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"Oceanpaw!Oceanpaw!" A voice yelled as a cat nudged Oceanpaw awake.She yawned and then looked up to see Berrypaw and Oceanpaw's mentor Blackstain sitting beside her with an angry expression." It's time for training!" Berrypaw meowed as she glanced over at Blackstain as if she expected him to say something. Oceanpaw flattened her ears and looked down at her paws before Blackstain spoke." You overslept AGAIN." He hissed harshly." We have training today and your late! Let's go now before all the other apprentices start today's fighting training without us." As Blackstain padded out of the den and the white tip of his tail disappeared Oceanpaw felt guilt go over her."I made us become late for training again!" She meowed."Its not your fault Oceanpaw. Even Lakepaw was late for training." Berrypaw said comfortingly." Now let's go!" She said nudging Oceanpaw to stand up and go. They ran out of the log and ran straight to the entrance of the camp where Blackstain was waiting.

     As soon as he saw them he got up and went through the berry bush that was the camp entrance. As he padded into the bush Oceanpaw and Berrypaw fell into step with each other and ran the same paste.When they got to the bush they zoomed through it despite the leaves that ran into their fur and clung into it as they ran past Blackstain and went into the direction of the training hollow. The entrance to the area was a tree trunk, smaller then the one of the apprentices den.As they got to the log they could hear the voices of cats from the other side of the bush walled area. Blackstain had caught up to them when they stepped one paw into the log."even if you run faster when your late it wasn't fast enough. Training has already begun." He hissed as he squeezed between them and into the log.The two apprentices exchanged worried glances. They had wondered if they would still let them train even though they were late.

When they got to the other side of the log they saw all the apprentices staring at her including the training leader, Spiderclaw.The Stoneclan training was much different then regular clan training."Where were you." He hissed." I-I overslept." Oceanpaw admitted."Well we will still let you train." He meowed flicking his tail in annoyance.Oceanpaw and Berrypaw joined the group of apprentices."Today we are going to learn how to trip and trick our enemy's so we can kill them quickly.Bluetree, come up here so we can demonstrate." Spiderclaw said flicking his red tipped tail to a blue she cat. The She cat got up and padded up to to the boulder Spiderclaw was sitting on. When she got there they both unleashed their claws and Spiderclaw whispered something in her ear and then leaped at her.Spiderclaw twisted his back to twist her leg and set himself free.After Bluetree got up Spiderclaw moved left and right circling Bluetree until she leaped at him and he slipped under her and pinned her down.

        Then he released her an flicked his tail to signal her to go back to her place."Now you all try it with your mentors." He meowed as he turned to his own apprentice.Oceanpaw padded to Blackstain and then leaped onto him just as Spiderclaw had done.Then Oceanpaw twisted her back strongly before Blackstain could swipe at her and she leaped off him and began to move left and right, beginning to circle him.Then he leaped at her and she slipped under his legs and tripped him and pinned him down."good job." Spiderclaw meowed as he passed by them.After a few more attempts training finished and the apprentices were allowed to go out hunting.As she left Oceanpaw felt hunger grow up inside her stomach and she felt like hunting for herself would be great.Just as she left the entrance log she bolted straight for the grassy fields witch was her favorite and the most plentiful hunting spot.When she got there her stomach roared with hunger.

     She trotted across the grassy sun filled field until she heard the squeaking of a field mouse.She went into a hunting crouch and snuck up on the mouse that was scurrying through the grass glancing around and squeaking.She unsheathed her claws and launched herself into the air and swiped her paw across the grass and hit the mouse and killed it.she picked it up between her teeth before seeing a gray blur in the foresty Wingclan border. Just as she was about to leave the field a weight hit Oceanpaw on the back and claws scratched her flank. She yowled in pain and dropped her mouse. Just as she yowled she saw Spiderclaw appear from the forest with his apprentice Fangpaw.As they got there more unfamiliar cats appeared from the forest and ran to them.At the same time more Stoneclan cats appeared behind Spiderclaw and Fangpaw.Just as the enemy cats ran into the Stoneclan cats Oceanpaw shook the enemy cat off her Back and turned around and saw a messy furred gray Tom that seemed to be an elder.

Just as she was about to leap onto his underbelly when he bolted for Oceanpaw's mouse and scooped it up as a another cay leaped onto her.Her training instantly came in and she twisted her body and twisted the cat's leg and got herself free.Then she started to move left and right circling the Siamese shecat that attacked her.And when the cat leaped she slip under her and pinned her down when she tripped and fell.The rouge's eyes were filled with fear even though she looked the age of a warrior and seemed to have fighting experience."LET ME GO!" She yowled as Oceanpaw slashed her claws across her face."Rouges like you deserve to DYE when you attack Stoneclan." She hissed back."Stoneclan." The shecat spat her eyes filled with hatred."You don't understand do you? Your so called leader makes you kill cats in cold blood.Darkclaw was never a good cat. He tore your clan apart from being good and fair to cold and blood thirsty." She spat."he only wants to be strong and considered unbeatable.He thinks no one knows his weakness,but I do." Oceanpaw felt confused of what the she cat was saying.has she been in Stoneclan? Was she exiled when Darkstar became leader? How does she know all this? Oceanpaw thought.

       Just as she was about to speak Oceanpaw heard an angry voice from Spiderclaw."NO MERCY! KILL THEM ALL! IN THE NAME OF STONECLAN! He yelled. Oceanpaw turned back to the Siamese she was fighting and decided to let her go."I will set you free we need to talk about something." She meowed."make it look like you were just running away from me." The shecat nodded and Oceanpaw let go of her grip and let the she cat squirm free.The cat kicked Oceanpaw off her and made her land into the dirt. Oceanpaw got up and ran after the she cat into the forest until she was out of any sight of her clan."I-i want to know what you know about my clan." She stuttered."well................I was exiled from the clan when Darkclaw became leader. He exiled me because I wouldn't follow his ways." The she cat admitted."my name was Brightpelt and all the cats I'm fighting with were exiled to." She meowed as she looked up into the sky as if she were imagining what had happened."What ways?" Oceanpaw couldn't help asking."Are you sure you want to know?" Brightpelt asked.Oceanpaw nodded yes but there was only a long silence before Brightpelt spoke."The ways of the Dark Forest." She meowed


    Hey guys! Sorry I had to leave this one on a cliff hanger but I thought it would be more exiting if I did lol.So I hope that was a good chapter and if u want to see more of this stuff then plz vote on this story and follow me plz I need more followers so much! My friend has like 23 and I only have like 6 so plllllllllzzzzzz follow me and u will get a follow back. So I hope that's a good deal if u follow me u get a follow anyways that's all.bye :3

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