Power Is A Double Edged Sword

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Power Is A Double Edged Sword
Too much or too little may turn
You helpless or lustful.
Power is deadly,
A vice that may turn people who have no
Control overthemselves, the ones with
Insatiable hunger A menace to masses at large.
Power is something that can't be seen, only felt.
Everyone gets Power once in their life,
The ones having too much, as classic,
Fall prey to the unending human wants.
The human wants,
Need & hunger for wanting more is something
That's not Easy to control ‐
Having too much of it turns people delusional.
The ones with too much Power think that
They rule the world.
The world should bend at their will, on their feet.
Beat the drums, glorify their presence.
Not remembering everything is temporary.

Power Is A Double Edged Sword,
You can't take it with you at time of your
Depart from human realm, onto next life.
Power must remain behind.
No-one remembers that though.
With Power comes responsibility,
A heightened sense of integrity.
Respect on a thin line,
Respect what you've.

Power if used for good can bring
Prosperity, build wealth for common good,
Serve for peace & security, help in moving forward.
Power if used for right can prevail justice.
Yet, unfortunately Power in wrong hands
Leads to misfortune.
Power is a blessing & a curse.
2 sides to a coin,
Depend on how it's been used.

The Insatiable human wants
Are usually power's best friend.
Seven vices, these 2 go hand in hand.
The ones entrusted with Power -
Either by public, corporations or world,
Seldom fall prey to fulfilling the unending
Cycle of wants.
More money, more wealth.
Fame, name, respect, Authority,
Hits their head.
Thinking, thought process of being a Ruler
Takes away humility.
Very few have been the ones that have
Ruled with honesty, justice, for truth & dignity.

Name, Authority, Fame, Power.
Eyes full of delusion,
See nothing expect themselves
Favoring only themselves & their favourites.
Making Everyone else beg, torment, be tortured.
Power gets misused.
Misuse, personal agenda;
The world goes dark.
Don't forget Power as temporary,
It's all temporary.
Everything in this human life must come to an end.
Beginnings & Ends.
Power doesn't die, only gets passed on.
Some see Power as wealth.
Some see Power as Authority.
Some see Power as protection;
Power as power –
A means to an end, that's never ending,
Only expanding.

Red tainted hands,
Red glasses, white everywhere.
Red flags look white when
You've been in same position for too long.
Power is both a vice & a blessing in disguise.
But we're not.
Not perfect, not flawless, not honest.
With Power comes privilege,
But also accountability.
Accountability of actions,
A great responsibility.
They respect the seat.
The position, not you.
Don't let Power hit your head.
They respect the seat,
Your position - designation
Doesn't equate you.
Learn to look beyond it.
Don't cling onto designations, Authority.
Once you're not in power,
You're not valuable to most.
Your value falls faster & sharper than
Stock market,
You're no longer needed.
While having Power in concentration is good,
Cherish it.
Refrain from clinging onto it.
It's not permanent,
You can't take it with you.

With Power comes influence,
Builds an image, a point of remembrance.
Negative or positive,
Your collective actions decide that.
Clinging too much you'll forget what
It's like to be powerless.
A life before you attained it.
A life after its gone.
Don't let reality leave you behind,
Or adaptability won't reach you.

Power Is A Double Edged Sword.
It can bring security, comfort, happiness.
Positively used it can bring
Success, Joy, Make history.
Yet we don't focus on positives.
We ponder too much,
Soaking in it without self control,
Concentration, its easy to get lost in its perils.
Do good, be good,
Is what everyone wants to be
Or atleast pretend to be.
Promises & statements are only
Promises & statements unless acted upon.
Words not matching actions or
Actions matching words, it depends on
Self contentment, self control, clarity, vision.
Whether you get swayed by personal agenda or
Have a personal agenda to do good,
Comes down to your true inner intentions & belief.

Good, good, good.
Starts off good but ends up falling prey to
Protection of self interest.
No humanity, diminishing empathy.
Claims of wanting good are only words at such point,
How our society has shaped over time.
Bitter, a reverse of envisions.
Power Is A Double Edged Sword.
Use wisely.
Eyes are watching,
Karma is counting.
While it runs out,
Ask yourself end of time –
Is it really worthwhile?

Longest poem till date.

-Ridhima Joshi

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