Finding Solace In You

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Finding solace in you,
Comfort in your arms.
All that almighty made for me.
Made you for me but now you're gone.
One went to otherland,
Another Vanished.
The warm room is cold now.
Plenty of sunlight, no warmth though.
Can I hold your hand?
Will you disappear like them
Or are you here to stay?
I'm going to move mountains,
But my solace is gone.
Self doubts creep in.
The future is hazy,
My sunshine fades in & out.
Feels like I'm lost,
Like Alice in Wonderland,
I've lost my direction,
How do I get it back?
The girl to move mountains,
Her solace is gone.
Finding it in you,
Is it there, is it mine to take
Or is it reserved for someone else?
Can't take solace from you,
Your sunshine is dim too.
They say you find Comfort in others,
People throughout your life
Help you build your home,
Bring you peace,
It's a journey they say.
Everyone loses & gets what they deserve,
What's meant to be.
Life runs in balance &
What yours, shall seek you out,
They say.

Finding Comfort in your arms,
Hearing your heartbeat,
Feeling home.
Feeling the power in your touch, in your hugs.
Finding warmth in your smile,
Safety in your eyes.
Protectiveness, Peace.
The brown eyes that displayed so much
Are gone,
Hardly a memory now.
The new ones are there,
Younger than yours,
Warm as warmlit room in winters.
There's Comfort but will that Comfort last?
My mind ponders.
A string of thoughts turn into a train of thoughts,
All simmers down to an identity crisis.
Doubts of self goodness,
Of being enough.
Feeling that I'm good enough in
My individual capacity,
Fluctuating in my capacity to be
Good enough for others.
2 sides of a same coin,
One heavier than other though.

Finding Comfort in you,
Solace in your touch,
In being held, held by you,
Though you're hardly there.
Always disappearing,
Leaving my doors open,
Letting the cold in.
Winters are heavy, the frost
Covers the floors, the cold in
My room, on my face.
I'm covered in woollens, got my heating on
Yet it is so cold.
Physically warm,
Though not emotionally.
My body is warm,
Head covered, feet covered.
Covered in the finest woollens.
A red kashmiri stole draped over it,
I've all that I require.
My heart is cold,
My mind is empty.
It craves warmth, solace in someone.
Solace comes from within, I know,
I've got mine.
However I need someone to light me up,
Make me feel home even when
I'm away from home.
Home is there, I've got a new one now.
Yet this emptiness doesn't go.
The frost takes over & so
I look for warmth,
Not knowing when it'll come.
I find Comfort in your arms,
In his touch or shenanigans,
Even if its hardly a memory or
Energy now.

-Ridhima Joshi

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