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Leo panicked, his strides stretching and sweat pouring as he forced his legs to move faster.

He'd only just got his twin.

He pushed through the first set of doors and focused on the rhythmic sound of his shoes hitting against the impeccably clean marble floor.

The further he went, the more determined he was to get to his sister. Lana was the only family Leo had and he was not about to lose her to some psycho king.

The familiar doors stood tall, a beautifully designed barrier between him and his sister.

After easily making his way past the last obstacle, he assessed his surrounding.

The windows were tightly shut, located directly behind his sister. The Queen and her son were both near a table, their eyes trained on Leo.

The previous King was infront of Leo, a huge smile adorning his lips as he clutched his twin tighter and in the corner stood Max's what he could presume parent and his mate?

Lana, mindlink Max to tell his Mother to dive behind the table and to help me. You need to move when I say go. My signal is putting my hands in my pocket. Tell him.


Leo kept his eyes solely on Lana, who had glazed eyes indicating that she was mindlinking.

He waited until she was staring back at him, delivering a menacing grin. Always the one for danger. Leo smiled as he noticed that Lana had sent her mate a weak smile but him a devillish one.

His eyes locked with Ventus' and he was pulled into what seemed like an endless trap, drowning him in absouletly nothing. Leo closed his eyes, remembering the words which were whispered to him every night before he was safely tucked into bed.

Your body is yours, just concentrate.

When he opened his eyes, he could feel the magical energy surge through his veins and he felt his eyes turn the bright amber that his guardian loved ever so much.

Leo heard Lana's gasp but focused on the tingling sensation in his fingertips. It took him a few minutes but the connection with Earth that he felt grew stronger and he stuffed his hands into his pockets, feeling the plants outside growing.

Maximus instantly turned, allowing his powerful lycan through. Everyone was entranced, watching as his skin practically ripped into fur in the shortest time possible. The fastest anyone had ever turned.

Leo started to glow a haunting green, his eyes shining brighter as he stared into his twin's eyes. She didn't know, bur her eyes were shining a brilliant obsidian blue, revealing her link to her magic.

Max tore the skin of his Uncle, feeling a great rush of immense power entering his system. He stood tall, overpowering his Uncle in all ways. Lana was safely snuggled in his onyx fur, far away from the weapon that was close to her neck just a few seconds ago. Maximus was consumed by white hot anger and the one thing his wolf thought was murder. Just murder.

Lana relished in the odd feeling swimming through her body. Whatever it was felt so damn right. Her brother was glowing a mystical green, his eyes piercing into her own, now an alluring amber colour.

She felt her soul wrap into his, connecting to his mind in the only way a twin could. A mirror caught her eyes and she pulled her vison away from her brother and was shocked to find her own eyes glowing a deep obsidian blue.

It was like she wasn't just linked to her brother, but to nature. Her body was floating, like she was in water and not on the ground. Lana's mind was transfixed with the feeling of water passing by her skin and she inhaled deeply, exhaling only when she felt the need to release the big wave gathering up in her chest.

Clearly, the wave wasn't just in her chest. The whole room was now covered in water, every person wet from head to toe.

The others were momentarily shocked, only to have their attention taken away from the water and to the extremely tall plants covering the sunlight outside.

In a flash, the leaves and arms of a lot of plants broke through the window behind Ventus and wrapped around his body, slowly squeezing the life out of the man.

Esme's eyes filled with silent tears as her mate's face continued to turn darker, his life slipping away infront of her eyes.

But she had killed him before. She wouldn't hesitate to do it again. Her emotions flew out of the window and she did nothing as her mate took his last breath.

Both twins were glowing brightly, one blue and the other green. Max let go of Lana and she ran towards Leo, hugging him tightly as their colours entwined to create iridescent colours around their bodies.

Their glow faded away as both siblings clutched tightly to eachother, scared to loose one another.

Maxmius shifted and took the clothes from his Father's hand. He closed his eyes for a brief second and sighed in pure relief when he felt his mate's small arms wrap around his stomach.

"I don't know what I would do without you Lana. I really don't."

Lana smiled against his chest as she controlled her breathing to sound just slightly normal.

"I know Maximus. I know."

She pulled his face down and gave him a kiss on the forehead and then a passionate one on his lips.

"I'm glad it's over."

They both stood silent for a few minutes, just holding eachother in eachother's comforting embrace.

"But who said it's over?"

The villanous voice of Elder Zarcon came from across the room and everyone in the room growled in annoyance at the disruption.

Lana glanced over at where the Elder stood. He was not alone.

Behind him stood hundreds of gruesome, distorted creatures of the undead and that too the only ones in vision.

Oh f*ck.

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