Augustine (Elijah Mikaelson)

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"Are you ok, my love." His light voice woke me up gently.


I woke up not only to find that he wasn't next to me, but that I was locked in a cell. I saw a little square in the wall that connected to the room next to me. As I started to move, my ears started to ring. They rung so loudly that I hit the floor again. I crawled to the square and the ringing went away.

"Eli? Where are we?" I asked, with panic in my voice.

"Are you alright, love? I heard you. You're in pain," I saw Elijah through the square of the cement wall. He was leaning on it, when I saw that, I stood up and did the same.

"I don't know what happened. My ears started ringing and my head was throbbing like crazy,"

"It's a side affect," He said.

"To what?"

"You were an anchor, but now you're a vampire. You can't be both. The connection has to be human."

"What will happen to me,"

"I don't know," Elijah said, worried.

"You didn't answer my question before." I broke the silence.

"I don't know where we are. I know that whatever it is, I won't let anyone hurt you."

"Elijah, there's no possible way to protect me all the time."

"Watch me,"


"What is it, love?"

"My daylight ring is gone,"

"Mine is, too."

"What is this place?"

"Augustine," Someone intruded.

"Augustine?" I wondered.

"A study for science," The doctor paused. "We study the body and forms of vampires. How did you think we figured out vampire blood can heal humans. You," He looked at me."I heard you are the anchor to the other side,"

"Yes," I answered, afraid of what he might say.

"I've never met one in person," he said. He didn't contain a clipboard, but he did have a needle. "I wonder how long it will take for an anchor to live as a vampire. My goal is to keep you alive, until it's time."

"What?" I asked. 

"An anchor, I've done some research, is not suppose to be a supernatural being. If it was previously, then it tries to reverse the process. With wolves and witches, it's easy. I wonder what it's like for vampires." He said.

"Listen, just at least let me see her," Elijah said.

"That's what that hole is for." The doctor responded. "Plus, we are about to take you both under full observation."

"Please," I said. "Let us go. We all know that I'm going to die anyway and that Elijah, come on, he's an original. You can't hold him for long,"

"Perhaps not," The doctor paused. "But we can try,"


I woke up tied to a bed. Elijah was tied to a bed next to me, but his was vertical. Mine was horizontal. I couldn't move. I felt a deep pit in my stomach, a feeling I can't shake. A feeling of severe guilt. Of what I did 3 years ago.

How I became an anchor was not a happy story. I did it to save someone. She was in so much pain everyday. I felt so bad, and I owed her. She was there for me in my time of needs. I asked a witch to transfer and make me the anchor. She did it, but in the process, my best friend died. I killed her. I never got to see if she found peace, I hope she did.

The guilt grew into a sharp pain I felt all over my body. I felt like I have been ran over by multiple buses. 

"ELIJAH!" Was the name that was forced out of my mouth by pain.

"Let her go! Something's happening!" Elijah pleaded.

The doctor only smirked and watched.

"This is amazing," he mumbled loudly to himself. "Her body is reversing the vampire transformation."

There was more screaming until I finally couldn't take it. I ripped my all the ropes off and jumped off the table. I automatically fell to the floor. The doctor watched all of this in amazement. I crawled away, but before I even crossed the threshold, everything went black.

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