Chapter 3

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I noticed that only 2 people read the last chapter so if your reading this one plz read the last one I wrote fist so ur not like " wait why did this happen and when?" So plz read the last one I wrote first before this one anyways if u already have read the other one plz enjoy.

          Oceanpaw was trotting back to camp after her talk with the rouge she had been able to hunt on the way so it would seem that she spent most of her time hunting.Right as she appeared into camp Darkstar came up to her." WHERE WERE YOU." He meowed his eyes were full of anger and suspicion as he flicked his tail impatiently waiting for an answer."I-I was hunting." Oceanpaw meowed and dropped the rabbit she caught on the floor.Darkstar sniffed her once and without speaking he grunted angrily and walked away to his den.Oceanpaw let out a sigh of relief and went over to the fresh kill pile and plopped the lifeless rabbit onto a gray squirrel. She still felt stunned on what Brightpelt told her in the forest after their fight but she decided to put it aside for now and get some rest.She pushed through the vines that covered the den's entrance and went to sit down in her nest.She looked through a hole in the log,It was still sun high and some other apprentices were sleeping in the old den however Berrypaw and Smokepaw were talking and laughing together but Oceanpaw was to tired to listen to their conversation.She curled up in her soft mossy nest and closed her eyes.The last thing she had thought about was what Brightpelt had said to her.

        Oceanpaw opened her eyes at once expecting to find herself in the apprentice's den with her friends but instead she awoke in a beautiful forest.It was night time but the place was lit with the stars of silverpelt and the moons light.Here am I? She asked herself.Just ahead she could see a glowing lake that was a bright glowing blue instead of a greenish color.She stared at it and then stared at the mountains behind it,She had heard of this place once when she was a kit.A story of a lost mountain with a lake so beautiful and a water fall dripping from the mountains with its mist dropping at the edge of it.She had called it Mountain fall when she was a kit for it had not been given a proper name.She looked around admiring the beauty of the place until she felt as if her throat were dryer then ever it felt as if she had never drank water in her life.She bent down to lap up the glowing water and she began to drink from the wonderful lake.After she drank she looked up at the stars and in her amazement she saw them form the head of a cat and then joined together and the were brung down to stand on the lake.before she could question what was going on a figure stood on top of the lake without sinking.It stood on it as if it were dry land and it formed into a cat." Oceanpaw," it spoke "Come out onto the water,I must speak with you." Oceanpaw felt to stunned with disbelief to move but she was able to put one paw in front of the other and stood at the edge of the lake.She looked down into the water and saw fish and all sorts of creatures she had never seen swimming around,She felt afraid at first.If she fell in she would sink to the bottom with all the fish and creatures and would most likely never come back up.But despite her fear Oceanpaw let one paw onto the water and sure enough it stood there without sinking.

She was amazed and put all her weight onto her paw put it didn't sink into the lake.She stepped onto the water now completely standing on it she padded over to the other cat slowly.Ripples of water flooded out of her paw like waves with each step she took.When Oceanpaw got to the starry cat she didn't recognize the strange cat but it spoke." Oceanpaw, What the rouge said to you is true.And Darkstar must be stopped no matter the cost." Oceanpaw was confused by this why would this cat tell her this? "You have been told about the many prophecies of Starclan..................But the six.Six prophecies have been forgotten and the time has come for them to be fulfilled." Oceanpaw stepped back in amazement forgotten prophecies? How can that be true? " Why are you telling me this?" She asked.The starry cat stood silent for a couple of long heartbeats before speaking again." Because you are Starclan's choice, you must fulfill the first forgotten prophecy.The sun and moon will join together to shake that forest to its roots.A danger will go through the forest like the blazing fire of the sun and a flood will come and cleanse it with the moon's Icy water." When the cat was finished speaking she felt everything start turning blurry and she could just make out the sun appearing from the mountains.The starry cat all of a sudden vanished in an instant and Oceanpaw fell into the cold lake.The lake had lost its bright blue color and the mist on the edges of it vanished into the burning hot sun.Oceanpaw yowled for help and swallowed her last breath as her head disappeared beneath the now greenish water.

     She tried her best to swim back up but the more she tried the more she sunk to the bottom of the lake.She closed her eyes knowing it was hopeless to try and swim but opened them again only to see a giant dark green creature with scales and snake like eyes coming after her it's jaws opened wide showing its sharp white teeth that were barley visible through the darkness.As her heart pounded Oceanpaw let out her breath that only turned into small bubbles as the giant creature snapped at her and swallowed her.

       She opened her eyes once more and heard a familiar voice calling her name and she saw magenta-black paws shaking her awake.It was Berrypaw." With you meowing and shaking up your nest her no cat will be able to get some sleep!" She hissed at Oceanpaw."We have another battle to take care of Anyways. So let's get moving! She heard Blackstain's voice right next to her.She looked up at him his white cheeks and white tipped paws and tail made him look almost like the starry cat in her dream." Battle? With who?" " Fireclan." Berrypaw responded as she nudged Oceanpaw to her paws." Oceanpaw felt to stunned to move she would have to either fight another clan for no reason or face the harmful consequences such as being clawed in the muzzle twenty times or even worse,exile.She got to her paws and followed Berrypaw to the fresh kill pile to pick out something to eat but Oceanpaw felt to confused to eat or fight in the battle against Fireclan. She no longer felt the good and rich feeling of killing in cold blood or being able to hunt in the other clan's territory's but she had no way to stop her clan's chaos..................No mater what.


   Hey guys I hope u enjoyed this chapter of The forgotten prophecies.Plz leave a comment below on what u think of the chapter and what u think I should add into the next one anyways plz vote and follow me so u always know when I release new chapters on my stories.anyways bye :3

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