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London, England (during the point where Elder Zarcon had revealed himself)

Humans pushed and shoved as the sky filled with panick and confusion. Millions upon millions of people screamed for cover as the undead continued their massacre through the streets of London.

Among them, a group of teens linked arms, creating a sort of chain to keep safe. A girl shivered violently as her eyes found the body of a dead person who had been trampled on too many times.

"Maybe we should go home where it's safe and sou-"

"Does it look like we can go home?!"

Her brother glared daggers at her and she instantly rolled her lips inwards, chewing on them as screams continued to echo in the area.

"What are we supposed to do though? We are just stupid orphans who haven't even done school yet! Might aswell die from these zombie things."

Her eyes filled with tears and her voice cracked as she whispered the last sentence and her brother held her closer, his eyes glowing slightly.

"We aren't just orphans and you know it. We just have to help."

The teenagers stopped caring. From that point onwards, the only solution was to let the humans know.

They were all going to die anyway.

The boy pulled them to the side and started to take his top off, his eyes shining brighter.

His friends soon followed and together, they stood by side, shifting into their wolves.

Atleast if they died, they would die fighting.

The Royal Castle

Lana cried out, her skin glowing like the water as her canines started to appear, taking the form of a horrifying half witch half wolf.

Leo joined her, glowing brighter and slowly turning into his half wolf state. He did not understand how Lana had learnt it in such a short time since it took him so long to achieve that form but he ignored it and focused on the person at hand. Elder bloody Zarcon.

"Do you really think because that idiot Ventus is dead that I will be stopped? Then you have got it wrong. You must know, he was just a pawn in my game. It looks like we have some new players."

His eyes lingered on the twins and his grin grew wider. "Welcome to the game. Let's see if you can make it to the end."

Just as he finished his mini speech, Rafael barged in. His leather suit was covered in blood and his hair that was normally groomed to perfection was wrecked.

"The humans know! A bunch of teens shifted in the middle of the main city and after seeing them, many others followed. There's an invasion there and many are dying!"

Maximus hissed, his eyes pinning down Elder Zarcon under his glare. "You will pay for this. This is your fault."

Again he shifted in the time span of a blink and charged towards the Elder, vengeance clearly in the air.

That's when the zombies started swarming in. One by one, each undead monster stumbled into the room, their groans and moans filling the tense atmosphere with unpleasent noises.

Leo held hands with Lana, suprising her with the warm skin to skin contact.

"Trust me. If we link, we can create the other elements."

Lana nodded furiously and held tighter, concentrating on the rushing sound of the magic flowing in her veins.

"Imagine fire. Imagine fire spreading through your veins instead of water. Imagine inhaling smoke instead of the salty smell of water. Become fire."

She replaced each feeling with that of what she imagined fire felt like and started to create the illusion of heat surrounding her, comforting her with it's warmth.

Her fingertips felt extra warm and that's when she realised that slowly, her body was radiating an amber colour around her.

She opened her eyes and basked in the feeling of flames before checking on her twin.

His hair was everywhere. Strands of hair were flying in random directions and his clothes were sticking to his body as imaginary wind continued to blow against his body.

"I'm gonna direct the wind to where the zombies are and you need to aim your fire there. We'll cover more area like that."

She spotted the perfect spot and closed her eyes again, imagining crackling flames licking each zombie with it's devious intentions.

A blast of unbearable heat erupted around the royals and Lana watched in fascination as half of the zombies turned into ashes at instant contact with the flames.

Before the flames could reach any type of wood, Lana used water to extinguish the flames.

Maximus had killed nearly a third of the zombies in view but deep down, Lana knew that there was many more to come. Even further down?

She felt something. Something bad. Something big. A seed in the pit of her stomach, slowly growing as time passed them by. Lana did not like it at all.

Leo could feel the worry leaking off of his twin. However, Leo had his own worries to think about.

The project, the research. He inhaled deeply and continued to fight, begging the thoughts that plagued his mind to leave but nothing.

He would have to return. For a brief second, he looked at his shoulder and felt the fear creep in. He wasn't allowed to bail. They had eyes and ears everywhere.

Lana clutched his hand tighter as she released a large amount of fire and Leo felt protected as he stared as his big sister. Maybe she would somehow find out and maybe she would save him. Maybe.

He blinked and aggressively rubbed at the lone salty tear travelling down his face before anyone saw.

But someone did see. Everything was basically in slow motion for Maxmimus in his lycan form.

That also included the tear that he saw slowly drip down Leo's face before he finally felt it on his cheek.

Max also noticed the fearful gaze Leo gave to his shoulder. What was going on?

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