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The room was deadly silent. And not the comfortable kind. The kind that caused the deafening type of silence. The type that made you squirm in your seat at the uncomfortable feeling spreading around the room like a plague.

The King exhaled loudly, standing in his original position without his hands against the table.

Nobody dared to speak as they practically could touch the anger simmering in the atmosphere. One word could explode the King.

Max cleared his throat, clouds of agitation soon clearing from his mind and peace finally settling in.

"I am sorry for the unnecessary behaviour at the meeting. This was not required and I hope you all leave with respect for me still."

Still nobody spoke. The amount of times Maximus had spiralled out of control was not even countable.

The Queen of the fairies spoke up, her aesthetic voice filling the silence.

"Thank you your Highness. We know how difficult it can be and we appreciate your apology."

She smiled lightly and the others seemed to be speechless at the beautiful creation. She was captivating but took no notice of it.

Her curled, ginger bob bounced as she nodded gently towards her childhood friend.

Max smiled in return, causing people to gasp and he ignored them, smiling wider at the shocked expression on the fairie's face. It took a lot to shock a fairy.

"I'm happy you understand Isobella. You have to come to the castle again. I would love to introduce you to my mate."

Isobella giggled happily in response to the excitement of the King and clapped.

"Ofcourse! I have to leave now though, we have some problems back home and I have to attend them. I hope Rafael will fill you in properly on my part. Thank you and I will visit you again. I promise."

A promise made by a fairy was a promise meant to be fulfilled.

She left the room, seemingly taking her happiness with her. The room was awkward yet again until Rafael decided to speak.

Rafael led the fae community and was Isobella's cousin.

Both were extremely tight and both seemed to take a liking to the current King.

"Issy brought up the fact that the humans around her region seemed to suspicious about their community. With the zombies, some thought that it was her fairies that were dressing up. However, some claim that they are fairies and they have seen them change."

Fairies, faes and pixies had been gifted a special type of spell by the witches for peace. This spell covered their differences to the humans and made humans and all other supernaturals see them as humans until they decide to show their true selves.

All supernaturals had a magical barrier surrounding the homes of their own and it was almost impossible to see any shifting from a human to what they truly were.

Max sat down, confused. How were the barriers coming down? How were they being seen when they had the magical spell?


He snapped his eyes to Rafael's and both of them understood.

They were both connecting the dots.

"The little piece of sh*ts."

Rafael allowed the swear word to slip out of his mouth and slammed his back into his chair.

Maximus assessed the room and each supernatural seemed confused.

"Rafael and I know what is causing this disturbance. We have come to a conclusion that it must be the zombies. The undead have been arriving in larger groups and at the same time, the barriers are breaking. It means the barriers do not accept the undead. They can not be natural as we are. Somebody must be behind this."

Each leader burst into a fit of rage, loud chatter consuming the room. The existence of them was on a very thin thread and the humans could find out any time.

All of the factors had felt the pain and torture of the humans once they had discovered the reality and existence of them.

The humans, even being the weakest of them all, seemed to be the worst. With all their knowledge, they seemed to be just as good as any of the rest of them.

Because humans were never made to be the weakest. They were made to be the smartest. And sometimes brains beat brawn.

If it had not been for the newly made vampires, all supernaturals woud've died.

The vampire was created when a man committed a sin so dire, so horrid he was compelled by the Moon Goddess to live for forever. This man did not wish to live.

He wanted to die, to join his wife and children he had ruthlessly killed.

He discovered that when he had bitten a human and given them his blood, they too would turn like him.

They could compel humans and cheat death which gained the supernaturals support and the humans were compelled to forget everything.

Maximus glanced at the oldest member of the council, Giovanni, and admired the young looking vampire.

He had led the supernaturals for a long time and pulled them out of despair, only giving up the title when he had had enough.

Now here he sat, watching the current King admire him from afar.

Maximus sighed quietly and let the elites take their anger out on eachother.

His mind drifted towards his mate and he wondered what she was doing with his Mother. She would be grilling Lana to the end of the world and would be dressing her up like a dolly.

He stiffled a laugh at the image of Lana being forced to dress in a large dress. His mate was a feisty one and would have a hard time agreeing with his Mother's commands.

A hand touching his shoulder pulled him out of his thoughts and the respected vampire slowly sat beside him.

Giovanni cleared his throat and stared for a second at the current King before speaking.

"If you do not act now, disaster will be blamed on you."

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