Chapter 6: Attack On The USJ

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I hopped onto my bike and drove to school, already into my school uniform. Only instead of the school issued blazer I threw on a black blazer instead. Once I parked my bike I headed into the school. I sat down in my seat ignoring everyone else with my headphones on. At the end of the day it was time for hero basic training. Our last class of the day. We were doing rescue training at the USJ. I changed into my costume, which was the same as my vigilante costume. A (F/C) suit with a utility belt and mask. We walked out to the bus and the blue haired kid with robot arms was pretty bossy. Once the bus started moving and conversations started up I began to doze off. Even so a bad feeling rose in my chest. I felt someone tap my shoulder and cracked an eye open. It was a girl with pink skin, she looked alien like. I removed my headphones and gave her a look. "Mina Ashido correct?" I questioned. She nodded excitedly. "You remembered! Hi! I never caught your name before did I?" She questioned. "It's (Y/N)." I said simply. I finally noticed Izuku sitting over by the frog girl and waved at him a little. He nodded, waving back. "Do you two know eachother?" Ashido-san asked. I nodded a little before looking around. "Izuku." I called. He hummed a little, letting me know he was listening. "Where's Nova at?" I questioned. He shrugged. "Normally I'd be asking you that." He responded. "Oh so you're friends with her too? Her hair is so pretty! I wish I had long hair like that." Ashido-san said. For the rest of the bus ride there she was talking my ear off, so I just let her rant while I stared out the window. And eventually passed out. I woke up later when I heard a faint 'we're here.' I yawned a little and stretched as we started to get off the bus. 

We were met by Pro Hero 13, and I tuned out most of the conversation since...y'know...Quirkless. That is until a blackish purple misty portal opened up down by the fountain. I pushed my way to the front of the crowd next to Aizawa-sensei to get a better look at the situation. My eyes scanned over the crowd of villains that swarmed out of the portal. "55, no 67. Large group that's for d*mn sure." I muttered to myself. The portal closed after a man cover in hands walked out with this large monster thing. The portal then turned into a man that looked to be made out of mist. "Warp Gate Villain is the one to watch. Monster looks like a big threat. Handy man is probably the one in charge." I added to my quick analysis. Aizawa-sensei nodded slightly. "Thanks for the assist. 13 protect the students." He commanded. The Space Hero nodded before herding the students towards the door. I still stood next to Aizawa-sensei before he jumped into the fray. I noted his scarf/capture weapon. Maybe I could add some improvements to my costume, get something like that. I thought. I slipped on my mask before humming a little. Headset too. Something to help me quickly gauge the threat levels of who I'm facing and contact the others if I need help. I'll talk to Pine, Nova, and Violet about it. I thought. I pulled out three small metal poles before snapping them together quickly, making a metal Bo staff. I smirked before waiting for the class to be distracted. I then flipped on the hood of my suit before launching into the fight with a whoop of excitement. I quickly knocked out the villain about to attack Aizawa and he gave me a cold stare. "(Y/N)?" He tried. I held a finger in front of my lips before knocking out a few more villains. "Eraserhead, try using an alias. I don't care what right now." I muttered. We ended up fighting back to back, me defending while he attacked. "Can you explain why you look like that vigilante that's been around lately?" He asked in a slightly p*ssed tone. I blocked a few attacks with the Bo before knocking a few heads and returning to my teacher. "Found her costume design interesting. Since I have......a non-physical Quirk. I really didn't need any specific costume upgrades. I just went with the first thing that I felt would look cool." I quickly kicked another villain away before spinning my Bo and deflecting a few oncoming projectiles. "Now I'm realizing I might need to make a few costume upgrades. Hey, do who know who made your capture gear?" I questioned. "Not now kid. Not now." He growled lowly. I nodded before quickly pulling me and my teacher to the ground as another attack flew right over us. We stood up getting into guards again. "While normally I wouldn't approve putting you kids in danger like this, you ready problem child?" Aizawa-sensei questioned. I nodded, firmly grasping my Bo staff. "Ready as I'll ever be Eraserhead." I hissed back. We nodded to eachother, me with a smirk and him with a serious expression before we both tore into battle. I used my staff to leap over a large villain before striking his legs and causing him to fall. I then dodged to the side as a blast of air came from my left. I then struck that villain, knocking her onto the large villain I had just taken out. I began piling more villains on top of eachother before knocking them all on the heads, hard. To make sure they were K.O'ed. I felt the ground under me start shaking so I leaped into the air before coming down with a drop kick on the villain that was causing it. Once I felt my feet touch the ground more villains charged at me. I stabbed the dirt with my staff before using it and swinging my self around to kick the circle around me. The all fell to the ground unconscious. My feet touched the ground again, and this time I leaned on my staff casually. "Anyone else?" I questioned. 

The rest of the villains fled and I started moving towards the different zones. I saw Izuku, the frog girl, and the grape guy getting out of the shipwreck zone so once they landed I went over to them. "Are you all alright? Is anyone hurt?" I questioned. Izuku shook his head a little. "We're fine and no one is hurt." He said. I nodded. "Good. Do you know where any of the others are?" I questioned. "Kero, no we don't. But we did see you fighting. Those moves were impressive." The Frog Girl said. "W-what's your name. This is the first time you've been in class." The Grape Boy questioned. "Thank you. And my name is (Y/N). I'm one of Izuku's childhood friends." I said, giving them a smile. I pointed at the Frog Girl. "What's your name?" I asked. She told me her name but insisted on me calling her Tsu. "Alright. Tsu. You're fast and you seem good at defense so long as you have room to move around. From what I've gathered so far, every zone is a very open area and there should be one or two students in each zone. I want you to move as fast as you can and gather up all the students. Try to get them to the exit to help the others. Can you do that?" I questioned. She nodded. "Yes ma'am." She said. "Great. Get going. Don't be caught. Stay calm, stay strong, stay vigilant." I told her. She nodded before leaping over to the landslide zone. Which was the closest zone to us. I turned to Izuku. "You two. I want you to observe the fight and if things get rough, jump in and help. Either that, or offer support from the side lines. If you don't want to do either of those things, quickly go to the exit and help the others. This is life or death. Choose wisely. Stay calm, stay strong, stay vigilant." I hissed, standing up. "What are you going to do?" Izuku asked. I gave him a bright smile. "What I was trained to do Izuchan. What I was trained to do." I said. I turned back to the villains. "KICK A*S!" I shouted before launching into the fighting again and knocking the hand villain away from Aizawa. He growled a little, slowly standing up as I twirled the Bo staff in my hands. "Looks like a fox has intruded in on my game. Not good. Not good. Foxes don't play fair." He muttered to himself. I smirked. "A fox may not play fair but at least we know how to do our d*mn jobs." I responded. He scoffed, before muttering a command to the monster thing. It changed at me and Aizawa but I used my staff to jump over and land on it's bag before smacking it in the head, hard. I jumped away as it went down, smacking the hand villain into the warp gate villain. Causing both of them to panic. "Eraser! Distract the bird thing!" I shouted before flipping away and pulling out one of the disks from the bag. He nodded, dodging it's attacks as it continued to try and punch at him. It has regeneration. Not good. And I think shock absorption too. Two Quirks. That's unheard of. I thought. I clicked the disk before dropping it as it formed my favorite cannon, besides my favorite EMP cannon. I smirked lining it up with the monster. "ERASERHEAD! I'D RECOMMEND MOVING!" I shouted. He jumped out of the way just as the cannon was finished charging. "B*TCHES LOVE CANNONS!" I roared with a smirk before firing it.

And just like that I heard a bang. Then my vision went black.

When I pried my eyes open my ears were ringing. For a second thought was impossible. Until I made out a green haired, freckled face. I smiled weakly, as my vision and hearing slowly returned to me. "(Y/N) are you alright!? (Y/N)!" Izuku shouted, tears forming in his eyes. "I-Izuku it's alright. I-I'm fine. How's everyone else?" I questioned. The metallic taste of blood in my mouth I realized I had bitten the inside of my cheek in the blast. Either that or my tongue. D*mn everything hurt. Izuku just continued crying until I slowly began to sit up. I looked at the smoking cannon next to us before looking around at what was happening. All Might had showed up. He's fighting the monster. Looks like I missed where I was aiming for. Aizawa was handling the hand villain and warp gate. I reached over, clicking a button on the cannon as it shrunk back into it's disk. Izuku watched with concern. "(Y/N)....(Y/N)....I'm....what happened to you? W-what is all this?" He questioned, gesturing to the disk I pocketed. My eyes softened on him. "Izuku.....ten months ago, someone told me I could be a hero. I was introduced to a group. They all said I could be a hero. But not a hero like what I used to dream of being. A hero that beats the system. A hero that doesn't have to wait for permission to fight. A hero that sticks to the shadows." I explained slowly, choosing my words with care. I slowly stood, him scrambling to follow. My glare hardened. "My dreams were crushed too much. I had lost the will to live for so long. Believing all the words that were spoken to me. That I was voiceless. Useless. That I could never be a hero. But that all changed when I met them. They gave me a voice, a purpose, a way to be a hero. But it comes at a cost." I sighed out slowly, looking at Izuku. I reached over, brushing some of his hair out of his face. "Izuku, I walk a thin grey line. I chose a path where I have to walk carefully between good and evil. And my teachers stress to be careful not to fall into either side. For someone like me to be a hero, I have to beat the system." I said. The chaos started picking up a little and my eyes narrowed. "I have to go now. In all this chaos no one has bothered to ask questions. But once everything calms down the excuses I made earlier won't be satisfactory anymore." I said. Izuku gave me a look of concern and confusion. "W-what do you mean?" He questioned. I pulled him into a small hug, tears stinging my eyes. "There's a possibility I won't be able to see you again. Cuz I don't think I'll be coming back to school after this. Violet and Crimson are going to give me an earful I'm sure. But my original purpose for getting into the hero course was just to prove everyone wrong. I never intended to stay. Better sooner than later I suppose." I said. "(Y-Y/N). D-don't do this. I-I just got you back. Please. I've missed my best friend!" Izuku said, starting to sob. I smiled softly, loosening my grip on him and wiping his eyes with my thumb. "Chin up Izuchan. And heed these words." I said. I hardened my eyes and steeled my resolve. Backing away from my best friend and picking up my Bo staff. "You're going to be a great hero one of these days. I have no doubt about that fact. Hell, I'd bet on you becoming the Number 1 Hero once you complete your training. But I'm sorry. I have to break our promise. I can't be by your side when you do it. Because once we're older, we'll be fighting against eachother. I can't be a hero like you. But I've found a different way of becoming a hero. I've found my true calling." I stated. I took a deep breath before staring at him, long and hard. "One of these days, we'll be on oposite sides of the war. One of these days, you'll slowly begin to forget about me. But that's okay. You don't need to think about me. Just focus on being a hero Izuchan. Focus on your true calling. But no matter what, I can promise to never forget you. No matter what. No matter where I am, or who I become. I'll always remember my beginning. I'll always remember my roots and the people who supported me. That's you Izuku. You'll always be my best friend." I said. He started crying again, causing my eyes to tear up a little. I smiled bravely however. "Good luck on your chosen path. I'll always be supporting you from the shadows. So just know you always have one fan. Even if you forget who that is." I said. And with that I took off. Using my Bo staff I leaped over the students, got out the doors, and disappeared into the forest.                                

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