The Cupid Complex

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                                  Review #42

     Written by: 4everSherlocked

     Reviewed by: Breanna-Dixon aka Rebekah.

Cover: I say the cover gives off a valentine's day view which is great since the story revolves around love and Valentines day practically.

Title: Complex in psychology means 'a related group of emotionally significant ideas that are completely or partly repressed and that cause psychic conflict leading to abnormal mental states or behavior.' and really this story does involve a lot of complex changes so it fits well specially with everything that went down with Jungkook, Tae, and Cupid.

Blurb Note: I loved your blurb but I don’t know if you meant to do this but, in this sentence, ‘Jungkook never expects to fall in love, and find someone that he would give up everything - including his immortality - for.’ I don’t know if you meant to add the ‘for’ or if you forgot a word. But other than that I noticed a couple grammar errors and nothing major.

Genre: It's fits well 

First Chapter: I noticed quite a few grammar errors (I'm usually in a rush to get done where I don't read before publishing) so I'd recommend possibly rereading through see if you fix those! You're very descriptive which is really good!

Cover: 10/10

Title: 10/10

Plot: 10/10

Grammar: 5/10

Spelling: 8/10

Personal enjoyment: 6.5

Overall: I highly recommend hiring an editor. I'm sure there are great selections! I love your story and I love your creativity! Your plot works fine and I think this could be really popular! 

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