The Gaurdian

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This is a story i got the insperation for from an R/ Entitled parents video by R/ slash. If you dont know who that is i suggest you head to youtube and check him out.

Me and my dad has always taken care of each other since my mom died, so when he asked me to get a bone marrow transplant i agreed, knowing he wouldn't do it without a reason. The test was pretty simple and it was over fairly quickly, he told me it was for a random donor needed. Everything was fine after that until today.

Class had been relatively normal, just work and more work. As school finally ended i made my way outside to meet my friends so they could give me a ride to my home. Once outside I saw Amanda waiting on me by her car. "Lacey, you ready to go?"

"Yep, ready and can't wait." I said as I gave a tired sigh.

We climbed into the car and turned on some music before she started pulling away from the spot and began the drive to my house. However, that's when everything went wrong. As we pulled out of the parking lot and turned down the road i noticed a man and woman standing in the road with clearly agitated looks. I looked at them a bit worried and shared a look with Amanda. That's when the two looked directly at me and start marching toward the car, Amanda and I started to panic as the woman stands directly in front of the car causing Amanda to slam on the brakes and throw the car into park in the panic which unfortunately caused the doors to unlock.

The man grabs the handle of my door and throws it open causing me to shout in fright. He reached into the car and grabbed my wrist as he pulled me out of the car, The buckle holding me in place as Amanda throws her door open and starts yelling for help as she starts frantickly dialing 911. That was when my whole life turned upside down.

"You're coming with us, your brother needs your help so be grateful we ever came back for you." I blanched white as he tried even harder to yank me from the car with an angry look on his face. I could feel my arm starting to bruise and my shoulder as well since the belt was being slammed into it.

"How long is this gonna take Jackson? Get her out here already." I looked over to the women who had yelled and noticed that Amanda was freaking out as she stood, unable to help me, on the phone with the police. I had already started crying as I struggled to fight against the man, then the seat belt broke and i came crashing to the ground. The woman came over to me as I sat on the ground, now surrounded by the two adults and the car, trapped.

"Now listen here. Your brother needs you now. Did you really think that man was your father. Were your real family, so come with us now so you can help your brother." She says as the man goes to reach for me as I try and scoot back to only be met with the car behind me. The man grabs my arm but we both hear yelling behind them and the man turns to be met with a fist to his face.

He released my grip as he stumbled back leaving a gap for some guy i couldn't recognize to step in, grab me in his arms and jumping back to put distance between the man and women. I don't remember anything after that because I blacked out from the panic.

When i came to i realized i was in a hospital room, i tried to sit up and realized that something was on my waist. When I looked down I saw Jason asleep, leaving his head in my lap and arms sprawled across me. I sat up a bit and scooted him down a bit so he didn't wake up.

I sat there confused for a bit as I tried to wrap my head around what had happened. Were they serious? As I sat there, I noticed the door open to reveal my dad, or, who I thought was. "Lacey, are you ok?" He asked as he came over to me.

"Yeah, i'm a little sore though..." I said as I drifted off, he noticed my reaction and started again.

"Amanda told me what they said. I'm sorry." I looked over to see a somber look as he took a seat on the other side of my bed from Jason.

"Is it true?" I asked as i looked at him before he looked away from me.

"Yes, me and your mother had been trying for a while before we decided to adopt. But that doesn't mean I don't love you. I've always loved you like my own, and the same went for your mother know." I lean over and grab him into a hug which shocked him.

"I love you too dad. I never have nor never will I think of you as anyone but my dad." He starts to cry a bit before pulling back and wiping his eyes.

"Alright, i think it's only fair for you to know what's going on." I nodded as he settles into the chair. "The people who attacked you are your birth parents, i hate to say it but from what ive heard they gave you up because they wanted a son. That son however is sick and needs a bone marrow transplant."

"So that's why you had me tested a week or so ago?" I asked as I looked over to him.

"Yes, this all started rather nicely. They came by after calling me and i agreed to talk as long as they left you out of it. They told me he was sick and they were hoping you would be a match. I told them I would have you tested, of course i had no idea how awful those surgeries could be. When we talked again i verified you were a match and said I wanted some kind of bond to insure you were ok afterwards." That's where he stopped.

"What's wrong?" I asked as he put his hand to his mouth in a nervous gestured.

"That's where things started to go wrong. They refused and, even though not getting it worried me, I agreed as long as the surgery happened close by and as long as you were ok with it. They didn't like my answer and stormed out." He stopped and I could tell he was unsure of what to do.

"It's gonna be ok. The police have them right?" I said trying to be upbeat.

"No, they have way to much influence. It didn't take long for them to get out. That's why Jason will be moving in with us after you get out of the hospital." I looked at him confused as he spoke. "I know it seems odd, but he'll explain everything when he gets up. For now just get some rest, Amanda said she would come by soon to see you.honestly i would be glad she called him when she did. He's the one who pulled you from their little dogpile."

I looked down at Jason before placing a hand in his hair as I layed back down to try and get some more sleep.

The next time I woke up Jason was awake and sitting next to me with Amanda sitting on the other side of me. "Hey guys." I said as I started to sit up.

"LACEY! Oh my gosh, your ok!" Amanda said as she hugged me to the point I can't really breathe.

"Amanda, let her breathe some." jason said as he pulled me away from her. "How are you feeling?" He asked as he put a hand on my cheek and looked into my eyes with worry.

"I'm a little shaken but other than that i'm just sore." He pulled me into a gentle hug before we separated.

"Your dad said he told you about me moving in?" I nodded to tell him I had been told. "Well the reason is that...while I was away the last two weaks. I was chosen as the new Guardian." He said while showing me the mark of the Guardian on his left arm.

"Are you serious?" I asked in excitement as I hugged him.

"Yes, and because of that I can better help protect you from all of this." He said as he pulled away and planted a small kiss on my lips.

"I can't believe this, you've been training for this for so long. I'm happy for you." I say as I sit back into the hospital bed.

After a while i was discharged and the two of them accompanied me to my house since dad had to work. As we walked, my arms interlocked with Jason's, I started to notice an abundance of identical looking flyers posted on posts and walls everywhere. When I looked closer I stopped in my tracks. "What's wrong Lacey?" Jason asked as he turned and his expression changed into one of nearly pure rage.

"This is insane, how can they even think to do something like this?" Amanada said as she pulled one of the flyers down to examine it. They were slander of me and dad, saying that I had said I wanted my brother to die so i wouldn't do the surgery. I had started looking around and several people were staring at me with disgusted looks.

"Lets go, don't pay any mind to them." Jason said as he pulled me closer and the three of us started walking again.

The following days were awful, i had to have Jason with me when I went anywhere because everyone was staring me down. However with him with me no one dared get close because he would stare them down with pure anger. It wasn't until a few weeks later that things escalated.

"I'm sorry, I have to go for a bit." Jason said as he pulled me into a close hug.

"It's ok, i know your Guardian duties are important. I'll be fine, i'm not going anywhere for the night. So i'll be fine." I pulled back and kissed him quickly before he grabbed his coat and headed out. I went back to my room and started playing some games to pass the time since I was in the middle of a school break. After about an hour, I heard a knock at the door. I was hesitant to open the door and paled when I looked through the peephole to see two men wearing ceremonial garbs, revealing their jobs as enforcers of the elder.

"Lacey, i know you're there. Don't panic. We're here because there has been a decision to have an elder council about the surgery. Jason should be calling any minute, were friends of his. He is on his way to but asked us to be the ones to escort you to keep you safe." I was unsure about this since I had never met these guys, but then my phone rang.

"He-" I was interrupted by a frantic Jason.

"Lacey, are the enforcers there? I know them and you can trust them, were friends. Don't worry, I'm on my way to the elder's council room. I won't beat you there but these guys are going to make sure your ok." He finally stopped and I could hear him take a deep breathe.

"Are you sure? Whats going on Jason?" I asked still panicked but since I knew I could trust him i opened the door to be met by the two very nice guys.

"There trying to appeal the elder for him to force you to cooperate with the surgery. I will not allow this, im on my way. But like i said, i won't be there before they convene so these guys will keep you safe. I should have never left." I stopped him quickly with a response.

"Don't worry, you had no other choice. I'll be fine until you get there." I said as I tried to hide the worry in my voice.

"I'm sorry Lacey. I'll be there soon." We said our goodbyes and I hung up.

"Don't worry Lacey, we've got you covered." One of the guys said as he motioned to a car just outside.

Once I got in the car, one of the guys got in the driver's seat while the other sat in the back seat next to me, while keeping an understandable distance. He kept his eyes on everyone we passed.

After a short drive we were at the Edler's Hall. I started to panic again as i saw crowds of people doing what can only be considered as rioting, against me. Once the car stopped and the two got out, i was told to wait until they opened the door. Once they did someone realized who I was and people started flocking toward me. As soon as that happened, the two guys stood beside me on either side of me and crossed their arms before shoving them on their opposite sides creating a barrier around us.

I squeaked to myself as people started banging on the barrier and yelling at me for being a horrible person, and how i would be going to hell. The two enforcers walked steadily and quickly into the building standing right beside them. Once inside I could tell the crowd wouldn't be going away since they were flooded into the building.

As we stepped into the Elder Council room to be met with even more of the crowd, only kept back by the fence showing were the family sat with what looked like a daughter instead of a son and the Elder who sat cross legged on his stand.

"QUIET!!" The Elder yelled as he raised his hand and immediately quiet everyone, even out to the roads. "Now that the accused has arrived, we will begin the hearing." He gestured for me to sit behind the table on my right. Once seated the Enforcers lowered their barrier and stood between me and the family facing them. "It is my understanding that this young girl is the only match for a Bone Marrow transplant for your son, who can not be here do to being hospitalized. First i will ask Lacey, Why do you choose to deny the request for a transplant."

I looked up to the guys and he looked at me sympathetically before looking back toward the family, "I would have had they no-" I was cut off by the mother starting to scream.

"Bull Shit!! She has been refusing ever since we asked her father for the first time. My son is dying and we need her to go through with it. She is trying to-" At that point the rooms doors flew open with spurts of fire accenting the swinging doors. Ones they made contact with the wall, wood splintered off and everyone turned to see Jason. Sporting his full Guardian attire, clearly revealing the mark of the guardian on his arm. As he finally makes it to the front the Elder bows and so does Jason. "Finally!! We sent you that requ-" She was cut off as Jason's tone turned violent and enraged, shocking everyone in the room except me and the Enforcers.

"Silence, you will not speak until i have spoken to you." He turned his attention to the Elder as he spoke again. "If you would not mind, I would like to be made aware of the situation going on here." Jason's tone had changed to a calm and collected tone as he sat with his feet behind him and his knees in front as a respectful gesture to the Elder.

"As you wish Guardian." the Elder said as he started. "Six months ago Alen Chase was diagnosed with Leukemia, his only option is a bone marrow transplant and the only match they have found in the entire country is Lacey. From what we have seen from the police reports is that Lacey attempted to attack them." He used air quotes over the word attack which seemed to irritate the family before he continued. "After that they began to use propaganda to tell everyone in the city what happened. I have even been informed that someone has a scheduled section of time for a live T.V. show." Both Jason and the Elder glared at them. "However it has been made clear that these accusations are the opposite, and that the family has instead: attempted kidnapping, assault, and stalking. As you have become directly involved in the case, I will allow you to make the decision."

The family blanched as they looked at Jason who sat there calmly, a decision made by the Guardian was ir-refutable and could never be overturned unless it was by the Guardian himself. Jason stood and spoke to the Elder. "I will take a moment to speak to Lacey alone before I make my decision." The Elder nodded and gestured to a door on the side.

He came over to me, thanking the enforcers quietly, before we walked out the door. However before we could exit my dad showed up and quickly joined us upon Jason's request.

Once in the adjacent room he spoke, "I have to make a decision now that i'm involved. There is one option I have in mind."

"What is it?" My dad asked as he hugged me from the side.

"We agree to the surgery." My dad almost bite his head off. "Before you get upset let me finish. I will declare that after this meeting they can never have contact with you and as soon as we leave here you both will be moving in with me. My meeting was to officially make me the Guardian. Which means I will be moving into the Gaurdian estate and will be bringing in a substantial income. I will personally see to it that you are taken care of and that there is no chance of you to be hurt anymore." he spoke as he held my hand to comfort me. "But only if you want to, if not then I will refuse the surgery."

I pulled him into a hug and my nerves ceased immediately. "I'll do it."

We walked back into the room and Jason went up to the Elder. "I have come to my decision."

"Proceed." Jason turned and addressed everyone in the room.

"My decision is as follows. Lacey will proceed with the surgery under her own consent." The family started celebrating and mocking me. "I said you shall not speak until i speak to you." the room grew quiet as Jason held his angry glare. "Your family will have no contact with Lacey or her father from this moment on. You will also use your time slot on T.V. to inform people that you have lied to them and you will tell them the truth about your actions, I will not force you to serve your earned sentence in prison like you should. You will cover all medical expenses for her care. That is my decision and it shall be taken as a formal decree from the Guardian."

"Thank you for your help in the matter. You are all dismissed."

After that I never heard from them again and I went through with the surgery. I had some complications but since Jason had already moved us into his manner in the capitol so I had access to the most well funded hospitals and doctors in the country I was well taken care of and made it through. Not long after and Jason proposed to me and we were soon married. That brings me to today, walking down the road on my way home from having received a new haircut I was stopped as someone called out to me.

"Hey, L-lacey!" I turned to see a young boy, only a few years younger than myself chasing after me.

"Yes? How do you know my name?" I asked, he looked up at me and swallowed before he got down on his hands and knees with his head as close to the ground as it could be.

"My name is Alen, Alen Chase. I know were not supposed to make contact but i needed to say this." I looked on in shock before he continued. "I'm so sorry for what my parents did. I would have never agreed to that if i had known. During the time they did that i was in a medically induced Coma. As much as i wish i could say they did what they did out of grief and fear, they never cared or even admitted they were wrong. I'm so sorry for what happened."

I walked over to him and could tell he tensed as my heels clicked toward him. I stopped and put my hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry, I know this wasn't your fault." He looked up at me shocked before he jumped up to hug me.

"THANK YOU! Because you agreed I survived, I can never thank you enough." he pulled away with tears in his eyes and a smile on his face.

"It's my pleasure, I couldn't have lived with myself had I not." We fully separated and he dusted himself off.

"I'm sorry I broke the rule set by the Guardian but i needed to say that. Plus I left them, im living with my aunt and that's how I found out what the truth was. Mom and Dad told everyone you had passed during birth. Are other family members shunned them and would love to meet you. I know you probably don't want anything to do with us but I thought you should know."

After that I talked with him some more and decided to agree to meet the rest of my blood family.

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