Chapter 5: U.A Entrance Exams

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~Nova's POV, Ten Months Later~

I woke up with a yawn before jumping at the sudden sound of an explosion. I shot up before throwing on my jacket over my night clothes. I ran out into the training room before smiling slightly. Violet tried to sweep (Y/N)'s feet out from under her, said girl jumped over Violet's head, grabbing her hair and with a roar threw Violet into the wall. Calamity rushed the small girl trying to punch at her face only for (Y/N) to block her arm and sliding into Calamity's center line and elbowing the red headed female in the chin with a cold glare. Calamity recovered and twisted her arm out of (Y/N)'s grip and kicked the girl in the stomach. (Y/N) got up with a grunt before wiping her mouth and jumping up. She jumped onto Calamity's head before hitting a pressure point on her neck, dropping the red haired dream demon. Violet quickly covered for Calamity and tried to blast (Y/N) with green flames. (Y/N) twisted above the flames before tossing a knife and her and nicking Violet's cheek. "Morning Nova." Solar called to me, waving me over to where him and the others were sitting down. I quickly teleported over away from the sparring females. "So, what's this about?" I questioned. "U.A Entrance Exams. (Y/N)-san wanted to be prepared for them so Calamity and Violet ended up sparing with her since none of us were awake at the time. Well, except for Pepper, but he wasn't in the mood for once." Pine explained. "Oh right. The Entrance Exams are today. CRAP I HAVE TO GET READY!" I shouted. I quickly teleported to my room and began getting ready. 


"Hey (Y/N)!" I said, running over to the female sitting at one of the tables. She gave me a look. "What is it Nova?" She questioned. "What school do you plan on going too after this year is over?" I questioned. She hummed a little before returning to her studying. "U.A." She responded simply. "U.A.?" I questioned. "Yep." She responded. "Why? Isn't that where the angry hedgehog is going?" I questioned. "It is." (Y/N) said, munching on her favorite Pocky. "So why?" I questioned. She smirked. "I want to prove them all wrong. I want to march up, slap them, and tell them I'm not useless. What better way than to beat the hardest entrance exam in the entire country?" She questioned. I smirked slightly. "Finally ready to show them the new you?" I questioned. "Hell yeah!" She said. "In that case we need to head for class 1-A. I'm taking those same exams you know." I said. She smirked again. "Let's wreck the system shall we?" She questioned. I laughed. "Let's." I said. 

~Flashback End~

I quickly ran out of the room in my winter clothes, my training clothes in my duffel back. (Y/N) was slammed onto the ground by Calamity. I sighed with a shrug. "Aw. I was rooting for you (Y/N)." I said. She rubbed her head and Calamity helped her up. "It's alright Nova. After all no one can beat Crimson when she gets serious." She said with a shrug. Calamity nodded slightly, looking (Y/N) up and down. "You're ready. You were able to hold out against me and Violet for longer than your previous record. I'd say with how much you've improved in these ten months whatever they throw at you doesn't stand a chance." Calamity said. Pepper stood up and walked over. He ruffled (Y/N)'s hair. "Give em' hell. Don't forget too be a bada*s." He said. Solar slapped her shoulder, smirking evilly. "You see that d*mn bully of yours, kick his a*s." He said. "Not too hard though. Try to work things out first." Pine said. "SHUT UP PINE!" We all shouted at him. (Y/N) just laughed. "Pine, Bakugo doesn't deserve the mercy that you want me to give him." She reminded. "R-right. Sorry. It's just in my nature." He said. Violet got off the ground with a groan. "Go and get ready." Calamity said to her. (Y/N) nodded. "Yes ma'am." She said before running off to her room. 

~Your POV~

I stretched before walking out in my winter clothes. "Heads up!" Violet shouted. I caught whatever it is she tossed at me. It was a switch blade. "Consider it a gift." She said. I nodded, stuffing it in my duffel bag. "I'll see you there (Y/N)." Nova said, teleporting out. I smirked walking up the stairs. "Later guys!" I called. "Give em' hell!" Everyone else responded. Once I was out inside the alleyway I removed the tarp covering my pitch black motorcycle. I got on and revved it up. I slipped on my helmet before ridding out of the alley. 


Pepper walked me out into the alley. "Why are we out here?" I questioned, slightly nervous. Pepper glared at me coldly like always causing me to shiver. "Because we all teleport we had no need for it. But now that you're here I think you can put it to good use." He said. He pulled a tarp off of a black motorcycle. I was confused. "Get on." He growled. "WHAT!?" I shouted. "I said get on." He repeated in a more threatening tone, baring his teeth. "This is the quickest way to get around and it's a hell of a lot better than walking or running. Especially since you're still out of shape. Don't worry, I'll teach you. Now get on." He barked, pointing at the bike. I gulped and swung my leg over it, sitting down. "B-but I don't have a license! What if I get caught!?" I questioned in a panic, my heart hammering in my ears. Pepper hit my head, hard. "Don't give me that crap. So long as you don't get pulled over no one will know." He spat. "Now then, turn it on. Don't forget the helmet." He growled. I slipped on the helmet he handed me and turned on the bike. "Alright, good. It's just like riding a bicycle. Balance is key. Don't worry about getting it the first few times. I'm hear to teach, not to judge." He said.

~Flashback End~

I leaned to the side, avoiding a car as I made my way to U.A. I smirked, picking up speed. Can't believe I was scared of doing this in the first place. I thought, rolling my eyes at my own stupidity. Eventually I pulled up to U.A. Everyone that was there looked at me in shock since they knew no one should have a license. I parked before pulling off my helmet. "(Y/N)!" Izuku shouted, running over to me. I nodded to him, getting off the bike. He had a look of panic on his face. "You need to stop this! I don't want you getting arrested! What if you get caught! You can never by a hero if just break the law like that! It's illegal!" I held up a hand, silencing him. "Listen, Izuku. I appreciate the concern. But I've heard this lecture like ten times already." I said. I smirked a little. "Besides, it's only illegal if you're caught. And I know how to stay on the fence." I said. I walked past Izuku only to hear a fimiliar yet annoying voice. I sighed slightly and tried to ignore it. "Musei! Don't ignore me d*mnit!" I growled lowly before look over my shoulder to see Bakugo. "Kacchan." I hissed. "Oh, so the useless b*tch talked." Bakugo spat. "What are you doing here? You don't belong here Musei!" He spat. "Also the hell is with you riding in on a motorcycle? What do you think you're a bad girl now?" He activated his Quirk and charged at me. "You're nothing but a useless, Quirkless, Musei! You'll always be beneath me!" He spat. I slowed my breathing, sliding into a stance and waited. Kacchan came at me with his classic right hook. I blocked his wrist, grabbing it in the process and with a roar threw Bakugo over my head. He landed with a thud. "Ha! You like that you son of a b*tch!?" I spat. I stomped past him, making my way to the gate. "Don't get in my f*cking way Kacchan." I growled stopping as he pulled himself up. "I'm not the same person I was ten months ago." I added before continuing on my path. 

~Time Skip, Exam Time~

I rushed forward the moment the teacher shouted go, leaving everyone else in the dust. I ran into a one pointer and quickly spotted the weak points in its armor. I ducked under it's attack before sliding in and stabbing the thing with the switchblade Violet gave me. Once I had ripped a hole into the things armor I began fiddling with the wires. "And blue goes to red, purple to white, and grey to yellow. Bingo!" I shouted in victory. The bot now under my control. "Just a little bit of hacking can go a long way. Thanks for the lessons Crimson." I mumbled, ramming my bot into a few three and two pointers. I howled in excitement, steering like I would if I were on my motorcycle. "This is f*cking easy!" I shouted, getting a few bots that were attacking other students. "Oi! Who the hell is that!?" Some kid shouted, pointing at me as I finally crashed my bot into more three pointers. I jumped away just as an explosion happened. I looked at the crumbled up wreckage of the other bots and quickly dug around a few of the destroyed bots. I got together a few parts and formed a makeshift taser. I whistled a little clicking the button as electricity shot wildly from the device. "Construction lessons with Nova. She's great with her hands. I'm glad I learned some of her tricks." I said to myself, testing the weapon on one of the two pointers. The bot fell, smoking as sparks flew off of it. "Successful." I said, smirking ever so slightly. That's when I heard a loud noise followed by screaming. I noticed the large looming figure of the zero pointer. "Well s*it." I cursed. I took a deep breath, knowing that now would be the time to run. That is until I noticed someone caught in the rubble about to get crushed. I growled. "D*MN!" I shouted, throwing off my jacket to reveal my utility belt and sash that had multiple weapons on it. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" Someone shouted at me, running from the zero pointer. I pulled out a flat disk from one of the bags on my belt and threw it the ground. "Thank the Demon Queens for Violet's ability to think ahead!" I shouted as the disk formed an EMP Cannon. I got down on my stomach, aiming for the things head. I had my finger on the trigger and then smirked slightly. "B*TCHES LOVE CANNONS!" I shouted, firing a pulse of electricity. It hit the thing dead on. I smirked standing up as it fell backwards, away from the girl trapped under the rubble. "Bulls eye." I spat, the barrel of the EMP Cannon smoking. I clicked a button on the cannon causing it to shrink back into the disk. I picked it up and stuffed it back inside my bag before running forward and digging the girl out from the rubble. "Are you alright?" I questioned, pulling her away from the danger zone. "I-I think so." She said. I laid her down on the street before examining her legs. "Does it hurt when I do this?" I questioned, tapping her leg. "No." She responded. "What about this." I said laying my hand on her ankle. She flinched a little. "Yeah. That hurts." She said. I pulled out some bandages from my bag. "What's your name?" I questioned. "M-Mina. Mina Ashido." She stuttered as I started wrapping up her ankle. "Well Ashido-san, I don't think your ankle is broken thankfully. It's just twisted a little. I'd recommend getting it treated as soon as the test is over. Which should be any second now." I said. "Crap! I need to get more points!" She shouted, trying to stand up, only to be stopped by my glare. "Kid. I'd recommend staying down right now. Everyone else was to scared to face that d*mn thing so I think you probably have enough points to scrape by compared to the others." I said. I finished wrapping her ankle just as time was up. I stood up, also helping Ashido to her feet and giving her support. I wrapped her arm around my shoulder and walked her back to the other testers. "Does anyone here have any form of healing Quirk?" I questioned. The examines all shook their heads when all of a sudden they parted ways and a small lady walked through. "I'm the school nurse. Oh dear, what happened?" She questioned, looking at Ashido's ankle. I helped the pink alien looking girl to sit down. "It isn't broken so far as I can tell. I think she may have twisted it though. But I'm no doctor, nurse, or any form of healer so I can't be sure." I said. The old women examined her ankle. "I'd say she'll be fine. She just needs to walk it off, it's nothing too serious. But you did do well by wrapping it up and keeping weight off of it until a professional could look. Here, have some gummies my dear." She said, handing me some gummy bears. I tilted my head in confusion slightly but shrugged. "That works." I said, popping one into my mouth. "How come you didn't use your Quirk!?" An examine questioned. I sighed a little before glaring him dead in the eyes. "How it was done isn't important. What is important is that I saved someone who could've lost their life. Ashido-san, next time be more careful. If you truely aim to be a hero you can't wait for someone else to swoop in and save you." I said. I looked around and saw my jacket caught under some rubble. I walked over and pushed the rubble off, retrieving my jacket. "Who the hell are you?" Someone questioned. I turned with a smirk. "I'm a hero. Just like the rest of you." I responded before leaving the testing grounds. 

Once I left the testing ground suddenly I was confronted by Izuku who looked totally beaten up and down in the dumps. "Hey. You doing alright?" I questioned. He snapped out of whatever trance he was in. "Y-yeah. I'm f-fine." He stuttered. I leaned on my motorcycle as he leaned on the wall next to me. I pulled out a box of my favorite Pocky. I cracked it open and offered one to Izuku. He took it with a small smile. "So, what happened?" I questioned, munching on one of the Pocky sticks. "I'm, afraid that I failed. I didn't destroy any robots and instead saved a girl." He explained. I smiled slightly, ruffling his fluffy hair. "Izuku, buddy. You don't need to worry about that. You saved someone. There's no possible way that they won't let you in simply because you didn't get points. Hell I bet you anything they'll give you a crap ton of points for saving someone. Saving people is a part of being a hero, not just taking out people who do bad things." I said. I looked up at the sky with a small smile before munching on the rest of my Pocky. "(Y/N), if I do get in, will you be there waiting for me?" Izuku questioned. I punched his shoulder lightly. "Of course dude. We're a team after all." I said. That's when Nova ran up to us smiling brightly. "Hey guys. Did you get in?" She questioned. I laughed. "We wouldn't know yet ding dong. But I've got a good feeling that I did at least." I said. Izuku fiddled nervously. "Well I'm scared. I didn't get any villain points at all." He said. This caused Nova to laugh. "Dude, they have to let you in! You're one of the most heroic kids I know!" She said. Izuku fiddled nervously again. "W-well, if that's the case..." He trailed off slightly before sighing. "(Y/N), I need to ask you something." Izuku stated firmly. "Ask away." I said. "Where did you get such...confidence? What happened? First you start skipping days of class, then you start ridding around on a motorcycle, next thing I know you're able to hold full blown conversation with me and Nova. What happened over the last ten months that made you change so much?" Izuku questioned. I smirked. "Well Izuku, it's simple really. I found a way to beat the system." I said. "B-beat the system?" Izuku questioned. Nova sighed a little bit. "(Y/N), we should get going. You know that Calamity and the others are gonna want to throw a party for this success." She said. I nodded slightly, slipping on my helmet. "Well, see ya' soon Izuku. Later." I said, pulling away and driving to the hideout with Nova flying above me in her fox form. 

Once we reached the HQ we walked into the main room and got surrounded by the others. For the rest of the night we partied like there was no tomorrow. Violet and Crimson both danced together seeming to be drunk on the beat of the music. Pine and Pepper were both in great moods, getting along surprisingly, despite being the Dream Demons of Peace and War. Leo was dancing like no one was watching. I just got my a*s drunk. And Nova was running from Solar who was stumbling around like a drunken fool. This was where I belonged. This was where I was meant to be. And this was my true family. I wouldn't trade this for the world. I mean it was thanks to everyone around me that I was able to become who I am now. "Oi! (Y/N)! Get your drunken a*s over here and party with the rest of us!" Pepper howled. "HA! You wish Pep! Like I would party with the rest of ya' f*cking losers!" I slurred raising my glass slightly. "Isn't that what you're already doing though!?" Nova shouted while laughing. "Quiet blue hair! I don't got time for this! I have f*cking training to do! I'm gonna be top fox one of these days!" I declared. "Oh fight me!" Leo barked back. I stood up. "Bring it kitty kitty!" I spat sliding into an unstable stance. Violet and Crimson both laughed. "(Y/N), sit down. You're drunk." Crimson said. "F*CK YOU! I DO WHATEVER THE F*CK I WANT RED EYES!" I slurred, causing everyone else to burst out laughing. "You don't have very high alcohol tolerance do you?" Violet questioned. "Like you do." Crimson teased, causing Violet to blush. "Shut it." She grumbled.     

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