Chapter 4: Decisions

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~Your POV~

I was silent for a while as tears fell from my eyes. Saigai-san smiled at me and placed a hand on my shoulder. "You don't have to decide right now. We know this is very sudden and we don't want to rush you into any decisions. I've assigned Pine to take you home." She explained. I nodded to the red headed female. The green haired wolf boy approached me and held out a hand, helping me up. "C'mon. Let's go." He said. He snapped his fingers and we were right outside my door. He smiled at me kindly. "Just think about it alright?" He questioned. I nodded to him before going inside. "Where were you brat?" My mother spat at me. I looked at the ground closing the door behind me. She growled lowly. "I'm too tired to deal with you. Go to your room. No diner tonight." She growled. I scurried up to my room quickly, thankful that I got out of that with no scratches. I quickly closed the door to my room and hid under my covers. Head whirring with thoughts. 

~Time Skip~

I woke up, realizing that it was late at night. Mother would be passed out by this time. Realizing I was still in my uniform I changed into something more comfortable when I noticed a small letter on my desk. I turned on the lamp and broke the small red seal.

Dear (Y/N) (L/N),

I'd like to clarify a few things, because I'm sure that you have questions. We are offering you to join the Dream Demon Vigilantes. And I'm not going to tell you not to worry about anything. There are always pros and cons. I'm letting you weight the options yourself. And being honest I'm quite paranoid myself, so I know that telling you not to worry will only make you worry more. Now listen, the D.D.V. isn't perfect. Nothing is. We can't promise you anything that most would really want. We can't promise fame, fortune, or anything that you wish. And I can't even guarantee that you'll be safe with the rest of us. We're vigilantes, the possibility of getting killed or arrested is extremely high. What I can promise you is a place to go and escape from everything else. A family who cares about you and needs your skills. And a purpose. Being alone is never a good idea. When you're alone you can't do much. One person can't make much of a difference. But multiple people can change the world. Me and the D.D.V. are a group. A single unit. We want you to be apart of that. As vigilantes we are heroes that bend the laws. We stick to the shadows and do things that no one else can. We protect the weak when no one else can. Please burn this letter after you have finished it. If you don't respond in some way by the end of this month we'll assume your answer is no. Do not tell anyone about this, regardless of relationship. The D.D.V. is a secret and it will remain that way. We have our ways of keeping people silent. This isn't a death threat, just a threat in general. Please consider it. Oh, one more thing. If you do decide to join us, then I'm afraid that you're going to have to leave your old life behind. That means you'll have to come and live with the rest of us, you'll still attend school, but you'll only be going once or twice a week. Don't worry, we'll have you covered. But it'll mean you'll rarely see your friends and possibly never your family again. I'm sorry if this is a little extreme. But vigilante training is pretty tough and the group will need most of your attention. Once again please consider it.    

From: Crimson Saigai, The Dream Demon of Insanity

After I had finished reading, rereading, and then reading it a third time I finally put the letter down. I sighed slightly before getting out a piece of paper and a pen. My breath hitched slightly. What do I...what do I want? I thought. I continued thinking for a while, until finally I came up with what I wanted. My hand shot like lightning across the paper as I wrote my response. While I was writing I contemplated why my life had to be some complicated. I smirked for the first time in years after I proof read my letter. I chuckled a little bit before covering my mouth with my hand. WHAT IF MOTHER HEARS!? I'm so dead. Wait...does it matter now? I thought. My hand lowered. The only reason I don't talk much is because of her. Because of the fear she implanted in my mind at a young age. I thought. I...I shouldn't be afraid of her. It's my life. My life... My thoughts trailed off, before I shook my head. Maybe one day. One day. But not today. Not tomorrow. Not soon at least. It'll take a while. But I will gain a voice. I smiled again as a few tears fell. I can finally be of use to someone. I can finally do something. I stood up before opening the drawer of my desk and pulling out the lighter I had next to the knife. My gaze lingered on the knife before I shut the drawer. I picked up Saigai-san's letter and held it above the lighter. I lit it up and watched the letter burn to ashes before stomping on what was left to smoother any flames that may burn the house. I hid my letter with one of my school uniforms.

~Time Skip, Next Morning, Nova's POV~

I was heading to the school when I noticed (Y/N) standing by the gates with a blank expression. When she noticed me she ran over quickly. That's when I noticed a small envelope in her hand. She quickly (but violently) put the piece of paper into my hands before running inside the school. I was confused before looking at the letter she had given me. I hummed a little. She sure responded quickly. I thought before teleporting inside the D.D.V. HQ. "GUYS!" I shouted, causing everyone to shoot up. "What, what is it!?" Leo shouted his ears twitching slightly before he fixed his glasses. I ran over to Calamity and gave her the letter. "It's from (Y/N)! She basically shoved the thing into my hands before running off." I told her. She quickly broke open the envelope and unfolded a letter. Her eyes scanned the letter carefully before her eyes widened slightly. She titled her head to the side in confusion as everyone else crowded around. "Well?" Solar questioned. "What's her answer?" Violet asked. "Five hundred yen says it's a no." Pepper said with a smirk. "You're on." Pine said. Calamity cleared her throat causing us to refocus. "Dear Saigai-san and the D.D.V." She started. 

"I'm overjoyed that you'd even consider inviting someone like me into your group. It makes me feel important, or something like that I suppose. It's been...way too long since I've felt like I've had a say in anything going on in my life, and I thank you for that. And I'm not to concerned about the school thing or the whole leaving home thing. Being honest, it'd be less of a con and more of a pro for me. Let's just say, I don't have that great of a life. Once again it shocks me that you'd want someone like me in your group at all. I've been called useless my entire life. I'm no one special. But if you think I'm the best choice, I won't question your decision. But there is something I need to tell you first. About my Quirk, and I wouldn't blame you if it made you reconsider your decision about letting me in. I'd prefer to tell you in person. So, if you could wait til after school, that would be great. But if you feel that you need to know immediately, then I'm fine with that. Signed, (Y/N) (L/N)." Calamity read aloud. Violet hummed a little. "So she's putting it in our hands once we know about her Quirk." She said. "Why would her Quirk matter that much?" I questioned. "Maybe the reason she's called useless is because her Quirk is villain like." Solar offered. "Maybe it has a drawback that renders her useless." Pepper tried. "Perhaps it isn't a very heroic Quirk, maybe it just allows her to read really fast or something like that." Pine said. Leo scoffed slightly. "Maybe it's just some kind of physical mutation that she hides, like she has scales or something." He said. "We'll see." Calamity said. She looked at me. "Pick her up once school is done. Now get going and make sure that Bakugo kid doesn't hurt her or her friend." She said. "Aye." I responded, teleporting back. 

~Time Skip, Your POV~

I sighed a little as I followed Nova. it goes. I thought. My thoughts were changing quickly, flashing from one thing to the other. "You sure you can't tell me before we get there?" Nova questioned. I shook my head holding out my phone. 

Me: I already told you, you all need to hear this as a group. 

She sighed. "I hate waiting." She mumbled, causing me to chuckle a little bit. But the anxiety didn't leave me. We stopped in the back of an alleyway. She gestured to a dumpster. "Welcome to HQ." She said with a smile. I titled my head to the side. She chuckled. "Kidding." She said. Nova walked over and kicked the dumpster to the side, revealing a hole in the ground. "After you." She said. I walked over and looked down. I took a deep breath and jumped down. Once I hit the ground Nova followed soon after. She led me down a couple of tunnels until we reached the room I was in the other day. The others were already waiting. I took a deep breath. "So what's this about your Quirk?" Violet questioned. The others all started to talk again and toss around theories. I was starting to feel even more nervous. "Guys shut up!" Saigai-san shouted, getting the others to be silent. "This is about her Quirk! Be polite!" She hissed. I took a deep breath before looking her dead in the eye. 

"I think you mean about my apparent lack of a Quirk."              

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