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Max arrived at the gloomy looking hospital, nothing in sight.

He casually broke the door and walked in, ignoring the uninviting darkness lurking at the end of the corridor.

Stairs would be faster than the lift so he opted for them, skipping 2 at time when running up them.

When he reached a certain floor a few floors below Lana's, he heard what sounded like...groaning?

With both eyebrows furrowed, he grasped the slightly warm metal handle of the door and yanked it open.

The smell of his mate and her twin was practically suffocating aswell as the fact that he could smell the disgusting smell of zombies.

This is definitely Ventus' work. Both of the twins alone at a hospital, weak? Sounds like the perfect time for a Zombie bloody apocalypse and kidnapping.

Max felt his Lycan's anger shoot up and felt a sense of excitement as his claws extended.

A wicked smile embraced the lips of Maxmimus and he stared through his lycan's eyes at the booby trap in interest.

His mate was smart and he was in a case of some serious blood lust. Doesn't this just work out perfectly?


Lana, consumed with panic and fear, paced back and forth in the small room as Leo continued to mix chemicals together to create a sort of poison.

Her body shivered constantly and her mind drifted to the worst case scenario. She was so sucked up in her own thoughts, she didn't even smell her mate.

But her brother did.

"Do you smell that? It smells like your mate."

Lana's head snapped up and she inhaled deeply through her nose, just to prove Leo's theory.

"Perfect timing. I'm done."

Lana nodded rapidly, carefully grabbing a test tube for herself as Leo had made two.

"Listen, when you open the door, tell Max to get out of the way. Only then can you throw the mixture otherwise he too will be injured. Okay?"


Lana whispered her agreement and rubbed her sweaty palms against her clothes.

Her eyes focused on the door handle, everything else blurring out of her

She allowed herself to feel her wolf's strength through her veins and growled before ripping the door open, her first instinct to scream at the amount of blood decorating the walls of the hospital


Her mate did as instructed, still in the compelling state of his Lycan.

Lana watched him in awe before snapping out of her momentary pause and doing what she was told: throwing the potion.

The tube flew through the air in precision, landing in the middle of a bunch of zombies. It rolled instead of cracking and then cracked under the pressure of a zombie's foot.

Toxic gas filled the room and Leo pulled Lana, covering her mouth with a random piece of cloth.

Lana glanced around the room just to see Max copying the two and pulling his ripped up shirt infront of his human nose.

All three of them sprinted out of the building, both Max and Lana following Leo as he ran further and further away from the hospital.

"Will the people inside be okay?"

"Yeah, I was just putting fabric infront of your face because we were way too close to the gas and the others are in rooms. I'm going back in to boarder up that corridoor and to evacuate the poeple in the rooms. I'll see you both in a bit, yeah?"

Lana hugged her brother tightly, her arms wrapping around his body in a protective manner.

She kissed his cheek and stepped back, watching as he ran back towards the hospital.

Sighing loudly, a breath of relief escaped her parted lips as she felt her mate's body attach to the back of hers, hugging her and radiating warmth.

"That was eventful."

Max laughed solemnly, shaking his head.

"If you say so."


Leo wandered into the hospital, running up the stairs until he reached the corridor he fought in just minutes ago.

He stepped near a zombie and knelt down, pulling out some equipment. Pulling out a small knife, he carved into the skin of a dead zombie and placed it in a little bag, a sample.

He shoved it in his pocket and then started to evacuate people, claiming that he heard noise and found the corridor covered in blood and wrecked.

People accepted his explanation but all he could think about was how freaking heavy the sample was in his pocket.

Research. It's for research.


Esme listened intently as the couple infront of her explained what just happened.

Max was the final one to speak, explaining to Esme that Lana's parents were some type of evil scientists and Ventus was after both Lana and Leo.

Esme's head couldn't even wrap around all the information she had just been told.

It all sounded crazy. And the craziest? Max had a sister. Or so he thought.

Esme played with her hands, avoiding eye contact with her son. When was she going to tell him that Ventus is not his Dad? How was she supposed to tell him that the Uncle he never met was his real Father?

It's best if he found out now. Definitely.

"Max, I have something to tell you."

Esme stood taller, her whole aura just screaming power. "Something about your Father. You see, years ago, his brother came to visit and I...I cheated. I slept with him and then, 9 months later, you were born. Ventus didn't realize until you were 1. His wolf hated you which caused him to drown in a spiral of depression and from there, you know the rest."

Maximus felt his eyes glowing brightly and he curled his fingers into his hand, smashing his fist into the wall directly next to him.

He growled menacingly, swearing and shouting loudly. "F*ck you! F*ck Dad!"

A door opening from behind the angry King caught the attention of a confused Lana and a regretful Esme.

"You told him."

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