There's No Shelter For The Kind : A Fazed Mind

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Poem 2 : Of The Depression Series 

There's no shelter for
The kind ;
Says the Fazed Mind.

There's no need for making
Yourself a Graveyard
Says the Mind.
But is it worth?
Is it worth to—
Agonize , Drown , Be Sordid
Is It?

You're not Sordid ,
Says the Fazed Mind
How do you know?
Retorts the Heart.

You're not—
People have been unkind
And made you believe so.
Believe that you're Sordid :
Believe that there's something
Wrong with you.

All I ever wanted was
Beams of Love
All I got was—
Beams of Unkindness.

I'm grateful to love
And be loved ,
By the shells.

But the shelters?

I'm tired of being rejected
By them.

3 Years ; 3 shelters
None accepted me
For who I Am ,
Darkness and Mockery
Everywhere ,
Made me build a graveyard
In Myself.

Myriad Colours Everywhere

Tis’ World is

Full Of Shades :

Some dark
Some light
Each changing over a course of

Consummatum Is All They
Even the Unkind ,
Is all they want
No care of the Kind or Joy.

I started to cloister myself
Away from People ,
Tired of Pain
I nolonger want to Suffer .
Call me selfish ,
What I crave is:

The end to this Pain and Despair

Euphoria .

Keep me Awake
At Night ,
When the World Sleeps
Awaken Me - To the Song
Of the Bird .

It's anyway better to be Awake and
Then to Drown and Sit .

Love everywhere ,
Lying Love Everywhere.

Love is not just an act of
Consummatum ’
Or Flaunting of Thy Person

Love isn't looking in the
Eyes of Thine -
And Stab them when
They aren't Gazing.

Love is when ;
You capture
Your other half
And keep them locked in your Heart As though—they're a jewel
Even miles apart.

There's no Shelter For The Kind
Says The Fazed Mind ,

There's No Shelter If You Don't Look
Says The Frantic Heart ,

There's No Shelter For The Nice
The World Doesn't Care ‘ Bout The Good

Only The Bad , The Destruction ,
Says The Soul.

-Ridhima Joshi

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