A Secret Meeting

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A few days after all that, I returned to the Star Palace to resume my training.

But I did notice that I was having training with Estelle less and less often.

It was more along the lines that I was working alone by now.

Estelle kept disappearing.

And I don't know where she's going.

One night, I was out in the gardens when I heard Estelle laughing. I quietly jumped on top of the hedge wall and walked on it silently to find Estelle and whatever was going on.

Then, I saw her.

She was with a hooded being.

"Do I really have to wear this?" the hooded one asked. The voice was familiar. "We're alone now. No one's going to jump out of nowhere and recognize me."

"Alright. You make a good point."

When the mystery person took off their hood, I was shocked.

It was Rafael.

What is he doing here in secret?

Apparently I gasped or something, because Rafael looked in my direction. Thankfully, I was in a position on the wall where I could see them and they can't see me.

"Something wrong/" Estelle asked. Rafael shook his head.

"I just thought I heard someone."

"You must've been hearing things." She then linked her arm with Rafael's. "There's a place I want to show you. I've never shown it to anyone else before. It's my little secret."

After they left, I slid down the hedge wall to the other side, where they were not, and wept.

Why would my friends be so secretive?

I thought I meant something to them...

And this is so unlike Rafael...

I just feel so...


Poor Rosaline...

It's as if no one likes her...

Betrayal hurts.

And yes, there was a reference in this chapter too.

But it's more subtle.

The reference is more of a general thing where the Jedi (or some other character) is completely silent while watching, and the enemy still seems to have an idea that they are there. Sensing with the Force I guess. (The thought in my head from this scene is Ahsoka at the Pyke place in Season 7 and Maul, though a hologram, still seems to sense her presence or something. Thankfully, she was hidden like Rosaline.)

Sorry if you got spoilers.


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