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The Queen glanced around in curiosity as she pulled her body away from the smaller one.

She released a small smirk at the wrecked dress. She always hated the dress; the stupid dress-maker forced her to wear it.

She stretched her arm out and pulled up the young girl, confused as to why she was in the mansion.

Her eyes assessed the crimson coloured dress and she raised a perfectly arched eyebrow.

"Who are you?"

The girl finally looked up and the Queen was immediately in love with the sweetheart.

Her grey eyes brushed with long, dark eyelashes stared up innocently into the Queen's emerald ones and widened.

"Max told me to-"


The girl looked confused for a second but nodded her head regardless.

"Yes Max-"

Again she was interrupted but she let it off with a huff.

"He let's you call him Max?"

She blushed brightly under the strong gaze of the Queen and nodded shyly.

The Queen internally awed and instantly felt a connection with the girl.

"Well you must be close to him. I'm Esmerleda. But you can call me Esme."

The girl giggled at the thought of being called Esmeralda and having emerald eyes and replied.

"I'm Lana. Max told me tell you that I'm his mate and tha-"

Esme squealed loudly and tightly gripped her hand around Lana's, forcing her to follow her.

Lana gasped in surprise and nearly fell, only staying up by the incredible strength Esme had.

"I knew there was this crazy connection that my wolf instantly had with yours and I knew you looked too adorable to be just about anybody and then you said Max and I was definitely surprised since he doesn't let anyone he doesn't know call him that and I hadn't ever seen you in the castle before so I was just suspicious real-"

"Where are we going?"

Lana squeaked a question in the middle of Esme's rant and Esme smile widely in response, a slightly crazy glint in her eye.

"You have a bloody dress on so I'm going to make you an outfit!"

Lana quietly mumbled. Ofcourse her mate's Mother would be one of those people. The ones who enjoy shopping for clothes. Cue the shiver.

She gulped loudly as the Queen dragged the poor girl into a huge room with thousands of clothes on hangers everywhere.

The room seemed to bigger than Lana's whole house! Clothes were neatly organised but never had Lana seen this many in her life.

She slowly turned her body as she took in every piece of clothing around her on the posh looking hangers.

"That's alot of clothes."

The Queen let out a giggle as an automatic response and clapped her hands.

"Ofcourse there is sweety. Now be quiet, it's time to pick out a dress!"

Esme clapped her hands again, this time with a lot more enthusiasm, and then she was off to the dress section, a huge smile accompanying her every step of the way.


The King stepped into the meeting room, his cold expression once again appearing on his face.

Every member of the council shivered at the look, only the older, more powerful members returning a glare of the same level.

"I did not know there was a meeting today."

And he didn't. As soon as he was infromed, he practically ran into a shower and changed into one of his Armani suits.

His black hair was now groomed to perfection and his emerald eyes pierced into the eyes of the council members.

"We did not either, King Maximus. It was a last minute meeting due to certain...circumstances."

Max narrowed his eyes at the elderly council member and took his throne at the beginning of the large table.

"And what are these circumstances Elder Zarcon?"

He cleared his throat before speaking to the Elder. It was always respect to attach the title to the name whenever speaking to them but Maximus despised the Elder. He was the most conniving Elder on the council.

There was always something suspicious about the mischievous pensioner.

"I'm sure you know about the undead rising but the main concern is the humans. How are you going to deal with that one, My King?"

The sarcasm dripping from the two words caused the King to flinch and almost every other member stayed silent, unsure on whether to support the King from the insult or keep the respect of a dangerous man on their side. Many had already chosen.

"Are you insinuating something Edler Zarcon?"

The Elder kept a sinister smile throughout the conversation and it widened at those certain words.

"I always insinuate something."

That was a direct insult. To the King and crown.

Max attempted to control his anger but the blatant insult had him slamming his rough palms against the table, making those close to him shake in fear.

A snarl tore from his lips and his eyes glowed in a menacing way. He had chosen to play with a King, and a King he would play with.

"I suggest you leave Elder Zarcon before I tear your guts and heart out and spread them across this meeting room to warn others of the results of an insult like that to the King and crown."

The Elder continued to smile and stood from his chair, nodding his head towards the floor before lifting it to look him in the eye.

Elder Zarcon was from the pixie factor and the hatred between the two factors was obvious. Much too obvious.

"Is that a threat my King? I have been an Elder for many, many years now my King. I would suggest not saying things like this to me further on."

The supernaturals gasped at the pixie; the King growled furiously, flying across the room and grabbing the pixie at his collar.

His eyes glowed brighter with every second and he snarled once more.

"Get out."

The command required no words but the silence was just as threatening.

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