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He jumped up, instcints driving him to protect the goddess infront of him.

"Stay back! I'll take care of this."

He watched in frustration as she glared back, pride floating around her like a visible aura.

"I can protect myself thank you very much and my name is Lana."

The King felt his wolf practically grovelling and drooling at the name of his mate.

"We don't have time to fight Lana. Please, let me do this."

The name rolled effortlessly off his tongue and he watched as she shivered in pleasure.

He smiled for a split second before flickering his eyes back to the window, which seemed to only occupy zombies upon zombies.

It's like multiple alarms were ringing in his mind. Does he go to his family or protect his mate?

For now, it would be his mate. She made him smile. She made him feel.

He gently took the knife out of her hand and placed it on the small, wooden counter, careful not to harm her.

"Only use this if you have to. Only come outside if you have to otherwise, stay inside."

She nodded furiously and he slowly made his way to the door, looking back into her wide orbs.

"Dont worry. I am the King for a reason."

She scoffed shakily and sent him a thumbs up whilst keeping one hand close to the knife.

The King turned and opened the door as quick as possible, slamming it straight after himself. The door shook from the force but Maxmius ignored it and took in the zombies approaching him.

He felt his eyes glow and his nails elongate into deadly claws.

A snarl escaped his full lips; his wolf growled in approval.

"Bring it on f*ckers!"


Her teeth chattered in anticipation as Lana's palms became sweaty.

A week ago, this would never had happened. She would be curled up in her soft blanket with the crackling fire on, reading a good book or snoozing.

But that was a week ago. That was when the King hadn't randomly showed up at her door and when she was happily living on her own.

The King. Her mate. And to think moments ago, she was wondering how hard it would be to be a royal; now she would become a royal.

She watched as her mate stayed in his horrifying half wolf half human state, slicing zombie after zombie after zombie.

Lana, in all her average, very normal life, had never witnessed anything so gruesome and disturbing.

Distorted heads rolled off of equally destroyed bodies, leaving a trail of deep red blood in their wake.

She couldn't just let him fight on his own. She wasn't brought up like that. She could fight.

Her hands found the knife and kept an extremely tight grip on the handle as she stumbled towards her door.

She watched the scene outside intently, wondering if she was just in a movie or this was real life.

Everybody had their doors shut and the streets were deserted from the alive. In some houses, the windows were boarded up and in others, there were no signs of anyone.

All of it seemed surreal. Too surreal.

After pinching her arm to reassure herself, she used her right hand to open the door.

The disgusting smell of expired blood filled her nostrils and she forced the gag back down her throat.

Fight. She would fight. Determination seemed to be the only thing going for her.

A zombie leaped at Lana, squeezing her forearm with intense pressure.

A cry escaped her lips and her left hand furiously stabbed the sharp blade into the stretched skin of the undead monster.

She stabbed multiple times and then finished off by slicing at the neck.

It fell to the floor and the head rolled away, signifying the death of the thing.

She sighed in relief, only to look up and be met with another hundred zombies.

"Oh Goddess."


Maxmimus finished clawing at the already dead body and let the sinister smile appear on his face.

It was really satisfying to kill. Atleast that's what he thought in his slightly twisted mind.

But no King would ever be perfect when given the job to keep all types of supernatural in harmony and unknown to the humans.

There was always the requirement of killing rebels. In a way, these zombies were rebels and it was his job to kill them.

He turned as a zombie attacked his back and allowed his claw to penetrate the thick skin of the zombie and finish it.

As he turned his attention back to the house to check up on his mate, he was surprised to find her outside, a concentrated expression on her angelic face and blood attached to her dress.

He groaned. She was a tough one, already defying him.

Max was momentarily distracted by another zombie flying in his direction and smoothly clawed his head off of his body.

One clung to the front of his body and he bit down, yanking the head right off.

The adrenaline shot through his body and he fully shifted, letting his bones break multiple times before supporting the shape of a wolf.

And a wolf it was.

He stood tall, snarling and growling at the abominations. Being a human was one thing, being a wolf was a completely different feeling.

Max let his wolf Ignis take over. Ignis crept forward slowly, shuffling until he got into position.

This was only a hunt for him and boy do wolves love hunting. A hungry sparkle shone in the giant wolf's eyes and he leaped.

His black fur danced as he soared through the air, landing on a zombie. He bit down, angrily pulling at the zombie's neck.

His rampage continued as he killed zombie after zombie, working his way onto the street, further from his mate's house.

He had to get them both to the castle.

He had to find out if the humans knew. He had to.

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