Vulnerability As A Cup O' Tea

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Vulnerability As A Cup O' Tea
Is warm and bitter at once.
It sets you free whilst making one
Conscious of what they do.

Vulnerability As A Cup O' Tea
Comes in many shades, like flavors .
Red like rose, gray like sky, orange like
Sun, blue like thunderstorms;
Sweet as honey tea;
Bittersweet like clove tea.
Infused with peppermint,
It soothes the body, leaving a
Bittersweet aftertaste on the mind.

Vulnerability As A Cup O' Tea
Romanticized by mundanes,
As though it's tea served In
Gold specked porcelain,
Is not what it looks like.
Eye may betray the mind,
Truth shall never.

Vulnerability is a strength &
Weakness in its own.
North & South;
It's 2 sides to a coin.
One cannot coexist without another.
Vulnerability hangs on a loose thread
Between strength & weakness by
Too little balance can make you a
Too much a prey;
None at all, arrogance makes it way in.

Vulnerability As A Cup O' Tea
Can be portrayed in any form.
By anyone, however they like.
Tea sweet as sugar,
Bitter as aggressive ginger
Or in middle a melody of flavors,
It comes up on how you display it.
Loud vulnerablity,
Silent fury,
Raw emotion,
Exposed to naked eyes;
Spoken, Unspoken,
Loud or silent.
It can take any shape,
You desire to give it.

Vulnerability is a tool;
A gift.
It can be acted out
Or shown in rawness like
Unpolished crystals,
Distinction by a thin border,
It's always available;
Viewable to one who reads,
Seeks it,
Addresses it
And understands it.

Vulnerability As A Cup O' Tea
Can bring people together or
Break them apart.
Bring groups & individuals together
In a harmony by sharing:
Share of thoughts
Share of words
O' sayings of eyes,
Our souls says it all.
Only way to free it all is by saying it all.

Sharing is caring,
A saying passed down for centuries.
Sharing your truth,
What makes you afraid,
O' uncertain waves taking shapes;
What seeks your mind.
When you lay awake at night,
Pondering away.
Vulnerability in giving out what you
Wouldn't dare to speak o' otherwise
Is a strength, a great one at that.

Vulnerability As A Cup O' Tea
Can break or make ties.
Play of words,
How you say your words
Determine how vulnerability treats
A friend; a taboo meant to be
Vanished away.
Like tea it can burn your mouth or
Make it pleasant.
It narrows down on how you say it.
What's meant to be shall be.
No force can change it,
It's in no-one's hands.
However letting it eat you,
You can vulnerably say it to the world.
Voice your concern,
There is strength is vulnerability.
Bagpipers will laugh.
Let that not stop you —
With mirth & laughter let wrinkles

Vulnerability As A Cup O' Tea
Other than how it's painted,
Let it, allow it to be a
Cup O' Tea that brings you joy;
A smile on your lips;
Let it set chandelier glow to you.
Set you free from burdens, baggage,
Ties and everything and anything
That doesn't serve you.
Allow vulnerability to wash it away.
Wash and help you move forward.
Attain your highest self.

-Ridhima Joshi

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