You Can Face It (My Thoughts)

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The world is a nasty place, these days Isn't it?
Racism, climate change, hatred Everywhere : so much of negativity & Destruction in process.
Snow falling in summer, oh mother Nature what revenge are you taking from us?
Forgive us, for we are stupid humans Who do things without thinking About the consequences.

Animal cruelty,
Why do people hurt animals ?
What hapiness do they get ?
No shame?
What type of humans are they ?

Judgemental people,
Criticism is everywhere.
We live in a world that's constantly Changing, good or bad? You think .
People living in fear, fear of not Knowing what's going to happen Next .
Growing up, you realise not everyone Is the same.
People start to change, they start Showing their true colours.
You start understand the world and Life .
Life is a rollercoaster,
Full of twists and turns.
It's your life you either make it or Destroy it.
Many people give up when life gets tough.
They lose hope.
You're not supposed to give up!
You're supposed to fight back and Continue.
There are so many roads to success.
But let me tell you, the road to success is not easy!
It's full of thorns, twists, turns and Dangers.
It keeps on changing

You might get puzzled,
Lose hope if nothing goes right. Believe me, it's just a phase,
Nothing is permanent.

Don't give up, don't grow tired.
It's a test!
God is taking your test.
The test might be extremely difficult, but it's a test of your strength.
Your thinking & of how you take Charge.

Also, don't be afraid of failure,
It's one of the roads to success.
Learn to accept failure, don't fear it .
Once you get over failure, you make Your way to success.
Success, doesn't come to you Overnight.
It's not given, its earned.
Earn your success,
Work hard for it .
It might take years but don't give up, it's worth the wait .
It's going to be a sweet fruit.

Peer pressure:
Peer pressure can be very stressful.
The constant fear of not able to fit in Stays on your mind.
It's okay if you don't fit in.
Don't stress over it.
Don't pressurise yourself into doing Things you don't like just to fit in.
It's okay to standout!
They're are many people who have Been successful.
Try not to pay heed to the criticism
Take it in your stride and move on.

Don't change for anyone, as in the end People leave.
No one stays with you forever.
You have to get used to be alone.

Bullying -
People bully others cause deep down They're insecure and bullying makes Them forget that .
It's ok to have flaws, no one is Flawless.
It's ok to make mistakes! You learn From them.
To the bullies, don't be afraid of them, They can't destroy you.
They only want to break you, don't let Them break you.
Stand strong.
Stamp on then by showing them what Good things you're capable of doing.
Take it in your stride, hurt them by Making everyone love you in a good way .

I write this, yet I can't apply it to Myself.
I'm trying I'm a work in a process.
Shakespeare once said , " I can easier Teach twenty what were good to be Done, than be one of the twenty to Follow my own teaching. The brain May devise laws for the blood ; but a Hot temper leap o'er a cold decree"

Say to yourself,
I'll defeat all my demons .
I can do it and I'll do it
Do not bend infront of anyone, make Them bend for you!!
If someone hurts you, don't take Revenge cause Karma always comes back.
Stay strong you can do it

Written in early 2017.

-Ridhima Joshi

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