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His breath started to falter as it became harder to fight. Fatigue crawled up his muscles, soaking into each bone in his body.

He forced his claws to meet more bodies, slice more skin, kill more undead. Only a few were left on the street, resulting in more people leaving their homes and helping the King.

Many recognised him as soon as they stepped out and were horrified to learn that they had not defended the King.

He didn't care. He didn't care at all. The only person plaguing his mind with worry was his mate.

Like him, he could see the tired look occasionally appear on her innocent face and her movements decreased dramatically.

Max shook his head forcefully, keeping his mind clear. The last zombie fell to the floor, groaning as it fell to it's death.

The lycan growled in satisfaction at the body and stood tall, assessing each and every villager outside.

Some had shifted into magnificent wolves whilst others had used weapons to kill.

Their eyes sparkled with determination and the King felt his heart swell in pride for the community. It seemed they only needed a small push but they would help.

A random man handed the enormous wolf clothes and Ignus shook his head in recognition, before leaving to change.

His human, Maximus, had sometimes taken control when he was too tired. It was a struggle to pay attention to vile creatures when such a beautiful angel was standing only metres away.

He had animal instincts and he couldn't handle it.

He shifted, allowing Maximus to take over fully and take the form of skin. His bone cracked continously, a loud sound echoing against the walls, and he finally looked like he did at the start.

Max locked eyes with his mate and sent a small smile in her direction.

The villagers were shocked but did not speak up. Instead, they watched from a distance as the King stepped up and smiled at the random girl.

"I recognise that all of you have helped me and Lana fight against these monsters and I thank you. I have to make my way to the castle. This is the only way I can fix this problem. I don't know how many more zombies there are so I request, please stay in your homes and keep your children safe. I will try to solve this as quick as possible."

Without waiting for even an answer, he swiftly took Lana's hand in his own and gave her a look.

"Where are we going?"


Lana raised her voice as his rough hands clutched hers tightly, small sparks shooting up her arm and into her body.

"We are going to my castle, dear Lana."

Lana covered her blush with her hair but stayed silent at the command. The castle...

Never had she once stepped out of this village and now, now she was going to see the castle.

The Royal Castle!

Her grey eyes shone brightly as the corner of her eyes wrinkled whilst she smiled happily.

A true dream.

She glanced up at the King, watching as his hair swept with the clam breeze and his five o clock shadow covered his face.

Then, she looked down. And desperately swallowed the scream threatening to leave her lips.

Her dress was covered in the thick, red goo, only glimpses of the actual pretty blue coloured dress underneath, barely noticeable.


He stopped and looked at her, confused.

"Whats the matter Lana?"

He stepped closer to her and she inhaled deeply as his hand found her rosy cheeks.

She looked up into his darkening eyes and widened her own as he pulled her closer.

"You sound so good saying my name."

She blushed once again and pulled away, smiling playfully at her mate.

"Tell me this, how am I supposed to go to the castle in a blood covered dress?"

Her breath caught in her throat as he shot her a grin and he winked.

The King winked. At her!

Internally, she was squealing but on the outside, she was professional and totally in control. Totally.

"Don't worry, we match. Even with blood, you look astounding."

She nodded, deep in her own thought.

"How do we get to your castle?"

She stepped closer to him as she heard a shout in the distance, only feeling safe beside him.

"I mindlinked my driver, he's waiting for us close to the border."


The border. Inbetween the rich and the poor. The place where he had originally been dropped off.

He kept his mate close, loving the fact that she was slowly coming closer to him.

"Come on, the quicker we get there, the quicker we get to safety."

She nodded and he softly pulled her in the direction to the car.

They both broke into a run, staying close as they sprinted towards the car.

They both could hear the moans and groans of the undead but only one thing floated inbetween them.

A future, with the both of them living happily without any of these abominations.

Max sighed in relief as the car approached them, stopping infront if them.

His friend and driver opened the door for them but he kindly refused.

"I will drive today Luke."

Luke nodded in respect and sat it he back of the car after helping Lana in.

He made no comment at the clothing of the two and instead stayed silent, letting the questions drown in his mind.

Max sat in the car and made sure both of his aquanitants had their seatbelts on. He put on his own and turned the key in the engine.

The engine growled to life and he looked at Lana before he started to drive.

Lana and Luke watched in the back as the speed increased in less than one minute.

Soon, they were racing at full speed, swerving from left to right and passing everything in a blur.

Max gripped the steering wheel, allowing the adrenaline to consume him.

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