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Hola Everyone,

Surprised!! It's Tuesday and I am here with the next update. 😀😀😀

Thank you for your votes & comments, means a lot.🙂🙂🙂

Without further ado here is the next part.Hope you like it.


Kushal stumbled on the floor losing his balance due the intensity of the slap, but the person who hit him was not satisfied. He grabbed Kushal's collars and made him stand as he slapped him a couple of times. He was about to punch his face when he heard someone yell at him.

"Dev, leave him" said the person who was none other than Sonakshi, but Dev seemed to have lost all his control he continued slapping Kushal when Ritwik and Naina arrived at the spot stunned at the scene unfolding before them, Ritwik along with another guest pulled Dev away from Kushal as he tried to stand to his feet.

"Dev, Are you Mad. What's wrong with you? Why are you hitting him?" asked Ritwik as Dev replied in an angry tone "He misbehaved with Sonakshi Ritwik, how dare he? I will not leave him." He said and was about to hit Kushal again but Ritwik stopped him just as the Ritwik's boss arrived hearing the commotion, Ritwik apprised him about the situation as his boss instructed the security to take Kushal out of the party and leave him at his car which was duly followed. All this while Naina was trying to calm down Sonakshi who was sobbing uncontrollably.

As Dev turned towards Sonakshi his heart pricked seeing her cry, he moved towards her and cupping her face he looked in her eyes as he said "Sonakshi, Are you fine?" but the very next moment he was left tongue-tied, Sonakshi flung herself onto him and hugged him tightly as her tears wetter his shirt, seeing her condition he just caressed her hair trying to calm her down while she continued sobbing. In the meantime, Ritwik requested everyone to leave them alone as everyone dispersed leaving Ritwik and Naina with them.

After a few minutes Sonakshi stopped crying but the very next moment she remembered the incident and the position she was in, she pulled out of the hug and pushed Dev away "Leave me" she thundered as Dev along with Ritwik and Naina were flabbergasted seeing her intense reaction.

"Sonak..." said Dev but she just held her hand out telling him to back off and not come near her "Don't you dare come near me Dev" she said sonorously as Dev looked at her in shock "But Sonaks..." he replied but was cut off by her once again "I said don't you dare come near me" she said but Dev moved towards her as she continued "Seems like you are not going to listen. Ok then, I will leave from here" she said and ran from their as Dev who was momentarily caught off-guard by her sudden action ran behind her after a few seconds.

Sonakshi was running mindlessly on the street adjoining the venue without bothering about anything as Dev continued running, shouting her name telling her to stop, she did not see the on-coming bike headed towards her. The bike was about to hit her when Dev pulled her away as the biker turned back towards them scolding and uttering profanities for their mindlessness.

As soon as Dev pulled Sonakshi towards him, she crashed onto his chest as Dev hugged her while the wetness of his shirt made him realize that she was still crying, he held her shoulders as he separated her from him.

"Are you out of your mind Sonakshi? You could have just met with an accident?" he spoke harshly boring into her eyes as anger surged through Sonakshi.

"How does it matter to you Dev?" she screamed back at him as Dev was left perplexed.

"What are you saying Sonakshi, It matters to me. You are my friend" he replied

"Oh Really, is that why you left me alone with that Creep?" she asked him sarcastically as it dawned on to Dev why she was angry and behaving in such a way, he realized he had made a mistake.

"Sonakshi" he said and was about to hold her shoulder but she just backed away and said, "Don't touch me" while Dev sighed and said "Sonakshi, I am really sorry. But believe me I did not know that Kushal would be such a person"

"But why did you leave me alone? The way he was looking at me made me so uncomfortable yet you just left me and went away" she said in an accusing tone as Dev just looked down unable to meet her eyes.

"I am sorry Sonakshi" he said slowly as Sonakshi calmed down a bit and said, "Can we go home please?" as Dev nodded and both proceeded towards the car.

Both remained silent through the entire journey with Dev stealing occasional looks at Sonakshi who was just staring towards the night sky, after half an hour they reached Sonakshi's place as she got down wordlessly and proceeded towards her home.

"Sonakshi" Dev called out but she did not respond, he called her out again louder this time as Sonakshi stopped in her tracks and turned to look at him but the scene before her melted her heart.

In front of her Dev was kneeling on his feet and holding his hears as he made a puppy face and said, "I am sorry Sonakshi, please forgive me" as Sonakshi moved towards him and made him stand up.

"Of course, you should be sorry as you left your friend alone there" she said as Dev looked down guiltily but the next moment she burst out laughing leaving Dev surprised.

"Dev, you are so cute" she said as Dev replied, "What do you mean?"

"This puppy face of yours will melt anyone's heart and the case is no different with me" she said as he replied, "That means you have forgiven me?" as Sonakshi nodded with a smile on her face.

"Thank god" said Dev as he finally smiled while Sonakshi replied at the same time "But dare repeat this the next time and I will make sure that you meet your end" she said pointing a finger at him as he faked a scare making both laugh, after a few moments Dev asked.

"But tell me Sonakshi, you are fine right?" he asked as she replied in affirmative looking into his eyes, both seemed to drift into a trance as were lost in each other's eyes. They stared at each other when the honk of the horn from a passing vehicle as both looked away from each other with a smile lingering on their faces. They did not why but they felt an unknown joy.

"I should get going" said Dev as Sonakshi nodded in agreement. As Dev reached near the car he turned to look at her and at the exact same moment she looked at him as well, a smile formed on their face as Dev bid her a goodbye and left. Both had a strange feeling on joy and contentment in their hearts but the irony was both were unable to understand why it was so, but whatever it was it surely did warm their hearts.


The next couple of days passed quickly with the occasional chat between them. Dev felt that he was unnecessarily burdening Sonakshi by asking her to clear the misunderstanding with Natasha and her family. And in any case Natasha had understood him and asked for time to make her family understand, thinking this Dev had decided to talk directly with Natasha and ask her to help him out, he dialed Natasha's number.

"Hello who's this" asked Natasha as she picked the call.

"Hi Natasha, it's Dev" he said

"How dare you call me?" asked Natasha as soon as she heard his name.

"Why are speaking like that Natasha, Sonakshi told me that you know the truth and needed some time to convince your family members" replied a surprised Dev.

"What are you talking about?" asked Natasha as Dev replied "Natasha, Didn't Sonakshi call you?"

"Oh, she did, but the moment she took your name I had asked her not to tell me anything about a cheat. Even my Dad told her the same. In fact, I had told her that if she wanted to talk about you then she should never call me again. First know everything and don't you dare call me again else it will not be good for you" screamed Natasha and cut the call.

To say that Dev was flabbergasted would have been an understatement, all these days Sonakshi had lied to him, but why? Anger surged through him, he needed answers and only one person had answers to those, SONAKSHI.


An hour later Dev was at Sonakshi's doorstep, he was continuously ringing the bell as after a few seconds Sonakshi opened the door.

"Dev, You at this hour?" she asked as Dev looked at her in anger which she did not miss.

"Why did you lie to me?" he asked as Sonakshi looked at him in surprise and asked, "What are you talking about?"

"I spoke to Natasha" he said as it dawned to Sonakshi what he was talking about.

"Oh, You spoke to her. What did she say?" she asked as Dev replied

"Leave that, first you tell me why did you lie to me" he asked again in a loud tone.

"Precisely because of this reason, I knew you would have got angry and then would have done something wrong. That's why I lied to you, I thought within some days I will make her understand and rectify things but you did not have any patience" she replied calmly

"No need, no need to make anyone understand Sonakshi. If they don't want to know the truth and understand me then even I do not need it" he replied sonorously, his patience running out.

"Dev, give it some time. Everything will be fine" she said holding his shoulder in sympathy as he calmed down, he sat down on the sofa and pondered upon the situation as he thought Sonakshi was right, he needed to give it sometime.

"Any ways leave all this, tell me did you see any more boys for marriage?" he asked changing the topic as Sonakshi looked at him irately

"Dev, I do not think I can have an arrange marriage. I mean how do I decide about a guy just in a couple of meetings, I do not think it would work" she said

"Arey Sonakshi why do you think so, it's very easy. Come I will train you" he said as he held her hand and made her sit across the table as he settled himself opposite to her.

"Imagine I am the guy and have come to see you. Now ask me anything" he said as Sonakshi looked at him in surprise but decided to play along.

"Hmm... I do not know. You ask first" said Sonakshi

"Ok, So Sonakshi tell me what are your hobbies" asked Dev

"I like singing, painting, Dancing, designing clothes etc" she said as Dev smiled at her.

"Good, I like it. Even I like singing" he replied and continued "See, the hobbies matched, its so easy"

"What just the hobbies, that's it" Sonakshi said looking unconvinced.

"Hmm Ok, you want to me ask something else?" he asked as Sonakshi nodded in agreement.

"So, Sonakshi tell me what are your expectations from marriage" he asked looking in her eyes as Sonakshi seemed to be lost in them.

"First you tell me, what are your expectations from me after marriage Dev" replied Sonakshi looking in his eyes in anticipation

"I do not have much expectations Sonakshi, I just want two kids. First a girl, then a boy. And I will hand them to my mother. After that my mother, my kids & me. We will live happily and peacefully" replied Dev looking in her eyes as Sonakshi's face fell listening to his words, composing herself she asked.

"You mean only your mother, your kids & you. Then where am I in all this, what's my position?" she asked, sadness laced in her voice

"What do you mean by what's your position Sonakshi, When I say it's a family then you also will be their right?" he replied hurriedly

Sonakshi stared back him and said, "So you mean to say first is your mother, then kids & then me, right?" as Dev's face turned serious unknowingly listening to her words.

"No Sona, you will be always my first priority. Everyone else will be after that" said Dev looking in her eyes.

"Listen. If after marriage you take my name after your mother and kids then, then I will kill you" she replied back in mock anger

Dev cupped her face and gazing lovingly at her replied "No Sona, as I have said first is you, everyone else will be after that" as both looked at each other intensely. Their eyes were locked onto each other unaware of the world around them.

Just then the shrill of Dev's phone broke their trance, both looked away from each other, embarrassed as Dev said "See, it was easy" as Sonakshi kept quiet looking at him while he continued "I think I should leave" he said and got up to leave, just as he was exiting he turned to look at her as their eyes met, both smiled at each other after which Dev left but somehow both felt that the moment should have never ended, both felt to be each other.


At night, Dev was thinking about the encounter he had with Sonakshi this morning somehow, he felt very different though he was unable to comprehend why it was so. Just then the doorbell rand, thinking it to be either Ranveer or Bunty he went and opened the door but the moment he opened it he was left stunned.



Done,once again a long part. How was it?? Was it Boring/Ok/Good? Was it Yayy or Was it Nayy? Please leave your honest feedback.

As always, awaiting your votes/thoughts/feedbacks & comments.

And please do vote, makes the writer happy🙂🙂🙂


See you next in the next update. Please ignore the grammatical mistakes.

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