body in different places. Suddenly, the memory flooded my brain.

I remember Branch all bruised and a sense of fear in his eyes. Branch. Where's Branch? I felt like jumping out of bed and making a run for it to his house but the cuts I had on my body told me otherwise.

The door opened slowly as a tall woman peeked her head inside. "Oh good! You're awake, my dear!" she said walking to a side of my bed closest to the doorway. "A-Am a hospital?" I stammered noticing her clothing. She didn't take it as a dumb question, "Yes, dear. How're the scars?" "Still...hurting?" I ended with question in my voice. It made her chuckle. She places her hand on my leg and gave it a pat.

"Don't worry. You're going to be just fine. Oh! And you have a gift!" she exclaimed opening the door and grabbing who sounded like a cart. She rolled it inside the room and stopped it at my bedside. A record player? A large record player sat on the top of the cart with a bag next to it.

I reached inside the bag and pulled out a tube of ice cream, chocolate syrup, cherries, some sprinkles, a record, and a letter. The nurse gave me a puzzled look. I didn't know either. This day was all a blur to me. I had no idea why everything was so crazy today. I read the note to myself...

Dear Poppy,
I'm sorry you're so hurt. I didn't intend for any of this to happen and you didn't deserve to get what you did. I thought you could use some sweets to brighten up that smile of yours and some music to sing to. Hope you get better soon, Pinkie.
                              Your stick,

I felt my face go warm. He did this for me. To make me feel better. My smile couldn't fade the slightest. He really was the best best friend ever. If only Creek did something like this...

"Before you make your ice cream," the nurse implied snapping me out of thought, "Let me check your bandages."


I'll go wherever you go
To win your heart, princess of Monaco

The lyrics flowed together making me wiggle my feet. I didn't enjoy the thought of being alone in a hospital room all night but my dad called me and calmed my nerves. The nurses would be here too so I truly wasn't alone. I just couldn't wait to be home.

Why don't you close your eyes and we can leave it all behind,
Wake up in paradise where the sunset never dies,
We'll never say goodbye, good bye, goodbye
Don't every say goodbye, goodbye, goodbye...

Branch's POV
I liked being alone, but this time, I seemed uneasy. The picture of Poppy unconscious was glued to my mind. I once sat paralyzed with shock and the next thing I know I jump onto glass cutting myself I the process and now sitting in a hospital bed. Footsteps met my hearing and I sunk into the pillow beneath my head. A nurse entered with a gleaming smile. It was almost creepy. Who smiles while they're in a prison? You're stuck with a bunch of over-enthusiastic ladies running around and hacking on you every five minutes!

"I have good news," she emphasized walking over to my bed, "you're gonna be able to go home." I'm not one to be close to people and I especially wasn't changing that when she went to hug me. "Er-great! Ummm...if you don't mind answering, when will Poppy be going home?"

"Pardon?" she questioned as if she didn't understand a word coming from my mouth.

"Poppy," I repeated, "the girl I came here with?"

"Ah, yes!" she responded as she remembered, "I'm sorry but she won't be out until Friday at the least." Two days? That long?

I dipped my head in understanding. She was more damaged than I had been. I wish I had been hurt, not her. She was only trying to help. To save me. I would do the same for her. I always will.

Welp! There's chapter 8! I'm not trying to offend any nurses I just wanted to show Branch's paranoia. So sorry this chapter took so long! The next will have LOTS of fluff and by lots I mean one scene...which is the whole chapter. Stay awesome guys and can't wait for Trolls Holiday!! Bye!

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