10. Banish

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Cards full of faces,
Playing a game,
Where the evil chases,
When I finally pull up my card,
The tables are turned,
And a clown is tamed

There was a throbbing head ache growing. He felt dizziness attack him as he tried to open his eyes. His hand curled around soft features of the blanket.

Where was he? A question popped in his head as he inspected the area around him. His hand drawing patterns on the thick fabric, caressing it. Drawing his eyebrows closer in a frown he frowned, half asleep. Eyes squinted tightly as he tried to open them and a strike bright light hurting his eyes.

His highly sensitive ears alert him.

Something against his will moves. Its the soft padding of foot against the hard floor. A soft wind blew and he heard the soft rustling of fabric against fabric. Someone has walked in, he sensed. But, in a state of half asleep, he couldn't point it out. Then there's something, a silence, a soft silence making him frown harder.

Soon, the frown on his head eased away as he felt the strange, soft caress on his head. It was so warm, he felt he was in heaven. Blissfully he again snuggled against the soft mattress as he sensed a soft blowing air on his face and all his pain subsided. He was surely in heaven. He sensed someone walking out and tried stop it but wasn't quiet successful as he lay limp in drowsiness.

Few minutes passed away as he tried to sleep but no drop of sleep blessed his eyes. Cursing, he slowly opened his eyes, blinking them several times.

Blinking open his eyes he saw a ceiling fan staring back at him. Unmoving. His eyes close with a shudder as he sensed the warmth fading away. Pushing away the blanket he tried to tie his dress and found a white bandage protecting his wound.

Seeing that his hand hurriedly went behind his head and he realized his head was also bandaged. His hands drew near his face as he sensed his mask loosening. Securing the keffiyeh tightly he fixed his shrug styled thobe. It was full white with intricate flowing down the fabric. Wooden button still on their place

Hushed breaths grew in panic as he hastily stood up and went to the door. It was open and he could see the small way to the stairs. Briskly walking to the stairs. He ran down and found some rustling in the kitchen. Gingerly, he walked towards behind the wall, his liquid sandy eyes took around his surroundings as he assessed it and saw a shadow looming around the door. Tilting his head he curled around his cold fingers on his small intricate dagger and plunged it out with a jerk when she faced him.

Clothed in full white she balanced his stare with her empty eyes and twirled the remnants in the glass. Twirling the sparkly red liquid she emptied the contents in her mouth, slightly unveiling her face, still hiding her face from him.

Tapping her fingers on the edges of the empty glass. Her fingers held glass closer to the dagger and she pushed it away. She motioned him to follow her.

His eyes narrowed on her short, petite form. Tilting his head to the other side, he smirked under the mask and hide away his dagger and followed her. His eyes following her every moment as she walked.

Opening the passenger door she motioned him to sit inside. No words exchanged between them as she herself settled on the drivers seat and turned to him.

"Where do you live?" Her words fell deaf on his ears as he looked around in the car. His eyes shining with amusement seeing something so different. Surely, he has seen cars. So many times but seating in it was the other thing. And he didn't like the sudden burst of smell of leathers. He felt sick.

Giving her a bore look he glanced at her and pointed at the glass.

Her fingers worked on to its own accord as she pressed the button. Takin in a deep breath she asked him again,- "Where do you live?"

"I don't talk in English."

Her insides burned as she listened his answer. She tried to calm her anger amd patted her head multiple times. Breathing through her mouth she avoided looking at him.

He inhaled the fresh air and calmed his sick heart.

"I will burst open your head, if you again tried to play with me."

"Well, you aren't a game to play, now are you?" He asked with small rumble of his voice resonating in the car. Her fingers curled around the fabric of her abaya as she pinned him with a glare.

"Listen here, try to understand. I can't keep you here. You should know this society, they like to ill talk about every mishap and right now, you been here is really something I can't afford. Not right now.

So please, try to co-operate."

Baraq was always a curios kid, he tried to be adapt by the environment around, hence he leanred english for his betterment. But, right now he wanted to speak the language if his own land.

Before he can answer, the peripheral vision of his, saw someone moving around and he keenly observed that someone and found them pointing at the car and examining it. His mind worked hard as he realized someone familiar standing between them.

"Kids now a days." Muttering under his breath he turned and tried to tell her where he lived.

"The nearest village."

"Okay, and where is that?" He again moved back and tried to see if they went away or not only to be stopped by her question.

Irritation flared up in his nose and he questioned her with his eyes and blinked them.

"Is your job to drive people around, as in cab?"

"No, why would I do-"

"Then please shut up and drop the me at the nearest village." Hissing at her he glanced at the rearview mirror and saw them coming closer.

"Okay, let me take a help." Saying she searched in the Google map for the nearest village and found one of the nearest village to her city, just 16km away. Heaving a sigh she mentally blabbered at the map.

"This is going to take so long." He glanced at her cry. Tilting his head as some of his small hairs fell on his head. The intense gaze that could move the mountains did absolutely nothing to her because she was busy trying to figure out how they were going to drive that far.

His lips twitched slowly as be gazed at her. Something hit her car making her shriek and him hurriedly circling his arm around her, on a little distance. He knew she was a woman of veils, she can't be touched by him no matter how close he was to her, because for her he was still a na-mehram.

Her heart pounded in her ribcage as her mind registered what had happened. She tried to turn around and look back at the broken glass. But, he was fast enough to pinch her fallen corner of the veil in his thumb and his index finger, and teleported them into another place, another time, another ambience, another city, another date.

Banishing into a thin air.

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