11. Fake

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The words seems fake,
Dreams are but a sweet lie,
My soul is at stake,
Now, that I've kept hidden; alive.

Fake. The world around her screamed fakeness. Her eyes twitched as she gazed around her. It all screamed fake but she wasn't the one to fear with. Her hard eyes assessed the ground beneath her and she tightened her limbs. Snatching away her sleeve from his hold she turned to him. Glaring holes into his eyes.

"What's all this?" Voice hard and edgy as ice.

"What have you done?" Gritting her teeth she asked moving closer to him, narrowing her eyes.

His lips twitching into a smile, a sick smile.

"Why so angry?"

"I am trying to save you." He continued tilting his head, his eyes carrying the uneasiness in them.

She felt that uneasiness clawing her heart put making a home in her guts. Something rotten churning in her stomach. Gulping back a soul, she tried to say something. But, was quietened as he pushed her off the cliff.

Her breath got stuck in her throat and she choked on a sob with tears burning her eyes. Heart running in a marathon.

So softly like a soft jerk, but now she was going to fall. Swiftly, he held her sleeve again pulled him to himself and menacingly whispered near her ear. Warm breath fanning over cheek.

"Your breath and you heart beat are now in my hands."

The movement happened in a small fraction of time and he was confused how he was the one under pressure, now. Now that she have pressed his own dagger on his neck.

"Don't play a game so dirty, which can make you dirty too."

He tched and shook his head with a wolf's smile plastered on his face.

"Dirty games begs to be played by me."

Those words churned something in her guts so bad, she felt like throwing up. Blood oozing out from his finger tips as he slowly opened her palm and secured the dagger back in its place.

"I play games, so dirty, that no dirt has left me untouched." Boring his liquid sandy pupils hard in her eyes, he turned around. Stretching his broad shoulders and walking ahead of her living her behind. Stuck on the ground. Her breath coming out in pants, as she stared at him walking away with lazy steps. Such a carefree soul, he is.

A cold shaky breath exhaled through her cold nose. Her blood ran cold as she walked away from him, from that place. Slowly losing her mind, she turned around and padded under the scorching heat of the desert. Her throat getting dry. Her heart screamed in something she could name as fear. Now, she feared the time, place and him. Who was he? She doesn't know but he was and evil person who did nothing but only pushed her deeper into her miseries.

She wanted to go back and ask him to leave her where she belonged. But, something in her screamed to find her way back by herself. She didn't trust him, not him. Fisting her fingers into a fist, she ran into the dry, grainy desert. Sweat beads plastered onto her body like a second skin. She was so glad to not wear something heavy as it could have caused her problems under the heating sun.

Coiled snake rose itself up from under the sand. Grains falling down remarking the tale of once it stayed there too, to hunt the prey. It hissed and coiled more around nearing her. Eyes staring at her as if trying to do a magic trick on her. Staring back at it, she tilted her head and did not back out from intense staring competition. Changing her way she walked away from it. Heart beating with sweat, she could heart it. And time slowed when she was pushed onto the ground by the heavy figure.

Gasping, her head jerked towards the loud hiss as the Desert Kingsnake bite him in his biceps. Long, hard fangs stayed for a minute making him groan and shiver in pain. The poison released into his vein stream causing the skin grow purple and the sting hurt bad.

Grabbing the snake's neck, he tightened his hold on it making it hiss at him with his wide mouth ready for another attack. Layla was stuck and couldn't move, what did just happen? Why was he saving her? Questions after questions rose as she him poking his thumb's nail into the snake hard grainy skin, it's tail coiling around his hand and fighting for his life. The snake tightened its hold hard making him suffocate. But, Baraq wasn't the one to backout. He had lived his life fighting with unnamed dangers.

Blood trickled out from the bite sting, a wave of pain hitting making the muscle throb in pain.

She saw blood, a fight between human and reptile for life, sandy desert, heating sun, no mark of any other life around him.

Baraq closed his eyes and pressed his thumb harder into it's neck, it wriggled, tightened it hold causing his ligaments to choke. Finally a drop of blood oozed out from it's neck. But, it was still fighting harder. Cursing, Baraq grabbed his head closed it. Gritting his teeth hard, he closed the mouth twisted the neck.

A splash of blood dirtied his face and body of the snake felt limp against his arms.

Horror struck hard on Layla's face and she grabbed the cloth around her chest in a fist. One thing was sure after this moment.

He was a beast.

Cursing, he stood up with blood and sweat decorating his face and smiled sickly at her.

"أنت جيد للذهاب الآن."

You are all good to go now.

Taking a step back, she avoided to look in his eyes as something churned around her gut and she felt sick to stomach. A bile of nothing rose and she gagged, walking away. Like always.

She has always walked away from her problems. Always. It was no reason to stay there and witness your own ruination; she believed. So like as always, she ran, ran away harder this time. Under the scorching sun.

She could chose to stay, but she didn't have the enough fire to stay. To stay and witness your own ruination means to burn yourself harder than world has ever burned you. And she didn't have that fire, although she wished to be the fire, but she wasn't and she cursed herself for that. For, it was a curse to not burn yourself but to let the world burn you.

Sometimes, she was stuck, and everytime she was stuck she ran away. Like now she did.
Blurred vision didn't helped her much and she fall hard against the roughness and hardness of the rock.

Confusion laced her features as she slowly began to rise and glanced at the thing infront of her.

Author's note : the chapter is not edited. Will have typos. Although, author is working hard on the next update but, it takes time. Tomorrow is my exam and my phone is running low on battery. Also that one's not edited too.

But, imma try my best!!

Love you all <333

Mwah mwah💋💋

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