Lacey Evans And 'Big' Dan Halsey Start Dating

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The next morning, Summer was the first of all of us to wake up and when she noticed Lacey wasn't in bed with her but she grinned as to where her mama could be. So she slunk out of the bed and went into the living area of the hotel room and found her mama in my arms and of course I was still shirtless from the night before, and Summer wasn't shy about in terms of broadcasting the fact that she enjoys him being around her and her mama. Summer then creeps into the bedroom and grabs Lacey's phone, returns to the living room and smiles as she takes a picture of her sleeping mama and me. She then wakes us up and both Lacey and I smile at Summer as she slides her mama's phone behind her back which Lacey notices and says, "Summer. What are you doing with my phone, sweetheart?"
"Nothing." Summer replies trying to act innocent. I decided to interject.
"Now, Summer. Tell the truth. We promise we won't be mad if you do." Summer opened Lacey's phone and showed us the photo she took only moments ago. I grinned as Lacey blushed in response to seeing the picture. Lacey gently took her phone from Summer's grasp as Summer crawled onto the couch and into my lap. "Now why did you take that picture sweetie?" I asked Summer and the answer she gave me, I did not expect or see coming.
"Because I wish you were my daddy." She said with no sign of kidding or joking.
'I wish that also.' Lacey whispered to herself although I did catch it to be honest.
"Ohh, you do do you?" I asked Lacey who had this deer in headlights look on her face as she did not expect me to hear her even at a whisper. Summer giggled at the expression on her mama's face. "Well, the only way to even go about it, is for you and me to go on a date and start an actual relationship instead of a friendship." Summer smiled as did Lacey.
"What is it your saying exactly?" Lacey asked a mile wide grin creeping across her lips.
"Well, what I'm saying is, would you like to go out with me tonight?" I asked.
Lacey looked to Summer who was still in my lap and she was trying not to let me notice her nodding to her mom. "Absolutely. But who will look after Summer?"
"Why not Dana?" I asked. Summer nearly broke her neck from nodding in response so much.
"Ha, ha, ha. Okay. I'll ask Dana at lunch today." Summer celebrated and ran to the bedroom to get ready for the day I supposed.
"She's one happy little girl." I said as I chuckled.
"Yeah. Do you really want to?" Lacey asked.
"Lace?" I asked a little confused.
"Do you really want to be her dad?" At first I was a little shocked that Lacey didn't think I was serious about possibly becoming Summer's dad. But I then thought about there possibly being many other guys that have said the really would but turning tail and running when it came time to prove it.
"Lace." I started. "I'm not one to just say something like that unless I thought it through. Now I've known you for less than a month I believe since I've been on the Smackdown brand since I've signed with WWE and the funny thing is. I actually admire you for being a single mom. Especially one that's in the business we're in. And that's not a dig at you. I just think that Summer made the request or wish of me being her dad. That and along with your failed low key agreement with her wish. I just feel it's up to me to make it become a reality. Or die trying."
"Ooohhh, your such a sweetheart." Lacey slid her right hand over my left cheek and behind my head and pulled me into a short, but sweet and loving kiss.
"Right then. We should get ready and you need to brush your teeth preferably with mouthwash." I giggled as Lacey smiled while slapping my left shoulder playfully.
I laughed as we got up and got ready for the day. I took Lacey and Summer out for breakfast, went sight seeing around Buffalo before we headed back to the hotel. Packed and Lacey went to lunch with Dana as I watched Summer and made sure she did her schoolwork.
"I really hope that aunt Dana can watch me tonight." Summer said as I sat behind her. "Summer darling." She continued her schoolwork as I asked, "Why do you want me to be your dad? Is it because you see how happy your mom is around me or is it that you'll possibly get away with a little more with me than your mama?" She smiled like she was up to something.
"A little of both." She replied.
"Well, I guess I can see why. I mean, between you me and the wall, she's a little too strict. But I'm not promising the stars mind you. But I'll try and get her be a little more lenient. As for me. As long as you do your schoolwork and behave. I think I can see my way clear to giving you some leeway." She grinned. "Okay?" She nodded. "Good girl."

Meanwhile with Lacey and Dana,
"So how's it going with Daniel?" Dana asked.
"He's just so kind and gentle. Summers crazy about him." Lacey grinned.
"Well from what I saw last night, I'd say she loves him. More than you I'd imagine." Dana giggled as Lacey slapped her shoulder.
"Well, she took a picture of me and Daniel sleeping together." Lacey pulled her phone and showed Dana the picture.
"She's got quite the eye for photography." Dana grinned. "I also notice that Dan's shirtless. Any particular reason why?"
"I don't know. Maybe that's how he sleeps." Lacey grinned trying real hard to hide her blushing cheeks.
"Well. You two do look great together." Dana commented.
"Yeah. And Summer made the comment or wish. That Daniel was her daddy." Lacey smiled.
"Aww. And how did he take it?"
That's what I wanted to ask. Would you mind watching Summer so Daniel and I can go on a date?"
"Sure. I'd be happy to." Dana grinned.
"Thanks, Dana." Lacey smiled as they continued their lunch.

When Lacey got back to my hotel room. She found me and Summer conked out on the bed. Summer curled up on my chest and my hands gently on her back and resting on the right side of my chest. Lacey grinned and shook my boot to wake me up. I slowly groaned and yawned and noticed Lacey smiling at the foot of the bed. "Hey, so how did your lunch go with Dana?" I asked.
"She'll watch Summer so we can go on our date." She chuckled as I wrapped my left arm around Summer as I sat up, being careful not to jostle her too much and wake her up. "I can see a definitely tell why she wants you as her dad. You just have a natural light touch with kids."
"Yeah." I grinned at the still sleeping Summer as I gently laid her in the bed, pulled up a blanket and covered her with it then approached Lacey and we headed to the living room of the hotel room and sat on the couch.
"It seems I missed a good time." Lacey grinned.
"She did all of her schoolwork, Lace. So we spent the next few minutes or so just speculating as to what it would be like for me to be her dad." Lacey smiled and wrapped her hands around my left hand.
"Well, Dana will watch over Summer tonight, so we're all set for going on our date tonight. All we need is to decide where to go." Lacey smiled.
"You choose, Lacey honey." I brought her hands to my lips and kissed each one. She grinned and blushed a light shade of pink before she wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me in for a quick loving kiss.
"I'm so happy that we don't have anything to do tonight in terms of a live event."
I I grinned as I said, "Me too, Lace." We just planned our date and what we would do since Smackdown would be in Europe all week starting tomorrow that also went for Raw as well.

Soon after spending the day with Summer and at six fifty, Dana arrived as she knocked on the door and Summer answere the door as I was getting ready in the bathroom of the hotel room and Lacey was getting ready in the bedroom. "Hey, Summer. Where's your mom and Dan?" Dana asked.
Then I came out of the bathroom pressed and dressed as the saying goes. My hair combed and slicked back. Not to mention my shoes were shine to a mirror finish. My suit was immaculate and perfect. Even though I only wore the suit for my promo's it still worked for me and Lacey's date for tonight. Dana whistled as Summer came running up to me. And I picked her up. "Somebody's got all dressed up for his date tonight."
"He ain't the only one." We all looked to the bedroom and found Lacey dressed to the nines in a lovely strapless black dress. Her hair styled kind of in her usual way for promos and interviews. She had on three inch heels black like her dress and to complete the ensemble was a beautiful croc skin clutch purse.
"Oh my." I was absolutely shocked by how beautiful she looked in the dress.
"You look beautiful mama." Summer smiled.
"Beautiful. Try intoxicating." I grinned as I approached Lacey, who presented her right hand as was the custom on the South. I gently took it and kissed her hand. "You without a doubt. Look absolutely stunning Lacey honey."
"Thank you, Dan darling." Dana and Summer just sat back and enjoyed the show in front of them.
We both looked at them and cleared our throats as we temporarily pulled away from each other. "Thank you for watching over Summer, Dana." I said.
"No problem guys." She smiled along with Summer. "You just have fun and try not to kill each other while your out."
"I'll promise that, not too sure about Lacey here." I joked which made Lacey slap the back of my head.
"Come on Dan." She slightly chuckled at my comment as she grabbed my arm and stopped at the front door. "Now Summer. You mind Dana while me and Dan are out. Okay?"
"Okay mama." Summer replied with a smile.
"Okay. Come and give your mama a kiss." Summer did just that and even hugged me as well. Once she said her goodbyes to us for the night. She and Dana left for Dana's room. While Lacey and I went to the restaurant she chose for our date. We just sat and talked for a bit, ordered our food. Then after we ate we went for a walk around the park. All the while she asked, "So. What branch were you part of?" I looked at her with a shocked look on my face. "It doesn't take a genius to figure out that you served. Telling by the razor sharp edges of your suit and the near mirror shine of your shoes. I'd say the Marines. But you don't strike me as a guy who would be able to handle the boot camp."
"Well, if you must know. I was in the Navy." I grinned.
"What was the rank you achieved before you left?" I smiled at her question.
"Commander." I replied proudly. "How about you? What rank did you achieve in the Marine Corps?"
She smiled as she truthfully said, "Sergeant."
"No shame in that. None at all." I grinned as I slid my right hand under her chin and gently raised her eyes until they locked with mine. "Lacey. You may have been enlisted but look at what you were able to accomplish in your life courtesy of the Marines. You have a little girl whose growing into quite the little lady. You practically overcome any obstacle in your path. That alone has impressed me." She grinned. "And I hope that I can impress you for a change sometime down the road."
"Daniel. You already have from how nice you are to my daughter to how you just let us stay in your hotel room when mine was given away. We may be from different branches of the military. But I'm not sure why, but it doesn't bother me that your Navy and I'm a Marine."
"Glad you think so." I smiled as I leaned in and kissed Lacey. When I pulled away. She shivered and on instinct I knew that she was cold. "Sorry, Lace. I should have made sure you were warm enough." I said taking off my jacket and draping it over her shoulders.
"It's alright. Let's head back to the hotel room and finish our date there." I wrapped my left arm aound her shoulders and pulled her in tight. As we walked back to the hotel, she rested her head on my right shoulder and smiled. When we came through the door, Lacey's phone went off inside her clutch purse. I gently removed my jacket from her shoulders and she opened her clutch purse and pulled it and looked at the screen. "It's Dana." While she answered I went into the bathroom with a fresh set of casuals to change into.

"Hey, Dana." Lacey answered her phone.
'Hey, Lacey. How did your date go?' Dana asked.
"Well, it's still going but since it was getting colder outside, Dan and I decided to return to his hotel room and finish our date here." She replied. "How's my little girl?"
'Oh, Summer is good. She's still awake. You want to talk to her?' Dana asked.
"Yeah." Lacey replied.
'Hey, mama.' Summer said as she came on the phone.
"Hey,  baby. Have you been good for Dana?"
'Yes, mama.' Lacey smiled at that. 'How was your date with Dan?'
"It's going well, baby. Now you may have to spend the night with Dana. But we'll see you tomorrow morning for breakfast."
'Okay, mama. Here's Dana. Love you, mama. Goodnight.'
"Goodnight, baby and I love you too."
'Well, I better let you get back to your date.' Dana as she gently took the phone from Summer.
"Okay, thank you Dana for watching over Summer. Would you be okay if she spent the night in your hotel room?"
'Of course.'
"Wonderful, thanks again Dana."
'Your welcome, Lacey.' She hung up and returned her attention to summer.

Meanwhile in my hotel room, I was just barely coming out of the bathroom changed into the casuals I took in the bathroom with me, with the suit in it's garment bag and I approached Lacey with the garment bag over my shoulder.  "Everything okay, Lace?" I asked.
"Never better, Dan." She happily replied. I walked by her and put the garment bag in the closet, then looked to Lacey. "I feel a little over dressed. So I'll be back in a moment." She walked into the bedroom and closed the door while I sat on the couch. Thirty minutes later she came out of the bedroom in a nice red t, slim jeans and white socks. "How do I look?"
"Still stunning." I replied.
"Good answer." She smiled as she walked over and sat next to me on the sofa. "Dan. Do you see us if we started dating, going anywhere?"
"Well Lace. The future isn't set in stone, but if I had to guess. I can see us moving in together, be married, hopefully add some siblings for Summer." Lacey lightly giggled at that. "And just growing old together."
"Really?" Looked at me with an inquisitive look on her face.
"Really, Lace." I grinned as did she. She slid her right hand behind my head and pulled me into a nice long kiss. When she pulled away. She pulled away just enough to rest her forehead on mine. "Even though I know the answer already," We both chuckled at my statement. "Macey Evans. Will you be my girlfriend?"
"Yes." We kissed once more.
When we pulled away from each other. I said, "I love you, Macey." She grinned as I used her proper real name.
"And I love you, Daniel Boyce." She smiled.
After discussing what would happen the next couple weeks before Survivor Series. We headed to bed and I just slid into bed in the clothes I had on as did Macey.
When we were all settled in and comfortable. Macey rested her head on my right shoulder and draped her right arm over my chest and tucked her left arm between her chest and my side. "Goodnight, Dan darling." She kissed my cheek.
I grinned and replied, "Goodnight, Macey honey." I kissed her forehead. And reached over to the lamp on the bedside table and turned off the light and we fell fast asleep.

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