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Lana nudged her brother towards the door, raising an eyebrow towards it. "Go! Check it out!"

Leo snorted quietly, backing up whilst shaking his head continously. "You think I'm going to the extremely suspicious noise in a hospital in the dark? What happened to the 'no going in lifts or we get possessed' Lana?"

Lana groaned and rubbed her face with her hand. "She decided to leave as soon as she heard a creepy noise!"

Lana whispered angrily, pointing towards the door. Leo grinned, walking behind Lana.

"Nope. You are the older one, you go look."

Lana's grey eyes widened in disbelief and she tutted as she walked shakily towards the door, always glancing back and forth between her brother and the gloomy corridor infront.

"Well, atleast I know there is equality in gender roles in this brother/sister relationship otherwise you would be offering to go first."

She whispered the words under her breath, knowing full well that her twin could hear everything she was saying.

Leo rolled his eyes at her childish behaviour and stood right next to her, glaring at the lengthy corridor consumed in darkness ahead of them.

A light at the end of the corridor flickered off and on every few seconds, replicating a scene from a horror movie.

Hospital beds linked with IV equipment were rested against the walls, ready to be thrown by an evil prescence at any given time.

The cracked tile below Lana's feet didn't help adding to the terrifying scene already lying infront of her.

Lana's ears perked as she heard another noise coming from the end of the hallway. A silhoutte in the distance started to become more clearer under the flickering yellow light of the hospital.

She squinted her eyes to get a better image and gasped as soon as she saw what exactly was slowly making it's way towards them.

"Is that a..."




Maximus had an unsettling feeling lying in the pit of his stomach. He moved his arm from under his head to get the numb feeling out of it.

He could not sleep at all with the thought of his mate being away from him. Especially with the scenario they were currently in.

The only reassuring factor that he clung to was the fact that a more than capable Leo was resting beside Lana.

From his build and calculating eyes, Max knew there was more to the man than he was letting on. That if he was ever in the situation, he would be able to protect Lana in any cost.

Not that Lana would not be able to protect herself.

Max smiled a small one over his memories from the night when both of them were fighting against the zombie.

She was so determined.

Max sat on the chair at his desk and sipped on the cold coffee on his table, instantly choking on it.

His eyes flickered towards the pile of diaries as a distraction and he grabbed one, placing it right infront of him.

The two scientists helping the Dr are brilliant! Recently, they had twins. An enemy of mine had seemingly taken the son (Leo) away from the couple, knowing their intentions. However, he wasn't able to get his hands on the first born twin (Lana) and luckily, that's all we need to continue our studies. Especially because we have mixed a Witch's DNA into both parents for the children.

Not to worry. Lana will be good enough. As long as the two don't mess up, we will have a prodigy capable of goddess knows on our hands. A weapon.

Built. For. Me.


His mate. Surely...it couldn't be a coincedence at all though because there are no other twins who have the complex story that both Leo and Lana share and this, this sounds exactly like their situation.

If Lana is the daughter of both scientists, then that means she is the weapon that is capable of doing goddess knows what.

Which means she needs to be protected at all costs. And not just her, but Leo too. He shares all her qualities. Maybe more because he was brought up by a witch.

Max squeezed his eyes shut and gulped down a large amount of the cold coffee, allowing the bitter taste to swim down his throat.

There was no alcohol around him so this would have to do.

He massaged his forehead, trying to get the growing pain to subside. His mate was in danger, and here he was, sat in his room like the idiot he was.

I have got to help her.


"-I don't even have a knife with me either and I can't run for any longer. I'm gonna die Leo! Please make my funeral great and tell Max I love him and you kno-"

Leo awkwardly slapped a hand on his sister's lips whilst running at the same time.

"Will you ever shut up? We are in a hospital, we are extremely intelligent and there are alot of chemicals around us. All we have to do is create a distraction that will keep them busy for half an hour, 40 minutes tops."

Lana nodded and looked around her. There were tables, IV's and beds all over.

She calculated the angles and distance between each, using goddess knows which algebraic methods to figure out the best form of distraction.

She ordered Leo around, making him grab beds and tie IV's together in such a tactical way, that if a zombie accidently triggered a rope, a load of beds and liquid would fall on them.

However, on the way to that part, there would be set booby traps including alot of sharp objects.

Lana looked up towards the sky, saying a silent prayer to the Moon Goddess.

Nothing ever works out for me -ever- but if you really made me for a purpose, please allow this to work.

Both twins arrived in a room full of chemicals and stared at the door, anxious.

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