36. Three Weeks Later

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Three Weeks Later

I look across the bed at the sleeping form of Jensen. The last three weeks have become easier and the nightmares are slowly going away. I still have the need to be close to him and not let him out of my sight. But, that's difficult when Jensen and I work for two different companies. Lately, I've been going to Hamilton Hotel and Resort Head office in Los Angeles for meetings with the CEO's that work in New York. I told them that I was thinking of opening up a chain of restaurants and they are willing to see how it goes.

Today I will be going to a building sight with Jensen and see if it's a good building for the restaurant. From what I've seen of the building it needs work. At least I have Jensen's family and Lauren that are willing to help out.

Jensen opens his eyes and he looks at me. "Good morning, Baby. How long have you been awake?"

I smile. "Long enough. I love watching you sleep."

He shakes his head. "You've been doing that too much lately."

I sigh. "Sorry,"

He pulls me into his arms. "It's not your fault, Joy." He smiles. "Tell me how the preparations for the wedding is going?"

I look at the ground. "It's going alright. Your mother and I have found a place for the wedding. The wedding will be next month." I look at the bedside table. "I have to send out the invitations. Can you spend sometime today writing down the names of the people that you want at the wedding?"

He whispers. "I'll write the list after breakfast. I have a friend that's coming over later this afternoon. He wants to look at the building for the restaurant. He used to work as a construction guy. He'll tell you his honest opinion about it."

"Who's the guy that you trust for opinions on the building?"

He looks at me. "Chad, the one that brought me to you from Sydney."

I smile.

I like that guy.

I look at Jensen. "I like that guy. I hope he approves the building. I want to start the restaurant chain."

Jensen shakes his head. "It won't happen that fast, baby. You have a lot of things to go through before you can open the restaurant. But, having Chad on our side will help move things along." He climbs out of bed. "Joy, I want to show you the house after we see the building. I was wondering if you want to move into the house soon."

I nod. "I want to see it and move in right away. So, why don't we just pack the stuff into the limo and then check out the new restaurant and then move into our new home. We might as well invite your family around for the dinner we wanted to have a couple weeks ago."

There's a knock on the door. Jensen looks at the door and yells. "Come in." The door opens and Lauren steps into the room.

She looks at me. "Can I have some lunch money?"

I climb out of bed and walk over to my wallet and I give her twenty for lunch. I look at Jensen and then back to her. "Jensen's going to pick you up after school. We're moving into the new house today."

Lauren smiles. "It's about time. I know you've been holding off on the move. The house is fully furnished so the only things that we need to bring with us is our clothes and photos."

I look at her. "When did you go to the house?"

She scrapes her foot on the carpet and then she looks at the ground. "The day Cindy took me out. She showed me the place. I can't believe it took you all this time to want to move into the new house."

I look at Jensen. "It's not that I didn't want to move into the house. It's just the timing was off with me having nightmares and to top it off I couldn't handle Jensen being away from me."

Lauren moves towards me and she hugs me. "I'm glad that my Big Sister is back and she's ready to move. I can't wait for you to see the baby's room. You're going to fall in love with it."

I turn towards Jensen. "You set up the baby's room without me?"

He nods. "I didn't know that you wanted to help me set it up."

I hug him. "I'm sure I'll love whatever you did with the baby room. I just wasn't expecting you to do all that on your own."

He looks at Lauren. "I didn't do it on my own. Lauren, helped me choose a majority of the things for the house. She has good eyes when it comes to furniture. She might have gotten that from your mother."

Lauren looks at her wrist. "I'll see you after school Jensen." She exits the room and a couple seconds later I hear the hotel door close.

Jensen and I walk to the living room and we order breakfast.


At 10am, Jensen pulls the car in front of the building. The windows are boarded and the front door has a padlock and chain on the door. On the window is a phone number for the realtor. I see a guy step out of a sleek black sports car and he makes his way over.

Jensen walks over to him and shakes his hand. "Hey, Chad. Thanks for meeting us here."

Chad drops his hand from Jensen's and then he looks at me. "Hey, Joy. I hear that you want to start a restaurant chain"

I nod. "Yeah, I thought the Hamilton name can expand into something new. The Hotels and Resorts are doing great." I place my hand on stomach. "I thought that the baby will benefit from having a family friendly restaurant. I was thinking of adding stuff that will keep the kids entertained while the parents enjoy there meal."

Chad smiles. "I like the way you think. I remember a couple years ago some woman complained because she had nowhere to drop off her kids while she had a date with the new guy in her life. Is the restaurant going to fancy and expensive or do you want a variety of people to come into the restaurant."

I cross my arms. "My restaurant will be for everyone. I was thinking of adding a VIP section for the stars and Billionaire's who want to be separated from the public."

The realtor opens the door and we enter the building. I look around and I see covers on top of furniture. I walk over to a cover and pull it free. I touch the table and it wobbles a bit. I see chad at the corner of my eye and he walks around the building. He moves towards the realtor and begins to ask questions.

I look up at the ceiling and see chandeliers hanging. I smile. "This place is perfect."

Jensen wraps his arms around me. "I'm glad you like the restaurant. But, we have to wait for the all clear from Chad. He won't steer us wrong."

Chad finishes talking and he moves towards us. He looks at me. "This place is perfect to start your first family friendly restaurant. Give me a call when you want to set everything up and I'll be here to help you." He exits the building.

I tell the realtor that I want the abandoned building. I fill out the paperwork to get started on the transfer of the building.


At 1.30pm, Jensen pulls the car into the driveway of the new house. I look around and see a fountain close to the garage. It's similar to the one that was in the driveway at the old place. Jensen parks the car and we step out. He takes my arm and leads me to the front door. He opens the door and we enter the two story house. "I want to show you one of my favourite rooms in the house." He pulls me up the stairs. He opens the door at the far end of the corridor.

I step into the room and it's painted purple and blue with a few clouds and animals painted on the wall. A crib is next to the window. I look out the window and I see the beach from this bedroom.

In the far corner is a rocking chair, a book shelf next to the chair and the shelf has books on it. I see a teddy lying on the floor. I walk over to the bear and I pick it up.

Jensen smiles. "I knew you would love that bear." He moves over to me and kisses my neck. "I want to show you my all-time favourite room in the house." He takes my hand and pulls me out of the room.

Where is he taking me?

We walk a few doors away from the baby's room. He opens the door and we step into a room. In the far corner is a King Sized bed and on the bedside table is a picture of Jensen and I from the day we got married. "This is our room." he looks at the bed and then at me. "Let's christen the bed before I have to get Lauren."

I pull off his clothes and he does the same to me. He lifts me up and carries me to the bed.


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