Chapter 9|| Silence

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April 4, 1992...

The door was cold against her fist. Her knocks echoed in her head as she felt her heart beat faster and faster. 'It's gonna be okay,' she repeatedly reminded herself as silence swam in the air chilling her body. The door swung open followed by an apologetic 38-Year old woman. "Oh sweetie!! I'm so sorry!!" Mrs. McLanton confessed before making an opening for her to enter. She gave a weak smile. "It's okay."
The floor make a squeaky noise on her entering. The house smelled like pasta boiling and Lysol that had been freshly sprayed. Her arrival wasn't unexpected so it wasn't unnecessary. The family was just trying to make her feel welcome.
"I'm so sorry about your parents." A woman's warm breath grazed her ear as she felt an arm snake around her shoulders. Another weak smile. "I know death has a terrible toll on one's heart." Indeed it did. It hurt her more than anything she's ever experienced. She'd had many things go on in her life that had left her heartbroken such as a few weeks ago, her ex had gotten a new girl as blatantly showed her off. She cried for hours that night but never had pain been inflicted so harshly inside as it did now.
"It's okay," she managed to say, "I'm just glad I have someone to take care of me now. They'd really appreciate your guardianship." The woman smiled almost a little too sincerely. "Anything for my Amethyst." She was pulled into a tight hug that made her want it to last forever. She could cry and tell herself it'd be okay. She wanted to scream and run. She wanted life the way it once was...but change had other plans.
The two separated when someone's feet could be heard running down the hallway. Amethyst's smile grew from the corners of her mouth as a blond-haired 14-year-old emerged. She was soon engulfed in another hug. Tears began to spill down her cheeks. "It's okay, A. I'm here now," Em reassured while she felt tears of her own. "We're gonna move on...together. Right?" Amethyst sniffled but smiled even bigger. She couldn't have asked for a better best friend in the entire world. "Together."

3 years later...

She stared at her bag again. Full. Just as it was 3 years ago. On her left, Em threw rocks and watched them skip across the water. "A?" Amethyst jumped but slowly answered escaping her deep thoughts. "Yeah?" "We're two poor 17 year olds living by themselves in a house with no adult–" "You just said that." "–and living off of what's left of the income of my old job. We're still in school, A...and we're alone." Alone. It stung her brain. And then the statement she didn't want to hear was brought to her ears, "And we're about to separate..." The sentence ended with her voice being cut short by her thoughts. She wasn't lying. Soon they'd be set apart by foster care after everything they've done to escape it. There would be no telling where they'd be going. Amethyst felt herself sob. "This is my fault." Em's eyes widened. "What?!" she screamed in disbelief. "You're crazy!" "I am not! Both of my parents are dead and you know what?! I move in with you and your mom and bring the curse with me! Your mom is now dead because of me! You might as well leave too so you're not next...I can't lose anyone else, Em. Especially not you." A rock hitting the water's surface shot Amethyst's head up from the place in her knees. Eyes with a fire inside them met hers with such fury, she swallowed hard. "You're the dumbest person I've ever met if you'd think I'd leave you." Her breath stopped short as she watched Em take off the bracelet her dad had given her before he left and throw it into the water. "You're not one of them like he was...and I'm never leaving you. Especially since you're the only family I have left."  A weak smile. It was hard to smile when tears were stinging your eyes. Still, she managed to watch Em give her one back. She took in a deep breath. "You're...the best friend I've ever had..." Em took another rock and threw it across the water. "Promise me well always be this way?" Their eyes met again as Amethyst sniffled. "Promise."

The fateful day came. Not only was it the day they'd have to say goodbye, but it was Amethyst's 18th birthday. Em has used the last of her money to buy her a cake with her name on it and candles to put on the top. As soon as Amethyst entered the room, Em squealed. "Happy birthday to you!! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to Amethyst. Happy birthday to you!!" She smiled the widest she'd smiled in a very long time. Em was the family the she'd always had. From the first day of 2nd grade, her life was changed forever. The weirdest girls in the class were inseparable and no one could disagree. Her smile faded once she'd blown out the candles and realized what day it was. March 12th. Her head spun to meet Em's eyes glistening with water. " you like it?" Her bottom lip quivered. Instead of replying with words, she pulled her into a tight hug. Em chuckled. "Can...can today be our hug day? A holiday only we celebrate?" Amethyst nodded against her shoulder. "Yeah...only us." Em sniffled as she felt her lips curl.
The two girls jumped apart at a knock on the door. Amethyst swallowed hard and then approached the door. The doorknob was cold against her fingers and so hard to turn. Her heart raced. 'Breathe' she told herself, 'just open it.' The door opened and two men met her gaze. "G-Good morning," she stammered. "Come in."
The man turned to Em and held his hand out to her to be shaken. "You must be Moon McLanton. Nice to meet you, love." She sulked but didn't disregard his kind gesture. "Nice to meet you." He smiled before looking at his paper. "We're here to take you to your new home, Ms.Lanton. You ready?" Amethyst sucked in some air quicker than normal. Her lips parted. "S-Sir? You aren't taking me?" He shook his head. "You're 18, correct?" She nodded. "Today." "Then we will not. By the age of 18, you are your own guardian." Em's jaw dropped. "What?" She questioned as silent as a whisper. Amethyst was left speechless. "Now, come on my dear. Time to go." The other man grabbed her arm but Em pulled back. "A!!! Amethyst!!" Tears formed in both of their eyes but Amethyst stayed frozen. "Please!! Let me go!" Em screamed trying to pull away. Her cries were silenced by the closing of a car door. Amethyst felt her heartbeat in her head. Her lip quivered. Her eyes, now overflowing with tears, were glued to the car as it faded from view and drove away. No sounds escaped her lips. She was frozen in place. The car was gone. Her best friend was gone. Her home was gone. Her family was gone. She was...alone. The first sound in the past five minutes came from her voice.
Yeah I'd rather be a lover than a fighter,
Cause all my life I've been fighting
She closed her eyes and let the tears fall. Her knees were weak and her chest hurt from the lack of breath.
Never felt a feeling of comfort
All this time, I've been hiding
She turned her body and walked down the long hallway connecting to three bedrooms and a bathroom. Memories in picture form took her to a new place every time she saw one.
And I've never had someone to call my own, oh nah
I'm so used to sharing
Love only left me alone
But I'm at one with the silence
She stopped at a picture of herself and Em in Disney World just in front of the castle. Her arm was wrapped around her 8-year-old best friend with a smile that could make the sun jealous.
I found peace in your violence
Can't tell me there's no point in trying
I'm at one, and I've been quiet for too long
She turned and walked to her birthday cake which was set up just 10 minutes before she was gone. A folded note sat beside it still unopened. Amethyst unfolded it to see handwriting she was all-too familiar with.
Happy birthday to the best pineapple friend in the world!! I hope you have a great birthday!! Don't forget me, A. Love, Em
She pulled it close to her chest and sang softly.
I found peace in your violence
Can't tell me there's no point in trying
I'm at one, and I've been silent for too long...

22 years and 8 months later...

Branch sat on his bed while staring at the colorless ceiling. His mind was somewhere far away...somewhere he couldn't explain. Like he was sleeping with his eyes wide open. "Marie, it's okay." "No, Mom! It's not! My brother is gone! Amethyst! She's gone too and I should've been the one! Not her! Now her child has to grow up without knowing who his parents are...I just wish she were here to celebrate her birthday." "I do too, baby. I do too." "Branch?"
"Branch?" Branch flew his head upwards. He panted. "Yes?" He asked hoarsely. His aunt gave him a confused look. "You...okay there bud?" "Branch. And yes, I'm fine." Marie curved her lips inward and pulled out a flower-headband. Branch's brows furrowed. "What's that?" Her eyes widened. "You...don't remember?" Branch shook his head but tried to focus on it. His mind searched for anything that transpired. Then it hit him. "Grandma." Marie sighed but nodded. "Today is her birthday. Aaaaand I think...I think she'd want you to have this." A sigh came from her mouth as she handed it to the teenage boy. He grimaced. "I don't wear headbands, Aunt Marie." "Psh well duh. I meant you could give it to your girlfriend, Poppy." Her statement only made him grimace even more. "She's not my girlfriend but whatever." He took it and gave it a good look over.
His aunt searched for the reason of his bad mood through his expression. When he noticed, he looked up and their eyes met. Then she knew. His eyes were as cold as hers when she explained her story. She'd met those eyes before. Her heart sank. "You...were remembering her." "Remembering who?" He rolled his eyes and set his head on the pillow. "Amethyst."
He sat back up but slower this time. "How...?" "She's your mother, Branch. I've met those eyes before. You have not only her eyes, but her heart. You have your dads smile and hair." Branch sat in pure shock. He had remembered Aunt Marie and his grandma in a conversation. There were no words to say.
Aunt Marie's eyes began to water. "Now, go give your girl that present and pay her a visit. She needs you and I think grandma would want the same." The woman sat up from her position on his bed and exited the room, closing the door behind her. She walked across the apartment's hardwood floors while hearing the clicks of her heels until she reached her bedroom. A picture frame beside her bed held a picture of herself with Amethyst and her mother. She smiled a wrinkled type of smile. It was hard being the last one without them. Amethyst acted as the sister she never had even though she'd had a brother who annoyed her to pieces. Change was a hard thing. It's a thing that can be painful, heartbreaking, or joyful. The point is that it's possible to overcome its bad outcomes. After all, Amethyst always told her that optimism is the key to success...and Marie would remember her family until the day she dies.

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