Run Away

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The setting sun left whispers of light on the ground as it broke through the trees. My breath ragged as I ran, I tried to focus on getting out of there as quickly as I could. It wouldn't be long before the guards knew i was gone. How long had it been, twenty minutes or an hour. I know the sky wasn't this orange when I left. Soon I came to a stop at the edge of a creek and took a moment to catch my breath as I stared down into the crystal clear water. My deep blue eyes staring back at me as I brushed the blonde hairs from my face. As I felt my throat cry out for water I decided to take a moment and drink from the creek, "Better than I thought." I said as I stood again.

I looked around and listened to see if i had been followed, I figured it wouldn't be hard since the guards aren't known for subtlety. It didn't take long for me to realize that no one was there. I walked for a few more minutes, simply putting distance between myself and Them. The woods turned out to give me just what I was looking for in the form of a lake that was fed by the creek I had found and a cave rather close that would do for shelter for the night. Once I entered the cave I found a nice spot to set up and dropped the burlap sack I had brought with me, it was nothing special but I had packed some food, clothes, and a blanket since I planned to spend the first night or two in the woods before i made it to the next town.

As I unrolled the blanket and sat down on it, I pulled the map from the bag and the compass that accompanied it, "Lets see, I left through the south gate and went south until the bend. Then i went east, which means this is the lake i'm at." I let out a frustrated grunt as i realised i had gone farther north than I had planned. "That's gonna add some time to my journey, but I should be able to make it to Clover by tomorrow night at the earliest. I'll have to get going pretty early."

I took a little bit to gather some wood for a fire and fill my water pouch in the creek. After a little while the sun was almost completely set and I laid down to get some rest for the night.

Morning came quickly as the sun rose into the cave to wake me. As I struggled to knock away the sleep I was being held by, I could feel the soft morning dew still clinging to the air. I sat up and stretched as I felt the light morning breeze hit me. I got up quickly and started packing my things, the small amount of food I had managed to pack would hopefully last me until tonight.

The rest of the day was spent in traversing the woods as I carefully studied the map to find my way to the small town of Martrim, were I planned to spend the rest of my life. As I made my way i found some stuff to use as dye for my hair to change color from the noticeable blond it was. I took some time just after noon to make the dye and get it in my hair so it had time to stain it the dark brown i was going for.

By nightfall I had come to the edge of the village and set to removing the gunk from my hair to reveal the new brown color. Once I was done with that I walked into the village and found an inn to stay at. As i entered i saw an older gentleman behind the oak top of the counter. "How are ye tonight young man? Must be tired, looks like you've been on a rather long journey."

"Yes sir, i was hoping for this to be my final stop and make this home." The man gave me a puzzled look as I approached. "Nothing left for me back home."

"Bit young arent ye?"

"A tad. I'm in my twentieth year."

"Not to young then." The man smiled as he shook my hand. "If your looking to settle here then i'll let ye stay here free of charge if ye pitch in. cant pay yet other than with a bed and some food though."

"More than I was expecting, I'll take you up on that till i can get settled." That night I was able to sleep somewhat comfortably in one of the beds in the inn.

Over the next month or so i managed to make enough to purchase a simple house on the edge of town and I had taken over running the merchants shop in town since the women who ran it didn't have any children to pass it on to, and in the short time i had known her she had taken a liking to me. I told everyone my name was Simon, even though it was not, in order to better disguise myself.

Now I find myself standing in my shop at about noon when I hear the sound of carriages rolling into the center of town. I walked outside in my white buttoned top and leather apron to see what was going on. Once there I could see the royal colors flying on the carriages and I moved myself to where i was slightly behind a corner and just out of view. I watched as the carriage doors opened to reveal the king and his right hand man. They each stepped out of the carriage and everyone who had gathered bowed before the king.

"Rise my subjects. I am on the hunt for my son who has gone missing, if you find him and return him to me i will be giving a reward of two thousand gold. It is estimated by my knights that he was headed toward this city, turn him in now and claim the reward or if we search your homes and find him to be imprisoned." I knew this day would come eventually. That's why I dyed my hair and why I burned everything i left with once I was settled.

"Worried he might find you?" I jumped in my spot as I turned to see Cara standing beside me.

"What do you mean?" I asked, feigning ignorance.

"You dont think were that stupid, your first night here Gramps told me he thought thats who you are. And after watching you for a bit it was a little obvious." I sighed as she was clearly aware of who I was.

"Alright, very good job on figuring it out. But im not worried, I have been very careful." That's when I realized something. "Wait, your grandfather isn't going to tell them is he?"

"No no no, he sent me to find you and get you out of here before they see you. If me and him were able to figure it out then theres no doubt your own father would." I thought on her words before realizing how true they were.

"Alright, where are we headed?" I asked as i turned to lock up the shop.

"Our cabin up on the mountain, you may want to grab some things. We could be there a while, besides, your house is on our way." She said as she pulled me away from the gathering.

We quickly gathered some things from my home, including my journal, the only thing that could identify who I was. Once done we were met with two horses tied to trees on the edge of the woods, "Looks like gramps was a couple steps ahead." I looked over at her, taking in the sight of her pulling her dark red hair back for the oncoming horseback ride up the mountain.

"I knew there was a reason I loved you." I said as I quickly kissed her before we mounted the horses.

"Is that the only reason?" She asked in a playful manner as she rode off into the woods in front of me.

The journey up the mountain lasted the rest of the afternoon and by the time we made it the sun was setting. Once there we dismounted and tied the horses to the post out front, before we went inside she asked me to grab a bundle of logs for the fire since winter was here, and the first snow should be coming soon. Not to mention we were halfway up a mountain. We entered the cabin and I sat to work getting a fire started while Cara put the bags of belongings we brought in the bedroom.

"How long do you think we should stay here?" I asked as the fire started to roar to life and slowly heat up the cold room.

"I'm not sure, Gramps said he would come and get us when the soldiers left." She came over and wrapped me in a hug as we sat down on the very soft couch that rested in front of the fire.

"So you knew I was the prince?" I asked her with a smirk.

"Pretty much, i had only met you once before you came to the town but you never saw me. Although I could see how much you hated the attention you were getting. Also, you suck at dyeing hair." I laughed a bit as she settled into her spot beside me. "But don't worry, I know how to do it right so I'll fix it while were up here."

"Alright, but for tonight lets get some sleep. I'm rather exhausted." I said as I released a yawn and pulled a large blanket over us. We both fell asleep next to the fire as it crackled in the quiet cabin.

The next morning we woke up to the cold air starting to fill the room since the fire had only recently went out. I groggily stood, trying not to wake Cara as she slept and made my way to the door to bundle up before i went out to get more wood from the stash of pre cut pieces.

As I stepped outside I could tell it had snowed that night as the thick blanket crunched under my boots. I made my way over to the pile of logs and started clearing the snow away. Once I made it to the logs I grabbed a few bundles before i heard a branch snapp behind me. I spun quickly and pulled the dagger i carry on myself, but that's when i froze. Looking directly at me was my father, the king.

"Hello Tren, it's been quite some time, hasn't it." He stood at the edge of the trees with a hard glare pointed to me.

"My name is Simon, i don't know what your talking about." I attempted to lie, which only received a hugh from him.

"Stop it, do you really think I wouldn't recognize my own son?" He asked and I realized I was in a corner. "Besides, im not here to force you back."

"What?" I asked confused.

"I know you were never happy, but when i was in the town yesterday it became clear to me that you were Simon that they all mentioned. I came up here alone to talk so there would be no witnesses. I can tell you weren't happy, and I can see by your friend in there that you've found what makes you happy. I won't make you come home." I couldn't believe what I was hearing, I had spent so much time trying to hide and he was just going to let me be.

"Are you serious?" I asked utterly confused.

"Yes, by the time were done with the searching i will declare you dead. The only people that will know the truth is myself, your mother, and your brother. This would mean that we wouldn't be able to have contact with you directly." I put my dagger away before I dove into my thoughts.

"I cant believe your ok with this, you always acted like I was just a tool." I said letting some of my anger seep through.

"I know, it's the job of the king and unfortunately, you as well. That's why I won't force you back, besides your brother enjoys the position. I will let them know you are ok. There is one other person who knows your alive, he's a trusted knight who managed to track you here. He told me of the cave you stayed in your first night, if you ever need to get in touch with us you can leave a message there and he will be checking it regularly." He stopped as we both heard the door to the cabin open.

I looked back to see Cara standing there staring at us, she had clearly heard it all. "Your highness." She said, clearly nervous as she gave a respectful bow.

"Please stand, from this moment on I will consider you as family. Unfortunately i need to go before someone comes up here looking for me. Take care of my son." With that said, my father left and Cara walked over to me wrapped in the heavy blanket to keep herself warm.

"He's not forcing you back. That's good right?" I looked over to her as she looked back at me to see the tears running down my face. "What is it?" She asked as she wrapped me in the blanket for a hug.

"There was something in his eyes, something like, longing."

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