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Soon Mary slowly retracted her fangs from Jessica's neck, she fell hearing as her body crashed with the ground, unconscious. Her neck was pouring blood and it was vaguely seen two holes where Mary's fangs had pierced her flawless skin, Mary sprinkled some water and Jessica quickly awoke.

"Ouch! My body burns!" She moaned as soon as she woke up.

"Don't worry. It will be normal soon, " Mary smirked.

"Omg! You devil! What did you do to me?" Jessica said, moving away from Mary.

"Nothing much. I have converted you into a vampire."

"What? You are a vampire? They are not real!"

"They are and now you are one of us."

"I'll tell everyone what you are and what you have done to me."

"No, you can't do that, if anyone ever came to know the truth, then they will likely kill you."

After this, Jessica was quiet. She didn't utter a single word. She was lost into her thoughts.

After a few minutes, Jessica finally spoke "Why did you do this to me? I thought we were friends? I thought you were a nice person," She sobbed.

"It is not a bad thing. And I converted you because of a reason which I'll tell you at the right time. And Noah is also a vampire. He is also recently converted. You will learn slowly. I am here to help you, " Mary said.

You should come down now. Everyone is getting suspicious. Noah telecommunicate.

"Alright, Now clear those marks off your neck and cover it with this scarf, come down with me, make sure that you act normal. I and Noah will come to your house at 11:30. You have so much to learn and we have so much to teach you" Mary said with a devilish smirk.

They both went down. Shirley and Percy were staring at Mary suspiciously.

"So what we're you telling her?" Shirley asked Mary.

"I was just showing her my room and I wanted to give her this scarf, " She replied.

"So why did you need some privacy for this?" Percy asked.

"I thought that you won't be interested, " Mary lied.

"Guys! Guys! Now I think we should head back. It's 8:00 PM, " Jessica covered.

"Alright, " Shirley gave an evil eye to Jessica and went to the main door.

"Goodbye. See you soon!" Jessica waved at Noah and Mary and they all went out.

"We have to do something about Shirley and Percy. I am sure that they are suspicious. We have to convert them soon, " Mary said to Noah as soon as the the gang exited the beautiful manson.

"But they are not so easy to trap. They already dislike us. And are you sure that Jessica will keep quiet?" Noah asked.

"Of course. She is terrified now. She won't utter a single word, " Mary said.

"Hmm, we now only have a few days left until the big day, if we fail to achieve our target, then we will all die" Noah stuttered in fear.

"Don't worry. We have almost twenty people in our group in just four days. And as more people will join us, more conversions will take place. And we are taking Jessica with us toning for the hunt, " Mary said very confidently.

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