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Hola Everyone,

Surprised!! 😀😀😀It's Monday and I am here with the next update.

Thank you for your votes & comments, means a lot.🙂🙂🙂

The parts in Italics is flashback.

Without further ado here is the next part.Hope you like it.


As soon as Dev saw his father standing at the door he was stunned into silence but before he could recover from it someone else came from behind and stood beside his father. And as Dev saw the person he was once again left speechless for it was none other than Anil Trivedi, younger brother of Natasha's father Lakshman Trivedi, confusion was clearly etched on Dev's face. He was unable to understand what was going on and why they were at his place.

Before he could speak someone else spoke "Uncle, why are you standing outside, please come in" said the person who was none other than Ranveer who had just come carrying the luggage of the visitors. At once, Dev could make out that Ranveer already knew about the arrival of his father, his confusion increased when Ranveer looked at him and smiled.

"Dev, please forgive me son. I never knew the truth and hence misunderstood you" said Dev's father with folded hands as looked at him in surprise, the events unfolding before him from the past few minutes were just befuddling him.

"Dad, what are you saying and why are you saying Sorry, please don't do that" he said as he held his father's hand and lowered them asking him not to ask for forgiveness.

"No Dev, I misunderstood you without knowing the whole truth and snapped ties with you. And then asked you to stay away from your mother as well. I am really sorry son, please forgive me if possible" replied his father as Dev once again asked him to stop doing that.

"Dad, please stop doing that and tell me clearly what happened. Why are you saying so and what's the reason for your sudden arrival? I am not understanding anything" said Dev as his father replied.

"Jatin has revealed everything Dev" he said as Dev looked at him in shock, never in his wildest dreams could he imagine Jatin revealing his truth and that too when he had clearly asked him not to do so. But then questions began to cloud his mind, how did Jatin reach his father and more importantly why did Jatin reveal the truth. The questions and confusion were visibly clear as Natasha's uncle spoke this time.

"Four days back Jatin had come to our home and told everyone about the truth, Dev" he said as he started speaking about the conversation that Jatin had with them at the TRIVEDI HOUSE.


It was a normal day like any other at the Trivedi House, Natasha had just returned after her daily dose of playing cricket with her young friends while her father and uncle had just returned for lunch inspecting the work that was going on in their fields. They were in their rooms when a person arrived at their home.

"Excuse me, is anyone there?" spoke the person as he knocked the door, he waited for a few seconds but getting no response, he knocked again, just then someone tapped him from behind and then making his way forward blocked the path as he spoke

"Hello Boss, whom do you want to meet?" said the person rudely who was none other than Vicky, knowing that Natasha was at home he had come to meet her rather impress her like everyday

"Hi, I am here to meet Mr. Anil Trivedi" said the person as Vicky replied "Why, why do you want to meet Anil uncle?"

"It's better if I tell that to him or any of his family member" said the person sarcastically as Vicky fumed and replied, "Even I am like family to them" he said

"Well, I would like to speak to someone who is a part of the family not someone who is like a family to them" replied Jatin in an insulting tone as Vicky's anger increased, he was about to retort when someone interrupted them.

"Hey Vicky, whom are you speaking to?" said Natasha who had just come out of her room after freshening up as Vicky turned to look at her and move aside to reveal the person who was standing at the door.

Natasha looked at the person uncertainly, thinking whether she knew him or not. Dressed in a faded jean to go with a V-neck T-shirt on top of which he had donned a blazer and completing his looks were the gelled hairs and sneakers, the person was handsome and looked from a well-to-do family.

"Hi, Can I know who are you and whom do you want to meet?" asked Natasha politely as the person replied

"Hi, I am here to Mr. Lakshman Trivedi. Can you please call him" the person replied as Natasha nodded, asking him to sit, she went to call her dad. After a few moments Natasha along with her dad and uncle came down while the person was seated on the sofa.

"Yes, I am Lakshman Trivedi. How can I help you?" asked Natasha's father as soon as he saw the person who got up to greet him.

"Hello Sir, I am JATIN VERMA. Owner of Verma Constructions. We have been in the top 10 construction companies in UP for the last 3 years and have a turnover of more than 100 crores every year" said the person as confusion was clearly etched on everyone's face, they did not understand why the person who called himself Jatin was telling his background.

"I know you all must be confused as to why I am telling you all this. That's because in the last three years whatever I have achieved has been possible because of one person and that is none other than DEV, DEV KASHYAP" he said sonorously as everyone looked shocked before anyone could react Jatin continued.

"And when I knew that he was insulted here I could not stop myself and came here so that you all know the truth" he completed as everyone was flabbergasted

"What truth are you talking about?" asked Mr.Trivedi, Natasha's father.

Jatin then proceeded to tell them about Dev, how he arrived in the US and how he had saved his life sacrificing his mother's dream of becoming a software professional. As everyone heard him they hung their heads down, they had done injustice to a good person.

"I told him so many times to leave that job in the Bar and come here to join me in my work but he denied it every time saying it is his mother's dream to see him as a software professional and he will not come back without fulfilling that dream" he completed as there were slight tears in everyone's eyes.

"But why did he hide it from us?" asked Natasha's father as Jatin replied "He thought that your daughter had listened to him that night but unfortunately she had slept Sir so he really did not want to hide anything" said Jatin as Anil went into a deep contemplation thinking how to rectify his mistake just as Jatin spoke.

"Sir, you will get a lot of rich guys for your daughter but in today's world it's very difficult to get a person with a good heart and that is what Dev is and unfortunately you have lost such a person" he said as everyone looked down in guilt, that's when Mr.Trivedi got a way which would help him rectify his mistake and the subsequent guilt because of that.


"After that Anil Bhai sent me bring your father to our home. Jatin told him the truth and that is when Bhaiya along with your father decided to fix your's and Natasha's relation Son" said Natasha's uncle

The moment Dev heard that earth slipped from under his feet, it was the moment he realized that he could not this, But Why? He had the answer to it, it was moment he realized that he LOVED someone else and it was none other than SONAKSHI. But the irony was now his wedding was already fixed with Natasha, Sonakshi's best friend.

As Dev was deep in thoughts his father spoke "Don't worry Dev, Ishwari does not know anything. She is just happy to see that the people who had rejected you came back on their own will for fixing the marriage. You should see her, she has already started your wedding preparations" he said as Dev's heart wrenched, no he could not do this, he cannot break the relation now when his mother was happy with it, if not her other dream he could at least fulfill this dream of her, but then there was a question in his mind.

"But how did Jatin come to know about it. And then Natasha, I talked to her yesterday she seemed very angry that I called" he asked in confusion as both Dev's father and Natasha's uncle laughed.

"Actually, it was her plan to give a surprise that's why she acted like that and as far as Jatin is concerned why don't you ask Ranveer about it" said his father as it was at that moment Dev realized that Ranveer had informed Jatin about it, excusing himself he went out for some time to clear his mind while everyone else rejoiced at the news of his wedding.

Coming out of his house, Dev sat on a bench trying to get hold of his thoughts as tears made way from his eyes. Never had he expected that his life would take such a drastic turn, the day he realized his love was also the day he was losing it of course he did not know whether Sonakshi shared the same feelings for him but now that did not matter for he could not reciprocate to her love even If she loved him. He knew what he needed to do, just then his phone rang and as he looked at the caller id. his heart shattered for it was the person with whom he had fallen in love with SONAKSHI.


On the other side while Dev was suffering in his own hell Sonakshi was lost in her own thoughts, she was looking at herself in the mirror smiling to herself as she reminisced all her moments with Dev and that's when realization stuck her, what she shared with Dev was not just friendship, it was more than that. In fact, it was nothing but LOVE. Yes, finally she had fallen in love, love with the person whom she had hated till a few days back but now all she had for him was LOVE.

She decided not to waste a moment to confess her love to him, she took out her phone and called Dev asking him to meet him in a couple of hours while Dev tried to avoid it saying it was late in the night but Sonakshi was adamant, seeing no other way he agreed to her as Sonakshi got up to get ready for him.


Two hours later, Dev reached the location that Sonakshi had said, he was in turmoil. His heart said him one thing while his brain indicated something else. As he looked around he saw the person he was yearning to be with but knew he could not, SONAKSHI. He moved towards her.

There she stood with a Bouquet of his favorite flowers, dressed in a saree of his favorite color all ready to confess her love for him. Few tears of joy glistened her eyes as she imagined his reaction to her proposal while he stood there looking at her, even he had tears in his eyes but were they of happiness or sadness, she could not make it out. Deciding to end the wait she spoke.

"Dev I..., Dev I..." she said but could not speak further due to the nervousness, before she could proceed her phone rang, as she saw the caller a smile crept on her face as she picked up the call.
"Sona, I am getting married" said the person on the other side excitedly as confusion etched her face.
"What are you saying Natasha?" she said in confusion
"Surprised right, even we were when they had agreed. Yes Sona, they have agreed. Dev and his family have agreed for the marriage" said Natasha in the same excitement as the earth slipped from underneath Sonakshi's feet as she was stunned into silence.
"The marriage is in a month and I don't know what you do, how you do but you need to be here 2 weeks prior to the marriage and I am not going to listen to any of your excuses" said Natasha and cut the call not giving the chance for Sonakshi to reply.
As she put her phone down tears started flowing from her eyes and he could at once understand why was it. Not wanting to wait any further and increase her agony he spoke.
"Sonakshi, I am leaving for India as I am getting married in a month. It would be nice if you could come to my marriage but even if you cannot make it all I wish is a happy future for you" he spoke hurriedly and left not wanting to show his tears to her without waiting for her reply because he knew he would fall weak if he waited for her reply.
As he left, Sonakshi slumped down as tears were flowing from her eyes unabashed. She had lost, lost her first love. But the irony was she had lost him to her best friend and she could do nothing about it. THEIR LOVE STORY HAD ENDED BEFORE IT COULD EVEN START.


Done,once again a long part. How was it?? Was it Boring/Ok/Good? Was it Yayy or Was it Nayy? Please leave your honest feedback.

As always, awaiting your votes/thoughts/feedbacks & comments.

And please do vote, makes the writer happy.🙂🙂🙂


See you next in the next update. Please ignore the grammatical mistakes.

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