A War Unknown by Most (1)

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After such strange events in the garden, I packed up to return to Venus... possibly for good.

I was about to step on the platform that would take me to the port, Donovan decided now was a good time to get on my nerves.

"You're leaving?"

"I have no further business here. I am returning home."


"I guess I just need some sand."

He nodded.

"Be careful."

"When am I not?" I asked, giving a slight salute.

It was when Donovan told me to be careful that I knew something was up...

And well... I just wasn't expecting what would happen.

It started with me meeting a Child I've never heard of before... Edric of the Dwarf Planets. He was "on holiday" and decided to travel the solar system. I thought that was weird...

But I wish he just stayed off Venus since that visit...

It could've saved my planet.

Reference of this chapter: The Luke Skywalker Salute. (no gif. Sorry)

By the way, I'm going a bit into AAMTBS canon here.

Just letting you know for part two.

Well, gotta start writing that.


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