Chapter 3: Hope

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~Nova's POV~

Izuku decided to hurry on home. I waved him off before turning back around and running to look for (Y/N). "D*mn! I should've gone after her the moment I sensed her thoughts were gone!" I cursed at myself. I flicked out my phone ringing Violet quickly. "D*mnit Nova! What is it? I was doing something!" Violet spat angrily on the other end. "You can make out with Calamity later Violet! We have a code (F/C)! I repeat, code (F/C)!" I spat back. Violet went silent on the other end. "Where are you right now?" She questioned. "AT THE F*CKING SOUP STORE! VIOLET DON'T ASK STUPID QUESTIONS OR YOU GET STUPID ANSWERS!" I shouted. She hung up and next thing I know I'm running alongside the purple haired chaos demon. "And for the record, I was not making out with Red-Eyes, I was playing video games with her." Violet said, scoffing slightly. I smirked. "Riiiight. You were losing weren't you?" I questioned. "SHUT UP!" Violet barked. The ends of her fox ears and hair turning red. "So explain what happened to me. Very slowly." Violet said, calming down. "I don't have time to explain it in detail, so I'll give you a quick summery." I said.

~Your POV~


Cold, hard, pain. I dodged the brown haired lady's knife and lashed out with my own. I managed a cut on her arm. But for every cut I got on her she landed three on me. I was hurt. And some of the cuts were deep. But I hadn't gone down. Not yet at least. I guess almost ten years of abuse toughens you up a little huh? My arms took the most damage, since I used them to block most strikes. But there was also a gash on my right shoulder, and a cut on my cheek. Right now all I could do was dodge and hope for the best. That is until I noticed a led pipe by the dumpster. I flicked the switchblade closed and stuffed it into my pocket. I ran over the lady giving chase, probably thinking I was trying to run. I picked up the pipe without her noticing and she was about to stab me in the back. "Bait, and switch." I mumbled swinging the pipe around and nailing her in the temple. Not hard enough to kill her, since I didn't have that strong of a swing. But enough to make her drop the knife and stagger back. I trembled struggling to stay on my feet as I held the pipe in a defensive position. She said something to me but I wasn't able to hear it through the sound of my own heart beat in my ears. My vision started blurring, and the pipe in my hands seemed ten times heavier. Blood rolled down my cheek and arms from the cuts. Before I knew that I was falling I hit the ground. Not only exhausted, but seriously wounded. The women walked over with a smirk, picking up her knife. Her lips started moving, but I still couldn't hear what she was saying. All of a sudden, something drop kicked her. Knocking the brown haired women away. I saw long purple hair and purple fox ears. As well as dark green eyes. Next thing I know Nova enters my field of vision with a worried expression. "Sana!" She shouted holding her hands over me. A blue mist like light was emitted from her hands. It washed over me and instantly I started to feel better. Sana....Latin for heal. I thought. I noticed that Nova now had fox ears, this shocked me a little. She titled her head to the side. "(Y/N)? You know Latin?" Nova asked. I nodded slightly before hissing in pain. "Hang on a little while longer. I'm working as fast as I can." Nova said, a look of panic on her face. Yeah. I know Latin. I....tend to read...anything. Anything at all that's available to me. I thought. "That explains her IQ level." Violet mumbled walking over and kneeling next to me at Nova's side. "How are her wounds?" Violet questioned. "Deeper than I thought. I'm trying to work as fast as I can." Nova responded. "Why...?" I mumbled before flinching as more pain coursed through my body. "Why? You need help! Why else?" Nova questioned. Don't worry about me. I'm fine. This wouldn't be the first time I was seriously wounded with a knife. I thought to her. Nova shot a look at Violet and said female sighed in slight annoyance. "(Y/N), you could possibly bleed out. We aren't letting you die." Violet said. Why did you save me? This counts as vigilante activity. You both could get arrested if you're seen here. I thought. Violet smirked a little. "(Y/N), why were you fighting that women?" She questioned. My eyes widened slightly. She...she was attacking another lady. I couldn't just stand around doing nothing. I thought. "But why did you help? Why didn't you call the police?" Nova picked up. I thought for a minute. The police would've taken too long. And calling them would alert that women to me being there. I thought. By the time the police had arrived that women would have killed the both of us. I added. Violet nodded slightly. "What about the heroes?" She questioned. I scoffed a little. If the last encounter I had with heroes doesn't speak to their abilities to handle a situation I don't know what will. They probably wouldn't even be able to do anything because the women could have used the one she was attacking as a hostage. Nor would it be satisfying in anyway for her to just be defeated and then thrown into jail. That doesn't help in the long run. Nor does it bring true justice. I thought. Realizing what had just gone through my head I started to panic a little. B-but it's not like the heroes are useless. I should've called them. That way I wouldn't be as hurt as I am now. I was stupid, and reckless, and it was pointless for a useless no voiced child like me to even attempt something like this. I thought. I should know my place by now. I thought in a sadder tone. My thoughts grew silent. Nova and Violet looked at eachother and shared a nod. Nova looked at me with sympathetic eyes. "(Y/N), what is your opinion on vigilantes?" She questioned.

I thought for a minute. I...I don't think they're evil, like some might claim. And...well....I'm not really sure how I'm suppose to feel. I can respect that they don't kill people. But I find it scary how they still break laws. But they aren't villains. They're....they're heroes in my eyes. Heroes that can beat the system. Heroes that I'm a little jealous of. Because at least they have the strength to make those decisions themselves. I thought. I wish....I wish I was stronger. I wish I wasn't so useless. I want to be strong. But....I know I can never by strong. Maybe that's why I was so okay with getting cut by a knife. I guess I had just given up after so long of being put down. I thought. "Okayyy. That's enough depression and feeling sorry for yourself." Violet said. "H-huh?" I mumbled. "You know what? F*ck it. Nova is she good to be moved now?" Violet questioned. Nova lowered her hands. "She should be okay now." She responded. "Great." Violet said. She stood up before picking me up. "What are you doing?" Nova questioned the older. "Well what's it look like? I'm taking her with us." Violet responded. "Wh-what?" I stuttered weakly. Violet smiled brightly at me. "Don't worry about it kid. We're gonna help you." She said. She waved a hand in front of my face and my eyes grew heavy. "You rest up. When you wake up we'll talk." She said. And with that I blacked out. 

~Time Skip~

My eyes snapped open and I shot into a sitting position. "(Y/N)!" I was tackled suddenly. I looked and saw Nova hugging my right side. Nova? I thought in confusion. "You're awake!" She shouted, pulling away and grabbing my hands. The moment she didn't consume my field of vision my eyes scanned the area. The room I was in looked like a cave with three exits. The floor was smooth white stone and there was a ceiling fan, casting an calm yet eerie glow over the area. There was a purple rug in the center of the room and I was sitting on a mat on the ground. I noticed six other people inside the room besides Nova. One I was able to recognize as Violet. The other five I had no clue. One of them looked like a male version of Nova but with yellow replacing the blue. His hair was short and messy with yellow fox ears on his head. He was wearing a golden V-neck and ripped blue genes. But he also wore a blue gem pendent and brown boots. He has slightly sun kissed skin but looked a little pale like Nova. He was standing off to the side, leaning on the wall with a monotone expression. I noticed two more males off on the far side of the room. They were guarding one of the exits. One of them had green, shoulder length hair and dark green eyes. He had green wolf ears on his head and was wearing a green sweater along with some black pants and black shoes. He had a calm smile on his face and his whole aura was calming. He had sun kissed skin as well. The guy standing next to him was completely different though. He had short red hair with some of his hair covering his right eye, his left eye a piercing fire red that seemed to bore right through me. He had wolf ears too. He was wearing a red tank top leaving his muscular arms showing. His tank top had gold detail and he also wore blue genes. He was wearing black combat boots and wore a silver pendent of the full moon. He gave off an angry aura. One that screamed don't mess with me and I won't mess you up. He had more tan skin, a lot darker than most of the others in the room but not too dark. There was another male, napping by the wall at the feet of the red haired wolf boy. He had more goldish green hair with cat ears that matched. He wore glasses and I couldn't see his eyes since he was napping. He wore a gold and green long sleeve shirt with matching green sweatpants and brown dress shoes. He wore silver dog tags and had a few freckles on his face. He had more tan skin like the red haired wolf boy but not nearly as dark. The last person was female and was standing next to Violet at one of the other exits. She had a calm face and gave off an aura of power. She had long red hair that went down to her waist and red eyes to match. Her red eyes held a calm fire unlike the wolf boy. She wore a red T-shirt and black sweat-pants. But she also wore a silver pendent that was shaped into a nine tailed fox. She didn't have any animal ears on her head unlike the rest of them. And her skin was a pale color unlike the rest of the group. 

My eyes quickly mapped the quickest route to the exit that was left unguarded until my thoughts were interrupted by the red haired female. "I like her. The first thing she did was map out the exits and which would be the easiest to get too." She said. Violet nodded before smirking at the male version of Nova. "I told you Red-Eyes would like her." She said. He groaned slightly. "Fine. You win this round." He grumbled. The green haired wolf boy smiled at me kindly. "You must be confused." He said. The red head next to him snorted. "Yeah. No s*it Pine." He spat. "You don't have to be mean." The green haired wolf boy said, ears drooping a little. The red haired female walked over and Nova moved to the side. She knelt down next to me. "Are you alright?" She questioned. I nodded slightly. She nodded patting my head a little. "Violet and Nova told me what you did. That was very brave." She said. "My name is Crimson Saigai. But the others call me Calamity or Crimson. Or if you're Violet, Red-eyes." She said, rolling her eyes. She pointed to the male version of Nova. "That's Taiyo Sora. Nova's brother. We call him Solar though." Saigai-san said. She jabbed a thumb at the green haired wolf boy. "That's Pine Ki." She continued. "The angry one next to him is Kosho Ikari. We call him Pepper." She said. "The one napping at his feet is Reo Moeru. We call him Kitty or Leo." She explained. I nodded slightly. I looked around the room again. "Where...? Where am I?" I questioned, slightly afraid to use my voice. "This is our hideout." Saigai-san said calmly. "Violet and Nova brought you here." She explained. "You were out for only two hours though." She added. Mom's gonna kill me. I thought, panic shooting through my heart. Saigai-san shot a look at Nova. The blue haired fox-girl nodded back. She looked back at me. "(L/N), I have a question if you don't mind me asking." Saigai-san said. I nodded. "That kid, that you and the green haired boy saved, he's your bully isn't he? Why did you save him?" She questioned. Kacchan... I thought. I shook my head slightly. "Couldn't just....let him die." I mumbled quietly. Even if I gave up on my dream of being a hero, even if I really don't like Kacchan, it would be wrong to just...let him die. I thought. She looked at the others behind her. She nodded to all of them before smiling at me. "Congratulations (Y/N) (L/N), you answered all of our questions correctly. You passed the test." She said. Test? I thought, tilting my head in confusion. Violet walked up smiling at me. "What if we told you that you can be a hero? One that doesn't have to wait for permission to take action." She said. Nova bounced in her spot. "What if we told you that you could be apart of a family that needs your skills and always has your back?" She questioned. Taiyo Sora stepped forward. "If my sister likes you then I guess you're okay. We want your skills kid. You'd make a fine hero in our eyes." He said. Ki smiled brightly. "Kid, we think you'd make a fine addition to our team so won't you join us?" He questioned. Ikari scoffed slightly. "What we're trying to tell you is that you can become a hero. And one that doesn't do it for money or fame. And one that can actually do the job." He said. Moeru was still asleep at Ikari's feet. This seemed to irritate the red haired wolf boy. "Wake up you dumb cat!" He barked, smacking him on the head. Moeru jumped up, rubbing his head. "OW! You're so mean Pepper." He whined, pouting. "I'm not the one napping during an important event." Ikari grumbled. Saigai-san shook her head with a sigh. She held out her hand to me. "We are the Dream Demon Vigilantes, or D.D.V. for short. And we want you to join our ranks. You'd be the only one without a Dream Demon Quirk, but we think you'd make a valuable addition." She said. Violet smiled at me. "(Y/N), what me and Red-Eyes are trying to say is..." She trailed off slightly. "You can become a hero." They both said in unison. Tears built up in the corners of my eyes. Kacchan's harsh words to me and Izuku echoed in my head. The words of the class. Of my Mother. They all screamed in my head. They told me the same thing. "You will never become a hero." And for a time, I believed those words. But here were complete strangers. People I only met that same day, telling me that I could. Tears started falling faster than I could wipe them away.

That was the beginning. That offer would change my world, and flip everything on it's head. It's thanks to them. Violet, Crimson, Nova, Solar, Pepper, Pine, and Leo. They're the ones who helped me find my voice. They're the ones who helped me become stronger, just like I had always wished. By the way, this is how I become the Fox Reginae . Aka, the Fox Queen. Or as the media likes to call me, my Vigilante name. 


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