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The gagging scent of ammonia once again hit my nostrils with a force like never before. Of course, my first plans included going to the nearest apartment which was obviously Eddie's but I had not entirely thought it through. The place smelt of ageing paper and beer, the sounds coming for the apartment above not too pleasing. I swept my gaze to the refrigerator, sighing in content. Tugging open the door, I scanned the door for a drink. Beer, root beer and orange juice that was probably ice. Leftover pizza, some odd purple container that had been there for as long as I'd known him and two bags of tater tots. 

'Jesus,' I said to him. 'Where are the consumable foods? You in a food coma or something?'

He rubbed his eyes and groaned. 'You came off as a surprise. I was supposed to load up on groceries yesterday.'

'More gag-worthy food as usual.'

I left the thawing orange juice on the counter and faced Eddie. He tossed his keys onto the side and closed down the blinds I had opened last morning. He peeped out onto the dead street watchfully, mumbling to Venom under his breath.

Eddie looked so frightened and sick. There would be a lightness to his skin and some colour on his face but today, it was like someone drained the life out of him. His hair stood out messily yet managed to look heart-rending with his hooded eyes. 

I walked to him slowly and made sure not to surprise the beast in him. I warped my hands around him, crossing my wrists on his abdomen and locking him in place. His leaned back to let the nape of his neck nudge my forehead softly. 'Are you with the Avengers or something?'

A laugh rumbled out of him. 'I'm way out of their radar. So no, I don't think so.'

'Damn, I really thought I could meet Tony Stark. He's such a hottie.'

An awkward clearing of the throat from Eddie as he bound his fists around my hands. 'I've got competition. Richer and brainier.'

'Nah,' I purred. 'I've got a thing for bad boys.' His amusement cleared the tension when I lightly caressed the thick material of his leather between my fingers. My next question came after a beat when we fell into a soft silence.

'Does it keep bothering you?' I didn't bother calling ET by his name, still not in terms with the alien.

'I got used to it,' he murmured. 'We're just hungry all the time.'

'Not me,' I admitted with a swallow. Of course, he heard it and nudged my tummy with his elbow. 'I've been losing my appetite lately.'

'That is exactly why you need help,' Eddie said and turned to send me a glare. 'Something's wrong.'

I looked up at him with pensiveness. 'It will come and go. Besides, I have small urges so there's nothing to worry about.'

'Why do you have to be so stubborn?' he grumbled and clasped my waist, pulling me closer. He used a finger to tuck a tendril of my hair behind my ear, playing with it gently. 'It's oddly a turn-on.'

I grinned and inclined into him, lifting my lips as an offering. 'That's a first. I might as well use it while it lasts.'

'Distracting,' he hummed. 'I like it. Very much.'

Leaning forward on tiptoes, I pressed a chaste kiss on his lips and waited for his response. And it came, with more force than I'd expected it to come. Eddie's cold lips were like granite against mine, moulding against his. Using his super strength as an advantage, his hands travelled down to squeeze my backside and hoisted me up onto a set of drawers. I delicately moaned when he traced the seam of my lips with his tongue and his thumbs drawing circles that were closing up on my womanhood.

'Wait,' I pulled back with hesitant eyes. Eddie went frantic, searching my arms and neck for injuries. 

'What? You hurt?'

'No,' I nervously chuckled and sniffed. 'This may come out weird but erm, will ET be experiencing pleasure or - stop laughing!'

Eddie's teeth were on display as he heartily laughed at my disturbance and caressed my cheeks. 'You are adorable.'

'It's a genuine doubt.'

He shrugged. 'Well, we are a package deal.' 

'Disgusting but I'll take it.'

'I was never going to no for an answer, anyway.'

Plunging his lips into my smiling ones, I let my hands run up his hair on the wrong side and he shuddered. His broad hands massaged my shoulders, a thick finger brushing down the region between my breasts. I allowed him to pluck open the button on my blouse, his lips skimming the length of my ears. I shivered when his husky voice murmured lowly into my ears. 'Where've you been all my life?' 

I laughed silently and whispered back. 'Is that a trick question?'

 He made a so-so expression and scooped me up into his arms, hurling my blouse across the room and sprinting to bed.  

- ♣ - 

Everything was a blur when my head hit the soft pillows of his bed. Eddie's cold lips were against my neck, continuous in their assault and leaving marks as he wandered down to the region between my breasts. His breaths caressed them as his fingers swiped against the hook of my bra, clipping it off with a single hand. He growled as he swung it behind his shoulder.

'Wow,' I whispered. 'You hate my bra, don't you?'

'With passion,' he murmured into my shoulder and I laughed. My chuckles morphed into long, mewling moans when he pecked the sweet spot behind my ear and let it pulse between his lips. 

His needy hands pulled down my work pants in a smooth motion, leaving me in my lacy, midnight-blue panties. Eddie knew that this was not my style, given he found my stretchy cotton ones cute. It was mostly string and I was feeling stuffy, so I'd slipped them on not knowing  I would end up on Eddie's tonight. 

Feeling the material, he cast them a surprised look. 'Where've you been hiding this all along?' 

I bit my lip, sinking my face into his chest in chagrin. 'I got them. A week ago. Worst two hours of my life.'

'For me?'

I rolled my eyes in all obviousness. 'Put a sock in it, Brock.'

A sinful smirk pulled around his face when he played with the lace, tugging and cording it around his fingers. 'I love it. Y'know what, I'm gonna leave them on.'

I raised my eyebrows.

'I'm serious.'

Eddie's smirked failed to leave when he rubbed the sensitive spot of my womanhood, pulling out an agonizing moan from me. His lips latched onto the skin between my collarbones and his other arm pressing into the mattress. His fingers continued to torment me, slipping in between my folds and managed to make me squirm. 

'I hate you for this,' I hissed into his ear. 'You know, I hope you burn - '

'Ssh, buzzkill. Go with the flow.'

My hands clamped over his shoulders when he played with my womanhood, nails leaving marks over his back. He rumbled when he felt the pleasure after the pain, the inklings around his arms tightening with the motion. My eyes strayed on the thick black that ran through his veins and curving around his neck. Venom was on the field.

The muscles on the back moved in a symphony, arching and bending with every advance on my skin. My thoughts reverted when his deep finger curled inside me, my body jerking as a reflex. I cried out with pleasure when I reached my climax, thrusting my hips forward. I moved synchronously over his digit, the experience pure bliss. I felt Eddie leave me be, binding a hand underneath my thigh and hooking it over his waist.

'Oh no, you don't.'

In an instance, I'd pinned him down into the covers and my hands wrapping around his wrists, holding them on either side of his head with a ton of force. His teeth tugged his lips amusedly when I whipped my head to get rid of the hair that blocked my sight.

'What do you want?' He breathed, his eyes straying on the curve of my waist. I smiled mischievously.

'You got yours,' I said. 'I get mine.'

'Ooh,' he said. 'I'm all yours, ma'am.'

Getting him out of his shirt, I flung it across the covers and took my own sweet time in touching him all I wanted. I knew Eddie hated going slow since he was easily turned on with anything that was tender, tense and leisurely. His gaze was already hooked. 

'Mhmm.' I hummed into his throat, sending vibrations down his skin and making him moan with excitement. 

My lips touched the base of this throat that moved with every tight swallow, his wrists unable to leave my buckled hands to touch me. I let my lips skim the skin between his pectorals, his eyes longingly following my trail and shivering when I pecked him where his favourite tattoo lay, right over his heart.

'No,' he groaned. 'Not this game. Cut me some slack, Laur.'

'Nah uh. I told you, two can play at this.'

Forgetting about my grasp on his hands, I left them be and kissed my way to the deep V between his pelvis. I traced a soft finger over the skin on his side, stroking his length at every chance I got. I felt him stir with pleasure, pushing his hips into my palms.

Eddie's wide hands grappled my hair with a curse, his body arching as he leaned over to grab my ass. I straightened with a sigh and crushed my lips into his, his mouth already claiming mine. He fell back into the pillows when I let my hands rub the material of his trousers, Eddie growling into my mouth. His fingers coiled into the lacy string of the panties and I worried he might snap it right off. I guided his fists to the smoothness of my back, his fingers lingering over my clammy skin.

'Let it go,' he begged and I laughed. My hands continued to stroke the growing bulge underneath my palms. 'Please, baby.'

I shook my head in spite, nipping the plushness of his lip and burying my head into his shoulder. He grumbled and twitched when I fastened my pace, pressing down on the hardness. I knew I had achieved what I wanted when his breathing hitched and his eyes closing with the satisfaction of his release. 

'That's it, Laura.' He growled with annoyance and catching my hand. I burst out laughing at his tortured expression, sweat rolling down his temple. 'Call it even.'

I failed to stifle my guffaws and nodded.  Eddie expertly eased out of his trousers and snapped it out of his ankles. My lips fitted into his, in a fiery hunger and my letting my plunge into him. He was more than pleased at my actions, pushing me into the bedding and weaving his way into my panties. 

I moaned deeply when he slipped into my womanhood, my head broiled with the pleasure I experienced. My nerves went alight as he moved gently to help me adjust to his length and I sighed as if in a dream. He groaned with intense desire, his fingers dragging through my ends and scraping my neck. Eddie's hips rolled tenderly into me and leaving me heaving for breath into his mouth, his moan starting to turn me on higher.

 I cried out his name softly, my lungs burning with a low amount of oxygen. Eddie sensed the pain, brushing a strand of my hair away from my face.

'Babe, you okay?' 

I fiercely nodded and pushed my lips into his jawline, our sweats mingling and the room around us so thick that we could hear our own heartbeats. My senses heightened tenfold, even the most minute of noises making me rustle. The hair on my arms stood on its ends when my walls closed around his tightly, my body quivering with effort. 

'Laura,' he groaned into my ears and tightening his hold over my shoulder. 'Yes, baby.'

 I let out my last moan to signify my second release that night, quaking over his length and falling limply into the mattress. Eddie's cold palm touched the skin of my ass and pushed gently lead himself out and gathering my tired body into his arms.

- ♣ -  

There was something about Eddie's kisses that were just so addicting. Maybe it was the inviting coldness or the gentle nips that were plain cosy. It could be fuzzy logic since I was so into the relationship we shared. It wasn't animalistic; every time I saw him I didn't feel like ripping the clothes off him and doing it all night. Fairly, it was soft and slow. It was something we'd both wanted, to take things at our own pace. At first, it was uncertain. His wounds were far too deep to measure and I was clear-cut insecure although as the days passed, we started to seek out each others company. Late-night talks, long bike rides, a kiss here and there and by the time three weeks had gone by, he had gained the courage to ask me out. And the next four months were pure happiness. 

In the filtered rays of the amber lights outside, a lanyard of some type caught my eye. It glinted in the partial light and I shifted to reach out for it. Eddie huffed into my shoulder, his playful fingers loosening.

I recognized the tag since it was similar to what I owned. 'You're going for the Life Foundation event?'

'Its what it says, doesn't it?' He groggily muttered into my neck and brushed the region above my navel softly. 'Pretty sure they don't want me there.'

'Well, yeah. You exposed them, through and through. Precaution's sake, they've given the Eddie Brock back seats.'

'Yeah, like that's going to stop me.' He scoffed. He smiled when he realized why I had asked. 'You're coming, too?'

'Mhmm,' I whispered indifferently, 'had to. I was slacking at work.'

'Pft, I offered to help. You pulled that shit about risky business.'

'It will affect our relationship. I'd be with you every second of the day which is the characteristics you'd see in a possessive, clingy girlfriend.'

 'And what's wrong about that?' He teased, his teeth grazing my ear. Careful not to apply pressure on my side, he slung his hand over me and brought me flush against his chest. 'I'd get to have you by my side and we'd love to see a possessive Laura.'

Did Venom want to see a possessive me? 'Way ahead of you.'

I saw his smile in the darkness. The big black letters of the organization's name stared right back at me. I didn't want to go knowing I'd talk out of line and get myself in trouble. I was facetious which was both a plus and a minus. But for Eddie, it's always a minus. It could harm his career, his life.

'Don't go, Eddie.'

His eyes snapped open. 'What?'

'The conference,' I murmured. 'Don't go.'

'I have to,' he mumbled and dug his head deeper into the pillow. 'This is the scoop of the year. Malik has the guts to open a new franchise even after the clear-cut evidence was given. Imagine the exploitation inside the jury. The people need to know and for that to happen, I need to be there.'

I leaned onto my elbow, holding the covers to my chest to shroud my stark nakedness underneath. Worry was evident in my tone as I disregarded him. 'If you go ahead and say a word against them, they could harm you in a second. Once they get to know about Venom, they'll - ' I choked on nothing. 'They could kill you.'

'Stop overthinking this,' he coerced, smoothing a strand off my face. 'Venom's been in me for six months now and not once have I gotten caught. That's how covert he is.'

'Even if he is, they are scientists! They probably have monitors and the whole hoo-ha waiting to sniff him out. What if you get caught?'

'You're being paranoid,' he chuckled. 'It's cute and all but unnecessary.'

'I'm being practical. I heard Keith Malik is just as much experienced as Drake. You don't what he could be up to,' I stated ominously and he let out a sigh. He looked to the ceiling contemplating his options. After what seemed like aeons later, he glanced back at me with surety and I raised my eyebrows, knowing his answer.

'You're still going.'

His brown eyes nailed the hangdog expression, as he widely opened his arms as if waiting for an embrace. 'Some love for Eddie?' 

I rolled my eyes and fell into them, burying my head into his chest. 'What choice do I have? You never listen.'

'Y'know, I aim to please.'

I swept a stray strand that fell over his eyes and toyed with it. 'Speaking of please, do you think I should go for a suit day after? I have a dress but...'

'Finally, you speak my language,' he sang into my ear and hitched my leg over his thighs. 'Could we get a try-on session? No doors involved.'

'That's enough sex for one night, big guy. You tired me out.'

He salaciously winked and leaned forward, pecking a trail of kisses down my jaw. I couldn't help but tilt my mandible to give more access and he chuckled into my skin. 'Tired, my ass.'

'Ah, screw it. Bring on round two.'

'Two or . . . ' he looked down at my stark nakedness, beneath the mattress and I lightly slapped him across the face with a playful glare. His hands lithely touched the sensitive skin above my womanly region and I shivered.

'I hate foreplay and you know that.'

'Aw, c'mon. I love it.' He seductively whispered, biting the skin on my shoulder and probably leaving behind a hickey. I placed a wide hand over his face and pushed him back. He huffed.

'Hickeys are a turn-off, Brock.'

'I know, Venom insisted - '

I gagged. 'That thing takes part in everything you do?'

'I'll answer that when I get to go down under,' he wiggled his eyebrows and I scrunched my face. 

'You're not making this any better, buddy.'

'No fun. No fun at all.'

I rolled my eyes when he jutted his lip out to form a pout. I leaned forward a placed a kiss over his glistening lip with defeat. 'One night only.'

He smirked, shifting to brace his arms on either side of my head. 'Hell yes, doll.'

[ w/n: who likes smut scenes? ]

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