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Hola Everyone,

It's Sunday and I am here with the last update😀😀😀 of this story. My sincere apologies as I was caught up with my work.

Thank you for your votes & comments, means a lot.🙂🙂🙂

Without further ado here is the next part.Hope you like it.



The next day Sonakshi was helping Natasha get ready for the marriage. Ever since the act that had played out last evening between Dev and Sonakshi, Natasha was feeling uneasy, she did not know why but she felt there was something between Dev and Sonakshi that she was missing.

"Sonakshi" said Natasha as Sonakshi looked at her through the mirror as Natasha continued "Do you think I have taken the right decision by agreeing to marry Dev?" she asked as Sonakshi was taken aback listening to her.

"What rubbish are you talking Natasha, in a couple of hours you are getting married and you are thinking whether it's right to marry Dev or not. Are you mad? Do not think any such thing, marrying Dev is the best decision you have taken" she said but all the while did not look into Natasha's eyes while speaking lest her friend found out her lie.

"But Sonkashi..." said Natasha but before she could continue a lady came in and called out for Sonakshi "Sonakshi, the groom is here, please come out and welcome him" she said as Sonakshi was left perplexed, she did not want to face Dev now.

"Me...." she said hesitatingly, "But how can I" she continued but was cut off by the lady "Why not, after all your Natasha's best friend, now do not waste time and come along" she said and held Sonakshi's hand dragging her away as Sonakshi hesitatingly went with her. All this while though Natasha did not miss Sonakshi's hesitancy as her doubts increased.

Outside Sonakshi was standing before Dev who had just arrived at Natasha's home for the wedding as she was handed the Aarti plate for welcoming Dev, she slowly circled the Aarti plate before his face and putting the Teeka on his forehead and sprinkling some flowers she welcomed him, all this while both never looked into each other's eyes as they knew their restraint would break if they did that.

But unknown to them there was someone who had watched the entire scenario unfold as his sixth sense told him there was definitely some past connection between Dev and Sonakshi. He was already sulking as he was not able to marry Natasha and on top of that Laxman Trivedi had given him the responsibility of looking after the recording of the whole marriage which multiplied his anger as he swore to break Dev and Natasha's marriage. There were Televisions & projectors set-up around the wedding venue which was the Trivedi House and also around the village so that no one would miss the marriage ceremonies, after all it was the marriage of Village head's daughter.

Suddenly Vicky saw Ranveer, Bunty and Tina dragging Dev into a room as his sixth sense told him something was wrong, he knew something was definitely knew something was wrong and felt it was right opportunity for him to find something wrong about Dev and expose him so that he could break the marriage, he took a cameraman with him and went towards the window of the room where Dev and his friends had gone as he instructed the cameraman to set-up the camera at the window so that everyone could see the conversation between Dev and his friends.


On the other hand after welcoming Dev Sonakshi hurried to Natasha so that she could avoid Dev, she was braiding Natasha's hair when suddenly Natasha's aunt spoke loudly "Hey Natasha, look it's Dev" she said pointing at the TV screen which started playing the conversation that Dev was having with his friends as both Sonakshi and Natasha looked at the TV nervously wondering what was about to play out.


As soon as Dev entered the room with his friends, Ranveer handed him an envelope. He opened the envelope to look at its contents but as soon as he saw it he was left stunned.

"What's this Ranveer?" he asked in a surprised tone as Ranveer replied "These are your and Sonakshi's tickets to Mumbai, you guys will have a court marriage there tomorrow. I have asked my friend to arrange everything there and after that tomorrow night you guys will fly back to US. Now don't waste time and leave with Sonakshi, Dev" he said as Dev was left shocked, recovering from it he replied.

"What nonsense are you speaking Ranveer, in another hour I am going to marry Natasha and you guys are speaking like this. Have you gone mad?" he said sonorously, angry at his friends for making such a suggestion.

"And what are you doing Dev, sacrificing your love when you know that you and Sonakshi love each other" it was Tina who replied as Bunty added to it "Yes Dev, what Tina is saying is right. Why are you doing this? It's not fair to anyone of you" he said

"Please guys I have already told you that forget about this. We are not meant to be together" he said.

On the other hand, everyone was watching the scenario unfold on the TV while Ishwari & Rajeev were left stunned, Laxman was getting angry by the minute. Sonakshi left along with Bijoy as soon as the conversation started leaving a stunned Natasha behind who was left flabbergasted at the turn of the events, in all this there was only one person who was happy, and it was none other than Vicky who patted himself for destroying the marriage.

"Dev, don't do this. Already you have sacrificed your happiness by working in a bar even though you had saved Jatin's life for your mother. At least think of your happiness once Dev" said Tina in a pleading tone trying to convince him.

"It's precisely for my mother that I am doing this Tina. You know when I was a young kid our financial condition was not that great there would be days when we had food only twice a day. During those days my mother along with my father would give us food even if it meant they remained hungry. Its then I decided that I will do anything for them. My mother wanted to see me as a successful software professional, but I could not fulfill that dream of her. At least let me fulfill this wish of her" he said as tears glistened his eyes

"But what about your and Sonakshi's love Dev?" it was Ranveer who asked as Dev replied "What about us Ranveer? Are all the lovers in this world destined to meet, no right? This will remain as a sweet memory for us through out our life and even Sonakshi knows that. It will be something which we will cherish. Now please stop all this and let's go out else people will start doubting, it's time for the marriage" said Dev as he moved out while the friends looked at each other sadly knowing nothing could change Dev's mind as they moved out as well.


As soon as Dev came out he was left stunned as he could see everyone looking at his with teary eyes even Vicky had tears in his eyes, Dev could see everyone gathered there except Sonakshi, it was Laxman Trivedi who broke the silence first.

"Dev, I wanted happiness for my daughter but not at the cost of stealing someone else's happiness. Even Sonakshi is like my daughter and I have decided, in this same Mandap Your and Sonakshi's marriage will happen" he said leaving Dev speechless just as Ishwari who was crying vigorously made her way towards Dev.

Reaching Dev she caressed his cheek lovingly and said "Dev, all these years I thought that my love will be your strength but I never knew it turned out to be your weakness. I am sorry beta, I am really sorry" she said as she cried.

"Maa, what are you saying?" he said but was cut off by Ishwari "All these years for my happiness you faced all the troubles yourself and I did not know about it, I am such a bad mother, I am sorry Dev. Please forgive me" she said as Dev replied

"Maa, please don't say that. Whatever you did was for my happiness and no mother wants bad for her kid. Please stop crying Maa" he said trying to stop her from crying as she composed herself and said.

"Dev, if you really want my happiness then go. Go and get my Daughter-in-Law. Go and get Sonakshi Dev, get your love back" she said as he smiled sadly and looked towards Natasha who had tears in her eyes. He knew what Natasha would have been going through, to see her own marriage break off would have been devastating for her. But Natasha seemed to have understood Dev's dilemma as she spoke.

"Dev, don't worry about me. For me you are just a photograph but for Sonakshi you her life. Don't worry I am not feeling bad at all" she said but Dev was still hesitant as Natasha continued "Dev, don't think about anything else. Just go and stop Sonakshi else she will leave. Vicky, Go and get the car for Dev to leave" she ordered Vicky who hurried to get the vehicle for Dev.

As soon as Vicky got the car Dev hurried into it and left to stop Sonakshi while behind him everyone else left as well in vehicles so that they could help if something goes wrong.


"We need to leave as soon as possible Dad" said Sonakshi picking up her luggage which she had left at their ancestral house the previous evening.

"But Sona, leaving like this suddenly would worsen things Beta" said Bijoy trying to make her understand but Sonakshi would hear none of it "No Dad, I don't want to spoil my Friend's life" she said as she came out of the door of her house, but as soon as she came out she was left stunned as standing before her was none other her love DEV.

"Sona, You could not witness my marriage at least stay for my First night" he said as Sonakshi looked at him incredulously and said "Have you gone nuts? Do you know what you are speaking, what would I do at your First night?"

She pushed Dev aside and moved but her path was blocked by Laxman Trivedi who said "Hurry up Sona beta, When Natasha does not have any problem with it then why do you have a problem, the auspicious time is going to end soon beta" he said making Sonakshi cringe in disgust as she still was thinking about Dev's first night with Natasha.

She moved aside but was blocked by Vicky who said "See Sonakshi, don't act foolishly. Just come along" as Sonakshi lost all her patience as her temper flared up, she raised her hand and slapped Vicky hard who was left shocked to the core.

"Arey, why are you slapping him beta. He is telling the right thing" it was Ishwari who said as by now Sonakshi lost all her patience as she spoke loudly "What are you saying Aunty? How can I be present for their first night?" she said as everyone was left surprised wondering what she was talking about.

"What are you talking about Beta? How can one have first night without marriage?" said Ishwari looking mortified as everyone mirrored her expression as well as question while Sonakshi was left all confused looking at their expressions, she looked at Natasha for help who by now had understood what might have transpired as she spoke.

"We are talking about your and Dev's marriage, Sonakshi" she said as Sonakshi was left stunned

She moved towards Dev who smiled at her but the next moment he felt a stamp on his feet and a pinch on his arms as he screamed out while everyone asked why he did that. He made up a reason and asked everyone to leave so that he could spend some private time with Sonakshi, as everyone left leaving the couple on their own.

As soon as everyone left Sonakshi turned in anger to look at Dev but the next moment she was left stunned, Dev was on his knees with his hand stretched out holding a rose as he spoke "MS.SONAKSHI SHARMA, I LOVE YOU" as tears glistened her eyes.

"I LOVE YOU TOO, MR.DEV KASHYAP" she said and flung herself towards Dev who lost his balance momentarily but controlled himself from falling as he hugged Sonakshi who was settled on his lap, the next moment he moved his lips to be in line with Sonakshi's and before she knew engaged in a soul soothing kiss with her. Their kiss deepened conveying their love, they had finally conveyed and confessed THEIR UNSPOKEN LOVE.


Done,once again a long part. How was it?? Was it Boring/Ok/Good? Was it Yayy or Was it Nayy? Please leave your honest feedback.

As always, awaiting your votes/thoughts/feedbacks & comments.

And please do vote, makes the writer happy.🙂🙂🙂

So this update marks the end of this story, the next part will be the Epilogue along with the Author's note.🙂🙂

Also the end of this story marks the beginning of the end of my other stories as well🙂🙂, so just a few more days for you to invest time in my stories after which I will not bore you 🙂🙂.
Do check them out if you have not till now, here are the stories:-







See you next with the Epilogue. Please ignore the grammatical mistakes.

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